NE2220: Multi-state Coordinated Evaluation of Grape Cultivars and Clones
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Caspari, H.: Grape cultivar evaluations. VinCO 2022 conference, Grand Junction, CO, 18 January 2022.
Cheng Y., *Watrelot A.A. (2022) “Effects of Saignee and Bentonite Treatment on Phenolic Compounds of Marquette Red Wines” Molecules 27(11) (I.F. 4.411).
Cheng Y., Savits J., *Watrelot A.A. (2022) “Effect of The Application Time of Accentuated Cut Edges (ACE) on Marquette Wine Phenolic Compounds.” Molecules 27(2): 542 (I.F. 4.411).
Lai, L., Yilmazg, T, Kumar, S, Fennell, A, Hernandez, JLG. 2022. Influences of grassland to cropland converson on select soil properties, microbiome, and agricultural emissions. Soil research 60:561-579.
Loseke, Benjamin A., Paul E. Read and Stephen J. Gamet. 2022. Groundcovers for Nebraska Vineyards. Nebraska Extension NebGuide G2341, 8 pages.
Moroney M., Clarke C., Watrelot A.A., *Gleason M.L. (2021) “The phylloxera challenge: planting a new grape vineyard in Victoria, Australia”. American Phytopathological Society, for Plant Health Instructor DOI:10.1094/PHI-I-2021-0816-01 (I.F. 4.438).
Moroney M., Savits J., Watrelot A.A. April 2022 “Sulfur Dioxide in Winemaking” Iowa State University Extension Publication. FS53
Moroney M., Savits J., Watrelot A.A. January 2022 “Use of Inert Gases” Iowa State University Extension Publication. FS52
Moroney M., Savits J., Watrelot A.A. January 2022 “Using Potassium Sorbate to Inhibit Yeast Growth in Bottled Wines” Iowa State University Extension Publication. FS51
Olson, B.K., M. Brooke, A. Wang, A. Svyantek, J. Stenger, and H. Hatterman-Valenti.(2021). ‘Frontenc’ grape response to canopy management in North Dakota. Horticulturae 7(9), 288 https://doi.org/10.3390/horticulturae7090288.
Stenger, J. E., & Hatterman-Valenti, H. (2022). Complex plant process trait evaluation through decomposition of higher-order interaction: A case study in acclimation responses of cold-climate hybrid grapevine through bilinear and multiway methods. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 147(3), 161-173.
Watrelot A.A. (2022) “Iowa Wine Industry and Its Educational Needs.” Journal Of Extension. 60 (1). Article 13.
Yilmazg, T, Fennell* A. 2021. Spur and short cane pruning influence bud viability yield and fruit quality. Proc. SD Academy of Science. 100:81-91.
Yilmazg, T and Fennell*, A. 2021. Freezing tolerance and chilling fulgillment differences in cold climate grape cultivars. Horticulturae 7:4.
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations (relative to NE 1720 activities):
Adams, Cooper, Harper LaFond, Zhiwei Fang, Christine Spinka, Dean Volenberg, and James Schoelz. 2022. Impact of Grapevine leafroll-associated virus-3 and grapevine red blotch virus on yield and berry juice quality in the American grape variety Norton/Cynthiana (Vitis aestivalis) Show Me Grape and Wine Conference and Symposium. Columbia, MO. March 9-10, 2022.
Cameronug, G, McMinnug, B, Alahakoonppd, D, Fennell, A. 2022. Quantitative analysis of phenotypic variability of shoot internode length for usin selecting improved grapevine canopy architecture. 2022 South Dakota Undergraduate Research Symposium, Brookings, SD, July 2022.
Cheng Y., Buren L., Nonnecke G., *Watrelot A.A. “Impact of Post-Fruit Set Leaf Removal on Marquette Grape Chemistry During Development and Ripening”. American Society of Enology and Viticulture – Eastern Section (ASEV-ES). July 13-15 2022. Poster presentation and flash talk presentation. Award of best viticulture poster.
Cheng Y., and *Watrelot A.A. “Synergetic Effect of Accentuated Cut Edges (ACE) and Pectinase on Marquette Wine Quality.” 73th National meeting, June 21-24th 2022. Poster presentation and flash talk presentation. Award of best enology flash talk.
Fennell*, A. 2022. Update on cultivar technologies: The vines are a changing. 17th Annual VESTA Curriculum Retreat, Geneva on the Lake, Ohio, June 2, 2022.
Fitch-Deitz, C. Pruning Workshop. Wamego, KS. 3/19/2022. 7 Attendees.
Fitch-Deitz, C; Clark, N; Kohl, S. Viticulture and Enology Field Day. Hartford, KS. 7/19/2022. 19 Attendees.
Kohl, S. Emcee, Marketing and Barrel Tannin Mgt Workshops by Brian and Cristin Hosmer. Wamego, KS. 5/24/2022. 19 Attendees.
Kohl, S. Evolution of HCC Viticulture and Enology Program and Winery Incubator. VESTA Annual Summit. Geneva, OH. 6/3/2022. 26 Attendees.
Kohl, S. Emcee, Grafting Workshop by Ed Swanson. Wamego, KS. 6/7/2022. 20 Attendees.
LaFond, Harper and Dean Volenberg. 2022. Survey for alternate host plants of red blotch virus in Missouri vineyards. Show Me Grape and Wine Conference and Symposium. Columbia, MO. March 9-10, 2022.
Read, Paul E., Benjamin A. Loseke and Stephen J. Gamet. 2022. A Wine Industry Dilemma: does crop size reduction make better wine? ASEV Eastern Section, Minneapolis, July 14, 2022.
Read, Paul E., Stephen J. Gamet and Benjamin A. Loseke. 2022. High tunnel table grapes for Nebraska and the Read, Paul Midwest. Int. Cool Climate Wine Symposium, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, July 18, 2022. (Extended Abstract)
Read, Paul E., Benjamin A. Loseke and Stephen J. Gamet. 2022. Grapevine trunk disease in Nebraska and the Midwest. Int. Cool Climate Wine Symposium, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, July 18, 2022. (Extended Abstract).
Read, P. E., Gamet, S. J. and Loseke, B. A. 2022. High Tunnel Table Grapes: An alternative to field production? International Society for Horticultural Science (abstract). August, 2022.
Svyantek, A., Stenger, J., Kose, B., Auwarter, C. and Hatterman-Valenti, H. 2022. Long Live the King (of the North): Analysis of Yield Stability Unveils Critical Production Gaps for Grapevines in North Dakota. American Society of Enology and Viticulture Conference, San Diego, CA June 19-22.
Svyantek, A., Stenger, J., Kose, B., Auwarter, C. and Hatterman-Valenti, H. 2022. The North Dakota State University Grapevine Variety Trial: A Stable of Cold-Hardy Grapevines, but are any Grapevines Stable? American Society of Enology and Viticulture Eastern Section Conference, Bloomington, MN July 13-15.
Svyantek, A., Z. Wang, Z. Miller. Grapevine Crop Load and Canopy Management for Cool Climates. Montana Grape and Wine Association Annual Conference; Whitefish, MT. Apr. 2022
Vavra C., Cheng Y., Gapinski A., *Watrelot A.A. “How Does the Quality of Cold-Hardy Red Wines Change Over Time?”. American Society of Enology and Viticulture – Eastern Section (ASEV-ES). July 13-15 2022. Oral presentation.
Wang, Z., Svyantek, A., and Hatterman-Valenti, H. 2022. The King has Left the Bottle: Characterizing ‘King of the North’ Rose Wines Fermented with Five Different Yeast Strains. American Society of Enology and Viticulture Conference, San Diego, CA June 19-22.
*Watrelot A.A., Carmen Vavra, Alexander Gapinski, and Yiliang Cheng. “What Are the Challenges to Produce High Quality Red Wines From Interspecific Grapes?” Oral presentation to the 43rd World Congress of Wine and Vine, Ensenada, Mexico. October 29th-Nov 4th 2022.
Watrelot A.A. November 13-14th 2022. “Advances in enology, principles and progress.” 2022 Nebraska Winery & Grape Growers Association Annual Conference, Grand Island, NE.
Watrelot A.A. February 24th-26th 2022. “Use of whole clusters in cold-hardy red winemaking.” Cool Climate Conference, Minnesota Grape Growers Association (MGGA), Rochester, MN.
Watrelot A.A. February 20th-22nd 2022. “An overview of phenolic research in hybrid red wines.” Ohio Grape and Wine Conference, Dublin, OH.
Watrelot A.A. February 20th-22nd 2022. “Wine instabilities and faults: their recognition, management, and prevention.” Ohio Grape and Wine Conference, Dublin, OH.
Watrelot A.A. February 9th-10th 2022. “How to manage phenolics in Marquette red wines?” Iowa State Specialty Crop Producers Annual Conference. Ankeny, IA.
Monitoring NW Michigan grapevine cold hardiness evaluations at the 2022 Northwest Michigan Orchard and Vineyard Show on January 18, 2022
Michigan Grapevine Cold Hardiness Model overview at 2022 Michigan Statewide Grape Spring Kickoff meeting on April 29, 2022
NW Michigan commercial varieties and production challenges at Northwest Michigan Wine & IP: Trademark your winery brand hosted by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on September 23, 2022.
Poster at the 2022 Great Lake Expo: Management of late season cluster rots to increase crop quality of Michigan wine grapes
Poster at the 2022 Great Lake Expo: Spore trapping and detection advances in Michigan vineyards
Online Resources:
Colorado: Annual results can be found in our Annual Viticulture and Enology Reports - https://aes.colostate.edu/wcrc/stations/orchard-mesa/viticulture/#1550867094981-f823e4e6-c95a
Colorado: Multi-year summary from the Hot-Cold site - https://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/aes/wcrc/techbulletins/Grand%20Valley%202008%20grape%20variety%20trial.pdf
Colorado: Multi-year summary from the Warm-Cold site - https://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/aes/wcrc/techbulletins/Rogers%20Mesa%202008%20grape%20variety%20trial.pdf
ISU/UMN Research and Winemaking webinar series: Topics 2023: Nutritional Labels on Wines; Optimum ripeness parameters; Must adjustment; Protein Instability; Waste management (November 14th) and Wine filtration (December 12th). Direct impact on 39 growers and winemakers of US Midwest states and other states and countries per session (156 participants total for 4 sessions this year). Recordings of each webinar available on YouTube with a total of 4,607 views for 24 videos.
Kansas: https://highlandcc.edu/pages/grapes_0
Kansas: http://456wineries.com/literature/
Michigan State University MSU Extension Grapes website: https://www.canr.msu.edu/grapes/
University of Nebraska Viticulture Program web site http://viticultur.unl.edu
Abd El-Khalek, Ahmed F., El-Kenawy, Mosaad A., Belal, Bassam E., Hassan, Islam F., Hatterman-Valenti, Harlene M. and Alam-Eldein, Shamel M.. "Basal defoliation, salicylic acid and cyanocobalamin to ameliorate the physiological and biochemical characteristics of flood-irrigated ‘Crimson Seedless’ grapevines in a semi-arid Mediterranean climate" Folia Horticulturae, vol.0, no.0, 2023, pp.-. https://doi.org/10.2478/fhort-2023-0023.
Cheng Y., Gapinski A.D., Buren L., Nonnecke G., *Watrelot A.A. (2023) “Impact of Post-Fruit Set Leaf Removal on Marquette Phenolic Compounds During Berry Development and Ripening”. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture, 74: 0740027; DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2023.22054
Clark, M. D., Luby, J. J., & Atucha, A. (2023). ‘Clarion’ Grapevine: A White Wine Cultivar for Midwest United States Production. HortScience, 58(2), 231-233.
E. Petit, A. Ali, S. Schoelmann, J. Ellis, M. Resnick, and Z. Robinson. Spring 2023. 2021 New England and New York Grape Production Survey.
Gapinski A.D., Horton A., *Watrelot A.A (2023) “Effect of Whole Cluster Fermentation on Phenolics in Cold-Hardy Red Wines”. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 16, p1595–1608 DOI: 10.1007/s11947-023-03010-7
Loseke, Benjamin A., Paul E. Read and Stephen J. Gamet. 2022. Groundcovers for Nebraska Vineyards. Nebraska Extension NebGuide G2341, 8 pages.
Read, Paul E., Benjamin A. Loseke and Stephen J. Gamet. 2022. A Wine Industry Dilemma: does crop size reduction make better wine? ASEV Eastern Section, Minneapolis, July 14, 2022.
Read, Paul E., Stephen J. Gamet and Benjamin A. Loseke. 2022. High tunnel table grapes for Nebraska and the Read, Paul Midwest. Int. Cool Climate Wine Symposium, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, July 18, 2022. (Extended Abstract)
Read, Paul E., Benjamin A. Loseke and Stephen J. Gamet. 2022. Grapevine trunk disease in Nebraska and the Midwest. Int. Cool Climate Wine Symposium, St. Catherines, Ontario, Canada, July 18, 2022. (Extended Abstract).
Read, P. E., Gamet, S. J. and Loseke, B. A. 2022. High Tunnel Table Grapes: An alternative to field production? International Society for Horticultural Science (abstract). August, 2022.
Treiber, E. L., Moreira, L. S., & Clark, M. D. (2022). Postharvest Potential of Cold-hardy Table Grapes. HortScience, 57(10), 1242-1248.
*Watrelot A.A., Vavra C., Gapinski A.D., Cheng Y. (2023) “What are the challenges to producing high quality red wines from interspecific grapes?” BIO Web of Conferences 56, 02016. https://doi.org/10.1051/bioconf/20235602016
Svyantek, A., Wang, Z., & Hatterman-Valenti, H. (2023). Impact of Steam Extraction and Maceration Duration on Wines from Frozen ‘Frontenac’ Must. Fermentation, 9(4), 317.
Svyantek, Andrej, Brooke, Matthew Auwarter, Collin and Hatterman-Valenti, Harlene. (2022). Influence of greenhouse maintenance treatments on growth of seedling grapevines (Vitis spp.). AgroLife Scientific Journal, 11(2). https://doi.org/10.17930/AGL2022227.
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations (relative to NE 2220 activities):
Caspari, H.: Viticulture research update. VinCO 2023 conference, Grand Junction, CO, 17 January 2023.
Caspari, H.: Does a warmer climate lead to more cold damage? New Mexico Wine Education Conference – Roots & Research, Santa Fe, NM, 27 Feb 2023.
Clark, M. (2023) VitisGen3: Completing the grapevine powdery mildew resistance pipeline. National Association of Grape Breeders Annual Meeting. Fayetteville, AR October 3, 2023.
Clark, M. and Teh, S-L. (2023). A Minnesota Update. National Association of Grape Breeders Annual Meeting. Fayetteville, AR October 3, 2023
Clark, M. (2023) Breeding for disease resistance in cold hardy fruit crops. Plant Pathology Departmental Seminar, University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, April 3, 2023.
Clark, M. (2023) Challenges of breeding cold hardy grapes. Prince Edward County Winegrowers Association, Prince Edward County, Ontari, CA. March 14, 2023.
Clark. M. (2022) Use of wild Vitis in grape breeding. Northern American Native Grapes Workshop. November 2022.
Clark, N., Fitch-Deitz, C., Kohl, S (2023). Growing practices, cultivar selection, milestones of NE2220 project in Kansas. Kansas Grape Growers & Winemakers Association conference, Lawrence, KS. January 14, 2023.
Clark, N; Wine Faults Workshop. Wamego, KS. 6/13/2023. 18 Attendees.
Delavar, H. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. Identification of Genomic Regions for Cold Hardiness in Interspecific Wine Grapes. Northern Region American Society Horticultural Science annual conference, Zoom, January 5-6, 2023.
Delavar, H. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. The Genetics of Cold Hardiness in Interspecific Wine Grapes. North Dakota Grape and Wine Association annual meeting, Dickinson, ND, February 3-4, 2023.
Delavar, H. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. The Genomic Regions associated with Cold Hardiness in Interspecific Wine Grapes. Plant Science Graduate Student Symposium, Fargo, ND, March 17-18, 2023.
Delavar, H. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. Identification of Genomic Regions for Cold Hardiness in Interspecific Wine Grapes (Vitis spp.). 114th Annual Meeting North Dakota Academy of Science, Minot, North Dakota, April 14-15, 2023.
Fitch-Deitz, C; Clark, N; Kohl, S. 4th Annual HCC Viticulture and Enology Field Day. Wamego, KS. 7/18/2023. 25 Attendees.
Ghimire, B. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. Cold Hardy Wine Grapes Production Under Caterpillar Tunnel in North Dakota. NDSU Student Research Day, April 28, 2023.
Ghimire, B. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. Production of Cold Hardy Wine Grapes Under Caterpillar Tunnel in North Dakota: Assessment of Phenology, Yield and Quality. 47th ASEV-Eastern Section Annual Meeting, Austin, TX June 7-9, 2023.
Ghimire, B. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. Wine Grapes Production Under Caterpillar Tunnel. North Dakota Water tour. NDSU Horticulture Research Farm, August 9, 2023.
Ghimire, B. and H. Hatterman-Valenti. Wine Grapes Production Under Caterpillar Tunnel. NDSU Fruit, Hemp and Vegetable Field Day. September 7, 2023.
Kadium, V.R., R. Pilli, J. Stenger, C. Auwarter, X. Li, A. Svyantek, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. Genomic Prediction of Basic Fruit Chemistry in a Cold-Hardy Interspecific Hybrid Grapevine Population. 47th ASEV-Eastern Section Annual Meeting, Austin, TX June 7-9, 2023.
Kadium, V.R., R. Pilli, J. Stenger, C. Auwarter, X. Li, A. Svyantek, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. Genomic Prediction of Wine Chemistry and Quality in a Cold-Hardy Interspecific Hybrid Grapevine Population. 47th ASEV-Eastern Section Annual Meeting, Austin, TX June 7-9, 2023.
Kadium, V., R. Pilli, B. Trela, C. Auwarter, X. Li, A. Svyantek, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2022. Genomic Prediction of Wine Quality in Cold-hardy Grapevines: A Glass Half Full. VitiNord. Burlington VT, USA. December 5-8, 2022.
Kadium, V.R., R. Pilli, A. Svyantek, J. Stenger, X. Li, C. Auwarter, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2023. Genome-wide Association Study of Basic Fruit Chemistry in Cold Climate Winegrapes (Vitis spp.). American Society for Enology and Viticulture National Conference. Napa, CA. June 26-29, 2023.
Kadium, V.R., R. Pilli, A. Svyantek, J. Stenger, X. Li, C. Auwarter, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2023. Genome Wide Association Study of Grape Phenology in a Cold Hardy Interspecific Hybrid Grapevine Population (Vitis spp.). American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. July 31 to August 4, 2023.
Kadium, V.K., Z. Wang, Z. Miller, and A. Svyantek. 2023. Observations of a Novel Noir Grapevine with Short Season Ripening Potential for the Intermountain West. North American Grape Breeders Conference. Fayetteville, AR, USA. Poster
Kohl, S. History and Current KS Wine Industry. St. Marys, KS. 9/2/2023. 16 Attendees.
Montana Grape and Wine Association Annual Conference; Helena, MT. Mar. 2023. Wang, Z., A. Svyantek, V. Kadium, and Z.Miller. Novel Winemaking Techniques and their Application in Cold Hardy Grape and Fruit Wine Production.
Michigan - Northwest Michigan Orchard and Vineyard Show in January 2023 and the Southwest Michigan Horticulture Days in February 2023, each with 2 days of educational presentations on viticulture and enology including discussions on site and cultivar selection, pruning strategies, pest and disease management, and mitigation of climate effects.
Michigan - Viticulture Field Day in July 2023 where field presentations discussed emerging technology, new cultivars, and pest and disease management.
Michigan - Dirt 2 Glass held in August 2023 that had 2 days of education on climate impacts on viticulture and enology as well as soil nutrition and under-vine management.
Montana Grape and Wine Association Annual Conference; Helena, MT. Mar. 2023. Thaden, B., A. Svyantek, and Z. Wang. Testing Fermentation Methods and Phenolic Extraction for Marquette Wines.
P. Ewick and E. Petit. 2023. The American Grape Terroir: Influence of agricultural management on the microbiome. ASEV Eastern Section, Austin, TX, USA, June 7-9, 2023.
P. Ewick and E. Petit. 2023. The American Grape Terroir: Influence of agricultural management on the microbiome. University of Vermont, Plant and Soil Sciences, September 22, 2023.
Pilli, R., V.R. Kadium, H. Hatterman-Valenti, A. Svyantek, and X. Li. 2023. Association Study of Cold Hardiness in Interspecific Winegrapes. American Society for Enology and Viticulture National Conference. Napa, CA. June 26-29, 2023.
Pilli, R., V.R. Kadium, A. Svyantek, J. Stenger, C. Auwarter, X. Li, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2023. Genome-Wide Association Study of Cold Hardiness in Interspecific Wine Grapes (Vitis spp.). American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. Orlando, FL. July 31 to August 4, 2023.
Shikanai, A.K., A.W. Svyantek, C.P. Auwarter, and H.M. Hatterman-Valenti Spray and Pray: Foliar Fertilizers Interact with Genotype to Affect Winter Acclimation but Underperform Non-Treated Controls. 47th ASEV-Eastern Section Annual Meeting, Austin, TX June 7-9, 2023.
South Dakota: North American Grape Breeders Conference, Fayetteville, Arkansas 10/2023.
Svyantek, A., B. Köse, H. Delavar, V.R. Kadium, S. Bogenrief, Z. Wang, M. Brooke, C. Auwarter, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2023. Examining the Relationship Between Color, Diameter, and Cold Hardiness in One-year-old Suckers of ‘Frontenac’ and ‘Prairie Star’. XIII International Conference on Grapevine Breeding, Genetics and Management. Cappadocia, TUR. August 21-24, 2023.
Svyantek, A., J. Stenger, C. Auwarter, A. Shikanai, B. Köse, Z. Wang, V.R. Kadium, M. Brooke, H. Delavar, Z. Wang, M. Brooke, R. Pilli, S. Bogenrief, and H. Hatterman-Valenti. 2023. This Is How We Chill From '23 'Til: Breeding Cold Hardy Grapevines for Unprecedented and Unpredictable Climate Challenges. XIII International Conference on Grapevine Breeding, Genetics and Management. Cappadocia, TUR. August 21-24, 2023.
Publications are noted in the attached.