NCERA_old217: Drainage design and management practices to improve water quality
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
NCERA-217 Publications for 2022
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Abendroth, L.J., Chighladze, G., Frankenberger, J.R., Bowling, L.C., Helmers, M.J., Herzmann, D.E., Jia, X., Kjaersgaard, J., Pease, L.A., Reinhart, B.D. and Strock, J., 2022. Paired field and water measurements from drainage management practices in row-crop agriculture. Scientific Data, 9(1), pp.1-13. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-022-01358-7.
- Jame, S.A., Frankenberger, J., Reinhart, B.D. and Bowling, L., 2022. Mapping Agricultural Drainage Extent in the US Corn Belt: The Value of Multiple Methods. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 38(6), pp.917-930.
- Sellars, S.C., Thompson, N.M., Wetzstein, M.E., Bowling, L., Cherkauer, K., Lee, C., Frankenberger, J. and Reinhart, B., 2022. Does crop insurance inhibit climate change technology adoption? Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change, 27(3), pp.1-20.
- Helmers, M.J., Abendroth, L., Reinhart, B., Chighladze, G., Pease, L., Bowling, L., Youssef, M., Ghane, E., Ahiablame, L., Brown, L. and Fausey, N., 2022. Impact of controlled drainage on subsurface drain flow and nitrate load: A synthesis of studies across the US Midwest and Southeast. Agricultural Water Management, 259, p.107265.
- Feyereisen G.W., Hay C.H., Christianson R.D., Helmers M.J. (2022) Frontier: Eating the Metaphorical Elephant: Meeting Nitrogen Reduction Goals in Upper Mississippi River Basin States. Journal of the Asabe 65:621-631. DOI: 10.13031/ja.14887.
- Law J.Y., Long L.A., Kaleita A., Helmers M., Brendel C., van der Woude K., Soupir M. (2022) Stacked conservation practices reduce nitrogen loss: A paired watershed study. Journal of Environmental Management 302. DOI: ARTN 114053 10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114053.
- Maas E.D.V.L., Archontoulis S.V., Helmers M.J., Iqbal J., Pederson C.H., Poffenbarger H.J., TeBockhorst K.J., Castellano M.J. (2022) Subsurface drainage reduces the amount and interannual variability of optimum nitrogen fertilizer input to maize cropping systems in southeast Iowa, USA. Field Crops Research 288. DOI: ARTN 108663 10.1016/j.fcr.2022.108663.
- Mitchell M.E., Newcomer-Johnson T., Christensen J., Crumpton W., Richmond S., Dyson B., Canfield T.J., Helmers M., Lemke D., Lechtenberg M., Green D., Forshay K.J. (2022) Potential of water quality wetlands to mitigate habitat losses from agricultural drainage modernization. Science of the Total Environment 838. DOI: ARTN 156358 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156358.
- Mitchell M.E., Shifflett S.D., Newcomer-Johnson T., Hodaj A., Crumpton W., Christensen J., Dyson B., Canfield T.J., Richmond S., Helmers M., Lemke D., Lechtenberg M., Taylor C., Forshay K.J. (2022) Ecosystem services in Iowa agricultural catchments: Hypotheses for scenarios with water quality wetlands and improved tile drainage. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 77:426-440. DOI: 10.2489/jSWC.2022.00127.
- Waring E.R., Sawyer J., Pederson C., Helmers M. (2022) Impact of nitrogen fertilizer timing on nitrate loss and crop production in northwest Iowa. Journal of Environmental Quality 51:696-707. DOI: 10.1002/jeq2.20366.
- Kladivko, E.J., and L.C. Bowling. 2021. Long-term impacts of drain spacing, crop management, and weather on nitrate leaching to subsurface drains. J. Environ. Qual.50:627-638. https://doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20215
- Ghane, E., 2022. Choice of pipe material influences drain spacing and system cost in subsurface drainage design. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 38 (1). www.doi.org/10.13031/aea.15053
- Dialameh, B., E. Ghane, 2022. Effect of water sampling strategies on the uncertainty of phosphorus load estimation in subsurface drainage discharge. Journal of Environmental Quality. 51, 377-388. www.doi.org/10.1002/jeq2.20339
- Ghane, E., B. Dialameh, Y. AbdalAal, M. Ghane, 2022. Knitted-sock geotextile envelopes increase drain inflow in subsurface drainage systems. Agricultural Water Management. 274, 107939. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2022.107939
- Tran, K., Zhang, H., McMaine, J., Zhang, X., Luo, D. 2022. 10 m crop type mapping using Sentinel-2 reflectance and 30 m cropland data layer product. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation. Volume 107. 102692. ISSN 1569-8432.
- Quintana-Ashwell, N., Gholson, D., Kaur, G., Singh, G., Massey, J., Krutz, L. J., ... & Locke, M. A. (2022). Irrigation Water Management Tools and Alternative Irrigation Sources Trends and Perceptions by Farmers from the Delta Regions of the Lower Mississippi River Basin in South Central USA. Agronomy, 12(4), 894.
- Feyereisen, G.W., Wang, H., Wang, P., Anderson, E.L., Jang, J., Ghane, E., Coulter, J.A., Rosen, C.J., Sadowsky, M.J., and Ishii, S. 2023. Carbon supplementation and bioaugmentation to improve denitrifying woodchip bioreactor performance under cold conditions. Ecol. Eng. 191:106920. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ecoleng.2023.106920
- Feyereisen, G.W., Ghane, E., Schumacher, T.W., Dalzell, B.J., and Williams, M.R. 2023. Can woodchip bioreactors be used at a catchment scale? Nitrate performance and sediment considerations. J. ASABE 66(2):367-379. https://doi.org/10.13031/ja.15496
- Law, J., Slade, A., Hoover, N., Feyereisen, G.W., and Soupir, M. 2023. Amending woodchip bioreactors with corncobs reduces nitrogen removal cost. J. Environ. Mgt. 330, 117135 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.117135
- Christianson, L.E., Wickramarathne, N., Johnson, G.M., and Feyereisen, G.W. 2022. No/low-cost chipped woody debris nutrient composition benefits and tradeoffs for denitrifying bioreactors. Bioresource Technol. Rep. 20:101237. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biteb.2022.101237
- Mendis, S.S., R.P. Udawatta, S.H. Anderson, K.A. Nelson, and R.L Cordsiemon II. 2022. Effects of cover crops on soil moisture dynamics of a corn cropping system. Soil Security 8:100072 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.soisec.2022.100072.
- Fleming, P. M., Stephenson, K., Collick, A. S., & Easton, Z. (2022). Targeting for nonpoint source pollution reduction: A synthesis of lessons learned, remaining challenges, and emerging opportunities. Journal of Environmental Management, 308. doi:10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.114649
- Stephenson, K., Shabman, L., Shortle, J., & Easton, Z. (2022). Confronting our Agricultural Nonpoint Source Control Policy Problem. Journal Of the American Water Resources Association. doi:10.1111/1752-1688.13010
- Bagnall, D.K., C.L.S. Morgan, M. Cope, G.M. Bean, S.B. Cappellazzi, K.L.H. Greub, D. Liptzin, C.E. Norris, E.L. Rieke, P.W. Tracy, E. Aberle, O. Bañuelos Tavarez, A.I. Bary, R. L. Baumhardt, A. Borbón Gracia, D.C. Brainard, J.R. Brennan, D.B. Reyes, D. Bruhjell, C.N. Carlyle, J.H. Crawford, C.F. Creech, S.W. Culman, B. Deen, C.J. Dell, J.D. Derner, T.F. Ducey, S.W. Duiker, R.S. Dungan, M.F. Dyck, B.H. Ellert, M.H. Entz, A. Espinosa Solorio, S.J. Fonte, S. Fonteyne, A.M. Fortuna, J.L. Foster, A.J. Franzluebbers, L.M. Fultz, A.V. Gamble, C.M. Geddes, D. Griffin-LaHue, J.H. Grove, S.K. Hamilton, X. Hao, Z.D. Hayden, J.L. Heitman, N. Honsdorf, J.A. Howe, J.A. Ippolito, G.A. Johnson, M.A. Kautz, N.R. Kitchen, S. Kumar, K.S.M. Kurtz, F.J. Larney, K.L. Lewis, A.B. Leytem, M.A. Liebig, M. Liebman, A.L. Ramirez, S. Machado, B. Maharjan, M.A.M. Gamiño, W. May, M.P. McClaran, M.D. McDaniel, N. Millar, J.P. Mitchell, A. Moore, P.A. Moore Jr., M. Mora Gutiérrez, K.A. Nelson, E.C. Omondi, S.L. Osborne, D.L. Osmond, L.O. Alcalá, E.M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, H.J. Poffenbarger, B.P. Lira, J.R. Reeve, T.M. Reinbott, M. Reiter, E.L. Ritchey, K.L. Roozeboom, Y. Rui, A. Sadeghpour, U.M. Sainju, G.R. Sanford, W.F. Schillinger, R.R. Schindelbeck, M.E. Schipanski, A.J. Schlegl, K.M. Scow, L.A. Sherrod, A.L. Shober, S. Sidhu, E. Solís Moya, M. St. Luce, J.S. Strock, A.E. Suyker, V.R. Sykes, H. Tao, M.L. Thompson, A.T. Campos, L.L. Van Eerd, N. Verhulst, T.J. Vyn, D.B. Watts, B.B. William, D.L. Wright, T. Zhang, and C.W. Honeycutt. 2022. Carbon-sensitive pedotransfer functions for plant available water. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 86:612-629. doi: https://doi.org/10.1002/saj2.20395.
Non-Peer Reviewed Publications, Reports, and Outreach Articles and Factsheets
- Drainage Workshop Manual. 2022. Dickens, D., and K.A. Nelson Eds. Designing and installing subsurface agricultural drainage systems. pp. 550.
- Hanson, J., Bock, E., Asfaw, B., & Easton, Z. (2022). A systematic review of Chesapeake Bay climate change impacts and uncertainty: watershed processes, pollutant delivery and BMP performance (CBP/TRS-330-22). Chesapeake Bay Program. Retrieved from https://bit.ly/BMP-CC-synth
- Kladivko, E. J., Bowling, L. C., Chighladze, G., & Abendroth, L. 2022. Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center (SEPAC) drainage research data, 1984-2020 [Data set]. Purdue University Research Repository (PURR). Purdue University. https://doi.org/10.4231/CTM1-0Y45
- Kaur, H., Nelson, K. A., & Kaur, G. (2022) Drainage and Nitrogen Management Affects Soil Health and Soil Properties [Abstract]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD. scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2022am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/144031
- Kaur, H., Nelson, K. A., & Kaur, G. (2022) Drainage and Nitrogen Management Affects Soil Health and Soil Properties [Abstract]. North Central Soil fertility Conference, Des Moines, IA. northcentralfertility.com/proceedings/?action=year_abstracts
- Kaur, H., Nelson, K. A., & Kaur, G. (2022) Cover Crops, Soil Moisture, and Precipitation Affect Nutrient Loss of Spring Applied Phosphorus Fertilizer. UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference 2022, Greenville, NC.
- Kaur, H. and Nelson, K. A. (2022) Drainage water management impacts soil properties in floodplain soils. 2022 Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting 2022, Fort Wayne, IN.
- Kaur, H., Nelson, K. A., & Kaur, G. (2022) Cover Crop Impacts Water Quality in a Tile-terraced No-till Field. UCOWR/NIWR Annual Conference 2022, Fort Collins, CO.
- Abendroth, L., M.J, Helmers, B.D. Reinhart, G. Chighladze, L.C. Bowling, L. Pease, M. Youssef, E. Ghane, L. Ahiablame, L. Brown, N. Fausey, J. Frankenberger, D.B. Jaynes, K. King, E.J. Kladivko, J. Strock, & K.A. Nelson. (2022) Regional and Seasonal Differences in Nitrate-N (NO3-N) Load in U.S. Agroecosystems Instrumented with Water Quality Conservation Practices. [Abstract]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Chicago, IL.
- Abendroth, L., A.J. Eagle, T.M. Maaz, M.J. Helmers, S.M. Brouder, Ll Christianson, B. Emmett, C. Drury, F. Fernandez, L. Gentry, D.B. Jaynes, J. Kovar, R.W. Malone, T. Moorman, K.A. Nelson, P. O'Brien, & J.J. Volenec. (2022) Use of Improved Nutrient Practices in Maize-based Agroecosystems Alter Allocation between Leaching and Denitrification Loss Pathways. [Abstract]. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Chicago, IL.
- Zamora Re, M., Tomasek, A., Hopkins, B., Sullivan, D., and Brewer, L. 2022. Managing salt-affected soils for crop production. PNW 601, 24 pp. Oregon State University Extension, Washington State University Extension, and University of Idaho Extension.
Poster Presentations
- Jannush, Javed, McMaine. Infiltration Rate Variability Across and Within Fields in the Willow Creek Watershed. October 11, 2022. South Dakota Student Water Conference, Brookings, MN. 75 participants.
Brandenburger, Duncan, McMaine. Drainable Porosity of an Aged Woodchip Bioreactor in South Dakota. October 11, 2022. South Dakota Student Water Conference, Brookings, MN. 75 participants.
- Ouandaogo, Saha, McMaine. Relationship between tillage practices and wet aggregate stability, organic matter, and bulk density. October 11, 2022. South Dakota Student Water Conference, Brookings, MN. 75 participants.
- Javed, Adalikwu, Sahraei, McMaine. Analysis of SCS-Curve Numbers Coupled with GIS Approach by Using Soil Moisture Sensors Data for Willow Creek Watershed’s Agricultural Fields. October 11, 2022. South Dakota Student Water Conference, Brookings, MN. 75 participants.
- Hentges, Hurst, McMaine. Nitrate Loss in Tile Drainage Outflow in Eastern South Dakota. October 11, 2022. South Dakota Student Water Conference, Brookings, MN. 75 participants.
- Brandenburger, Duncan, McMaine. Woodchip Analysis of an Aged Woodchip Bioreactor in South Dakota. July 13-14, 2022. Climate Intersections Conference, Duluth MN. 150 participants.
- Jannusch, Saha, McMaine. Analysis of Curve Number Under Different Management Practices. July 13-14, 2022. Climate Intersections Conference, Duluth MN. 150 participants.
- Hentges, Hurst, Almen, McMaine. Investigation of Nitrate in Tile Drainage in Eastern South Dakota. July 13-14, 2022. Climate Intersections Conference, Duluth MN. 150 participants.
- Ouandaogo, Saha, McMaine. The Influence of Agricultural Practices on Aggregate Stability. July 13-14, 2022. Climate Intersections Conference, Duluth MN. 150 participants.
- Javed, McMaine, Sahraei, Adalikwu. Analysis of SCS-Curve numbers coupled with GIS approach by using soil moisture sensors data for Willow Creek Watershed’s agricultural fields. July 13-14, 2022. Climate Intersections Conference, Duluth MN. 150 participants.
- Saha, McMaine. Impact of crop rotation, no-till, and cover crops on steady state infiltration rate and soil’s wet aggregate stability. April 27, 2022. Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference. 40 participants
- Hurst, McMaine. Nitrate in Tile Drainage Effluent in Eastern South Dakota. April 6, 2022. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting, Fort Wayne, IN. 100 participants.
- Almen, McMaine. Creating a Roadmap to Resilience: An Overview of the Willow Creek Watershed Project. April 6, 2022. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting, Fort Wayne, IN. 100 participants.
- Breza, L., Moore, J., Tomasek, A., and Trippe, K. 2022. Is subsurface drainage a “drain” on soil carbon storage? Soil Ecology Society Biennial Meeting. Richland, WA. May 2022.
Outreach Events, Podcasts, Videos, and Non-Peer Reviewed Outreach Tools
- Reinhart, B., J. Frankenberger, E. Ghane. C. Hay, J. McMaine, L. Abendroth. 2022. Tools to inform and transform drainage. Purdue University Extension ABE 164-W. West Lafayette, IN.
- Reinhart, B. and J. Frankenberger. 2022. Potential benefits of drainage water recycling: A case study from Indiana. Purdue University Extension ABE 165-W. West Lafayette, IN.
- Eastern South Dakota Water Conference. Brookings, SD. October 12, 2022. McMaine served as Chair of organizing committee. Featured guest panel of five phosphorus experts from four states. Attendance was 86.
- South Dakota Student Water Conference. Brookings, SD. October 11, 2022. McMaine served as Chair of organizing committee. 44 accepted student abstracts from 7 states and 10 universities.
- International Drainage Symposium. Des Moines, IA. August 30, 2022 to September 2, 2022. Helmers was Co-Chair for the organizing committee, McMaine served as Co-chair of the program committee. Attended by 206 from 12 countries and 22 states.
- South Dakota Watershed Academy. Oak Lake, SD. August 4, 2022. McMaine assisted in content creation and planning as well as day of logistics. Attendance was 10 NRCS District Conservationists.
- Monitoring and Tools for Technical Assistance Providers. Brookings, SD. June 22, 2022. McMaine co-organized with Kristen Blann (The Nature Conservancy) and Philip Adalikwu (SDSU). Attendance was 35 consisting of extension faculty and staff, NRCS staff, non-profit staff, and other technical assistance providers.
- Duncan, McMaine. Particle Characterization of a Failed Denitrifying Woodchip Bioreactor. International Drainage Symposium. Des Moines, IA. August 31, 2022. 25 participants.
- McMaine, Ahiablame, Kjaersgaard, Amegbletor, Hay, Trooien, McDaniel, Kulkarni, Maursetter. Long-term Nitrate Removal Performance of Four Woodchip Bioreactors in Eastern South Dakota. International Drainage Symposium. Des Moines, IA. August 31, 2022. 20 participants.
- McMaine, Hurst, Karki, Trooien, Hay, Kjaersgaard. Impacts of Subsurface Drainage on Water Yield and Opportunities for Controlled Drainage in Eastern South Dakota. International Drainage Symposium. Des Moines, IA. August 31, 2022. 15 participants.
- Saha, McMaine. Impact of Crop Rotation, No-Till, and Cover Crops on Soil Physical and Hydraulic Properties in Southeastern South Dakota. July 31 to August 2, 2022. Soil and Water Conservation Society Annual Meeting. Denver, CO.
- Saha, McMaine. Impact of crop rotation, no-till, and cover crops on soil physical and hydraulic properties in south eastern, South Dakota. July 19, 2022. Annual International Meeting, American Society of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineers. Houston, TX. 30 participants.
- McMaine, DeLong, Hougham, Downing, Edwards, Jia, Meehan, Merrifield, North, Schmidt, Trooien, Nardi, Power. Preparing the next generation of extension water stewards. July 13-14, 2022. Climate Intersections Conference. Duluth MN. 50 participants.
- Adalikwu, McMaine, Blann, Almen. Roadmap to water resilience – Valuing water as a resource for improved agricultural land profitability and reduction of downstream flood risk. July 13-14, 2022. Climate Intersections Conference, Duluth MN. 50 participants.
- Almen, Hurst, McMaine. Tile Drainage Water Quality in Eastern South Dakota. Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference. Rapid City, SD. April 27, 2022. 50 participants.
- McMaine, Vogel, McLemore, Brown, Paredes. A simple procedure for optimized selection of low impact development practices and area treated at the watershed scale based on user-defined criteria. Western South Dakota Hydrology Conference. Rapid City, SD. April 27, 2022. 50 participants.
- McMaine, J. South Dakota State Drainage Research and Outreach. April 6, 2022. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting, Fort Wayne, IN. 100 participants.
- McMaine, J. Long term Performance and Failure of Bioreactors in Eastern South Dakota. April 6, 2022. Conservation Drainage Network Annual Meeting, Fort Wayne, IN. 100 participants.
- McMaine, J. Understand the Other ET: Evapotranspiration on Terra Firma. January 4, 2022. Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association Annual Meeting, Bowling Green, KY. 30 participants.
- McMaine, J. Water Challenges for Produce Growers: Quantity and Quality. January 4, 2022. Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association Annual Meeting, Bowling Green, KY. 6 participants.
- McMaine, J. Rainwater Harvesting for High Tunnels. January 4, 2022. Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association Annual Meeting, Bowling Green, KY. 20 participants.
- Roadmap to Water Resilience: Water Quality and Quantity Research in Eastern South Dakota. South Dakota Soil and Water Conservation Society August Chapter Meeting. August 24, 2022.
- McMaine, J. Water Quality and Animal Waste Management. June 29, 2022. Livestock Environmental Training. Huron, SD. 25 participants.
- Adalikwu, McMaine, Blann. June 21, 2022. Using HEC-HMS to Model Peak Flow Reductions in a HUC-12 Watershed. Modeling and Tools for Technical Assistance Providers Workshop. Brookings, SD. June 21, 2022. 25 participants.
- Sahraei, Blann, Adalikwu, McMaine. June 21, 2022. Spreadsheet Calculators for Calculating Water Storage at the Field-Scale. Modeling and Tools for Technical Assistance Providers Workshop. Brookings, SD. 25 participants.
- McMaine, Blann, Adalikwu. Modeling for More Effective Water Management. Minnehaha Farm Bureau, Monthly Meeting. Brandon, SD. June 20, 2022. 25 participants.
- McMaine, Kringen. Managing Soil Moisture. March 1, 2022. Webinar, Crop Hour with SDSU Extension. 40 participants.
- Nelson, K.A. 2022. Subirrigation systems. Drainage Contractor Webinar. Online. 9 Feb.
- Nelson, K.A. 2022. Subsurface drainage water management. Nevada, MO. 18 Feb.
- Nelson, K.A. 2022. Subsurface drainage water management. Cairo, MO. 18 Feb.
- Nelson, K.A. 2022. MUDS update. Drainage Workshop. Nevada, MO 22 Feb.
- Nelson, K.A., G. Singh, and M. Davis. Missouri Station Report. NCERA-217. Ft. Wayne, IN. 6 Apr.
- Nelson, K.A. Drainage water management systems. GRC Advisory Board. Novelty, MO 15 Apr.
- Singh, G., and K.A. Nelson. New practices for water quality enhancement. Conservation Training, Missouri Soil and Water Conservation Program. Lake Ozark, MO. 28 Nov.
- Nelson, K.A. 2022. Agronomy research update and highlights. Northern Missouri REEC. Spickard, MO. 14 Dec.
- Nelson, K.A. 2022. Innovative inlets for soil and water conservation. Crop Management Conference. Columbia, MO. 15 Dec.
- Tomasek, A., Soil Management for Water and Nutrient Retention, 63rd Annual Far West Agribusiness Association, Boise, Idaho, December, 2022.
- Tomasek, A. Advances in Social Justice and Resiliency in Water Resources. Goldschmidt Conference, Honolulu, HI, July 2022.
- Tomasek, A. Canby Field Day, Water Quality session, North Willamette Research and Extension Center (NWREC), June 2, 2022. 350 attendees.
- Tomasek, A. Water Quality, 2022 OSU Extension Service Coffee Hour, Zoom, February 23, 2022. 20 attendees.
- Kladivko, A., Frankenberger, J. Drainage Pays: Impacts on timeliness, crop yields, soil health, and nitrate leaching.” Howard Co., IN. Feb 15, 2022
- Frankenberger, J. Conservation Technology Conference in Ada, OH, “Drainage Pays”. March 8-9, 2022
- Frankenberger, J. Drainage Water Recycling. Overholt Drainage School, The Ohio State University, March 18, 2022 (Virtual)
- Frankenberger, J. Science Assessment to Support the Indiana State Nutrient Reduction Strategy (with Julie Harrold). Indiana Water Resources Association meeting, Nashville, Indiana. June 22, 2022.
- Frankenberger, J. Making Drainage Decisions. Purdue Extension Putnam County, Greencastle. June 17, 2022.
- Frankenberger, J. Transforming Drainage: Working Together Across the Midwest to Increase Resiliency of Drained Agricultural Land. Iowa Learning Farms Webinar. July 6, 2022. (https://vimeo.com/showcase/9528614/video/727865346)