NC2040: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
- Kendall, S.J., K.M. Kennedy, S.J. Johnson, U. Arshad, M. VandeHaar, Z. Zhou, and H.M. White. 2024. Hepatic mitochondrial maximal respiration capacity rate, but not oxidative gene expression, may differ in mid-lactation Holstein dairy cows of divergent feed efficiency. ISRP. Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Kendall, S.J., K.M. Kennedy, S.J. Johnson, A. Bosch, G.F. Praisler, and H.M. White. 2024. Glucose metabolism may differ in mid-lactation cows of high or low feed efficient status. ISRP. Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Daddam, J.R., M. Sura, C. Collings, G, Ahmad, S.R. Naughton, M.J. VandeHaar, H.M. White, and Z. Zhou. 2024. Altered abundance of proteins in amino acid, fatty acid, and carbohydrate metabolism pathways contribute to variance in residual feed intake. ISRP. Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Sura, M., J.R. Daddam, C. Collings, G. Ahmad, S.R. Naughton, M.J. VandeHaar, H.M. White, and Z. Zhou. 2024. Differences in post-absorptive fatty acid oxidation and mitochondrial uncoupling may contribute to variation in feed efficiency in dairy cows. ISRP. Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Cavani, L., K.L. Parker Gaddis, R.L. Baldwin, J.E.P. Santos, J.E. Koltes, R.J. Tempelman, M.J. VandeHaar, H.M. White, F. Peñagaricano, and K.A. Weigel. 2024. Genetic characterization of daily feeding pattern in lactating Holstein cows and its association with feed efficiency. J. Dairy Sci. 107(Suppl. 1). Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Baes, C., D. Hailemariam, G. Kistemaker, F. Miglior, F. Schenkel, A. Butty, E. Abdala, J. Lassen, O. Gonzáles-Recio, K. Parker-Gaddis, J. Koltes, F. Peñagaricano, M. VandeHaar, K. Weigel, H. White. 2024. The Resilient Dairy Genome Project Synthesis—Overview of feed efficiency and methane emissions. J. Dairy Sci. 107(Suppl. 1). Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Martinez Boggio, G., H. Mantovani, H.M. White, K.A. Weigel, and F. Peñagaricano. 2024. Preliminary analysis of methane emissions traits in US Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 107 (Suppl. 1). Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Nascimento, B.M., L. Cavani, K.L. Parker Gaddis, R.L. Baldwin, J.E.P. Santos, J.E. Koltes, R.J. Tempelman, M.J. VandeHaar, H.M. White, F. Peñagaricano, and K.A. Weigel. 2024. Impact of heat stress on dry matter intake in mid-lactation Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 107 (Suppl. 1). Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Koltes, J.E., L.M. James, M.S. Mayes, C.J. Cooper, K.L. Parker Gaddis, P. VanRaden, R.L. Baldwin, J.E.P. Santos, R.J. Tempelman, H.M. White, F. Peñagaricano, K.A. Weigel, and M.J. VandeHaar. 2024. Deriving novel traits based on data from sensors and other technologies. J. Dairy Sci. 107(Suppl. 1). Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Novo, L.C., L. Cavani, F.S. Reyes, H.M. White, K.A. Weigel, and F. Peñagaricano. 2024. Associations between body temperature and feed efficiency traits in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 107(Suppl. 1). Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Sheybani, N., A. Peres Marques Assumpção, G. Martinez Boggio, H. White, Weigel, H. Mantovani, F. Peñagaricano. 2024. Associations between fecal methanogens and methane emission traits in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 107(Suppl. 1). Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Lucey PM, Rossow HA. Predicting the dry matter intake of dairy cow pens with machine learning 2024. Presentation and Abstract at ADSA annual meeting, West Palm Beach, FL. Dairy Sci. 107(Suppl. 1). Accepted. (CA, WI, IN, PA, WA)
- Cavani, L., K., Parker Gaddis, R. Baldwin, J. Santos, J. Koltes, R. Tempelman, M. VandeHaar, H. White, F. Peñagaricano, and K. Weigel. 2024. Genetic characterisation of feeding patterns in lactating Holstein cows and their association with feed efficiency traits. J. Anim. Breed. Genetics. Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Nascimento, B., L. Cavani, M. Caputo, M. Marinho, M. Borchers, R. Wallace, J. Santos, H. White, F. Peñagaricano, K. Weigel. 2023. Genetic relationships between behavioral traits and feed efficiency traits in lactating Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Yilmaz Adkinson, A., M. Abouhawwash, K. Parker Gaddis, J. Burchard, F. Penagaricano, H. White, K. Weigel, R. Baldwin, J. Santos, M. VandeHaar, J. Koltes, and R. Templeman. 2024. Assessing different cross-validation schemes for predicting novel traits using sensor data: an application to dry matter intake and residual feed intake using milk spectral data. J. Dairy Sci. Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Toghiani, S., P. VanRaden, R. Baldwin, K. Weigel, H. White, F. Peñagaricano, J. Koltes, J. Santos, K. Parker Gaddis, M. VandeHaar, and R. Tempelman. 2023. Dry matter intake in US Holstein cows: exploring the genomic and phenotypic impact of milk components and body weight composite. J. Dairy Sci. Accepted. (UW, MSU)
- Hanigan, M. D., V. C. Souza, R. Martineau, H. Lapierre, X. Feng, and V. L. Daley. 2024. A meta-analysis of the relationship between milk protein production and absorbed amino acids and digested energy in dairy cattle. J Dairy Sci 107(8):5587-5615. (Purina, VA)
- Cronin, S., Smith, M., Bradley, C., Veridiana, D., Gadeyne, F., Bustos, M., and T. Gressley. 2025. J. Dairy Sci. Submitted. (Purina, DE)
- Mamedova, L.K., K.C. Krogstad, P.O. McDonald, L. Pokhrel, D.H. Hua, E.C. Titgemeyer, and B.J. Bradford. 2024. Investigation of HCAR2 antagonists as a potential strategy to modulate bovine leukocytes. J Anim Sci Biotechnol. 15:38. doi: 10.1186/s40104-024-00999-5. (KS, MI)