W2194: Children's Healthy Living Network (CHLN) in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Region
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Book Chapters
Suzanne Held, Alma Knows His Gun McCormick, Vanessa Simonds, Kathryn L. Braun, Linda Burhansstipanov, Emily Haozous, Valerie Rangel, Jane J. Chung-Do, Ilima Ho-Lastimosa, Rachel Novotny, and Marie Kainoa Fialkowski Revilla. Using Community-based Participatory Research to Address Indigenous Health. In: Improving Indigenous Public Health through Community-Engaged Interventions: Stories of Success. University Press of Kentucky. 2022.
Collaborative Open Education Resource Textbook by faculty and students from the Department of Human Nutrition, Food and Animal Sciences. Human Nutrition (Version 2e). Available at: https://pressbooks.oer.hawaii.edu/humannutrition2e22/
Novotny R, Yamanaka A, Butel J, Boushey CJ, Dela Cruz R, Aflague T, Coleman, P, Shallcross L, Fleming T, Wilkens LR. Maintenance Outcomes of the Children’s Healthy Living Program on Overweight, Obesity, and Acanthosis Nigricans Among Young Children in the US-Affiliated Pacific Region: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(6):e2214802. doi:10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2022.14802
Dela Cruz R, Wolfe E, Yonemori KM, Fialkowski MK, Wilkens LR, Coleman P, Lameko-Mua S, Johnson E, Gilmatam D, Sigrah C, Shomour M, Remengesau S, Alfred J, Acosta M, Ettienne R, Deenik J, Aflague T, Salazar KA, Novotny R, Boushey CJ. Exploring Foods of the Pacific: Cultural Food Identity in the US Affiliated Pacific Region. Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022. 81(9): 247-252 .
Mulville K, Kai J, Kearney JM, Ng-Osorio J, Boushey CJ, Fialkowski MK. A Qualitative Analysis of a Caregivers' Experience of Complementary Feeding in a Population of Native Hawaiian, Other Pacific Islander and Filipino Infants: The Timing of the Introduction of Complementary Foods, and the Role of Transgenerational Experience. Nutrients. 2022;14(16):3268. 2022 Aug 10. doi:10.3390/nu14163268
Fialkowski MK, Sandlin MR, Kai J, Ng-Osorio J, Custodio RC, Odom SK, Boyd JK, Medina C, Takahashi D, Esquivel MK. An Exploratory Mixed Method Cross-sectional Study to Identify Opportunities to Increase Enrollment and Retention of Native Hawaiian Students in an Undergraduate Dietetic Program. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2022 Aug 21:S2212-2672(22)00933-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2022.08.127. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36002112.
Dela Cruz R, Wolfe E, Yonemori KM, Fialkowski MK, Wilkens LR, Coleman P, Lameko-Mua S, Johnson E, Gilmatam D, Sigrah C, Shomour M, Remengesau S, Alfred J, Acosta M, Ettienne R, Deenik J, Aflague TF, Nelson R, Salazar KA, Novotny R, Boushey CJ. Consumption of Traditional Fruits and Vegetables among Children in the US-Affiliated Pacific Region. Curr Dev Nutr. 2022 Jun 16;6(7):nzac101. doi: 10.1093/cdn/nzac101. PMID: 35854938; PMCID: PMC9283104.
Joo KA, Fialkowski MK, Esquivel M, Haumea SL. Hawai'i Registered Dietitian Nutritionist 2019-2020 Workforce Assessment. Hawaii J Health Soc Welf. 2022 Apr;81(4 Suppl 2):31-38. PMID: 35495070; PMCID: PMC9036456.
Kai J, Chen JJ, Braun KL, Kaholokula JK, Novotny R, Boushey CJ, Fialkowski MK. Associations between Cultural Identity, Household Membership and Diet Quality among Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Filipino Infants in Hawai'i. Children (Basel). 2022 Jan 2;9(1):48. doi: 10.3390/children9010048. PMID: 35053673; PMCID: PMC8774442.
Yamanaka AB, Davis JD, Wilkens LR, Hurwitz EL, Fialkowski MK, Deenik J, Guerrero RT, Novotny R. Peer Reviewed: Determination of Child Waist Circumference Cut Points for Metabolic Risk Based on Acanthosis Nigricans, the Children’s Healthy Living Program. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2021;18.2021;18:210021. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5888/pcd18.210021
1West Virginia University, 2University of Guam, 3Cooperative Research and Extension, College of Micronesia
1Northern Marianas College, CNMI, 2West Virginia University, 3College of Natural and Applied Sciences, University of Guam
Publications from Children's Healthy Living (CHL) Center:
Sparks KS, Fialkowski MK, Dela Cruz R, Grandinetti A, Wilkens L, Banna JC, Bersamin A, Paulino Y, Aflague T, Coleman P, et al. Acculturation and Health Status in the Children’s Healthy Living Program in the Pacific Region. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2024; 21(4):448. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph21040448
Ryan, S. T., Okely, A. D., Chong, K. H., Stanley, R. M., Randle, M., Waqa, G., Yamanaka, A. B., Guerrero, R. L., Coleman, P., Shallcross, L., Wilkens, L. R., Deenik, J. L., & Novotny, R. (2024). Proportion and Correlates of Children in the US-Affiliated Pacific Region Meeting Sleep, Screen Time, and Physical Activity Guidelines. Journal of physical activity & health, 1:11. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1123/jpah.2023-0463
Dela Cruz, R., Galbreath, J., Butel, J., Yamanaka, A. B., Wilkens, L. R., Aflague, T., Coleman, P., Shallcross, L., McFall, P., & Novotny, R. (2024). Social determinants of health literacy among parents and caregivers in the US-Affiliated Pacific. Health promotion international, 39(1), daae002. https://doi.org/10.1093/heapro/daae002
Dela Cruz, R., Novotny, R., Wilkens, L. R., Shvetsov, Y. B., Yamanaka, A. B., Butel, J., Aflague, T. F., Coleman, P., Shallcross, L., Deenik, J., Mapa, V. L. R., Boushey, C. J., & Fleming, T. (2023). Diet Quality of Young Children in the US-Affiliated Pacific's Children's Healthy Living (CHL) Program. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, S2212-2672(23)01309-6. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jand.2023.08.003
Novotny, R., Aflague, T., Butel, J., Coleman, P., Fleming, T., Frank, K., Hovmand, P., Ing, C., Oshiro, J., Shallcross, L., Wilkens, L. (2023). Putting People Back Into Community Food Systems: Community-Based System Dynamics Children’s Healthy Living Food Systems. Current Developments in Nutrition, 7 (Suppl 1). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cdnut.2023.100267
Perez, R., Aflague, T., Badowski, G., Guerrero, R. L., Yamanaka, A., Wilkens, L., & Novotny, R. (2023). Association Between Healthy Food Store Accessibility and Obesity Prevalence Among School-Age Children in Guam. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 55(7), 61-62.
Butel, J., Yamanaka A., Braun, K.L., Revilla M.K., Esquivel, M., Fleming, T., Coleman, P., Shallcross, L., Aflague, T., and Novotny, R. Sustaining a Multi-level, Multi-Site Intervention: A Case-Study from the Children’s Healthy Living Program. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Omaha, NE (May 2024).