W4003: Parental practices supporting positive eating behaviors during independent eating occasions among early adolescent children
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
- Banna J, Richards R, Jones B, Anderson AK, Reicks M, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu NK, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Topham G, Wong SS, Lim E. Describing Independent Eating Occasions among Low-Income Adolescents. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Feb 5;17(3).
- Reicks M, Banna J, Anderson AK, Da Silva V, Gunther C, Hongu NK, Jones B, Lora K, Monroe-Lord L, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS. Development of Parent and Adolescent Questionnaires to Assess Food Parenting Practices That Address Adolescent Consumption During Independent Eating Occasions. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2020 Mar;52(3):307-313.
- Gunther C, Reicks M, Banna J, Suzuki A, Topham G, Richards R, Jones B, Lora K, Anderson AK, da Silva V, Penicka C, Hopkins LC, Cluskey M, Hongu N, Monroe-Lord L, Wong SS. Food Parenting Practices That Influence Early Adolescents' Food Choices During Independent Eating Occasions. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2019 Sep;51(8):993-1002.
Monroe-Lord L, Jones BL, Richards R, Reicks M, Gunther C, Banna J, Topham G, Anderson A, Lora K, Wong SS, Ballejos M, Hopkins L, Ardakani A. Parenting practices and adolescent eating behaviors in African American families. Int J Env Res Public Health, submitted 10-30-21, resubmitted 11-24-21
Banna J, Richards R, Jones B, Anderson A, Reicks M, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu NK, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Topham G, Wong S, Lim E. Describing independent eating occasions among low-income adolescents. Int J Env Res Public Health 2020;17:981. doi: 10.3390/ijerph17030981.
Reicks M, Banna J, Anderson A, Gunther C, Hongu N, Jones B, Lora K, Monroe-Lord L, Richards R, Topham G, Wong S. Development and testing of a questionnaire to assess frequency of food parenting practices to influence adolescent intake during independent eating occasions. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2020;52(3):307-313. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2019.10.018
Suzuki, A. Anderson, A. Cluskey, M. Gunther, C. Hongu, N. Jones, B. Lora, K. Misner, S. Monroe-Lord, L. Novotny, R. Reicks, M. Richards, R. Topham, G. L., Wong, S. Banna, J. Parental practices influencing eating behavior during independent eating occasions of early adolescents in Hawaiʻi. Annual meeting International Society for Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Summer 2021. Virtual presentation.
Monroe-Lord L, Jones B, Richards R, Reicks M, Gunther C, Banna J, Topham G, Anderson A, Lora K, Wong SS. Parenting practices and early adolescent eating behaviors in African American families. Food and Nutrition Conference & Expo, FNCE 2021, Virtual Event, October 16-19, 2021.
Publications: Peer reviewed manuscripts
Gunther C, Richards R, Banna J, Reicks M, Wong SS, Ballejos M, Lora KR, Topham G, Jones B, Catherine, Schier H, Monroe-Lord L, Anderson A, Hopkins L. Adolescent independent eating occasions (iEOs), dietary intake, and parenting practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of parents and adolescents from low-income households. J Nutr Educ Behav, submitted 7-18-22.
Reicks M, Lora K, Jun, Y, Monroe-Lord L, Topham G, Jones B, Kojo Anderson A, Gunther C, Hopkins L, Richards R, Wong SS. Associations among independent eating occasion-specific parenting practices and adolescent dietary intake during these occasions. J Acad Nutr Diet, submitted 8-5-22.
Monroe-Lord L, Anderson A, Jones BL, Richards R, Reicks M, Gunther C, Banna J, Topham GL, Lora KR, Wong SS, Ballejos M, Hopkins L, Arkakani A. Relationship between family racial/ethnic backgrounds, parenting practices and styles, and adolescent eating behaviors. Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022;19:7388. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19127388
Monroe-Lord L, Jones BL, Richards R, Reicks M, Gunther C, Banna J, Topham G, Anderson A, Lora K, Wong SS, Ballejos M, Hopkins L, Ardakani A. Parenting practices and adolescent eating behaviors in African American families. Int J Env Res Public Health 2022;19:110. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19010110
Reicks M, Anderson AK, Ballejos M, Banna J, Jones BL, Gunther C, Hopkins L, Lora K, Monroe-Lord L, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS. Adolescent independent eating occasions and dietary intake during independent eating occasions by personal and household characteristics. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2022;54(7S):S29.
Publications: Peer reviewed manuscripts (in press)
Gunther C, Banna J, Jones BL, Park C, Reicks M, Richards R, Schier H, Topham G, Wong SS, Anderson AK, Ballejos M, Hopkins L, Lora KR, Monroe-Lord L. Adolescent independent eating occasions (iEOs), dietary intake, and parenting practices during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study of parents and adolescents from low-income households. J Nutr Educ Behav, in press 5-1-23.
Reicks M, Lora K, Jin, Y, Monroe-Lord L, Topham G, Jones B, Kojo Anderson A, Gunther C, Hopkins L, Richards R, Wong SS. Associations among independent eating occasion-specific parenting practices and adolescent dietary intake during these occasions. J Acad Nutr Diet, in press 5-10-23.
Reicks M, Anderson AK, Ballejos M, Banna J, Jones BL, Gunther C, Hopkins L, Lora K, Monroe-Lord L, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS. Adolescent independent eating occasions and dietary intake during independent eating occasions by personal and household characteristics. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2022;54(7S):S29.
2023-2024 Publications: Peer-reviewed manuscripts now published or under review
Gunther C, Banna J, Jones BL, Park C, Reicks M, Richards R, Schier H, Topham GL, Wong SS, Anderson AK, Ballejos M, Hopkins LC, Lora KR, Monroe-Lord L. Adolescent Independent Eating Occasions, Dietary Intake, and Parenting Practices During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Qualitative Study of Parents and Adolescents From Households With Low Income. J Nutr Educ Behav. 2023 Sep;55(9):634-643. doi: 10.1016/j.jneb.2023.05.001. Epub 2023 Jul 8. PMID: 37422758.
Reicks M, Lora KR, Jin Y, Anderson AK, Monroe-Lord L, Jones BL, Topham GL, Banna J, Gunther C, Hopkins LC, Richards R, Wong SS. Parenting Practices Are Associated With Adolescent Food Choices During Independent Eating Occasions. J Acad Nutr Diet. 2023 Oct;123(10):1479-1487.e4. doi: 10.1016/j.jand.2023.05.016. Epub 2023 May 23. PMID: 37196979.
Karina R. Lora, Grace Shearrer, Marla Reicks, Siew Sun Wong, Laura Hopkins Alex K. Anderson, Jinan Banna, Carolyn Gunther, Blake Jones, Lillie Monroe-Lord, Rickelle Richards, Glade Topham. Food parenting practices mediate relationships between parent sex and adolescent food intake during independent eating occasions. Under Review (May 2024) Pub Health Nut
Anderson AK Gunther C, Jones B, Lora K, Reicks M, Richards R, Shearrer G, Wong SS, Banna J, Hopkins L, Monroe-Lord L, Topham G. Associations between Sociodemographic Factors and Adolescent Food Consumption during Independent Eating Occasions. Under Review (April 2024) in Ecol Food Nutr.
Karina R. Lora, Grace Shearrer, Marla Reicks, Siew Sun Wong, Laura Hopkins Alex K. Anderson, Jinan Banna, Carolyn Gunther, Blake Jones, Lillie Monroe-Lord, Rickelle Richards, Glade Topham. Food parenting practices mediate relationships between parent sex and adolescent food intake during independent eating occasions. American Society for Nutrition. Nutrition 2024 meeting, Chicago, IL.