NE2206: Green Stormwater Infrastructure and Agriculture

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


  1. Greenleaf, H., Bitterman, P., and Koliba, C., and Hurley, S. (corresponding author). 2024. “Maintaining green stormwater infrastructure in urban and rural Vermont: Municipal maintenance capacity, aesthetics, and connections to stormwater policy.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment, ASCE.


  1. Betz, C., Ament, M. Hurley, S. and Roy, E. 2023. “Nitrogen Dynamics in Roadside Stormwater Bioretention Cells Amended with Drinking Water Treatment Residuals.” Journal of Environmental Quality. JIF5: 2.7.


  1. Sarazen, J. Hurley, S. and Faulkner, J. 2022. “Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal in a Bioretention Cell Experiment Receiving Agricultural Runoff from a Dairy Farm Production Area During Third and Fourth Years of Operation.” Journal of Environmental Quality. JIF5: 2.7.


  1. Ament, M., Roy, E., Yuan, Y., and Hurley, S. 2022. “Phosphorus removal, metals dynamics, and hydraulics in stormwater bioretention systems amended with drinking water treatment residuals.” Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment. JIF5: 1.8

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