W3006: Multistate Agricultural Literacy Research

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Appel, S. & Enns, K. (2021, September 27-29). Laughter in literacy: Influencing youth agricultural literacy through a summer day camp [Poster presentation]. American Association for Agricultural Education Western Region Conference.

Flood, K., & Curry Jr., K. W. (2021, June 21-24). Assessing the agricultural literacy needs of preservice agriculture teachers. [Poster presentation]. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture.

Jarvis, S. (2020). The influence of 4-H instructor beliefs on the teaching of animal food production to youth populations [Doctoral dissertation, The University of Arizona]. University of Arizona Digital Archive https://repository.arizona.edu/handle/10150/648610. [Chair Rice, A.]

McFadden, B. R., Rumble, J. N., Stofer, K. A., Folta, K. M., Turner, S., & Pollack, A. (2021). Gene editing isn’t just about food: Comments from US focus groups. GM Crops & Food, 1-11.

Miller, A. J., Spielmaker, D. M., Blodgett, M. L., Ritter, T. S. (2021, September 27-29). Agricultural literacy education for remote learning [Poster presentation]. American Association for Agricultural Education Western Region Conference.

Miller, A. J. & Spielmaker, D. (2021, May 25). Characteristics of agricultural literacy database users [Poster presentation]. American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference. http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/National/2021meeting/PosterSession2021.pdf

Spielmaker, D. M. (2021, June 28-30). 2020 Agricultural literacy program reports [Conference session]. National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference, Des Moines, IA, United States. https://www.jotform.com/report/21165465943605915

*W3006 committee members are bolded in the citations.


Bennett, J., Spielmaker, D. M., Burrows, M. S. (2022, May 17-19). A synthesis of recommendations within agricultural literacy intervention research [Poster presentation]. American Association for Agriculture Education, Las Cruces, NM, United States.

Hill, N., Claflin, K., Specht, A., & Hock, G. (2022, October 6-8). Edutainment on the farm: a content analysis of tweets about Clarkson's Farm [Paper presentation]. North Central Region American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, Columbia, MO, United States.

Judd-Murray, R., Hill, N., Norris, S., & Hock, G. (2022, September 19-21). A multi-state agricultural literacy assessment of extension professionals and volunteers [Paper & Oral presentation]. Western Region American Association for Agricultural Education (AAAE) Research Conference, Las Cruces, NM, United States.

Miller, A. J., Warnick, B. K., Spielmaker, D.M. (2022, May 18-21). A case study: Agricultural literacy proficiency in an Iowa elementary school [Paper presentation]. American Association for Agriculture Education, Oklahoma City, OK, United States.

Miller, A.J., Konakis, Z.A., Yoshikawa-Ruesch, E., Spielmaker, D.M. (2022, September 19-21). Agriculture in the Classroom preservice teacher seminar evaluation [Poster presentation]. American Association for Agriculture Education, Las Cruces, NM, United States.

*W3006 committee members are bolded in the citations.




Appel, S., Enns, K., Bennett, J., (2022). Emotions in literacy: Exploring the role of affinity in agricultural literacy. In poster proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Western Region conference, fall conference.

Appel, S., Enns, K., Bennett, J., (2022). The impact of a longitudinal agricultural curriculum on youth’s agricultural literacy. In poster proceedings of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Western Region conference, fall conference.

Bennett, J. (2023). The power of partnerships in agricultural literacy outreach. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(4).

Bennett, J., Baxter, A., Clark, N., Enns, K., (2023). Examining a perception-based pedagogical content knowledge survey for agricultural educators in Colorado. In poster proceedings for the American Association for Agricultural Education, Western Region conference, fall conference.

Bennett, J., Spielmaker, D., Burrows, M., (2022). A synthesis of recommendations within agricultural literacy intervention research. In poster proceedings of the American Association of Agricultural Education National research conference, spring conference.

Chambers, A., Hock, G., Hill, N. College student perceptions of importance of Farm Bureau advocacy areas. (2023, June). North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 2023 NACTA Abstracts Supplement, 67(1). Abstract.

Claflin, K., Hock, G. Specht, A. R., Hill, N., & (May, 2023). Talking about diddly squat: A content analysis of tweets about Clarkson’s Farm. Poster presented at the National American Association for Agricultural Education Conference, Raleigh, NC.

Easley-Smith, F., Greene, P., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, June). It’s an art, a process, and an act: Teaching effective speech delivery in agricultural communications [Poster Presentation]. Association of Communication Excellence (ACE). Asheville, NC. Note: Awarded Outstanding Innovative Poster.

Easley-Smith, F., Greene, P., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, September). Tell me about it! Undergraduate student self-evaluation assessment of public speaking performance [Poster Presentation]. Western Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education (WAAAE) Research Conference. Logan, UT.

Enns, K., 2023. Innovation in Ag Literacy. Agricultural Educator Magazine, 95(4).

Eshelman, K., & Shepardson, R., (2023) Bringing Literacy to the County Fair. Agricultural Educator Magazine, 95(4).

Greene, P., Easley-Smith, F., Swartz, J., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, June). Communication on cloud nine: Using word clouds to teach communication styles [Oral Presentation]. [Special supplement: Abstract]. NACTA Journal, 67(1). Las Cruces, NM.

Gonzales, S., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, September). In the wild: Investigating educational outreach and communication efforts targeting conservation [Poster Presentation]. Western Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education (WAAAE) Research Conference. Logan, UT.

Harris, S., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, February). It’s not a facade: Effective storytelling is key to science communication [Poster Presentation]. National Agricultural Communications Symposium (NACS). Oklahoma City, OK.

Hill, N., Claflin, K., Specht, A. R., & Hock, G. (October, 2022). Edutainment on the Farm: A Content Analysis of Tweets about Clarkson’s Farm. Refereed paper presented at the North Central American Association for Agricultural Education Conference, Columbia, MO.

Hock, G., Chambers, A., Hill, N. (2023, June). College Student Ranking of the USDA NIFA’s High-Priority Areas. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 2023 NACTA Abstracts Supplement, 67(1). Abstract.

Judd-Murray, R., & Burrows, M. S. (2023, May 15-18). Development and Validation of a Middle School Agricultural Literacy Instrument: Grades 6-8 [Poster presentation]. 2023 National AAAE Conference, Raleigh, North Carolina, United States.

Judd-Murray, R., Hill, N., Norris-Parish, S. L., & Hock, G. (Submitted). A multi-state agricultural literacy assessment of Extension professionals and volunteers. Journal of Agricultural Education.

Judd-Murray, R., Powell, J., Anderson, D., & Jenson, D. (2023, May/June). Getting Started: Using a Site Design Guide to improve your project and funding success. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(6), 22-24. https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/index.cfm

Judd-Murray, R. (2023, Jan/February). Making the most of formative and summative agricultural literacy assessment. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 95(4), 10-12. https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/


Lemley, S.M. (2023, Jan. 18). Planting the seed of comprehension in agriculture and science classrooms. Literacy in the Disciplines. https://literacy6-12.org/planting-the-seed-of-comprehension-in-agriculture-and-science-classrooms/

Lightfoot, M., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, June). Using the Bulb web platform as a digital learning tool for agricultural educators [Poster Presentation]. [Special supplement: Abstract]. NACTA Journal, 67(1). Las Cruces, NM.

McFadden, B., Rumble, J., Stofer, K., Folta, K., Dyment, M. (2023, accepted). U.S. adult attitudes about biotechnology and risk aversion to gene editing. The Journal of Agrobiotechnology Management & Economics.

McFadden, B. R., Lusk, J. L., Pollack, A.(g), Rumble, J. N., Stofer, K. A., & Folta, K. M. (2023). A randomized group approach to identifying label effects. Journal of Choice Modelling, 48, 100435. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jocm.2023.100435

Miller, A.J., Bennett, J.E., & Burrows, M.S. (2023, September 18-20). Agriculture in the Classroom: 2021 Virtual Connections Defined. [Poster presentation]. American Association for Agricultural Education Western Region Conference, 2023, Logan, Utah. * Selected as a top ten conference poster.

Miller, A. J. (2023, January/February). Building Proficiency: The role of ag literacy in school-based agricultural education. The Agricultural Education Magazine. 95(4), 13-15. https://www.naae.org/profdevelopment/magazine/archive_issues/Volume95/2023%2001%20--%20January%20February.pdf

Meyers, C., Harlan, K., Hock, G., Loizzo, J., Monsur, M., Randolph, L., Rogers-Randolph, T., Churchill, F., Collins, F., Gragg, S., Irlbeck, E., Kennedy, L., Lawver, D., Simpson, S., & Telg, R. (2023, June). Developing Interactive Virtual Tours of Agriculture and Research Facilities. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 2023 NACTA Abstracts Supplement, 67(1). Abstract.

Petty, K., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, February). Muddy waters: Leveraging storytelling to teach water issues in the desert Southwest [Poster Presentation]. National Agricultural Communications Symposium (NACS). Oklahoma City, OK. Note: Awarded the Outstanding Innovative Poster.

Roderick, S., Norris-Parish, S. L., & Roberts-Hill, L. (2023, September). Sustainable communication: Utilizing agricultural sustainability frameworks to communicate global scientific issues [Poster Presentation]. Western Region of the American Association for Agricultural Education (WAAAE) Research Conference. Logan, UT.

Rourke, C. & Hill, N. (2023, February 5-6). Taking to TikTok: A content analysis on the dissemination of beef production information on TikTok [Research poster]. National Agricultural Communications Symposium, Oklahoma City, OK, United States.

Smalley, S., Rice, A.H., & Hasselquist, L. (2023). The effectiveness of virtual CASE institute professional development: A participant perspective. Journal of Agricultural Education, 64(2), 85-97.

Stofer, K. A., Turner, S. (G), Rumble, J., McFadden, B., Folta, K., Jeevan, A.(U), Ouncap, T.(U), Hecht, K. (P), Cummins, C.(U), Thiel, R. (g), (2023). U.S. adults express overall positive views but some concerns about gene editing technology after information treatment. JCOM 22(04), A02 https://jcom.sissa.it/article/pubid/JCOM_2204_2023_A02/

Wilson, M., Norris-Parish, S. L., & Dean, T. (2022, December). Border states agriculture table-top exercise (TTX): Emergency preparedness and planning capabilities for the food and agriculture sector [English Technical Guide and Report]. U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.

Wilson, M., Norris-Parish, S. L., & Dean, T. (2022, December). Border states agriculture table-top exercise (TTX): Emergency preparedness and planning capabilities for the food and agriculture sector [Facilitator Guide]. U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.

Wilson, M., Norris-Parish, S. L., & Dean, T. (2022, December). Ejercicio teórico de agricultura de los Estados Fronterizos (TTX): Preparación para emergencias y capacidades de planificación para el sector alimentario y agrícola [Spanish Technical Guide and Report]. U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.

Wilson, M., Norris-Parish, S. L., & Dean, T. (2022, December). Border states agriculture table-top exercise (TTX): After-action report (AAR)/improvement plan (IP). U.S. Department of Homeland Security, Washington, D.C.

Wombacher, S., & Judd-Murray, R. (2023, April 11-12). Sustainability advocacy through education: Fostering university curricula towards a sustainable future [Poster presentation]. USU Student Research Symposium, Logan, Utah, USA.

Wombacher, S., & Judd-Murray, R. (2023, March 23). Sustainability advocacy through education: Fostering university curricula towards a sustainable future [Poster presentation]. Intermountain Sustainability Summit, Weber State University, Ogden, Utah, USA. [Poster awarded the Sustainability in Action award]

*W3006 committee members are bolded in the citations.



Bayity, K., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, April). Digitizing the divide: Breaking down digital and precision agricultural messaging for science communicators [Oral Presentation]. Association for International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE) Annual Conference. Guelph, Canada.

Donaldson, A.*, & Rice, A. H. (2023). Experiences of recently graduated women school-based agricultural education students. Proceedings of the National American Association for Agricultural Education Research Conference, Raleigh, NC

Easley-Smith, F., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, June). Building a foundation: A case study of interpersonal and technical skills desired by undergraduate students in agricultural communications courses at New Mexico State University [Oral Presentation]. Association of Communication Excellence (ACE). Asheville, North Carolina.

Lemley, S.M., & Morrison, C.C. (2023). How’d that get into my lunchbox: Taking a bite into ag literacy and socio-emotional learning. Mississippi Early Childhood Association, Meridian, MS.

Lemley, S.M., Clary, R.M., Marlow, T., Bright, T., Reed, K., & Tucker, D. (2023). Integrating agriculture and active literacy strategies in your student-centered science classroom. Presentation proposal for the Mississippi Science Teacher Association Annual Conference, Biloxi, MS.

Lemley, S.M., Clary, R.M., Swanson, R., & Alley, K.M. (accepted). Teachers’ scientific inertia: Misconception persistence after an intensive 10-day agricultural literacy institute. The paper proposal was submitted to the Literacy Research Association Annual Conference, Atlanta, GA. (Nov. 2023)

Lemley, S.M., Alley, K.M., & Clary, R.M. (accepted). Building the architecture to incorporate ‘literacy’ in agricultural literacy. Paper presentation proposal for the Literacy Research Association Annual Conference, Atlanta: GA. (Nov. 2023)

McCarty, R., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, February). Relevancy of print magazines: A Q methodological examination of Generation Z’s publication preferences [Oral Presentation]. National Agricultural Communications Symposium (NACS). Oklahoma City, OK.

Miller, A. J. (2023, June). Program leader's annual meeting. [Research presentation]. National Agriculture in the Classroom Conference, Orlando, FL, United States.

Norris-Parish, S. L., Turner, C., & Turner, T. (2023, March). CES 105: Promotion, marketing, and mass media for Extension programs. NM Education Designed to Generate Excellence (EDGE) in the Public Sector, NMSU Cooperative Extension Service, and NMSU Department of Government, Las Cruces, NM.

Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, February). Crystal clear: Establishing winning communication techniques and effective goal setting. Workshop for the Doña Ana County 4-H Leadership Team, Las Cruces, NM.

Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, February). Landing the job: The secret to effective interviewing and connection with employers. Professional development session for Alpha Gamma Rho and Sigma Alpha, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM.

Parish, M., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, July). Building a successful Young Farmer and Rancher (YF&R) Program. Texas Farm Bureau Workshop, Arlington, TX.

Parish, M., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, July). Pasture to plate: Connecting beef production to consumer education. Texas Farm Bureau Workshop, Huntsville, TX.

Parish, M., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, January). Reindeer feed store: Connecting lay audiences to agricultural education opportunities. American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico. Note: Awarded a national outstanding County of Excellence award through AFBF.

Parish, M., & Norris-Parish, S. L. (2023, January). Identifying innovative ways to connect lay audiences to agricultural education through holiday tradition. Radio Interview for the Nebraska Rural Radio Network based in Lincoln, Nebraska, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Summerfield, E., Volk, N., Specht, A. R., & Claflin, K. (2023, May). They don't know Diddly Squat: The influence of Clarkson's Farm on college students' knowledge and perceptions of agriculture. Paper presented at the 2023 American Association for Agricultural Education National Conference. Raleigh, NC.

Accessible Agricultural Education, 2022, Presentation made to the Colorado State University System Board of Governors

 November 2022, “Open Panel- Ag Literacy and CAM’s Classroom, Extension STEM for Fairs, Ag in the Classroom” Colorado Fairs and Shows Conference, Pueblo, CO. Dr. Kellie Enns & Jenny Bennett, presenters.

Accessible Agricultural Education with CAM's Agriculture Academy and CSU Spur. Presentation made to Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services, Denver, CO, 2023. Dr. Kellie Enns & Jenny Bennett, presenters.

January 2023. " Including Agricultural Literacy Programming in your Next Community Event" Colorado Farm Show, Greeley, CO. Dr. Kellie Enns & Jenny Bennett, presenters.

February 2023. “Exploration of Agricultural Literacy with CSU Agricultural Education and Colorado Ag in the Classroom” Colorado Ag Forum, Westminster, CO. Dr. Kellie Enns & Jenny Bennett, presenters.

Training Youth to Utilize Agriculture Literacy Activities in FFA Week, Presented Virtually, February 2023.

September 2023. “Examining a Perception-based Pedagogical Content Knowledge Survey for Agricultural Educators in Colorado,” American Association of Agricultural Education. Western Region, speaker, Logan, Utah. Dr. Kellie Enns & Jenny Bennett, presenters.

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