SERA46: Framework for Nutrient Reduction Strategy Collaboration: The Role for Land Grant Universities

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports


  • Publications

  • Clark, J., K.S. Veum; F.G. Fernández, N.R. Kitchen; J.J. Camberato, P.R. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, D.W. Franzen, D.E. Kaiser, C.A.M. Laboski, E.D. Nafziger, C.J. Rosen, J.E. Sawyer, and J.F. Shanahan. 2019. US Midwest soil and weather conditions influence anaerobic potentially mineralizable nitrogen. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 83:1137–1147.

  • Ransom, C., N.R. Kitchen; J.J. Camberato, P.R. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, F.G. Fernández, W. Franzen, C.A.M Laboski, D.B. Myers, E.D. Nafziger, J.E. Sawyer, and J.F. Shanahan. 2019. Statistical and machine learning methods evaluated for incorporating soil and weather into corn nitrogen recommendations. Comp. and Elect. Agric. 164: 104872.

  • Vetsch J.A., G.W. Randall, and F.G. Fernández. Nitrate loss in subsurface drainage from a corn-soybean rotation as affected by nitrogen rate and nitrapyrin. J Environ. Qual. 48: 988-994.

  • Spackman, J.A., F.G. Fernández, J.A. Coulter, D.E. Kaiser, G.D. Paiao. 2019. Soil texture and precipitation influence optimal time of nitrogen fertilization for corn. Agron. J. 111:2018-2030.

  • Sharpley, Daniels, Slaton, Berry, Burk, Hallmark and Riley. Monitoring Potassium Losses in Runoff on Arkansas Discovery Farms: Preliminary Findings.  In Wayne Sabbe Soil Fertility Report Series.  Report Series 649.  Nathan Slaton, Ed.   University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station.  35-42.

  • Fryer, L. Berry, P. Webb, L. Riley, A. Sharpley, M. Daniels, and N. Slaton. 2020. Spatial Variability of Soil-Test Potassium and Other Soil Properties in 10 Arkansas Discovery Farm Fields. N.A. Slaton, editor, Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas soil fertility studies 2019. Res Ser.___. Univ. of Arkansas Agric. Exp. Stn., Fayetteville. Not yet accessible online.

  • Daniels, M.B.,A.N. Sharpley, B. Robertson, E. Gbur, L. Riley, P. Webb, B.L. Singleton, A. Free, L. Berry, C. Hallmark and T. Nehls.   Nutrients in runoff from cotton production in the Lower Mississippi River Basin: An on-farm study.  Agrosyst. Geosci. Environ. 2:190033. Available at

  • Daniels, M., A.N. Sharpley, B. Robertson, P. Webb,L. Riley, A. Free, and M. Freyaldenhoven.   Seasonal nutrient losses in runoff from cotton.  Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Series 30:95-102.

  • Sharpley, A.N.2019. The future of farming: Links between lab and land will be critical.  Scientific American.  November 22, 2019.

  • Sharpley, A.N., M.J. Helmers, P.J.A. Kleinman, K. King, A. Leytem, and N. Nelson.   Managing crop nutrients to achieve water quality goals.  J. Soil Water Conserv.  74(5):91A-101A. doi:10.2489/jswc.74.5.91A.

  • Burger, L.W., Kristine O. Evans Mark D. McConnell and Leslie M. Burger. 2019.  Private Lands Conservation: A Vision for the Future.  Wildlife Society Bulletin 1–10; 2019; DOI: 10.1002/wsb.1001

  • Peterson, H., Williams, M., Frankenberger, J., King, K., McGrath, J., Moody, L., Ribaudo, M., Strock, J., Johnson, K. and Nelson, N., 2019. Reducing the impacts of agricultural nutrients on water quality across a changing landscape. Issue Paper-Council for Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST),


Minnesota: Paiao, G.D., F.G. Fernández, and S. Naeve. 2021. Drainage conditions influence corn-nitrogen management in the US Upper Midwest. Agronomy 11: 2491. Doi: 10.3390/agronomy11122491


Minnesota: Bean, G.M., C.J. Ransom, N.R. Kitchen, P.C. Scharf, K. Veum, J.J. Camberato, R.B. Ferguson, F.G. Fernández, D.W. Franzen, C.A.M. Laboski, E.D. Nafziger, J.E. Sawyer, and R. Nielsen. 2021. Soil hydrologic grouping guide which soil and weather properties best estimate corn nitrogen need. Agron. J. 113: 5541-5555.


Minnesota: Ransom, C. J., J. D. Clark, G. M. Bean, C. J. Bandura, M. Shafer, N. R. Kitchen, J. J. Camberato, P. R. Carter, R. B. Ferguson, F.G. Fernández, D. W. Franzen, C. A. M. Laboski, D.B. Myers. E. D. Nafziger, and J. E. Sawyer. 2021. Performance and refinement of nitrogen fertilization tools. Dryad Dataset.


Minnesota: Ransom, C. J., J. D. Clark, G. M. Bean, C. J. Bandura, M. Shafer, N. R. Kitchen, J. J. Camberato, P. R. Carter, R. B. Ferguson, F.G. Fernández, D. W. Franzen, C. A. M. Laboski, D.B. Myers. E. D. Nafziger, J. E. Sawyer, and J. F. Shanahan. 2021. Data from a public–industry partnership for enhancing corn nitrogen research. Agron. J. 113: 4429-4436.


Minnesota: Wilson, M.L., C.J. Pfarr, F.G. Fernández, and J.A. Coulter. 2021. Dragging a manure hose over corn at early growth stages does not reduce yield. Agron. J. 113:3910-3921.


Minnesota: Alexander, J.R., J.A. Spackman, M.L. Wilson, F.G. Fernández, and R.T. Venterea. 2021. Capture efficiency of four chamber designs for measuring ammonia emissions. Agrosyst. Geosci. Environ. 021:4:e20199.


Minnesota: Yang, C., W. Yang, T.J. Nigon, Z. Hao, G.D. Paiao, F.G. Fernández, and D.J. Mulla. 2021. Estimation of corn yield based on convolutional neural network and hyperspectral imagery. Comput. Electron. Agr. 184:106092


Minnesota: Ransom, C.J., N.R. Kitchen, J.J. Camberato, P.R. Carter, R.B. Ferguson, F.G. Fernández, D.W. Franzen, C.A.M. Laboski, D. B. Myers, E.D. Nafziger, J.E. Sawyer, and J.F. Shanahan. 2021. Improving publicly available corn nitrogen rate recommendation tools with soil and weather measurements. Agron. J. 113:2068-2090.


Minnesota: Cummings, C., Y. Miao, G.D. Paiao, S. Kang, and F.G. Fernández. 2021. Corn nitrogen status diagnosis with an innovative multi-parameter crop circle phenom sensing system. Remote Sens. 13:401-419


Minnesota: Paiao, G.D., F.G. Fernández, J.A. Spackman, D.E. Kaiser, and S. Weisberg. 2021. Integrating canopy sensing and soil nitrogen for improved corn nitrogen management. Agron. J. 113:1996-2005.




Collaborations/Sponsored Projects/Publications as a result of SERA-46 involvement March 2022-July 2023.

 Conference presentations:

2023 Universities Council on Water Resources (UCOWR) Annual Conference, Special Session: “Strategies to enhance farmer-led conservation delivery and adoption for nutrient loss reduction.” Including presentations by Amanda Gumbert (UKY), Jenny Seifert (UW), Beth Baker (MSU), Mike Daniels (UArk), Rachel Curry, Laura Chistianson, Reid Christianson (UIUC), Ellen Gilinsky (NGRRE, IL), Brittany Isidore (UW).


Arel, C., Brye, K.R., Fryer, M. and Daniels, M. (2022). Cover Crop Effects on Near-Surface Soil Aggregate Stability in the Southern Mississippi Valley Loess (MLRA 134). Agricultural Sciences, 13, 741-757.

Feyereisen G.W., Hay C.H., Christianson R.D., Helmers M.J. (2022) Frontier: Eating the Metaphorical Elephant: Meeting Nitrogen Reduction Goals in Upper Mississippi River Basin States. Journal of the Asabe 65:621-631. DOI: 10.13031/ja.14887.

Lebeau, S., K. Brye, M. Daniels, and L. Wood.  2023.  Cover Crop Effects on Infiltration, Aggregate Stability, and Water Retention in the Lower Mississippi River Valley.  Agrosyst. Geosci.  Environ. Vol 6(1): 1-14.

Wardropper, C., K. Genskow, A. Lavoie, D. Franklin, E. Usher, A. Wilke, J. Arbuckle, D. Jackson- Smith, L. Prokopy, A. Rissman. 2023. Policy process and problem framing for state Nutrient Reduction Strategies in the US Upper Mississippi River Basin. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. Vol 78(1):70-81. doi:10.2489/jswc.2023.00025



SERA-46 members have been active with presentations to state-level, regional, and national audiences through conferences and workshops.

Bennett, Grant. Kris Brye, Mike Daniels, Trent Roberts, Kishan Mahmud, Pearl Webb and James Burke.  2023.  Carbon Sequestration and Climate Smart Agriculture.  University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet.  FSA2207-PD-10-2023.  Printed by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.  Little Rock AR. 72204. 

Berry, L.G., J.M. Burke, A.N. Sharpley, and M.B. Daniels.  2022.  A Comparison of Haney Soil Health Test and Mehlich-3 Soil Analysis Results in an Arkansas Pasture. Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2022. Nathan Slaton and Mike Daniels Editors. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 692. February 2023. Pp. 84-91. 

Burke, J., Mike Daniels, G. Drescher, Pearl Webb,  Lee Riley, K. Mahmud, and Trenton Roberts. Chemical Indicators for Soil Health.  2023.  University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet. FSA2205-PD-07-2023N. Printed by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.  Little Rock AR. 72204.   

Burke, J.M., K.W. VanDevender, L.G. Berry, M.B. Daniels, and A.N. Sharpley. 2022. Soil Test Potassium Variability in Pastures Amended with Dry Manure on an Arkansas Discovery Dairy Farm. Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2022. Nathan Slaton and Mike Daniels, Editors. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 692. February 2023. Pp. 92-95.  

Burke, J.M., M. B. Daniels, G.L. Drescher, L. Riley, P. Webb, L. Berry, T. Glover, and J. Clark. 2022. Sulfate Loss in Runoff from Arkansas Discovery Farms Research Sites Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2022. Nathan Slaton and Mike Daniels Editors. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 692. February 2023.  Pp. 24-26.  

Burke, J.M., M. B. Daniels, G.L. Drescher, L. Riley, P. Webb, L. Berry, T. Glover, and J. Clark.  Monitoring Edge-of-Field Sulfate Runoff Losses from Eight Arkansas Discovery Farms. Submitted to 2023 Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies on December 4, 2023. 

Contasti, A. L., Firth, A. G., Baker, B. H., Brooks, J. P., Locke, M. A., & Morin, D. J. (2023). Balancing Tradeoffs in Climate-Smart Agriculture: Will Selling Carbon Credits Offset Potential Losses in the Net Yield Income of Small-Scale Soybean (Glycine max L.) Producers in the Mid-Southern United States?. Decision Analysis, 20 (4), 243-344. 

Daniels, M.B., M. Fryer, N.A. Slaton, A.N. Sharpley, P. Webb, L. Riley, Sam Fernandez, J. Burke, L.G. Berry, T. Roberts and B. Robertson.  2023.  Potassium Losses in Runoff from Cotton Production Fields.  Agron. J. Volume115, Issue4.  July/August 2023.  Pages 1666-1677. 

Drescher, G.L. A.A. Adviento-Borbe; T.G. Teague; M. Daniels; M.L. Reba, A.D. Smartt.  Potassium Loss by Runoff in Different Cotton Production Systems in Arkansas.  Submitted to 2023 Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies on December 4, 2023.  

Espinosa, L., Chris Henry and Mike Daniels.  2022.  Understanding the Numbers in Your Irrigation Water Report. University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet. FSA2198-PD-2-2022R.   Printed by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.  Little Rock AR. 72204.  Online at: 

Fields, Jon Jr., Todd Halihan, Javier Vilcáez, Andrew N. Sharpley, and Mike Daniels. 2022. Hydrogeophysical Characterization Of Swine Effluent Amended Soils In Mantled Karst.  Journal of the ASABE. Vol. 65(6): 2022 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers ISSN 2769-3295. 

Firth, A. G., Brooks, J. P., Locke, M. A., Morin, D. J., Brown Johnson, A. E., Baker, B. (2023). Soil bacterial community dynamics in plots managed with cover crops and no-till farming in the Lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley, USA. Journal of Applied Microbiology, lxac051. 

 Fryer, M, Amanda McWhirt, Mike Daniels, Bill Robertson, Trenton Roberts, Kishan Mahmud, Kris Brye  Mary Savin.  Understanding Soil Health.  2022.   University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet.  FSA2202-PD-4-2022.  Printed by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.  Little Rock AR. 72204.  Online at: 

Hoegenauer, K., T. Roberts, C. Ortel, J. Hardke, M. Richardson, M. Daniels. 2023.  Using Post-Season Tissue Nitrogen Concentrations to Predict Adequacy of In-season   Nitrogen. Agrosyst Geosci Environ. 2022;5:e20267.

Huffines, B., K. Teague, J. Pennington, Mike Daniels, J. Maginot, Building Rain Barrels to Harvest Rainwater. 2022 (Revised).  University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet.  FSA9534R-PD-11-2022.  Printed by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.  Little Rock AR. 72204.   Online at: 

J.M. Burke, M.B. Daniels, P. Webb, A.N. Sharpley, T. Glover, L. Berry, and K. Vandevender. 2023.  An Evaluation of Manure Management Strategies, Phosphorus Surface Runoff Potential and Water Usage at an Arkansas Discovery Dairy Farm.  Journal of Environmental Protection.  Vol.14 No.9 2023. 

Lebeau, Shelby, Kristofor R. Brye, Mike B. Daniels, and Lisa S. Wood. 2022. Survey of Lower Mississippi River Valley Agricultural Sites: Cover Crop Effects on Near-surface Soil Nutrients. Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2022. Nathan Slaton and Mike Daniels Editors. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 692. February 2023. Pp. 107-114. 

Mahmud, K., M. Savin, Mike Daniels, K. Brye, K.VanDevender, and Trenton Roberts.  2023. Soil Biology affects Soil Health.   University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture Cooperative Extension Service Fact Sheet.  FSA2206-PD-07-2023N.  Printed by the University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension Service Printing Services.  Little Rock AR. 72204. 

Mahmud, K., M.C. Savin, M. Daniels, K. VanDevender, B. Buchanan, T. Holder, L.G Berry, L. Riley, P. Webb and J. Burke. 2022. Soil Active Carbon as a Soil Health Indicator in Arkansas Discovery Farms. Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2022. Nathan Slaton and Mike Daniels Editors. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 692. February 2023. Pp. 122-128. 

McCrary, A., Brooks, J. P. A., Smith, R. K., Burger, L. M., Lucore, A., Ramirez Avila, J., Schauwecker, T. J., Czarnecki, J. P., Burger, L. W., Baker, B. H. Short-term contribution of conservation practice implementation to water quality impairments in small streams. Water, 16 (2), 261. 

Menegaz, S.T., F.G. Fernández, R.T. Venterea, M.J. Helmers, and P.H. Pagliari. 2024. Nitrate, nitrous oxide, and ammonia loss mitigation with optimum rate of enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizer and application timing in corn. Chapter 2. In: R. Hatano and E.M. Baggs, editors, Nitrogen cycling and soil health. Springer Nature (Progress in Soil Science Series), NY. 

Mitchell M.E., Newcomer-Johnson T., Christensen J., Crumpton W., Dyson B., Canfield T.J., Helmers M., Forshay K.J. (2023) A review of ecosystem services from edge-of-field practices in tile-drained agricultural systems in the United States Corn Belt Region. Journal of Environmental Management 348. DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvman.2023.119220.

Robertson, B., M.B. Daniels, A. Free, J. McAlee, and B. Watkins. 2022. Arkansas Cotton Discovery Farm Economic And Sustainability Summary: 2015 – 2020. Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2022. Nathan Slaton and Mike Daniels Editor. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 692. February 2023. Pp. 129-131. 

Sharpley Andrew, James Burke, Kristofor Brye, Larry Berry, Phillip Hays, Mike Daniels, Karl VanDevender, Tim Glover, and Brian Haggard. 2022. Water quality adjacent to swine slurry holding ponds associated with a concentrated animal feeding operation. Agrosyst Geosci Environ. 2022;5:e20267. 

Webb, P., M. Daniels, J. Burke, and L. Riley. 2022. Peak Discharge versus Total Nitrogen and Total Phosphorus in Cover Crop and No Cover Crop Systems. 2022. Wayne E. Sabbe Arkansas Soil Fertility Studies 2022. Nathan Slaton and Mike Daniels Editors. University of Arkansas Agricultural Experiment Station. Research Series 692. February 2023.  Pp 132-136. 

Extension Publications:

Hill, M., Baker, B., Czarnecki, J. (2023). Adding RIGOR to On-Farm Trials: Simple steps to data-driven decision making (P3930 ed.). MSU Extension Service.  Baker, B., Gnoose, M., Burger, L. M. (2023). Mississippi Water Stewards: Youth Biomonitoring Manual (P3886 ed.). Mississippi State University Extension Service. 

Fernandez, F. et al: The Nutrient Management Team at the university of Minnesota regularly sends out blogs, podcasts, videos and social media feeds on nutrient management and environmental issues related to nutrients.


Aanerud, Z., and F.G. Fernández. 2023. Effects of variable nitrogen fertilizer rates on corn grain yield, profitability, and nitrogen losses in southwestern Minnesota. In: Proc. of the 53th Annual North Central Extension-Industry Soil Fertility Conf. Online. 15-16 November 2023.  

Aanerud, Z., F.G. Fernández, P. Pagliari, and R. Venterea. 2023. Balancing crop yield and environmental sustainability: Nitrogen management in southwestern Minnesota corn fields. In: Annual Meetings Abstracts. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. 

Aanerud, Z., F.G. Fernández, P. Pagliari, R. Venterea, and J. Nieber. 2023. Evaluating nitrogen loss pathways and corn production in southwestern Minnesota. Minnesota Water Resources Conf. St. Paul, MN. 17-18 October 2023. 

Baker, B. Seifert, J. Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Conference. August 2023. Spoke about The Confluence for Watershed Leaders and human capital needs for watershed management.  

Baker, B., (June 9, 2023). "Cover crop effects on water quality in the midsouth." Oral Presentation. Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Society Meeting, Alabama Soil and Water Conservation Society, Florence, AL.Scope: Regional. Refereed: No. Invited or accepted: Invited 

Baker, B., (March 21, 2023). "Developing climate-smart grain markets in the midsouth." Webinar. NOAA Nutrient Working Group, NOAA Nutrient Working Group, Online.Scope: National. Refereed: No. Invited or accepted: Invited

Baker, B., Seifert, J. Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Conference. August 2023. Spoke about One Good Idea.

Baker, B., Siefert, J., Gumbert, A., (July 13, 2023). "Outcomes of SERA-46 Farmer-to-Farmer Learning Project." Webinar. Mississippi River Basin/Gulf of Mexico Hypoxia Task Force, US EPA, Webinar.Scope: National. Refereed: No. Invited or accepted: Invited 

Daniels, M.B.   Expanding The Arkansas Discovery Farm Program.  Presented at the   4-State Discovery Farm Webinar.  March 28, 2023.  (170 Attendees) 

Daniels, M.B.   The Arkansas Discovery Farm Program: An On-Farm Approach to Conservation Education.  Presented at the NRCS Central Agronomist Conference.  Little Rock AR.  April 4, 2023.  (30 Attendees).  

Daniels, M.B.  2023.  Farmer-Led Watershed Groups: Key Resources and Partnerships for Success.  Presented at the 2023 UCOWR/NIWR Annual Water Resources Conference.  Fort Collins, CO.  June 13, 2023.  (25 Attendees) 

Daniels, M.B.  2023.  New initiatives for the Arkansas Discovery Farm Program.  Presented at the Emerging On-Farm Research Programs Webinar presented for the North Central Water Network on June 14, 2023. 

Daniels, M.B.  2023.  The Arkansas Discovery Farms.  Presented to the National Pork Board and the AWRC – October 5 

Daniels, M.B.  The Arkansas Discovery Farm Program.  Presented twice at the National Private Lands Partnership Conference Field Tour.  Discovery Farm - Elkins Arkansas.  10/5.  Invited 185 attendees

Daniels, M.B.  The Arkansas Discovery Farm Program. Presented at the Farm Bureau Southern Region Commodity Conference.  Rogers AR.  June 13. (Invited) 

Daniels, M.B.  Water Quality and Cover Crops: Results from the Arkansas Discovery Farm Program.  Presented virtually at the Multi-State Discovery Farm Webinar on February 16, 2022.  (Invited). 

Daniels, M.B. on behalf of SER-46. 2023.  Activities of SERA-46: Report to Hypoxia Task Force.  Presented at Hypoxia Task Force Fall 2023 Meeting.  Graduate Hotel, Fayetteville Ar.  Dec. 6 

Fabrizzi, K.P., F.G. Fernández, and J.A. Vetsch. 2023. Enhancing corn production in Minnesota with controlled-release N fertilizer. In: Annual Meetings Abstracts. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.

Firth, A. (Author & Presenter), Baker, B. (Author), (April 26, 2023). "PANEL: Community Science in Southeast Waters - Exploring Strengths and Challenges to Building Better Citizen Science Programming." Oral Presentation. National Water Monitoring Conference, USEPA, Virginia, Beach.Scope: National. Refereed: Yes. Invited or accepted: Accepted 

Firth, A. (Author & Presenter), Baker, B. (Author), Dominguez, M., Ruiz-Cordova, S., Braman, A., (June 13, 2023). "Expanding capacity and potential: mini-grant programs to jumpstart local efforts." Oral Presentation. Universities Council on Water Resources, US-EPA, Fort Collins, Colorado. Scope: National. Refereed: Yes. Invited or accepted: Accepted 

Firth, A. (Author & Presenter), Gumbert, A. (Author & Presenter), Baker, B., (June 13, 2023). "Organizer of Special Session: Strategies to enhance farmer-led conservation delivery and adoption for nutrient loss reduction." Other. Universities Council on Water Resources, UCOWR, Colorado Springs, CO.Scope: National. Refereed: Yes. Invited or accepted: Accepted 

Fernández, F.G, Z. Aanerud. 2023. MN Corn-supported N research in the spotlight. In: Minnesota Corn Growers Association Leader Update. Posted on 11 July 2023.    

Fernández, F.G., J. Kastenbauer, and E. Garay Lagos. 2023. When nitrogen is managed right in irrigated sands, do cover crops help corn yield and the environment? Rosholt Farm Agronomy Day, Westport, MN. 17 August 2023

Garay Lagos E., F.G. Fernández, R. Venterea, J. Grossman, and V. Sharma. 2023. Cover crops and living mulches effects on irrigated corn-soybean production systems: an integral management strategy for sandy soils. Minnesota Water Resources Conf. St. Paul, MN. 17-18 October 2023. 

Garay Lagos, E., F.G. Fernández, J. Grossman, V. Sharma, and R. Venterea. 2023. Cover crops and living mulches effects on irrigated corn-soybean production systems: An integral management strategy for sandy soils. In: Annual Meetings Abstracts. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.  

Helmers, Matt et al. The Iowa Learning Farms program facilitated weekly webinars on a range of nutrient reduction topics viewed by scientists, educators, conservation professionals, farmers, agency personnel, and extension professionals in the region. For webinars from July 2023 through December 2023 there were over 4000 combined live or archived views.

Muller, I. (Author), Czarnecki, J. (Author & Presenter), Baker, B., Hu, J., (August 8, 2023). "Soil chemistry Is not altered by adopting cover crops and reducing tillage in the early transitional period." Oral Presentation. 78th Soil and Water Conservation Society International Annual Conference, Soil and Water Conservation Society, Des Moines, IA.Scope: International. Refereed: No. Invited or accepted: Accepted 

Sánchez, C.F., S.L. Naeve, F.G. Fernández, and J. Coulter. 2023. Analyzing crop management interactions for early-planted soybean yield and soil health. In: Annual Meetings Abstracts. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. 

Seifert, J. C. DeLong, C. Ficenec, and A. Gumbert. Investing in People to Improve Watersheds. 2023 Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Conference, Des Moines, IA.

Seifert, J. National Nonpoint Source Training Workshop. November 2023. Spoke about The Confluence for Watershed Leaders and human capital needs for watershed management.  

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