NE2249: Sustainable and Inclusive Rural Economic Development to Enhance Housing, Health, Entrepreneurship, and Equity

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


Journal Articles (project member collaborations)

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Tyler Augst, Harmony Fierke-Gmazel, Bradley Nuemann, and Richard Wooten. 2022. “Pursuing Antiracist Public Policy Education: An Example Connecting the Racist History of Housing Policy to Contemporary Inequity.” Journal of Extension, forthcoming.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Anders Van Sandt, Rebekka Dudensing, Scott Loveridge, and Linda Niehm. 2022. “The Economic Opportunity Mapping (EOM) Tool.” Journal of Extension, forthcoming.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, and Charles M. Tolbert. 2022. “When to Use Commuting Zones? An Empirical Description of Spatial Spillover Effects in U.S. Counties versus Commuting Zones.” PLoS ONE, 17(7): e0270303.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Anders Van Sandt, and Scott Loveridge. 2022. “Measurement Error in U.S. Regional Economic Data.” Journal of Regional Science, 62(1): 57-80.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Rebekka Dudensing, and Anders Van Sandt. 2022. “Estimating Determinants of Establishment Locations of Transportation and Warehousing Industries Using U.S. Administrative Data.” REGION, 9(1): 1–27.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Anders Van Sandt, Rebekka Dudensing, and Scott Loveridge. 2022. “Profit Pools and Determinants of Potential County-Level Manufacturing Growth.” International Regional Science Review, 45(2), 188-224.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Anders Van Sandt, and Scott Loveridge. 2021. “Empirical Methods in Business Location Research.” Regional Studies, Regional Science, 8(1): 344-361.

Conroy, T. & S.A. Low. In Press. “Opportunity, Necessity and No One in the Middle: A Closer Look at Small, Rural and Female-led Entrepreneurship in the U.S.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 44(1), 162–196. doi: 10.1002/aepp.13193

Conroy. T. & S.A. Low. 2022. “Entrepreneurship, Broadband, and Gender: Evidence from Establishment Births in Rural America.” International Regional Science Review, 45(1), 3-35.doi: 10.1177/01600176211018749

Deller, Steven, Brian Whitacre, and Tessa Conroy. 2022. “Rural Broadband Speeds and Business Startup Rates.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(3): 999-1025.

Low, S.A., Bass, M., Thilmany, D., & M. Castillo. 2021. “Local Foods Go Downstream: Exploring the Spatial Factors Driving U.S. Food Manufacturing.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43(3) 896-915. doi: 10.1002/aepp.13046

Low, S.A., Rahe M. & A. Van Leuven. Accepted. “Has COVID-19 made rural areas more attractive places to live? Survey evidence from northwest Missouri.” Regional Science, Policy and Practice. doi:10.1111/rsp3.12543

Thilmany, D., Canales, E., Low, S.A., and K.A. Boys. 2021. “Local Food Supply Chain Dynamics and Resilience During COVID-19.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, 43(1)  86-104. doi: 10.1002/aepp.13121

Van Leuven, A., Hill, E. & Low, S.A. Accepted. “Which Side of Town? How Proximity to Critical Survival Factors Affects Rural Business Longevity. Growth & Change.

Van Sandt, Anders, Craig Wesley Carpenter, Scott Loveridge, and Rebekka Dudensing. 2021. “Estimating Determinants of Health Care Establishment Locations with Restricted Federal Administrative Data.” Health Economics, 30(6): 1328-1346.

Van Sandt, Anders, and Craig Wesley Carpenter. 2022. “So Close, Yet So Far: The Benefits and Limits of Rural-Urban Industry Linkages.” Sustainability, 14(5): 2875.

Van Sandt, Anders, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Charles M. Tolbert. 2022. “Decomposing Local Bank Impacts with Demand Thresholds.” Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming.


Journal Articles (other)

Abboud, A., & Betz, M. R. (2021). “The local economic impacts of the oil and gas industry: Boom, bust and resilience to shocks.” Energy Economics, 99, 105285.

Betz, M. R., & Jones, L. E. (2022). “Do opioid prescriptions lead to fatal car crashes?.” American Journal of Health Economics, 8(3), 000-000.

Biedny, Christina, Brian Whitacre and Roberto Gallardo. 2022. “Do ‘Dig-Once’ and Permitting Policies Improve Fiber Availability?” Telecommunications Policy, 46(5): 102294. 

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, and Scott Loveridge. 2021. “Can Latinx Entrepreneurship Help Rural America?” Choices, 36(4): 1-6.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, and J. Matthew Fannin. 2021. “Back to the Future: Re-Incorporation of ‘Metropolitan Character’ in Core-Based Statistical Area Delineations.” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 51(2): 67-81.

Carvalho, Mckenzie, Amy Hagerman, and Brian Whitacre. 2022. “Telework and COVID-19 Resiliency in the Southeastern United States.” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, 52(1): 19-34.

Castillo, Marcelo and Diane Charlton. 2022. “Housing Booms and H-2A Agricultural Guest Worker Employment.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Charlton, Diane, Alexander James, and Brock Smith. 2021. “Seasonal Agricultural Activity and Crime.”  American Journal of Agricultural Economics.

Charlton, Diane. .2021. “Seasonal Farm Labor and COVID-19 Spread.” Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy.

Cho, Whoi, Brian Whitacre, and Claudia Rhoades. 2022. “The Effect of Tornadoes on Housing Prices in Moore, Oklahoma.”  Review of Regional Studies, 52(1): 57-73. Link

Conroy, Tessa, Steven C. Deller, and Phil Watson. 2021. “Income Inequality and the Rise of Women Entrepreneurs.” Small Business Economics. 56(1):189-207.

Cuthbertson, Courtney, Alison Brennan, John Shutske, John Leatherman, Andrea Bjornestad, Lori Zierl, Katelyn Macy, Mark Skidmore, Pam Schallhorn, Jami Dellifield, and Esther Lin. 2022. “An Effective Mental Health Literacy Program for Farm Financial Service Providers.” Journal of Agromedicine, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2022.2058666

Davis, Elizabeth E., Hasan K. Tosun, and Mallory Warner Richter. 2021. "After COVID-19, Will Child Care Survive in Rural Areas?" Choices. Quarter 3.

Deller, Steven C. 2021. “Are We in the 4th Wave of Economic Development? Southern Regional Science Fellows Address.”  Review of Regional Studies. 51(2):233-245.

Deller, Steven C., and Tessa Conroy. 2021. “Spatial Patterns in the Relationship Between Religion and Economic Growth.” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy. 51 (2): 1-37

Deller, Steven C., and Jackson Parr. 2021. “Does Student Loan Debt Hinder Community Well-Being?" International Journal of Community Well-Being. 4(2): 263–285.

Deller, Steven C., Craig Maher, and Judith Stallmann. 2021. “Do Tax and Expenditure Limitations Exacerbate Rising Income Inequality?” Economics and Politics. 33(3):611-643.

Isley, C. and S.A. Low. In-Press. “Impact of broadband availability and adoption on rural employment during COVID-19.” Telecommunications Policy. 10.1016/j.telpol.2022.102310

Kim, Ayoung, J. Lim, and A. Colletta, 2022. “How Regional Economic Structure Matters in the Era of COVID-19: Resilience Capacity of U.S. states.” The Annals of Regional Science, forthcoming.

Kim, Ayoung, B.S. Waldorf, and N.T. Duncan, 2021. “U.S. Immigration Policy and Brain Waste.” The Annals of Regional Science, 66(2): 209-236.

Knowles, Scott, and Mark Skidmore. 2021. “Cloud Seeding and Crops Yields:  Evaluation of the North Dakota Cloud Modification Project.” Weather, Climate, and Society, 885-898, DOI: 10.1175/WCAS-D-21-0010.1

Lim, SH, Y Ge, JM Jacobs and X Jia. 2022. Measuring the Economic Benefits of Advanced Technology Use for River Flood Forecasting. Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12781.

Lim, SH and C Wachenheim. 2022. Predicted enrollment in alternative attribute Conservation Reserve Program contracts. Land Use Policy, 117 (2022), 106090.

Palardy, N., M. Costanigro, J. Cannon, D. Thilmany, J. Berning, J. Bayham and J. Callaway. 2022. “Beer Sales in Grocery and Convenience Stores: A Glass Half-Full for Craft Brewers?” Regional Studies. Forthcoming.

Park, SooJin and Steven C. Deller. 2021. “Effect of Farm Structure on Rural Community Well-Being.” Journal of Rural Studies. 87:300-313.

Rhoades, Claudia, Brian Whitacre, and Alison Davis. 2022. “Higher Electronic Health Record (EHR) Functionality is Associated with Lower Operating Costs in Urban – But Not Rural – Hospitals.” Applied Clinical Informatics, 13(3): 665-676.

Skidmore, Mark. 2021. “Special Issue: Urban Economics.” Journal of Urban Affairs, 43:5, 617, DOI: 10.1080/07352166.2021.1923275

Sun, Quan, John Mann, and Mark Skidmore. 2021. “The Impacts of Flooding and Business Activity and Employment: A Spatial Perspective on Small Business.” Water and Economic Policy, forthcoming. 10.1142/S2382624X21400038

Thilmany, D., A. Bauman, J. Hadrich, B.B.R. Jablonski and M. Sullins. 2022. “Unique Financing Strategies Among Beginning Farmers and Ranchers: Differences among Multi-Generational and Beginning Operations.” Agricultural Finance Review. Forthcoming, DOI: 10.1108/AFR-05-2021-0070.

Van Leuven, A. J. 2022. Leveraging Main Street as a Real Estate Amenity: Downtown Revitalization and Residential Property Values. Journal of Planning Education and Research.

Van Leuven, A. J. 2022. A Method for Defining Downtown Business District Boundaries in Pre-Automobile Towns and Cities. Cityscape, 24(1), 369-382.

Watson, Philip, and Steven C. Deller. 2021. “Tourism and Economic Resilience.” Tourism Economics. Forthcoming.

Whitacre, Brian, Lara Brooks, Mark Woodring, and Traber Smithson. 2022. “Gauging Local Interest in Telemedicine:  Are Online Surveys Enough?”  Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved, 33: 1198-1214.

Whitacre, Brian, and Christina Biedny. 2022. “A Preview of the Broadband Fabric:  Opportunities and Issues for Researchers and Policymakers.” Telecommunications Policy, 46(3): 102281.

Yun, S.D. and Ayoung Kim. 2022. “Economic Impact of Natural Disasters: A Myth or Mismeasurement?” Applied Economics Letters, 29(10): 861-866.



Book chapters

Ayoung Kim and B.S. Waldorf. 2021. “Retirement, Relocation, and Residential Choices.” In Labor Market, Migration, and Mobility.” edited by W. Cochrane, M.P. Cameron, and O. Alimi, New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 45: 181-196, Springer, Singapore.

Deller, Steven C., Tessa Conroy, and Matt Kures. 2021. “Immigration within a US Context: A Drain or Driver of Economic Development?” The Economic Geography of Cross-Border Migration. Peter Nijkamp Mark Partridge and Bruce Newbold (eds). Springer.

Kim, E., Ayoung Kim, and I. Moon. 2022. “Government Intervention in Real Estate Market: Is Tax Reform Effective in Seoul Housing Market?” In Theory and History in Regional Perspective, edited by M. Kawano, K. Kourtit, P. Nijkamp, and Y Higano, New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 56: 221-243, Springer, Singapore,

Skidmore, Mark, et al. 2022. Handbook on the Economics of Natural Disasters. Mark Skidmore (ed.), North Hampton, MA, United States: Elgar, forthcoming.



Extension Articles (project member collaborations)

Conroy, T. and S.A. Low. 2021. “Research Report: Broadband Drives Growth in Women-led Rural Entrepreneurship.” Daily Yonder blog. Available at:

Conroy, T., Kures, M, Deller, S. Low, S. Glazer, J., Huyke, G., and C. Stark. 2021. “Broadband and the Wisconsin Economy,” The Wisconsin Economy, Study Series 7. Available at:

Low, S.A., Isley, C., Spell, A., Kures, M., Conroy, T. 2021. “Broadband Technologies: A Primer on Access and Solutions.” University of Missouri Extension Guide, dm601. Available at:

Low, S.A. Thilmany, D, Canales E. and K.A. Boys. 2021. “Local and Regional Food System Resilience During COVID-19.” University of Missouri Extension Guide dm301. January. Available at:

McClure, H., Van Leuven, A, and S.A. Low. 2021. “Transfer Payments to Individuals.” Missouri Economy Indicator, 2(12), available at:

Van Sandt, Anders, and Craig Wesley Carpenter. 2022. “Rural-Urban Linkages.” Scholarly Community Encyclopedia, available at:


Extension Articles (other)

Augst, Tyler, Harmony Gmazel, Mary Reilly, Brad Neumann, Craig Carpenter, and Jinnifer Ortquist. 2021. “Attainable, Affordable, Inclusive Housing Curriculum.” Michigan State University Extension. East Lansing, MI.

Bastian, C., Anders Van Sandt, and R. Coupal. 2022. “2020-2021 Wyoming Comprehensive Snowmobile Recreation Report.” University of Wyoming, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Prepared for the State of Wyoming, Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources.

Boessen, C., S.A. Low, and B. Brown. 2022. The Future of the Conservation Reserve Program. Riff from RaFF, 1(3). April. Available at:

Boessen, C and S.A. Low. 2022. Agriculture’s Contribution to the Rural Economy. Riff from RaFF. 1(1), February. Available at:

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, and Michael Lotspeich-Yadao. 2022. “Shop local, and support vetrepreneurs contributing to their local communities!” Southern Ag Today.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, and Tyler Augst. 2021. “Best Practices in Suburban Housing Affordability: Understanding, Motivating, and Policy Options.” Washington Center for Metropolitan Extension and Research. Available at:

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: The History and Legacy of Racist Housing Policies.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Battle Creek.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Bay City.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Detroit.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Flint.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Grand Rapids.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Jackson.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Kalamazoo.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Lansing.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Muskegon.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Pontiac.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Saginaw.” Michigan State University Extension.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley. 2021. “Redlining in Michigan: Resources.” Michigan State University Extension.

Invited webinar presenter: “After COVID-19, Will Child Care Survive in Rural Areas?" Webinar sponsored by C-FARE: Rural Communities One Year Post COVID-19, July 12, 2021. Invited panel presenter.

“Promoting Sustainability of Child Care Programs during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Considerations for States in Allocating Financial Resources.” Sponsored by the Office of Child Care and OPRE (U.S. DHHS). January 6, 2021.

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, February 2021. Available at:

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). Budget and Economic Forecast (Minnesota). St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, November 2021. Available at:

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). Budget Reserve Report. St. Paul, Minnesota:  Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, September 2021. Available at:

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). Revenue and Economic Update. St. Paul, Minnesota: Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, January 2021. Available at:

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). Revenue and Economic Update. St. Paul, Minnesota:  Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, April 2021. Available at:

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). Revenue and Economic Update. St. Paul, Minnesota:  Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, July 12, 2021. Available at:

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). Revenue and Economic Update. St. Paul, Minnesota:  Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, October 11, 2021. Available at:

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). Revenue Forecast Uncertainty Report. St. Paul, Minnesota:  Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, March 2021. Available at:

Kalambokidis, Laura, editor(s). Revenue Forecast Uncertainty Report. St. Paul, Minnesota:  Minnesota State Office of Management and Budget, Economic Analysis, December 2021. Available at:

Low, S.A. 2021. “Collaboration: A Condition for Advancing Federal and State Rural Development Research.” Chapter 39, Investing in Rural Prosperity edited by Andrew Dumont and Paul Daniel, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. Available at:

Gallardo, Roberto, and Brian Whitacre. 2022. “A Granular Look at Internet Speeds and Demographic Groups: Implications for Digital Equity.” Southern Rural Development Center Digital Divide Policy Brief.  August.

Kenyon, Daphne, Bethany Paquin, Alannah Shute, Michael Bell, Mark Skidmore, Camila Alvayay, Torrejon, John Anderson, David Merriman, Semida Munteanu. 2021. “A Deep Dive on South Carolina’s Property Tax: Complex, Inequitable, and Uncompetitive.”

Khalaf, C., Van Sandt, A., & Boyles, B. 2022. “Evaluating the Economic Impact of the Nonprofit Sector in Wyoming.” Laramie, WY: Center for Business and Economic Analysis (CBEA). Prepared for the Align Team.

Kuhns, M. and S.A. Low. 2021. “Missouri Health Care Availability and Outcomes Differ Regionally.” University of Missouri Extension Guide, mx0056. Available at:

Meadowcroft, D., Ayoung Kim, A. Barefield, and J. Barnes, 2021, “The State of Broadband Access in Mississippi.” Extension Reports #P3653, Mississippi State University Extension Service.

Rhoades, Claudia, Brian Whitacre, and Alison Davis.  “Higher Electronic Health Record (EHR) Functionality Lowers Urban Hospital Costs, But Rural Impacts Are Minimal.”  Policy Brief for Federal Office of Rural Health Policy. September 2021.

Rossi, J., S. Rocker and D. Thilmany. 2021. “Exploring Awareness and Promotional Linkages to New Market Channels During COVID.”  Local Food System Response to COVID Series CFI-09.

Sanders, A., Low, S.A. & M.C. White. 2021. “Entrepreneurial Dynamics in Missouri Counties.” University of Missouri Extension Guide dm302. January. Available at:

Skidmore, Mark, Fernanda Alfaro, and Dusan Paredes. 2021. “Assessment of Property Tax Reductions on Tax Delinquency, Tax Foreclosure, and Home Ownership.”  Cambridge, MA:  Lincoln Institute of Land Policy.

Spell, A. and S.A. Low. 2021. “Economic Benefits of Expanding Broadband in Select Missouri Counties.” University of Missouri Extension. Available at:

Taylor, Gregory S., Rebekka Dudensing, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Jamie Rae Walker. 2021. “What is Community Development?” Texas AgriLife Extension Service, The Texas A&M University System. College Station, TX, March.

Thilmany, Dawn. (Contributor to National report.) 2022. “Healthy Food America and the Gretchen Swanson Center for Nutrition. How GusNIP Nutrition Incentives Work: A Theory of Change.”

Thilmany, D, H. Edmondson and M. Gill. 2022. “The Changing Face of Food Retailing: Growth in Online Platforms during COVID.” CSU REDI Report – April 2022.

Thilmany, D. and H. Edmondson. 2021. “COVID-19 Food Channel Expenditure Shares: Trends Across Time and Consumer Perceptions.” Local Food System Response to COVID Series CFI-07.

Williams, D., Van Sandt, A. 2022. “Assessing Total Personal Income and its Components for the United States, Rocky Mountain Region, Wyoming, and its Counties (2001-2018).” Forthcoming

Whitacre, Brian, and Roberto Gallardo. 2022. “Broadband Availability vs. Adoption: Which Matters More for Economic Development?” Southern Rural Development Center Digital Divide Policy Brief. August.

Whitacre, Brian, and Christina Biedny. 2022. “State Policies that Impact Rural Broadband Availability.” Southern Rural Development Center Digital Divide Policy Brief. August.


Journal Articles (project member collaborations)

Carpenter, C. W., Van Sandt, A., and Loveridge, S. (2022). “Food and Agricultural Industry Locational Determinants Research: Aggregation Bias and Size Measurement in the Agricultural Support Industry.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 51(3), 558-578.


Carpenter, C. W., Van Sandt, A., Dudensing, R., Loveridge, S., and Niehm, L. (2022). “The Economic Opportunity Mapping (EOM) Tool.” Journal of Extension, forthcoming.


Deller, Steven C., Whitacre, Brian, and Conroy, Tessa. 2022. “Rural Broadband Speeds and Business Startup Rates.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 104(3):999-1025.

Goetz, S. J., Heaton, C., Imran, M., Pan, Y., Tian, Z., Schmidt, C., Qazi, U., Olfi, F., and Mitra, P. 2022. Food Insufficiency and Twitter Emotions During a Pandemic. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. DOI:

Halstead, John M., Deller, Steven C., and Leyden, Kevin M. 2022. “Social Capital and Community Development: Where do We Go from Here?” Community Development. 53(1):92 108.

Han, L., Goetz, S. J., Eades, D., Entsminger, J. E., and Arbogast, D. 2022. An Early Assessment of COVID-19’s Impact on Tourism in U.S. Counties. Tourism Economics.

Loveridge, Scott, Mark Skidmore, Robert Shupp, Paula Miller, Courtney Cuthbertson, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2023. “Rural US residents recognize anxiety better than urbanites and suburbanites but hold similar stigma.” The Journal of Rural Health, jrh.12757.

Low, S.A., Rahe M. and A. Van Leuven. 2022. “Has COVID-19 made rural areas more attractive places to live? Survey evidence from northwest Missouri.” Regional Science, Policy and Practice. doi:10.1111/rsp3.12543

Palardy, N., M. Costanigro, J. Cannon, D. Thilmany, J. Berning, J. Bayham and J. Callaway. 2023. Beer Sales in Grocery and Convenience Stores: A Glass Half-Full for Craft Brewers? Regional Studies.

Schmidt, C., L. Chase, C. Barbieri, E. Rilla-Laherty, D. Singh-Knights, D. Thilmany, S. Tomas, L. Dickes, S. Cornelisse, D. Lamie, R. Callahan, H. George and P. Leff. 2022. Agritourism Extension in the United States. Applied Economics Teaching Resources. Special Issue on Extension. Summer 2022.

Schmidt, Claudia, Zheng Tian, Stephan J. Goetz, Chadley R. Hollas, and Lisa Chase. 2023. “Agritourism and Direct Sales Clusters in the United States.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 52 (1): 168–88.

Tian, Z., Schmidt, C., Goetz, S. J., et al. 2022. The Role of Community Food Services in Reducing U.S. Food Insufficiency in the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 47(3), 18. DOI: 10.22004/ag.econ.313316 (selected as best paper published in 2022)

Van Leuven, A., Hill, E. and Low, S.A. 2022. “Which Side of Town? How Proximity to Critical Survival Factors Affects Rural Business Longevity. Growth & Change. Online first, pp. 1-34.

Van Sandt, A., Carpenter, C. W., Tolbert, C. 2022. “Decomposing local bank impacts with demand thresholds.” The Annals of Regional Science, 1-20. doi:

Watson, Philip, and Deller, Steven C. 2022. “Tourism and Economic Resilience.” Tourism Economics. 28(5):1193-1215

(under review)

Yong Chen, Bigelow, D.P. and M. Jodlowski. 2022. "Self-reporting and aggregation bias in Ricardian climate impacts: Evidence from observed farmland sales." Second round of review at American Journal of Agricultural Economics

Yong Chen, Wing, H., D.P. Bigelow, and K.B. Fuller. 2022. "Does temporary land retirement promote organic adoption? Evidence from the Conservation Reserve Program." Under review at American Journal of Agricultural Economics


Journal Articles (other)

Arbogast, D., Eades, D., Goetz, S. J., and Pan, Y. 2022. “Extension and Tourism: Previous Efforts, Current Trends, and the Future.” Journal of Extension, 60(2). ISBN/ISSN: 1077-5315

Bigelow, D.P. and T. Kuethe. 2023. "The impact of preferential farmland taxation on local public finances." Regional Science and Urban Economics 98: 103848.

Canfield, C., Low, S.A., Golnick, C. and D. Davis. 2022. “Stakeholder Engagement Can Improve Broadband Impact Evaluations.” Choices, 37(3).

Chen, Yong, Lan Xue, Jaeho Jung, Myungjin Kim. “Administrative Cost of US Counties and Local Context Dependence”, Accepted at Review of Regional Studies.

Chengm H., R. Feuz, and D.M. Lambert. 2023. “A comparison of best-worst scaling marginal and rank methods.” Applied Economics Letters, 1-4


Deller, Steven C. 2022. “Access to Health Care and Rural Worker Productivity." Applied

Economic Perspectives and Policy. 44(2):722-741.


Deller, Steven C., Conroy, Tessa, and Kures, Matthrew. (2022). “Immigration and Rates of

Entrepreneurship in Large U.S. Communities.” Local Development & Society. (published online

June 10, 2022).

Drost, Madeleine, Anastasia Snyder, Michael Betz, and Cäzilia Loibl. 2022. “Financial strain and loneliness in older adults.” Applied Economics Letters, DOI: 10.1080/13504851.2022.2152421

Ge, H., Goetz, S. J., Cleary, R., Yi, J., and Gomez, M. I. 2022. “Facility locations in the fresh produce supply chain: An integration of optimization and empirical methods. ” International Journal of Production Economics, 249. DOI:

Harris, T, and E, Grumstrup. (accepted). “Alternative Public Land Management Policy Impacts: Ranch and County Level.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.

Haurin, Donald, Stephanie Moulton, and Cäzilia Loibl. 2022. “The relationship of financial stress with the timing of the initial claim of U.S. Social Security retirement income.” Journal of the Economics of Ageing, Volume 21, Issue February, Article number 100362. DOI: 10.1016/j.jeoa.2021.100362 

Herchenbach, J., Briggeman, B., Bergtold, J., Shanoyan, A. Low, S.A., and Miller, B. (accepted). “A Qualitative Assessment of Farmer Director Skills in Agricultural Cooperatives.” International Food & Agribusiness Management Review.

Isley, C. and Low, S.A. (accepted) “Meat Processing Plant Survival: The Role of Plant and Regional Characteristics.” Journal of the Agricultural & Applied Economics Association.

Isley, C. and S.A. Low. 2022. “Impact of broadband availability and adoption on rural employment during COVID-19.” Telecommunications Policy, 46(7). 10.1016/j.telpol.2022.102310

Keeler, Zachary T. and Heather M. Stephens. 2022. The capitalization of metro rail access in urban housing markets.” Real Estate Economics. DOI: 10.1111/1540-6229.12411 

Kim, Ayoung, J. Lim, and A. Colletta. 2023. “How Regional Economic Structure Matters in the Era of COVID-19: Resilience Capacity of U.S. states.” The Annals of Regional Science, 70: 15-185,

Lim, SH and C Wachenheim. 2022. “Predicted Enrollment in Alternative Attribute Conservation Reserve Program Contracts.” Land Use Policy, 117 (2022), 106090.

Lim, SH, Y Ge, JM Jacobs and X Jia. 2022. “Measuring the Economic Benefits of Advanced Technology Use for River Flood Forecasting.” Journal of Flood Risk Management, e12781.

Lin, T, Z Lin, SH Lim, X Jia and X Chu. 2022. “A Spatial Agent-Based Model for Hydraulic Fracturing Water Distribution.” Frontiers in Environmental Science, 10:1025559. DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.1025559.

Loibl, Cäzilia, Alec Rhodes, Stephanie Moulton, Donald Haurin, and Chrisse Edmunds1. 2021. “Food insecurity among older adults in the U.S.: The role of mortgage borrowing.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Volume 44, Issue 2, p. 549-574, DOI: 10.1002/aepp.13219  "Featured Article"

Loibl, Cäzilia, Madeleine Drost, Martijn Huisman, Bianca Suanet, Wandi Bruine de Bruin, Simon McNair, and Barbara Summers. 2022. “Worry about debt is related to social loneliness in older adults in the Netherlands.” Ageing and Society. Volume 42, Issue 12, p. 2869-2891 DOI: 10.1017/S0144686X21000325 

Loibl, Cäzilia, Stephanie Moulton, Donald Haurin and Chrisse Edmunds. 2022. “The role of consumer and mortgage borrowing for financial stress.” Aging and Mental Health, Volume 26, Issue 1, p. 116-129. DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2020.1843000

Loibl, Cäzilia, Wändi Bruine de Bruin, Barbara Summers, Simon McNair, and Pieter Verhallen. 2022. “Which financial stressors are linked to food insecurity among older adults in the United Kingdom, Germany, and the Netherlands?” Food Security, Volume 14, Issue 2, p. 533-556, DOI: 10.1007/s12571-021-01206-3

Moulton, Stephanie, Alec Rhodes, Donald Haurin, Loibl, Cäzilia. 2022. “Managing the onset of a new disease in older age: Housing wealth, mortgage borrowing, and medication adherence.” Social Science and Medicine. Volume 314. Issue: December, Article number 115437, DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2022.115437; CFP Board's ACCI Financial Planning Paper Award

Moulton, Stephanie, J. Michael Collins, Cäzilia Loibl, Donald Haurin, and Julia Brown1. 2022. “Property tax compliance and reverse mortgages: Using nudges to improve the market.” National Tax Journal. Volume 75, Issue 1, p. 33-59, DOI: 10.1086/717160

Poursina, D., B.W. Brorsen, and D.M. Lambert. 2023. “Nearly Ds-optimal assigned location design for a linear model with spatially varying coefficients.” Spatial Statistics. 53, 100727

Stephens, Heather M., Elizabeth A. Mack, and John Mann. 2022. “Broadband and Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Assessment of the Connection between Broadband Availability and New Business Activity across the United States.” Telematics and Informatics. DOI: 10.1016/j.tele.2022.101873.

Conroy, T. and P. Watson. 2023. “Overeducation, natural amenities, and entrepreneurship.” Small Business Economics.

Valentin-Silvico, J., Canfield, C., Low, S.A., and Gollnick, C. 2023. “Evaluating the Impact of Broadband Access and Internet Use in a Small Underserved Rural Community” Telecommunications Policy, 47(4). ttps://

Yun, S.D. and Ayoung Kim. 2022. “Economic Impact of Natural Disasters: A Myth or Mismeasurement?.” Applied Economics Letters. 29(10): 861-866.

Winfree, J. and P. Watson. 2022. “Changes in distilled spirits sales and preferences during COVID-19.” Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs. 83 (6)

Watson, and J. Winfree. 2022. “Should we use antitrust policies on big agriculture?” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 44 (3), 1313-1326


Other Publications

Claudia Schmidt, Zheng Tian, Stephan J. Goetz, Chadley R. Hollas, and Lisa Chase

Penn State News release was published on April 19: “Opening farms to visitors boosts nearby farms’ direct sales, and vice versa” available at:


Kim, E., Ayoung Kim, and I. Moon. 2022. “Government Intervention in Real Estate Market: Is Tax Reform Effective in Seoul Housing Market?.” In Theory and History in Regional Perspective, edited by M. Kawano, K. Kourtit, P. Nijkamp, and Y Higano, New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives, Vol. 56: 221-243, Springer, Singapore,


Ayoung Kim and B.S. Waldorf. 2023. “The Index of Relative Rurality (IRR): US County Data for 2020, Version 1.0.0 [Data set], Zenodo,

Pipa, Anthony F., Heather M. Stephens, and Natalie Geismar. 2022. “Defining distress: Lessons from the Federally Chartered Regional Commissions.” The Brookings Institution.

Van Sandt, A.. 2022. “Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Economic Development.” By Silvia Cerisola. 2019. pp. 208. ISBN: 978 1 78897 528 5. Growth & Change, 54(1), 346-347.


Extension Articles (project member collaborations)



Extension Articles (other)


Aadland, D., Van Sandt, A., and Nevels, S.. 2023. Evaluating the Economic Impact of Providing Municipal Water to Laramie County Housing Developments. Laramie, WY: Center for Business and Economic Analysis (CBEA). Prepared for Cheyenne Mayor’s Office.


Bastian, C., Van Sandt, A., and Coupal, R.. 2022. “2021 Wyoming Comprehensive Off-Road Vehicle Recreation Report.” University of Wyoming, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Prepared for the State of Wyoming, Department of State Parks and Cultural Resources. October 2022.

  1. Rossi and D. Thilmany. COVID-19 2.0: Exploring Awareness and Promotional Linkages to New Market Channels. Local Food System Response to COVID Series CFI-2.01. August 2022.

Chicola, R., and T. Harris. 2022. “State Comparison of Payment in Lieu of Taxes for 2020”. Fact Sheet 21-107.

Deller, Steven C., Conroy, Tessa, and Kures, Matthrew. (2022). “Immigration and Rates of

Entrepreneurship in Large U.S. Communities.” Local Development & Society. (published online

June 10, 2022).

Hansen, K., Van Sandt, A. .2023. Wyoming Perceptions of Extreme Weather Events. CowCountry, Wyoming Stock Growers Association. Forthcoming, 2023.

Hansen, K., Van Sandt, A., Hewlett, J.. 2023. Calculation of Appropriate Risk Premiums for SCPP Enrollment. Prepared for Wyoming State Engineers Office. April, 2023.

Harris, T., S. Emm, C. Bishop, B. Freeman, K. Emm, and B. Borden. 2022 “ Yerington Paiute Tribe  Tribal College Feasibility and Economic Impact Report”. University Center Technical Report, UCED 2021/22-12.

Harris, T. 2022. “A Trade Area Analysis for Lincoln County Retail and Service Markets, 2020”. University Center Technical Report, UCED 2022/23-05.

Harris, T., M. Tosun, J. Hasting, V. Scavacini, P. Bowers, and E. Olosinki. 2022. “Southern Nevada Asset Map Report Phase 1”. Clark County Education Association, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Harris, T., M. Tosun, J. Hasting, and R, Chicola. 2023. “Aligning Southern Nevada’s K-16 Education-to-Workforce Pipeline for a New Economy”. Report to Clark County Education Association, Las Vegas, Nevada.

Isley, C. and S.A. Low. 2022. Different Factors are Associated with Small and Large Meat Processor Survival. A Riff from RaFF, 1(5), August. Available at:

Isley, C., Nichols, Z. and S.A. Low. 2022. How Broadband Adoption and Availability Impacted Rural Employment During COVID-19. University of Missouri Extension Guide, dm602.Available at:

Martin, Heather, Rose Hayden-Smith, and Kristen Devlin. 2023. “The NET Effect: Members of the National Extension Tourism network help raise the bar in sustainable tourism and outdoor recreation.” Extension Foundation.

Meier, C., Ward, L., Van Sandt, A., Schneider, S., Gayle, R.. 2022. “Western Region Health & Wellness Programming Efforts: Qualitative Results from a Three-Part Listening Session.” Paper 2295. Utah State University Extension.

Mooney, M. S.H. Kim, M. Sullins and D. Thilmany.  2022. The Ownership of Enterprise in Colorado: Agricultural and Community-Based Cooperatives. REDI Report – December 2022.

Dethloff, N, Van Leuven, A. J., B. Courtney. 2022. Customer Service Basics for Agricultural Entrepreneurs. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. AGEG-920

Spell, A., Jacobs, K.A. and S.A. Low. 2022. The Importance of Off-Farm Income to the Agricultural Economy. CoBank & MU Extension report. Available at:

Thilmany, D. A. Survey Overview. Exploring the Start-Up Dynamics of Food Businesses Using Shared Kitchens. Shared Kitchen Survey Insights. USDA Ag Marketing Services Report. August 2022.

Thilmany, D. Business Viability and Growth. Exploring the Start-Up Dynamics of Food Businesses Using Shared Kitchens. Shared Kitchen Survey Insights. USDA Ag Marketing Services Report. August 2022.

Van Leuven, A.J.. 2023. Participants in Community and Economic Development. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service. AGEG-950

Van Sandt, A. and Daniels, J.. 2022. “State Health Improvement Forum Analysis of Deliberative Dialogue Forums.” University of Wyoming Extension Service. Prepared for the State of Wyoming, Department of Health. October, 2022.

Van Sandt, A.. 2022. “Big Horn County Socioeconomic Profile.” University of Wyoming Extension Service. Prepared for Big Horn County Commissioner’s Office. July 31, 2022.


Yong Chen Draft article on farmland values in Oregon titled “An analysis of recent survey-based farmland values in Oregon” submitted for publication in Digger Magazine, an extension magazine published by the Oregon Association of Nurseries.


Books and Book Chapters

Deller, Steven C. and Conroy, Tessa. 2023. “Regional Economic Trends Across the Rural-Urban Divide.” In Norm Walzer and Christopher Merrett (eds). Rural Areas in Transition: Meeting Challenges & Making Opportunities.  London: Routledge Publishing.

Maher, Craig, Park, Sungho, McDonald, Bruce D., and Deller, Steven C. (2023). The Fiscal Health of U.S. Cities. London: Routledge Publishing.

Park, Sungho, Maher, Craig, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “The Impact of Fiscal Rules on Local Debt: Credit Ratings, Borrowing Costs, and Debt Levels.”  In Craig L. Johnson, Tima M. Moldogaziev, Justin M. Ross (eds). Research Handbook on City and Municipal Finance. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA.

Book Review

Van Sandt, A. (2023). “Cultural Heritage, Creativity and Economic Development.” By Silvia Cerisola. 2019. pp. 208. ISBN: 978 1 78897 528 5. Growth & Change, 54(1), 346-347.


Journal Articles

Alfaro, F., Paredes, D., & Skidmore, M. 2023. New Public Transportation Infrastructure and Tax Delinquency in Shrinking Cities: The Case of Detroit. International Regional Science Review46(4), 410-427.

Alvayay Torrejon, C., Paredes, D., & Skidmore, M. 2023. “The Impact of Housing Demolition on Home Values:  A Repeat Sales Approach”, Journal of Regional Science

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Kristopher Deming, John Anders, Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, Charles M. Tolbert, and Adam Ingrao. 2024. “Do Payday Lending Bans Protect or Constrain Regional Economies? Evidence from the Military Lending Act’s Final Rule.” Contemporary Economic Policy, 42(2), 319-335.

Conroy, Tessa, and Watson, Philip. 2023.  "Overeducation, natural amenities, and entrepreneurship." Small Business Economics 61(3): 1111-1131.

Conroy, Tessa, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “I Will Survive…but at What (Opportunity) Cost?:  A Spatial Analysis of Business Survival and Jacobian Externalities.” Growth and Change. 54: 550-571.

Cuthbertson, C., Brennan, A., Shutske, J., Leatherman, J., Bjornestad, A., Zierl, L., Macy, K., Skidmore, M., Schallhorn, P., Dellifield, J., Esther, L. 2023. An Effective Mental Health Literacy Program for Farm Financial Service Providers, Journal of Agromedicine, 28:2, 127-135, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2022.2058666

Deller, Steven C., Conroy, Tessa, and Kures, Matthrew. 2023. “Immigration and Rates of Entrepreneurship in Large U.S. Communities.” Local Development & Society. 4(1):146-171.

Deller, Steven C. and Conroy, Tessa. 2023. “Regional Economic Trends Across the Rural-Urban Divide.” In Norm Walzer and Christopher Merrett (eds). Rural Areas in Transition: Meeting Challenges & Making Opportunities.  London: Routledge Publishing.

Deng, Y., Skidmore, M. 2024. A Regional Analysis of the Impacts of Changes in Housing Values on Property Tax Assessment During and After the 2008 Financial Crisis. State and Local Government Review0(0).

Entsminger, Jason S. and Claudia Schmidt. Forthcoming. “Agritourism and Recreational Services on US Farms: Data from the 2022 Census of Agriculture.” 2024–1. NERCRD Data Brief.

Gallardo, Roberto and Brian Whitacre. 2024. An Unexpected Digital Divide? A Look at Internet Speeds and Socioeconomic Groups. Telecommunications Policy, 48(6): 102777.

Han, Luyi, Timothy R. Wojan, Zheng Tian, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2024. “How Export Performance Is Mediated by Innovation, Owner Characteristics, and Location.” Economics Letters 237 (April):111657.

Han, Luyi, Zheng Tian, Timothy R. Wojan, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2024. “Testing Biasedness of Self-Reported Microbusiness Innovation in the Annual Business Survey.” Plos ONE, January.

Han, Luyi, Timothy R. Wojan, and Stephan J. Goetz. 2023. “Experimenting in the Cloud: The Digital Divide’s Impact on Innovation.” Telecommunications Policy 47 (7): 102578.

Hodges, Collin D. (PhD graduate), Heather M. Stephens, and Cara Sedney. 2023. “Individual and Community Characteristics of the Opioid Crisis in West Virginia.” Journal of Drug Issues.

Huang, Z., & Skidmore, M. 2023. The Impacts of Wildfires and Wildfire-induced Air Pollution on House Prices in the United States. Land Economics

Huang, Z., J. Lim, and M. Skidmore, 2024: The Impacts of Heat and Air Pollution on Mortality in the United States. Wea. Climate Soc.16, 275–301,

Keeler, Zachary and Heather M. Stephens. 2023. “What matters for lagging regions? The role of self‐employment and industrial diversity in distressed areas.” Growth and Change. 54: 962-1101.

Kim, E. and A. Kim, and K. Nam, (Online in advance) Impacts of Demand and Supply-side Interventions on South Korea’s Housing Markets: a Dynamic Housing-CGE Analysis, Annals of Regional Science,

Kono, Melissa, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. “Rural Pharmacies: A Missing Piece of the Rural  Health Care Milieu.” Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm and Resource Issu. Second Quarter.

Kures, Matthrew, and Deller, Steven C. 2023. "Growth in Commuting Patterns and their Impacts on Rural Workforce and Economic Development.” Economic Development Quarterly. 37(1): 54–63

Lee, Won Fy, Aaron Sojourner, Aaron, Elizabeth E. Davis & Jonathan Borowsky. 2024. Effects of Child Care Vouchers on Price, Quantity, and Provider Turnover in Private Care Markets. Journal of Human Capital, forthcoming. Working paper version and brief available.

Lemos, Scott R. Jr., Tristan C. Price, and John M. Halstead. 2024. “Economic Valuation of PFAS Remediation in New Hampshire Municipal Drinking Water Systems: A Contingent Valuation Approach.” In press. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. DOI: 10.1061/JWRMD5.WRENG-5998.

Loveridge, S. Alfaro, F. Paredes, D. Skidmore, M. Available Online At

Loveridge S, Skidmore M, Shupp R, Miller PK, Cuthbertson C, Goetz S. 2023. Rural US residents recognize anxiety better than urbanites and suburbanites but hold similar stigma. J Rural Health. 39: 860–869.

Maher, Craig, Park, Sungho, McDonald, Bruce D., and Deller, Steven C. (2023). The Fiscal Health of U.S. Cities. London: Routledge Publishing.

Mencken, Carson, Craig Wesley Carpenter, Michael Lotspeich-Yadao, and Charles M. Tolbert. 2023. “Bank on it: Do Local Banks Contribute to Rural Community Prosperity?” Rural Sociology, 88(3): 657-681.

Mukhopadhyay, Sankar and Lacy, Katherine, 2023. The Effects of California’s Restricted Medicaid Expansion on Undocumented Farm Workers. (working paper).

Palardy, N. and Matthew Sowcik. 2023. Aligning Land Grant Leadership Programs with the Needs Of Elected Officials through Extension: Perceptions, Priorities, and Participation among Florida County Commissioners. Advancements in Agricultural Development.

Palardy, N., M. Costanigro, J. Cannon, D. Thilmany, J. Berning, J. Bayham and J. Callaway. 2023. Beer Sales in Grocery and Convenience Stores: A Glass Half-Full for Craft Brewers? Regional Studies.

Rhoades, Claudia, Brian Whitacre, and Alison Davis. 2023. Community Sociodemographics and Rural Hospital Survival. Journal of Rural Health, 39(3): 643-655.

Schaefer, K. Aleks and Andrew J. Van Leuven. 2023. “Quantifying the Rural Legal Desert Problem: Assessing Access to Justice and Legal Services in Marginalized Communities.” South Dakota Law Review.

Schmidt, Claudia, Stephan J. Goetz, and Steven Deller. 2024. “Women Farmers and Community Well-Being Under Modeling Uncertainty.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, January.

Skidmore, M. 2023. “COVID-19 Illness and vaccination experiences in social circles affect vaccination decisions. Sci Pub Health Pol & Law (4): 208-226.

Skidmore, M. 2023 “COVID-19 Illness and Vaccination Experiences in Social Circles Affect COVID-19 Vaccination Decisions” in Palmer, M. et al. mRNA Vaccine Toxicity (free e-book) [Chapter 8], (Reprint)

Skidmore, M., Alfaro, F. (2024). Perceived Experience in Social Circles with COVID-19 Injections and COVID-19 “Vaccine” Mandates: An Online Survey of the United States Population. International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research, 3, 1055-1084,

Staples, Aaron, Kristopher Deming, Trey Malone, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Stephan Weiler. 2024. “Pouring the Paycheck Protection Program into craft beer: PPP employment effects in service-intensive industries.” Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 21, e00444.

Taylor, Raquel, Andrew J. Van Leuven, and Shane Robinson, 2023. “The Role of Community Capital in Rural Renewal.” Local Development & Society.

Van Leuven, Andrew J., Dayton M. Lambert, Tessa Conroy, and Kelsey L. Thomas. 2024. “Do ‘Banking Deserts’ Even Exist? Examining Access to Brick-and-Mortar Financial Institutions in the Continental US.” Applied Geography.

Van Sandt, Anders, Craig Wesley Carpenter, and Charles Tolbert. 2023. “Decomposing Local Bank Impacts with Demand Thresholds.” The Annals of Regional Science, 70, 333-352.

Whitacre, Brian. 2024. The Fibre Broadband Housing Premium Across Three U.S. States. Regional Studies, Regional Science, 11(1): 38-62.


Extension Articles

Alvayay Torrejon, C., and Skidmore, M. 2023. “Evaluating the Impact of the Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Detroit. (blog post and research report)

Browne, J., A. Kim, S.D. Yun, and B. Posadas, 2023, Economic Impacts of Bacterial Beach Closures on Mississippi Gulf Coast, Mississippi State University Extension Service #P3949 (POD-11-23) Available at:

Boyce, M., A. Kim, R.C. Smith, and A. Barefield, 2023, Examining Gaps in Economic Well-Being in Mississippi, Mississippi State University Extension Service #P3912 (POD-07-23)

Boyce, Mckenzie, Deller, Steven C. and Runge, Kristin. 2023.  Willingness to Pay for Broadband Internet: A Case Study of Wisconsin.  Studies Series No 8. Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin=-Madison.

Carpenter, Craig Wesley, Tyler Augst, Harmony Fierke-Gmazel, Bradley Nuemann, and Richard Wooten. 2023. “Pursuing Antiracist Public Policy Education: An Example Connecting the Racist History of Housing Policy to Contemporary Inequity.” Journal of Extension, 61(1), Article 2.

Connolly, C., R. Lopez, E. Bojinova, S. Krebbers, and C. Cusack. 2023. “An Assessment of Challenges Facing Connecticut Farmers in 2023”. Zwick Center Outreach Report. Available at:

Deller, Steven C. 2023. "Contributions of Veterans to the Wisconsin Economy." WIndicators. 6(1).  Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Entsminger, Jason S. and Claudia Schmidt. Forthcoming. “Agritourism and Recreational Services on US Farms: Data from the 2022 Census of Agriculture.” 2024–1. NERCRD Data Brief.

Haddock, Tessa, Amy Hagerman, and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Mar. 2024. Drought Exposure and Crop Impacts in Oklahoma and Surrounding States, OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-635).

Hansen, K., Van Sandt, A. (2023). Wyoming Perceptions of Extreme Weather Events. CowCountry, Wyoming Stock Growers Association. 2023.

Hansen, K., Van Sandt, A., Hewlett, J. (2023). Calculation of Appropriate Risk Premiums for SCPP Enrollment. Prepared for Wyoming State Engineers Office. April, 2023.

Hirasuna, D., D. Thilmany, A. Muhammad, D. Fields, and S. Stefanou. 2023. Perspectives on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Agricultural and Applied Economics Profession. Applied Economics Teaching Resources. Volume 5, Issue 2. Special Issue on Fostering Diversity and Inclusion in Agribusiness and Agricultural Economics Classrooms and Departments. Online at:

Hodge, T., and Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan Real Estate Listings Are Missing 1 Important Cost for Buyers.” Detroit Free Press Op Ed:

McDermott, Mary, Conroy, Tessa and Matt Kures. 2023. "Business Owners of Color in Wisconsin: Strategies to Strengthen Businesses and the Economy." Division of Extension, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Park, H. June and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Aug. 2023. “Digital Retailing and Marketing: Tools for Rural Small Businesses Navigating the Digital Age.” OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-632).

Schaefer, K. Aleks and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Feb. 2024. “Confronting Legal Deserts in Rural America.” Southern Ag Today.

Skidmore, M. 2023. Interview with Brown University Political Review on the potential adoption of the split-rate property tax in Detroit:

Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan Economic Development and Public Finance Training” (February 2023)

Skidmore, M., and Lu, Pei-Jyun. 2023. Report “Monthly Financial Information" (publication issued by the Korea Public Finance Information Service ( “Disaster Avoidance Behavior and Public Policy”

Skidmore, M. 2023. “Michigan County Government Survey: Services Provided to Local Government Summary Report” prepared for the Michigan Association of Counties

Van Leuven, Andrew J., Emily Norris, Dayton Lambert, Phil Kenkel, Hannah Shear, and Jeff Vitale. Feb. 2024. “The Economic Contribution of the Cotton Industry in Oklahoma.” OSU Extension Fact Sheet (AGEC-634).

Van Leuven, Andrew J. Dec. 2023. “More than Ever, Rural Communities Need Strong Third Places to Build Social Capital.” Southern Ag Today.

White, Mark C. and Andrew J. Van Leuven. Jul. 2023. “Changes in Farm Employment, 1969 to 2021.” farmdoc daily, 13(130).

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