NCERA210: Improving the management and effectiveness of cooperatively owned businesses and non-profit organizations

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


  • Bhuyan, S. & Karantininis, K. 2023. "How to Measure Cooperative Performance using Organizational Effectiveness and Participation," Chapter 8, in M. Boland & M. Elliot (eds). Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.

  • Boland M. & M. Elliot (eds). Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals, Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, UK.

  • Kashyap, D. and Bhuyan, S. 2023, "Accessing value-added market through cooperatives: a case study of Sitajakhala Dugdha Utpadak Samabai Samiti Ltd., India," Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies, Vol. 13 No. 3, pp. 399-417.

  • Franken, J.R.V., M.L. Cook, and J.M.E. Pennings. 2022. “Producer Risk Aversion and Participation in Agricultural Cooperatives” Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, 10(2): 100171. Pub date: 2022/12/1

  • Franken, J. and J. Grashuis. 2023. “New Generation Cooperatives: What we Know and Need to Learn.” in Handbook of Research on Cooperatives and Mutuals, ed: Mathew Elliott and Michael Boland. Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 83-99. pub date: 2023/2/7

  • Gardner, J., J. Franken, and M. Boerngen. 2022. “A Research Agenda for Cooperatives.” Journal of Cooperatives, 36: 38-66.

  • Schmit, T.M., F.C. Tamarkin, & R.M. Severson. 2023. Differential economic impacts for cooperative business structures: An application to farmer-owned cooperatives in New York State. Ch. 19 (pp. 292-312) in Research Handbook on Cooperatives and Mutuals, M. Boland & M. Elliot, eds. Edward Elgar: Cheltenham, UK.

  • Schmit, T.M., R. Stamm, & R.M. Severson. 2022. Engaged learning: Linking course instruction and extension programming. Applied Economics & Teaching Resources, 4(2):69-83.

  • Schmit, T.M. 2023. Cornell Cooperative Enterprise Program Report. In 2022 Annual Report of the Northeast Cooperative Council. March.

  • Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C., Bergtold, J., Shanoyan, A., Low, S., Miller, B. (2023). A Qualitative Assessment of Farmer Director Skills in Agricultural Cooperatives. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 26(4), 655-672.

  • Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C. (2023). Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis (Paper 4 of 4): A Tool to Evaluate Director’s Skill Levels and Gaps. Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Agricultural Economics - Arthur Capper Cooperative Center.

  • Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C. (2023). Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis (Paper 3 of 4): Identifying the Most Important Director Skills. Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Agricultural Economics - Arthur Capper Cooperative Center.

  • Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C. (2023). Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis (Paper 2 of 4): Existing Skill Gaps. Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Agricultural Economics - Arthur Capper Cooperative Center.

  • Herchenbach, J. S., Briggeman, B. C. (2023). Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis (Paper 1 of 4): Skills Needed to be Engaged and Knowledgeable Directors. Research Series on Director Skills Gap Analysis. Manhattan, KS: Kansas State University Agricultural Economics - Arthur Capper Cooperative Center.

  • Li, Y. 2023. Needs assessment and financial feasibility of solar sheep grazing cooperatives in the Northeast United States. MS Thesis. Cornell University. (T.M. Schmit, Thesis advisor)

  • Mashange, B.C. Briggeman. “Dynamic Pro-Forma Tool for Farmer Cooperatives.” Poster Presented at Extension Risk Management Education Meeting, Chicago, IL, March 2023.

  • Nienhaus, R., J.R.V. Franken, and J.M.E. Pennings. 2022. “Hedging behavior of agribusiness cooperatives and investor-owned firms in Germany.” Journal of Co-operative Organization and Management, 11(2), 100219. Pub date: 2023/12/1

  • Secor, W., and Boland, M.A. (2023). The role of the farmer and their cooperative in supply chain governance: a US perspective. In Elliott, M.S., and Boland, M.A. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Cooperatives and Mutuals (pp. 185-192). Edward Elgar Publishing.

  • Boland, M.A., Byrne, N., Carroll, B., McCarthy, O., Pitts, S., and Secor, W. (A) (2023). A framework for understanding the role of producers in governance of supply chains. In Elliott, M.S., and Boland, M.A. (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Cooperatives and Mutuals (pp. 166-171). Edward Elgar Publishing.



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