S1080: Improving Soybean Arthropod Pest Management in the U.S.
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
(1) Document changing soybean pest and beneficial arthropod assemblages. Soybean is injured by a diverse guild of insect pests feeding on leaves, stems, roots, nodules, and pods. The major insect pests in these guilds have markedly changed in the last two decades due to the introduction and range expansion of invasive insects and the adaptation of native pests.
Peer Reviewed
Musser, F. R., E. Bick, S. A. Brown, W. D. Crow, J. A. Davis, C. DiFonzo, S. H. Graham, J. K. Greene, D. C. Ludwick, S. Malone, D. Owens, D. D. Reisig, P. M. Roberts, T. A. Royer, N. J. Seiter, A. J. Sisson, B. C. Thrash, K. J. Tilmon, and R. T. Villanueva. 2023. 2022 Soybean insect losses in the United States. MidSouth Entomol. 16: 1 – 25.
Nagoshi, R. N., J. A. Davis, R. L. Meagher, F. R. Musser, G. P. Head, H. Portillo, and H. Teran. 2023. Evidence for two soybean looper strains in the United States with limited capacity for cross-hybridization. Genes 14: 1509.
Nagoshi, R. N., J. A. Davis, R. L. Meagher, F. R. Musser, G. P. Head, H. Portillo, and H. Teran. 2023. Investigating the migratory behavior of soybean looper, a major pest of soybean, through comparisons with the corn pest fall armyworm using mitochondrial haplotypes and a sex-linked marker. Genes 14: 1495.
(2) Characterize soybean insect biology and ecology The range expansion of invasive pests, coupled with the adaptation of native pests, necessitate further research into how insects cope with new selection pressures.
Peer Reviewed
Lee, S., T., and J. A. Davis. 2023. The impact of thiamethoxam on the feeding and behavior of two soybean herbivore feeding guilds. J. Econ. Entomol. 116: 1621 – 1635.
Bonser, C. A. R., C. E. Astete, C. M. Sabliov, and J. A. Davis. 2023. Elucidating the insecticidal mechanisms of zein nanoparticles on Anticarsia gemmatalis (Lepidoptera: Erebidae). J. Econ. Entomol. 116: 1196 – 1204.
Bonser, C. A. R., J. Borgatta, J. C. White, C. E. Astete, C. M. Sabliov, and J. A. Davis. 2023. Impact of zein and lignin‐PLGA biopolymer nanoparticles used as pesticide nanocarriers on soybean growth and yield under field conditions. Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 6: e20350.
Bonser, C. A. R., C. Tamez, J. C. White, C. E. Astete, C. M. Sabliov, and J. A. Davis. 2023. Field applications of zein as a precise nanoscale delivery system for methoxyfenozide. J. Insect Sci. 23: 8, 1-9.
O’Hara, F. M., Z. Liu, J. A. Davis, and D. R. Swale. 2023. Catalyzing systemic movement of inward rectifier potassium channel inhibitors for antifeedant activity against the cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii (Glover). Pest Manag. Sci. 79: 194 – 205.
Mugala T., K. Brichler, B. Clark, G. S. Powell, S. Taylor, M. S. Crossley. 2023. Ground beetles suppress slugs in corn and soybean under conservation agriculture. Environmental Entomology 52: 574-582. https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvad047
Santos, A.A., Santos, I.B., Paula-Moraes, S.V. 2023. Flight phenology of Elasmopalpus lignosellus (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in the Northwest Florida Panhandle. Insects, 14:354. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects14040354
Non-Peer reviewed
Reisig, D., and E. Goldsworthy. 2023. Efficacy of selected insecticides on Lepidoptera pests in soybean, 2022. Arthropod Manag. Tests. doi: 10.1093/amt/tsad068
(3) Develop coordinated best management practices (BMPs). As soybean insect pest assemblages change, there is a need to update pest management strategies.
Peer Reviewed
Sutton, K. L., T. P. Kuhar, S. L. Rideout, S. V. Taylor, M. S. Reiter, A. I. Del Pozo-Valdivia, D. D. Reisig, K. McIntyre. 2023. Simple insecticide bean-dip bioassay shows pyrethroid susceptibility of Helicoverpa zea (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) populations in Virginia varies across locations and years. J. Entomol. Sci. doi: 10.18474/JES23-23
(4) Educate farmers, industry, colleagues, general public, and agricultural professionals using traditional tools and innovative methods. Our Working Group works extensively with stakeholders at all levels. For our clientele, we represent one of the only unbiased sources of information for decision-making of IPM strategies.
Non-Peer reviewed
DiFonzo, C., A. Pekarcik, K. Tilmon and A. Raudenbush. 2023. Pocket field guide to Asiatic garden beetle with emphasis on Great Lakes field crops. 2000 printed & distributed at extension meetings. Also available free at https://aginsects.osu.edu/news/new-agb-pocket-field-guide-available
Reisig, D. D. and A. S. Huseth. 2023. Insect control in soybeans. 2023 North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual. North Carolina Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, N.C. State University, Raleigh, N.C. pp. 91-93.