NC1034: Impact Analyses and Decision Strategies for Agricultural Research
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Our reporting period is shifting due to changes in the timing of annual meetings this publications list represents as best as possible the reporting period 2021-2022, as disclosed by a portion of the members:
Alston, J.M., and D. Gaeta. “Reflections on the Political Economy of European Wine Appellations.” Italian Economic Journal 7 (May 2021): 219–258. doi:0.1007/s40797-021-00145-4
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and X. Rao. “Payoffs to a Half Century of CGIAR Research.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 104 (2)(2022): 502–529. First published online 22 August 2021 https://doi.org/10.1111/ajae.12255
Alston, J.M., P.G. Pardey, and X. Rao. “Rekindling the Slow Magic of Agricultural R&D.” Issues in Science and Technology (May 3, 2021): published online https://issuorg/rekindling-magic-agricultural-research-development-alston-pardey-rao/
Amin, M.D., S. Badruddoza, and J.J. McCluskey, 2021. “Does Conventional Energy Pricing Induce Innovation in Renewable Energy? New Evidence from A Non-Linear Approach,” Applied Economic Perspectives & Policy 43(2): 659–679.
Anderson, Jock R., Regina Birner, Latha Nagarajan, Anwar Naseem and Carl E. Pray, “Private Agricultural R&D: Do the Poor Benefit?” Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 18(2), 1-12. 2021.
Cheng, M., B.A. McCarl, and C.J. Fei, "Climate Change and Livestock Production: A Review", Atmosphere, 13, 140.https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos13010140, 2022.
Cheng, M., C.J. Fei, and B.A. McCarl, "Climate Change Effects on the U.S. Hog Production", Presentation at the 2021 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, August 1 - August 3, 2022.
Cheng, M., C.J. Fei, and B.A. McCarl, "Impact of Climate Change on the U.S. Livestock Sector", selected Paper, AAEA meetings, Aneheim, 2022.
Cho, S.J., and B.A. McCarl, "Major United States land use as Influenced by an altering climate: a spatial econometric approach", Land, 10, 546.https://doi.org/10.3390/land10050546, 2021.
Barrett Christopher B. and David R. Just, editors, Handbook of Agricultural Economics, volume 5 (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2021).
Barrett Christopher B. and David R. Just, editors, Handbook of Agricultural Economics, volume 6 (Amsterdam: North-Holland, 2022).
Barrett Christopher B., “The Global Food Crisis Shouldn’t Have Come As a Surprise: How to Finally Fix the Broken System for Alleviating Hunger,” Foreign Affairs, July 2022.
Barrett Christopher B., Ariel Ortiz-Bobea and Trinh Pham, "Structural Transformation, Agriculture, Climate, and the Environment," Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, forthcoming
Barrett Christopher B., Asad Islam, Abdul Malek, Debayan Pakrashi, Ummul Ruthbah, " Experimental Evidence on Adoption and Impact of the System of Rice Intensification,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, vol. 104, issue 1 (January 2022): 4-32 (lead article). (presented at NC1034 previously)
Barrett Christopher B., Tim Benton, Jessica Fanzo, Mario Herrero, Rebecca J. Nelson, Elizabeth Bageant, Edward Buckler, Karen Cooper, Isabella Culotta, Shenggen Fan, Rikin Gandhi, Steven James, Mark Kahn, Laté Lawson-Lartego, Jiali Liu, Quinn Marshall, Daniel Mason-D’Croz, Alexander Mathys, Cynthia Mathys, Veronica Mazariegos-Anastassiou, Alesha (Black) Miller, Kamakhya Misra, Andrew G. Mude, Jianbo Shen, Lindiwe Majele Sibanda, Claire Song, Roy Steiner, Philip Thornton, and Stephen Wood. Socio-Technical Innovation Bundles for Agri-Food Systems Transformation (Palgrave Macmillan 2022).
Da, Y., B.A. McCarl, and Y. Xu, "Effects of ozone and climate on historical (1980-2015) crop yields in the United States: implication on mid-21st century projection", Environmental and Resource Economics, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10640-021-00629-y, 2021.
Deng, Haiyan, Yanhong Jin, Carl Pray, Ruifa Hu, Enjun Xia and Hong Meng “Impact of public research and development and extension on agricultural productivity in China from 1990 to 2013.” China Economic Review, Vol. 70, 1-15, Dec. 2021
Ding, J.X., and B.A. McCarl, "Decadal Climate Variability, Water Availability and Cropping: The Value of Forecast Information in South-Central Texas", Climate Research, 83: https://doi.org/10.3354/cr01629, 1-14, 2021.
Dubock, Adrian C., Justus Wesseler, Robert M. Russell, Chen Chen, and David Zilberman. "Golden rice, VAD, Covid and public health: Saving lives and money." In Integrative Advances in Rice Research. IntechOpen, 2021.
Fei, C.J., B.A. McCarl, Y.Q. Yang, Y. Lei, L. Li, R. Srinivasan, B. Sheng, E.K. Ayana, and X.X. Fan, "Impacts of climate change on water management", Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, Volume 44, Issue 3 p. 1448-1464, 2022.
Fei, C.J., K.M. Williamson, R.T. Woodward, B.A. McCarl, and J. Rangel, "Honey Bees, Almonds, And Colony Mortality: An Economic Analysis of the U.S. Pollination Market", Land Economics, 97 (3), 688-703, 2021.
Geismar, H.N., B.A. McCarl, and S.W. Searcy, "Optimal design and operation of a second-generation biofuels supply chain", Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers Transactions, https://doi.org/10.1080/24725854.2021.1956022, 2021.
Graff, Gregory, Benjamin Nordbrock, and Andrew Seidl, 2022, "An introduction to the economics of climate change and animal health," Cp 10 in Craig Stephen and Colleen Duncan Eds., Climate Change and Animal Health, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, Florida, USA and Abingdon, Oxon, UK.
Grant, K.R., R.K Gallardo, and J.J. McCluskey, 2021. “Consumer Preferences for Foods with Clean Labels and New Processing Technologies,” Agribusiness 37(4):764–781.
Hochman, Gal & Ruslana Rachel Palatnik. (2022). “The Economics of Aquatic Plants: The Case of Algae and Duckweed.” Annual Review of Resource Economics. 25:24.1-24.22.
Hochman, Gal, Hainan Zhang, Lili Xia, Alan Robock, Aleti Saketh, Dominique Y. van der Mensbrugghe, & Jonas Jagermeyr. (2022) “Economic incentives modify agricultural impacts of nuclear war.” Environ. Res. Lett. https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/ac61c7
Hu, Ruifa, Changxin Yu, Yanhong Jin, Carl Pray, and Haiyan Deng. 2022. "Impact of Government Policies on Research and Development (R&D) Investment, Innovation, and Productivity: Evidence from Pesticide Firms in China" Agriculture 12, no. 5: 709. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture12050709
Hunt, C.L., L. Yu, M. Cochran, J.C. Liu, B.A. McCarl, C. Johnson, M. Brun, and M. Berquist, "A Case Study Approach to Analyze High-Containment Laboratory Workflows Promoting Sustainability, Networking, and Innovation", Animal Health Scientific and Technical Review Journal, 39 (3), 2021.
Kung, C.C., C.J. Fei, B.A. McCarl, and X.X. Fan, "A review of biopower and mitigation potential of competing pyrolysis methods", Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rser.2022.112443, 2022.
Lee, S., and G. Moschini, “On the value of innovation and extension information: SCN‐resistant soybean varieties,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(4)(2022):1177-1202. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajae.12283
Lee, S., Y. Ji, and G. Moschini, “Agricultural Innovation and Adaptation to Climate Change: Insights from U.S. Maize,” Journal of Agricultural & Applied Economics Association, 2022, https://doi.org/10.1002/jaa2.20 .
Li, J., X. Li, Y. Da, J. Yu, B. Long, C. Bakker, B.A. McCarl, J.S. Yuan, and S.Y. Dai, "Sustainable Environmental Remediation using Biomimetic Multifunctional Lignocellulosic Material", Nature Communications, 13, 4368 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-022-31881-5, 2022.
McCarl, B.A., E.C.H. Yu, and W. Attavanich, "Climate Change Impacts and Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture", Atmosphere, 12 (5), 545, https://doi.org/10.3390/atmos12050545, 2021.
McCluskey, J.J., 2022. “Control of the Research Agenda in University-Industry Partnerships,” in Modern Agricultural and Resource Economics and Policy: Essays in Honor of Gordon C. Rausser, DeGorter, H., J.J. McCluskey, J.F.M. Swinnen, D. Zilberman, eds. Springer, New York: Springer Publishing.
Pardey, P.G., and J.M. Alston. “Unpacking the Agricultural Black Box: The Rise and Fall of American Farm Productivity Growth” Journal of Economic History 81(1)(March 2021): 114–155 doi:10.1017/S0022050720000649
Perry, E.D., D. Hennessy, and G. Moschini. “Uncertainty and learning in a technologically dynamic industry: Seed density in US maize,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 104(4)(2022):1388-1410. https://doi.org/10.1111/ajae.12276
Purnhagen, Kai P., Stephan Clemens, Dennis Eriksson, Louise O. Fresco, Jale Tosun, Matin Qaim, Richard GF Visser, Andreas PM Weber, Justus HH Wesseler, and David Zilberman. "Europe’s farm to fork strategy and its commitment to biotechnology and organic farming: Conflicting or complementary goals?." Trends in plant Science 26, no. 6 (2021): 600-606.
Ramaswami, Bharat, Milind Murugkar, N. Lalitha. Carl E. Pray (2022) “The Political Economy of Plant Biotechnology: Farmers, Media and Opinion in India.” Economic & Political Weekly LVII (12) 29-36. March 19, 2022
Reardon, Thomas, Amir Heiman, Liang Lu, Chandra SR Nuthalapati, Rob Vos, and David Zilberman. "“Pivoting” by food industry firms to cope with COVID‐19 in developing regions: E‐commerce and “copivoting” delivery intermediaries." Agricultural Economics 52, no. 3 (2021): 459-475.
Smith, Vincent, Justus HH Wesseler, and David Zilberman. "New plant breeding technologies: An assessment of the political economy of the regulatory environment and implications for sustainability." Sustainability 13, no. 7 (2021): 3687.
Trigo, Eduardo, Hugo Chavarría, Carl Pray, Stuart J. Smyth, Agustin Torroba, Justus Wesseler, David Zilberman, Juan F. Martinez “The Bioeconomy and Food Systems Transformation.” in Science and Innovations for Food Systems Transformation and Summit Actions Joachim von Braun, Kaosar Afsana, Louise O . Fresco, Mohamed Hassan (editors) 2021. UN Food Systems Summit 2021 https://sc-fss2021.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/ScGroup_Reader_UNFSS2021.pdf
Uddin, A., R.K. Gallardo, B.J. Rickard, J.M. Alston, and O. Sambucci. “Consumer Acceptance of New Plant-Breeding Technologies: An Application to the Use of Gene Editing in Fresh Table Grapes.” PLOS ONE in press (June 2022).
Uddin, A., R.K. Gallardo, B.J. Rickard, J.M. Alston, and O. Sambucci. “Consumers’ Willingness to Accept Gene Edited Fruit – An Application to Quality Traits for Fresh Table Grapes.” AgBioForum in review (June 2022).
Van Eenennaam, Alison L., Felipe De Figueiredo Silva, Josephine F. Trott, and David Zilberman. "Genetic engineering of livestock: the opportunity cost of regulatory delay." Annual Review of Animal Biosciences 9 (2021): 453-478.
Wade, C., J.P.H. Jones, K. Austin, Y.X. Cai, A. Bean, G. Latta, B.A. McCarl, S. Ohrel, S. Ragnauth, J. Creason, and J.S. Baker, "Mitigation potential of the US forest and agriculture sectors across alternative socioeconomic futures", Journal of Forest Economics, 37: 127-161, 2022.
Wang, M.L., and B.A. McCarl, "Impacts of Climate Change on Livestock Location in the US: A Statistical Analysis", Land, https://doi.org/10.3390/land10111260, 2021.
Wang, M.L., B.A. McCarl, H. Wei, and L. Shiva, "Unintended Consequences of Agricultural Participation in Voluntary Carbon Markets", Complexity, ID 9518135, 17 pages, vol.202, vol.2021, 2021.
Wang, M.L., Y.K. Huang, M. Cheng, B. Sheng, and B.A. McCarl, "El Niño effects and crop yields", CAB Reviews: Perspectives in Agriculture, Veterinary Science, Nutrition and Natural Resources, 16, No.043, 2021.
Wesseler, J. H. H., and David Zilberman. "Biotechnology, bioeconomy, and sustainable life on land." In Transitioning to sustainable life on land, vol. 15, pp. 415-435. MDPI, 2021.
Wesseler, Justus, and David Zilberman. "Biotechnology, bioeconomy, and sustainable life on land." SUSTAINABLE LIFE ON LAND (2021): 407.
Wu, Felicia, Justus Wesseler, David Zilberman, Robert M. Russell, Chen Chen, and Adrian C. Dubock. "Allow Golden Rice to save lives." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, no. 51 (2021): e2120901118.
Yi, F., T. Zhou, L. Yu, B.A. McCarl, Y. Wang, and F. Jiang, "Heat stress and cognition: Effects on those over 40 in China", Weather and Climate Extremes, 32 (2021): 100308, 2021.
Yu, E.C.H., B.A. McCarl, and J.D. Zhu, "Market Response to Typhoons: The Role of Information and Expectations", Southern Economic Journal, forthcoming, 2022.
Zhang, H., J.E. Mu, B.A. McCarl, and J. Yu, "The impact of climate change on global energy use", Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 27, Article number: 9 , https://doi.org/10.1007/s11027-021-09986-x, 2022.
Zhang, Y.W., B.A. McCarl, Y. Li, Q. Li, and Z. Cao, "Adoption of rice auto seeding machinery benefits Asian urban food security in multiple ways", Presented at Chinese National Academy of Schences Regional Meeting, October, 2021.
Zilberman, David, Thomas Reardon, Jed Silver, Liang Lu, and Amir Heiman. "From the laboratory to the consumer: Innovation, supply chain, and adoption with applications to natural resources." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119, no. 23 (2022): e2115880119.
2023 Publications by NC1034 participants on topics related to NC1034:
- Addoum, Jawad M., David T. Ng, and Ariel Ortiz-Bobea. "Temperature shocks and industry earnings news." Journal of Financial Economics150, no. 1 (2023): 1-45.
- Ajibade, Abraham O., and Tyler B. Mark. "Macroeconomic Factors and the Stock Prices of US Hemp Firms." (2023).
- Alston, Julian M., Philip G. Pardey, Devin Serfas, and Shanchao Wang. "Slow Magic: Agricultural Versus Industrial R&D Lag Models." Annual Review of Resource Economics15 (2023).
- Badruddoza, Syed, Modhurima Dey Amin, and Jill McCluskey. "Impact of Food Retailers' Presence and Composition on Nutritional Equity and Health Outcomes in the United States With Machine Learning." Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior55, no. 7 (2023): 108-109.
- Barrett, Christopher B. “‘Benevolent’ patent extensions could raise billions for R&D in poorer countries,” Nature 621, number 7980 (September 25, 2023), pp. 687-690.
- Barrett, Christopher B. “A New Way to Fight Disease and Boost Agriculture in Poor Countries: How an Innovative Patent Law Could Incentivize R & D and Save Millions of Lives,” Foreign Affairs (September 2023).
- Barrett, Christopher B., Ariel Ortiz-Bobea and Trinh Pham, "Structural Transformation, Agriculture, Climate, and the Environment," Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, vol. 17, no. 2 (Summer 2023), pp. 195-216.
- Barrett, Christopher B., Thomas Reardon, Johan Swinnen, and David Zilberman. "Agri-food value chain revolutions in low-and middle-income countries." Journal of Economic Literature60, no. 4 (2022): 1316-1377.
- Bell, Jourdan, Paul B. DeLaune, Bart L. Fischer, Jamie L. Foster, Katie L. Lewis, Bruce A. McCarl, and Joe L. Outlaw. "Carbon sequestration and water management in Texas—One size does not fit all." Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment6, no. 2 (2023): e20372.
- Blanc-Betes, Elena, Nuria Gomez-Casanovas, Melannie D. Hartman, Tara W. Hudiburg, Madhu Khanna, William J. Parton, and Evan H. DeLucia. "Climate vs Energy Security: Quantifying the Trade-offs of BECCS Deployment and Overcoming Opportunity Costs on Set-Aside Land." Environmental Science & Technology(2023).
- Bozma, Gurkan, Faruk Urak, Abdulbaki Bilgic, and Wojciech J. Florkowski. "The volatility of beef and lamb prices in Türkiye: The role of COVID–19, livestock imports, and energy prices." Plos one18, no. 3 (2023): e0282611.
- Bridges, Gracen M., and Ruiqing Miao. "A Study of Climate Change Impact on Alabama Crops."
- Bruce, Analena B., Yetkin Borlu, and Leland L. Glenna. "Assessing the scientific support for US EPA pesticide regulatory policy governing active and inert ingredients." Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences13, no. 1 (2023): 1-13.
- Cariou, Pierre, Ronald A. Halim, and Bradley J. Rickard. "Ship-owner response to carbon taxes: Industry and environmental implications." Ecological Economics212 (2023): 107917.
- Chahal, Azadwinder, Daniel Ciolkosz, Virendra Puri, Jude Liu, and Michael Jacobson. "A Technoeconomic Model for Estimating Costs of Harvesting and Debarking Shrub Willow Highlights." Applied Engineering in Agriculture(2023)
- Chai, Yuan, David J. Pannell, and Philip G. Pardey. "Nudging farmers to reduce water pollution from nitrogen fertilizer." Food Policy120 (2023): 102525.
- Chandra, R., and Moschini, 2022. “Product Differentiation and the Relative Importance of Wine Attributes: US Retail Prices,” Journal of Wine Economics, 17(3): 177-208. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jwe.2022.23
- Cheng, Muxi, Bruce A. McCarl, and Chengcheng Fei. "Climate Change Impact on Pesticide Cost in the US." (2023).
- Chiles, Robert M., and Catherine Mendel. "Animals and Society." Handbook of the Sociology of Morality, Volume 2(2023): 277-284.
- Clancy, Matthew S., and Sun Ling Wang. "The Impacts of Private Sector R&D on US Agricultural Productivity Growth." (2023).
- Cooper, Joseph, Vincent Breneman, Meilin Ma, Jayson L. Lusk, Joshua G. Maples, and Shawn Arita. "Econometric assessment of the effects of COVID-19 outbreaks on US meat production and plant utilization with plant-level data." Food Policy119 (2023): 102522.
- Cornish, Brian, and Ruiqing Miao. Mitigating Climate Change with the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP): The Role of Carbon Credits and CRP Redesign. No. 2479-2022-2125. 2023.
- Cuffey, Joel, Wenying Li, Yang Yu, and Ruiqing Miao. "Retail food environment and household food waste: An empirical study." Food Policy117 (2023): 102457.
- de Figueiredo Silva, Felipe, Scott Kaplan, Freddy Arturo Magdama Tobar, Matthew D. Potts, Ramon Leonardo Espinel Martinez, and David Zilberman. "Estimating worldwide benefits from improved bananas resistant to Fusarium Wilt Tropical race 4." Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association2, no. 1 (2023): 20-34.
- Delgado, Jorge A., Víctor H. Barrera, Jeffrey R. Alwang, Yamil E. Cartagena, Luis O. Escudero, Donna Neer, Robert D’Adamo, and Angélica C. Zapata. "Nitrogen Management Can Increase Potato Yields and Food Security for Climate Change Adaptation in the Andean Region." American Journal of Potato Research(2023): 1-12.
- Domagała, Joanna, and Wojciech J. Florkowski. "Trust and communication among trading partners and consumers in food supply chain." Communication, Leadership and Trust in Organizations(2023).
- Falkner, Amanda, Jane Kolodinsky, Tyler Mark, William Snell, Rebecca Hill, Amelia Luke, Jonathan Shepherd, and Hannah Lacasse. "The reintroduction of hemp in the USA: a content analysis of state and tribal hemp production plans." Journal of Cannabis Research5, no. 1 (2023): 17.
- Fei, Chengcheng J., and Bruce A. McCarl. "Agricultural Soils and the Quest for Net Zero Emissions." Choices38, no. 4 (2023).
- Fei, Chengcheng J., and Bruce A. McCarl. "The Role and Use of Mathematical Programming in Agricultural, Natural Resource, and Climate Change Analysis." Annual Review of Resource Economics15 (2023).
- Fei, Chengcheng, Jonas Jägermeyr, Bruce McCarl, Erik Mencos Contreras, Carolyn Mutter, Meridel Phillips, Alex C. Ruane, Marcus C. Sarofim, Peter Schultz, and Amanda Vargo. "Future climate change impacts on US agricultural yields, production, and market." Anthropocene42 (2023): 100386.
- Feng, Xiao, Abigail LS Swann, David D. Breshears, Elizabeth Baldwin, Haotian Cheng, Jonathan J. Derbridge, Chengcheng Fei, Lien AM, López-Hoffman L, Bruce McCarl, McLaughlin DM. Distance decay and directional diffusion of ecoclimate teleconnections driven by regional-scale tree die-off. Environmental Research Letters. 2023 Oct 13;18(11):114013.
- Florkowski, Wojciech J., and Sulakshan Neupane. "Cooking fuel frequency use in urban Uganda: addressing household air pollution." Environmental Science and Pollution Research(2023): 1-13.
- Frisvold, George B. "Bioprospecting and Incentives for Biodiversity Conservation: Lessons from the History of Paclitaxel." In Sustainable Resource Development in the 21st Century: Essays in Memory of Peter Berck, pp. 179-206. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
- Frisvold, George B., Chandrakant Agme, David Ervin, Jennifer Allen, Shawn Askew, Rebecca Grubbs Bowling, Jim Brosnan et al. "Extension event attendance increases adoption of weed management practices by sports field managers." Weed Technology(2023): 1-32.
- Gagnon, Mark A., Garrett Broad, Kelia Grandison, and Robert M. Chiles. "AgriTech investor and informant perspectives about cellular agriculture." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 26, no. 1 (2023): 89-109.
- Gerullis, Maria K., Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, and Thomas Heckelei. "Technology adaptation to climate change: Evidence from German seed growers." (2023).
- Glenna, Leland L. "Are intellectual property policies for gene‐edited crops fit for purpose? The perspectives of German scientists." Plants, People, Planet(2023).
- Gomez-Casanovas, Nuria, Paul Mwebaze, Madhu Khanna, Bruce Branham, Alson Time, Evan H. DeLucia, Carl J. Bernacchi, Alan K. Knapp, Muhammad J. Hoque, Xuzhi Du, Elena Blanc-Betes, Greg A. Barron-Gafford, Bin Peng, Kaiyu Guan, Jordan Macknick, Ruiqing Miao, and Nenad Miljkovic. "Knowns, uncertainties, and challenges in agrivoltaics to sustainably intensify energy and food production." Cell Reports Physical Science(2023).
- Graff, Gregory D., Benjamin Nordbrock, and Andrew Seidl, “An Introduction to the Economics of Climate Change and Animal Health,” in Craig Stephen and Colleen Duncan, Climate Change and Animal Health, CRC Press, 2023.
- Graff, Gregory D., Charles deGrazia, and Nicholas Rada, “Startups, private finance, and patenting in U.S. agricultural innovation” USPTO Economic Working Paper (2023)
- Greyling, Jan, Philip G. Pardey, and Senait Senay. "Distortionary Agricultural Policies: Their Productivity, Location and Climate Variability Implications for South Africa During the 20th Century." (2023).
- Guan, Kaiyu, Zhenong Jin, Bin Peng, Jinyun Tang, Evan H. DeLucia, Paul C. West, Chongya Jiang Sheng Wang, Taegon Kim, Wang Zhou, Tim Griffis, Licheng Liu, Wendy Yang, Ziqi Qin, Qi Yang, Andrew Margenot, Emily R. Stuchiner, Vipin Kumar,Carl Bernacchi, Jonathan Coppess, KimberlyNovick, James Gerber, Molly Jahn, Madhu Khanna, DoKyoung Lee, Zhangliang Chen, Shang-Jen Yang "A scalable framework for quantifying field-level agricultural carbon outcomes." Earth-Science Reviews243 (2023): 104462.
- Hadachek, Jeffrey, Meilin Ma, and Richard J. Sexton. "Market structure and resilience of food supply chains under extreme events." American Journal of Agricultural Economics106, no. 1 (2024): 21-44.
- Hill, Rebecca, Becca BR Jablonski, Laney Van, Ming Wang, Buddhika Patalee, Jonathan Shepherd, Matt LeRoux, Tyler Mark, Daniel F. Mooney, and Dawn Thilmany. "Producers marketing a novel crop: a field-level view of hemp market channels." Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 38 (2023): e22.
- Hirschl, Thomas A., James G. Booth, and Leland L. Glenna. "Religion and Climate Change Indifference: Linking the Sacred to the Social." Eur. Stud.15 (2023): 11.
- Hochman, Gal, and David Zilberman. "Policy Durability: Taxes versus Standards." Choices38, no. 3 (2023).
- Hochman, Gal. "C-FARE 2023 Brandt Forum Theme: Agriculture and Environmental Policy1." Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues38, no. 4 (2023).
- Hochman, Gal. "Insights in climate and economics: 2021." Frontiers in Climate5 (2023): 1202645.
- Horowitz, John B., Michael A. Karls, Juan Sesmero, and T. Norman Van Cott. "Beyond Simple Profit Maximization in Uncertain Markets: How Innovation and Entry Change Supply Curves and Producer Surplus." Journal of Private Enterprise 38, no. Summer 2023 (2023): 55-77.
- Hu, Lijiao, Yuqing Zheng, Timothy A. Woods, Yoko Kusunose, and Steven Buck. "The market for private food safety certifications: Conceptual framework, review, and future research directions." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy45, no. 1 (2023): 197-220.
- Hutchins, Jared, and Brent Hueth. "100 years of data sovereignty: Cooperative data governance and innovation in US dairy." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2023).
- Hutchins, Jared, Yating Gong, and Xiaodong Du. "The role of animal breeding in productivity growth: Evidence from Wisconsin dairy farms." American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2023).
- Ishaq, Mariam, Deepthi Kolady, and Carola Grebitus. "Analyzing behavioral factors of willingness to pay for sustainability." Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association(2023).
- Kibrom A. Abay, Tesfamichael Wossen, Gashaw A. Abate, James Stevenson, Hope Michelson, and Christopher B. Barrett, “Inferential and behavioral implications of measurement error in agricultural data,” Annual Review of Resource Economics, volume 15 (2023): pp. 63-83.
- Kilders, Valerie, and Vincenzina Caputo. "A reference‐price‐informed experiment to assess consumer demand for beef with a reduced carbon footprint." American Journal of Agricultural Economics(2023).
- Kim, Dahye, Vincenzina Caputo, and Valerie Kilders. "Consumer preferences and demand for conventional seafood and seafood alternatives: Do ingredient information and processing stage matter?." Food Quality and Preference108 (2023): 104872.
- Kim, GwanSeon, and Tyler Mark. "What factors make consumers in the USA buy hemp products? Evidence from Nielsen consumer panel data." Agricultural and Food Economics11, no. 1 (2023): 5.
- Kolady, Deepthi, Amrit Dumre, Weiwei Zhang, Kaiqun Fu, Marcia O'Leary, and Laura Rose. "Social media use among American Indians in South Dakota: Preferences and perceptions." arXiv preprint arXiv:2307.01404(2023).
- Kumar, Surender, and Madhu Khanna. "Distributional heterogeneity in climate change impacts and adaptation: Evidence from Indian agriculture." Agricultural Economics54, no. 2 (2023): 147-160.
- Kusunose, Yoko, Rossi, J. J., Van Sanford, D. A., Alderman, P. D., Anderson, J. A., Chai, Y., Gerullis, M. K.,Jagadish, S. V. K., Paul, P. A., Tack, J. B., & Wright, B. D. (2023). "Sustaining productivity gains in the face of climate change: A research agenda for US wheat." Global Change Biology, 29, 926–934. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16538
- Lee, S., Moschini, G. and Perry, E.D., 2023. Genetically engineered varieties and applied pesticide toxicity in US maize and soybeans: Heterogeneous and evolving impacts. Ecological Economics, 211, p.107873. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2023.107873
- Lee, Yuanyao, Madhu Khanna, Luoye Chen, Rui Shi, Jeremy Guest, Elena Blanc-Betes, Chongya Jiang, Kaiyu Guan, Tara Hudiburg, and Evan H. De Lucia. "Quantifying uncertainties in greenhouse gas savings and abatement costs with cellulosic biofuels." European Review of Agricultural Economics 50, no. 5 (2023): 1659-1684.
- Lence, Sergio H., and Alejandro Plastina. "A Time-Series Examination of the Quality of Industry-Level US Productivity Data." (2023).
- Lin, Ziyi, Ariel Ortiz-Bobea, Christopher A. Wolf, and Kristan Foster Reed. "Climate Change Impacts on US Dairy Production: Evidence from 8 Million Cows." (2023).
- Liu, Weijun, Haiyun Du, and Wojciech J. Florkowski. "Online Food Purchase Behavior: COVID-19 and Community Group Effect." Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research 18, no. 3 (2023): 1529-1547.
- Liu, Weijun, Mengzhen Cao, and Wojciech J. Florkowski. "The Impact of Regional COVID-19 Outbreak on Consumers’ Risk Perception of Purchasing Food Online." In Healthcare, vol. 11, no. 11, p. 1571. MDPI, 2023.
- Lu, Chaoqun, Jien Zhang, Bo Yi, Ignacio Calderon, Hongli Feng, Ruiqing Miao, David Hennessy, Shufen Pan, and Hanqin Tian. "Riverine nitrogen footprint of agriculture in the Mississippi–Atchafalaya River Basin: do we trade water quality for crop production?." Environmental Research Letters18, no. 11 (2023): 114043.
- Luo, J., Moschini, G. and Perry, E.D., 2023. Switching Costs in the US Seed Industry: Technology Adoption and Welfare Impacts. International Journal of Industrial Organization, p.102977. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijindorg.2023.102977
- Ma, Meilin, Carson Reeling, Megan N. Hughes, Shalamar Armstrong, and Richard Roth. "Comparison of conservation instruments under long-run yield uncertainty and farmer risk aversion." European Review of Agricultural Economics50, no. 5 (2023): 1685-1714.
- Maas, Alexander, Kate B. Fuller, Patrick Hatzenbuehler, and Christopher McIntosh. "An exploration of preferences for soil health practices in potato production." Farming System1, no. 3 (2023): 100054.
- Majeed, Fahd, Madhu Khanna, Ruiqing Miao, Elena Blanc‐Betes, Tara Hudiburg, and Evan DeLucia. "Carbon mitigation payments can reduce the riskiness of bioenergy crop production." Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association(2023).
- Majeed, Fahd, Madhu Khanna, Ruiqing Miao, Elena Blanc‐Betes, Tara Hudiburg, and Evan DeLucia. "Carbon mitigation payments can reduce the riskiness of bioenergy crop production." Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association(2023).
- Majeed, Fahd, Madhu Khanna, Ruiqing Miao, Guan Kaiyu, and Jeffery Kent. "The Cost of Carbon Farming to Decarbonize the Economy." (2023).
- Miao, Ruiqing, and Recep Ulucak. "The Political Economy of Agricultural Innovation: A Review." (2023).
- Naseem, Anwar, Latha Nagarajan, and Carl E. Pray. "Determinants of Private Agricultural R&D: Evidence from India." (2023).
- Nguyen, Ly, and Andrew Schmitz. "The welfare impacts of Covid-19 on the US salmon sector." Applied Economics 55, no. 22 (2023): 2579-2595.
- Nuthalapati, Chandra S, David Zilberman, Matin Qaim, Prabhu Pingali. Hybrid Mustard and Biotechnology. Economic & Political Weekly. Vol 58. 2023
- Ogle, Stephen M., Richard T. Conant, Bart Fischer, Barbara K. Haya, Dale T. Manning, Bruce A. McCarl, and Tamara Jane Zelikova. "Policy challenges to enhance soil carbon sinks: the dirty part of making contributions to the Paris agreement by the United States." Carbon Management14, no. 1 (2023): 2268071.
- Ortiz-Bobea, Ariel, Robert G. Chambers, Yurou He, David B. Lobell, “Large increases in public R&D investment are needed to avoid declines of US agricultural productivity,” arXiv preprint arXiv:2405.08159
- Palatnik, Ruslana Rachel, Mikhail Freer, Mark Levin, Alexander Golberg, and David Zilberman. "Algae-based two-stage supply chain with co-products." Ecological Economics207 (2023): 107781.
- Paudel, Bindu, Deepthi Kolady, David Just, and Evert Van der Sluis. "Determinants of consumer acceptance of gene‐edited foods and its implications for innovators and policymakers." Agribusiness(2023).
- Paudel, Bindu, Deepthi Kolady, David Just, and Mariam Ishaq. "Effect of information and innovator reputation on consumers’ willingness to pay for genome-edited foods." Food Quality and Preference 107 (2023): 104825.
- Rickard, Bradley J., Shuay-Tsyr Ho, Florine Livat, and Abigail M. Okrent. "Date labels, food waste and supply chain implications." European Review of Agricultural Economics50, no. 1 (2023): 29-58.
- Rocha, Adauto B., Richard K. Perrin, and Lilyan E. Fulginiti. "Estimating Biological Capital: Application to Dairy Cows and Orange Orchards." (2023).
- Rohr, Jason R., Alexandra Sack, Sidy Bakhoum, Christopher B Barrett, David Lopez-Carr, Andrew J Chamberlin, David J Civitello, Cledor Diatta, Molly J Doruska, Giulio A De Leo, Christopher J E Haggerty, Isabel J Jones, Nicolas Jouanard, Andrea J Lund, Amadou T. Ly, Raphael A Ndione, Justin V Remais, Gilles Riveau, Anne-Marie Schacht, Momy Seck, Simon Senghor, Susanne H Sokolow, Caitlin Wolfe, “A planetary health innovation for disease, food, and water challenges in Africa,” Nature, vol. 619, no. 7971 (July 27, 2023), pp. 782–787.
- Sajid, Osama, Jennifer Ifft, and Ariel Ortiz-Bobea. "The impact of extreme weather on farm finance-evidence from Kansas." (2023).
- Schimmelpfennig, David, and Janie Chermak “Introduction to the Economics of Plant and Animal Biosecurity,” Chapter 1 in Kitty Cardwell and Keith Bailey (eds.) Tactical Sciences for Biosecurity in Animal and Plant Systems, IGI Global, 2023. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7935-0
- Schmitz, Andrew, and Claudine Chegini. "Societal Gains from Price Stability: Does Risk Matter?." Theoretical Economics Letters 13, no. 2 (2023): 221-227.
- Schmitz, Andrew, Charles B. Moss, and Troy G. Schmitz. "The Impact of COVID-19 on World Oil Producers: Time is Important." Journal of Agricultural & Food Industrial Organization 21, no. 1 (2023): 35-52.
- Smithwick, Erica AH, Jennifer Baka, Douglas Bird, Christopher Blaszscak-Boxe, Charles Andrew Cole, Jose D. Fuentes, Sarah E. Gergel, Leland L Glenna, Caitlin Grady, Carter A Hunt, Lisa D Iulo, Jason Kaye, Klaus Keller. "Regenerative landscape design: an integrative framework to enhance sustainability planning." Ecology and Society28, no. 4 (2023).
- Song, Ze, Gal Hochman, and Govinda Timilsina. "Natural disaster, infrastructure, and income distribution." Development Research(2023).
- Srivastava, S. K., Deepthi Kolady, and Sudipta Paul. "Changing Food Consumption Pattern and Its Implications on Achieving Zero Hunger in India (SDG-2)." In Sustainable Food Value Chain Development: Perspectives from Developing and Emerging Economies, pp. 187-203. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
- Stewart, Dalton W., Yoel R. Cortés-Peña, Yalin Li, Ashlynn S. Stillwell, Madhu Khanna, and Jeremy S. Guest. "Implications of Biorefinery Policy Incentives and Location-Specific Economic Parameters for the Financial Viability of Biofuels." Environmental Science & Technology57, no. 6 (2023): 2262-2271.
- Sun, Ying, Jiaming Wen, Lianhong Gu, Joanna Joiner, Christine Y. Chang, Christiaan van der Tol, Albert Porcar-Castell, Troy Magney, Lixin Wang, Leiqiu Hu, Uwe Rascher, Pablo Zarco-Tejada, Christopher B. Barrett, Jiameng Lai, Jimei Han, Zhenqi Luo. “From Remotely-Sensed SIF to Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Service: Part II - Harnessing Data,” Global Change Biology, Volume 29, issue 11 (June 2023): pp. 2893-2925.
- Sun, Ying, Lianhong Gu, Jiaming Wen, C. van der Tol, Albert Porcar-Castell, Joanna Joiner, Christine Chang, Troy Magney, Lixin Wang, Leiqiu Hu, Uwe Rascher, Pablo Zarco-Tejada, Christopher B. Barrett, Jiameng Lai, Jimei Han, Zhenqi Luo, “From Remotely-Sensed SIF to Ecosystem Structure, Function, and Service: Part I - Harnessing Theory,” Global Change Biology, Volume 29, issue 11 (June 2023): pp. 2926-2952.
- Trigo, Eduardo, Hugo Chavarria, Carl Pray, Stuart J. Smyth, Agustin Torroba, Justus Wesseler, David Zilberman, and Juan F. Martinez. "The Bioeconomy and Food System Transformation." In Science and Innovations for Food Systems Transformation, pp. 849-868. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023.
- Trindade, Federico J., Lilyan E. Fulginiti, and Richard K. Perrin. "A half century of yield growth along the forty-first parallel of the Great Plains." Land Economics(2023).
- Uddin, Azhar, R. Karina Gallardo, Bradley Rickard, Julian Alston, and Olena Sambucci. "Consumers’ willingness to accept gene-edited fruit—An application to quality traits for fresh table grapes." Q Open3, no. 1 (2023): qoad008.
- Wang, Shanchao, Julian M. Alston, and Philip G. Pardey. R&D; Lags in Economic Models. No. 1701-2023-096. 2023.
- Wang, Tong, Hailong Jin, Heidi Sieverding, Sandeep Kumar, Yuxin Miao, Xudong Rao, Oladipo Obembe, Ali Mirzakhani Nafchi, Daren Redfearn, and Stephen Cheye. "Understanding farmer views of precision agriculture profitability in the US Midwest." Ecological Economics213 (2023): 107950.
- Wang, Weiwei, and Madhu Khanna. "Land use effects of biofuel production in the US." Environmental Research Communications5, no. 5 (2023): 055007.
- Wang, Wenjun (with Brian D. Wright) “Valuation of Patents using Stock Market Responses.” A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Berkeley
- Winstead, Daniel J., Michael G. Jacobson, and Francesco Di Gioia. "Valorizing staple Native American food plants as a food resilience resource." Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems7 (2023): 1117805.
- Wongpiyabovorn, Oranuch, Alejandro Plastina, and John M. Crespi. "Challenges to voluntary Ag carbon markets." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy45, no. 2 (2023): 1154-1167.
- Yang, Ruixin, Sun Ling Wang, Qian Liu, and Mengfei Xin. "Climatic effects and US agricultural productivity: Evidence and Prediction from crop yield and total factor productivity." (2023).
- Yang, Yingqian, Chengcheng J. Fei, and Bruce A. McCarl. "Changes in electrical generator cooling systems: Are they cost‐effective sources of water now and under climate change?." JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association(2023).
- Zhang, Chao, Yang Lin, Ruifa Hu, Guanming Shi, Jingshu Xin, Kevin Chen, and Yuanduo Meng. "Heterogeneous effects of information provision on fertilizer use in China’s rice production." Environment, Development and Sustainability(2023): 1-24.
- Zhang, Jingfang, Emir Malikov, and Ruiqing Miao. "Geography of Climate Change Adaptation in US Agriculture." (2023).
- Zhang, Na, Bijay P. Sharma, and Madhu Khanna. "Determining spatially varying profit‐maximizing management practices for miscanthus and switchgrass production in the rainfed United States." GCB Bioenergy15, no. 3 (2023): 271-282.
- Zilberman, David, Alice Huang, Lanie Goldberg, and Thomas Reardon. "The evolution of symbiotic innovation, water, and agricultural supply chains." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy45, no. 3 (2023): 1592-1603.
- Zilberman, David, Joseph Cooper, Gal Hochman, Thomas Reardon, and Sadie Shoemaker. "Understanding Supply Chains Is Crucial for Good Agricultural Policy." Choices38, no. 4 (2023).
2024 Publications (as of Sept 2024) by NC1034 participants on topics related to NC1034:
- Abulbasher, Abdelrahim, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Deepthi Kolady, Tong Wang, and David Clay. "Entrepreneurial Aspirations of South Dakota Commodity Crop Producers." Sustainability16, no. 16 (2024): 6839.
- Ahsanuzzaman, Hamza Husain, and David Zilberman. "Complementarity of field studies and RCTs: evidence from Bt eggplant in Bangladesh." European Review of Agricultural Economics51, no. 2 (2024): 221-247.
- Alam, Mohammad, Abedullah Abedullah, Chengfang Liu, Pedcris M Orencio, Fay Rola-Rubzen, Tahlim Sudaryanto, Tran Cong Thang, Chunlai Chen, Ashok Gulati, Kei Kajisa, Uma Lele, Nunun Nuryartono, Carl Pray, Syamsul Hidayat Pasaribu, Scott Rozelle, Mercy Sombilla, Yu Sheng, Nguyen Do Anh Tuan, Nipon Poapongsakorn, Jikun Huang, Jinxia Wang, Christopher Findlay. “Facilitating the Rapid, Inclusive and Sustainable Rural Transformation in Asian Developing Countries.” In 32nd ICAE. IAAE, 2024.
- Alekseev, Oleg, Karel Janda, Mathieu Petit, and David Zilberman. "Return and volatility spillovers between the raw material and electric vehicles markets." Energy Economics 137 (2024): 107808.
- Alekseev, Oleg, Karel Janda, Mathieu Petit, and David Zilberman. "Return and Volatility Spillovers between the Raw Material and Electric Vehicles Markets CAMA Working Paper 40/2024 June 2024." (2024).
- Amin, Modhurima Dey, Jill J. McCluskey, Ron C. Mittelhammer, Sophie T. Wu, and Haley F. Oliver. "Are Incomes and Food Safety Risk Related in Retail Food Environments?" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics(2024): 1-14.
- Amin, Modhurima Dey, Syed Badruddoza, Jill J. McCluskey, and Gregory Astill. "Product differentiation in the fruit industry: Lessons from trademarked apples." Agribusiness(2024).
- Annan, Kenneth, Scott W. Fausti, Evert Van der Sluis, and Deepthi E. Kolady. "Corn Acreage Intensification Levels in US Corn Belt States." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics(2024): 1-20.
- Awad, Koroles, and Jill J. McCluskey. "Marriage Equality and the Transnational Flow of Skilled Labor: The Impact of Same-Sex Marriage Legalization in the United States on the Inflow of Skilled Labor." In AEA Papers and Proceedings, vol. 114, pp. 265-269, 2024.
- Bansal, Sangeeta, and Madhu Khanna. "Corporate Social Responsibility: Motivations and Effectiveness in Developing Countries." International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 18, no. 1-2 (2024): 123-164.
- Barrett, Christopher B, Agnes R Quisumbing, Thomas Heckelei, Anna Josephson, Jeffrey Michler. “Perspectives and practices in ethical research.” In 32nd ICAE. IAAE, 2024.
- Barrett, Christopher B, Holly Wang. "Introducing Policy Comments." Food Policy 125 (2024): 102627.
- Barrett, Christopher B, Miguel I Gόmez. “Fostering healthy, equitable, resilient, and sustainable agri-food value chains.” In 32nd ICAE. IAAE, 2024.
- Barrett, Christopher B, Nathaniel Jensen, Karlijn Morsink, Yuma Noritomo, Hyuk Harry Son, Rupsha Banerjee, Nils Teufel. “Long-run Effects of Catastrophic Drought Insurance.” Working paper. Cornell University. (2024).
- Behler, Shane, Felipe de Figueiredo Silva, Michael Vassalos, and Joan U. Ureta. "Consumer Willingness to Pay for Visually Imperfect Organic Kale." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 56, no. 1 (2024): 21-45.
- Burdine, Kenneth H., Tyler B. Mark, Erik Dolhman, and Brian R. Williams. "The Impact of the Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC) Program on the Risk Levels of Dairy Producers." (2024).
- Chavarria, Hugo, Gal Hochman, Priyanka Kaushal, Madhu Khanna, Carl Pray, Justus Wesseler, and Enoch Kikulwe. "Exploring the Transformative Role of the Bioeconomy." In 32nd ICAE. IAAE, 2024.
- Chavarria, Hugo, Kutay Cingiz, Gal Hochman, Maximilian Kardung, Priyanka Kaushal, Madhu Khanna, Enoch Kikulwe, Justus Wesseler, Mengshuai Zhu, and David Zilberman. "The Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development." In 32nd ICAE. IAAE, 2024.
- Chen, Luoye, and Madhu Khanna. "Heterogeneous and long-term effects of a changing climate on bird biodiversity." Global Environmental Change Advances 2 (2024): 100008.
- Chen, Xiaoguang, Jing Gao, Luoye Chen, Madhu Khanna, Binlei Gong, and Maximilian Auffhammer. "The spatiotemporal pattern of surface ozone and its impact on agricultural productivity in China." PNAS nexus3, no. 1 (2024): 1-15
- Christian, Paul, Christopher B Barrett. "Spurious Regressions and Panel IV Estimation: Revisiting the Causes of Conflict." The Economic Journal 134, no. 659 (2024): 1069-1099.
- Da, Yabin, Yangyang Xu, Fujin Yi, and Bruce McCarl. "Climate change and winter wheat yields: the roles of freezing days and long-run adaptations." European Review of Agricultural Economics(2024): jbae015.
- Dalhaus, Tobias, Jan‐Philip Uhlemann, Mariska van der Voort, John Bonestroo, David Zilberman, and Thomas Reardon. "How to Assess Digitisation Impacts on the Food Industry: The Dutch Case of Microdata Collection for Firms’ Sustainability." EuroChoices (2024).
- De MacEdo, M.B., Benso, M.R., Sass, K.S., Mendiondo, E.M., Da Silva, G.J., Da Silva, P.G.C., Shrimpton, E., Sarmah, T., Huo, D., Jacobson, M. and Konak, A., 2024. “Brief communication: Lessons learned and experiences gained from building up a global survey on societal resilience to changing droughts.” Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 24(6), pp.2165-2173.
- Delgado, Jorge A, Robert E D’Adamo, Alexis H Villacis, Ardell D Halvorson, Catherine E Stewart, Jeffrey Alwang, Stephen J Del Grosso, Daniel K Manter, Bradley A Floyd. “Climate Change and Its Positive and Negative Impacts on Irrigated Corn Yields in a Region of Colorado (USA).” Crops 4, no. 3 (2024): 366-378.
- Dinar, Ariel, George Frisvold, Renan Goetz, Jonas Luckmann, Jinxia Wang, Maura Allaire, Karina Schoengold, and Yulin Jiang. "Reflection on the 10th Anniversary of the Journal Water Economics and Policy (WEP)." Water Economics and Policy 10, no. 01 (2024): 2401001.
- Dong, Yifan, Chengcheng Fei, Bruce A McCarl, David Zilberman. “How Genetically Modified Crops and Climate Change Influence Crop Migration in the United States.” 2024 Annual Meeting, July 28-30, New Orleans, LA 343999, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. (2024).
- Dorfman, Jeffrey H., Scott H. Irwin, Munisamy Gopinath, and David Zilberman. "The future of agricultural and applied economics departments." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy (2024).
- Doruska, Molly J., Christopher B. Barrett, and Jason R. Rohr. "Modeling how and why aquatic vegetation removal can free rural households from poverty-disease traps." arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.17384 (2024).
- Dumre, Amrit, Deepthi Kolady, Carola Grebitus, and Mariam Ishaq. "Drivers of Likelihood to Consume Carbon-Friendly Beef and Plant-Based Meat in the United States." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2024).
- Emran, Sheikh Jafar, and Andrew Schmitz. "Effect of the Social Safety Net on Child Labor and School Retention in Bangladesh: Empirical Evidence from Hies 2016." The Journal of Developing Areas 58, no. 2 (2024): 195-214.
- Fan, Xinxin, Madhu Khanna, Yuanyao Lee, Jeffrey Kent, Rui Shi, Jeremy S. Guest, and DoKyoung Lee. "Spatially Varying Costs of GHG Abatement with Alternative Cellulosic Feedstocks for Sustainable Aviation Fuels." Environmental Science & Technology(2024).
- Fei, Chengcheng J, Chih-Chun Kung. "The effects of tiered-electrical-subsidy policy on biopower development." Energy Policy 193 (2024): 114290.
- Frisvold, George B, Dari Duval. "Agricultural Water Footprints and Productivity in the Colorado River Basin.” Hydrology 11, no. 5, (2024).
- Frisvold, George B, Jyothsna Atla. "Agricultural Economic Water Productivity Differences across Counties in the Colorado River Basin." Hydrology11, no.8 (2024): 125.
- Gollin, Douglas, Jeffrey Michler, Susan Godlonton, Rachid Laajaj, Ujjayant Chakravorty, Vijesh V Krishna, Christopher Barrett, Jyotsna Puri, Johan Swinnen, Maximo Torero, Prabhu Pingali, JV Meenakshi, Julius Okello, Phuong Dung Le, John Ilukor, Frederic Kosmowski, Enid Katungi, Nedumaran Swamikannu, Ashwin Rode, Dilini Abeygunawardene, Fiona Burlig, James Stevenson, Joel Ferguson, Johanne Pelletier, Jonh Ashton Loeser, Kanika Mahajan, Karen Macours, Karl Hughes, Mai Mahmoud, Paul Christian, Shilpa Aggarwal, Thao Bach, Travis Lybbert. “Assessing the Impacts of International Agricultural Research: New Methods, Rigorous Evidence, Better Decisions [SPIA Fest 2024].” In 32nd ICAE. IAAE, 2024.
- Graff, Gregory D, Charles deGrazia, Nicholas Rada. "The Contribution of Startups, Venture Finance, and Patenting to Innovation in US Agriculture." USPTO Economic Working Paper, (2024).
- Greyling, Jan C., Phillip G. Pardey, and Senait Senay. "Agricultural policy and crop location: Long‐run output and spatial climate risk consequences." American Journal of Agricultural Economics (2024).
- Hamdan-Livramento, Intan, Gregory D. Graff, and Alica Daly. "Innovation Complexity in AgTech: The case of Brazil, Kenya and the United States of America?" World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Economic Research Working Paper Series. 82 (2024).
- Ho, Shuay-Tsyr, Luis Gonzalez Nieto, Bradley J. Rickard, Gemma Reig, Jaume Lordan, Brian T. Lawrence, Gennaro Fazio et al. "Effects of cultivar, planting density and rootstock on long-term economic performance of apple orchards in the Northeastern US." Scientia Horticulturae 332 (2024): 113194.
- Hochman, Gal, Vijay Appasamy. "The Case for Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies." Environments11, no. 3 (2024): 52.
- Hutchins, Jared, Yating Gong, and Xiaodong Du. "The role of animal breeding in productivity growth: Evidence from Wisconsin dairy farms." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 106, no. 1 (2024): 286-305.
- Ishaq, Mariam, Deepthi Kolady, and Carola Grebitus. "The effect of information and beliefs on preferences for sustainably produced beef." European Review of Agricultural Economics(2024): jbae014.
- Jacobs, Benjamin DJ, Michael P. Popp, Sunjin Ahn, Wim Verbeke, Brandon R. McFadden, Tyler B. Mark, Adam N. Rabinowitz, and Benjamin Campbell. "CBD Oil Concentration and Hemp Flower Drying Preferences of US Consumers." Research on World Agricultural Economy5, no. 1 (2024): 82-95.
- Janda, Karel, Vendula Letovska, Jan Sila, and David Zilberman. Impact of Ethanol Blending Policies on US Gasoline Prices. No. 2024/32. Charles University Prague, Faculty of Social Sciences, Institute of Economic Studies, 2024.
- Janzen, Sarah, Nicholas Magnan, Conner Mullally, Shruti Sharma, and Bhola Shrestha. "Household Responsibilities and Career Opportunities: Distance Learning for Rural Women in Nepal." Available at SSRN (2024).
- Jensen, Nathaniel D., Francesco P. Fava, Andrew G. Mude, Christopher B. Barrett, Brenda Wandera-Gache, Anton Vrieling, Masresha Taye et al. “Escaping Poverty Traps and Unlocking Prosperity in the Face of Climate Risk: Lessons from Index-Based Livestock Insurance.” Cambridge University Press, 2024.
- Johnson, Samantha R., Michael P. Brady, and Jill J. McCluskey. "Factors Affecting the Duration of Agricultural Marketing Orders." Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics49, no. 3 (2024): 550-571.
- Khanna, Madhu, Jia Zhong, Kalai Ramea. "High Costs of GHG Abatement with Electrifying the Light-Duty Vehicle Fleet with Heterogeneous Preferences of Vehicle Consumers." (2024).
- Khanna, Madhu, Shady S Atallah, Thomas Heckelei, Linghui Wu, Hugo Storm. "Economics of the Adoption of Artificial Intelligence–Based Digital Technologies in Agriculture." Annual Review of Resource Economics 16 (2024).
- Kilders, Valerie, Anam Ali. "Understanding the influence of end-users on the acceptance of gene edited foods and sensitivity to information." Food Quality and Preference(2024): 105238.
- Kilders, Valerie, Vincenzina Caputo, Jayson L Lusk. "Consumer preferences for food away from home: Dine in versus delivery." American Journal of Agricultural Economics106, no. 2 (2024): 496-525.
- Kilders, Valerie, Vincenzina Caputo. "A reference‐price‐informed experiment to assess consumer demand for beef with a reduced carbon footprint." American Journal of Agricultural Economics 106, no. 1 (2024): 3-20.
- Krasovskaia, Elena, Bradley J. Rickard, Brenna Ellison, Brandon McFadden, and Norbert Wilson. "Food labeling: Ingredient exemptions and product claims." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (2024): 1-22.
- Lacasse, Hannah, Jeff Buzas, Yuqing Zheng, Jane M. Kolodinsky, and Tyler B. Mark. "Hemp Food Motivations: The Role of Food/Diet Preference and Health Conditions On Hemp Food Purchases." (2024).
- Lacasse, Hannah, Jeffrey Buzas, Jane Kolodinsky, Tyler Mark, Rebecca Hill, William Snell, and Heather Darby. "Determinants of behavior towards hemp-based products: an application of the theory of planned behavior." British Food Journal126, no. 13 (2024): 394-414.
- Ledermann, Samuel T., Jock R. Anderson, and Carl E. Pray. "Observations on status and trends of agricultural extension and inequality in Uganda." World Development Sustainability 4 (2024): 100147.
- Lee, Seungmin, Christopher B Barrett, John F Hoddinott. “Food security dynamics in the United States, 2001–2017”. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 106 no. 5 (2024): 1595-1618.
- Lee, Seungmin, Kibrom A Abay, Christopher B Barrett, John F Hoddinott. 2024. “Estimating multidimensional development resilience.” IFPRI Discussion Paper 02268, IFPRI. September 2024.
- Lei, Yuhong, Muxi Cheng, Bruce McCarl, and Jerry Cessna. "A Review of Options and Costs for Mitigating GHG Emissions from the US Dairy Sector." Atmosphere15, no. 8 (2024): 926.
- Liu, Menglin, Madhu Khanna, and Shadi S. Atallah. "Policy Instruments to Promote the Adoption of Sustainable Nitrogen Management Practices." 2024 Annual Meeting, July 28-30, New Orleans, LA 344024, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. (2024).
- Lucchesi, Andrea, Madhu Khanna, Paula C. Pereda, Keyi A. Ussami, Patricia GC Ruggiero, Victor S. Dornelas, and Tess Lallement. "Araguaia biodiversity corridor cost benefit analysis: Large scale restoration and sustainable agribusiness in Amazon and Cerrado." Land Use Policy141 (2024): 107122.
- Ma, Meilin, Fei Qin, Jayson L Lusk. "Retail assortment under demand shocks: Evidence from the US yogurt market." Journal of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association(2024).
- Ma, Meilin, Michael S Delgado, H Holly Wang. "Risk, arbitrage, and spatial price relationships: Insights from China's hog market under the African Swine Fever." Journal of Development Economics166 (2024): 103200.
- Majeed, Fahd, Madhu Khanna, and Ruiqing Miao. "Designing Payments to Induce Low Carbon Sustainable Aviation Fuel Production in US Croplands." 2024 Annual Meeting, July 28-30, New Orleans, LA 344043, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. (2024).
- Menapace, Luisa, and GianCarlo Moschini. "The Economics of Geographical Indications: An Update." Annual Review of Resource Economics16 (2024).
- Miao, Ruiqing, Recep Ulucak, David Zilberman. "Public agricultural research, political economy, and climate change: A literature review." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy(2024).
- Miljkovic, Nenad, Xuzhi Du, Alexandra Solecki, Vivek S Garimella, Mengqi Jia, Bin Peng, Paul Mwebaze, James McCall, Fahd Majeed, Alson Time, Jinwook Kim, Matthew Sturchio, Kaiyu Guan, Madhu Khanna, Carl J Bernacchi, DoKyoung Lee, Alan Knapp, Greg Barron-Gafford, Bruce Branham. "Advancing Agrivoltaics through a Systematic Design Framework: Guidelines for Integration and Informed Decision-Making." Working paper, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2024).
- Mittelhammer, Ron C., Barry K. Goodwin, Jill J. McCluskey, and David Zilberman. "Whither Goeth agricultural economics?" Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy(2024).
- Mkondiwa, Maxwell, Terrance M. Hurley, and Philip G. Pardey. "Closing the gaps in experimental and observational crop response estimates: a bayesian approach." Q Open 4, no. 2 (2024).
- Moschini, GianCarlo, T Jake Smith. "Procurement Contracts and Buyer Power: Insights from Hotelling." Center for Agricultural and Rural Development(2024).
- Negi, Digvijay S, Christopher B Barrett. “Consumption Smoothing, Commodity Markets, and Informal Transfers.” Ashoka University, Department of Economics Working Papers. No. 116 (2024).
- Neugarten, Rachel A., Ranaivo A. Rasolofoson, Christopher B. Barrett, Ghislain Vieilledent, and Amanda D. Rodewald. "The effect of a political crisis on performance of community forests and protected areas in Madagascar." Nature Communications 15, no. 1 (2024): 2963.
- Nieto, Luis Gonzalez, Shuay-Tsyr Ho, Bradley J. Rickard, Gemma Reig, Jaume Lordan, Gennaro Fazio, Stephen A. Hoying, Michael J. Fargione, Mario Miranda Sazo, and Terence L. Robinson. "Estimated economic impact of fire blight on long-term orchard economic performance with susceptible and resistant rootstocks." Scientia Horticulturae 337 (2024): 113478.
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