OLD S1077: Enhancing Microbial Food Safety by Risk Analysis
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Peer Reviewed Publications
Aasi A, Aghaei SM, Moore MD#, Panchapakesan B. 2020. Pt-, Rh-, Ru-, and Cu-single-wall carbon nanotubes are exceptional candidates for design of anti-viral surfaces: A theoretical study. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21(15):5211-5233.
Acuff, J.C., Wu, J., Marik, C., Waterman, K. Gallagher, D. Huang, H., Williams, R.C. and Ponder, M. Thermal inactivation of Salmonella, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and a surrogate (Pediococcus acidilactici) on raisins, apricot halves, and macadamia nuts using vacuum-steam pasteurization. 2020. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 333: 108814. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijfoodmicro.2020.108814.
Acuff, J.C., Waterman, K. Ramakrishnan, J. and Ponder, M. 2021. Thermal Resistance of Single Strains of Shiga Toxin-Producing Escherichia coli O121: H19 and O157: H7 Based on Culture Preparation Method and Osmolyte-Reduced Water Activity. Journal of Food Protection. 84(1): 122-127.
Adhikari, A., E. K. Parraga, V. S. Chhetri, M. Janes, K. Fontenot, and Beaulieu, J. C. 2020. Evaluation of Ultraviolet (UV-C) light treatment for microbial inactivation in agricultural waters with different level of turbidity. Food Science & Nutrition. 8:1237-1243.
Adhikari, A., Chhetri, V., and Camas A. 2020. Evaluation of microbiological quality of agricultural water and effect of water source and holding temperature on the stability of indicator organisms’ level using seven US EPA approved methods. Journal of Food Prot. 83:249-255
Adhikari, A. Debanjana, B. Chhetri, V., and Carson C. 2019. Efficacy of aqueous chlorine dioxide and ozone water in controlling the growth of Listeria monocytogenes during sprouting of alfalfa seeds. Letters in Applied microbiology. doi.org/10.1111/lam.13209
Ahmad, N., C. Öztabak, B.P. Marks, and E.T. Ryser. 2019. Effect of talc as a dry-inoculation carrier on thermal resistance of Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 in almond meal. J. Food Prot. 82:1110-1115.
Aljasir, S.F, and D. D'Amico. 2020. The effect of protective cultures on Staphylococcus aureus growth and enterotoxin production. Food Microbiol. 91:103541. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2020.10354.
Aljasir, S.F., Gensler, C., Sun, L. and D.J. D'Amico. 2020. The efficacy of individual and combined commercial protective cultures against Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella, O157 and non-O157 shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli in growth medium and raw milk. Food Control. 109:106924. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.106924
Alshaibani, D, RM Machado, B Calder and JJ Perry. 2020. Survival of Listeria monocytogenes and shigatoxigenic Escherichia coli during the production and aging of farmstead-style cheese. International Dairy Journal. 110:104801.
Anders J, Bisha B. 2020. High-throughput detection and characterization of antimicrobial resistant Enterococcus spp. from GI tracts of European starlings visiting concentrated animal feeding operations. Foods 9 (7), 890. https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9070890.
Barrett, T., & Feng, Y. B. (2020). Observational evaluation of food safety curricula on high school students’ behavior change. Journal of Food Protection, 83, 1947–1957. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4315/JFP-20-086
Barrett, T., Feng, Y. B., & Wang, H. (2020). Food safety in the classroom: Using the Delphi technique to evaluate researcher‐developed food safety curriculum aligned to state academic standards. Journal of Food Science Education, 19(3), 152–172.
Barrett, T., & Feng, Y. B. (2020). Content analysis of food safety implications in online flour-handling recipes. British Food Journal. Published.
Basson A.R., A. LaSalla, G. Lam, D. Kulpins, E.L. Moen, M.S. Sundrud, J. Miyoshi, S. Ilic, B.R. Theriault, F. Cominelli, and A. Rodriguez-Palacios. 2020. Artificial microbiome heterogeneity spurs six practical action themes and examples to increase study power-driven reproducibility. Scientific reports.10:1-9.
Batty, D., L. Meunier-Goddik, and J. Waite-Cusic. 2019. Camembert-type cheese quality and safety implications in relation to the timing of high-pressure processing during aging. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-16236
Becot, F., J. Parker, D. Conner, L. Pivarnik, N. Richard, and D. Wright-Hirsch. 2021. Financially able and willing to invest in food safety practices? The example of produce growers in New England states (USA). Food Control. 119:107451.
Beczkiewicz A., R.L. Scharff, and B. Kowalcyk. 2020. Facilitating Evaluation of Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome Long-Term Health Outcomes Through Social Media Support Groups. Frontiers in Public Health 8:544154. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2020.544154.
Belk, A.D., T. Duarte, C. Quinn, D.A. Coil, K.E. Belk, J.A. Eisen, J.C. Quinn, J.N. Martin, X. Yang, J.L. Metcalf. 2020. Air versus water chilling of chicken: a pilot study of quality, shelf-life, microbial ecology, and economics. mSystems. In review.
Bhunia, A, Bisha B, Gehring A, Brehm-Stecher, B. 2020. Advances in Foodborne Pathogen Analysis. Foods 9 (11): 1635. 10.3390/foods9111635.
Britton, B.C., I. Geornaras, J.O. Reagan, S. Mixon, D.R. Woerner, and K.E. Belk. 2020. Antimicrobial efficacy of acidified peroxyacetic acid treatments against surrogates for enteric pathogens on prerigor beef. Meat Muscle Biol. 4(1): 30, 1–7. doi:10.22175/mmb.10992.
Brown, E., Dhanireddy, K., Teska, P, Eifert, J., Williams, R.C., and R. Boyer. 2020. Influence of drying time on prewetted disinfectant towelettes to disinfect glass surfaces. American Journal of Infection Control. 48(7)846-848.
Carlson J, Chandler J, Bisha B, LeJeune J, Pearl D, Wittum T. 2020. Bird-livestock interactions associated with increased cattle fecal shedding of ciprofloxacin resistant Escherichia coli within feedlots in the United States. Scientific Reports 10, 10174 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-66782-4.
Chan, H., A. Kinchla, N. Richard, A. Shaw, and F. Yaohua. 2021. Produce Growers’ On-Farm Food Safety Education: A Review. Journal of Food Protection. Accepted for publication.
Chandler J, Anders J, Blouin, Carlson J, LeJeune J, Goodridge L, Wang B, Day L, Mangan A, Reid D, Coleman S, Hopken M, Bisha B. 2020. The role of European starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) in the dissemination of multidrug resistant Escherichia coli among concentrated animal feeding operations. Scientific Reports 10, 8093 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-64544-w.
Chandler J, Franklin A, Bevins S, Bentler K, Bonnedahl J, Ramey A, Ahlstrom C, Bisha B, Shriner S. 2020. Validation of a screening method for the detection of colistin-resistant E. coli containing mcr-1 in feral swine feces. Journal of Microbiological Methods 172, 105892. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mimet.2020.105892.
Chen, L., Wei, X., Chaves, B.D., Jones, D., Ponder, M.A., and J. Subbiah. 2020. Inactivation of Salmonella enterica and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B2354 on cumin seeds using gaseous ethylene oxide. Food Microbiology. 94: 103656.
Callahan, S and JJ Perry. Published online. Survival of Listeria innocua and native microflora in sanitizer-treated wild blueberries (Vaccinium angustifolium). International Journal of Fruit Science. 20:S66-S81.
Cater, M., Gravois, R., Gaitan, G. G., Xu, W.* 2020. Pregnant women’s confidence and perceptions on practices related to food safety: A study in Louisiana. Food Control. 113. 107175.
Cetin-Karaca, H., Morgan, M. C. (2018). Antimicrobial efficacy of phytochemicals against Bacillus cereus in reconstituted infant rice cereal, FOOD MICROBIOLOGY, 69, 189-195. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2017.08.011| JIF: 3.759 (Research completed as partial requirement for Ph.D. All work was performed in my laboratory under my direct supervision as co-adviser).
Cetin-Karaca, H., Morgan, M. C. (2020). Antimicrobial efficacy of cinnamaldehyde, chitosan and high pressure processing against Cronobacter sakazakii in infant formula, Journal of Food Safety. doi: 10.1111/jfs.12845. (Research completed as partial requirement for Ph.D. All work was performed in my laboratory under my direct supervision as adviser).
Chavez, R.A., X. Cheng, and M. J. Stasiewicz. 2020. A review of the methodology of analyzing aflatoxin and fumonisin in single corn kernels and the potential impacts of these methods on food security. Foods 9(3). https://doi.org/10.3390/foods9030297
Chen, D., Moser, W., Wiertzema, J., Peng, P., Min, M., Cheng, Y., An, J., Ma, Y., Fan, X., Niemira, B.A., Baumler, D.J., Chen, C., Chen, P., Ruan, R. 2021. Effects of intense pulsed light and gamma irradiation on Bacillus cereus spores in mesquite pod flour. Food Chemistry Journal on 344:128675.
Chen, D., Wiertzema, J.R., Peng, P., Cheng, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, J., Ma, Y., Min, M., Chen, P., Baumler, D.J., Chen, C., Lee, L., Vickers, Z., Feirtag, J., Ruan, R. 2020. Catalytic intensive pulse light inactivation of Cronobacter sakazakii and other pathogens in non-fat dry milk and wheat flour. Food Chemistry Journal 332, 127420.
Chen, H., Kinchla, A., Richard, N., Shaw, A., & Feng, Y. B. (Accepted). Produce growers’ on-farm food safety education: A review. Journal of Food Protection.
Chen, H., Martinez, V., & Feng, Y. B. (2020). Food safety education attitude and practice among health professionals in China, Peru, and the US. Food Control, 109, 106945.
Chen, Y., H. Xie, J. Tang, M. Lin, Y.-C. Hung and H. Lin. 2020. Effects of acidic electrolyzed water treatment on storability, quality attributes and nutritive properties of longan fruit during storage. Food Chem. 320:126641.
Chhetri, S. V., Han, Y., J. Marlene, and Adhikari, A. 2020. Evaluation of viability of E. coli O157: H7 on chlorine and lactic acid treated spinach leaves using combined propidium monoazide staining and real-time PCR. LWT-Food Science and Technology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2020.109259
Choo, K. W., M. Lin and A. Mustapha‡. 2021. Physiochemical and antimicrobial
properties of chitosan/acetylated starch composite films incorporated with essential oils.
Industrial Crops and Products. Submitted.
Dankwa, AS, RM Machado and JJ Perry. 2020. Sources of food contamination in a closed hydroponic system. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 70:55-62.
Dankwa, AS, RM Machado and JJ Perry. 2021. Sanitizer efficacy in reducing microbial load on commercially grown hydroponic lettuce. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture. 101(4):1403-1410.
DeFlorio, W., S. Liu, A. White, T.M. Taylor, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, A. Castillo, Y. Min, and E. Scholar. Recent developments in antimicrobial and antifouling coatings to reduce or prevent contamination and cross-contamination of food contact surfaces by bacteria. Comprehensive Reviews in Food Science and Food Safety. Accepted for publication.
Dunn, L., D. Smith, and F. Critzer*. 2020. Transcriptomic behavior of Salmonella enterica Newport in response to oxidative sanitizers. J. Food Prot. 83(2): 221-232.
Daniels, K.A., K. Modrow, W.N. Osburn, and T.M. Taylor. 2021. Reducing pathogenic Escherichia coli surrogates on fresh beef cuts by water-reducing antimicrobial interventions. Journal of Food Protection. 84:281-285. doi: 10.4315/JFP-20-282.
Delshadi R, Bahrami A, McClements DJ, Moore MD*#, Williams L. 2021. Development of nanoparticle-delivery systems for antiviral agents: A review. Journal of Controlled Release 331:30-44.
Dhital, R., Z. Shen, S. Zhang and A. Mustapha‡. 2021. Detection of virulence and ESBL genes in Salmonella by multiplex high-resolution melt-curve real-time PCR assay. Food
Microbiology. Submitted.
Djebbi-Simmons, D., Alhejaili, M., Janes, M., King, J., Xu, W.* 2020. Survival and inactivation of human norovirus on three commonly touched airplane cabin surfaces. AIMS-Public Health. 7(3): 574-586.
Eastwood, L.C., K.B. Gehring, J. Savell, T. Taylor, and A. Arnold. 2021. Efficacy of antimicrobial interventions in reducing Salmonella enterica, Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli, Campylobacter, and Escherichia coli biotype I surrogates on non-chilled and chilled, skin-on and skinless pork. Meat Science. 172: 108309. doi: 10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108309.
Eichler S.E., A.P. Hopperton, J.J. Alava, Jr A. Pereira, R. Ahmed, Z. Kozlakidis, S. Ilic, and A. Rodriguez-Palacios. 2020. A Citizen science facemask experiment and educational modules to improve coronavirus safety in communities and schools. Frontiers in medicine. 7:486.
Emch, A., H.M.H. Mohamed, and J. Waite-Cusic. 2020. Survival of Generic Escherichia coli and Salmonella in Oregon’s Agricultural Soils. Journal of Soil and Water Science. DOI: 10.36959/624/438
Estrada, E., A. Hamilton, G. Sullivan, M. Wiedmann, F. Critzer, L. Strawn. 2020. Prevalence, persistence and diversity of Listeria monocytogenes and Listeria species in produce packinghouses in three U.S. States. J Food Prot. 83(2): 277-286.
Feng, Y. B., & Archila, J. (2020). Consumer knowledge and behaviors regarding food safety risks associated with wheat flour. Journal of Food Protection. Published. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4315/jfp-19-562
Feng, Y. B., Chuang, E., & Thomas, M. (Accepted). Young adult food safety knowledge gaps and perception of roommates’ food handling practices: A survey of university students in Indiana. Food Control.
Feng, Y. B., Liberman, V., Jung, J., & Harris, L. (2020). Growth and survival of foodborne pathogens during soaking and drying of almond (Prunus dulcis) kernels. Journal of Food Protection, 83(12), 2122–2133. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4315/JFP-20-169
Fiore, MC and JJ Perry. 2020. A comprehensive review of maple sap microbiota and its effect on maple syrup quality. Food Reviews International. DOI: 10.1080/87559129.2020.1788579
Garces-Vega, F., E.T. Ryser, and B.P. Marks. 2019. Relationships of water activity and moisture content to the thermal inactivation kinetics of Salmonella in low-moisture foods. J. Food Prot. 82:963-970.
Garden-Robinson, J., L. Nwadike, B. H. Ingham, E. Haraminac, J. Nichols, S. Mills-Gray, A. Rozhon, and S. M. Coleman. 2020. Measuring the Regional Impact of Extension Home Food Preservation Education Using Standardized Evaluation Tools. Journal of the National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences 19:45-59.
Gensler, C.A., Brown, S.R.B., Aljasir, S.F, and D. D'Amico. 2020. Compatibility of commercially produced protective cultures with common cheesemaking cultures and their antagonistic effect on foodborne pathogens. J. Food Prot. 83:1010–1019.doi: 10.4315/JFP-19-614.
Greiner, DM, DI Skonberg, LB Perkins and JJ Perry. Use of invasive green crab Carcinus maenas for production of a fermented condiment. Foods. 10(4):659.
Hager, J. V., Rawles, S. D., Xiong, Y. L., Morgan, M. C., Thompson, K. R., Webster, C. D. (2019). Listeria monocytogenes is inhibited on fillets of cold-smoked sunshine bass, Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis, with an edible corn zein-based coating incorporated with lemongrass essential oil or nisin, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 50(3), 575—592.] (Research completed as partial requirement for Ph.D. All work was performed in my laboratory under my direct supervision as co-adviser).
Hager, J. V., Rawles, S. D., Xiong, Y. L., Morgan, M. C., Webster, C. D. (2019). Edible Corn-zein-based Coating Incorporated with Nisin or Lemongrass Essential Oil Inhibits Listeria monocytogenes on Cultured Hybrid Striped Bass, Morone chrysops × Morone saxatilis, Fillets During Refrigerated and Frozen Storage, Journal of the World Aquaculture Society, 50(1), 204--218. (Research completed as partial requirement for Ph.D. All work was performed in my laboratory under my direct supervision as co-adviser).
Hamidi A, Bisha B, Goga I, Wang B, Robaj A, Sylejmani D. 2021. A first case report of an outbreak of neural form of ovine listeriosis in Kosovo. Veterinaria Italiana 56 (3): https://doi.org/10.12834/2166.12781.3.
Hamilton, A.; Harper, S.J.; Critzer, F. 2020. Optimization of a method for the concentration of genetic material in bacterial and fungal communities on fresh apple peel surfaces. Microorganisms. 8, 1480.
Hirotaka Takagi†*, Tomoichiro Oka†*, Hiroyuki Saito, Takayuki Kobayashi, Tomoko Takahashi, Chika Tatsumi, Takashi Shimoike, Michiyo Kataoka, Qiuhong Wang*, Linda J. Saif*, Mamoru Noda. 2020. Human sapovirus propagation in human cell lines supplemented with bile acids. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 117:32078-32085.
Hodgkin, M, SM Purseglove, L Li-Ying Chan, JJ Perry and JC Bolton. 2020. A novel image cytometry-based Lactobacillus bacterial enumeration method for the production of kettle sour beer. Journal of Microbiological Methods. 177:106031.
Huang R, Vaze N, Soorneedi A, Moore MD#, Luo Y, Poverenov E, Rodov V, Demokritou P. 2021. A Novel Antimicrobial Technology to Enhance Food Safety and Quality of Leafy Vegetables using Engineered Water Nanostructures. Environmental Science: Nano 8:514-526.
Huang R, Vaze N, Soorneedi A, Moore MD#, Xue Y, Bello D, Demokritou P. 2019. Inactivation of hand hygiene related pathogens using engineered water nanostructures. American Chemical Society Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering 7(24):19761-19769.
Hudson, L.K, Peters, T. L., Song, Y, and T. G. Denes. 2019. Complete Genome Sequences and Transmission Electron Micrographs of Listeria Phages of the Genus Homburgvirus. Microbial Resource Announcements, 8(41), e00825-19. This article includes comparative genomic analysis of the Homburgvirus genus.
Humaid, S., Nayyar, D., Bolton, J., Skonberg, D. Integrated Food Science Physicochemical Properties and Consumer Acceptance of High-Pressure Processed, Sous Vide-Cooked Lobster Tails. Integrated Food Science. 84 (12). November 2019. Available at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/1750-3841.14954?af=R
Humaid, S., Nayyar, D., Perkins, L, Bolton, J., Skonberg, D. Refrigerated Shelf-life Evaluation of High Pressure Processed, Sous vide Cooked Lobster. High Pressure Research. GHPR 1774753, May 2020.
Jia, M., I. Geornaras, K. Belk, and H. Yang. 2020. Antimicrobial effects of herb extracts against foodborne pathogen Listeria monocytogenes in Vitro. World J Agri & Soil Sci. 4(3): 2020. WJASS.MS.ID.000590. DOI: 10.33552/WJASS.2020.04.000590.
Johnson, N., Litt, P.K., Kniel, K.E., Bais, H. 2020. Evasion of Plant Innate Defense Response by Salmonella on Lettuce. Front Microbiol. 11:500. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2020.00500
Jones-Ibarra, A.M., C.Z. Alvarado, C.D. Coufal, and T.M. Taylor. 2019. Sanitization of chicken frames by combination of hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet light to reduce contamination of derived edible products. Journal of Food Protection. 82:1896-1900.
Jorgensen, J., J. Waite-Cusic, J. Kovacevic. 2020. Prevalence of Listeria spp. in produce handling and processing facilities in T the Pacific Northwest. Food Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2020.103468
Juneja, V.K., Osoria, M. C.-A. Hwang, A. Mishra, and T.M. Taylor. 2020. Thermal inactivation of Bacillus cereus spores during cooking of rice to ensure later safety of boudin. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 122:108955. doi: 10.1016/lwt.2019.108955.
Kang, C., N. Sloniker, and E.T. Ryser. 2020. Use of a novel sanitizer to inactivate Salmonella Typhimurium and spoilage microorganisms during flume washing of diced tomatoes. J. Food Prot. 83:2158-2166.
Klass, N., B. Bastin, E. Crowley, J. Agin, M. Clark, J. P. Tourniaire, S. Pierre, C. Quiring, Y. Chen, E. Ryser, and Y. Salfinger. 2020. Modification of the bio-rad iQ Check Listeria spp. kit for the detection of listeria species in environmental surfaces: AOAC performance tested methodsSM 090701. J. AOAC Intern. 103:216-222.
Knuth RM, Stewart WC, Taylor JB, Bisha B, Yeoman CJ, Van Emon ML, Murphy TW. 2021. Relationships among intramammary health, udder and teat characteristics, and productivity of extensively managed ewes. Journal of Animal Science, Feb 25;skab059.doi: 10.1093/jas/skab059.
Lambertini E., J. Ruzante, A. Aceituno, and B. Kowalcyk. 2020. The public health impact of implementing a concentration-based microbiological criterion for controlling Salmonella in ground turkey. Risk Analysis. doi: 10.1111/risa.13635.
Lane, K., McLandsborough, L.A., Autio, W.A., and Kinchla, A.J. Detection of organic matter on postharvest produce contact surfaces using an ATP monitoring device. Journal of Food Protection. Accepted, 2020. JFP-19-443R1.
Li, D., Karslı, B., Rubio, N., Janes, M., Luo, Y., Prinyawiwatkul, W.*, Xu, W.* 2020. Enhanced microbial safety of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) fillet using recently invented medium molecular weight water-soluble chitosans coating. Letters in Applied Microbiology. 70: 380-387.
Liu L, Moore MD*#. 2020. A survey of analytical techniques for noroviruses. Foods 9(3):E318.
Liu, X., Fan, X, Wang, W., Yao, Y., Chen, H. 2020. Wetting raw almonds to enhance pulse light inactivation of Salmonella and preserve quality. Food Control. 125: 107946. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2021.107946
Liu, S., B. Ulugun, W. DeFlorio, Y. Arcot, Y. Yegin, K.S. Salazar, A. Castillo, T.M. Taylor, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, and M. Akbulut. 2021. Development of durable and superhydrophobic nanodiamond coating on aluminum surfaces for improved hygiene of food contact surfaces. 298:110487. Journal of Food Engineering. doi: 10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2021.110487
Liu, S., J. Zheng, L. Hao, Y. Yegin, M. Bae, B. Ulugun, M. Taylor, E. Scholar, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, J.K Oh, and M. Akbulut. 2020. Dual functional, superhydrophobic coatings with bacterial anticontact and antimicrobial characteristics. ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. 12:21311-21321. doi: 10.1021/acsami.9b18928.
Luu, P., Janes, M., King, J., and Adhikari, A. 2021. Efficacy of gaseous chlorine dioxide in reducing Salmonella enterica, E. coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes on strawberries and blueberries. LWT Food Science and Technology. 141:110906 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.110906
Luu, P., Janes, M., King, J., and Adhikari, A 2020. Effectiveness of Aqueous Chlorine Dioxide in Minimizing Food Safety Risk Associated with Salmonella, E. coli O157:H7, and Listeria monocytogenes on Sweet Potatoes. Foods. 9(9):1259.
Machado, RM and JJ Perry. 2020. Variability in the microbial profile of retail cricket powders in the U.S. retail market. Food Protection Trends. 40(6):407-412.
Malekmohammadi, S., M. K. Shah, M. K. Townsend Ramsett, and T. M. Bergholz. 2020. Survival and thermal resistance of four Salmonella serovars inoculated onto flaxseeds. Food Microbiology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2020.103516
Manuel C, Suther C, Moore MD*#, Jaykus L-A. 2021. Comparison of a one-step real-time RT-PCR and a nested real-time RT-PCR for a genogroup II norovirus reveals differences in sensitivity depending upon assay design and visualization. PLoS One (In Press).
Martinez, P. N., Chamberlin, B. A. (2020). Outbreak Squad: Students as Superheroes Fighting the Spread of Foodborne Illness (Vol. 64, Supplement 1). Rupert, Indiana: North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture: NACTA Journal.
Maus A, Bisha B, Fagerquist C, Basile F. 2020. Detection and identification of a protein biomarker in antibiotic resistant E. coli using intact protein LC offline MALDI-MS and MS/MS. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 128(3): 697-709. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/jam.14507
Medley, S., Ponder, M.A., and K. Alexander. 2020. Anthropogenic landscapes increase Campylobacter jejuni infections in urbanizing banded mongoose (Mungos mungo): A one health approach. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 14:3. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0007888
Moon, S.H., J. Waite-Cusic, E. Huang. 2020. Control of Salmonella in chicken meat using a combination of a commercial T bacteriophage and plant-based essential oils. Food Control.
Moore MD*#, Suther C, Zhou Y. Microbiota, viral infection, and the relationship to human diseases and treatment. Infectious Microbes & Diseases. (In Press).
Niebuhr, S.E., E.M. Larson and J.S. Dickson 2020. The Effects of High Hydrostatic Pressure on the Color, Texture and Microbiology of Selected Pork Organ Meats. Advances in Food Processing and Technology 3(1):1-6. DOI: 10.29011/2639-3387.100125
Patwardhan, M., M. T. Morgan, V. Dia, and D. H. D'Souza. 2020. Heat sensitization of hepatitis A virus and Tulane virus using grape seed extract, gingerol and curcumin. Food Microbiol. 2020 Sep;90:103461. doi: 10.1016/j.fm.2020.103461.
Pendyala, B., A. Patras, B. Pokharel, and D. H. D'Souza. 2020. Genomic Modeling as an Approach to Identify Surrogates for Use in Experimental Validation of SARS-CoV-2 and HuNoV Inactivation by UV-C Treatment. Frontiers in Microbiology, Sept 29.
Perry, JJ, K Nile, A Martel, M Fiore, K Davis-Dentici, K Hopkins and B Calder. 2020. Pasteurized and fermented beverages for valorization of maple sap. Journal of Food Processing and Preservation. 44:e14623.
Perry, JJ, R Champagne, D Greiner, A Dankwa, A Czup and A Fadaya Arabi. 2020. Student perspectives on sustainable food production and diet choice. SPIRE 2020 Issue.
Peters, T. L., Hudson, L. K., Song, Y., and T. G. Denes. 2019. Complete Genome Sequences of Two Listeria Phages of the Genus Pecentumvirus. Microbial Resource Announcements, 8(46). doi:10.1128/MRA.01229-19. This article includes comparative genomic analysis of the Pecentumvirus genus.
Peters, T.L., Song, Y., Bryan, D.W., Hudson, L.K. and T.G. Denes, 2020. Mutant and recombinant phages selected from in vitro coevolution conditions overcome phage-resistant Listeria monocytogenes. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 86(22). doi: 10.1128/AEM.02138-20.
Pinton, S., Bardsley, C., Marik, C., Boyer R., and L. Strawn. 2020. Fate of Listeria monocytogenes on broccoli and cauliflower at different storage temperatures. Journal of Food Protection.83(5):858-864.
Qi, H., L. Wang, Q. Huang, and Y.-C. Hung. 2020. Effect of organic load on the efficacy of activated persulfate in inactivating Escherichia coli O157:H7 and the production of halogenated by-products. Food Control 114:107218.
Reinhard, R.G., Kalinowski, R.M., Bodnaruk, P.W., Eifert, J.D., Boyer, R.R., Duncan, S.E. and Bailey, R.H. 2020. Practical application of bacteriophage in food manufacturing facilities for the control of Listeria sp. Journal of Food Safety, 40:e12871. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfs.12871
Reinhard, R.G., Kalinowski, R., Bodnaruk, P., Eifert, J., Boyer, R., Duncan, S. and Bailey, R.H. 2020. Fate of Listeria on various food contact and non-contact surfaces when treated with bacteriophage. Journal of Food Safety, 40:e12775. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfs.12775
Reyes, D, S Annis, S Riveri, A Leon-Tinoco, C Wu, LB Perkins, JJ Perry, Z Ma, C Knight, M Castillo and J Romero Gomez. 2020. In vitro screening of technical lignins to determine their potential as hay preservatives. Journal of Dairy Science. 103:6114-6134.
Richard, N., Pivarnik, L., Von Achen, C., Kinchla, A.J. Knowledge, attitudes, and implementation of food safety practices among small food businesses operating at shared-use kitchens. Food Protection Trends. Accepted, Ms. No. FPT-20-018.
Richard, N.L., L.F. Pivarnik, C. Von Achen, and A. Kinchla. 2021. Knowledge, attitudes, and implementation of food safety practices among small food businesses operating at shared-use kitchens. Food Protection Trends. 41:8-20.
Rodriguez-Palacios A., K.Q. Mo, B.U. Shah, J. Msuya, N. Bijedic, A. Deshpande, and S. Ilic. 2020. Global and Historical Distribution of Clostridioides difficile in the Human Diet (1981–2019): Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of 21886 Samples Reveal Sources of Heterogeneity, High-Risk Foods, and Unexpected Higher Prevalence Toward the Tropic. Frontiers in Medicine 7:9.
Rolta, R., Yadav, R., Salaria, D., Trivedi, S., Imran, M., Sourirajan, A, Baumler, D.J., Dev, K. 2020. In silico screening of hundred phytocompounds of ten medicinal plants as potential inhibitors of nucleocapsid phosphoprotein of COVID-19: an approach to prevent virus assembly. Journal of Biomolecular Structure and Dynamics 1-15.
Ruiz-Llacsahuanga, B., A. Hamilton, R. Zaches, I. Hanrahan, F. Critzer. 2020. Utility of rapid tests to assess the prevalence of indicator organisms (aerobic plate count, Enterobacteriaceae, coliforms, Escherichia coli, and Listeria spp.) in apple packinghouses. Int J Food Micro. 108949.
Ruengvisesh, S., C.R. Kerth, and T.M. Taylor. 2019. Inhibition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica isolates on spinach leaf surfaces using eugenol-loaded surfactant micelles. Foods. 8:575 (12 pages). doi: 10.3390/8110575.
Safavizadeh V, Moggadam MRA, Farajzadeh MA, Mojkar M, Moore MD#, Nokhodchi A, Naebi M, Nemati M. 2021. Descriptions in toxicology, interactions, extraction, and analytical methods of Aflatoxins; a 10-year study performed in Iranian foodstuffs. International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry. (In Press).
Shah, M. K. and T. M. Bergholz. 2020. Variation in Growth and Evaluation of Cross-Protection in Listeria monocytogenes under Salt and Bile Stress. Journal of Applied Microbiology DOI: 10.1111/jam.1460
Snelling, J. M., S. Malekmohammadi, T. M. Bergholz, J. Ohm, and S. Simsek. 2020. Evaluation of vacuum steam treatment of hard red spring wheat on flour quality and reduction of Escherichia coli O121 and Salmonella Enteritidis PT30. Journal of Food Protection 83(5):836-843.
Shojaeiarani, J., D. S. Bajwa, N. M. Stark, T. M. Bergholz, and A. L. Kraft. 2020. Spin coating method improved the performance characteristics of films obtained from poly(lactic acid) and cellulose nanocrystals. Sustainable Materials and Technologies https://doi.org/10.1016/j.susmat.2020.e00212
Shiraz, S., Djebbi-Simmons, D., Alhejaili, M., Danos, K., Janes, M., Fontenot, K., Xu, W.* 2020. Evaluation of the Microbial Safety and Quality of Louisiana Strawberries after Flooding. Food Control. 110: 106970.
Skonberg, DI, S Fader, LB Perkins and JJ Perry. 2021. Lactic acid fermentation in the development of a seaweed sauerkraut-style product: microbiological, physicochemical, and sensory evaluation. Journal of Food Science. 86(2):334-342.
Snyder, A., F. Breidt, Jr., E. L. Andress, and B. H. Ingham. 2020. Manufacture of Traditionally Fermented Vegetable Products: Best Practice for Small Businesses and Retail Food Establishments. Food Protection Trends 40:251-263.
Song, Y., Peters, T. L., Bryan, D., Hudson, L.K and T. G. Denes. 2019. Homburgvirus LP-018 has a unique ability to infect phage-resistant Listeria monocytogenes. Viruses, 11(12), 1166. doi: 10.3390/v11121166.
Stahl RS, Bisha B, Mahapatra S, Chandler JC. 2020. A model for the prediction of antimicrobial resistance in Escherichia coli based on a comparative evaluation of fatty acid profiles. Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease, 96 (3), 114966. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diagmicrobio.2019.114966
Steinbrunner, P. Limcharoenchat, Q. Suehr, E.T. Ryser, and B.P. Marks, and S. Jeong. 2019. Effect of food structure, water activity, and long-term storage on X-ray irradiation for inactivating Salmonella Enteritidis PT 30 in low-moisture foods. J Food Prot. 82:1405-1411.
Taylor, D., J.N. Martin, P. Morley, K.E. Belk, A. White, and W.E. Scallan. 2020. An assessment of veterinary prescription practices and factors influencing usage of antimicrobial drugs. Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. 257(1): 87-96.
Taylor, D.D., J. N. Martin, and W. E. Scallan. 2020. An assessment of antimicrobial drug prescription practices in companion animal medicine in the United States. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy. In Review.
Teichman, J., Litt, P.K., Sharma, M., Nyarko, E., Kniel, K.E. 2020. Influence of Poultry Litter Amendment Type and Irrigation Events on Survival and Persistence of Salmonella Newport. Journal of Food Protection. 83(5):821-828. doi: 10.4315/0362-028X.JFP-19-431.
Techathuvanan, C., and D. H. D'Souza. 2020. Propidium monoazide for viable Salmonella enterica detection by PCR and LAMP assays in comparison to RNA-based RT-PCR, RT-LAMP, and culture-based assays. J Food Sci. 2020 Oct;85(10):3509-3516. doi:10.1111/1750-3841.15459.
Thomas, M., & Feng, Y. B. (2020). Risk of Foodborne Illness from Pet Food: Assessing Pet Owners’ Knowledge, Behavior, and Risk Perception. Journal of Food Protection, 83(11), 1998–2007. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.4315/JFP-20-108
Thomas, M., Haynes, P., Archila-Godínez, J.C., Nguyen, M., Xu, W., Feng, Y.*2021. Exploring food safety messages in an era of COVID-19: analysis of YouTube video content. Journal of Food Protection. Accepted.
Torres Dominguez, E., P. H. Nguyen, A. Hylen, M. R. Maschmann, A. Mustapha, H. K. Hunt. 2020. Design and characterization of mechanically stable, nanoporous TiO2 thin film antimicrobial coatings for food contact surfaces. Mat. Chem. Phys. 251:123001.
Ulery, A. L., Smith Muise, A., Carroll, K. C., Chamberlin, B. A., White, L. M., Martinez, P. N., Spears, L., Gleason, J. B. (2020). Impact of multimedia learning tools in agricultural science classes. Natural Sciences Education, 49:e20011(1). https://acsess.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/nse2.20011
Vengarai Jagannathan, B., Vijayakumar, P. P., Price, S., Morgan, M. C. (2020). Potential for Bacteriophage Cocktail to Complement Commercial Sanitizer Use on Produce Against Escherichia coli O157:H7., Microorganisms, 8(9).doi:10.3390/microorganisms809131. (Research completed as partial requirement for Ph.D. All work was performed in my laboratory under my direct supervision as co-adviser. Two additional manuscripts are in progress.)
Villegas, B.M., N.O. Hall, E.T. Ryser, and B.P. Marks. 2020. Influence of physical variables on the transfer of Salmonella Typhimurium LT2 between potato (Solanum tuberosum) and stainless steel via static and dynamic contact. Food Microbiol. 92:103607.
Wang, H., and E.T. Ryser. 2020. Quantitative transfer and sanitizer inactivation of Salmonella during simulated commercial dicing and conveying of tomatoes. Food Control 107:106762. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2019.106762.
Werner, B.G, Wu, J.Y, and Goddard, J.M. 2019. Antimicrobial and antifouling polymeric coating mitigates persistence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Biofouling. DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2019.1660774
Werner, B.G, Wu, J.Y, and Goddard, J.M. 2019. Antimicrobial and antifouling polymeric coating mitigates persistence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm. Biofouling. DOI: 10.1080/08927014.2019.1660774
Weinroth, M.D., J.N. Martin, E. Doster, I. Geornaras, J.K. Parker, C.R. Carlson, J.L. Metcalf, P.S. Morley, and K.E. Belk. 2019. Investigation of tylosin in feed of feedlot cattle and effects on liver abscess prevalence, and fecal and soil microbiomes and resistomes. J. Anim. Sci. 97:4567-4578. doi:10.1093/jas/skz306.
Wong de la Rosa, C., K.A. Daniels, R.G. Moreira, C.R. Kerth, and T.M. Taylor. 2020. Validating thermal lethality to Salmonella enterica in chicken blood by simulated commercial rendering. Microorganisms. 8:e2009. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms8122009
- Cheng, Chavez, R.A., and M. J. Stasiewicz. 2020. When to use one-dimensional, two-dimensional, and Shifted Transversal Design pooling in mycotoxin screening. PLOS ONE. 15(8) E0236668. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0236668.
Xie, J. and Y.-C. Hung. 2020. Efficacy of pulsed-ultraviolet light for inactivation of Salmonella spp on black peppercorns. J. Food Sci., 85:755-761.
Xu, W.*, Cater, M., Gauthier, M.G. 2020. An Initial assessment of the internship program for School of Nutrition and Food Sciences students-exposure and decision making. Journal of Food & Nutritional Sciences. 2(1): 29-35.
Yegin, Y., J.K. Oh, M. Akbulut, and T.M. Taylor. 2019. Cetylpyridinium chloride produces increased zeta-potential on Salmonella Typhimurium cells, a mechanism of the pathogen’s inactivation. npj-Science of Food. 3:21. doi: 10.1038/s41538-019-0052.x.
Yemmireddy, V., Carson, C., Moreira, J., and Adhikari, A. 2020. Effect of pecan variety and the method of extraction on the antimicrobial activity of pecan shell extracts against different foodborne pathogens and their efficacy on food matrices. Food Control. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107098
Yu, Z., W. Wang, L. Sun, F. Kong, M. Lin and A. Mustapha. 2020. Preparation of cellulose nanofibril/titanium dioxide nanoparticle nanocomposites as fillers for PVA-based packaging and investigation into their intestinal toxicity. Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 156:1174-
Zhu, L. D. W. Pearson, S. L. Benoit, J. Xie, J. Pant, Y. Yang, A. Mondal, H. Handa, J. Y. Howe, Y.-C. Hung, J. E. Vidal, R. J. Maier and Y. Zhao. 2020. Highly efficient antimicrobial activity of CuxFeyOz nanoparticles against important human pathogens. Nanomaterials. 10:229
Books and Books Chapter
Devleesschauwer B., S. Pires, B. Kowalcyk, R. Scharff, A. Havelaar, and N. Speybroeck. 2020. Risk Metrics Quantifying the Impact of Adverse Health Effects, p. 47 – 78. In Pérez-Rodríguez, F. (Eds.), Risk Assessment Methods for Biological and Chemical Hazards in Food. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.
Extension Publications
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. “Louisiana Agriculture. Evaluation of Antimicrobials in Pecan Shell Byproducts Vol.63, No.3, Summer 2020 Pp.20-21”
Adhikari, A. "Food Safety After Flooding Handbook". 2020, Publication No. 3706
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "Best Practice to Minimize COVID-19 Risk at the Farm and During Distribution". 2020, Publication No. 3724
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "Best Practices to Minimize COVID-19 Risk at the Farmers Market (Portuguese) - ONLINE ONLY". 2020, Publication No. 3724-PORT
Adhikari, Achyut. "Best Practices to Minimize COVID-19 Risk at the Farmers Market (SPANISH) - ONLINE ONLY". 2020, Publication No. 3724-SPAN
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "Cleaning and Disinfection of Food-Contact and Touch Surfaces for the COVID-19 Virus - ONLINE ONLY". 2020, Publication No. 3725
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "Cleaning and Disinfection of Food-Contact and Touch Surfaces for the COVID-19 Virus (PORTUGUESE) - ONLINE ONLY". 2020, Publication No. 3725-PORT
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "Cleaning and Disinfection of Food-Contact and Touch Surfaces for the COVID-19 Virus (SPANISH) ONLINE ONLY". 2020, Publication No. 3725-SPAN
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "Best Practices to Minimize COVID-19 Risk at the Farmers Market - ONLINE ONLY". 2020, Publication No. 3726
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "Best Practice to Minimize COVID-19 Risk at the Farmers Market (PORTUGUESE) - ONLINEONLY". 2020, Publication No. 3726-PORT
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "Best Practice to Minimize COVID-19 Risk at the Farmers Market (SPANISH)- ONLINE ONLY". 2020, Publication No. 3726-SPAN
Adhikari, A., K. Kharel. "U-Pick Farm operations during COVID-19". 2020, Publication No. 3746
Barrett, T., & Feng, Y. B. (2020). Safe food-handling practices: Food safety curriculum for high school students.
Calderwood L., Machado R.M., Howard C., Cook L. Bulletin #4282, Food Safety Best Management Practices for Wild Blueberry Producers in Maine. https://extension.umaine.edu/publications/4282e/
Chamberlin, B. A., Martinez, P. N., Critzer, F. (2019). Interactive Test Strip: Testing pH in Treated Water Systems., Abstract/Synopsis: Designed as part of a suite of materials to help producers understand treatment options for pre-harvest water application, this online lab and app guides users through the process of testing water, including false positives.
Chamberlin, B. A., Martinez, P. N., Critzer, F. (2019). Pre-Harvest Water Treatment Animations., Abstract/Synopsis: Designed as part of a suite of materials to help producers understand treatment options for pre-harvest water application, this set of three animations (to be delivered via iPad) shows producers how each of the treatment options works, with recommendations on validating each system.
Chamberlin, B. A., Martinez, P. N., Gleason, J. B. (2019). Outbreak Squad Game. outbreaksquad.org, Abstract/Synopsis: An online game for middle school social studies students to better understand systemic thinking with government resources related to health outbreaks.
Chamberlin, B. A., Martinez, P. N., McCloskey, M., Zeng, N., Johnson, S., Bellows, L. (2019).
Tasting Party Express. https://apps.apple.com/kg/app/tasting-party- express/id1193380752, Abstract/Synopsis: As part of the suite of apps for pre-school learners, this app helps young learners and their parents experiment with strategies that improve food tasting behaviors and willingness to consume fruits and vegetables later in life.
Chamberlin, B. A., Martinez, P. N., Muise, A. S., Goldstein, R. E. (2020). Water Sampling. https://conserve.nmsu.edu, Abstract/Synopsis: This online virtual lab helps users learn how to sample water at various locations, for later analysis in a lab.
Chamberlin, B. A., Martinez, P. N., Muise, A. S., Goldstein, R. E. (2020). Water Testing. https://conserve.nmsu.edu, Abstract/Synopsis: This online virtual lab helps users learn how to do laboratory testing for E. coli, an indicator species for fecal contamination, from water samples collected at various locations.
Chamberlin, B. A., Martinez, P. N., Pruden, A., Vallotten, A. (2019). Reducing Antibiotic Resistance: From Farm to Fork Animation. https://youtu.be/ob4NmLmhFTE, Abstract/Synopsis: Animation conveying the challenges of antibiotic resistance with animal production, including research currently being done to combat issues.
Chapman, B., and R. Boyer. 2020. A series of Extension fact sheets related to COVID-19. A portion are listed below. All available at https://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/tags.resource.html/pubs_ext_vt_edu:food-safety
- The Importance of Handwashing
- COVID-19 Preventative Measures: What To Do if You Are Sick
- COVID-19 FAQ for Foodservice: Cleaning and Disinfection
- COVID-19 for Grocery Stores: General Questions and Employee Health
- COVID-19 FAQ for Grocery Stores: Receiving and Food Packaging
- COVID-19 FAQ for Grocery Stores: Cleaning and Disinfection
- COVID-19 FAQ for Foodservice: General Questions and Employee Health
- COVID-19 Preventative Measures: Clean Your Hands Often
- COVID-19 Preventative Measures: Preparing for an Outbreak in Your Community – B
- COVID-19 Preventative Measures: Preparing for an Outbreak in Your Community -
- Handling COVID-19: Guidance for Farmers Markets
- Handling COVID-19: Guidance for U-Pick Farms
- COVID-19 FAQ for Food Banks: Best Practices and Communication
- COVID-19 FAQ for Food Banks: Receiving Food and Cleaning
- COVID-19 FAQ for Foodservice: Receiving and Food Packaging
- Handling Covid-19: Guidance for Community Gardens
- Covid-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is Coronavirus A Food Safety Issue?
- Covid-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is Coronavirus a Concern With Takeout
- Covid-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is Coronavirus a Concern at Grocery Stores?
- Covid-19 And Food Safety FAQ: Is Coronavirus a Concern on Fresh Produce?
- Covid-19 and Food Safety FAQ: Is Coronavirus an Issue in Produce Production?
- Covid-19 Preventative Measures: Cleaning and Disinfecting Reusable Bags
- Handling COVID-19: Guidance FAQ For Farm Stands
- Covid-19 Preventable Measures: Homemade Hand Sanitizer
- Handling Covid-19: Produce Farms and Packinghouses
- Guidelines for Packinghouse Workstations TO PREVENT SPREAD of COVID-19
Critzer, F. 2020. Produce Safety Rule Exemptions and Exclusions for Washington Produce Growers. Washington State University Extension Publication FS340E. Washington State University.
Chen, H., Barrett, T., Clymer, C., & Feng, Y. B. (2020). Indiana home-based vendor food product labeling overview. Retrieved from mdc.itap.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=FS-35-W
Chen, H., Feng, Y. B., & Tong, A. (2020). Home-Based Vendors: Handling & Sanitation. Retrieved from https://mdc.itap.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=FS-71-W
Janna L. Beckerman, Bruce P. Bordelon, Amanda J. Deering, Daniel S. S. Egel, Yaohua B. Feng, Wenjing Guan, Peter M. Hirst, Petrus Langenhoven, Laura L. Ingwell, Stephen L. Meyers, James Monroe, Michael O'Donnell, Ariana P. Torres Bravo, Elizabeth Y. Long
COVID-19 Emergency Response Factsheet Series- Stop COVID-19: Our Health Is in Our Hands
Donation and School Garden Produce Safety Guidelines: A Checklist to Minimize Food Safety Risks.
Feng, Y. B. (2020). COVID-19 food safety implications for Extension educators. Purdue Extension. Retrieved from https://mdc.itap.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=FS-37-W
Feng, Y. B. (2020). How to prevent coronavirus infection: Lessons from norovirus prevention. Retrieved from https://mdc.itap.purdue.edu/item.asp?Item_Number=FS-36-W-CT
Howard C., Machado R.M. Bulletin #4283, Starting a Produce Safety Worker Training Program on Your Farm. https://extension.umaine.edu/publications/4283e/
Howard C., Machado R.M. Bulletin #4298, Best Practices for Washing Produce and Use of Sanitizers on Commercial Farms. https://extension.umaine.edu/publications/4298e/
Howard C., Machado R.M., Titus L. Bulletin #4296, Explanation of Required Records for the Food Safety Modernization Act Produce Safety Rule. https://extension.umaine.edu/publications/4296e/
Machado R.M., Howard C., Cook L., Titus L. Bulletin #4281, Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) Produce Safety Rule Exemptions. https://extension.umaine.edu/publications/4281e/
Machado R.M., LaBorde L., Kinchla A, Bolton J. Bulletin #4280, FSMA Preventive Controls for Human Food Rule Exemptions. https://extension.umaine.edu/publications/4280e/
Maynard, E. T., Beckerman, J. L., Bordelon, B. P., Deering, A. J., Egel, D. S. S., Feng, Y. B., … Long, E. Y. (2020, April 8). Staying in Touch with Purdue Extension Fruit and Vegetable Team During Indiana Stay-at-Home Order. Vegetable Crops Hotline. W. Lafayette, IN: Purdue University.
VanNorman, C., & Feng, Y. B. (2020). Food Safety Implications for Raising Backyard Poultry.
Watts, E., Xu, W. 2020. Public health emergency response for seafood processing plants during COVID-19. (Vietnamese Version Ứng phó với Trường hợp Khẩn cấp Y tế Công cộng Dành cho Các Nhà máy Chế biển Thủy sản giữa dịch COVID-19).
Watts, E., Xu, W. 2020. Public health emergency response for seafood processing plants during COVID-19.
Watts, E., Xu, W. Public health emergency response for seafood processing plants during COVID-19. (Spanish Version Respuesta a Emergencia de Salud Pública para Procesadores de Pescado y Mariscos durante COVID-19).
Watts, E., Xu, W., Davis, L. 2020. Fishing safety & information during public health emergency. (Vietnamese Version An toàn Đánh bắt & Thông tin Trong trường hợp khẩn cấp y tế công cộng).
Watts, E., Xu, W., Davis, L. 2020. Fishing safety & information during public health emergency. (Spanish Version Seguridad e Información de la Pesca durante emergencias de salud pública).
Watts, E., Xu, W., Davis, L. 2020. Fishing safety & information during public health emergency.
Wormald, C.W., Kinchla, A.J. Introduction to Preventive Controls, A 1-hour webinar. August 2020. https://ag.umass.edu/value-added-food/nifa-planned-extension-initiative/improving-access-motivation-for-small-medium-processors-in-northeast-to-be-in
Xu, W., Watts, E. 2020. COVID-19 Information Posters for Customers and Employees. (New Orleans City Council printed out copies of the posters and used on every food pantry packages)
Xu, W., Watts, E. 2020. Food takeout and delivery during a public health emergency (Spanish Version Entrega de comida y pedidos a domicilio durante una Emergencia de Salud Pública).
Xu, W., Watts, E. 2020. Food takeout and delivery during a public health emergency.
(Distributed through Louisiana Department of Health to more than 11,000 establishments in the state)
Xu, W., Watts, E. 2020. Public health emergency response for retail store managers. (Spanish Version Respuesta a Emergencia de Salud Pública para Gerentes de Tiendas Minoristas).
Xu, W., Watts, E. 2020. Public health emergency response for retail store managers. (Distributed through Walmart headquarter to all managers in the United States)
Xu, W., Watts, E. 2020. Stop COVID-19. Our health is in our hands. (Spanish Version Paremos el COVID-19: Nuestra Salud está en Nuestras Manos).
Abstracts, Proceedings, and Presentations
Ahmad, N., B.P. Marks, and E.T. Ryser. 2020. Effect of sugar composition on resuscitation of Salmonella and Enterococcus faecium NRRL B-2354 survivors in heat-treated skim milk powder and lactose-free skim milk powder. Abst. Ann. Mtg. Int. Assoc. Food Prot. P2-127, Oct. 25-28 (virtual).
Akomea-Frempong, S, JJ Perry, ME Camire and DI Skonberg. Effect of blanching and freezing on sensory, physical and microbial quality of seaweed sauerkraut. Poster, Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual.
Akomea-Frempong, S, JJ Perry, ME Camire and DI Skonberg. Effect of blanching and freezing on sensory, physical and microbial quality of seaweed sauerkraut. Poster, UMaine Student Symposium 2020, Orono, ME
Akomea-Frempong, S, JJ Perry, ME Camire and DI Skonberg. Impact of blanching on physicochemical, microbial and sensory quality of sugar kelp. Poster, Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting 2020, Virtual.
Akomea-Frempong, S, JJ Perry, ME Camire and DI Skonberg. Impact of blanching on physicochemical, microbial and sensory quality of sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima). Poster, UMaine Student Symposium 2020, Orono, ME
Aljasir, S., and D. D'Amico. 2020. Protective Cultures Inhibit Staphylococcus aureus Growth and Enterotoxin Production. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting Abstract T15-07. J. Food Prot. 83 (sp1): 60. https://doi.org/10.4315/0362-028X-83.sp1.1
Barrett, T., Feng, Y. B., & Archila, J. (2020). Content analysis of online flour-based recipes: cookies, cookie dough, and egg noodles. Cleveland, Ohio: The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection
Barrett, T., Feng, Y. B., Evans, E., Gould, V., Redmond, E., Wie, S., & Ilic, S. (2020). Evaluation of dietetic students’ food safety knowledge and attitudes: a multistate study. Cleveland, Ohio: The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection.
Belk, A.D., N. Frazier, L. Fuerniss, I. Geornaras, B. Borlee, R. Delmore, J. Martin, and J.L. Metcalf. 2020. The microbiome of a newly constructed meat processing facility differs based on room function and time. 66th International Congress of Meat Science Technology and 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Science Association, 2-4 August, Virtual Conference. Abstract No. 30.
Bland, R., J. Waite-Cusic, and J. Kovacevic. 2020. Enhancement of PSA grower training curriculum through activities that increase participant engagement. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual.
Bland, R., J. Waite-Cusic, J. Jorgensen, and J. Kovacevic. 2020. Emerging and Multidrug Resistance of Listeria spp. Recovered from Produce Handling and Processing Environments. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual
Bland, R., J. Waite-Cusic, J. Kovacevic. 2020. Prevalence and resistance genes and distribution of sequence types within Listeria monocytogenes from produce handling and processing facilities across the Pacific Northwest. ASM NGS Conference. Virtual
Bowman, A., and D. H. D'Souza. 2020. Growth of Staphylococcus carnosus CS 300 in 4 and 5% NaCl and 20% glycerol as a surrogate for hepatitis A virus inactivation. IFT (Virtual meeting), 2020.
Bowman, A., and D. H. D'Souza. 2020. Process validation of hepatitis A virus inactivation in spinach using Staphylococcus carnosus CS300 grown in media with 20% glycerol 4% at 42 C. IAFP Virtual Meeting.
Broten CJ, Wydallis JB, Reilly T III, Bisha B. Colorimetric Detection of Listeria monocytogenes on Food Contact and Non-food Contact Surfaces Using Paper-based Microfluidics. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. October 26 - October 28, 2020 (held online).
Brown, S. R. B., and D. D'Amico. 2020. Effect of Sub-Inhibitory Concentrations of Antimicrobials on Listeria monocytogenes motility and Its Ability to Adhere to and Invade Caco-2 Cells. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting Abstract P3-41. J Food Prot 83 (sp1): 210. https://doi.org/10.4315/0362-028X-83.sp1.1
Brown, S. R. B., and D. D'Amico. 2020. Effects of Commercially Available Antimicrobials on the Inhibition and Inactivation of Listeria monocytogenes biofilms. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting Abstract T7-02. J. Food Prot. 83 (sp1): 43. https://doi.org/10.4315/0362-028X-83.sp1.1
Brown, S., J. Waite-Cusic, C. Callahan., E. Newbold, and J. Kovacevic. 2020. Development of a Peer-Review System for Food Safety Modernization Act Teaching and Extension Add-on Materials Submitted to the Food Safety Resource Clearinghouse. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual
Burroughs, S., and J. Waite-Cusic. 2020. Comparing the Reductions of Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes in Different Diameter Salami During Fermentation and Drying. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual.
Burroughs, S., and J. Waite-Cusic. 2020. Impact of Air Velocity on the Reduction of Salmonella and Enterococcus faecium During the Dehydration of Sugar-Infused Apples. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual.
Burroughs, S., and J. Waite-Cusic. 2020. Validation of Bench-Scale and Commercial-Scale Dry Roasting Process to Reduce Salmonella on Hazelnuts. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual.
Camfield, E., A. Bowman, J. Choi, K. Rajan, N. Labbé, K. D. Gwinn, B. H. Ownley, N. Moustaid-Moussa, and D. H. D'Souza. 2020. Reduction of Escherichia coli O157:H7 contamination of romaine lettuce by switchgrass extractives. IAFP Virtual Meeting, October 26-28.
Cater, M., Danos, T. G., Gravois, R., Haynes, P., and Xu, W. 2020. Raw Milk Legalization-What Do Consumers Think? Willingness of Purchasing or Consuming Raw Milk Products Among Consumers in Louisiana. Poster Presentation. International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting Program. Cleveland, OH. Oct 25-28.
Chamberlin, B. A., Food Safety Collaborative Meeting, "Transformational Food Safety Educational Materials," USDA FSIS, Online. (September 17, 2020).
Chamberlin, B. A., Global Food Safety Initiative Forum, "Food Safety and Media: Where do we go from here?," the Consumer Goods Forum, Seattle, WA. (February 28, 2020).
Choo, K.-W., L. Mao, M. Lin and A. Mustapha. 2020. Antimicrobial, physical and mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol films incorporated with modified bacterial nanocellulose. Presented at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting (virtual), October 26-28. P3-50
Closs, Jr G., Y. A. Helmy, A. Howell, D. Kathayat, and G. Rajashekara. 2019. Characterization of antimicrobial properties of different probiotic bacteria against Salmonella. CFAES Annual Research Conference, Columbus, OH.
Closs, Jr G., Y. A. Helmy, A. Howell, D. Kathayat, and G. Rajashekara. 2019. Efficacy and antimicrobial characterization of known probiotics LA, LGG, and BB12 against Salmonella infections in-vitro. ASM Microbe, San Francisco, CA.
Closs, Jr G., Y. A. Helmy, A. Howell, D. Kathayat, V. Srivastava, L. Deblais, and G. Rajashekara. 2020. Antimicrobial efficacy of probiotic Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in Salmonella infected chickens. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH
Closs, Jr G., Y. A. Helmy, D. Kathayat, S.Y. Wanda, R. Curtiss, and G. Rajashekara.2020. Recombinant attenuated Salmonella vaccines reduce Campylobacter colonization and induce IgY antibodies in chickens. CRWAD, Chicago, IL.
Closs, Jr G., Y. A. Helmy, D. Kathayat, V. Srivastava, L. Deblais, R. Curtiss, and G. Rajashekara. 2020. Recombinant Attenuated Salmonella Vaccines to Control Campylobacter in Poultry. Edward Hayes Graduate Research Forum, OSU, Columbus, OH.
Colorado State University Graduate Student Showcase. Nov. 12, 2019. “The impact of chilling method on chicken microbiome and quality”. Fort Collins, CO. Poster Presentation.
Colorado State University Three-Minute Thesis Competition. Feb. 8, 2020. “The impact of chilling method on the chicken microbiome”. Fort Collins, CO. Lighting Talk.
Craig, J., and D. H. D'Souza. 2020. Reduction of Aichi Virus in Ozonated Water. IAFP Annual Virtual Meeting, October.
Crawford, A., Morgan, K., Kowalcyk, B. December 2019. Scoping review of Risk-based Decision-Making Literature for TARTARE. Society for Risk Analysis Annual meeting, Washington, DC.
Daniels, K., K. Modrow, W. Osburn, and T. Taylor. 2020. Foodborne pathogen surrogates reduction using antimicrobial interventions capable of reduced water use demand during beef harvest (Abstract T15-05). 2020 International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Virtual/Online.
Bacteriophages for the control of Listeria monocytogenes: overcoming practical challenges. Cornell University Department of Food Science Seminar, Ithaca, NY, Oct., 2019. Approx. 80 attendees
Daniels, K.A. and T. Taylor. 2020. Thermal lethality to Salmonella and the Salmonella surrogate Enterococcus faecium on black soldier fly larvae meal (Abstract P1-143). 2020 International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Virtual/Online.
David Baumler, Advancements in non-thermal technologies to reduce the levels of bacterial spores in dairy powders, Invited speaker for the Midwest Dairy Foods Research Center Research Updates Webinar Series on May 28, 2020.
David Baumler, Intense Pulsed Light Technology for Non-Thermal Pasteurization of Powdered Foods, USDA-CAP Final Project Workshop Webinar on Sept. 11, 2020.
De Cicco, M., and Etter, A. J. 2020. "Prevalence of Salmonella Enterica in Backyard Chickens in Vermont and Survey of Owners' Salmonella knowledge and Biosecurity Practices." Technical Talk. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. Cleveland, OH
Dhital, R., M. Hodel and A. Mustapha. 2020. Detection of virulence and ESBL genes in Salmonella by multiplex high resolution melt-curve real-time PCR assay. Presented at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting (virtual), October 26-28. P1-112.
Exploiting evolution of bacteriophages for improved applications in food safety. University of Tennessee Department of Food Science Graduate Seminar. Knoxville, TN, Jan, 2020. Approx 40 attendees.
Exploiting evolution of bacteriophages for improved applications in food safety. Invited Talk. University of Georgia Center for Food Safety Seminar. Griffin, GA, Feb. 2020. Approx. 50 attendees.
Fang, Y., Evans, E., and Ilic S. 2020. Evaluation of Dietetic Students’ Food Safety Knowledge and Attitudes: A Multistate Study In IAFP 2020 Annual Meeting. IAFP 2020 Annual meeting, Virtual.
Feng, Y. B. (2020). Consumers flour handling and recall knowledge. Cleveland, Ohio: The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection.
Feng, Y. B., 17th Annual Meeting of China Institute of Food Science and Technology, "Food Safety Education and Culturally-tailoring Approach," China Institute of Food Science and Technology. (October 2020).
Feng, Y. B., Chen, H., & Shaw, A. (2020). Review of food safety education programs for produce growers. Cleveland, Ohio: The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection.
Feng, Y. B., China International Food Safety & Quality Conference 2020, "Challenges & Opportunities of Consumer Food Safety Communication," International Association for Food Protection. (November 2020).
Feng, Y. B., Food Safety Outreach Program National Project Directors Meeting, "Food Safety Education for Indiana Veteran Farmers," USDA NIFA. (2020)
Feng, Y. B., Indiana State Poultry Association Board Meeting, "Purdue Food Safety Extension on Pet Food Handling and Backyard Poultry," Indiana State Poultry Association Board, IN. (October 2020).
Gawlik, C.J., A.N. Arnold, T.M. Taylor, J.W. Savell, and K.B. Gehring. 2020. Determining surrogate reductions and quality changes for beef treated with pulsed ultraviolet (UV) light. 2020 Beef Industry Safety Summit, San Antonio, TX.
Gawlik, C.J., A.N. Arnold, T.M. Taylor, J.W. Savell, and K.B. Gehring. 2020. Determining surrogate reductions and quality changes for beef treated with pulsed ultraviolet (UV) light. Proceedings of the 2020 Beef Industry Safety Summit, San Antonio, TX.
Gawlik, C.J., A.N. Arnold, T.M. Taylor, J.W. Savell, and K.B. Gehring. 2019. Does treating beef subprimals with UV-light reduce pathogens and impact quality. Proceedings of the 72nd Annual American Meat Science Association - Reciprocal Meat Conference, Fort Collins, CO.
Gelalcha, B. D., D. B. Ensermu, M. Vancuren, B. E. Gillespie, G. E. Agga, D. H. D'Souza, C. C. Okafor, and O. Kerro Dego. 2020. Prevalence and detection of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria in dairy cattle farm environments in East Tennessee. Conference of Research Workers on Animal Diseases.
Goddard, JM*. Surface modification for cleaning and microbial control. Invited talk at the 2019 International Association of Food Protection annual meeting. July 2019. Louisville, KY. In session: “Novel & Emerging Technologies for improving sanitation”.
Goddard, JM*. Tailoring material chemistry to reduce fouling and microbial cross-contamination in food production. 257th Annual Meeting of the American Chemical Society. Orlando, FL. April 2019.
Gomez, C, E.T. Ryser, and B.P. Marks. 2020. Kitchen-scale treatments for reduction of Listeria monocytogenes in prepared produce for immunocompromised populations. Abst. Ann. Mtg. Int. Assoc. Food Prot. P3-128, Oct 25-28 (virtual).
Gonzalez Sanchez, S.V., I. Geornaras, J.O. Reagan, and K.E. Belk. 2020. Antimicrobial efficacy of chemical treatments applied by immersion or spraying against Campylobacter jejuni inoculated on chicken wings. 66th International Congress of Meat Science Technology and 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference, American Meat Science Association, 2-4 August, Virtual Conference. Abstract No. 165.
Greiner, D, DI Skonberg and JJ Perry. Histamine and proteolytic bacteria levels in the fermentation of Carcinus maenas. Poster, International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2020.
Gunathilaka, G., J. He, H Li, W. Zhang, and E.T. Ryser. 2020. Current practices are ineffective for removing residual silver nanoparticles from contaminated fresh produce. Abst. Ann. Mtg. Int. Assoc. Food Prot. P2-210, Oct. 25-28 (virtual).
Hamilton, A. and F. Critzer. 2020. Analysis of Five Methods for the Concentration of Genetic Material from the Apple Peel. The 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, October 26-28, Virtual.
Hamilton, A., B. Ruiz-Llacsahuanga, R. Zaches, M. Mendoza, I. Hanrahan, and F. Critzer. 2020. Characterization of the Relationship between Post-harvest Fungal Rot and Indicator Organism Die-off Rates on Gala Apples during Three Months of Storage. The 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, October 26-28, Virtual.
Haynes, P. and Xu, W. Evaluate and Improve Food Safety Practices at Louisiana Summer Feeding Sites. Poster Presentation. International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting Program. Cleveland, OH. Oct 25-28.
Huang R, Vaze N, Soorneedi A, Moore MD, Luo Y, Poverenov, Rodov V, Demokritou P. Engineered Water Nanostructures: A Novel Antimicrobial Platform to Improve the Safety and Quality of Leafy Vegetables. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2020, October 2020 (Accepted Poster).
Hudson, L. K., R. Yan, M. Golwalkar, N. M. M'ikanatha, I. Nachamkin, X. Qian, K. N. Garman, J. R. Dunn, J. Kovac, and T. Denes. 2020. Phylogenetic Analysis Reveals Source Attribution Patterns for Campylobacter spp. in Tennessee and Pennsylvania. American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2020.
Hung, Y.-C. 2020. “Is no growth on plate after sanitizer treatment safe?” International Association of Food Protection, Virtual annual meeting. Oct. 26-28, 2020.
IAFP. Effect of Organic Acid Treatment on Pathogen Survival on Fresh-Cut Produce at 10°C. C.B. Zhao, E.J. Hanson, and B. H. Ingham. August 2-5, 2020. (postponed, virtual conference)
International Association for Food Protection (IAFP). Safe Produce for Food Pantries: Regional Impact in Food Safety Education. S.M. Coleman, B. H. Ingham, J. Garden-Robinson, and J. Nichols. August 2-5, 2020. (postponed, virtual conference)
International Congress of Meat Science and Technology PhD Research Competition. Aug 3, 2020. “The microbiome of a newly constructed meat processing facility differs based on room function and time”. Virtual. Poster Presentation.
Jennifer Acuff (on behalf of PI Ponder) presented a 15-minute oral technical talk at the International Association for Food Protection meeting on October 28, Titled "Inactivation Kinetics of Salmonella spp., Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli(STEC) ,Listeria monocytogenes, and a surrogate (Pediococcus acidilactici) on Macadamia Nuts, Dried Apricots, and Raisins Following Treatment of Low-temperature, Vacuum-assisted Steam".
Johnson, J., B. Selover, C. Curtin, and J. Waite-Cusic. 2020. Time since sanitation has direct impacts on the microbiome of food contact surfaces. ASM NGS Conference. Virtual.
Kamarasu P, Moore MD. Enhanced inactivation of foodborne viruses by cinnamaldehyde nanoemulsions require a lipid envelope. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2020, October 2020 (Accepted Poster).
Kang, B and JJ Perry. Potential antimicrobial activity of kombucha fermented by commercially available cultures. Poster, UMaine Student Symposium 2020, Orono, ME.
Karnpanit, W., Feng, Y. B., Torres, E. J., & Roychowdhury, I. (2020). Organophosphate pesticides exposure and risk assessment from the consumption of vegetables in Thailand. Cleveland, Ohio: The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection.
Kauffman, M. D., J. Schrock, N. Anderson, S. Ranjit, and G. Rajashekara. 2019. Influence of using Biological Amendments of Animal Origin on the Prevalence of Campylobacter, E. coli O157, Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella on Fresh produce. CFAES Annual Research Conference, Columbus, OH
Kim M, Pham B, Chen M, Moore MD. Norovirus Detection Using Nanopore Sensing. Accepted Poster but Canceled due to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic. Gordon Research Conference Nanoscale Science and Engineering for Agriculture and Food Systems, June 2020.
Kim M, Pham B, Chen M, Moore MD*. Detection of Norovirus Capsid Protein using an Outer Membrane Protein G. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2020, October 2020 (Accepted Poster).
Kinchla, A.J. An Interactive Demonstration on the Use of pH and Water Activity Meters for Establishing Food Safety Control. Yankee Conference, Plymouth, MA. September 2019.
Kinchla, A.J. Risk assessment on DIY washing machines for post harvest leafy green drying. Northeast Center to Advance Food Safety, Annual. Philadelphia, PA. February, 2020.
Kinchla, A.J., Fitzsimmons, J.A. New Frozen Products for a New Market. New England Fruit, Vegetable and Berry Growers Annual Conference. Manchester, NH. December, 2019.
Kovacevic, J., J. Waite-Cusic, E. Newbold, C. Callahan. 2020. How Oregon and the Western Region Are Using the Food Safety Resource Clearinghouse. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual
Kovacevic, J., J. Waite-Cusic, S. Davis, S. Runkel, S. Reitz, L. Santamaria, S. Pearlstein. 2020. Preparing Oregon Produce Farms for Produce Safety Rule. IAFP Annual Meeting. Virtual.
Kowalcyk B. January 2020. Food and Human Well-being. University of Florida Future of Food Forum. Gainesville, FL.
Kowalcyk B. January 2020. Tackling Poultry Food Safety: Where’s the Beef?; University of Florida Animal Science Seminar Series. Gainesville, FL.
Kowalcyk B. October 2019. Developing a Risk-Based Framework for Food Safety in Low- and Middle-Income Countries. Food Science and Technology Seminar Series. Columbus, OH.
5) Kowalcyk B. November 2019. The Burden of Foodborne Disease. Ohio State Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention. Columbus, OH.
Kowalcyk B. October 2019. TARTARE: Building a Risk-based Food Safety System. Ohio State World Food Day Forum. Columbus, OH.
Kowalcyk B. October 2019. The Burden of Foodborne Disease. Northeast Ohio Environmental Health Association. Twinsburg, OH.
Kowalcyk, B. February 2020. Management of Food Safety: How do we proceed today for the future? 80th Anniversary of the Food and Nutrition Board. National Academies of Sciences, Washington, DC.
Kowalcyk, B. June 2020. Food Safety, Everyone's Business: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Food Safety Systems. https://youtu.be/Fgt6ZBsSLMU
Kowalcyk, B. May 2020. Food safety in LMICs. United Kingdom Department for International Development Food Safety Webinar.
Kowalcyk, B. September 2020. EatSafe Webinar III – Measuring Performance for Food Safety. https://www.gainhealth.org/events/eatsafe-webinar-iii-measuring-performance-food-safety
Kraft, A. L., and T. M. Bergholz. 2019. Assessing the impacts of low- and High-nutrient content soil extracts on Survival of Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli, Salmonella enterica, and Listeria monocytogenes. North Central Branch American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota.
Krishna, R., J. Choi, K. Rajan, N. Labbé, K. D. Gwinn, B. H. Ownley, and D. H. D'Souza. 2020.
Hemp extractives to control Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella Typhimurium populations on Formica coupons. Proceedings, IAFP Annual Meeting (Virtual), October 26-28.
Krishnan, A., R. Zaches, and F. Critzer. 2020. Identification of an In-line Agricultural Water Treatment Method Based on Microbiological and Chemical Characterization. The 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, October 26-28, Virtual.
Lauer, J. R., and T. M. Bergholz. 2019. Survival of enteric pathogens on wheat. North Central Branch American Society for Microbiology Annual Meeting, Duluth, Minnesota.
Lewis Ivey, M.L. and Ilic, S. 2020. Microbial Food Safety: Hazards in Hydroponic Production Systems. Ohio Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Columbus, Ohio.
Liu, S., Y. Arcot, W. deFlorio, T. Taylor, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, and M. Akbulut. 2020. Development of bacterial anti-adhesive and antifouling coatings for metal surfaces to enhance food safety and hygiene (Abstract 25263). 2020 Institute of Food Technologists’ Annual Meeting, Virtual/Online.
Liu, T., M. Bosilevac, T. Wheeler, T. Arthur, M. Jia, I. Geornaras, V. Dutta, K.E. Belk and H. Yang. 2020. Evaluation of GENE-UP® New Markers EHEC for Detection of Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli in MicroTally Sheets Collected from Beef Carcasses. International Association for Food Protection
Malak A. Esseili1, Xiang Gao, Patricia Boley, Yixuan Hou, Linda J. Saif, Paul Brewer-Jensen, Lisa Lindesmith, Ralph S. Baric, Robert L. Atmar, Mary K. Estes and Qiuhong Wang. Human norovirus HBGA binding pocket mediates the virus specific interactions with lettuce carbohydratesThe 7th International Calicivirus Conference” in Sydney, Australia from October 13 – October 16, 2019.
Margaret N. Moodispaw, Melanie L. Lewis Ivey, Sanja Ilic. 2020. Survival of Salmonella Typhimurium in Hydroponic Lettuce Systems. The Ohio State University, International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Virtual.
Martinez, P. N. (Presenter), Chamberlin, B. A. (Presenter), Gleason, J. B. (Other), NACTA - 2020 Virtual Conference, "Showcase by Learning Games Lab: Educational Ag Media to Enhance your Instruction," North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual Conference - Covid 19. (June 16, 2020).
Martinez, P. N. (Presenter), Chamberlin, B. A. (Presenter), NACTA - 2020 Virtual Conference, "Outbreaks Squad: Students as Superheroes Fighting the Spread of Foodborne Illness," North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture, Virtual Conference - Covid 19. (June 16, 2020).
Martinez, P. N. (Presenter), Chamberlin, B. A., Games for Change, "Outbreak Squad: Keeping your Community Safe," Games for Change, Virtual - New York City, NY. (July 16, 2020).
Martinez, P. N. (Presenter), Cooperative Extension Service In-Service, College of Agriculture, Consumer, and Environmental Sciences, Las Cruces, New Mexico, "Review Tools Developed by Innovative Media Research & Extension for County Family Consumer Science, 4-H Agents, and State Specialists". (January 16, 2020).
Morgan K, Kowalcyk B. December 2019. Food safety in Low- and Middle-Income Countries – An opportunity for risk-based decision making. Society of Risk Analysis Annual Meeting. Washington, DC.
Multiple roles (describe in description box). Food Safety Training. (July 6, 2020). Scope: County. Participants: 3 General public. Description: FSIC host a food plant sanitation discussion
Multiple roles (describe in description box). Food Safety training. (June 15, 2020). Scope: Multi-county. Counties: 2. Participants: 3. Description: FSIC Host Zoom HACCP update
Multiple roles (describe in description box). Food safety training. (May 11, 2020). Scope: Multi-county. Counties: 3. Description: organizer and presentor FSIC Zoom HAccp plan update
Multiple roles (describe in description box). Food Safety Training. (May 1, 2020). Scope: Multi-state. States: 4. Participants: 8. Description: Zoom FSIC training vulnerability assessment
Multiple roles (describe in description box). Value Added Processing. (May 29, 2019). Scope: Multi-state. States: 4. Participants: 13. Description: Zoom Short Course
Myungwoo Kang*, Dongjie Chen, Wesley Mosher, Paul Chen, David Baumler, Chi Chen , Joellen Feirtag, Roger Ruan, and Zata Vickers, Effects of Intense Pulsed Light on Sensory Quality of Wheat Flour, at the Virtual Institute of Food Technologists annual meeting on July 13th -15th, 2020.
National Health Outreach Conference. Change in the food pantry environment? Findings from an evaluation of the Safe & Healthy Food Pantries Project. May 13-15, 2020. R. Lane, J. Park-Mroch, A. Canto, S. Sparks, and B.H. Ingham. (virtual conference)
NEAFCS Annual Session. Regional Food Preservation Evaluation Using Standardized Evaluation Tools: Phase 2 Process and Results. September 15-17, 2020. J. Garden-Robinson, L. Nwadike, B. Ingham, A. Rosen, and S. Miller. (virtual conference)
Paden H, Ilic S, Hatsu I, Kane K, Lustberg M, Grenade C, Bhatt A, Pardo DD, Beery A. 2020. Assessment of Food Safety Knowledge and Behaviors of Cancer Patients Receiving Treatment. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. 2020 Sep 1;120(9):A46.
Panelist or round-table participant. Shelf life conference. (July 30, 2019). Scope: Multi-county. Counties: 5. Participants: 8 General public. Description: Zoom discussion on the role of shelf life in product development
Raftopoulou O, E. Ryser, C. Parsons, D. Elhanafi, and S. Kathariou. 2020. Sequence tagging of Listeria monocytogenes strains may impact their hemolytic activity, colony size, and motility/chemotaxis. Leo W. Parks Distinguished Lectureship in Microbiology Symposium. North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC, Sept. 29.
Raftopoulou, O., E.T. Ryser, C. Parsons, D. Elhanafi, and S. Kathariou. 2020. Sequence tagging of Listeria monocytogenes can have unexpected phenotypic impacts. Abst. Amer Soc. Microbiol. Microbe, Chicago, IL, June 18-22 (accepted but meeting cancelled).
Richard, N., C. Von Achen, L. Pivarnik, and A. Kinchla. 2020. Integrating a Food Safety Culture from Concept to Commercialization for Small and Emerging Food Businesses. IFT20 poster presentation.
Richard, N.; Von Achen,C. ; Pivarnik, L. Kinchla, A.J. Building and Launching a Food] Safety Management Training for Small and Emerging Food Businesses –Integrating a Food Safety Culture from Concept to Commercialization. Published Jul 03, 2020.
Richard, N.; Von Achen,C. ; Pivarnik, L. Kinchla, A.J. Integrating a Food Safety Culture From Concept to Commercialization for Small and Emerging Food Businesses. Institute of Food Technologists, Annual Meeting - SHIFT20.
Rivera, D., L. K. Hudson, T. Denes, and A. Moreno-Switt. 2020. Co-Evolved Wide Host Range Phage Demonstrated Better Lytic Capacity in a Felixunavirus Phage - Salmonella Infantis Model on Chicken Meat. IAFP Virtual Annual Meeting.
Robinson, B. and D. D'Amico. 2020. Antimicrobial Activity of Hydrogen Peroxide, With and Without Neutralization, Against Listeria monocytogenes on the Surface of High-moisture Cheese. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting Abstract T12-05. J. Food Prot. 83 (sp1): 53. https://doi.org/10.4315/0362-028X-83.sp1.1
Rudlong, AM and Goddard, JM. Synthesis and characterization of hydrophobic polyurethane-co-perfluoropolyether coatings to reduce biofouling. American Chemical Society Meeting, Fall 2020.
Rudlong, AM and Goddard, JM. Synthesis and characterization of hydrophobic polyurethane-co-perfluoropolyether coatings to reduce biofouling. American Chemical Society Meeting, Fall 2020.
Ruiz-Llacsahuanga, B., A. Hamilton, R. Zaches, and F. Critzer. 2020. Utility of Rapid Tests to Assess Populations of Indicator Organisms (Aerobic Plate Count, Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, Escherichia coli) and Detection of Listeria spp. in Apple Packinghouses. The 2020 Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, October 26-28, Virtual.
Runkel, S., J. Kovacevic, S. Reitz, J. Waite-Cusic, L. Santamaria, S. Davis. 2019. Introduction to the On-Farm Readiness Review program and its implementation in Oregon. Oregon State University Extension Conference. Corvallis, OR.
Ryser, E.T., S. Kathariou, R. Beaudry, C. Parsons, D. Matthews, and R. Raftopoulou. 2020. Fate of different Listeria monocytogenes strains on different whole apple varieties during long-term simulated commercial storage. Abst. Ann. Mtg. Center for Produce Safety. June 30 (virtual).
Scharff R, Havelaar A, Ketema M, Kowalcyk B, Weir M. May 2019. Using Risk Analysis to Estimate the Economic Burden of Foodborne Disease in Sub-Saharan Africa. The Case of Ethiopia. Society for Risk Analysis - Fifth World Congress on Risk. Cape Town, South Africa.
Scharff R, Kowalcyk B, Ketema M, Havelaar A, Weir M. March 2019. Food Safety Economics in the United States and Ethiopia. Human Nutrition Seminar Series. Columbus, OH.
Sloniker, N., O. Raftopoulou, S. Kathariou, and E.T. Ryser. 2020. Survival of planktonic- and biofilm-grown Listeria monocytogenes on apples as affected by apple variety, grower region, and storage conditions. Abst. Ann. Mtg. Int. Assoc. Food Prot. P3-122, August Oct. 25-28 (virtual)
Stoufer S, Varona Ortiz O, Anderson J, Brehm-Stecher B, Moore MD. Recovery of Human Norovirus Surrogate from Aqueous Solution Using Magnetic Ionic Liquids. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2020, October 2020 (Accepted Poster).
Sun, L. and D. D'Amico. 2020. Different ecological process structures microbiomes on cheese interior and rind. American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2020.
Suther C, Stoufer S, Moore MD. Broad detection of norovirus GII using recombinase polymerase amplification and applications using intercalating dyes. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2020, October 2020 (Accepted Poster).
Taylor, T.M. Fresh produce safety and wood. 2020. Southern Region Integrated Produce Safety Annual Meeting, Virtual Meeting
Thomas, M., Feng, Y. B., & Zhang, Z. (2020). Evaluation of pet owners’ knowledge and practice of handling pet food. Cleveland, Ohio: The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection.
Tomoichiro Oka, Hiroyuki Saito, Takayuki Kobayashi, Tomoko Takahashi, Takashi Shimoike, Michiyo Kataoka, Qiuhong Wang, Linda J. Saif, Mamoru Noda, Hirotaka Takagi. Cell culture trials for human sapoviruses. The 7th International Calicivirus Conference” in Sydney, Australia from October 13 – October 16, 2019.
Torres O, Matute J, Riley R, Apodaca V, Rudy J, Kowalcyk B. July 2019. Maternal Dietary Risk Factors for Neural Tube Defects in Guatemala. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting. Louisville, KY.
Von Achen,C. ; Richard, N.; Pivarnik, L.; Kinchla, A.J. Building and Launching a Food Safety Management Training for Small and Emerging Food Businesses: Integrating a Food Safety Culture from Concept to Commercialization. NIFA FSOP PI Virtual Meeting, August, 2020.
Waite-Cusic. 2020. Consideration for health and hygiene and cleaning and sanitation practices: food processing facilities. WRCEFS Annual Meeting. Virtual. Waite-Cusic. 2020. Foodborne Pathogens 101. Wilbur-Ellis Grower Meeting. Salem, OR.
Whole Genome Sequencing in Public Health. Presented with L. K. Hudson (Postdoctoral researcher). University of Tennessee Department of Public Health Seminar, Knoxville, TN, Feb. 2020.
Wiegand, A and JJ Perry. Regulatory frameworks and the role of land grant institutions in the legalized cannabis edibles market. Poster, International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting 2020.
Xu, W. 2020. Food Safety Bites: Scaffolding in Food Safety Education. Invited Oral Presentation. International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting Program. Cleveland, OH. Oct 25-28.
Xu, W. Vincent, V. 2020. Food safety: coronavirus and the public health emergency response. Invited Webinar Presentation. National Extension Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (NEAFCS). March 24
Yan, R., E. Mills, L. K. Hudson, N. M. M'ikanatha, I. Nachamkin, T. Denes, and J. Kovac. 2020. Whole Genome Sequencing-Based Analyses of Campylobacter Isolates from Clinical Samples and Retail Poultry Meats. IAFP Virtual Annual Meeting.
Yan, R., N. M. M'ikanatha, L. K. Hudson, I. Nachamkin, T. Denes, and J. Kovac. 2020. The occurrence of genetic antimicrobial resistance determinants in Campylobacter isolated from poultry meat and clinical samples in Pennsylvania. American Society for Microbiology Microbe 2020
Peer Reviewed Publications
Gupta, P. and A. Adhikari, A. 2022 Novel Approaches to Environmental Monitoring and Control of Listeria monocytogenes in Food Production Facilities. Foods. DOI: 10.3390/foods11121760
Yemmireddy, V., Adhikari, A., and Moreira, J. 2022. Effect of Ultraviolet Light Treatment on Microbiological Safety and Quality of Fresh Produce: An Overview. Frontiers in Nutrition and Food Science.
Aryal, J. Chhetri, V. and Adhikari. A. 2022. Survival and attachment of Listeria monocytogenes on bell peppers and influence of attachment time on efficacy of chlorine. LWT Food Science and Technology.
Perez-Lewis, K.L., Y. Yegin, J.K. Oh, A. Castillo, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, C.R. Kerth, M. Akbulut, and T.M. Taylor. 2022. Reduction of bacterial enteric pathogens and hygiene indicator bacteria on tomato skin surfaces by polymeric nanoparticle-loaded plant derived antimicrobial. Microorganisms. 10:448. doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10020448
Perez-Lewis, K.L., Y. Yegin, J.K. Oh, A. Castillo, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, C.R. Kerth, E. Scholar, and T.M. Taylor. 2021. Encapsulated plant-derived antimicrobial reduces enteric bacterial pathogens on melon surfaces during differing contamination and sanitization treatment scenarios. Applied Microbiology. 1:460-470. doi: 10.3390/applmicrobiol1030030
Yegin, Y., K.L. Perez-Lewis, S. Liu, C.R. Kerth, L. Cisneros-Zevallos, A. Castillo, M. Akbulut, and T.M. Taylor. 2021. Antimicrobial-loaded polymeric micelles inhibit enteric bacterial pathogens on spinach leaf surfaces during multiple simulated pathogen contamination events. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 5:646980. doi: 10.3389/fsufs.2021.646980"
Chen Y, Simonetti T, Peter K, Jin Q, Brown E, LaBorde LF, Macarisin D. Genetic Diversity of Listeria monocytogenes Isolated From Three Commercial Tree Fruit Packinghouses and Evidence of Persistent and Transient Contamination. Front Microbiol. 2022 Jan 10;12:756688. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2021.756688. PMID: 35082763; PMCID: PMC8784831.
Hailu W, Helmy YA, Carney-Knisely G, Kauffman M, Fraga D, Rajashekara G. Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles of Foodborne Pathogens Isolated from Dairy Cattle and Poultry Manure Amended Farms in Northeastern Ohio, the United States. Antibiotics (Basel). 2021 Nov 25;10(12):1450. doi: 10.3390/antibiotics10121450
Garsow AV, Torres OR, Matute JA, Riley RT, Harris JR, Lamichhane AP, et al. (2022) Dietary and socioeconomic risk factors for fumonisin exposure among women of reproductive age in 18 municipalities in Guatemala from 2013 to 2014. PLOS Glob Public Health 2(8): e0000337. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pgph.0000337
Aljasir, S.F, and D. D'Amico. 2022. Anti-infective properties of the protective culture Hafnia alvei B16 in food and intestinal models against multi-drug resistant Salmonella. Food Microbiol. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fm.2022.104159.
Aljasir, S.F, and D. D'Amico. 2021. Effect of pre-exposure to protective bacterial cultures in food on Listeria monocytogenes virulence. LWT Food Sci. Technol. 112373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112373
Aljasir, S.F, and D. D'Amico. 2021. Dairy-associated protective cultures as probiotics to protect against Listeria monocytogenes infection. Food Res. Int. 110699. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2021.110699
Archila-Godinez, J. C., Chen H., Klinestiver, L., Rosa, L., Barrett, T., Zabala, V. & Feng, Y. (2022). Evaluation of a virtual food safety program for low-income families: Application of the theory of planned behavior. Foods, 11(3), 55.
- Jung, Widmar, N., Subramani, S., & Feng, Y. (2022). Online media attention devoted to flour and flour-related food safety in 2017–2020. Journal of Food Protection, 85(1), 73–84.
Chen H., Feng, Y., Benjamin, T., & Guan, W. (2022). Food safety education needs assessment for small-scale produce growers interested in value-added food production. Journal of Food Protection, 85(2), 220–230.
Thomas, M. & Feng, Y. (2022). Evaluation of Flour Safety Messages on Commercially Available Packages: An Eye-Tracking Study. Foods.
Chen, H., Archila-Godinez, J. C., Klinestiver, L., Rosa, L., Barrett, T., Zabala, V., & Feng, Y. (in press). Implementation of a dialogue-based food safety education program for low-income families. Food Control.
Beary, M. A., Dicaprio, E., Feng, Y., Chang, E., Dunn, L. L., Padilla-Zakour, O. I., & Snyder, A. B. (in press). Virtual food safety trainings during the COVID-19 pandemic reveals significant opportunities for future distance education in food safety extension. Food Safety Management in Practice.
Low, M., Scharff, R., Anderson, N., Grasso-Kelly, E., & Feng, Y. (2022). Food handling practices of apple drying in home kitchens: A survey. Journal of Food Protection."
Hedblom, G.A., Dev, K., Bowden, S.D. et al. Comparative genome analysis of commensal segmented filamentous bacteria (SFB) from turkey and murine hosts reveals distinct metabolic features. BMC Genomics 23, 659 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-022-08886-x
Joerger, R. D., Ganguli, A., Wachira, J. and Q. Hardy. 2021. Evaluation of sodium hypochlorite and peroxyacetic acid to prevent transfer of surface-attached Listeria monocytogenes to produce. J. Food Safety. 41: e12882.
This is accepted but not yet published. "Food Safety Training Needs Assessment Among Maple Syrup Producers and Evaluation of Post-Process Contaminant Survival During Maple Syrup Storage" for first issue of Food Safety Management in Practice.
Dhital, R., Z. Shen, S. Zhang and A. Mustapha‡. 2021. Detection of virulence and ESBL genes in Salmonella by multiplex high-resolution melt-curve real-time PCR assay. J. App. Microbiol. 132(3):2355-2367.
Choo, K. W., R. Dhital, L. Mao, M. Lin and A. Mustapha‡. 2021. Development of polyvinyl alcohol/chitosan/modified bacterial nanocellulose films incorporated with 4-hexylresorcinol for food packaging application. Food Packaging and Shelf Life 30(2021) 100769.
Asgari, S., R. Dhital, S. Ali Aghvami, A. Mustapha, Y. Zhang, M. Lin. 2022. Separation and detection of E. coli O157:H7 using a SERS-based microfluidic immunosensor. Microchimica Acta 189:111.
Irakoze, Z., L. Nwadike, D. Stoeckel, M. Bhullar, P. Byers, and S.E. Gragg. 2022. Evaluation of peroxyacetic acid and chlorine as treatments for surface water for post-harvest uses in the produce industry. Water. 14:3890. https://doi.org/10.3390/w14233890
Miller, M., J.M. Maher, B. Wiseman, and S.E. Gragg. 2022. Salmonella is present in multiple lymph nodes of market hog carcasses at slaughter. Food Protection Trends. 42:100-106.
Haley, O.C., Y. Zhao, J.M. Mahe, S.E. Gragg, V. Trinetta, M. Bhullar, and L. Nwadike. 2022. Comparative assessment of the microbial quality of agricultural water on Kansas and Missouri fresh produce farms. Food Protection Trends. 42:186-193.
Habib, K., J. Drouillard, V. De Aguiar Veloso, G. Huynh, V. Trinetta, and S. E. Gragg. 2022. The Use of probiotic Megasphaera elsdenii as a pre-harvest intervention to reduce Salmonella in finishing beef cattle: An in vitro model. Microorganisms. 10:1400.
Admaie, A., A. Eshetu, T. Sisay Tessema, J. Vipham, J. Kovac, A. Zewdu. Prevalence of Campylobacter species and associated risk factors for contamination of dairy products collected in a dry season from major milk sheds in Ethiopia. 2022. Journal of Food Microbiology. Doi:10.1016/j.fm.2022.104145.
Farmer, K. J., E. S. Beyer, S. G. Davis, K. M. Harr, K. R. Lybarger, L. A. Egger, M. D. Chao, J. L. Vipham, M. D. Zumbaugh, and T. G. O'Quinn. 2022. Evaluation of the impact of bone-in versus boneless cuts on beef palatability. Meat Muscle Biol. 6:1-13. doi:10.22175/mmb.15488
Harr, K. M., E. S. Beyer, K. J. Farmer, S. G. Davis, M. D. Chao, J. L. Vipham, M. D. Zumbaugh, and T. G. O'Quinn. 2022. Impact of disclosing fat content, primal source, and price on consumer evaluation of ground beef. Meat Muscle Biol. 6. doi:10.22175/mmb.15482
Mekonen, T., A. Tolera, A. Nurfeta, B. Bradford, S. Yigrem, J. Vipham. Effects of pigeon pea leaves and concentrate mixture on feed intake, milk yield, and composition of crossbred dairy cows fed native pasture hay. 2022. Animal. Doi:10.1016/j.animal.2022.100632.
Mengstu, B., A. Tola, H. Nahusenay, T. Sisay, J. Kovac, J. Vipham, A. Zewdu. Evaluation of microbial hygiene indicators in raw milk, pasteurised milk and cottage cheese collected across the dairy value chain in Ethiopia. 2022. International Dairy Journal. Doi: 10.1016/j.idairyj.2022.105487.
Schwan, C., T. Dallman, P. Cook, J. Vipham. A case report of Salmonella enterica serovar Corvallis from environmental isolates from Cambodia and clinical isolates in the UK. 2022. Access Microbiology. Doi:10.1099/acmi.0.000315.
Northcutt, J. K., A. Buyukyavuz, and P. L. Dawson. 2022. Quality of Japanese quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) eggs after extended refrigerated storage. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 31:100280 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.japr.2022.100280
Hegler, C. M., S. Cothran, R. Martinez-Dawson, P. L. Dawson and J. K. Northcutt. 2022. Impact of emergency remote teaching on university students at a public institution in the United States. Submitted February 2022 to Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice. 22(8). https://doi.org/10.33423/jhetp.v22i8.5329
Huang, J. GW, Park, R.M. Jones, A. Fraser, J. Vinjé, and X. Jiang. 2022. Efficacy of EPA-registered disinfectants against two human norovirus surrogates and Clostridioides difficile endospores. J. Appl. Microbiol. 132:4289-4299. DOI:10.1111/jam.15524
Extension Publications
Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., Timmerman, A., & Willis, J. (2022a). Backyard Composting. Composting Series, 2. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/a/c/b/f/acbf794919812b6fa1a9804fd7496144/backyardcompostingpdf.pdf
Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., Timmerman, A., & Willis, J. (2022b). Compost Feed Stock. Composting Series, 2. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/9/8/1/d/981dd5a1e00599291c1980c496be2bb9/compostingseries-feedstock-2pdf.pdf
Dunaway, C., Adhikari, A., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., Timmerman, A., & Willis, J. (2022a). Active vs Passive Composting (Hot vs Cold). Composting Series, 1. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/7/6/8/6/76860bf66d0d6be475b8ad0ca1c9af89/compostingseries-hotvcold-tpdf.pdf
Dunaway, C., Adhikari, A., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., Timmerman, A., & Willis, J. (2022b). Three-Bin System. Composting Series, 1. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/e/1/3/2/e1326ecbe2ca11322da62e0678fbdd77/compostingseries-3binpdf.pdf
Moreira, J., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Timmerman, A., & Willis, J. (2022a). Benefits of Maintaing Soil Health. Composting Series, 1. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/2/6/0/f/260fee0e68aaf11080668777c49d4015/compostingseries-maintaingsoilhealthpdf.pdf
Moreira, J., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Timmerman, A., & Willis, J. (2022b). Building an Aerated Static Compost Pile. Composting Series, 1. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/b/3/a/f/b3af10e8d364791accf6553fcef7b3d9/compostfactsheet-aeratedpilepdf.pdf
Moreira, J., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Timmerman, A., & Willis, J. (2022c). Determination of Compost Maturity. Composting Series, 2. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/0/c/5/7/0c579b4035eb096cd936a72d5559cea3/compostingseries-determinationofcompostmaturitypdf.pdf
Moreira, J., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Timmerman, A., & Willis, J. (2022d). Food Safety Issues Related to Compost. Composting Series, 1. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/9/a/9/4/9a945f10de851bc98d0ba325eead7ca5/compostfactshee-foodsafetyissues-nlpdf.pdf
Timmerman, A., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., & Willis, J. (2022a). <CompostingSeries-WormCastingspdf.pdf>. Composting Series, 1. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/f/b/5/b/fb5bf0548fc74c0b6afb744ba689cbae/compostingseries-wormcastingspdf.pdf
Timmerman, A., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., & Willis, J. (2022b). How to Reduce Odor in Compost Systems Composting Series, 1. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/7/c/c/d/7ccd1bf3a258364a0664dca60184560f/compostingseries-howtoreduceodorincompostsystems2brchpdf.pdf
Timmerman, A., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., & Willis, J. (2022c). How to Store and Handle Compost Materials. Composting Series, 1. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/3/8/3/1/3831096ae5889256d3b598553946f48c/compostingseries-howtostoreandhandlepdf.pdf
Willis, J., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., & Timmerman, A. (2022a). Compost Moisture Content. Composting Series, 2. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/0/3/1/6/0316092172c3fcc858d35d7c0c117719/compostingseries-compostmoisturecontentpdf.pdf
Willis, J., Adhikari, A., Dunaway, C., Hammett, B., Kuehny, J., Moreira, J., & Timmerman, A. (2022b). Compost Tea. Composting Series, 2. https://lsuagcenter.com/~/media/system/7/1/8/3/71832071e8b30620aa861668bb1ee38e/compostingfactsheet-compostteapdf.pdf "
Balasubramanian, B., Shah, T., Zhu, C., Rankin, K., Ghimire, S., Upadhyaya, I., Upadhyay, A. Application of ultra-fine bubble technology to reduce Listeria monocytogenes contamination of Romaine lettuce. Fall Crop Talk 2022 Newsletter. https://ipm.cahnr.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/3216/2022/10/Crop-Talk-October-2022-FV-reduced.pdf
Upadhyaya, I., Contributor in CT Farm Ag Guide, 2022. https://ctfarmrisk.extension.uconn.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/3181/2022/06/AgBusinessMgmtGuide06062022.pdf.pdf
Northcutt, J. K. 2021. Farm food safety: Choosing a sanitizer for washing fresh produce. Home and Garden Information Center Fact Sheet #3644. https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/farm-food-safety-choosing-a-sanitizer-for-washing-fresh-produce/
Thompson, A. and J. K. Northcutt. 2021. Cleaning and sanitizing for the homebrewer. Home and Garden Information Center Fact Sheet #3885. https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/cleaning-and-sanitation-for-the-homebrewer/
Northcutt, J. K. and P. L. Dawson. 2021. Bacterial attachment to food and food processing surfaces can lead to biofilm formation. Home and Garden Information Center Fact Sheet #3886. https://hgic.clemson.edu/factsheet/bacterial-attachment-to-food-and-food-processing-surfaces-can-lead-to-biofilm-formation/"
Abstracts, Proceedings, and Presentations
Aryal, J and Adhikari A. 2022. Effect of fine bubbles and electrochemical disinfection on efficacy of chlorine against bacterial pathogens on bell peppers. IAFP Annual Meeting Abstracts
Kharel, K and Adhikari, A. 2022. Antimicrobial efficacy of pullulan coating incorporated with pecan shell extract and its effect on quality of blueberries during storage. IAFP Annual Meeting Abstracts
Mendoza, J., and Adhikari, A. 2022. Effectiveness of UVC light treatment in controlling Listeria monocytogenes in hydroponic fertilizer solutions. IAFP Annual Meeting Abstracts
Lituma, I., and Adhikari, A. 2022. Effect of UV-C Light Treatment Against Listeria Monocytogenes on Hydroponically Grown Lettuce and its Effect on Quality. IAFP Annual Meeting Abstracts
Taylor, T.M. 2022. Control of Bacillus in the meat industry: emerging techniques and future perspectives. International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Taylor, T.M. 2021. Keeping it clean! Food safety hazard risk control for wooden implements in fresh produce production, harvest, and packing. Great Lakes Fruit, Vegetable, and Farm Market Expo, Grand Rapids, MI.
Taylor, T.M. 2021. Surface interfacial science to disrupt pathogen survival on fresh produce. Department of Food Science, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR.
Vice, Z., W. deFlorio, M. Taylor, and M. Akbulut. 2022. Determination of antifouling capabilities of silane-treated wood (Abstract P2-120). International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Aljasir, S., and D. D'Amico. 2022. Exposure to Protective Culture Hafnia alvei Attenuates Salmonella Virulence in Food and Intestinal Models. Presented at the International Association for Food Protection annual conference.
Thomas, M., Berglund, Z. , Low, M. Y. L., Soewardjono, R. A., Bryan, I., & Feng, Y. (2022). Evaluating the accessibility of food safety messages on flour packages using eye tracking. The Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technologists.
Karnpanit W., Torres E. J., Betanzo M. R., Feng Y. (2022). Cumulative chronic exposure assessment of carbamate and pyrethroid pesticides in Thai population through commonly consumed vegetable consumption. SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting. Virtual.
Archila-Godínez, J. C., Marshall, M., Wiatt, R., Deering, A., & Feng Y. (2022). Consumers’ food safety perception of fresh produce from small- and medium-sized farms. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Chen, H., Anderson, N., Grasso-Kelley, E., Wu, F., Tang, J., Harris, L., & Feng, Y. (2022). Needs assessment of the low-moisture food industry: The next steps to advance food safety research and extension. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Swinehart, M., Harris, L., Louvau, H., & Feng, Y. (2022). Content analysis of online tree nut recipes: Soaked nuts and nut-based dairy alternatives. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Swinehart, M., Harris, L., Anderson, N., & Feng, Y. (2022). Food safety implications of nut-based dairy alternatives and soaked nuts. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Low, M., & Feng, Y. (2022). Content analysis of food safety information in dried apple recipes on YouTube, blogs, cookbooks and extension materials. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Low, M., Scharff, R., Tang, J., Grasso-Kelley, E., Marks, B.P., & Feng, Y. (2022). Food handling practices of apple drying in home kitchens: A survey. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Low, M., Kinchla, A., Richard, N., DiCaprio, E L., & Feng, Y. (2022). Regulatory considerations for small-scale produce drying operations: A multi-state perspective obtained through inspector interview. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburg, PA.
Thomas, M., & Feng, Y. (2022). The year-long effect of COVID-19 on food safety: Consumer practices and perceptions using longitudinal consumer surveys and focus groups. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Thomas, M., Berglund, Z. , Low, M. Y. L., Soewardjono, R. A., Bryan, I., & Feng, Y. (2022). Evaluating the accessibility of food safety messages on flour and baking mix packages using eye-tracking technology. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Berglund, Z., & Feng, Y. (2022). Systematic review, meta-analysis and thematic synthesis of virtual food safety trainings and education. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Berglund, Z., Swinehart, M., DiCaprio, E.L., & Feng, Y. (2022). Small-scale processor self-identified barriers to effective food safety training programs. The Annual Meeting of the International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, PA.
Chenggeer, FNU and A. Mustapha. 2022. Antimicrobial activity of a photocatalytic titanium dioxide-coated stainless steel. Presented at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2, 2022. P2-107.
Dhital, R. and A. Mustapha. 2022. Solid phase reversible immobilization bead concentration combined with PCR for the detection of E. coli O157:H7 in foods. Presented at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, August 3, 2022. P3-83.
Mao, L., G. Zheng and A. Mustapha. 2022. Use of an Escherichia coli pilin gene (traA) to identify human fecal contamination. Presented at the International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, August 2, 2022. P2-109."
Quanz, S.T., K. Habib, K. Smith, T. Rehberger, A.J. Tarpoff, J.S. Thompson, C.S. Jones, L.K. Mamedova, W.E. Boomer, S.E. Gragg, and B.J. Bradford. Effects of Lactobacillus and Bacillus species supplementation on performance and health of pre-ruminant calves through weaning. American Dairy Science Association, Kansas City, Missouri, June 19-22, 2022.
Habib, K., S. Quanz, K. Smith, A.J. Tarpoff, C.S. Jones, Q. Kang, B. Bradford, and S.E. Gragg. Effects of Bacillus and Lactobacillus supplementation in milk replacer diets of Angus×Holstein calves on the prevalence and concentration of Salmonella spp. and Escherichia coli O157 in mesenteric lymph nodes, spleen, cecal fluid, rumen fluid, and feces. International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 31-August 3, 2022.
Habib, K. J. Schmidt, C. Nichols, Q. Kang, J.M. Bosilevac, D. Harhay, and S.E. Gragg. The effects of administration of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae direct-fed microbial on the prevalence of Salmonella in bovine mesenteric lymph nodes. International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 31-August 3, 2022.
Schmidt, J., K. Habib, C. Nichols, T.M. Arthur, J.M. Bosilevac, S.E. Gragg, and Dayna Harhay. Characterization and comparison of Salmonella spp. isolated from mesenteric lymph nodes of cattle and the feedlot environment. International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 31-August 3, 2022.
Irakoze, Z., L. Nwadike, D. Stoeckel, M. Bhullar, P. Byers, and S.E. Gragg. Evaluation of peroxyacetic acid and chlorine as treatments for surface water used in produce post harvest. International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 31-August 3, 2022.
Bai, J., S.E. Gragg, E. Fashenpour, T. Stephens, and S. Applegate. Salmonella quantification (SalQuantTM) using the BAX® system for pork primary production boot cover samples. International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 31-August 3, 2022.
Vargas, D.A., G. Betancourt-Barszcz, S.E. Gragg, and M. Sanchez Plata. Salmonella quantification in pork lymph nodes using different methodologies. International Association for Food Protection, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, July 31-August 3, 2022.
Vargas, D.A., G. Betancourt-Barszcz, M.F. Miller, S.E. Gragg, and M. Sanchez Plata. Bio-mapping of Salmonella spp. prevalence and quantification levels in market hog lymph nodes and tonsils from commercial processing facilities. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Des Moines, Iowa, June 12-15, 2022.
Vishal Manjunatha, Julian E. Nixon, Greg F. Mathis, Brett Lumpkins, Zeynep B. Guzel-Seydim, Atif Can Seydim, Annel K. Greene, and Xiuping Jiang. 2022. Effect of combined action of Nigella sativa and kefir on the growth performance and health of broiler chickens. International Association of Food Protection (IAFP) Annual Meeting, July 31-Aug 3, Pittsburgh, PA.
Paul Dawson and Claudia Ionita. 2022. Survival of Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella on surfaces found in the dry packinghouse environment and effectiveness of dry-cleaning processes on pathogen reduction. Center for Produce Safety Annual Meeting, June. San Diego, CA