WERA1017: Coordination of Integrated Pest Management Research and Extension/Educational Programs for the Western States and Pacific Basin Territories

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports




Hansen, S., Black, B. L., Alston, D. G., Lindstrom, T., & Olsen, S. 2021. A comparison of nine primocane fruiting raspberry cultivars for suitability to a high-elevation, arid climate. 21(1), 500–508. https://doi.org/10.1080/15538362.2021.1897921

Holthouse, M. C., L. R. Spears, and D. G. Alston, 2021. Comparison of yellow and blue sticky cards for detection and monitoring parasitoid wasps of the invasive Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). Journal of Insect Science 21 (5): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1093/jisesa/ieab062 

Hildebrandt, C., S. Haley, C. Shelton, E. Westra, P. Westra, and T. Gaines. 2022. Winter annual grass control and crop safety in quizalofop-resistant wheat varieties. Agronomy Journal, in press.

Ravet, K., C. Sparks, A. Dixon, A. Küpper, E. Westra, D. Pettinga, P. Tranel, J. Felix, D. Morishita, P. Jha, A. Kniss, P. Stahlman, P. Neve, E. Patterson, P. Westra, and T. Gaines. 2021. Genomic-based epidemiology reveals gene flow and independent origins of glyphosate resistance in Bassia scoparia populations across North America. Molecular Ecology. 30: 5343-5359.

Gaines, T., R. Busi, and A. Küpper. 2021. Can new herbicide discovery allow weed management to outpace resistance evolution? Pest Management Science. 77: 3036-3041.

Kumar, V., R. Liu, M. Manuchehri, E. Westra, T. Gaines, and C. Shelton. 2021. Feral rye control in quizalofop-resistant wheat in Central Great Plains. Agronomy Journal. 113:407-418.

Jobson, E., Roberts, R. Genomic structural variation in tomato and its role in plant immunity. Mol Horticulture 2, 7 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43897-022-00029-w

Brewer, M.J., N.C. Elliot, I.L. Esquivel, A.L. Jacobson, A.M. Faris, A. Szczepaniec, B.H. Elkins, J.W. Gordy, A.J. Pekarcik, H. Wang, T.E. Koralewski, K.L. Giles, C.N. Jessie, and W.E. Grant. 2022. Natural enemies, mediated by landscape and weather conditions, shape response of the sorghum agroecosystem of North America to the invasive aphid Melanaphis sorghiFrontiers in Insect Science doi: 10.3389/finsc.2022.830997.

Poosapati, S., E. Poretsky, K. Dressano, M. Ruiz, A. Vazquez, E. Sandoval, A. Estrada-Cardenas, S. Duggal, J. Lim, G. Morris, A. Szczepaniec, S.S. Walse, X. Ni, E.A. Schmelz, and A. Huffaker. 2022. A sorghum genome-wide association study (GWAS) identifies a WRKY transcription factor as a candidate gene underlying sugarcane aphid (Melanaphis sacchari) resistance. Planta 255: 37, doi.org/10.1007/s00425-021-03814-x

Elliott, N., K. Giles, M. Brewer, A. Szczepaniec, A. Knutsen. 2021. Recruitment of natural enemies of the invasive sugarcane aphid vary spatially and temporally in sorghum fields in the Southern Great Plains of the USA. Southwestern Entomologist, 46(2): 357-372.

Kiani, M., Z. Fu, and A. Szczepaniec. 2022. ddRAD sequencing identified pesticide resistance-

related loci and revealed new insights into genetic structure of Bactericera cockerelli, a plant pathogen vector. Insects 13: 257-270; https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13030257

Erika Peirce, Darren M Cockrell, Paul J. Ode, Punya Nachappa, and Frank B. Peairs. 2022. Triticale as a potential trap crop for the wheat stem sawfly (Hymenoptera: Cephidae) in winter wheat. Frontiers in Agronomy (In press)

Meyer-Morey, J., Lavin, M., Mangold, J., Zabinski, C., Rew, L. 2022. Indaziflam controls nonnative Alyssum spp. but negatively affects native forbs in sagebrush steppe. Invasive Plant Science and Management 14(4), 1-9.

Mangold, J., Frame-Martin, S., Raile, E. 2021. Noxious weed views and behaviors in Montana after 25 years of public education. Invasive Plant Science and Management 14, 262-269.

Haider, S., Lembrechts, J., McDougall, K., Rew, L., Seipel, T. 2022. Think globally, measure locally: The MIREN standardized protocol for monitoring plant species distributions along elevation gradients. Ecology and Evolution 12(2), 1-16.

Menalled, U., Seipel, T. F., Menalled, F. 2021. Farming system and crop rotation effects on biologically mediated plant-soil feedbacks. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 36, 1-7.

DuPre, M., Seipel, T., Weaver, D., Menalled, F. 2021. Impacts of dry-land cropping systems on ground beetle communities (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the Northern Great Plains. Journal of Insect Science, 21(1), 1-8.

Ouverson, L., Eberly, J., Seipel, T., Menalled, F., Ishaq, S. 2021. Temporal soil bacterial community responses to cropping systems and crop identity in dryland agroecosystems of the Northern Great Plains. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5(75), 1-14.

Bugoni, P., Pokorny, M., Mangold, J. 2021. Species diversification of crested wheatgrass dominated grasslands: A review of methods. Plant Materials Technical Note No. MT-126 ed. Bozeman, Montana/USDA-NRCS: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service. pp. 21.

Larson, C., Menalled, F., Lehnhoff, E., Seipel, T. 2021. Plant community responses to integrating livestock into a reduced-till organic cropping system. Ecosphere, 12(3), 1-15.

Alleman, A., Mohammed, Y., McVay, K., Khan, Q., Carr, P., Miller, J., Miller, Z., Torrion, J., Lamb, P., Mus, F., Chen, C., Peters, J. 2021. Drivers of diazotroph community structure and co-occurrence in a Northern Great Plains pulse crop rotation system. Applied Soil Ecology, 157. 1-10.

Leisso, R., Jarrett, Miller, Z. 2021. Haskap (Lonicera caerulea L.) pre-harvest fruit drop and stop-drop treatment testing. HortTechnology, 31(6), 820-827.

Leisso, R., Jarrett, B., Richter, R., Miller, Z. 2021. Fresh haskap berry postharvest quality characteristics and storage life. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 101, 1051-1063.

Anunciado, M., L. Wadsworth, S. Ghimire, C. Miles, J. Moore, A. Wszelaki, and D. Hayes. 2021. Deterioration of soil-biodegradable mulch films during storage and its impact on specialty crop production. HortTechnology 31:798–809 https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04922-21.

Belo, T., L. du Toit, T. Waters, M. Derie, and G. LaHue. 2021.  Effects of irrigation frequency and final irrigation timing on onion bacterial diseases in the Columbia Basin of Washington, 2020. Plant Disease Management Reports 15:V109.

Chandel, A.K., G.A. Hoheisel, M.M. Moyer, M. Keller and L. Khot. 2022. Soil and Climate GIS Data-Derived Risk Mapping for Grape Phylloxera in Washington State. Frontiers Plant Sci. 13: 827393. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2022.827393

du Toit, L.J., M.L. Derie, B. Gundersen, T.D. Waters, and J. Darner. 2021. Efficacy of disinfectants applied to onion bulbs in storage for control of bacterial bulb rots, Pasco, WA, 2020-2021. Plant Disease Management Reports 15.V102.

du Toit, L.J., M.L. Derie, B. Gundersen, T.D. Waters, and J. Darner. 2021. Efficacy of late-season cultural practices on bacterial leaf blight and bulb rots in an onion bulb crop in Pasco, WA, 2020. Plant Disease Management Reports 15:V100.

du Toit, L.J., M.L. Derie, B. Gundersen, T.D. Waters, and J. Darner. 2021. Efficacy of bactericides for management of bacterial leaf blight and bulb rots in an onion crop in Pasco, WA, 2020. Plant Disease Management Reports 15:V107.

East, K.E. I.A. Zasada, R.P. Schreiner, and M.M. Moyer. 2021. Irrigation and Rootstocks to Manage Northern Root-Knot Nematode in Wine Grape Vineyard Establishment. Plant Health Progress 23:49-56. DOI:10.1094/PHP-06-21-0097-RS

Griffin-LaHue, D., S. Ghimire, Y. Yu, E. Scheenstra, C. Miles, and M. Flury. 2022. In-field degradation of soil-biodegradable plastic mulch films in a Mediterranean climate. Science of the Total Environment. 806:150238. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2021.150238.

Hobbs, M.B., S.M. Vengco, S.L. Bolton, L.J. Bettiga, M.M. Moyer, and M.C. Cooper. 2022. Adoption of Best Management Practices for Grapevine Leafroll and Red Blotch Diseases: A Survey of West Coast Growers. PhytoFrontiers. (Accepted 11/2021, in press). DOI: 10.1094/PHYTOFR-07-21-0045-R

Kubalek, R., D. Granatstein, D. Collins, and C. Miles. 2022. Review of tarping and a case study on small-scale organic farms. HortTechnology 32:119–128. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04991-21

Lewald, K. M., Abrieux, A., Wilson, D. A., Lee, Y., Conner, W. R., Andreazza, F., Beers, E. H., Burrack, H. J., Daane, K. M., Diepenbrock, L., Drummond, F. A., Fanning, P. D., Gaffney, M. T., Hesler, S. P., Ioriatti, C., Isaacs, R., Little, B. A., Loeb, G. M., Miller, B., Nava, D E, Rendon, D, Sial, A A, Bezerra da Silva, C S, Stockton, D G, Van Timmeren, S, Wallingford, A, Walton, V M, Wang, X, Zhao, B, Zalom, Frank G Chiu, J. C. 2021. Population genomics of Drosophila suzukii reveal longitudinal population structure and signals of migrations in and out of the continental United States. G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, 11(12): jkab343. https://doi.org/10.1093/g3journal/jkab343

Marshall, A. T. and E. H. Beers. 2022. Exclusion netting affects apple arthropod communities. Biological Control. 165:104805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biocontrol.2021.104805

McCoy, M.L., G.A. Hoheisel, L.R. Khot, and M.M. Moyer. 2022. Adjusting Air-Assistance and Nozzle Style for Optimized Airblast Sprayer Use in Eastern Washington Vineyards. Catalyst: Discovery Into Practice 6:9-19.  DOI:10.5344/catalyst.2021.21001

Moyer, M.M., J.M. Newhouse, and M.S. Mireles. 2022. Performance of Early Fruit-zone Leaf Removal in Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot in an Arid Climate. Catalyst: Discovery Into Practice 6:20-29. DOI: 10.5344/catalyst.2021.21007

Orpet, R.J., Cooper, W.R., Beers, E.H. and Nottingham, L.B. 2021. Test of plant defense elicitors for arthropod pest suppression and PR-1 gene induction in pear orchards. Entomol Exp Appl, 169: 1137-1146. https://doi.org/10.1111/eea.13110

Pardini, C.A., A. Espiñola-Arredondo, and M.M. Moyer. 2022. Cooperation and Compensation to Mitigate Fungicide Resistance. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 73:xx-xx. (Accepted 2/2022)

Radrigán-Navarro, C., E. H. Beers, A. Alvear, and E. Fuentes-Contreras. 2021. Acute toxicity of lethal and sublethal concentrations of neonicotinoid, insect growth regulator and diamide insecticides on natural enemies of the woolly apple aphid and the obscure mealybug. Chilean Journal of Agricultural Research 81: 398-407. http://dx.doi.org/10.4067/S0718-58392021000300398 

Reyes Corral, C.A., Cooper, W.R., Horton, D., Miliczky, E., Riebe, J., Waters, T, Wildung, M., Karasev, A. (2021). Association of Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) With the Perennial Weed Physalis longifolia (Solanales: Solanaceae) in the Potato-Growing Regions of Western Idaho, Environmental Entomology, Volume 50, Issue 6, December 2021, Pages 1416–1424, https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvab076.

Schrader, M. J., P. Smytheman, E. H. Beers, and L. R. Khot. 2022. An open-source low-cost imaging system plug-in to pheromone traps for remote insect pest population monitoring in fruit crops. Machines. 10: 52. https://doi.org/10.3390/machines10010052

Shrestha, S. and C. Miles. 2022. Plastic mulch and in-row spacing effects on sweetpotato yield in northwest Washington. HortTechnology 32:241–251. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH04992-21.

Stergiopoulos, I., N. Aoun, Q. van Huynh, T. Neill, S. Lowder++, C. Newbold, M.L. Cooper, S. Ding, M.M. Moyer, T.D. Miles, C.L. Oliver+, J.R. Urbez-Torres, and W. Mahaffee. 2022. Identification of Putative SDHI Target-Site Mutations in the SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD Subunits of the Grape Powdery Mildew Pathogen Erysiphe necator. Plant Disease (Accepted 1/2022;  In press). DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-21-1993-RE

Thorne, M.E. and D.J. Lyon. 2021. Rush skeletonweed (Chondrilla juncea L.) control in fallow. Weed Technol. Advance online publication. https://doi:10.1017/wet.2021.79

Whitener, A. B., P. Smytheman, and E. H. Beers. 2022. Efficacy and species specificity of baits and lures for spotted-wing drosophila, Drosophila suzukii (Diptera: Drosophilidae). J. Econ. Entomol. Accepted 27 January 2022.

Wohleb, C.H., Waters, T.D. & Crowder, D.W. 2021. Decision Support for Potato Growers using a Pest Monitoring Network. Am. J. Potato Res. 98, 5–11. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-020-09813-0

Yu, Y., D. Griffin-LaHue, C.A. Miles, D.G. Hayes, and M. Flury. 2021. Are micro- and nanoplastics from soil-biodegradable plastic mulches an environmental concern? Journal of Hazardous Materials Advances, 4:100024 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hazadv.2021.100024

Barker, B. S., L. Coop, T. Wepprich, F. Grevstad, and G. Cook. 2020. DDRP: real-time phenology and climatic suitability modeling of invasive insects. PLoS ONE 15:e0244005.

Barker, B. S., L. Coop, C. Hong. 2022. Potential distribution of invasive boxwood blight pathogen (Calonectria pseudonaviculata) as predicted by process-based and correlative models. Neobiota. Submitted: available as preprint at: 10.3897/arphapreprints.e78423.

Grevstad, F., T. Wepprich, B. Barker, L. Coop, R. Shaw, R. Bouchier. 2022. Combining photoperiod and thermal responses to predict phenological mismatch for introduced insects. Ecological Applications. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.2557

Gutierrez I.J., E.H. Bloom, C.H. Wohleb, E.J. Wenninger, S.I. Rondon, A.S. Jensen, W.E. Snyder, and D.W. Crowder. 2020. Landscape structure and climate drive population dynamics of an insect vector within intensively managed agroecosystems. Ecol. Appl. 30(5): e02109. doi.org/10.1002/eap.2109.

Oppedisiano, T., G. Shrestha, S. Anderson, I.D. Thompson, and S.I. Rondon. 2022. Predicting phenology of four major hemipteran pests to enhance integrated pest management programs in potatoes in the lower Columbia Basin. J. Econ. Entomol.  (accepted).

Wang, R., C. Mattox, E.T. Braithwaite, C.L. Phillips, T. Stock and A.R. Kowalewski. 2021. “Mowing, Fertilization, and Irrigation Affects the Ability of Cool-Season Turfgrass System to Assimilate Carbon Dioxide”. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting. November 9, 2021.

Schlub, R. L., Li, R., Bamba, J. P., Marutani, M., & Ling, K.-S. (2021). Complete genome sequences of Tomato Leaf Curl Guam virus, a novel tomato-infecting begomovirus from Guam, USA. Microbiology Resource Announcements, 10(49). https://doi.org/10.1128/mra.00954-21

Adhikari, S., Seamon, E., Wu, Y., Sadeghi, S. E., Eigenbrode, S. D. 2022. Do invasive and naturalized aphid pest populations respond differently to climatic and landscape factors? Journal of Economic Entomology – Accepted.

Alyohkin, A., Wenninger, E. J., and Jensen, A. 2022. Aphids. In: Insect Pests of Potato, 2nd Ed. (eds. A. Alyohkin, S. Rondon, and Y. Gao). P. 502. Elsevier.

Brown, L., Harrington, M., Murdock, M. R., Woodhall, J. W., Bell, S., and Spinazola, J. 2021. Phytophthora Cantorum causing bleeding canker of acer × freemanii in southern Idaho. Plant Disease 105:12, 4172

Clements J, Haylett M, Nelson B, Walsh D. 2021. Examining historical rates of leafcutting bee cell pathogens to establish baseline infectivity rates for alfalfa seed growers. bioRxiv. “Submitted to Journal of Economic Entomology, in review”

Crossley, M. S., Smith, O. M., Davis, T. S., et al. 2021. Complex life histories predispose aphids to recent abundance declines. Global Change Biology https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15739

Crossley, M. S., Lagos-Kutz, D., Davis, T. S., et al. 2022.  Precipitation mediates how temperature change alter pest phenology. Ecological Applications – Accepted.

Cruzado-Gutiérrez, R.K., Sadeghi, R., Prager, S. M., et al. 2021. Sharing a host plant: interspecific interactions within a vector-borne complex are influenced by a co-occurring pathosystem. Scientific Reports, 11:2242.

Garland-Campbell, K, Bellinger, B.S., Carter, A.H., et al. 2022. Registration of ‘Cameo’ Soft White Winter Club Wheat. Journal of Plant Registration, in press.

Lyons-Yerion, C.D., Cook, S. P., Williams, C. J., and Barbour, J.D. 2021. Comparative population dynamics, flight periods and volatile pheromone attraction of Tragosoma harrissi and Tragosoma soror (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in Idaho, U.S.A. Northwest Science. https://doi.org/10.3955/046.095.0204

Nikoukar, A., Ensafi, P., Lewis, E., Crowder, D. & A. Rashed. 2021. Efficacy of naturally occurring and commercial entomopathogenic nematodes against sugar beet wireworm (Coleoptera: Elateridae). Journal of Economic Entomology, 114: 2241-2244.

Pizolotto, C.A., Harrington, M., Brown, L. et al. A real-time PCR assay for Erysiphe betae and its effectiveness when used with different spore trapping methods. European Journal of Plant Pathology 162: 329–341. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10658-021-02405-6

Rashidi, M., Cruzado, R. K., Hutchinson, P., et al. 2021. Grassy weeds and corn as potential sources of Barley yellow dwarf virus (BYDV-PAV) spread into winter wheat. Plant Disease, 105: 444–449.

Rice-Marshall, S., Cook, S.P., and Randall, J. 2021. Impact of biochar on Douglas-fir tussock moth (Orgyia pseudotsugata Lepidoptera: Erebidae) larvae reared on synthetic diet. Insects 12, 1065. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12121065

Sadeghi, R., Odubyii, S., Nikoukar, A., Schroeder, K. & A. Rashed. 2021. Mayetiola destructor (Diptera: Cecidmyiidae) host preference and survival on small grain crops with respect to leaf reflectance and phytohormone concentrations. Scientific Reports, 11: 4761.

Wenninger, E.J. and A. Rashed. 2022. Psyllids. Pp. 69-101. In Insect Pests of Potato, 2nd Ed. (eds. A. Alyohkin, S. Rondon, and Y. Gao). P. 502. Elsevier.

Woodhall, J., Harrington, M., Brown, L., et al. 2022. Development of a Real-Time Loop-Mediated Isothermal Amplification Assay for Stromatinia cepivora in Response to an Outbreak in Northern Idaho Plant Health Progress, 23:1, 24-27.

Abrams AE, Alvarez A, Rodriguez M, Kron CR, Bellamy DE, Walse SS. 2021. Rearing methods for brown marmorated stink bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) on live cowpea plants. Journal of Economic Entomology.114(6): 2297–2306. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toab201

Baldwin RA, Becchetti TA, Meinerz R, Quinn N. 2021. Potential impact of diphacinone application strategies on secondary exposure risk in a common rodent pest: implications for management of California ground squirrels. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28(33): 45891–45902.

Baldwin RA, Becchetti TA, Quinn N, Meinerz R. 2021. Utility of visual counts for determining efficacy of management tools for California ground squirrels. Human–Wildlife Interactions 15(1): 19.

Beal DJ, Adams AG, Cooper ML, Varela LG, Smith RJ, Kron CR, Almeida RPP, Daugherty MP. 2021. Assessment of nymphal ecology and adult Xylella fastidiosa transmission biology of Aphrophora nr. permutata (Hemiptera: Aphrophoridae) in California vineyards. Environmental Entomology 50(6): 1446–1454. https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvab081

Brim-DeForest W, Al-Khatib K, Fischer A. 2021. Emergence and early growth of multiple herbicide–resistant and -susceptible late watergrass (Echinochloa phyllopogon). Weed Technology: 1–9. doi:10.1017/wet.2021.86

Burke CB, Quinn NM, Stapp P. 2021. Use of rodenticide bait stations by commensal rodents at the urban–wildland interface: Insights for management to reduce nontarget exposure. Pest Management Science 77(7): 3126–3134.

Candian JS, Coolong T, Dutta B, Srinivasan R, Sparks A, Barman A, Luiz Biscaia Ribeiro da Silva A. 2021. Yellow squash and zucchini cultivar selection for resistance to cucurbit leaf crumple virus in the Southeastern United States. HortTechnology 31, 504–513.

Fu Z, Antwi JB, Sword GA, Barman AK, Medina RF. 2021. Geographic variation of bacterial communities associated with cotton fleahopper, Pseudatomoscelis seriatusSouthwestern Entomologist. 46(1): 17­­–32.

Gautam SG, Ouyang Y, Gu P, Grafton-Cardwell EE. 2021. Field Ecology and Food suitability of Tarsonemus spp. (Acari: Tarsonemidae). Environmental Entomology 50: 744–751. DOI: 10.1093/ee/nvab013

Gireesh M, Rijal JP, Joseph SV. 2021. Spatial Distribution of Hunting Billbugs (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Sod Farms. Insects 2021 12(5): 402. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects12050402

Giusti GA. 2021. UC IPM Pest Notes: Wild Turkeys. UC ANR Publication 74176. Oakland, CA. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74176.html

Glassey AM, Karlik JF. 2021. UC IPM Pest Notes: Bats. UC ANR Publication 74150. Oakland, CA. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn74150.html

Gyawaly S, Rijal JP, Joseph SV. 2021. Bagrada hilaris (Bagrada bug or Painted Bug). In: CABI Invasive Species Compendium. CAB International. https://www.cabi.org/isc/datasheet/8302

Haber AI, Wallingford AK, Grettenberger IM, Ramirez Bonilla JP, Vinchesi-Vahl AC, Weber DC. 2021. Striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma vittatum (F.)) and Western striped cucumber beetle (Acalymma trivittatum (Mannerheim)) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae). Journal of Integrated Pest Management 12(1).

Haviland DR, Bettiga LJ, Varela LG, Baldwin RA, Roncoroni JA, Smith RJ, Westerdahl BB, Bentley WJ, Daane KM, Ferris H, Gubler WD, Hembree KJ, Ingels CA, Wunderlich LR, Zalom FG, Zasada I. 2021. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Grape. UC ANR Publication 3448. Oakland, CA. ipm.ucanr.edu/agriculture/grape

Haviland DR, Rijal JP, Rill SM, Higbee BS, Burks CS, Gordon CA. 2021. Management of Navel Orangeworm (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) Using Four Commercial Mating Disruption Systems in California Almonds. Journal of Economic Entomology 114(1): 238–247. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toaa297

Haviland DR, Rill SM, Gordon CA. 2021. Evaluation of sticky traps for Scolothrips sexmaculatus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) and Stethorus punctum (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) as predators of spider mites in California almonds. Journal of Economic Entomology 114: 415–423.

Haviland DR, Rill SM, Gordon CA. 2021. Field biology of Scolothrips sexmaculatus (Thysanoptera: Thripidae) as a predator of Tetranychus pacificus (Acari: Tetranychidae) in California almond. Journal of Economic Entomology 114: 1111–1116.

Haviland DR, Stone-Smith B, Gonzales M. 2021. Control of Pierce’s disease through areawide management of glassy-winged sharpshooter (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) and roguing of infected grapevines. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 12(14): 1–10.

Kanter J, Clark N, Lundy ME, Koundinya V, Leinfelder-Miles M, Long R, Light SE, Brim-DeForest WB, Linquist B, Putnam D, Hutmacher RB, Pittelkow CM. 2021. Top management challenges and concerns for agronomic crop production in California: Identifying critical issues for extension through needs assessment. Agronomy Journal 113: 5254–5270. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20897

Oneto S, DiTomaso J. 2021. UC IPM Pest Notes: Poison Oak. UC ANR Publication 7431. Oakland, CA. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7431.html

Redak R, Kabashima JN. 2021. UC IPM Pest Notes: Giant Whitefly. UC ANR Publication 7400. Oakland, CA. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PMG/PESTNOTES/pn7400.html

Rijal JP, Joyce AL, Gyawaly S. 2021. Biology, ecology, and management of hemipteran pests in almonds orchard systems in the United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 12(1): 24. https://doi.org/10.1093/jipm/pmab018

Stapleton JJ. 2021. Toward sustainably managed tree establishment in a changing Mediterranean climate: A case study in citrus. Academia Letters Article 946. https://doi..org/10.20935/AL946

Wu S, Toews MD, Castrillo LA, Barman AK, Cottrell TE, Shapiro-Ilan DI. 2021. Identification and virulence of Cordyceps javanica Strain wf GA17 isolated from a natural fungal population in sweetpotato whiteflies (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Environmental Entomology 50(5): 1127–1136.

Wilen CA, Koike ST, Ploeg A, Tjosvold SA, Bethke JA, Mathews DM, Stapleton JJ. 2021. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Floriculture and Ornamental Nurseries. UC ANR Publication 3392. Oakland, CA. ipm.ucanr.edu/agriculture/floriculture-and-ornamental-nurseries

Windbiel-Rojas K, Matuskey R, Wall Parilo D. 2021. Delusional infestation: What nurses should know. Nursing Management 51(8): 5.

Kaufman, L.V., Wright, M.G. 2022. Erythrina gall wasp successfully controlled by the introduction of a parasitoid wasp in Hawaii. In: Contributions of classical biocontrol to the US food security, forestry and biodiversity. Eds van Driesche et al. (in press)

Cave, R., Moore, A., Wright, M.G. 2022. Biological Control of the Cycad Aulacaspis Scale, Aulacaspis yasumatsui. In: Contributions of classical biocontrol to the US food security, forestry and biodiversity. Eds van Driesche et al. (in press)

Thorne, M., Wildon, S., Wright, M., Peck, D. 2022. Twolined spittlebug identification key. CTAHR Cooperative Extension Service IP-52.

Au, M., Matsunaga, J.N. 2021. New Pest Advisory: Ramie Moth Actre coerula (Guenee) (lepidoptera: Noctuidae). HI Department of Agriculture No. 21-01.

Faske, T.R., Kandel, Y., Hu, J., Kemerait, R.C., Lawrence, G.W., Lawrence, K.S., Mehl, H.L., Norton, R., Thiessen, L.D., and Wheeler, T. 2022. Meta-analysis of the field efficacy of seed- and soil-applied nematicides on Meloidogyne incognita across the United States Cotton Belt. Plant Disease In press

Joy, T., Chen, M., Arnbrister, J., Williamson, D., Li, S, Nair, S., Brophy, M., Madera Garcia, V., Walker, K., Ernst, K., Gouge, D., Carriere, Y., Riehle, M. A. 2022. Assessing Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) for Evaluation of Aedes aegypti Population Age Structure. Insects. 2022, 13(4): 360. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13040360

Hu J. 2022. A Selective Medium for the Recovery and Enumeration of Fomitopsis meliae, Causing Lemon Canker and Brown Wood Rot. Feb 2022.  Plant Health Progress https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-10-21-0124-RS

Hu J., Wright G. 2021. First report of Fomitopsis meliae causing brown wood rot on living lemon trees in Arizona and California. October 2021. Plant Disease https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-11-20-2427-PDN



Mull, A. & Spears, L. (2021) Lily Leaf Beetle. Utah State University Extension. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3261&context=extension_curall

Mull, A. & Spears, L. (2021) Quagga Mussel and Zebra Mussel. Utah State University Extension. https://extension.usu.edu/pests/factsheets/quagga-mussel-and-zebra-mussel1.pdf

Murray, M., Evans, M., Zesiger, C., and Davis, R. (2022) Pests of Hemp in Utah. Utah State University Extension. https://extension.usu.edu/pests/files/pubs/hemp-guide-webtest.pdf.

Spears, L., D’Souza, N., & Murray, M. (2021). Invasive Species Handbook – A Resource for Educators, Grades 3-8. Utah State University Extension. https://extension.usu.edu/pests/files/pubs/invasive-species-handbook.pdf

Volesky, N. (2021) How to Scout your Garden for Pests – YouTube Video. Utah State University Extension. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_MAHfhBf60

Volesky, N. (2021) Squash Bug Management – YouTube Video. Utah State University Extension. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ZwcRr9J78

Volesky, N. & Murray, M. (2022) The Backyard Garden – Cole Crop Pests. Utah State University Extension. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3260&context=extension_curall

Volesky, N. & Schumm, Z. (2021) High Tunnel Pest Management – Aphids. Utah State University Extension. https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=3197&context=extension_curall

Dry Bean of Colorado Technical Report article- Olivia LoGrasso and Robyn Roberts. “White Mold of Dry Bean.” October 2021.

Colorado Sunflower Technical Report article- Olivia LoGrasso and Robyn Roberts. “White Mold of Sunflower.” November 2021.

Colorado Corn Technical Report article. Diego E. Gutierrez-Castillo and Robyn Roberts. “Bacterial leaf streak of corn.” November 2021.

Fusarium Head Blight Disease Impact Update, commentary for report.  Nov 3, 2021

Gaines, Podcast interview with “War on Weeds” podcast on weed genomics, hosts Mandy Bish and Sarah Lancaster. Title: A Global Perspective of Weed Science. Podcast aired 1 Dec 2021. https://waragainstweeds.libsyn.com/a-global-perspective-of-weed-science.

Great Plains Diagnostic Network (GPDN) webinar series 2022. “PCR or ELISA? Choosing the appropriate viral detection method for diagnostics.” March 23, 2022

Handout on spotted lanternfly created and distributed to county offices in collaboration with Colorado Department of Agriculture

Mobile-friendly webpage highlighting natural enemies of insect and mite pests have been created created. The page features 10 most relevant natural enemies https://agsci.colostate.edu/ipm/integrated-pest-management/beneficial-insects-and-mites/

A new IPM website featuring mobile-friendly webpages (30 total) detailing identification and IPM for pests of trees and shrubs (spotted lanternfly, peach tree borer, emerald ash borer, Japanese beetle, codling moth, and aphids) has been created https://agsci.colostate.edu/ipm/integrated-pest-management/

Tharp, C. Last Chance Pesticide Opportunities Across Eastern Montana (vol. October, 2021). https://pesticides.montana.edu/news/msupestnews/20211108_PN_LastChance.html

Bugoni, P., Pokorny, M., Mangold, J. 2021. Species diversification of crested wheatgrass dominated grasslands: A review of methods (Plant Materials Technical Note No. MT-126 ed., pp. 21). Bozeman, Montana/USDA-NRCS: USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service.

Eilers, S., Grimme, E., Saeed, A., Palmer, D., Orloff, L. 2021. 2022 Calendar-Urban IPM Calendar. Bozeman, MT: Montana State University Extension.

Kerzicnik, L. 2021. Fall 2021. Newsletter for AMTOPP. Grasshoppers.

McKelvy, U., Burrows, M. MSU Extension Field Crop Pathology Website. Montana State University Extension. http://plantpath.msuextension.org/

Saeed, A. Fall Garden Care and Winter Preparation Checklist (vol. Fall 2021, pp. 2). Lives and Landscapes. https://apps.msuextension.org/magazine/articles/5525

Kerzicnik, L. et al. 2022. Insects and mites of trees of the Great Plains. In press.

Kerzicnik, L., Vantassel, S., and Lay, C. 2022. Industrial, Institutional, Structural, and Health Related Training Manual. Helena, MT: Montana Department of Agriculture. 139 pp. In press.

Kerzicnik, L. Fall 2021. Extension Urban IPM Program website Urban Entomology - Urban IPM | Montana State University

Kerzicnik, L. Feb 2022. Urban/yard and garden insect fact sheets Urban Entomology Fact Sheets - Urban IPM | Montana State University

Leisso, R., Richter, R., Mendrey, K., Miller, Z. Codling moth control in Montana commercial apple and pear orchards. Mont-Guide. Bozeman, MT: MSU-Extension.

Native Plants and Noxious Weed Management https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-T777wSW3RM&list=PLAIkOOshMfC5gi9pDIyx0Cp21YlsDAnmf&index=1&t=16s

Noxious or Native? Common buckthorn (Rhamnus cathartica) and Chokecherry (Prunus virginiana) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCkg8Vpz3Z4&list=PLAIkOOshMfC5gi9pDIyx0Cp21YlsDAnmf&index=2&t=1s

Noxious or Native? Cinquefoils (Potentilla species) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MIZO_f3WwQ8&list=PLAIkOOshMfC5gi9pDIyx0Cp21YlsDAnmf&index=4

Noxious or Native? Spotted knapweed (Centaurea stoebe) & dotted blazing star (Liatris punctata) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3PgQWtC2eaE&list=PLAIkOOshMfC5gi9pDIyx0Cp21YlsDAnmf&index=5

Native Bee Habitat for Urban Landscapes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcBFyG2o57c&list=PLAIkOOshMfC5knd6K6eYK5nrrDdhoaBo3

Fire blight in the Urban Landscape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SIqbl6iLts&list=PLAIkOOshMfC6URB6Gd-FRF8HsGIBoEuE2&index=5

Abiotic issues affecting landscape plants in the Urban Landscape https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3oJbgGHx7zE&list=PLAIkOOshMfC6URB6Gd-FRF8HsGIBoEuE2&index=6&t=23s

Adjesiwor, A.T., D.J. Lyon, J. Barroso, and J.M. Campbell. 2022. Integrated management of wild oat in the Pacific Northwest. PNW759.

Foss, C.R., and J. Glass. 2022. Plant Problem Diagnosis. WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences / WSU Extension video series. 28:44. https://youtu.be/iiJDQqLVgZQ

Foss, C.R., J. Hulbert. 2022. Western Redcedar Dieback Research and Community Science at Washington State University. WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences / WSU Extension video series. 5:32. https://youtu.be/mePe0T5m3oY

Foss, C.R., T. Murray, G. Stahnke, and M. Reding. 2022. European Chafter: A Priority Pest in Washington. WSU College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource Sciences / WSU Extension video series. 9:45. https://youtu.be/bDVpC2Woqx4

Hoheisel, G.A., L. Khot, M.M. Moyer, and S. Castagnoli. 2021. Six Steps to Calibrate and Optimize Airblast Sprayers for Orchards and Vineyards. PNW Extension Publishing PNW749. Pullman, WA, USA. 13 pp. https://pubs.extension.wsu.edu/six-steps-to-calibrate-and-optimize-airblast-sprayers-for-orchards-and-vineyards

McCoy, M., G. Hoheisel, and M.M. Moyer. 2021. Spray Nozzle Demonstration Curriculum. WSU Extension Publishing #EC010e, Pullman, WA, USA. 26 pp. https://pubs.extension.wsu.edu/spray-nozzle-demonstration-curriculum

Moyer, M.M., ed. Viticulture and Enology Extension News: http://wine.wsu.edu/extension/viticulture-enology-news-veen/

Moyer, M.M., C. Oliver, P. Brannen, T. Miles, S. Lowder, M. Lewis Ivey. 2021. Dialing in Disease Control. Good Fruit Grower. Nov 2021. https://www.goodfruit.com/good-to-know-dialing-in-disease-control/

Moyer, M.M., and S.D. O’Neal. (eds). 2022. Field Guide for Integrated Pest Management in Pacific Northwest Vineyards – 2nd Edition. PNW Extension Publishing PNW644. Pullman, WA, USA. 168 pp. https://pubs.extension.wsu.edu/field-guide-for-integrated-pest-management-in-pacific-northwest-vineyards-pdf-download

Burls, K., Mazet, W.H., and Kratsch, H.A. 2021. A Northern Nevada Homeowner’s Guide to Identifying and Managing Earwigs. University of Nevada, Reno Extension, FS-21-108.

Burls, K., Mazet, W.H., and Kratsch, H.A. 2021. A Northern Nevada Homeowner’s Guide to Identifying and Managing Cabbage Caterpillars. University of Nevada, Reno Extension, FS-21-109.

Burls, K., Mazet, W.H., and Kratsch, H.A. 2021. A Northern Nevada Homeowner’s Guide to Identifying and Managing Shield Bugs. University of Nevada, Reno Extension, FS-21-110.

Burls, K., Mazet, W.H., and Kratsch, H.A. 2021. A Northern Nevada Homeowner’s Guide to Identifying and Managing Squash Bugs. University of Nevada, Reno Extension, FS-21-111.

Hefner, M., Kratsch H., Burls, K., Clements, C., Moe, A., and Wilhelm R. 2022. Weed Warriors: A Curriculum Covering Identification and Control of Noxious Weeds in Northern Nevada. University of Nevada, Reno Extension, CM-22-01.

Kratsch, H.A. and Mazet, W.H. 2021 2021. Trees, Roots, and the Urban Soil Environment. University of Nevada, Reno Extension, FS-22-112.

Kratsch, H.A. and Mazet, W.H. 2022. Arboles, Raices y el Ambiente y Entorno del Suelo Urbano. University of Nevada, Reno Extension, FS-22-06.

Mulches for Vegetable Production in New Mexico. NMSU Extension Guide H-261. November 2021. S. Walker and I. Joukhardar. https://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_h/H261/welcome.html

Grape Powdery Mildew. NMSU Extension Guide H-329. Revised March 2022. G. Giese and P. Lujan. https://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_h/H329/welcome.html

Gouge, D., T. Stock, S. Reese, R. Corrigan, S. Li, S. Nair. 2022. “House Mice Signs of Uninvited Four-legged Visitors”. Arizona Cooperative Extension newsletter (peer-reviewed). January 6, 2022. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2022/01/06/house-mice-signs-of-uninvited-four-legged-visitors?utm_source=Community+IPM+Newsletters&utm_medium=newsletter&utm_campaign=January+2022%2c+Community+IPM+Newsletter+-+House+Mice%3a+Signs+of+Uninvited+Four-legged+Visitors

Stock, T. and D. Gouge. 2022.  PNW 762. “Integrated Pest Management for Ants in the Classroom”. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw762

Stock, T. and D. Gouge. 2022.  PNW 761. “Integrated Pest Management for Ants in Schools”. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw761

Hahn, L. (2021, November 20). There’s a fungus among us. Pacific Daily News. https://www.guampdn.com/lifestyle/theres-a-fungus-among-us/article_ab1bf3fe-40f9-11ec-aba7-3f5c1f085055.html

Olympia, R. (editor). (2021). 2021 Impact Report, Western Pacific Tropical Research Center, The team in search of bacterial wilt (pg. 7-8). https://www.uog.edu/_resources/files/wptrc/2021WPTRCFINALweb.pdf

E-learning module - Pesticide Safety: The set of eight online modules for pesticide applicators curriculum has been revised and is available on the Extension Education Campus website.

Quick Facts — Idaho Sugar Beets. 2021. Walsh, O., J. Woodhall, E. Wenninger, A. Adjesiwor. BUL 1003.

Pink Root Disease of Onion-Biology and Control. 2021. J. Woodhall, M. Murdock, K. Beck, M. Thornton. BUL 1000.

Dryland field day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. 2021. Crow, S., B. Schillinger, K. Schroeder, D. Finkelnburg, A. Rashed & S. Philips & D. Sutor. 74 Pp (proceedings). Washington State University/Oregon State University/University of Idaho.

Small Grains Report, Southcentral and Southeast Idaho Cereals Research and Extension Program. Marshall, J., et al. 2022. 2021 University of Idaho, Idaho Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin CIS BUL 205.

Small Grain Pests. Rashed, A. & C. Tanner. 2021. Pp. B21-30. In: PNW Insect Pest Management Handbook (ed. Kaur, N.). Oregon State University/Washington State University/University of Idaho Extension.

Red Firebug- a new Idaho invader? 2022. Stokes, B. and E. Wenninger. University of Idaho Extension BUL 1019.

Sugar beet pests. Wenninger, E.J. 2022. In: 2022 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University/Washington State University/University of Idaho Extension.

Pests of sugar beet grown for seed.  2022. Wenninger, E.J. In: PNW Insect Pest Management Handbook (ed. Kaur, N.). Oregon State University/Washington State University/University of Idaho Extension.

Pests of table beet grown for seed. 2022. Wenninger, E.J. In: PNW Insect Pest Management Handbook (ed. Kaur, N.). Oregon State University/Washington State University/University of Idaho Extension.

Strausbaugh, C.A., and Wenninger, E. 2022. Foliar insecticides for the control of curly top in Idaho sugar beet. Plant Disease Management Reports 16: V036.

Legume pests. 2022. Eigenbrode, S. In: PNW Insect Pest Management Handbook (ed. Kaur, N.). Oregon State University/Washington State University/University of Idaho Extension.

Barman A. 2021. Targeted weed management can reduce risk of silverleaf whitefly infestation on melons. CAPCA Adviser Magazine August: 26–29.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Introduction to the University of California Cooperative Extension Sutter-Yuba. Crop Talk: January.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Preliminary Herbicide Screening in Rice on Watergrass Species. Rice Notes Newsletter: January.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Preliminary Herbicide Screening in Rice on Watergrass Species. Rice Blog: Jan 4, 2021.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Be on the Lookout for Marshweed. Rice Farming: March.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Weeds to Watch Out for in 2021. Rice Notes Newsletter: April.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Stay Ahead of Weeds and Don’t Let Them Go to Seed. Rice Farming: May.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Rice Season 2021: Current Weed Outlook. Crop Talk: June.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Propanil 101: Do's and Don'ts. Rice Notes Newsletter: July.

Brim-DeForest, W. 2021. Weeds to Watch Out for in Rice in 2021: Watergrass and Weedy Rice (with some management tips). Weed Science Blog: June 16, 2021.

Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Wild Rice (Zizania palustris L.) Herbicide Screening 2020. Report to California Wild Rice Advisory Board.

Brim-DeForest W, Clark T. 2021. Weedy rice identification in California. In Rice Field Day, Biggs, CA, 25 August 2021. Rice Experiment Station, Biggs.

Brim-DeForest W, Clark T, Guan T. 2021. Phenotypic diversity of watergrass (Echinochloa spp.) in California: a preliminary assessment. In Rice Field Day, Biggs, CA, 25 August 2021. Rice Experiment Station, Biggs.

Brim-DeForest W, Clark T, Guan T. 2021. Weed survey in California rice: distribution and species. In Rice Field Day, Biggs, CA, 25 August 2021. Rice Experiment Station, Biggs.

Brim-DeForest W, Espino L. 2021. Population Dynamics of Weedy Rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) in a California Rice Field. In Proceedings of Western Society of Weed Science Annual Conference, 1–4 March 2021, Virtual.

Brim-DeForest W, Espino L. 2021. Survey of Rice Diseases in the Sacramento Valley of California. In Rice Field Day, Biggs, CA, 25 August 2021. Rice Experiment Station, Biggs.

Brim-DeForest W, Espino L, Clark T, Blank T. 2021. Survey of California weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) acreage: infestation patterns and severity. Report to California Rice Commission.

Brim-DeForest W, Espino L, Clark T, Blank T. 2021. Survey of California Weedy Rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) Acreage: Infestation Patterns and Severity. In Proceedings of Weed Science Society of America Annual Conference, 15–19 February 2021, Virtual.

Brim-DeForest W, Espino L, Clark T, Blank T. 2021. Survey of California weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) acreage: infestation patterns and severity. In Rice Field Day, Biggs, CA, 25 August 2021. Rice Experiment Station, Biggs.

Brim-DeForest W, Guan T. 2021. Watergrass (Echinochloa spp.) in rice: Overview and current research. CAPCA Adviser 24(3): June.

Brim-DeForest W, Johnson T. 2021. Growers Should Consider Fallowing Worst Weedy Rice Fields This Year. April 15, 2021. CalRiceNews.org

Coatney K, Rijal JP. 2021. Walnuts, navel orangeworm and ethephon for 2021. K. Coatney (Ed.). West Coast Nut. https://www.wcngg.com/2021/08/11/walnuts-navel-orangeworm-and-ethephon-for-2021/Espino L, Brim-DeForest W, Leinfelder-Miles M, Linquist B, Buttner P, Murdock J, Stewart D, Sumner D. 2021. Sample costs to produce rice. University of California Cooperative Extension.

Galvin LB, Brim-DeForest W, Al-Khatib K. 2021. Utilizing Thermal Time to Assist in Scheduling Management Practices to Control Weedy Rice (Oryza sativa spontanea) in California Rice Cropping Systems. In Proceedings of Western Society of Weed Science Annual Conference, 1–4 March 2021, Virtual.

Gautam SG. 2021. Postharvest phosphine fumigation for control of Lorryia formosa. Final project report to Avocado commission.

Gautam S, Grafton-Cardwell E. 2021. Taking a second look at Export Issue Mites: Lorryia formosa and T. bakeri mites are non-damaging to citrus. Citrograph: 12: 64–69.

Gautam S, Grafton-Cardwell E., Walse S. 2021. Postharvest options to control Brevipalpus californicus flat mite. Citrograph 50: 51–52.

Getts T. 2021. Case study: The mystery of perennial pepperweed and chlorsulfuron in Sierra Valley. Proceedings of the California Invasive Plant Council.

Getts T. 2021. Case Study: The Mystery of Perennial Pepperweed and Chlorsulfuron in Sierra Valley. UCCE Plumas Livestock Range and News: September.

Getts T. 2021. Fire and Smoke: Ponderings on Disturbance and Invasive Weeds. UC Weed Blog: November.

Getts T. 2021. Four Years After Application: Medusahead Control with Indaziflam in North Eastern California. Proceedings of the Western Society of Weed Science.

Getts T. 2021. Multiple Year Control of Medusa Head on the Modoc Plateau. Journal of California Grasslands Winter 2021: 25–31.

Getts T. 2021. Perennial Pepperweed Control in the Intermountain Region. Proceedings of the California Weed Science Society.

Getts T. 2021. Recent Weed Control Trials in Alfalfa. UCCE Plumas Livestock Range and News: January.

Getts T, Wilson R. 2021. Perennial Pepperweed: Research and Control with the Drizzle Method. Intermountain Research Station Field Day.

Gilbertson R, Vinchesi-Vahl A. 2021. GROWER ALERT-2021 Resistance-breaking (RB) tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) has been identified in Northern Counties and Contra Costa and San Joaquin Counties". Special Virus Issue of Vegetable Crops Newsletter.

Gilbertson R, Vinchesi-Vahl A. 2021. Disease Highlight: Beet Curly Top Virus. Special Virus Issue of Vegetable Crops Newsletter.

Green J, Rijal JP. 2021. Believe it or not: bugs like almonds too. Entomology Today, Entomological Society of America. Published June 17, https://entomologytoday.org/2021/06/17/true-bugs-almonds-pests-hemiptera-integrated-pest-management/

Haviland D, Rijal JP. 2021. Are ‘May Sprays’ a low-hanging fruit to cut almond costs in 2021? West Coast Nut. Published April 9. http://www.wcngg.com/2021/04/09/are-may-sprays-a-low-hanging-fruit-to-cut-almond-costs-in-2021/

Kanter J, Clark N, Lundy M, Leinfelder-Miles M, Light S, Linquist B, Long R, Koundinya V, Brim-DeForest W, Putnam D, Hutmacher B, Cameron Pittelkow. 2021. Statewide Collaborative Needs Assessment for California Agronomy. In Proceedings of California Plant and Soil Conference, 1–3 February 2021, Virtual.

Kron CR. 2021. Monitoring for the walnut husk fly in Lake County. CAPCA Advisor Magazine 24(5): 48–50. 

Kron CR. 2021. Bagrada bug. Sonoma-Marin Farm News 10: 13.

Linquist B, Brim-DeForest W, Espino L, Leinfelder-Miles M, Stogsdill J. 2021. Description and Performance Summary of the 2020 and Multi-Year Statewide Rice Variety Tests In California. Agronomy Progress Report #332

Mitchell J, Stoddard CS, Leinfelder-Miles M, Aegerter B, Light S, Vinchesi-Vahl A, Horwath W. 2021. Multisite demonstration of conservation management practices for soil health and GHG emissions reduction. California Department of Food and Agriculture Healthy Soils Demonstration Project final report.

Parreira S, Vinchesi-Vahl A, Swett C, Martin T. 2021. Pest Management Strategic Plan for California Processing Tomato Production.

Pitcairn M, Popescu V, Getts T, Schweizer S, Littlefield J. 2021. Biological Control of Russian Knapweed: Releases of the Gall Wasp Aulacidea acroptilonica in California. CDFA Annual Report.

Rivera MJ, Gautam SG. 2021. CORE IPM Research Annual Report. Citrus research board report.

Rivera MJ, Gautam S. 2021. Pushing forward: The new Core IPM Program. Citrograph 12: 44–47.

Rosenberg S, Brim-DeForest W, Espino L, Linquist B, Leinfelder-Miles M, Al-Khatib K, Pittelkow C. 2021. Assessing Crop Rotation Feasibility for Rice Systems in California: A Baseline Assessment on Opportunities and Barriers. In Rice Field Day, Biggs, CA, 25 August 2021. Rice Experiment Station, Biggs.

Rosenberg S, Brim-DeForest W, Linquist B, Espino L, Al-Khatib K, Leinfelder-Miles M, Pittelkow C. 2021. Outcomes of a Multi-stakeholder Focus Group - Feedback and Perspective on Crop Rotation Research and Feasibility in California Rice Systems.

Rosenberg S, Pittelkow C, Crump A, Linquist B, Al-Khatib K, Brim DeForest W, Espino L, Leinfelder-Miles M. 2021. Crop Rotations in California Rice Systems – Baseline Assessment of Challenges and Opportunities. In Proceedings of California Plant and Soil Conference, 1–3 February 2021, Virtual.

Rosenberg S, Pittelkow C, Espino L, Brim-DeForest W. 2021. Factors affecting crop rotation for rice growers. Rice Notes Newsletter: April. 

Rijal JP. 2021. Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB): identification and monitoring in almond orchards -Video. UC Statewide IPM Program. Published September 7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fc2qv7YtaWU.

Rijal JP. 2021. How Nut Growers Can Get the Best of Brown Marmorated Stink Bug. Growing Produce, April 21. https://www.growingproduce.com/nuts/how-nut-growers-can-get-the-best-of-brown-marmorated-stink-bug/

Rijal JP. 2021. Removal of infested branches helps to minimize flatheaded borer damage in walnuts. The Scoop UCCE Stanislaus: December 2020, Vol. 25.4.

Rijal JP. 2021. Resurgence of Pacific flatheaded borer in walnut orchards and ongoing research efforts. 2020 Stanislaus County Agricultural Report. pp. 24–25.

Rijal JP, Burks C. 2021. Navel orangeworm monitoring tools for orchards under mating disruption. The Scoop UCCE Stanislaus: April Issue, Vol. 26.1.

Rijal JP, Burks C, Wilson H. 2021. Tackling the rising tide of navel orangeworm in walnuts. Orchard Origin Blog, California Walnut Board. Published January 6, 2021. https://walnuts.org/blog/orchard-origins/tackling-the-rising-tide-of-navel-orangeworm-in-walnuts/.

Rijal JP, Chalstrom T. 2021. Pest management in spring season. My AgLife podcast. Published March 19. https://anchor.fm/myaglife/episodes/31921---MyAgLife-Episode-57-Exclusive-Interview-with-UCCEs-Jhalendra-Rijal-about-Spring-Season-Pest-Monitoring-Activities-in-Almond-Orchards-esulgj.

Rijal JP, Chalstrom T. 2021. Managing stink bugs in almonds. My AgLife podcast. Published June 25. https://anchor.fm/myaglife/episodes/62521---MyAgLife-Episode-71-Interview-with-UCCEs-Jhalendra-Rijal-about-Managing-Stink-Bugs-in-Almond-e13d1ff

Rijal JP, Gyawaly S. 2021. Spring season pest monitoring activities in almond orchards. West Coast Nut: February Issue, 24–31.

Rijal JP, Pathak T. 2021. Potential effects of drought and climate change on insect pests including navel orangeworm. West Coast Nut: July Issue, pp 8–12.

Rijal JP, Pathak T, Gordon P. 2021. Climate change part 5: navel orangeworm. Growing the Valley Podcast. P. Gordon. Published September 7. https://www.growingthevalleypodcast.com/podcastfeed/2021/8/18/climate-change-part-5-navel-orangeworm

UC IPM. 2021. Green Bulletin newsletter. ipm.ucanr.edu/home-and-landscape/green-bulletin

UC IPM. 2021. Home and Garden Pest Newsletter. ipm.ucanr.edu/home-and-landscape/home-and-garden-pest-newsletter

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Cenicilla. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/powderymildewcardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Chinches de cama. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/bedbugscardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Cucarachas. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/cockroachescardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Mosquitos. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/mosquitocardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Orugas comehojas. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/lfcaterpillarscardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Plagas de alacena. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/pantrypestscardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Psílido asiático de los cítricos y la enfermedad de Huanglongbig. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/asiancitruscardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Pulgas. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/fleascardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Tijeretas. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/earwigscardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Venados. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/deercardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Depredadores benéficos. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/beneficialpredatorscardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Notal Breves en español: Insecticidas menos tóxicos. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/QT/lesstoxicinsecticidescardsp.html

UC IPM. 2021. Retail Nursery & Garden Center IPM News. ipm.ucanr.edu/home-and-landscape/retail-nursery-and-garden-center-IPM-news

Gouge, D., S. Nair, L. Rose, M. Nelson, J. Hurley, T. Stock, S. Li, V. McGregor. 2021. “What You Need to Know About Disinfectant Wipes”. Arizona Cooperative Extension newsletter. Republished by University of California Statewide IPM Program, IPM News, Vol. 11, No. 2, Summer 2021. http://ipm.ucanr.edu/PDF/PUBS/Summer_2021_Retail_Newsletter.pdf.


Gouge, D. H. and Stock, T. 2021. Integrated Pest Management for Bed Bugs in Schools. Oregon State University PNW 757. 13pp. Sept, 2021. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/pub/pnw-757


Gouge, D. H. and Stock, T. 2021. Bed Bugs in the Classroom. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing. PNW 756 2pp. Sept, 2021.  https://extension.oregonstate.edu/pub/pnw-756


Gouge, D.H., Li, S., Nair, S., Brophy, M., Walker, and Andrade-Sanchez, P. Agosto 2021. Mosquitos. Quick Read Brochure in Spanish. Extension Publication. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. AZ1873S. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1873S-2021.pdf


Li, S., Gouge, D.H., Brophy, M., Nair, S., Walker, K. and Andrade-Sanchez, P. 2021. Garrapatas marrones del perro y fiebre maculosa de las Montañas Rocosas (Brown dog ticks and Rocky Mountain spotted fever in Spanish). AZ1935S.



Nair, S., Gouge, D.H., Li, S., Walker, K. and Andrade-Sanchez, P. October 2021. Personal Repellents. Quick Read Brochure. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ 1955. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1955-2021.pdf


Nair, S., Gouge, D.H., Li, S., Walker, K. and Andrade-Sanchez, P. October 2021. Repelentes de mosquitos y garrapatas. Quick Read Brochure in Spanish. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension AZ 1955S. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1955S-2021.pdf


Reese, S., Gouge, D. H., Stock, T., Corrigan, R., Li, S. and Nair, S. 2021. Integrated Pest Management for House Mice – A Guide for Property Managers. http://www.stoppests.org/stoppests/assets/File/StopPests_org%20IPM%20for%20House%20Mice_110521.pdf

McCloskey, W., B. Evancho, N. Pier. 2021. Guayule Weed Management During Establishment in Arizona – December 2021. IPM Short. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center.



Murray, K., I. Sandlin, P.C. Ellsworth, P. Jepson, A.J. Fournier, H. Luh and S. Reitz. 2022. The Economic Impact of Onion Pests in the Treasure Valley: A Look at Pests and Associated Pest Management Practices, 2018 – 2019. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. Publication EM 9347. (34pp.)



Stock, T. and Gouge, D. H. 2021. Integrated Pest Management for Ants in Schools. Oregon State University PNW761. 10pp. Jan, 2022. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/pnw761.pdf  


Stock, T. and Gouge, D. H. and 2021. Ants in the Classroom. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing. PNW762. 2pp. Jan, 2022. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/pnw762.pdf   























Cooper, M., Li, S. and Rock, C. 2023. Keeping Food Safe at Home. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2053. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az2053-2023.pdf


Ellsworth, P.C., I. Bordini, N. Pier, S.E. Naranjo. 2023. Control Integral Quimico y Biologico en Algodon. IPM Short. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/667959


Ellsworth, P.C. L. Brown, N. Pier. 2023. Anatomy of a Cotton Sweep for Pests and Predators. IPM Short. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/668520


Ellsworth, P.C., N. Pier. 2022. First Foliar Insecticide Special Local Needs Registrations for Palestriped Flea Beetle Control During Guayule Stand Establishment. IPM Short. University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center. https://repository.arizona.edu/handle/10150/664237


Ellsworth, P.C. & N. Pier. 2022. Palestriped Flea Beetle Control During Guayule Stand Establishment: Use the Right Special Local Needs Label! University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/666234


Ellsworth, P.C., N. Pier, W.E. Hall, W. Moore, D. Haviland. 2023. Potential Pest of Arizona Pecans: Rapid Communication (Update). University of Arizona, Arizona Pest Management Center.



Fournier, A.J. 2023. Be on the Lookout for Cotton Seed Bug! University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. AZ-AG Newsletter and blog post, July 25, 2023. https://arizonaag.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Cotton-Seed-Bug.pdf


Fournier, A.J. & A. Mostafa. 2022. Life After Chlorpyrifos: Survey on Insecticide Use and Pest Management in Alfalfa. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. (Blog post) https://arizonaag.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/Chlorpyrifos-Use-in-Alfalfa_FV.pdf


Gouge, D.H., C. McReynolds, T.W. Stock. 2022. Managing Pigeons. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2001.



Gouge, D. H. and T. Stock. 2022. Integrated Pest Management of Nonbiting Flies in Schools. Oregon State University PNW770. 19pp. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/pub/pnw-770


Hong, Z. and A.J. Fournier. 2022. Comments from Western Stakeholders influence EPA Pesticide Registration Decisions. 2022 University of Arizona Cooperative Extension Annual Conference. Tucson, AZ. Poster. August 10-12, 2022. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/presentations/epa-comment-poster_vf_extension-conference.pdf


Ignat, S., M. Cooper, D.H. Gouge, Li, S. 2023. Common Household Flies and Prevention Tips. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Fact Sheet. February 2023.


Li, S. 2023. Mosquito Info! Pima County Cooperative Extension Round-Up Newsletter, May-June 2023. Volume 4, Issue 3. https://extension.arizona.edu/pima-county-newsletter


Li, S. 2023. Join the Tick Patrol. Pima County Cooperative Extension Round-Up Newsletter, July-August 2023. Volume 4, Issue 4. https://extension.arizona.edu/pima-county-newsletter


Li, S., A.J. Fournier. 2022. Woolly Bear Caterpillar. Arizona Community Integrated Pest Management. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. October 17, 2023. https://extension.arizona.edu/woolly-bear-caterpillar


Li, S., M. Cooper, C. Rock, T. Teegerstrom. 2023. Resources to Improve Food Safety in Tribal Communities. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Fact Sheet. February 2023.


Li, S., Gouge, D.H., Nair, S., Graham, L., Fournier, A.J. and Umeda, K. 2022. Cuidado con la picadura de las hormigas de fuego (Beware of Fire Ant Stings in Spanish). Arizona Pest Management Center; University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication AZ1954S. July 2022. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1954S-2022.pdf


Li, S., Gouge, D.H., Ruberto, I., Nair, S., Fournier, A.J. and W.E. Hall. 2022. What you should know about kissing bugs. Arizona Pest Management Center; University of Arizona Cooperative Extension publication AZ1992. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az1992-2022.pdf


Mostafa, A., K. Harrington, W. Burayu. 2022. Sugarcane Aphid, Melanaphis sacchari (Zehntner), (Hemiptera: Aphididae) in Arizona Sorghum. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2005. https://extension.arizona.edu/sites/extension.arizona.edu/files/pubs/az2005-2022.pdf 


Mostafa, A., T. La Ravia, K. Harrington. 2022. Urban, Small-scale, and Beginner Farmer Needs

Assessment in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2006.



Mostafa, A., W. Burayu, K. Harrington. 2022. Effects of the Application of Balanced Phosphorus and Potassium Fertilizers on Alfalfa Yield and Yield Components. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. Publication number AZ2003.



Murray, K., I. Sandlin, P. Ellsworth, P.C. Jepson, A.J. Fournier, H. Luh, C. Bouska and C. Hedstrom. 2022. Measuring the Economic Impact of Pests and Pest Management on Cranberries in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. 39 pp. Publication EM 9374.



Murray, K., I. Sandlin, P. Ellsworth, P.C. Jepson, A.J. Fournier, H. Luh and C. Hedstrom. 2022. The Economic Impact of Pests and Pest Management on Oregon Sweet Cherries. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. 36 pp. Publication EM 9378. https://extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/default/files/catalog/auto/EM9378.pdf  


Murray, K., I. Sandlin, P.C. Ellsworth, P. Jepson, A.J. Fournier, H. Luh and S. Reitz. 2022. The Economic Impact of Onion Pests in the Treasure Valley: A Look at Pests and Associated Pest Management Practices, 2018 – 2019. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. Publication EM 9347. (34pp.) https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/em9347.pdf


Murray, K., I. Sandlin, N. Wiman, P. Ellsworth, P.C. Jepson, H. Luh and C. Hedstrom. 2022. The Economic Impact of Pests and Pest Management on Oregon Hazelnuts. Oregon State University Extension Service, Oregon State University. 36 pp. Publication EM 9370.



Nair, S. and M. Chamberland. 2022. Agave Plant Bugs. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension IPM Short, December 2022.



Nair, S., Gouge, D.H., Li, S., Schuch, U. 2022. Roof Rats in Sensitive Environments – Keep Them Away with Landscape Management and IPM. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/community-ipm/home-and-school-ipm-newsletters/ipm-newsletter-view/ipm-newsletters/2022/04/08/roof-rats-in-sensitive-environments-keep-them-away-with-landscape-management-and-ipm


Nair, S. N. Pier, M. Halldorson, and J. Weiss. 2023. Understanding the Western Grapeleaf Skeletonizer: Management in Commercial Vineyards. Arizona Pest Management Center publication. GrapeLeafSkel-vF.pdf (arizona.edu)


Norton, Randy. 2023. The University of Arizona 2022 Cotton Variety Testing Program - Trial Results. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension, Experiment Station. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/667956

Palumbo, J.C. 2022. Lettuce Aphid on Desert Lettuce -2022. Vegetable IPM Update, Vol. 13, No. 1. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. live-azs-vegetableipmupdates.pantheonsite.io/sites/default/files/202202/220223_Lettuce%20aphid%20on%20Desert%20Produce%202022.pdf


Palumbo, J.C. 2023. Insecticide Usage on Conventional and Organic Lettuce in the Desert, 2022-2023. Vegetable IPM Update, Vol. 14, No. 13. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.


(This is a product of the Crop Pest Losses and Impact Assessment Signature Program of the Western IPM Center)


Peña, M., B. Tickes. 2022. Pocket Guide for Weed Seedling Identification: Common Broadleaves, Southwestern and Central Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension.


Stock, T. and D.H. Gouge. 2022. Flies in School Kitchens. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing. PNW769. 5pp.https://extension.oregonstate.edu/pub/pnw-769


Asiimwe, P, C. R. Brown, P.C. Ellsworth, D.D. Reisig, L. Bertho, C. Jiang, A. Schapaugh, G. Head, L. Burzio. 2023. Transgenic cotton expressing Mpp51Aa2 does not adversely impact beneficial non-target Hemiptera in the field. Crop Protection https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cropro.2023.106384


A.K. Barman, J.C. Palumbo, M.D. Rethwisch. Alfalfa leaftier, Dichomeris acuminatus (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae): A New Pest of Alfalfa in the Low Desert Areas of California and Arizona, J. Integ. Pest Mngmt. (submitted).


Bordini, I., S.E. Naranjo, A.J. Fournier, P.C. Ellsworth. 2023. Spatial Scale of Non-Target Effects of Cotton Insecticides. PLOS ONE. 25 pp. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0272831


Ellsworth, P.C. & A. Fournier. Highly Hazardous Pesticide Phase-Out for US Cotton Growers: Alternatives, Risks, and Opportunities, Final Report. September 30, 2022. University of Arizona. http://hdl.handle.net/10150/667318


Gouge, D.H. 2023. Sonoran Desert Mosquitoes: a Story about Water, Heat, Housing and WNV. Wing Beats, Vol. 34(2):12-25.


Gouge, D. H., M.L. Lame, T.W. Stock, L.F. Rose, J.A. Hurley, D.L. Lerman, S. Nair, M.A. Nelson, J. Gangloff-Kaufmann, L. McSherry, J.F. Connett, L. Graham, T.A. Green. 2023. Improving Environmental Health in Schools. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cppeds.2023.101407


Hu J. 2023. First report of Cladosporium ramotenellum causing sooty spot on postharvest clementines in the United States. Plant Disease. doi: 10.1094/PDIS-02-23-0210-PDN

Hu J. 2022. Detection of Seiridium cardinale causing bark cankers on Leyland cypress (x Cupressocyparis leylandii) in Arizona. Plant Health Progress https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-04-22-0039-BR

Hu J. 2022. First report of Globisporangium heterothallicum causing seedling disease on guayule in Arizona. Plant Disease https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-12-21-2644-PDN

Hu J. 2022. Occurrence of Grapevine Red Blotch Virus in Wine Grapes in Arizona. Plant Health Progress https://doi.org/10.1094/PHP-03-22-0030-BR


Joy, T., M. Chen, J. Arnbrister, D. Williamson, S. Li, S. Nair, M. Brophy, V,M. Garcia, K. Walker, K. Ernst, D.H. Gouge, Y. Carrière, M.A. Riehle. 2022. Assessing Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) for Evaluation of Population Age Structure. Insects, 13(4):360. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13040360


Naranjo, S.E., Cañas, L., Ellsworth, P.C. 2022. Mortality dynamics of a polyphagous invasive herbivore reveal clues in its agroecosystem success. Pest Management Science 78(10): 3988-4005.


Nemchinov, L.O., A. Postnikova, W.M. Wintermantle, J.C. Palumbo and S. Grinstead. 2023. Alfalfa Vein Mottling Virus, a Novel Potyvirid Infecting Medicago sativa L., J of Virology (accepted, pending revisions).


Rodriguez, S.D., C. Allan, S. Duarte, L.M. Matzkin, J.C. Palumbo, Y. Carrière. 2023. First Report of Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus Infecting Lettuce in Yuma, Arizona, Plant Dis. 3 Aug 2023. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-04-23-0629-PDN


Slinski, S.L., J.C. Palumbo, S.T. Koike, H. Stanghellini, C. Tsuchida, and J. Guerro. 2023. First Report of Pythium unicinulatum Causing Pythium Wilt of Lettuce in Arizona. Plant Dis., 11 Oct, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-03-23-0472-PDN


Wang, C., R. Cooper, K. Vail, A.D. Gondhalekar, D.H. Gouge. 2022. Pandemic Pests. Pest Control Technology 50(10), 64-65, 68, 70-71.


Expert Testimony / Comments on Pesticide Regulatory Reviews


Fournier, A.J., W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Response to EPA Proposed Interim Decision for Iprodione. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0392. 4/4/22. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-assessment-documents/arid-swpmc-info-requests/comment-reponses/apmc_iprodione_pid_04-04-22_vf.pdf


Ellsworth, P.C., A.J. Fournier. 2022. Sulfoxaflor Use in Arizona Cotton. Response to Request from National Cotton Council. 6/29/22. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/home/2022_response_to_ncc_sulfoxaflor.pdf


Fournier, A.J., William McCloskey, Blase Evancho, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Response to EPA Proposed Interim Decision for Diuron. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0077. 7/27/22.



Fournier, A.J., B. Poudel-Ward, A Hu, R. Norton, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Use and Importance of Ametoctradin in Arizona Agriculture. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2021-0647. 9/12/22. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-assessment-documents/arid-swpmc-info-requests/ametoctradin_pwp_apmc_9-12-22_vf2.pdf 


Fournier, A.J., A Hu, R. Norton, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Response to EPA Proposed Interim Decision for Tebuconazole. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2015-0378. 9/12/22. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-assessment-documents/arid-swpmc-info-requests/comment-reponses/tebuconazole_pid_09-12-22_vf.pdf 


Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth, J.C. Palumbo, A. Mostafa, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. In Response to EPA Draft Biological Evaluation for Sulfoxaflor & Mitigations Proposed by the Registrant. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0889-0597. 9/17/22. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-assessment-documents/arid-swpmc-info-requests/comment-reponses/sulfoxaflor-dbe_9-17-22_vf2alo.pdf 


Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth, J.C. Palumbo, M. Peña, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Response to EPA Notice: Petition to Revoke Tolerances and Cancel Registrations for Certain Organophosphate Uses. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0490-0001. 9/25/22. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-assessment-documents/arid-swpmc-info-requests/op-tolerance-revocations_apmc_09-25-22_vf.pdf


Fournier, A.J., J. Dias, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Atrazine: Proposed Revisions to the Interim Registration Review Decision. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2013-0266-1627. 10/7/22. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-assessment-documents/arid-swpmc-info-requests/comment-reponses/atrazine_revised-id_10-7-22_apmc.pdf


Fournier, A.J., J. Dias, K. Umeda, W.A. Dixon II. 2022. Dicamba Use and Benefits in Arizona and the Southwest. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0223. 10/17/22. https://acis.cals.arizona.edu/docs/default-source/ipm-assessment-documents/arid-swpmc-info-requests/comment-reponses/dicamba_ra_comments_apmc_10-17-22_vf.pdf


Fournier, A.J., J.C. Palumbo, K. Umeda, W.A. Dixon II. 2023. Carbaryl: Use and Benefits in the Desert Southwest and Response to EPA’s Proposed Interim Decision. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0230. 2/14/23.



Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth. 2023. EPA’s Endangered Species Act Workplan Update: Proposed Label Language for Nontarget Species Mitigation and Other Actions. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2022-0908. 2/14/23.



Fournier, A.J., W.A. Dixon II. 2023. Response to EPA’s Proposed Interim Decision for DCNA (Dicloran). Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2016-0141. 3/26/23.



Fournier, A.J., W.A. Dixon II. 2023. Response to EPA’s Proposed Interim Decision for Thiophanate-methyl.Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2014-0004. 3/26/23.



Fournier, A.J., P.C. Ellsworth. 2023. Response to EPA Call for Comment on Sulfoxaflor Registrations on Certain Crops. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0889-0659. 3/27/23.



Fournier, A.J., C. Rock, J. Sughroue, D. Bishel, W.A, Dixon II. 2023. Use and Benefits of Peroxy Compounds in Arizona Vegetable Production. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2009-0546. 6/5/23.



Fournier, A.J., J. Dias, W.A, Dixon II. 2023. Response to EPA’s Occupational and Residential Exposure Assessment for the Registration of DCPA. Docket ID: EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0374. 7/3/23.




Brim-DeForest W, Al-Khatib K, Fischer A. 2022. Emergence and early growth of multiple herbicide–resistant and -susceptible late watergrass (Echinochloa phyllopogon). Weed Technology 36(1), 101–109. doi:10.1017/wet.2021.86


Galvin L, Inci D, Mesgaran M, Brim-DeForest W, Al-Khatib K. 2022. Flooding depths and burial effects on seedling emergence of five California weedy rice (Oryza sativa spontanea) accessions. Weed Science 70(2), 213–219. doi:10.1017/wsc.2021.82


Gautam SG, Gonzalez KR, Dhungana SK. 2022. Citrus Thrips Insecticide Trial, 2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1. https://doi.org/10.1093/amt/tsac121


Gautam SG, Gonzalez KR, Dhungana SK. 2022. Effects of Sabadill-V to Reduce Severe Rind Scarring Caused by Citrus Thrips in Navel Oranges, 2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1. https://doi.org/10.1093/amt/tsac124


Gautam SG, Gonzalez KR, Dhungana SK. 2022. Pesticide Trial Against Citrus Red Mite, 2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1. https://doi.org/10.1093/amt/tsac109


Gyawaly S, Rijal JP. 2022. Neem-based insecticides deter oviposition activity in spotted wing drosophila (Diptera: Drosophilidae) in sweet cherries. Journal of Economic Entomology 115:1310–1313.


Haber Z, Wilhelmi MdMR, Fernández-Bayo JD, Harrold DR, Stapleton JJ, Toubiana D, VanderGheynst JS, Blumwald E, Simmons CW, Sade N, Achmon Y. 2022. The effect of circular soil biosolarization treatment on the physiology, metabolomics, and microbiome of tomato plants under certain abiotic stresses. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:1009956. doi:10.3389/fpls.2022.1009956.


Illán JG, Rijal JP, et al. 2022. Evaluating invasion risk and population dynamics of the brown marmorated stink bug across the contiguous United States. Pest Management Science. https://doi.org/10.1002/ps.7113


Javeed NN, Shultz L, Barnum S, Foley JE, Hodzic E, Pascoe EL, Martínez-López B, Quinn N, Bucklin D, Dear JD. 2022. Prevalence and geographic distribution of Babesia conradae and detection of Babesia vogeliin free-ranging California coyotes (Canis latrans). International Journal for Parasitology: Parasites and Wildlife 19, 294–300.


Kron CR. 2022. Used three photo images that I took of the three-cornered alfalfa hopper’s eggs, nymphs, and adults for the Australian Wine Research Institute Grapevine Red Blotch Virus Fact Sheet.


Middleton EG, Diepenbrock LM. 2022. Efficacy of Soil-Applied Systemic Insecticides Against Nipaecoccus viridis Instars, 2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1, 1–2.


Middleton EG, Diepenbrock LM. 2022. Sanitizing Equipment and Personnel to Prevent the Spread of Hibiscus Mealybug [Nipaecoccus viridis (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae)] in Florida Citrus. Journal of Economic Entomology 115:5, 1592–1600.


Middleton EG, Diepenbrock LM. 2022. Toxicity of Selected Adjuvants Against Nipaecoccus viridis Instars, Adults, and Ovisacs, and Against Their Predator Cryptolaemus montrouzieri, 2021–2022. Arthropod Management Tests 47:1, 1–3.


Nepal A, DeShields JB, Levin AD, Hilton R, Rijal JP. 2022. Epidemiology of Grapevine Red Blotch Disease Progression in Southern Oregon Vineyards. American Journal of Enology and Viticulture 73 (2), 116-124. https://www.ajevonline.org/content/73/2/116


Pearsons KA, Omondi EC, et al. 2022. Reducing Tillage Affects Long-Term Yields but Not Grain Quality of Maize, Soybeans, Oats, and Wheat Produced in Three Contrasting Farming Systems. Sustainability 14:2, 631. https://doi.org/10.3390/su14020631


Rijal JP. 2022. Spotted Wing Drosophila UCIPM Guidelines. In: Grant JA, Caprile JL, Coates WW, Van Steenwyk RA, Daane KM. Rijal JP. Revised continuously. UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines: Cherry. Publication 3440, University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Oakland, CA. https://ipm.ucanr.edu/agriculture/cherry/spotted-wing-drosophila/#IMPORTANT



Rosenberg S, Crump A, Brim-DeForest W, Linquist B, Espino L, Al-Khatib K, Leinfelder-Miles MM, Pittelkow CM. 2022. Crop Rotations in California Rice Systems: Assessment of Barriers and Opportunities. Front. Agron. 4:806572. doi: 10.3389/fagro.2022.806572


Rowen EK, Pearsons KA, et al. 2022. Early-season plant cover supports more effective pest control than insecticide applications. Ecological Applications 32:5, 12. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/eap.2598


Shea EA, Fernandez-Bayo JD, Hodson A, Parr A, Achmon Y, Lopez E, Toniato J, Milkereit J, Crowley R, Stapleton JJ, VanderGheynst JS, Simmons CW. 2022. Biosolarization restructures soil bacterial communities and decreases parasitic nematode populations. Applied Soil Ecology 172: 104343. https://doi.org/1016/j.apsoil.2021.104343.


Sutherland AM, Hubble C, Barber M. 2022. Installation season may significantly impact time required for subterranean termites to find and feed on in-ground baits. Insects 13(5), 445. https://doi.org/10.3390/insects13050445


Taravati S. 2022. A Needs Assessment Survey of Southern California Pest Management Professionals. The Journal of Extension 60:2.


Tseng SP, Taravati S, et al. 2022. Genetic Evidence for Multiple Invasions of Coptotermes formosanus(Blattodea: Rhinotermitidae) in California. Journal of Economic Entomology 115:4.


UC IPM Pest Management Guidelines

Almond: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Apple: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Apricot: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Cherry: fungicide and bactericide efficacy; spotted-wing drosophila

Citrus: insects, mites, and other invertebrates; fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Cole Crops: insects (new Bagrada bug, bulb mites, springtails, and lygus bug) and weeds, with new vertebrate pest section

Grape: new Gill’s mealybug section; fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Kiwifruit: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Nectarine: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Peach: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Pear: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Pistachio: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Plum: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Pomegranate: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Prune: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Strawberry: fungicide and bactericide efficacy

Updated Fungicides, Bactericides, Biocontrols, and Natural Products for Deciduous Tree Fruit and Nut, Citrus, Strawberry, and Vine Crops in California 2022

UC IPM Pest Notes

Botryosphaeria canker


Eucalyptus redgum lerp psyllid



Wild blackberries



Extension (fact sheets, guides, bulletins, newsletter articles, technical reports, blog posts, websites, online courses, videos, apps)

Gyawaly S, Milliron L. 2022. 2022 almond season IPM reflections. Sacramento valley almond news (Fall, 2022 issue).


Gyawaly S, Rijal JP. 2022. In-season-& post-harvest management of navel orangeworm (NOW) in walnuts. Sacramento Valley Orchard Source (September issue).


Hubble C, Sutherland AM, Barber M, 2022. Investigating the biology of the introduced cockroach species Luridiblatta trivittata. Annual meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. April 11, 2022; Santa Rosa, CA: https://esa.confex.com/esa/2022pb/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/156518


Kron CR. 2022. Why are ants a pest in vineyards? CAPCA Adviser Magazine 25(4): 66–68. 


Kron CR. 2022. Twelve videos from the North Coast IPM Seminar:  ucanr.edu/ncipm


Kron CR. 2022. UC Davis Winemaking Certificate Program Continuing and Professional Education: VIT 257: Viticulture for Winemakers course. Five recorded lessons for the Pests and Disease of Grapes: 1) Introduction to IPM; 2) Distinguishing features of insects; 3) Pest insects & mites of grapevines; 4) Insects and nematodes that vector pathogens; 5) Beneficial insects in the vineyard


Light S, Vinchesi-Vahl A. July/August 2022. Winter cover crops in annual rotations. Progressive Crop Consultant Vol. 7, Issue 4: p. 24–27.


Middleton EG, Spinelli G. 2022. Agave Mites: A Tiny Menace. Extension Connection 3, 8–12. https://files.constantcontact.com/e4686383101/ba3e5e26-cab5-4816-8c0c-7f97e9865a97.pdf?rdr=true


Bachie O, Middleton EG. 2022. Glenda Humiston Visits UCCE San Diego. Extension Connection 2, 9–11. https://files.constantcontact.com/e4686383101/ec02545e-c2ad-4f5b-8744-59fe763afbec.pdf?rdr=true


Middleton EG. 2022. Green Fruit Beetles: A Sign of Summer in San Diego. Extension Connection University of California Cooperative Extension, San Diego. 2, 3–5. https://files.constantcontact.com/e4686383101/ec02545e-c2ad-4f5b-8744-59fe763afbec.pdf?rdr=true


Middleton EG. 2022. Pest Alert: Mexican Fruit Fly Quarantine 8/19/2022. Integrated Pest Management in Southern California 1–5. https://ucanr.edu/sites/socalIPM/files/371964.pdf


Rijal JP, Gyawaly S. 2022. Insecticide options for navel orangeworm IPM in Almonds—A recent trial summary. San Joaquin Valley Tree and Vines (July issue). 3pp


Rust MK, Choe D-H, Sutherland A, Sorensen M, Nobua-Behrmann B, Kabashima J, Campbell K, Hubble C, Park H-E. 2022. Controlling yellowjackets in urban recreational areas. In R. Bueno-Marí, T. Montalvo, and W.H. Robinson (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Urban Pests (pp. 45–48). CDM Creador de Motius S.L., Mare de Deu de Montserrat 53-59, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, Spain. https://www.icup.org.uk/conferences/2022/papers/controlling-yellowjackets-in-urban-recreational-areas/


Simmons C, Shea E, Lone T, Hodson A, Crowley R, Stapleton JJ. 2022. Biosolarization: Returning almond hulls and shells to the orchard to improve soil and almond tree health. Progressive Crop Consultant May–June.


Sutherland AM. 2022. Diagnosing Plant Problems, 2022. Initial training for UCCE Master Gardener trainees, video-based module with embedded quizzes, group exercises, and homework: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1FnEhHqFS95GeuRzU2ucsUXl0TKyax9JN?usp=sharing


Sutherland AM. 2022. Integrated Pest Management, 2022. Initial training for UCCE Master Gardener trainees, video-based module with embedded quizzes, group exercises, and homework: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-fXk1Nodg1N3QVMRkqE2k1P36YfnNhVL. March 2022


Sutherland A, Hubble C, Barber M. 2022. Subterranean termite baiting: system options and seasonal considerations. Pest Control Technology. April 2022, pp. 70–82: https://www.pctonline.com/article/subterranean-termite-baiting-system-options-and-seasonal-considerations/


Sutherland AM, Taravati S, Hubble C, Rust MK, Choe D-H. 2022. Outdoor baiting to control Turkestan cockroaches (Blattodea: Blattidae). In R. Bueno-Marí, T. Montalvo, and W.H. Robinson (Eds.), Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Urban Pests (pp. 116–120). CDM Creador de Motius S.L., Mare de Deu de Montserrat 53-59, 08930 Sant Adrià de Besòs, Barcelona, Spain. https://www.icup.org.uk/conferences/2022/papers/outdoor-baiting-to-control-turkestan-cockroaches-blattodea-blattidae/


Sutherland AM, Hubble C, Barber M, 2022. Seasonal activity patterns may inform baiting programs targeting the western subterranean termite species complex. Annual meeting of the Pacific Branch of the Entomological Society of America. April 11, 2022; Santa Rosa, CA: https://esa.confex.com/esa/2022pb/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/157785


Stapleton JJ, Slinski S, Simmons C, Fernández-Bayo J. 2022. Potential of soil amendment with date paste (Phoenix dactylifera ‘Medjool’) for non-chemical control of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lactucae. Phytopathology 112:2.8. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-112-8-S2.8


Stapleton JJ, Ruiz TS. 2022. Soil disinfestation with onion (Allium cepa) harvest waste and elevated temperature for winter squash (Cucurbita moschata) production. Phytopathology112:S2.15. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-112-8-S2.15


Taravati S. 2022. Less known facts about the Turkestan cockroach. Pest Tactic Journal 1:1, 1–4.

Vinchesi-Vahl A. March/April 2022. Evaluation of automated and mechanical cultivators to control within-row weeds in processing tomatoes. Progressive Crop Consultant Vol. 7, Issue 2: p. 42–44.


Vinchesi-Vahl A. January 2022. 2021 Farm call summary/2021 research results/2022 research projects. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.


Vinchesi-Vahl A, Ramirez Bonilla J. January 2022. Characterizing the non-crop habitat for a pest of melons, the western striped cucumber beetle. Vegetable Crops Newsletter. 


Gilbertson R, Vinchesi-Vahl A. May 2022. VIRUS ALERT-2022: Resistance-breaking (RB) tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV) and beet curly top virus (BCTV) have been identified in Colusa and Sutter counties. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.


Vinchesi-Vahl A. August/September 2022. Farm call summary/Pest highlight: Vegetable Weevil/2022 Research Updates. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.


Vinchesi-Vahl A , Lee B. August/September 2022. The South American Tomato Leafminer Tuta absoluta: Threats of Invasion and Future Plans for Control. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.


Vinchesi-Vahl A. December 2022. Tomato meeting announcement. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.


Vinchesi-Vahl A, Aegerter B. December 2022. Fusarium falciforme cultivar evaluations table. Vegetable Crops Newsletter.


Ramirez Bonilla J, Grettenberger I, Vinchesi-Vahl A. May 9, 2022. Studies characterizing the relationship between weeds and the western striped cucumber beetle. UC Weed Science Blog.


Vinchesi-Vahl A. December 19, 2022. Evaluation of automated and mechanical cultivators to control within-row weeds in processing tomatoes. UC Weed Science Blog.


Vinchesi-Vahl A. November 2022. 2022 UCCE Vegetable Crops Program Update. Yuba Sutter Farm Bureau Crop Talk, Vol. 17, No. 1.


Vinchesi-Vahl A. 2022. Evaluation of darkling beetle overwintering locations and movement into tomato fields. California Tomato Research Institute final report.


Grettenberger I, Vinchesi-Vahl A. 2022. Improved management startegies for the western striped cucumber beetles in melon production. California Melon Research Board final report.


Swett C, Collinson M., Gastellum M, Aegerter B, Geiser D, Turini T, Vinchesi-Vahl A, Miyao E. 2022. Control strategies for F. falciforme, a newly recognized and widespread cause of premature vine decline. California Tomato Research Institute final report.


UC IPM Quick Tips

Carpet beetles

Codling moth


Giant whitefly

Phytophthora root and crown rot


Escarabajos de la alfombra (carpet beetles)

Los piojos harinosos (mealybugs)

Catarinas (ladybeetles)

Depredadores benéficos (beneficial predators)

UC IPM Newsletters

UC IPM Green Bulletin newsletter: 2 issues

Home & Garden Pest Newsletter: 3 issues

UC IPM Videos

YouTube: @UCIPM


Agricultural IPM:

Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Citrus Mealybugs in the San Joaquin Valley

Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Considerations in Management of Vegetable Crops Viruses

Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Downy Mildew of Vegetables

Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Fungal Diseases in Processing Tomatoes

Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Management of Voles, Rats, and Mice in Agricultural Fields

Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Managing Nematodes in Nut Crops

Webinar UC Ag Experts Talk: Weed Control in Noncrop and Natural Areas


Urban and Community IPM:

New video: What is IPM? IPM with Diego #1

New video: What is a Pest? IPM with Diego #2

New video: An Introduction to Invasive Shothole Borers

New video: Management of Invasive Shothole Borers

New video: Trapping of Invasive Shothole Borers

Webinar: Arachnophobia

Webinar: Bed Bug Prevention

Webinar: Controlling Weeds

Webinar: Invasive Pests in California Part 1, New Year, New Pests

Webinar: Invasive Species in California Part 2: Emerging Tree Pests

Webinar: Pesticides and Water Quality

Webinar: Squirrels!

Webinar: Understanding Subterranean Termites


UC IPM Online Courses

New online course: Urban Pyrethroid and Fipronil Use: Runoff and Surface Water Protection


UC IPM Social Media and Blogs

Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn: @ucipm

Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook: @ucipmurban

Pests in the Urban Landscape blog


UC IPM Informational Webpages

UC Guide (garden and landscape):

Insects and mites: Apple maggot, Ash plant bugs, Baccharis gall fly, Banana mothBoxwood leafminerBranch and twig borer, Citrus cutwormDouglas-fir needle midges, Eucalyptus snout beetle, Fall cankerworm, Ficus whiteflyFlatheaded borers, Gall makers, Grape bud beetleGrape leaffolderGrape mealybugGrape phylloxeraGreen fruitwormsIrregular pine scaleKatydids, Lead cable borerLeaf beetles and flea beetles, LeafhoppersLygus bugsMonterey pine midge, Navel orangewormOriental fruit mothPeach twig borerPeachtree borerPear psyllaPine wilt nematode, Raspberry cane maggotRaspberry sawfly, Rhododendron species resistant to feeding by adult root weevils, Saltmarsh caterpillarSphinx mothsTentiform leafminersWeevils, Western grapeleaf skeletonizer, Woolly aphids, Woolly apple aphid.


UC IPM Web Tools

Revised Natural enemies gallery: predators plus new: Aphid flies Mite midges, Spider mite rove beetle

Revised Natural enemies gallery: parasitoids (parasites) plus new: Alfalfa caterpillar Cotesia parasitoid, Aphid Diaeretiella parasitoid, Armored scale Encarsia parasitoid, Ash whitefly Encarsia parasitoid, Asian citrus psyllid Tamarixia parasitoid, Bluegum psyllid Psyllaephagus parasitoid, California red scale Comperiella parasitoid, Caterpillar Copidosoma parasitoids, Caterpillar Goniozus parasitoids, Elm leaf beetle Oomyzus parasitoid, Giant whitefly parasitoids, Glassy-winged sharpshooter Cosmocomoidea parasitoids, Goldspotted oak borer Calosota parasitoid, Grape leaffolder Habrobracon parasitoid, Greenhouse thrips Thripoctenus parasitoid, Leafhopper Anagrus parasitoids, Leafminer Diglyphus parasitoids, MealybugAcerophagus parasitoids, Mealybug Anagyrus parasitoids, Purple scale Aphytis parasitoid, Redgum lerp psyllid Psyllaephagus parasitoid, San Jose scale Aphytis parasitoid, Scale insect Metaphycus parasitoids, Scale insects Coccophagus parasitoid, Stink bug Trissolcus parasitoids, True bug Trichopoda parasitoid, Western flower thrips Ceranisus parasitoid, Whitefly Cales parasitoid, Whitefly Encarsia pergandiellaparasitoid, Woolly whitefly Amitus parasitoid

Updated Weed Gallery: new Common pokeweed



Jobson, E., Roberts, R. Genomic structural variation in tomato and its role in plant immunity. Mol Horticulture 2, 7 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s43897-022-00029-w


Making Better Decisions 2022- Wheat Field Days Report. “Viruses: It’s not just about Wheat streak mosaic.” June 2022. Olivia LoGrasso and Robyn Roberts.


Dry Bean of Colorado Technical Report article- Emma Barrett and Robyn Roberts. “Common Blight of Beans.” October 2022.


Webpage housed on the CSU IPM site focused on the new pest: (https://agsci.colostate.edu/agbio/ipm-pests/amauromyza-karli-in-quinoa/)


Soni, N., E. Westra, G. Allegretta, A. Araujo, C.F. Pinho, S. Morran, J. Lerchl, F. Dayan, P. Westra, and T. Gaines. 2022. Survey of ACCase and ALS resistance in winter wheat identifies target-site and non-target-site imazamox resistance in Secale cereale. Pest Manag. Sci. 78: 5080-5089


Roman-Reyna V, Curland RD, Velez-Negron Y, Ledman KE, Gutierrez Castillo DEE#, Beutler J, Butchacas J, Brar G, Roberts R, Dill-Macky R, Jacobs J. Development of genome-driven, lifestyle-informed markers for identification of the cereal-infecting pathogens Xanthomonas translucens pathovars undulosa and translucens. Phytopathology. 2022 Oct 12. doi: 10.1094/PHYTO-07-22-0262-SA. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 36224751.


Peirce, E.S., Cockrell, D.M., Mason, E., Haley, S., Peairs, F., and Nachappa, P. 2022. Solid Stems and Beyond: Challenges and Future Directions of Resistance to Wheat Stem Sawfly (Hymenoptera: Cephidae), Journal of Integrated Pest Management, Volume 13, Issue 1, 29


A Journal of Integrated Pest Management Publication highlighting a new pest in quinoa: Szczepaniec, A., and G. Alnajjar. 2023. New invasive stem borer, Amauromyza karli Hendel (Diptera: Agromyzidae) of quinoa in the United States. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 14(1): 1-7.



  1. Lutgen, R. Galanti, J. Bloese, and L. Keith. 2023. Ornamental Pests of Hawaii: Fungal and nematode associations and symptoms on Protea & Leucospermum spp. UH-CTAHR. https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/OF-60.pdf


  1. Lutgen, R. Galanti, C. Cheng, and J. Bloese. 2023. Ornamental Pests of Hawaii: Disease management of Protea and Leucospermum spp. UH-CTAHR. https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/OF-61.pdf



  1. Galanti, & J. Bloese. 2022. Pesticide Compatibility: Jar testing before tank mixing. UH-CTAHR. https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/site/Info.aspx. chromeextension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.ctahr.hawaii.edu/oc/freepubs/pdf/PR RE-11.pdf


Ramadan, MM, Kaufman, LV, and Wright MG. 2023. Recent advances in insect and weed biocontrol in Hawaii: case studies and trends. Biological Control 179: 105170


Au, MG and Wright MG. 2022. Arcte coerula (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): A new invasive pest in Hawai’i on endemic plants. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 54:63-75.


Bloese, J.B., Galanti, R., Lichty, J., and R. Porter. (2023). Efficacy of silicon dioxide applications on Dendrobium spp. in Hawaii in management of melon thrips (Thrips palmi (Karny)) and Western flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande)). Journal of Int. Pest Mngt. In Review.



Bastian, C., Tejeda, H., Hatzenbuehler, P., Fuller, K. B., Hewlett, J., Westerhold, A., & Sand, S. (2022). A Research-Based Extension Curriculum to Improve Negotiation Skills and Outcomes for Agricultural Stakeholders. Applied Economics Teaching Resources (AETR), 4(3), 67-81.


Dahan, J., Wolf, Y. I., Orellana, G. E., Wenninger, E. J., Koonin, E. V., & Karasev, A. V. (2022). A Novel Flavi-like Virus in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Crops along the Snake River Valley. Viruses, 14(6), 1320.


Dahan, J., Y.I. Wolf, G.E. Orellana, E.J. Wenninger, E.V. Koonin, and A.V. Karasev. 2022. A novel flavi-like virus in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) crops along the Snake River Valley. Viruses 14, 1320. https://doi.org/10.3390/v14061320


Eigenbrode, S.D., Adhikari, S., Rashed, A. 2023. Fescue aphid (Metopolophium festucae). In Advances in Understanding Insect Pests Affecting Wheat and Other Cereals (eds. S. Eigenbrode and A. Rashed). Burleigh-Dodds Science Publishing.


Ganie, Z., Soltani, N., McKenzie-Gopsill, A., Felix, J., Hutchinson, P., Dille, J., & Sikkema, P. (2023). Potential potato yield loss from weed interference in the United States and Canada. Weed Technology, 37(1), 21-24. doi:10.1017/wet.2023.5


Hirnyck, R., Tate, K., Price, W., Finkelnburg, D., Gunn, D., Hines, S., Neufeld, J., & Stokes, B. (2022). Innovative Virtual Pesticide Recertification Webinar Series Achieves Success during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Journal of Pesticide Safety Education, 24, 28-41.


Loomis, G. and J. Thomas. 2022. Application of integrated pest management skills through a board game simulation, Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents, Volume 15, Issue 2 (1-6)


Prager, S.M., A. Cohen, W.R. Cooper, R. Novy, A. Rashed, E.J. Wenninger, and C. Wallis. 2022. A comprehensive review of zebra chip disease in potato and its management through breeding for resistance/tolerance to 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' and its insect vector. Pest Management Science 78, 3731-3745.


Rashed, A. and E.J. Wenninger. 2023. Advances in managing wireworms in cereal crops, challenges, and future directions. In Advances in Understanding Insect Pests Affecting Wheat and Other Cereals (eds. S. Eigenbrode and A. Rashed). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.


Sanford D. Eigenbrode and Arash Rashed, (editors). 2023. Advances in Understanding Insect Pests Affecting Wheat and Other Cereals. Burleigh-Dodds Science Publishing. https://shop.bdspublishing.com/store/bds/detail/workgroup/3-190-109538


Strausbaugh, C.A., Majumdar, R., and Wenninger, E. 2023. Foliar and seed treatment insecticides for the control of curly top in Idaho sugar beet, 2022. Plant Disease Management Reports 17:ST004, The American Phytopathological Society.


Tate, K. and Hirnyck, R. (2023) Chapter 9: Pesticide management and safety. Idaho Master Gardener Handbook.


Tilley, D., Hulet, A., Bushman, S., Goebel, C., Karl, J., Love, S., & Wolf, M. (2022). When a weed is not a weed: succession management using early seral natives for Intermountain rangeland restoration. Rangelands, 44(4), 270-280.


Adhikari S., Oehler, E., Rashed, A., Eigenbrode, S. D., Stokes, B. 2022. Cereal Grass Aphid: A newly invasive pest in North America: Bul. 1026, University of Idaho Extension, Moscow, ID. https://www.uidaho.edu/extension/publications/publication-detail?id=bul1026


Adjesiwor, A. 2022. Dry Bean In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Adjesiwor, A. 2022. Oats In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Adjesiwor, A. 2022. Sugar Beets In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Adjesiwor, A. 2023. Dry Bean In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Adjesiwor, A. 2023. Oats In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Adjesiwor, A. 2023. Sugar Beets In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Bechinski, E., Merickel, F., & Stokes, B. 2022. Homeowner Guide to Centipedes and Millipedes. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin CIS 1170.


Clements, J., Saeed, A., Rashed, A. August 2023. Alfalfa Leafcutting Bee. Bul. 1050, University of Idaho Extension, Moscow, ID. https://www.uidaho.edu/-/media/UIdaho-Responsive/Files/Extension/publications/bul/bul1050.pdf?la=en

Duellman, K., Hutchinson, P.J.S., Marshall, J. and de Haro Martí, M.E. 2022. IMPACT Statement Ag Talk Tuesday series keeps Idaho producers informed.


Duellman, K., Wharton, P., Olsen, N., Woodhall, J., & Whitworth, J. 2022. Managing Bacterial Ring Rot of Potato. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 1021.


Duellman, K., Woodhall, J., Olsen, N., & Whitworth, J. 2022. Potato Mop-Top Virus: Biology and Disease Management. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 1017.


Eigenbrode, S. 2023. Dry Edible and Seed Pea In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Eigenbrode, S. 2023. Dry Edible and Seed Pea In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Elmquist D.C., Eigenbrode S.D. 2023. Soil Insects and Other Arthropods in Palouse Agroecosystems Bul. 1041, University of Idaho Extension, Moscow, ID. https://www.uidaho.edu/extension/publications/publication-detail?id=bul1041


Finkelburg, D., J. Marshall, K. Duellman, P.J.S. Hutchinson, O. Walsh. October 2022. IMPACT Statement: Ag Talk Tuesday connects with growers and agricultural professionals. 2 p. https://www.uidaho.edu/-/media/UIdaho-Responsive/Files/Extension/admin/Impacts/2022/33-22-dfinkelnburg-ag-professionals.pdf?la=en&hash=0A4BD55A19FF453A53F53535EE58CABDC9F0E54C.


Gunn, D., Hirnyck, R., Shewmaker, G., Takatori, S. and Ellis. L.T. 2022. Meadow Voles and Pocket Gophers: Management in Lawns, Gardens, and Croplands. In Pacific Northwest Bulletins PNW0627.


Hirnyck, R. 2022. Pesticide Safety In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Hirnyck, R. 2023. Pesticide Safety In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Hutchinson, P. 2022. Potato In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Hutchinson, P. 2022. Targeted Tank Mixtures for Weed Control in Potatoes. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin 950.


Hutchinson, P. 2023. Potato In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Olsen, N., A. Adjesiwor, R. Spear, M. Thornton, E. Wenninger, J. Miller, P. Wharton. 2022. Agronomics of leasing fields for potato production. In University of Idaho BUL 1038.


Prather, T. 2022. Alfalfa Seed In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2022. Cover Seed In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2022. Forage Alfalfa In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2022. Grass Hay In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2022. Noncropland In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2022. Pasture and Rangeland In 2022 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2023. Alfalfa Seed In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2023. Cover Seed In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2023. Forage Alfalfa In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2023. Grass Hay In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2023. Noncropland In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Prather, T. 2023. Pasture and Rangeland In 2023 Pacific Northwest Weed Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Schreiber, A., A. Jensen, S. Rondon, E. Wenninger, S. Reitz, and T. Waters. 2023. Integrated pest management guidelines for insects and mites in Idaho, Oregon and Washington potatoes. https://www.nwpotatoresearch.com/item/pest-management-options


Stokes, B.S. and E.J. Wenninger. 2022. Red Fire Bug – A New Idaho Invader? In University of Idaho BUL 1019.


Wenninger, E.J. 2022. Sugar beet pests. In 2022 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Wenninger, E.J. 2022. Pests of sugar beet grown for seed. In 2022 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Wenninger, E.J. 2022Pests of table beet grown for seed. In 2022 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Wenninger, E.J. and A.V. Karasev. Beet leafhopper and beet curly top virus (BCTV) strain risk assessment in Idaho. The Sugarbeet, Research 2023, pp. 53-54.


Wenninger, E.J. and B. Akhiwu. Mass trapping or attract-and-kill of sugar beet root maggot flies. The Sugarbeet, Research 2023, pp. 57-59.


Wenninger, E.J., A. Stanzak. 2023. Sugar beet pests. In 2023 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Wenninger, E.J., A. Stanzak. 2023. Pests of sugar beet grown for seed. In 2023 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Wenninger, E.J., A. Stanzak. 2023. Pests of table beet grown for seed. In 2023 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, Oregon State University.


Woodhall JW, Bell S, West A. 2023.Verticillium wilt of trees in Idaho. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin. BUL 1043.


Woodhall JW, Bell S,. Phytophthora bleeding canker of maple trees. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin. BUL 1042.


Woodhall JW, Brown L, Murdock MR. 2023. Diagnosing and managing Rhizoctonia in Idaho beans crops. University of Idaho Extension Bulletin. BUL 1040.



Adjesiwor, A., Duellman, K., Hutchinson, P.J.S., and Marshall, J. 2023. Pacific Northwest Herbicide Resistance Initiative and Idaho- Ag Talk Tuesday.  University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/4Wa6mxY2Kr8


Duellman, K., and J. Thomas. 2022. Disease management basics in potatoes. University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/A7KY2k9Gj3U  


Hoekema, D., Duellman, K., Hutchinson, P.J.S., and Marshall, J. 2023. Idaho Agriculture Water Update- Ag Talk Tuesday.  University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/z1FGqCR8r6Y


Hutchinson, P., and J. Thomas. 2023. “Weed Management Basics in Potatoes” University of Idaho Extension Potato Conference presentation. Recorded January 18, 2023. University of Idaho College of Agriculture and Life Sciences YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/qyXBPyx9lFU


Winston, R., Schwarlander, M., and McMohon, T. 2022. “Weed Biological Control Series”. Biological Weed Control at the University of Idaho YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@biologicalweedcontrolatthe59



Elgeberi, N. 2023. Summary of Statewide Integrated Pest Management Needs in Nevada. University of Nevada, Reno Extension Informational Publication. NIFA acknowledged. Hanson


Mazet, W, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Como Plantar Correctamente. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8t2ERgy4G40 Hanson Mazet, W, D.


Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. El Trabajo de Poda Hecho con un Proposito. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WJeaiXP8v2g&t=279s Hanson Mazet, W,


  1. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Proper Tree Planting. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-WxeGsgXoc&t=1s


Hanson Mazet, W, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Pruning with Purpose. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: https://youtu.be/fAQgjgqe7lY


Jensen, C, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Five Lawn Alternatives for Northern Nevada. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7GuEsfrHdQ


Jensen, C, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Keep Your Lawn Green During the Summer. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nlo9kUVgww8


Jensen, C, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Non-toxic Earwig Traps. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/EBN3hCnF4eM


Jensen, C, D. Harrison and H. Kratsch. 2023. Reducing Lawn with Buffer Strips. NIFA Acknowledged. Video housed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jg1Z5RMRn24


Jensen, C., Kratsch, H., Hanson-Mazet, W. In Progress. Lawn Alternatives. University of Nevada, Reno Extension FS-23-XX.


Jensen, C., Kratsch, H., Hanson-Mazet, W. In Progress. Reducing Lawn with Buffer Strips. University of Nevada, Reno Extension FS-23-XX.


Kratsch, H.A. 2022. Watering Trees in Hot, Dry Home Landscapes. University of Nevada, Reno Extension Informational Publication IP-22-02.


Kratsch, H.A. 2023 (In Review). Riego de árboles en jardines y patios secos y calurosos de una casa. University of Nevada, Reno Extension Informational Publication IP-23-XX.


Kratsch, H.A., F. Barrios-Masias, and B. Poudel-Ward. 2023. Enhancing Production of Warm-Season Crops in Nevada Using Rootstocks: A Grower Survey. University of Nevada, Reno Extension Special Publication SP-23-01.


New Mexico

Beck, L. L. (In Press) A-325: Managing Weeds in Alfalfa (Revision).

Bennet, A., and Kersten, M. (2023) Guía de insectos benéficos del patio trasero en Nuevo México: Consejos de identificación y fotos - Spanish translation for Extension Publication H-172. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University.


Cook, D., (Pierce, J. B., contributor). (2022). New Mexico Insect Losses. Cotton Insect Losses Estimates(pp. 410-465). Carey, NC: National Cotton Council. 


Cook, D., (Pierce, J. B., contributor). (2023). New Mexico Insect Losses. Cotton Insect Losses Estimates(pp. 364-423). Carey, NC: National Cotton Council. 


Kersten, M.L., A. Knoch, and M.Y. Thompson. 2023. Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Insect Pests of Fruit Trees in New Mexico. New Mexico State University Extension Guide H-184.


Kersten, M.L. and G. Giese. 2022. Grape Integrated Pest Management in New Mexico. New Mexico State University Extension Circular 705. https://pubs.nmsu.edu/_circulars/CR705/index.html


Kersten, M.L. and A. Skidmore. 2022. Perennial Plants for Pollinators in New Mexico. New Mexico State University Extension Guide H-182. https://pubs.nmsu.edu/_h/H182/index.html


Kersten, M.L., M.A. Shreiner, and A. Skidmore. 2022. IPM for Pollinator Conservation in Home Gardens and Small Farms. New Mexico State University Extension Guide H-181. https://pubs.nmsu.edu/_h/H181/index.html


Lujan. P. (2023). Cómo recolectar y enviar especímenes de plantas para el diagnóstico de enfermedades - Spanish translation of Extension Publication H-158. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University. 


Pierce, J. Know your friends in Biocontrol: Collops Beetles. New Mexico State University. Cooperative Extension Service (in review).


Pierce, J and P. Monk. 2023 Entomology Research and Extension Progress 2022. Agricultural Science Center Annual Report. NMSU Internal Report


Pierce, J. 2023. Evaluating Insect Pest Management Tools for Cotton with Adaptive Insect Populations in a Semi-Arid Environment," Cotton Incorporated, 2022 Annual Report


Pierce, J. 2023. Impact of alfalfa on predation in cotton in New Mexico. Cotton Incorporated 2022 Annual Report.


Skidmore, A., M. Shreiner, and M.L. Kersten. 2023. Integrated Pest Management for Squash Bug for Home Gardens and Small-Scale Growers. New Mexico State University Extension Guide H-183. https://pubs.nmsu.edu/_h/H183/index.html


Sutherland, C., A. Skidmore, L. Laurialt, M. Marsalis, and J. Pierce. 2022. Whitefringed Beetle in New Mexico Alfalfa. New Mexico State University Extension Circular 659. https://pubs.nmsu.edu/_circulars/CR659/index.html


Sutherland, C. A., Skidmore, A., Lauriault, L. M., Marsalis, M. A., Pierce, J. B. (2022) Circular 659), Whitefringed Beetle in New Mexico Alfalfa. Las Cruces, NM: Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service, New Mexico State University. 13 pp


Zhang, G., Kersten, M., Owen, A. and Skidmore, A., (2023). Honey bee foraging and pesticide exposure in a desert urban agroecosystem. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 249, p.114472. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoenv.2022.114472.


Beck, L. (2023). Principles of Weed Management for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


Kersten, M. (2023). Introduction to New Mexico's Insect Pollinators for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


Kersten, M., and Jia, J. (2023). Pocket Gardener: Bug Eating Bugs. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


Kersten, M., Lujan, P., and Jia, J. (2023). Pocket Gardener: Common Plant Diseases. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University 


Kersten, M., and Jia, J. (2023). Pocket Gardener: Who Is Eating Your Plant. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


Kersten, M., and Jia, J. (2023). Pocket Gardener: Whose Eggs Are These. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


King. J. (2023). Basics in Entomology Identification for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


Lujan, P. (2023).  Basics in Plant Pathology for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


Spackman, C., Beck, L. L. (2022) Plant Identification and Submission in a Digital World. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


Thompson, M. (2023). Introduction to Plant Identification for County Extension Agents. College of Agricultural, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, New Mexico State University


Allen, C. T., Pierce, J. B., et al. (2022). Cotton in the United States of America and Mexico. In G. Matthews (Ed.), Pest Management in Cotton: A Global Perspective. London: CABI.


Creamer, R., Simpson, A., Rheay, H.T., Brewer, C.E. 2023. Interaction of beet leafhopper (Hemiptera:Cicadellidae) vector of beet curly top virus and hemp in New Mexico. Environmental Entomology nvad069, https://doi.org/10.1093/ee/nvad069 

Creamer, R. 2023. EPPO Global Database. Beet curly top virus (BCTV00). https://gd.eppo.int/taxon/BCTV00/datasheet 


Creamer, R. 2023. Viral Diseases of Bell Pepper. Chapter 3.2.6 in Viral Diseases of Field and Horticultural Crops, ed L.P. Awasthi. Elsevier: San Diego, CA. 


Lehnhoff, EA, Neher, P, Indacochea, A, Beck, L. Electricity as an effective weed control tool in non-crop areas. Weed Res. 2022; 62: 149–159. https://doi.org/10.1111/wre.12523


Pierce, J. B., Tellez, I., Monk, P. (2023). Alternatives to Bollworm Control in the Southwest: Okra Leaf Cotton Impacts on Predation and H. Zea Egg Hatch. 2023 Beltwide Cotton Conference.

Carey, NC: National Cotton Council. PP 333-338.


Rashid, A., Schutte, B., Ulery, A., Deyholos, M., Sanogo, S., Beck, L., Lehnhoff, E. (2023) Heavy metal contamination in agricultural soil: Environmental pollutants affecting crop health. Agronomy Journal. https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy13061521.


Tellez, I. J. Pierce, P. Monk. Influence of plant architecture of okra-leaf cotton on crop microclimate, solar radiation and Helicoverpa zea (Boddie) egg hatch. Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, LA. Pp  496-500


Vyavhare, Suhas, D. Kerns and J. B. Pierce. In Press. Conchuela Stink Bug (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) Ecology, Biology and Management in Texas High Plains Cotton.  Journal of Integrated Pest Management. (In-Review)


Zhang, G., Kersten, M., Owen, A. and Skidmore, A., 2023. Honey bee foraging and pesticide exposure in a desert urban agroecosystem. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety249, p.114472.



Kalil, A., McKelvy, U., Porter, L. D. (2022). Chickpea Disease Diagnostic Series (pp2072 ed.). Fargo, ND: North Dakota State University Extension. https://www.ndsu.edu/agriculture/extension/publications/chickpea-disease-diagnostic-series


Mangold, J. (2023). Invasive Grass: Ventenata. Lives and Landscapes, Winter 2023, pp. 20-21, Montana State University Extension. https://apps.msuextension.org/magazine/articles/5569


McKelvy, U., Gunnink-Troth, M., Burrows, M. 2023. Diseases of Cool Season Legumes (Pulses: Dry Pea, Lentil and Chickpea). Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension Publications. EB207.

McKelvy, U., Friskop, A. 2023. Wheat Streak Mosaic FAQs. Bozeman, MT: MSU EXtension Publication.


Saeed, A., Delphia, C. M. (2023) Native Bee Habitat for Montana Gardens. MontGuide

Montana State University extension youtube videos; https://www.youtube.com/@MSUExtensionChannel/videos


Seipel T and Mangold J. Pigweed Prevention Rack Card https://store.msuextension.org/Products/Pigweed-Prevention-Rack-Card-4637__4637.aspx


Crop rotation and cultivation effects on Convolvulus arvensis population dynamics in small grain organic cropping systems K Hettinger, Z Miller, K Hubbel, T Seipel

Frontiers in Agronomy 5, https://doi.org/10.3389/fagro.2023.1177


Impact of Puccinia punctiformis on Cirsium arvense performance in a simulated crop sequenceD Chichinsky, C Larson, J Eberly, FD Menalled, T Seipel

Frontiers in Agronomy 5, 1201600


Lai, X., D. Niroula, M. Burrows, X. Wu, Q. Yan. 2022. Identification and characterization of bacteria-derived antibiotics for the biological control of pea Aphanomyces root rot. Microorganisms. 10:1596. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms10081596


Moparthi, S., L. Parikh, E. Gunnik Troth, M. Burrows. 2023. Identification and prevalence of seedborne Botrytis spp. in dry pea, lentil, and chickpea in Montana. Plant Disease. 107: 382-392. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-05-22-1236-RE


McMullen, M., M. Burrows, J. Marshall. 2023. Barley Diseases. in: Field Crop Diseases in the U.S. C. Hollier, B. Padgett and M. Draper, eds. APS Press, St. Paul.


Morey, A.C., Kerzicnik, L.M., Etzler, F.E., Mendrey, K., Morey, B.D., Miller, Z. 2022. First Report of Halyomorpha halys (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae) in Montana, USA. Journal of Integrated Pest Management 13: 1-4


Cropping systems alter plant volatile emissions in the field through soil legacy effects

SC Malone, FD Menalled, DK Weaver, TF Seipel, ML Hofland, JB Runyon, ...

Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 37 (5), 375-381


Baur, M., Mealor, B., Byrger, J., Fry, D., Erickson, D., Larios, L., Janes, J., Al-Khatib, K., Davy, J., Forero, L., Rinella, M., Randall, C., Teller, N., Mangold, J. (2022). Managing fire-adapted invasive plants in the American West. Outlooks on Pest Management, 177-183.



Gouge, D., T. Stock, S. Nair, S. Li. 2023. “Community Cats – Do Cats Pose a Risk to Human Health?”. pp. 11. Arizona Cooperative Extension newsletter (peer-reviewed). April 7, 2023.


Mattox, C., L. Beck, T. Stock, B. Leinauer, A. Kowalewski. 2023. “Comparing the Efficacy of Non-Selective Herbicides in Western Oregon and New Mexico”. Poster Presentation at 76th Annual Western Society of Weed Science Conference, February 27 – March 2, 2023.


Stock, T, and D. Gouge. 2022. “Flies in School Kitchens”. Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing (peer-reviewed / refereed). PNW 669.


Gouge, D., T. Stock. 2022. “Flies in the Kitchen”. pp. 13. Arizona Cooperative Extension newsletter (peer-reviewed). June 9, 2022.


Gouge, D., T. Getts, T. Stock, J. Connett, M. Gay. 2023. “Grasshoppers”. pp. 6. Arizona Cooperative Extension Newsletter (peer-reviewed). June 8, 2023.


Gouge, D., and T. Stock. 2022. “Integrated Pest Management of Nonbiting Flies in Schools”.  Pacific Northwest Extension Publishing (peer-reviewed / refereed).  PNW 770.


Gouge, D., C. McReynolds, and T. Stock. 2022. “Managing Pigeons.  Arizona Cooperative Extension publication (peer-reviewed).  AZ2001-2022.


Stock, T. “Model Integrated Pest Management Plan for Small Private Schools”. 2022. OSU School IPM Program. June 27, 2022.


OSU School IPM Program Website (osuipm.org), upgraded 2023.


Stock, T., C. Stover, Z. Hamilton, C. Schmid and A. Kowalewski. 2022. “Softball and Baseball Field Integrated Pest Management Training”. Oregon State University Extension.


Stock, T., Cain, A., Braithwaite, E.T., Kowalewski, A.R., McDonald, B.W., and Mattox, C. M. 2022. “Tips for Making Your School IPM Plan Complete” Oregon State University Extension Publication (peer-reviewed / refereed).  EM9357.


Molifua, K., T. Stock. 2022. Worksheets for Annual IPM Letter to Parents, Written Notification of Pesticide Applications, and Pesticide Warning Signs. 2022 OSU School IPM Training Program.


Gouge, D., M. Lame, T. Stock, L. Rose, J. Hurley, D. Lerman, S. Nair, M. Nelson, J. Gangloff-Kaufmann, L. McSherry, J. Connett, L. Graham, T. Green. 2023. “Improving Environmental Health in Schools”. pp 23. Current Problems in Pediatric and Adolescent Health Care. Volume 53, Issue 4. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cppeds.2023.101407



Foss, C. (Executive Producer). 2022. Video. Meet the Bug: Spotted Lanternfly. See it? Report it. Washington State University and Washington State Department of Agriculture. https://youtu.be/MZXkLoddva4


Foss, C. (Executive Producer). 2022. Video. Tree of Heaven is an invasive weed! Identify it. Report it. Washington State University and Washington State Department of Agriculture. https://youtu.be/JAOVo4nAHaE


Foss, C. 2023. ecoPRO Training & Certification. In cooperation with Washington State Nursery & Landscape Association. February 27-March 3, 2023.


Foss, C. 2022. IPM Training for Landscape Professionals: Eight ecoPRO key principles. October 24-27, 2022.


Foss, C. 2023. WSU Advanced Master Gardener Training: Pollinator Priority. March 2023.


Hopkins, B.K. 2022. Honey Bee Hive Health Assessment and Best Management Practices. Ongoing.


Kulhanek, K. and B. Hopkins. 2022. Distinguishing Asian Giant Hornet Damage to Honey Bee Colonies. Washington State University Extension publication FS370E. https://s3.wp.wsu.edu/uploads/sites/2168/2022/07/Giant-Hornet-Fact-SheetFS370E.pdf


Lyon, D., M. Thorne, H.C. Wetzel, M. Savic, I. Burke, J. Kalin, H. Lane, R. Sloot, and K. Lyman. 2023. 2022 WSU Weed Control Report. WSU Department of Weed Science. 57 pp. 2022-WSU-Weed-Control-Report-Revised-2-6-23.pdf


Lyon, D. 2022/2023. Wheat Beat. Podcast. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/category/podcast/ (14 episodes)


Lyon, D. 2023. Lessons from Weed Seed Control in Australia with Dr. Michael Walsh. WSU Wheat Beat. January 23, 2023.


Lyon, D. 2022. Plant Pest Diagnostic Clinic 2022 Roundup with Cassandra Bates. WSU Wheat Beat. November 28, 2022.


Lyon, D. 2022. Preemergence Herbicides for Grass Control with Dr. Ian Burke. WSU Wheat Beat. November 14, 2022.


Lyon, D. 2022/2023. Weeders of the West. Blog. https://smallgrains.wsu.edu/weeders-of-the-west/


Miles, C. and S. Shrestha. 2022. BDM (Biodegradable Mulch) Updates. Editions 1, 2, and 3.


Moulton, L.A. 2023. Propagating and Growing Sweetpotatoes in the Pacific Northwest Webinar. Length: 1 hour. April 6, 2023. https://extension.wsu.edu/regionalsmallfarms/event/propagating-and-growing-sweetpotatoes-in-the-pacific-northwest/


Moulton, L. 2022. Basic Concepts and Application of IPM. Cultivating Success Whole Farm Planning course. https://extension.wsu.edu/sanjuan/agriculture/cultivating-success/


Moulton, L. 2023. Propagating & Planting Sweetpotatoes. Wild Edge Farm, Port Angeles, WA. June 6, 2023.


Moyer, M.M. (ed). 2022. 2023 Pest Management Guide for Grapes in Washington. WSU Extension Publication EB0762. https://pubs.extension.wsu.edu/2019-pest-management-guide-for-grapes-in-washington. 64 pp.


Moyer, M.M. (ed) 2022. Viticulture and Enology Extension News. (Newsletter) WSU Viticulture & Enology Extension. Fall edition. September 2022. 9 pp.


Moyer, M.M. (ed) 2023. Viticulture and Enology Extension News. (Newsletter) WSU Viticulture & Enology Extension. Spring edition. April 2023. 10 pp.


O’Neal, S.D. 2022. WSU Extension IPM 2022 Quarter 3 Newsletter. https://ipm.wsu.edu/newsletter/2022-quarter-3-newsletter/ October 2022.


O’Neal, S.D. 2022. WSU Extension IPM 2022 Quarter 4 Newsletter. https://ipm.wsu.edu/newsletter/2022-quarter-4-newsletter/ January 2023.


O’Neal, S.D. 2022. WSU Extension IPM 2023 Quarter 1 Newsletter. https://ipm.wsu.edu/newsletter/2023-quarter-1-newsletter/ April 2023.


Shrestha, S. and C. Miles. 2022. Plastic Mulch Use and Management: In-Field Biodegradation of Soil-Biodegradable Mulch. WSU Fact Sheet. 4 pp.


Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2022. Seedcorn Maggot: What Can We Do? / 2022 Seedcorn Maggot Insecticide Trial for Onions. Onion Alert e-newsletter. December 15, 2022.


Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2022. 2022 WSU Onion Cultivar Demonstration. Onion Alert e-newsletter. December 15, 2022.


Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2022. WSU Onion Alert e-newsletter. 6 issues, 2022.


Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2023. WSU Onion Alert e-newsletter. 4 issues, 2023.


Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2022. WSU Potato Alert e-newsletter. 19 issues, 2022.


Wohleb, C.H., T.D. Waters, and L.J. du Toit. 2023. WSU Potato Alert e-newsletter. 12 issues, 2023.


Wohleb, C.H., and T.D. Waters. 2022. WSU Vegetable Alert e-newsletter. 5 issues, 2022.


Wohleb, C.H., and T.D. Waters. 2022. WSU Vegetable Alert e-newsletter. 8 issues, 2023.


Clements, J. S. Shumate, M. Haylett, B. Nelson, N. Young, K. Lamour, D. Walsh, and B. Bradford. 2023. Using targeted sequencing and TaqMan approaches to detect acaricide (bifenthrin, bifenazate, and etoxazole) resistance associated SNPs in Tetranychus urticae collected from peppermint fields and hop yards. PLOS-One. PONE-D-22-09155R3


Clements, J., J. Barbour, M. Haylett, B. Nelson, B. Bradford, & D. Walsh. 2022. Examining historical rates of leafcutting bee brood cell pathogens, parasitoids, and predators to establish baseline infectivity rates for alfalfa seed growers. J Econ Entomol. doi.org/10.1093/jee/toac082


Clements, J. M. Haylett, B. Nelson, S. Shumate, N. Young, B. Bradford, D. Walsh & K. Lamour. 2022. Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction Reveals Unique Trends in Pathogen and Parasitoid Infestations of Alfalfa Leafcutting Brood Cells. J Insect Sci. doi.org/10.1093/jisesa/ieac042


Lowder, S.R., T. Neill, A. Peetz, T.D. Miles, M.M. Moyer, C. Oliver, I. Stergiopoulos, S. Ding, and W.F. Mahaffee. 2023. A rapid glove-based inoculum sampling technique to monitor Erysiphe necator in commercial vineyards. Plant Dis. First Look. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-02-23-0216-RE


Nottingham, L.B., R.J. Orpet, and E.H. Beers. 2022. Integrated Pest Management Programs for Pear Psylla, Cacopsylla pyricola (Förster) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), Using Kaolin Clay and Reflective Plastic Mulch. 2022. J. Econ. Ent. https://doi.org/10.1093/jee/toac121


Sharma, M., T. Neill, H-C.Yang, C. Oliver, W. Mahaffee, R. Naegele, M.M. Moyer, and T.D. Miles. 2023. Development of a Competitive PNA-LNA-LAMP Assay to Detect a SNP Associated with QoI Resistance in Erysiphe necator. Plant Disease – First Look. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-22-2027-RE


Stergiopoulos, I., N. Aoun, Q. van Huynh, T. Neill, S. Lowder, C. Newbold, M.L. Cooper, S. Ding, M.M. Moyer, T.D. Miles, C.L. Oliver, J.R. Urbez-Torres, and W. Mahaffee. 2022. Identification of Putative SDHI Target-Site Mutations in the SDHB, SDHC, and SDHD Subunits of the Grape Powdery Mildew Pathogen Erysiphe necator. Plant Disease 106: 2310-2320. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-09-21-1993-RE


Webb, A., S.O. Onayemi, R.L. Olsson, K.Kulhanek and B.K. Hopkins (2023) Summer indoor queen banking as an alternative to outdoor queen banking practices, Journal of Apicultural Research, DOI: 10.1080/00218839.2023.2165747



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