WERA1010: Improving Data Quality from Sample Surveys to foster Agricultural and Community Development in Rural America
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Qin, H., E. Bent, C. Brock, Y. Dguidegue, E. Achuff, M. Hatcher, and O. Ojewola. 2018. Fifteen years after the Bellingham ISSRM: An empirical evaluation of Frederick Buttel’s differentiating criteria for environmental and resource sociology. Rural Sociology 83(1): 6–23.
Ulrich-Schad, J. D. and H. Qin. 2018. Culture clash? Predictors of views on amenity-led development and community involvement in rural recreation counties. Rural Sociology 83(1): 81–108.
Qin, H., E. Prentice, and K. Freeman. 2018. Analyzing partially correlated longitudinal data in community survey research. Society & Natural Resources 31(1): 142–149.
Prentice, E., H. Qin, and C. G. Flint. 2018. Mountain pine beetles and ecological imaginaries: The social construction of forest insect disturbance. Pp. 77–107 in J. Urquhart, C. Potter, and M. Marzano (eds.) Human Dimensions in Forest and Tree Health. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Singh, Ajay S., Brian MacGowan, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Michael O’Donnell, Heidi Klotz*, and Linda S. Prokopy. 2018. “The influence of demonstration sites and field days on conservation practices adoption.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(3): 274-281.
Brock, Caroline, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, and Linda S. Prokopy. 2018. " Bridging the Divide: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Sector Agricultural Professionals Working with Amish and Mennonite Producers on Conservation." Environmental Management. 61(5): 756-771.
Ulrich-Schad, Jessica D. and Cynthia M. Duncan. 2018. “People and Places Left Behind: Work, Culture and Politics in the Rural United States.” Special Issue on Emancipatory Rural Politics in The Journal of Peasant Studies 45(1): 59-79.
Floress, Kristin, Adam Reimer, Aaron Thompson, Marc Burbach, Cody Knutsen, Linda Prokopy, Mark Ribaudo, and Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad. 2018. “Measuring Farmer Conservation Behaviors: Challenges and Best Practices.” Land Use Policy 70: 414-418.
Smyth, J. D., Israel, G. D., Newberry, III, M. G., & Hull, R. G. 2019. Effects of Stem and Response Order on Response Patterns in Satisfaction Rating. Field Methods, 31.
Revised Savvy Survey Series pubs: 7 were recently reviewed and updated in 2019:
The Savvy Survey #1: Introduction
The Savvy Survey #2: Using Surveys in Everyday Extension Programming
The Savvy Survey #3: Successful Sampling
The Savvy Survey #4: Details in the Design
The Savvy Survey #5: The process for Developing Survey Questions
The Savvy Survey #11: Mail-Based Surveys
The Savvy Survey #13: Online Surveys
Refereed articles published in 2019:
Smyth, J. D., Israel, G. D., Newberry, III, M. G., & Hull, R. G. 2019. Effects of Stem and Response Order on Response Patterns in Satisfaction Rating. Field Methods, 31(3), 260-276. https://doi.org/10.1177/1525822X19860648
Refereed articles accepted in 2019:
Israel, G. D., Sari, H. I., Duffy, N. O., Galindo-Gonzalez, S., Diehl, D. C., Abarca Orozco, S., Garcia, E., & Sweeney, L. H. 2020. Improving Self-report Measurements to Capture Behavior Change of Low-Income Children. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. Accepted November 2019.
Reviewed, invited, and other papers and posters presented at conferences in 2019:
Israel, G. D., & Kumar Chaudhary, A. Can Clarifying Instructions Influence Response to Numeric Open-ended Questions in Self-administered Surveys. Paper presented at the 74th annual conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research, Toronto, Canada, May, 2019.
Israel, G. D. Lessons Learned from Conducting Concurrent Surveys Using an Online Opt-in Quota Sample and a Mail/Mixed-Mode Address-Based Sample. Paper presented at the meeting of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb, Croatia, July, 2019.
Willits, F. K., Theodori, G. L., Wallen, K. E., & Israel, G. D. Effects of Follow-Up Contacts on Sample Characteristics and Sustantive Research Findings in Social Surveys: An Exploratory Analysis. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Richmond, VA, August, 2019.
Mike, M., Israel, G. D., & Bowden, Z. So Who’s Talking Climate Change?: A Unianova analysis on the Social communication index. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society, Richmond, VA, August, 2019.
Mike, M. R., & Israel, G. D. A Regression on a Social Communication Index to Determine Climate Change Communication. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Association, Birmingham, AL, February, 2019.
Swain, M. J., & Israel, G. D. The Role of Academic and Governmental Partners in School Wellness across Florida. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Association, Birmingham, AL, February, 2019.
Research publications:
Ulrich-Schad, Jessica D., Paul M. Jakus, Malieka Bordigioni, and Don Albrecht. 2022. “Preferences for Economic and Environmental Goals in Rural Community Development in the Western United States.” Rural Sociology. DOI: 10.1111/ruso.12429.
Ulrich-Schad, Jessica D., Jennifer E. Givens, and Mitchell Beacham.* 2022. “Preventive Behaviors Along the Rural-Urban Continuum in Utah During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Journal of Rural Social Science Special Issue on Space, Place, and COVID-19.
Ulrich-Schad, Jessica D., Shuang Li, A. Joshua Leffler, Wei Gu**, Lealand Schoon, and Lora Perkins. 2021. “What and Why: South Dakota Rangeland Livestock Producers’ Usage of Parasiticides.” Rangeland Ecology and Management 79:190-200.
Wang, Tong, Zheng Xu, Deepthi Kolady, and Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, and David E. Clay. 2021. “Cover Crops Usage in South Dakota: Perceived Profitability and Future Adoption Decisions.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 46(2): 287-307.
Saak, Alexander E., Tong Wang, Zheng Xu, Deepthi Kolady, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, and David E. Clay. 2021. “Duration of Usage and Farmer Reported Benefits of Conservation Tillage.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71(1): 65-75.
Israel, G. D., Gariton, C. E., & James, H. E. (forthcoming). Anxiety Symptoms among Extension Professionals' During the COVID-19 Pandemic with the GAD-2. Journal of Rural Social Sciences. Revision submitted and accepted, October 2021.
Israel, G. D. Lessons Learned from Conducting Concurrent Surveys Using an Online Opt-in Quota Sample and a Mail/Mixed-Mode Address-Based Sample. Rural Sociology, Submitted; current status: author revising.
Lowe, B. E., Israel, G. D., & Paudyal, R. The Influence of Evangelical Religion and Politics on Climate Change Perceptions in Florida. Society and Natural Resources, Submitted January 2021, Revision submitted July 2021; 2nd revision underway.
Harder, A. M., Craig, D. D., Israel, G. D., Benge, M. P., & Caillouet, O. C. Using a Statewide Needs Assessment to Prioritize UF/IFAS Extension’s Programmatic Efforts. Journal of Extension, revision submitted.
Mike, M., & Israel, G. D. Factors affecting interpersonal communication on climate change in Florida: A quantile regression approach. American Journal of Climate Change, Submitted and authors revising.
Diehl, D. C., Nelson, J. D., Israel, G. D., & Galindo, S. Changes in Work-Life Balance during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Insights from a Survey of Extension Professionals. Journal of Extension, paper in preparation.
Gariton, C. E., & Israel, G. D. 2021. The Savvy Survey #6e: Understanding How Question Type Impacts Future Analysis. AEC719, 4 pp. Gainesville: UF/IFAS. Available at: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pd083
Gariton, C. E., & Israel, G. D. 2021. The Savvy Survey #9: Gaining Institutional Review Board Approval for Surveys. AEC730, 4 pp. Available at: https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-PD84-2021
Cotter, M. L., & Israel, G. D. 2021. Client Satisfaction, Perceived Service Quality and Benefits from Extension’s Information. AEC735, 5 pp. Available at: https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/WC396. https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-WC396-2021
Israel, G. D., James, H. E., & Gariton, C. E. Anxiety disorders among Extension Professionals' during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Paper presented at the virtual annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Association, February 2021.
Israel, G. D. When Does Support from Authoritative Figures Improve Survey Response Rates? Paper presented at the virtual annual meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Association, February 2021.