NCERA216: Latinos and Immigrants in Midwestern Communities
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
- OC-77: The Development of Latin American Philosophy
- NEXO Spring 2019
- Promoting Latino and African American Collaboration through Dialogue and Engagement
- Survey of Cooperative Extension Educators in the Midwest: On Serving Latino Populations
- LATINOS 2025: A Needs Assessment of Latino Communities in Southeast Michigan
- Emily R. Crawford and Dr. Lisa M. Dorner edited together Educational Leadership of Immigrants: Case Studies in Times of Change published by Routledge. This book is meant to prepare current and future educational leaders to evolve with the changing climate of U.S. demographics, education, and immigration policy.
- Gustavo Carlo and others share their work published in Children and Youth Services Review “Children exposed to methamphetamine in settings where the drug is being used”. The article presents a descriptive analysis of children’s exposure in settings where the drug is being used in an effort to educate adults and assess the risks children face living in these environments, serving as a motivator to promote substance abuse treatment.
- Stephen Jeanetta and Dr. María E. Rodríguez-Alcalá worked with another researcher on “The Role of Acculturation and Social Capital in Access to Health Care: A Meta-Study on Hispanics in the U.S.” and published in the Journal of Community Health. This study is meant to enhance the understanding of how acculturation and social capital impact the Hispanic population’s ability to access and navigate health care in the U.S.
- Gustavo Carlo and another researcher collaborated to give us “Nativity as a Moderator of Familial and Nonfamilial Correlates of Latino/a Youth Prosocial Behaviors” found in the Journal of Research on Adolescence. This article’s findings address nativity as playing a prominent role in familial and nonfamilial relations guidance of youth’s prosocial tendencies.
- Denice Adkins and another researcher share their work “Information behavior and ICT use of Latina immigrants to the U.S. Midwest” in Information Processing & Management: An International Journal. The article presents foundational research on the complex and interconnected nature of the social environment of Latina immigrants in the U.S. Midwest to better understand information practices. This population is highly vulnerable to marginalization and digital exclusion; this research investigates systematically Information and Communication Technology (ICT) use by immigrant Latinas is the Midwest.
- Gustavo Carlo worked with another researcher to publish “Toward an Integrative Conceptual Model on the Relations Between Discrimination and Prosocial Behaviors in US Latino/Latina Youth” in the Handbook of Children and Prejudice. This article explores theories and research on discriminatory experiences role in US Latino youth prosocial behaviors and the associated risk and protective factors.
- Sujin Kim and Dr. Kim Song wrote the article “Designing a Community Translanguaging Space Within a Family Literacy Project” in the journal The Reading Teacher. This article features a multilingual family literacy project to enhance family engagement in children’s literacy development. This is done by family and community members collaborating to build larger communicative repertoires of multiple languages.
- Denice Adkins, along with two other researchers, share their research “Exploring Reader-Generated Language to Describe Multicultural Literature” in the International Journal of Information, Diversity, & Inclusion. In this article, text mining processes, or deriving high-quality information from the text is used to yield reader-generated book reviews, followed by analyzation of the words readers use to describe multicultural fiction with the goal of providing library and information science (LIS) professionals insight into reader’s perspective related to this genre.
- Francisco Palermo and Dr. Gustavo Carlo collaborated with two other researchers on the article “Latina mothers’ mental health and children’s academic readiness: Moderation by maternal education” found in the Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. This article looks at the association of Latina mothers’ parenting stress and depression to their children’s academic skills years later, if mothers’ positive parenting behaviors and children’s self-regulation mediated those associations, and whether the mediated associations varied based on mothers’ education.
- Lisa Y. Flores and others wrote the article “Evaluating the Scholarly Impact of Vocational Research With Diverse Racial/Ethnic Groups: 1969-2017” in the Journal of Career Development. Through citation analysis, this study evaluates the scholarly impact of career-related articles on diverse racial/ethnic groups in the U.S. from a pool of journal articles published in a variety of journals.
- Gustavo Carlo and others published the article “The quality of mother-adolescent disclosure: Links with predictors and adolescents’ sociomoral outcomes” in the journal Social Development. This article examines the factors that predict the quality of adolescents’ disclosure to their parents, more specifically their mothers, as well as the consequences of quality for adolescent’s outcomes.
- Claire Altman collaborated with a group of researchers on “Gender, Education, and Physical Health among Adults in Central Mexico” found in the journal Sociological Perspectives. This article looks at the relationship between education and health in central Mexico, whether it is gender specific, and how this relationship varies by health outcome.
Dr. Daisy I. Barrón
Multicultural Education & Diversity
Reading, Foundations, and Technology Department
Latino Studies
School of Social Work
Missouri State University
Barrón, D. (2020). Our Esencia is Our Courage. Hispanic Outlook on Education Magazine, 30(7), 19.
Barrón, D. (2020). ¿Que dijeron? What do they say? Bilingualism, Adaptation & Hispanic women/Latinas in Higher Education. Journal of Latinos and Education, 19 (2).
Barrón, D., Palacios, J., Enriquez, S., Torres, T. (2019). Narratives of Latinas/Hispanic Women in the Midwest. Cambio Center Proceedings, Columbia, Missouri.
Barrón, D. (2019). Bilingualism. Revista OCIO, 21(6), 4-5.
Barrón, D. (2020). Overcoming Barriers to Hispanic women/Latinas Leaders in Higher Education. Book IGI Global Book Publishing House in revision to be published October, 2020.
Barrón, D. (2020). A Perspective of Multicultural Education. Book Kendall Hunt Publishing House (in progress) contributors and for me as editor to turn in the manuscript August 2020 to be published November 2020.
Barrón, D., Palacios, J. (2020). The Brown Tinted Glass Ceiling? A mixed-methods study of Hispanic women/Latinas in Higher Education. Manuscript (in progress) Journal of Diversity in Higher Education.
Barrón, D. Hart, J. (2020). Jefa at a University? ¡Igualada! A Qualitative Study of Hispanic Women/ Latinas Leaders in Higher Education. Manuscript (in progress) to the Innovative Higher Education.
Barrón, D. (2020). ¡Mi Esencia es mi Valor! Essence & Courage portraiture of Hispanic women/Latinas navigating Higher Education Institutions. Manuscript (in progress) to the Qualitative Research Journal, Sage.
Debra J. Bolton, Ph.D.
Bolton, Debra J. (2020). In press. Finding home: Displaced African Women in Rural Southwest Kansas. Chapter 2. Intervening Connections: Mapping the networks of support of Women in 21st Century Communities. Cloete, E., Mariah E. Crystal, and Martha N. Bannikov, Eds. Lexington Press.
Bolton, Debra J. and Charlotte Olsen (2018). Build Intercultural Relationships for Better Understanding of Your Neighbor. Extension Publication, MF 3340 and MF 3341
Krug, D., Bolton, D. J. and C. Olsen. (2018). Everyday Mindfulness. Extension publication MF 3424 and MF 3425
Bolton, Debra J. and Francisco Hernandez. (2017). Applying Global Perspectives on Fragility to Improve U.S. Communities. Advances in Anthropology, 7, 22-33.
Bolton, Debra J. (2019) “Sense of Place in a New Homeland”. Southern Plains Conference of the Center of the Study of the American West, West Texas A & M University.
Kimberly Greder, Professor and Extension State Specialist
Human Development and Family Studies
Iowa State University
Hammons, A., Villegas, E., Olvera, N., Greder, K., Fiese, B. & Teran-Garcia, M. (2020). The Evolving Family Mealtime: Findings from Focus Group Interviews with Low-income Hispanic Mothers. JMIR Pediatrics and Parenting.
Bruna, K., McNelly, C. A., Greder, K., Rongerude, J. (2020). Youth Dialogue and Design for Educational Possibility: Eliciting Youth Voice in Community Development. Journal of Community Practice. DOI: 10.1080/10705422.2020.1757006. First published online May 3, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1080/10705422.2020.1757006.
Rongerude, J., Richardson Bruna, K., Greder, K., and McNelly, C. Design Dialogues How-to Series, DDC 0001A–0001K, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Greder, K., Levings, J., Alcivar-Zuniga, M., Schott, M., Allen, B., Gonzales, R., Bruna, K., Dorado-Robles, N., and Martinez, A. (2020). ¡Salir Adelante! Caminos a Nuestro Futuro (Pathways for our Future). Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Martinez, Rubén
2019 “Motivations for Entrepreneurship among Mexican Americans and White Americans,” International Journal of Social Science and Business, 4(1): 1-12. (w/B. Avila).
2019 "Criminal Justice, Disconnected Youth, and Latino Males in the United States and in Michigan." In Lynn Scott and Curtis Stokes (Eds.), Minorities and the Criminal Justice System. (Pp. 211-156). East Lansing, MI: MSU Press. (w/B. Avila & B. Lewis).
Encyclopedia Articles
2019 “Rodolfo ‘Corky’ Gonzales.” Latinos in the Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as Voters, Candidates, and Office Holders. (Pp. 211-213). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
2019 “Jose Angel Gutierrez.” Latinos in the Political System: An Encyclopedia of Latinos as
Voters, Press Candidates, and Office Holders. (219-221). Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO.
Reports and Research Newsletter
2019. Martinez, R. (Editor). NEXO: The Official Newsletter of the Julian Samora Research Institute. [Two issues: Spring, XXII (2); Fall issue XXIII(1)]
2019. A Summary Report of the Black-Brown Dialogues Summit II: Expanding Community September 7, 2018. Julian Samora Research Institue, MSU (w/R. Davila).
2019. “Foreword,” In Gutierrez, J. A., Tracking King Tiger: Reies Lopez Tijerina and the FBI. Latinos in the United States Series. East Lansing, MI: MSU Press.
Volume in Book Series
2019. Gutierrez, J. A., Tracking King Tiger: Reies Lopez Tijerina and the FBI. Latinos in the United States Series. East Lansing, MI: MSU Press.
Book Reviews
“Review of Cultural Impact on Conflict Management in Higher Education.” Teachers College Record. July 18, 2019. https://www.tcrecord.org, ID Number: 22977.
“Review of Hispanics in the U.S. Criminal Justice System.” NEXO, Fall 2019, 23(1): 5.
“Éxito Educativo: A Bilingual Pathway to College Program,” Western Social Science Association News, 2019, 51(1): 9.
All of the publications put forth by each member required cross-discipline, multi-state, and in some cases, multi-country collaborations.
Bolton, Debra J. H. (2021, March 11, 2021). Strengthening Financial Avenues in Native American Communities. MoneyGeek. https://www.moneygeek.com/financial-planning/financial-resources-native-american-communities/#insight-from-native-experts
Bolton, Debra J. (2020). Finding home: Displaced African Women in Rural Southwest Kansas. Chapter 9. African Women and Their Networks of Support: Intervening Connections. Cloete, E., Mariah E. Crystal, and Martha N. Bannikov, Eds. Lexington Press.
Greder, K., Cancel-Tirado, D. I., Routh, B., & Bao, J. Engaging with rural Latino families. Special Issue on Rural Low-Income Families (Berry, A. and Greder, K., Eds.), Forum on Family and Consumer Issues, 23(1). Online journal. First made available March 2021.
Kilanowski, Jill (2020/01/23). Agricultural Safety Comic Book for Latinx Migrant Families: Development and Evaluation, VL - 34, DO - 10.1016/j.pedhc.2019.11.003. Journal of Pediatric Health Care
Co, R.B. Jr., Hua, L., Cartagena, M.J.L, Greder, K.A., Larzelere, R.E., Washburn, I.J., and Sahbaz, S. (2022). Validation of the Family Fear of Deportation Scale for Youth, Family Relations, 1-21. DOI: 10.1111/fare.12719. Available online https://doi.org/10.1111/fare.12719.
Published with colleagues two issues of JSRI’s research newsletter NEXO. One featured articles on social capital motives in the adoption of appropriate technology by Latino farmers and on access to farmworker labor camps by service providers [NEXO, 2021, 21 (1)]. The other featured articles on Latino population growth in the Midwest and in Michigan and on Latinos and the banking system [NEXO, 2022, 21 (2)]. Edited and published with A. Aguirre a special issue of Social Justice titled “Neoliberalism in Higher Education: Policies, Practices, and Issues.” Social Justice, 48 (2). This has relevance for Latinos and higher education. Published a review of the book The Plot to Change America,” a rightwing critique of progressive policies that benefit Latinos and other minorities. My assessment that it was a libertarian political diatribe masquerading as a scholarly work (NEXO, 26 (2): 4.). Generated datasets and preliminary data on the role of social capital motives and the adoption of technology among Latino farmers in Southwest Michigan. Activities: Supported colleagues in the delivery of a bilingual two-course sequence on Farm Management via Zoom, which brought in farmers from other states as participants. There were 18 participants total.
Delivered a presentation titled “Leading in a Diverse Society” to senior administrators and trustees of credit unions on April 23, 2022 at the Spring Leadership Development Conference of the Michigan Credit League and Affiliates. There were approximately 50 participants. | |||
Arellanes, J., Greder, K., and Lohman, B. (2022). The Intersection of Work and Cultural Values of Latino Fathers in their Children’s Educational Attainment. Journal of Latinos and Education.
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Moody, S.*, Lotte van Dammen, L. Wang, W., Greder, K.A., Neiderhiser, J.M., Afulani, P.A., Shirtcliff, E.A. (2022). , Impact of Hair Type, Hair Sample weight, External Hair Exposures, and Race on Cumulative Hair Cortisol, Psychoneuroendocrinology.
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Bao, J. and Greder, K. (2022). Economic Pressure and Parent Acculturative Stress: Effects on Rural Midwestern Low-income Latinx Child Behaviors, Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
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Barragan, M., Luna, V., Hammons, A.J., Olvera, N.E., Greder, K., Flavia, C., Andrade, D., Fiese, B., Wiley, A., and Teran-Garcia, M. (2022). Reducing Obesogenic Dietary Behaviors in Hispanic Children through a Family-Based, Culturally-Tailored RCT” Abriendo Caminos. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
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Sahbaz, S., Cox, R.B., Washburn, I.J., Lin, H., and Greder, K.A. (2022). PROMIS Pediatric Psychological Stress Measure: Validity for Immigrant Latino Youth. Family Relations. DOI: 10.1111/fare.12652
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· Lin, H. Cox, R.B., Sahbaz, S., Washburn, I.J., and Greder, K.A. (2022). Hope for Latino Immigrant Youth: A Longitudinal Test of Snyder’s Hope Scale. Family Relations. First published online January 24, 2022. DOI: 10.1111/fare.12651 · |
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| Cox, R.B., Washburn, I.J., Greder, K., Sahbaz, S. and Lin, H. (2021). Preventing Substance Use Among Latino Youth: Initial Results From a Multistate Family-based Program Focused on Youth Academic Success. The American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse. First published online October 28, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1080/00952990.2021.1981357 |
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| Cox, R. B. Jr., deSouza, D. K., Bao, J., Lin, H., Sahbaz, S., Greder, K. A., Larzelere, R., Washburn, I. J., Leon-Cartagena, M., and Arredondo-Lopez, A. (2021). Shared Language Erosion: Rethinking Immigrant Family Communication and Impacts on Youth Development, Children, 8(4), 256. https://doi.org/10.3390/children8040256. |