NCERA197: Agricultural Safety and Health Research and Extension
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
- Assessing Youth Safety Knowledge with Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET), Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 28(2): 87-98 (doi: 10.13031/jash.14801)
- Quantifying Farmers' Exposure to Corn and Soybean Dust in On-farm Grain Storage Bins, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(2): 135-149. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14877)
- Farmers' Perceptions of Grain Bin Entry Hazards, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(1): 1-17. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14395)
- Summary of Known U.S. Injuries and Fatalities Involving Livestock Waste Storage, Handling, and Transport Operations: 1975-2019, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(1): 65-81. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14615)
- A test of Social Cognitive Theory to Increase Hearing Protection Use in Swine Buildings, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(4): 215-228. (doi: 10.13031/jash.15183)
- Removing Out-of-Condition Grain: An Exploration and Documentation of Existing Strategies, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 28(4): 245-259. (doi: 10.13031/jash.14897)
Shutske, J. M., Sandner, K. J., & Jamieson, Z. (2023). Risk Assessment Methods for Autonomous Agricultural Machines: A Review of Current Practices and Future Needs. Applied Engineering in Agriculture.
Gonçalves, J. L., de Campos, J. L., Steinberger, A. J., Safdar, N., Kates, A., Sethi, A., ... & Ruegg, P. L. (2022). Incidence and Treatments of Bovine Mastitis and Other Diseases on 37 Dairy Farms in Wisconsin. Pathogens, 11(11), 1282.
Weichelt, B., Scott, E., Burke, R., Shutske, J., Gorucu, S., Sanderson, W., ... & Rautiainen, R. (2022). What about the rest of them? Fatal injuries related to production agriculture not captured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). Journal of Agromedicine, 27(1), 35-40.
Shutske, J. M., Sandner, K. J., & Jamieson, Z. (2022). Risk assessment methods for automated agricultural machines: current practice and future needs. In 2022 ASABE Annual International Meeting. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers.
Cuthbertson, C., Brennan, A., Shutske, J., Zierl, L., Bjornestad, A., Macy, K., ... & Skidmore, M. (2022). Developing and implementing farm stress training to address agricultural producer mental health. Health Promotion Practice, 23(1), 8-10.
Drewry, J. L., Shutske, J. M., Trechter, D., & Luck, B. D. (2022). Assessment of digital technology adoption and access barriers among agricultural service providers and agricultural extension professionals. Journal of the ASABE.
Cuthbertson, C., Brennan, A., Shutske, J., Leatherman, J., Bjornestad, A., Zierl, L., ... & Lin, E. (2022). An Effective Mental Health Literacy Program for Farm Financial Service Providers. Journal of Agromedicine, 1-9.
Shutske, J. M. (2023). Agricultural automation & autonomy: safety and risk assessment must be at the forefront. Journal of Agromedicine, 28(1), 5-10.
Parvanta, C., Caban-Martinez, A. J., Cabral, N., Ball, C. K., Moore, K. G., Eastlake, A., ... & Schulte, P. A. (2022). In Search of a Value Proposition for COVID-19 Testing in the Work Environment: A Social Marketing Analysis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(19), 12496. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191912496
Caban-Martinez, A. J., Parvanta, C., Cabral, N., Ball, C. K., Eastlake, A., Levin, J. L., ... & Schulte, P. A. (2022). Barriers to SARS-CoV-2 Testing among US Employers in the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Analysis Conducted January through April 2021. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(18), 11805. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191811805.
Nour, Mahmoud, Y.H. Cheng, W.E. Field, E.J. Sheldon, and Ji-Qin Ni. Summary of Known U.S. Injuries and Fatalities Involving Livestock Waste Storage, Handling, and Transport Operations: 1975-2019. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 2022, Volume 28(1).
Morris, G.G., S.G. Ehlers, W.E. Field, and R.L. Tormoehlen. A Review of Agricultural Academic Safety, Health and Biosecurity Curriculum Standards. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2022, Volume 38(6).
Issa, F.I., D. Gaither, M.M.S. Raza, J. Lee, and W.E. Field. Removing Out-of-Condition Grain on Exploration and Documentations of Existing Strategies. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 2022, Volume 28(4).
Nour, M.M., Y.M. Aly, and W.E. Field. AgISM: A Novel Automated Tool for Monitoring Trends of Agricultural Waste Storage and Handling-Related Injuries and Fatalities Data in Real-Time. Safety. 2022; 8(4):75. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety8040075.
Etienne, A.J., W.E. Field, and N. Haslett. A summary of Lone Agricultural Worker Injuries and Fatalities. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 2023, Volume 29(3).
Dyer, M., Gorucu, S., Bock, R., Thomas, R., Liu, J., and Fetzer, L. (2023). Case Study: Modeling a Grain Bin for Safe Entry Retrofit. Safety, 9(2):28. doi: 10.3390/safety9020028.
Michael, J.H. and Gorucu, S. (2023). Severe injuries from product movement in the U.S. food supply chain. Journal of Safety Research, 7X: XX, doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2023.02.007.
Weichelt, B.P., Gorucu, S., Burke, R.R., Salzwedel, M.A., Murphy, D.J. and Lee, B.C. (2022). Agricultural youth injuries: An updated review of cases from U.S. news media reports, 2016–2021. Front. Public Health 10:1045858. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2022.1045858
Gorucu, S., Weichelt, B., and Burke, R. (2022). Injuries and Fatalities Related to Skid Steers: 2015–2020. Safety, 8(3), p.56.
Taylor, R., Hayden, K., Gluberman, M., Garcia, L., Gorucu, S., Swistock, B. and Preisendanz, H. (2022). Development and Demonstration of an Endocrine-Disrupting Compound Footprint Calculator. Water, 14(10), p.1587.
Gorucu, S., Pate, M.L., Fetzer, L., and Brown, S. (2022). Farmers perceptions of grain bin entry hazards. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 28(1): 19-30 doi: 10.13031/jash.14662.
Gorucu, S., Michael, J., and Chege, K. (2022). Nonfatal Agricultural Injuries Treated in Emergency Departments: 2015-2019, Journal of Agromedicine, 27(1): 41-50, doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2021.191327.
Weichelt, B., Scott, E., Burke, R., Shutske, J., Gorucu, S., Sanderson, W., Madsen, M., Redmond, E., Murphy, D.J., Rautiainen, R. (2022). What about the rest of them? Fatal injuries related to production agriculture not captured by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries (CFOI). Journal of Agromedicine, 27(1): 35-40, doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2021.1956663.
Ghafoor, A., F. A. Khan, F. Khorsandi, M. A. Khan, H. M. Nauman, and M. U. Farid. Development and Evaluation of a Prototype Self-Propelled Crop Sprayer for Agricultural Sustainability in Small Farms. Sustainability, (2022), 14: 9204.
Khan, F. A., A. Ghafoor, M. A. Khan, M. U. Chattha, and F. Khorsandi. Parameter Optimization of Newly Developed Self-Propelled Variable Height Crop Sprayer Using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) Approach. Agriculture, (2022), 12(3):408.
Chou, H. Y., F. Khorsandi, S. G.Vougioukas, F. A.Fathallah . Developing and evaluating an autonomous agricultural all-terrain vehicle for field experimental rollover simulations. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, (2022), 194: 106735.
Khorsandi, F., G. D. M. Araujo, and F. Fathallah. A systematic review of youth and all-terrain vehicles safety in agriculture. Journal of Agromedicine, (2022), 1-23.
Araujo, G. D. M., F. Khorsandi, and F.A. Fathallah. Forces Required to Operate Controls on Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicles: Implications for Youth. Journal of Ergonomics, (2022), 1-15.
dos Santos FFL, de Queiroz DM, Valente DSM, Khorsandi F, de Moura Araújo G. Analysis of Different Electric Current Frequencies in Soil Apparent Conductivity. Journal of Biosystems Engineering, (2023), 1-14.
Gibbs, J., C. Sheridan, F. Khorsandi*, A. Yoder. Emphasizing Safe Engineering Design Features of Quad Bikes in Agricultural Safety Programs. JASH, (2023), 29(2): 121-127.
Araujo, G. D. M., F. Khorsandi, F. A. Fathallah. Reach Evaluation to Operate Controls on Agricultural All-Terrain Vehicles: Implications for Young Operators. Journal of Safety Research, (2023), 84: 353-363.
The Agricultural Education Magazine - Current Issue, Volume 95, Issue 5, March/April 2023: Agriculture Safety Training Effectiveness https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/
Gorucu S, Dyer M, Bock R, Thomas R, Fetzer L, and Brown S. (2022). Modeling a Grain Bin for Safe Entry Anchor Point Retrofit. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Paper No: 22-00697. Houston, TX, July 17-20, 2022.
Dyer M, Gorucu S, Bock R, Thomas R, Liu J, Fetzer L. Case Study: Modeling a Grain Bin for Safe Entry Retrofit. Safety. 2023; 9(2):28. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety9020028.
Jepsen, D. (2022). When Fires Strike in the Field. eFields Bulletin. The Ohio State University. Available at: https://digitalag.osu.edu/efields
Paul, P. Jepsen, S.D. (2022). High Mold Concentrations Found in Corn. eBarns Bulletin. The Ohio State University. Available at: https://issuu.com/efields/docs/ebarns_2022_final
Akgerman, L., Jepsen, D., Larson, T., and York, D. (2021). 4-H Project Idea Starter: Disability Advocacy and Awareness. [4-H Bulletin 365.00]. Available at:
Jepsen, S.D., Kilanowski, J.F., Drerup, E.A., Brinkman, P., Duffy, S. (2023). Risk-factor assessment and sun protection behaviors of Ohio farmers. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 29(2): 129-142. (doi: 10.13031/jash.15320)
Geng, Y., Jepsen, S.D., Zhao, L., Sobeyejo, A. (2022). Quantifying Farmers’ Exposure to Corn and Soybean Dust in On-Farm Grain Storage Bins. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 65(2). https://doi.org/10.13031/jash.14877
Geng, Y., Zhao, L., Jepsen, S.D. (2022). Designing a Grain Dust Simulator to Simulate Dusty Environments in Typical Grain Bins in the Midwestern U.S. Journal of Biosystems Engineering, Vol 220, pp 203-213. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biosystemseng.2022.05.020
Jepsen, S.D., Akgerman, A., Funkenbusch, K., Calero, J., Kelejian, H.J. (2022). A Focus on Accessibility as an Approach to Enhance Inclusion in Urban Agricultural Programs. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, Vol 10(2), 9. https://doi.org/10.54718/ITWF8303
Kilanowski, J.F., Jepsen, S.D., Drerup, E.A., Brinkman, P., Duffy, S. (2022). A Needs Assessment of Ohio Farmer’s Self-Reported Health Behaviors. Journal of Agromedicine, Vol 27(1): 7 -14. doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2021.1893882.
Drerup, E.A., Kilanowski, J.F., Jepsen, S.D. Brinkman, P., Duffy, S. (2021). Health Behavior Resources Available to Farmers in Rural Ohio. Journal of Agromedicine, Vol 28(2): 136 – 150. doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2022.2040072
Pulley, J., Jepsen, S. D., (2022). Envisioning the Future of SBAE Through Virtual Reality Engagement and How It Can Be Used in the Classroom. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(4) pp. 35-37. (ISSN 0732-4677). Available at: https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/archive_issues/Volume95/2022%2011%20--%20November%20December.pdf
Pulley, J., Jepsen, S. D., (2023). Using Virtual Reality to Improve Agricultural Safety Training Effectiveness in Agricultural Education. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(4) pp.22-25. (ISSN 0732-4677). Available at: https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/archive_issues/Volume95/2023%2003%20--%20March%20April.pdf
Jepsen, S. D., (2023). OSHA and Ag in the Classroom. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(5) pp. 9-11. (ISSN 0732-4677). Available at: https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/archive_issues/Volume95/2023%2003%20--%20March%20April.pdf
Jepsen, S. D., Yoder, A., Issa, S., Salzwedel, M., Funkenbusch, K., and Khorsandi, Farzaneh (2023). ATV Safety Knowledge and Skills are Critical for All Riders. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(4) pp. 18-21. (ISSN 0732-4677). Available at: https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/archive_issues/Volume95/2023%2003%20--%20March%20April.pdf
Andersen, S. J.*, Pate, M. L., Smith, J., Clement, H., & Judd-Murray, R. (2023). Equine Assessment Procedures in Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship Programs. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 29(2), 99-108. doi: 10.13031/jash.15457
Andersen, S. J.*, Pate, M. L., Smith, J., Clement, H., & Judd-Murray, R. (2023). Validation of a basic ground skills assessment for equine-assisted services. Emerging Animal Species, 8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eas.2023.100030
Smalley, S. W., Perry, D. K., Shultz, A., Lawver, R. G., Pate, M. L., Hanagriff, R., & Ewell, C. (2022). Assessing Youth Safety Knowledge Through the Agricultural Experience Tracker (AET). Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 28(2), 87-98. doi: 10.13031/jash.14801
Gorucu, S., Pate, M. L., Fetzer, L., & Brown, S. (2022). Farmers’ perceptions of grain bin entry hazards. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 28(1), 19-30. doi: 10.13031/jash.14662
Articles and Products:
Conference Presentations
- Gorucu, S., Moore, M., Bliznyuk, N., 2023. Farm Vehicle and Farm Labor Transportation Crashes in Florida: 2013-2021. 15th International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture, Oct 29 – Nov 1, 2023, Antalya/Turkiye. Available at: https://www.ankageng2023.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/AnkAgEng-2023-Abstract-Book.pdf
- Gorucu, S., OspinaG, C., Hofstetter, D., 2023. Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment for Cattle Stunning: Case Study. 15th International Congress on Agricultural Mechanization and Energy in Agriculture, Oct 29 – Nov 1, 2023, Antalya/Turkiye. Available at: https://www.ankageng2023.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/AnkAgEng-2023-Abstract-Book.pdf
- Shutske, J., Gonzalez, E., Chao, O., Veeser, D., Diaz Vallejo, E.J., Sethi, A.K., Goldberg, T., Kates, A.E., Knobloch, M., Leite de Campos, J., Pinzón, C., Ruegg, P.L., Safdar, N., Steinberger, A., Suen, G., Young, A., Dukes., E. (2023). A Comprehensive, Data Based Intervention to Reduce Antibiotic Resistance Risk Among Dairy Workers. 2023 International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health Annual Conference. Poster and abstract. Presented in Tampa, Florida.
- Masel, B., Cunningham, M., Funkenbusch, K., Mehrnoosh, N. & Minor, D. (2023, March). Chronic Health Condition and Management for Farmers. [Oral Presentation]. National AgrAbility Training Workshop. Spokane, WA. http://www.agrability.org/agrability-national-training-workshop/2023-agrability-national-training-workshop/.
- Doosing, E., Funkenbusch, K. & Cunningham, M. (2023, March). 4-H Save Your Leaders Guide. [Oral Presentation]. National AgrAbility Training Workshop. Spokane, WA. http://www.agrability.org/agrability-national-training-workshop/2023-agrability-national-training-workshop/
- Funkenbusch, K. & Miller, C. (2023, February). Mental Health in Agriculture. [Invited Oral Presentation]. Missouri Young Farmers/Young Farm Wives State Convention. Camden of the Lake, MO.
- Funkenbusch, K., Zhou, J. & Shannon, M. (2023, November). Better Farm Tools and Equipment for Women Urban and Rural Agriculture: Survey on the Health and Safety Issues of Farm Tools and Equipment used by Women Farmers. [Research Poster]. Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Conference. Dubuque, IA. https://icash.public-health.uiowa.edu/2023-mrash/
- Patillo, A., Funkenbusch, K. & Pezold, M. (2023, November). Missouri farm and ranch stress project accelerator. [Research Poster]. Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Conference. Dubuque, IA. https://icash.public-health.uiowa.edu/2023-mrash/
- Funkenbusch, K., Patillo, A., Liu, P., Kelly, D., Williams, E. & Lang, V. (2023, October). Breaking Down Barriers to St. Louis Metropolitan Area New and Beginning Urban and Small-Scale Farms Grow Success. [Professional Technical Poster]. Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program Project Directors Meeting. Denver, CO.
- Funkenbusch, K., Fuller, J., Picking, E. Schreck, B., Yang, N., Bolling, M., Brattin, A., Jaster, S. (2023, March). Missouri AgrAbility Assist Client Farmers to Promote Hope, Independence, Equity, Diversity, and Accessible Self-employment Opportunities in Agriculture. [Professional Poster]. National AgrAbility Training Workshop. Spokane, WA. http://www.agrability.org/agrability-national-training-workshop/2023-agrability-national-training-workshop/
- Ogunbiyi, D., Moore, K. G. (2024, June) Investigating the Relationship Between Respirator Types and Their Impact on Behavioral and Physiological Responses While Performing Simulated Grain Handling Activities. ISASH Annual Conference, Portland, OR.
- Moore, K. G. (2024, April). Managing Grain, Facilities, and Employees for Quality and Safety. Coastal Bend Grain Storage and Handlers Safety Conference. Sinton, TX.
- Skinner, H., Jepsen, D. (2023). Livestock Handling Safety: A 4-H Resource Guide for Youth, Parents and Project Advisors. Poster presented at the International Society for Agricultural Safety and Health Annual Conference, Tampa, FL. June 18, 2023.
- Pulley, J., Bowling, Jepsen, D., Kitchel, T (2023). School Based-Agricultural Education Teachers’ Lived Experience of Integrating Virtual Reality into their Classroom. Presentation at the National AAAE Conference, Raleigh, NC. May 16, 2023.
- Jarman, R., Joseph, R, Akgerman, L., Jepsen, D., (2022) Using Social Media to support your farmers and create educational content. Presentation at the National AgrAbility Training Workshop. Spokane, WA. March 25, 2023.
- Akgerman, L., Jepsen, D., Jarman, R., Joseph, R., Scaife, G. (2022). Ohio AgrAbility and Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities. Presentation at the National AgrAbility Training Workshop. Spokane, WA. March 25, 2023.
- Akgerman, L. (2023). Addressing mental health stigma in rural communities. Ohio Rural Health Conference, Ada, Ohio.
- Dellifield, J., Britton, B, Zoller, C, Jepsen, D. (2023). Farm Stress Certified: A New Approach to Training for Mental Health Professionals. Presented at the Epsilin Sigma Phi National Conference, Billings, MT. September 27, 2023.
- Jepsen, S.D., Kilanowski, J.F., Drerup, E., Brinkman, P. (2023). Identifying Key Health Behaviors of Farmers & Available Health Resources for Ohio Rural Communities. Presented at the National Health Outreach Conference, Ithica, NY. May 23, 2023.
- Zoller, C., Noggle, S., Britton, B., Dellifield, J. Jepsen, D., Martin, K. (2023). A Team Approach to Addressing Farmer Mental Health and Farm & Rural Stress. Presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the County Agricultural Agents Annual Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
- Zoller, C., Jepsen, D., Noggle, S., Britton, B., Dellifield, J. Martin, K. (2023). A Team Approach to Addressing Farmer Mental Health and Farm & Rural Stress. Presented at the 2023 OSU Extension Agricultural Agriculture & Natural Resources Statewide Retreat, in Newbury Ohio, June 7, 2023.
Extension Bulletins, Fact Sheets, Curricular Products
- Fetzer, L., Becot, F. & Murphy, D. (2024) Farm equipment safety on public roads. Penn State Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.psu.edu/farm-equipment-safety-on-public-roads
- Fetzer, L., Becot, F., Fabian, E., and Tejada de Rivero, M. (2024) Ag safety and health springtime preparations. Penn State Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.psu.edu/ag-safety-and-health-springtime-preparations.
- Fetzer, L. and Davis, J. (2023) Does the federal worker protection standard regulation apply to me? Penn State Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.psu.edu/does-the-federal-worker-protection-standard-regulation-apply-to-me.
- Fetzer, L, Becot, F., and Murphy, D. (2024) Practical ways to prevent hearing loss on the farm. Penn State Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.psu.edu/practical-ways-to-prevent-hearing-loss-on-the-farm.
- Spackman, A. & Fetzer, L. (2023) Farm mobility: Selecting a utility terrain vehicle (UTV)., Penn State Extension. Retrieved from https://extension.psu.edu/farm-mobility-selecting-a-utility-terrain-vehicle-utv.
- Shutske, J. (2023). Lighting & Marking for Ag Equipment on Wisconsin Public Roadways. Agricultural Safety and Health Program Fact Sheet. A-ASH-FS-102 (2023)
- Shutske, J. (2023). The Power of a PTO. Agricultural Safety and Health Program Fact Sheet. A-ASH-FS-101 (2023)
- Shutske, J., Vogt, W., Cornelisse, S., and Luck, B. (2023). Agricultural Autonomy, Technology & the Future. Agricultural Safety and Health Program Fact Sheet. A-ASH-FS-103 (2023)
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Connecting to Our Positive Emotions. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WCO-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEOverview
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Personal Strengths.
- WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC1-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEStrengths
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Gratitude. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC2-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEGratitude
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Noticing Positive Events. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC3-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPENoticing
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Savoring. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC4-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPESavoring
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Everyday Mindfulness. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC5-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEMindfulness
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Meditation. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC6-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEMeditation
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Emotional Awareness. WC7-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEEmotions
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Positive Reappraisal. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC8-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEReappraisal
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Self-Compassion. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC9-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPECompassion
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023). Acts of Kindness. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC10-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEKindness
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J., Kolb, L. (2023).Attainable Goals. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WC11-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEAttainableGoals
- Swartz, O., Shutske, J., Coorough, A., Moskowitz, J. (2023). Connecting to Our Positive Emotions. WeCOPE Fact Sheet Series. WCO-2023. https://uwmadison.box.com/v/WeCOPEOverview
- Shutske, J. (2023). Combine Safety. Agricultural Safety and Health Program Fact Sheet (draft used for Indigenous Food System program in November, 2023). A-ASH-FS-COMBINE-SAFETY DRAFT (11/2023)
- Kim J., Beseler C., Leypoldt M., Subramanian R., Robinson T., Funkenbusch K., Foster J., Harris S., Yoder A., Hymel E. & Watanabe-Galloway, S. (2023). A tailored flyer only may not increase colorectal cancer screening among rural residents: lessons learned and cost implications from a pilot randomized clinical trial. Journal of Rural Health. (Unpublished manuscript).
- Bevins, M., DiStefano, W., Fowler, M., Starke, A., Funkenbusch, K., Lowrey, L.A. & French, S. (2023, December). TigrAbility - A resource guide for healthcare practioners, Working with the agricultural community.
- Funkenbusch, K.E., Uthlaut, T.S. & Dothage, M.K. (2023, May). MU Extension & Missouri Partners Mental Health Awareness Month Promotional Toolkit originally developed (2020) and annually revised.
- Korff, J., Funkenbusch, K., Pifer, G., Bell, D., Tutor-Marcom, R. & Fuller, J. (2023, July). Coping with Stress on the Farm, Telehealth counseling: Fact or Fiction publication.
- Funkenbusch, K., Muckler, C., Willams, S., Withers, A. & Missouri Suicide Prevention Network. (2023). Suicide Prevention & 988 Guide for Schools. https://www.flipsnack.com/pathtomysuccessprograms/988_guide-for-schools/full-view.html
- Funkenbusch, K., Muckler, C., Willams, S., Withers, A. & Missouri Suicide Prevention Network. (2023). Missouri 988 Virtual Toolkit. https://sites.google.com/view/mo988/home
- Jepsen, D. (2023). High Mold Levels Found in Corn. Article in eBarns Bulletin. Pg 26-27.
Journal Articles
- Fetzer, L., Boyer, P., Hirabayashi, L. (2023) Building capacity through the northeast agricultural safety and health coalition. Journal of Agromedicine. Retrieved from https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/1059924X.2023.2296665.
- Etienne, A.J., W.E. Field, and N.J. Haslett. A Summary of Lone Agricultural Worker Injuries and Fatalities. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 2023, 29(1).
- Etienne, A.J., N.J. Haslett, and W.E. Field. Geospatial Incident Analysis for the Sate of Indiana. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. (approved with revisions, 2023).
- Morris, G.C., S.G. Ehlers, M. Rudolph, W.E. Field, and R. Tormoehlen. Pre/Post-test Evaluations of In-person and Virtual Agricultural Biosecurity Curriculum Journal of Agromedicine (JAM), 2023.
- Morris, G.C., S.G. Ehlers, W.E. Field, and R. Tormoehlen. A Review of Agricultural Academic Safety, Health, and Biosecurity Curriculum Standards. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 2022. Vol 38(6).
- Moore, M., Gorucu, S., and Bliznyuk, N., 2023. Exploratory Analysis of Farm Vehicle and Farm Labor Transportation-Related Crashes. Journal of Agromedicine. doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2023.2284961
- Weichelt, B.P., Schwebel, D.C., and Gorucu, S., 2023. The backover threat: adopting thermal imaging infrared sensor for agricultural safety. Journal of Injury and Violence Research, 15(2):189-192. doi: 10.5249/jivr.v15i2.1847
- Dyer, M., Gorucu, S., Bock, R., Thomas, R., Liu, J., and Fetzer, L., 2023. Case Study: Modeling a Grain Bin for Safe Entry Retrofit. Safety, 9(2):28. doi: 10.3390/safety9020028.
- Michael, J.H. and Gorucu, S., 2023. Severe injuries from product movement in the U.S. food supply chain. Journal of Safety Research, 85: 234-241, doi: 10.1016/j.jsr.2023.02.007.
- Lawver, R. G., Pate, M. L., Smalley, S. W., Perry, D. K., & Shultz, A. (accepted, 2023). Impact of sequential professional development of school-based agricultural education teachers: In-service implications for safety training. Journal of Agricultural Education.
- Andersen, S. J.*, Pate, M. L., Smith, J., Clement, H., & Judd-Murray, R. (2023). Equine Assessment Procedures in Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship Programs. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 29(2), 99-108. doi: 10.13031/jash.15457
- Andersen, S. J.*, Pate, M. L., Smith, J., Clement, H., & Judd-Murray, R. (2023). Validation of a basic ground skills assessment for equine-assisted services. Emerging Animal Species, 8. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eas.2023.100030
- Shutske, JM, Sandner, K, Jamieson, Z. (2023) Risk Assessment Methods for Autonomous Agricultural Machines: Review of Current Practices and Future Needs. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 39(1): 109-120. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.15281
- Shutske, J. M. (2023). Harnessing the Power of Large Language Models in Agricultural Safety & Health. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 29(4): 205-224. https://doi.org/10.13031/jash.15841
- Shutske, JM. (2023). Agricultural automation & autonomy: safety and risk assessment must be at the forefront." Journal of Agromedicine. 28(1), 5-10. https://doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2022.2147625
- de Campos, J.L., Gonçalves, J.L., Kates, A., Steinberger, A., Sethi, A., Suen, G., Shutske, J., Safdar, N., Goldberg, T. and Ruegg, P.L., 2023. Variation in Partial Direct Costs of Treating Clinical Mastitis among 37 Wisconsin Dairy Farms. Journal of Dairy Science. In Press.
- Morris, G., Ehlers, S., & Shutske, J. (2023). US Small-Scale Livestock Operation Approach to Biosecurity. Agriculture, 13(11), 2086.
- Cuthbertson, C., Brennan, A., Shutske, J., Leatherman, J., Bjornestad, A., Zierl, L., Macy, K., Skidmore, M., Schallhorn, P., Dellifield, J. and Lin, E., (2023). An Effective Mental Health Literacy Program for Farm Financial Service Providers. Journal of Agromedicine, 28(2): 127–1359.
- Shutske, J., Gonzalez, E., Chao, O., Veeser, D., Diaz Vallejo, E.J., Sethi, A.K., Goldberg, T., Kates, A.E., Knobloch, M., Leite de Campos, J., Pinzón, C., Ruegg, P.L., Safdar, N., Steinberger, A., Suen, G., Young, A., Dukes., E. (2023). New Hazards in Agriculture: Grounding Interventions with Research-Based Behavioral Change Science. 2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Paper No. 2300249, pages 1-10. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202300249 - presented in Omaha, Nebraska.
- Raza, M.M.S., Li, S., & Issa, S.F. (2024). Global Patterns of Agricultural Machine and Equipment Injuries- A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Agromedicine. DOI 1080/1059924X.2024.2304704
- Aby, G.R., Issa, S.F., & Chowdhary, G. (2024) Safety Risk Assessment of an Autonomous Agricultural Machine. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health. 30(1). https://doi.org/10.13031/jash.15756
- Li S., Raza M.M.S., Issa S. (2024). Agricultural Injury Surveillance in the United States and Canada: A Systematic Literature Review. Journal of Agromedicine. doi: 10.1080/1059924X.2024.2304699.
- Aby, G.R. & Issa, S.F. Safety of Automated Agricultural Machineries: A Systematic Literature Review. Safety 2023, 9(1), 13; https://doi.org/10.3390/safety9010013
- Raza, M.M.S.; Tunio, Z.H.; Ujjan, I.D.; Issa, S.F. Insights into Agricultural Machine Injuries in Pakistan: An Orthopedic Surgeons Survey (2022–2023). Safety 2024, 10, 55. https://doi.org/10.3390/safety10030055
- Beseler C., Kim J., Subramanian R., Harris S., Funkenbusch K., Yoder A.M., Robinson T., Foster J.M. & Watanabe-Galloway S. (2023). Exploring barriers and promoters of CRC screening use among agricultural operators: a pilot study of an application of concept mapping. Rural Remote Health. 2023 Dec;23(4):8413. doi: 10.22605/RRH8413. Epub 2023 Dec 7. PMID: 38061345. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38061345/
- Beseler C., Kim J., Subramanian R., Harris S., Funkenbusch K., Yoder A.M., Robinson T., Foster J.M. & Watanabe-Galloway S. (2023). Exploring barriers and promoters of CRC screening use among agricultural operators: a pilot study of an application of concept mapping. Rural and Remote Health 2023; 23: 8413. https://doi.org/10.22605/RRH8413
- Geng, Y., Sobeyejo, A., Zhao, L., Jepsen, S.D. (2023). Statistical Modeling of Respirable Dust Concentrations in On-Farm Grain Bins Using a Grain Dust Simulator. Journal of the ASABE, 66(6):1547-1553.
- Jepsen, S.D., Kilanowski, J.F., Drerup, E.A., Brinkman, P., Duffy, S. (2023). Risk-factor assessment and sun protection behaviors of Ohio farmers. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 29(2): 129-142.
- Wesner, E., Donnermeyer, J., Jepsen, S.D. (2023). Of Buggies and Blinkers. Journal of Plain Anabaptist Communities, Volume 4(1).
- Johnson, A. B., Gilblom, E. A., Sahr, S. & Sang, H. (2024) Tractor Injuries in the Upper Midwestern United States: a retrospective analysis of four trauma centers, Journal of Agromedicine. 10.1080/1059924X.2024.2305333
- Gilblom, E. A., Johnson, A. B., Sahr, S. & Sang, H. (2023) Using Partnerships and Multiple Data Sources to Surveil Agricultural Injuries: Considerations and Recommendations, Journal of Agromedicine, DOI: 10.1080/1059924X.2023.2293835
- Morris, G., Ehlers, S., Aaltonen, P., Sheldon, E., & Johnson, A. B. (2023). Review of livestock biosecurity resources and trainings: Local, state, Federal, and International Organizations. Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity, 5(4), 162–169. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4623424
- Gilblom, E. A., Sang, H. I., Johnson, A. B., Sahr, S., Misialek, M., Syverson, D., & Staskywicz, Z. (2022). Farm machinery injuries: a retrospective analysis of admissions at a Level I trauma center in North Dakota. Journal of Agromedicine. https://doi.org/10.1080/1059924X.2022.2158151
- Gilblom, E. A., Johnson, A. B., Sahr, S., Syverson, D., & Sang, H. I. (2023). Children and youth agricultural injuries: A retrospective analysis of pediatric trauma admissions in North Dakota. Heliyon, 9(6). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e16626
- Irumva, T.; Mwunguzi, H.; Pitla, S.K.; Lowndes, B.; Yoder, A.M.; Siu, K.C. Agricultural Machinery Operator Monitoring System (Ag-OMS): A Machine Learning Approach for Real-Time Operator Safety Assessment. Assessment. J. Agric. Saf. Health 2023, 29, 85–97.
- Gibbs, J., Sheridan, C., Khorsandi, F. and Yoder, A.M., 2023. Perspective: Emphasizing Safe Engineering Design Features of Quad Bikes in Agricultural Safety Programs. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 29(2), pp.121-127.
- Chasek C, Watanabe-Galloway S, Rutt R, Olson A, Yoder A. 2023. A cross-sectional study of alcohol, opioid use, and anxiety in agriculturally based occupations. J Rural Health. 2023;1-8. https://doi.org/10.1111/jrh.12749
- Araujo, G. D. M., Kouhanestani, F. K., & Fathallah, F. A. (2023). Ability of youth operators to reach agricultural all-terrain vehicles controls. Journal of safety research, 84, 353-363.
- Khorsandi, F., De Moura Araujo, G., & Fathallah, F. (2023). A systematic review of youth and all-terrain vehicles safety in agriculture. Journal of agromedicine, 28(2), 254-276.
- De Moura Araujo, G., Khorsandi Kouhanestani, F., & Fathallah, F. (2023). Forces required to operate controls on agricultural all-terrain vehicles: implications for youth. Ergonomics, 66(9), 1280-1294.
- Khorsandi, F., Araujo, G. D. M., & dos Santos, F. F. L. (2024). AgroGuardian: An All-Terrain Vehicle Crash Detection and Notification System. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health,
- Araujo, G. D. M., Khorsandi, F., & Fathallah, F. A. (2024). Limitations in the field of vision of young operators of utility all-terrain vehicles. Journal of safety research, 88, 303-312. 2024
- dos Santos, F. F. L., & Khorsandi, F. (2024). Riding into Danger: Predictive Modeling for ATV- Related Injuries and Seasonal Patterns. Forecasting, 6(2), 1-13.
- Sorensen, J. A., Milkovich, P. J., Khorsandi, F., Gorucu, S., Weichelt, B. P., Scott, E., & Johnson, A. (2024). Tractors, Trees, and Rollover Protective Structures: A Cause for Concern. Journal of Agromedicine, 29(2), 162-167.
Media and Popular Press Articles and Materials
- Dealing with Stress in Agriculture – in Wisconsin Farm Bureau Federation Rural Route publication (page 30-31, Aug/Sept 2023). Written with Karen Endres – DATCP. https://issuu.com/wfbf/docs/august_september_2023_rr_web_1_
- Understand silo-gas dangers – Agriview. https://agupdate.com/agriview/news/business/understand-silo-gas-dangers/article_bd2355de-7764-5414-8a69-35fafd135f20.html
- Farmers and ranchers, your strengths are many! – AgriNews. https://www.agrinews-pubs.com/opinion/columnists/2023/01/10/shutske-farmers-and-ranchers-your-strengths-are-many/
- Farm safety: Understanding silo gas dangers – Feedstuffs. https://www.feedstuffs.com/agribusiness-news/farm-safety-understanding-silo-gas-dangers
- Keep Farm Employees Safe Around Large Equipment. APLU’s Board on Agriculture Assembly - https://agisamerica.org/keep-farm-employees-safe-around-large-equipment/
- Understand silo-gas dangers - WV News. https://www.wvnews.com/news/around_the_web/agriculture/understand-silo-gas-dangers/article_ec1ad1f0-ed1e-5d0e-abff-9a2808001aa1.html
- Doosing, E. & Funkenbusch, K. (2023). Save your brain: equipping agriculture teachers with resources to promote brain injury prevention. March/April 2023, Agricultural Education Magazine. https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/
- Jepsen, S., Issa, S., Funkenbusch, K., Salzwedel, M., Yoder, A. & Khorsandi, F. (2023). ATV teaching resources for agricultural instructor. March/April 2023, Agricultural Education Magazine. https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/
- Funkenbusch, K. (2023, December). The gift of better mental health. Missouri Soybean Farmer, decisions in December.
- Funkenbusch, K., Downs, W., Bolling, M., Jaster, S., Geist, L., & Poole Communication. (2023, December). Assistive Technology for Farmers with Disabilities: Missouri AgrAbility Program: Drone Video.
- Funkenbusch, K., Isele, E.D., Geist, L., Graznak, L. Kelly, D., Bishop, S., Uthlaut, T. & Poole Communications. (2023, December). Organic Farmer, Liz Graznak Shares Tips and Techniques for Beginning Farmers Video.
- Jepsen, S. D., (2023). OSHA and AG in the Classroom. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(5),9-11.
- Jepsen, S.D., Yoder, A., Issa, S., Salzwedel, M., Funkenbusch, K., Khorsandi, F. (2023). ATV Safety Knowledge and Skills are Critical for All Riders. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(5),18-21.
- Pulley, J., Jepsen, S. D., (2023). Using Virtual Reality to Improve Agricultural Safety Training Effectiveness in Agricultural Education. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(5),22-25.
- Jepsen, D., Hall, Peggy, K. (2023). Noise at the Grain Bins. Ohio Country Journal, (December, 2023), pp.30.
- Jepsen, D., (2023). A Focus on Farm Stress. Ohio Country Journal, (October, 2023), pp.31.
- Jepsen, D., (2023). No One Can Take Your Place. Ohio Country Journal, (September, 2023), pp.29.
- Zoller, C., Jepsen, D. (2023). Harvest Season Roadway Safety Tips. Ohio Farm and Dairy. (September, 2023).
- Homonai, K. and Jepsen, D (2023). The Pressures of Stress on the Farm. Ohio Jersey News. (September, 2023).
- Jepsen, D. Geng, Y. (2023). Noise Exposure Hazards. Article in eFields Bulletin. Pg 32.
- Hancock, G. T., & McKibben, J. D. (2023). That’s not what I heard! The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(5), 15-17.
- Hancock, G. T., McKibben, J. D., Byrd, A. P., Clemons, C. A., & Lindner, J. R. (2023). Hearing education in agriculture: Re-evaluating interest, needs, and growth. Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health, 29(2), 109-120. https://doi.org/10.13031/jash.15331
Technical Papers & Reports (including published abstracts, posters, written proceedings)
- Ospina, C., Gorucu, S., and Hofstetter, D., 2023. Risk Assessment for Cattle Stunning Workers: A Case Study. ASABE Paper No. 2301058. doi: 10.13031/aim.202301058. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
- Moore, M., Gorucu, S., and Bliznyuk, N., 2023. Characterizing Logging Truck-Related Crashes in Florida: 2010-2021. ASABE Paper No. 2301137. doi: 10.13031/aim.202301137. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
- Moore, M., Gorucu, S., and Bliznyuk, N., 2023. Analysis of Farm Labor Transport-Related Crashes in Florida:2013-2021. ASABE Paper No. 2301138. doi: 10.13031/aim.202301138. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
- Gorucu, S. 2023. 2021 Summary Report: Agriculture-, Forestry-, and Fishing-Related Fatalities in Florida: AE584/AE584, 2/2023. EDIS, 2023(1). https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-AE584-2023
- Dukes, E., Shutske, J. (2023). Assessing Risk in New Inventions for Application to AE50 Award Submissions. 2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Paper No. 2300874, pages 1-15. https://doi.org/10.13031/aim.202300874 - presented in Omaha, Nebraska.
- Shutske, J., Gonzalez, E., Veeser, D., Chao, O., Diaz Vallejo, E.J., Sethi, A.K., Goldberg, T., Kates, A.E., Knobloch, M., Leite de Campos, J., Pinzón, C., Ruegg, P.L., Safdar, N., Steinberger, A., Suen, G., Young, A., Dukes., E. (2023). An Intervention to Reduce Antibiotic Resistance Risk for Dairy Farmworkers and Public Health. 2023 ASABE Annual International Meeting. Poster and abstract: 2300275. presented in Omaha, Nebraska.
- Zhou, Z., Funkenbusch, K. & Shannon, M. (2023, July). Survey of the Health and Safety Issues of Farm Tools and Equipment used by Women Farmers. [Research Poster]. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 2023 Annual International Meeting. Omaha, NE. https://www.asabe.org/Portals/0/Events/2023%20AIM/Events.pdf?ver=c0HycJpdRcZoOSx9DyzoUA%3D%3D
- Moore, K. G. (2023, July) How Engineers Help Meet NIOSH Goal of Reducing Injuries and Illnesses in Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing. ASABE International Meeting. Omaha, NE.
- Lang, F., Jepsen, D. (2023). Development of a Lawnmower 4-H Project Book. Poster presentation at the ASABE Annual Meeting, Omaha, NE. July 10, 2023.
- F., Jepsen, D. (2023). Expanding Youth Knowledge and Skills in Lawnmower Safety. Poster presentation at the National AAAE Conference, Raleigh, NC. May 16, 2023.
- Lang, F., Jepsen, D. (2023). Development of a Lawnmower 4-H Project Book. Poster presentation at the NACTA Meeting, Las Cruces, NM. June 21, 2023.
- Jepsen, D., Zoller, C., Noggle, S.,Britton, B., Marrison, D., Hall, P., Wilson, A., Dellifield, J., Martin, K., Bennett-Callen, S., (2023). Educating Ohio Mental Health Counselors to Understand the Stressors in Agriculture. Poster presented at the 2023 Annual Meeting of the County Agricultural Agents Annual Conference, Des Moines, Iowa.
- Lowndes, B., Gutierrez, A., Pitla, S., Rumuri, S., Siu, J., Yoder, A. (2024). Feasibility of Integrating Electromyography and Computer Vision for Occupational Safety during Tractor Ingress and Egress. In: Pedro Arezes and Anne Garcia (eds) Safety Management and Human Factors. AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol 151. AHFE International, USA. http://doi.org/10.54941/ahfe1005301
- Beseler C, Kim J, Subramanian R, Harris S, Funkenbusch K, Yoder AM, Robinson T, Foster JM, Watanabe-Galloway S. Exploring barriers and promoters of CRC screening use among agricultural operators: A Pilot Study of an Application of Concept Mapping. Rural and Remote Health. 2023.
- Hancock, G. T. (2024). Identifying HEARING-related shortcomings in Alabama School-Based Agricultural Education [Abstract]. Proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education.
- Hancock, G. T. & McKibben, J. D. (2024). Safety! What is it good for? [Abstract]. Proceeding of the American Association for Agricultural Education.
- Hancock, G. T., Davis, R. J., & McKibben, J. D. (2023). HEARING in practice [Abstract]. Proceedings of the North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.
- Hancock, G.T (2024) HEARING Safety Across Agricultural Education: A Three-Study Evaluation of Student Perceptions and Understanding of HEARING Safety. [Doctoral Dissertation, Auburn University] https://etd.auburn.edu//handle/10415/9174
- Gibbs, J., Sheridan, C., Khorsandi, F., & Yoder, A. M. (2023). Emphasizing safe engineering design features of quad bikes in agricultural safety programs.121-127.
Websites, Other Curricular Resources, and Materials not Described Above:
Working with the PA Office of Rural Health to develop a handler training booklet for the Worker Protection Standard for use in the Plain Sect community. This will enable owners and operates to train their handlers using the handbook which is culturally appropriate rather than videos.
Expanded curriculum and resources listed in the Safety in Agriculture for Youth (SAY) Project National Clearinghouse (https://ag-safety.extension.org/say-national-clearinghouse/). This is an ongoing project to provide a one-stop for youth educators to find agricultural safety and health resources for their groups, clubs, and classrooms.
Updated the PowerPoints slides for the National Safe Tractor and Machinery Operation Program (NSTMOP) and developed supplemental resources. Both resources are provided to instructors who complete the NSTMOP Online Instructor Course.
- www.agsafety4youth.info
- www.agrability.org
Agricultural Safety and Health Website (https://abe.ufl.edu/agsafety/): The website aims to disseminate my research and extension publication and reach an extended audience. The website is a repository of my agricultural safety and health research summary and extension publications for extension professionals and anybody involved in agriculture. The visitors can find Florida-specific agricultural safety and health-related program areas, infographics, factsheets, injury surveillance findings, resources for teaching safety and health, events, and activities.
Florida AgrAbility Project (https://agrability.ifas.ufl.edu): The purpose of the website is to create a platform for disseminating information to the farmers, ranchers, and agricultural workers with functional limitations/disabilities and for Florida AgrAbility clients to reach out to us for services. Additionally, any extension faculty and farmers with disabilities can use the request form on the website for one-on-one service including farm worksite assessment or other assistive technology-related information.
https://www.facebook.com/USUFarmSafety ,
https://extensioncourses.usu.edu/product/tractor-and-machinery-safety-instructor-training/ , https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/extension_curall/2388/
Farm Safety program website maintained by John Shutske agsafety.wisc.edu
Resilient Farms & Families: Responding to Stress - https://farms.extension.wisc.edu/farmstress/
Youth Tractor Safety https://farms.extension.wisc.edu/programs/youth-tractor-safety/
FarmWell Wisconsin - https://farmwellwi.org/
https://farmsafety.mo.gov/; Show-Me Farm Safety aims to reduce injuries and fatalities that occur on farms by providing educational resources, tips, and safety plans to producers and their families.
https://extension.missouri.edu/programs/agrability/show-me-strong-farm-families; To address mental health crises in rural areas, MU Extension has compiled the following mental health resources for consumers and professionals. These resources also include free telehealth counseling by a trusted professional who understands agriculture.
https://farmtechforher.com/; Revolutionize Women's Farming with Technology. Addressing ergonomic and safety concerns with innovative solutions improves their physical well-being and increases productivity.
https://extension.missouri.edu/programs/agrability; Missouri AgrAbility helps farmers with disabilities and their families succeed. The program links MU and Lincoln University extension services with a nonprofit disability organization to provide practical education and on-the-farm assistance that promotes agricultural safety and rural independence.
Jepsen, D., Hall, Peggy, K. (2023). Noise at the Grain Bins. Ohio Country Journal, (December, 2023). Link: https://ocj.com/2023/12/noise-at-the-grain-bins/
This article received the 2nd highest hits on the Ohio Country Journal website in 2023.
The Top 10 OCJ hits is available at: https://ocj.com/2024/01/top-10-of-2023-1/
Pulley, J., Jepsen, S. D., (2023). Using Virtual Reality to Improve Agricultural Safety Training Effectiveness in Agricultural Education. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(5),22-25.
Available at: https://jae-online.org/index.php/jae/article/view/165/2296.
Jepsen, S.D., Pulley, J. (2022). Virtual Reality Tractor Operation Software Application is available on Side Quest at: https://sidequestvr.com/app/17475/tractor-safety-simulator
The Ag Safety and Health Social Media page: https://www.facebook.com/OSUAgSafetyandHealth
The Ohio AgrAbility Social Media page: https://www.facebook.com/OhioAgrAbility/
Gearing Up for Safety: https://www.asec.purdue.edu/tractor/index.html
Farm Safety Camp TV/radio Interviews: https://www.kxnet.com/news/local-news/nds-future-ranchers-are-learning-the-ropes-at-farm-safety-camp/
Hearing protection fact sheet:
Goetting, Marsha A., Schmall, V., Jepsen, S.D., Hensley-McBain, T., Brown, R. (2024). Alzheimer's and Related Dementias: Support for Montana Farmers and Ranchers and Their Families (Volume 1). Available at: https://www.montana.edu/estateplanning/farmersandranchersdementiaguide.html