WDC_WERA_TEMP_20: Management of Diseases Caused by Systemic Pathogens in Temperate and Sub-Tropical Fruit Crops and Woody Ornamentals
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
- Alabi, O.J., Diaz-Lara, A., Erickson, T.M. and Al Rwahnih, M., 2021. Olea europaea geminivirus is present in a germplasm repository and in California and Texas olive (Olea europaea L.) groves. Archives of virology, 166(12), pp.3399-3404.
- Beaver-Kanuya E, Szostek SA, Harper SJ. (2022) Detection of Malus and Pyrus-infecting viroids by real-time RT-PCR. Journal of Virological Methods, 300: 114395
- Beaver-Kanuya E, Wright AA, Szostek SA, Khuu N, Harper SJ (2021) Development of RT-qPCR assays for the detection and quantification of three Carlaviruses infecting hop. Journal of Virological Methods 292: 114124.
- Bettoni, J.C., Fazio, G., Carvalho Costa, L., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Rwahnih, M.A., Nedrow, A. and Volk, G.M., 2022. Thermotherapy Followed by Shoot Tip Cryotherapy Eradicates Latent Viruses and Apple Hammerhead Viroid from In Vitro Apple Rootstocks. Plants, 11(5), p.582.
- Britt, K., Gebben, S., Levy, A., Achor, D., Sieburth, P., Stevens, K., Al Rwahnih, M. and Batuman, O., 2022. Analysis of Citrus Tristeza Virus Incidences within Asian Citrus Psyllid (Diaphorina citri) Populations in Florida via High-Throughput Sequencing. Insects, 13(3), p.275.
- Costa, L.C., Stevens, K., Hu, X., Fuchs, M., Al Rwahnih, M., Diaz-Lara, A., McFarland, C., Foster, J.A., and Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P. 2021. Identification and characterization of a novel virus associated with an Eriophyid mite in extracts of fruit trees leaves. Archives of Virology, 166(10) pp. 2869-2873.
- Davis TJ, Gomez MI, Harper SJ, Twomey M (2021) The economic impact of Hop stunt viroid and certified clean planting materials. Hortscience, 56(5): 1471-1475
- Diaz‐Lara, A., Wunderlich, L., Nouri, M.T., Golino, D. and Al Rwahnih, M., 2022. Incidence and detection of negative‐stranded RNA viruses infecting apple and pear trees in California. Journal of Phytopathology, 170(1), pp.15-20.
- Druciarek, T., Lewandowski, M. and Tzanetakis, I. 2021. Molecular phylogeny of Phyllocoptes associated with roses discloses the presence of a new species. Infection, Genetics and Evolution 95:
- Hoffmann, M., Volk, E., Talton, W., Al Rwahnih, M., Almeyda, C., Burrack, H., Blaauw, B., Bertone, M. 2021. Grapevine Virus Distribution, Identification, and Management in North Carolina. NC State Extension Publications. AG-911.
- Keremane ML, McCollum TG, Roose ML, Lee RF, Ramadugu C (2021) An Improved Reference Gene for Detection of “Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus” Associated with Citrus Huanglongbing by qPCR and Digital Droplet PCR Assays. Plants 10(10):2111. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants10102111
- Krueger RR, Vidalakis G (2022) Study and Detection of Citrus Viroids in Woody Hosts. Pp 3-21 in: Rao ALN, Lavagi-Craddock I, Vidalakis G (eds) Viroids. Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 2316. Humana, New York, NY. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-0716-1464-8_1 (Book Chapter)
- Larrea-Sarmiento A, Geering ADW, Olmedo-Velarde A, Wang X, Borth W, Matsumoto T, Suzuki J, Wall M, Melzer M, Moyle R, Sharman M, Hu J, Thomas J. 2022. Genome Sequence of Pineapple Secovirus B, a Second Sadwavirus Reported Infecting Ananas Comosus. Archives of Virology. Accepted for publication
- Larrea-Sarmiento A, Olmedo-Velarde A, Wang X, Borth W, Matsumoto TK, Suzuki JY, Wall MM, Melzer MJ, Hu JS. 2021. A novel ampelovirus associated with mealybug wilt of pineapple (Ananas comosus var. comosus). Virus genes. 57:464-468
- Lavagi-Craddock I. Greer G, Grosser J, Gmitter Jr F, Bowman K, Stover E, McCollum G, Rosson B, Polek ML, Krueger R, Vidalakis G (2021) Interstate movement of new and licensed citrus varieties: A case study from Florida. Citrograph ns 12(3):60-63.
- Medberry, A.M. and Tzanetakis, I.E. 202x. Identification, characterization, and detection of a novel strawberry cytorhabdovirus. Plant Disease, in press
- Olmedo-Velarde, A., Waisen, P., Kong, A.T., Wang, K.-H., Hu, J.S., and Melzer, M.J. 2021. Characterization of taro reovirus and is status in taro (Colocasia esculenta) germplasm from the Pacific. Archives of Virology DOI: 1007/s00705-021-05108-9
- Quality assessment and validation of high throughput sequencing for grapevine virus diagnostics. Viruses, 13(6) p. 1130.
- Rashidi, M., Lin, C.Y., Britt, K., Batuman, O., Al Rwahnih, M., Achor, D. and Levy, A., 2022. Diaphorina citri flavi-like virus localization, transmission, and association with Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus in its psyllid host. Virology, 567, pp.47-56.
- Shires MK, Wright AA, Harper SJ. (2022) Improved detection of Little cherry virus-2 to manage the Pacific Northwest little cherry disease epidemic. Plant Disease, In Press https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-21-1769-RE
- Soltani, N., Stevens, K., Klaassen, V., Hwang, M. S., Golino, D. A., and Al Rwahnih, M., 2021. Stanton D, Harper SJ, Cowell SJ, Brlansky RH (2021) Optimization of RNAscope™ assays for the in-situ localization of viroid RNA in plant tissue. Journal of Citrus Pathology, 8(1) https://doi.org/10.5070/C48153251
- Tzanetakis, I.E. and Sabanadzovic S. 2022. Fig viruses. Pp 323-331, In ‘The Fig: Botany, Production and Uses’, Wallingford, UK: CAB International (book chapter)
- Vakic, M., Stainton, D., Delic, D and Tzanetakis, I.E. 202x. Characterization of the first Rubus yellow net virus genome from blackberry. Virus Genes, in press
- Villamor, D.E., Keller, K.E., Martin, R.R. and Tzanetakis, I.E., 2022. Comparison of high throughput sequencing to standard protocols for virus detection in berry crops. Plant Disease 106: 518-525
- Vondras, A.M., Lerno, L., Massonnet, M., Minio, A., Rowhani, A., Liang, D., Garcia, J., Quiroz, D., Figueroa-Balderas, R., Golino, D.A. and Ebeler, S.E., 2021. Rootstocks influence the response of ripening grape berries to leafroll associated viruses. Molecular Plant Pathology, https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.03.14.434319
- Wang, X., Olmedo‑Velarde, A., Larrea‑Sarmiento, A.,Simon, A.E., Kong, A., Borth, W., Suzuki, J.Y., Wall, M.M., Hu, J.S., Melzer, M. Genome characterization of fig umbra-like virus. Virus Genes https://doi.org/10.1007/s11262-021-01867-4
- Wang, X., Larrea‑Sarmiento, A., Olmedo‑Velarde, A., Borth, W., Suzuki, J.Y., Wall, M.M., Melzer, M., Hu, J.S. 2022. Complete genome organization and characterization of Hippeastrum latent virus. Virus Genes https://doi.org/10.1007/s11262-022-01901-z
- Wang, XP, Larrea-Sarmiento A, Olmedo-Velarde A, Rwahnin MA, Borth W, Matsumoto T, Suzuki J, Wall M, Melzer M, Hu J 2022. Survey of viruses infecting Basella alba in Hawaii. Plant Disease. Accepted for publication
- Wilson, H., Hogg, B.N., Blaisdell, G.K., Andersen, J.C., Yazdani, A.S., Billings, A.C., Ooi, K.L.M., Soltani, N., Almeida, R.P., Cooper, M.L. and Al Rwahnih, M., 2022. Survey of Vineyard Insects and Plants to Identify Potential Insect Vectors and Noncrop Reservoirs of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus. PhytoFrontiers™, 2(1), pp.66-73.
- Wright AA, Shires M, Beaver C, Bishop GM, DuPont ST, Naranjo R, Harper SJ (2021) The effect of Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni infection on sweet cherry fruit. Phytopathology, In Press. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-03-21-0106-R
- Wright AA, Shires M, Harper SJ (2021) Little cherry virus-2 titer and distribution in Prunus avium. Archives of Virology, 166: 1415–1419.
- Wright AA, Shires M, Molnar C, Bishop G, Johnson A, Frias C, Harper SJ. (2022) Titer and Distribution of Candidatus Phytoplasma pruni in Prunus avium. Phytopathology, In Press https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-11-21-0468-R