WERA_OLD1013: Intermountain Regional Evaluation and Introduction of Native Plants
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Draft
SAES-422 Reports
- WERA1013 Website: http://www.wyoextension.org/westernnativeplants/
- rown, Shana G. and James E. Klett 2020. Impacts of Growth Substrate and Container Size on Cutting Production from ‘Snow Angel’ Coral Bells Stock Plants. Hort Technology 30 (2) 185-192.
- Chen, J., H. Kratsch, J. Norton, and Y. Sun. 2020. Nodulation of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’ topdressed with controlled-release fertilizer. HortScience 55(9): S187-188.
- Chen, J., S. Zhen, and Y. Sun. 2020. Using NDVI sensors to determine the chlorophyll content of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’. HortScience 55(9): S340.
- Chen, J., H. Kratsch, J. Norton, Y. Sun, and L.A. Rupp. 2020. Nodulation and plant growth of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’ topdressed with controlled-release fertilizer. HortScience 55(11): 1-7.
- Hammond, Eric, James Klett, and Alison O’Connor 2020. Columnar and Fastigiate Trees for Colorado Landscapes. Fact Sheet 7.427 Colorado State University Extension.
- Hershkowitz, J., H. Xing, A. Paudel, J. Chen, and Y. Sun. 2020. Salinity tolerance of six ornamental grass species. HortScience 55(9): S113-114.
- Klett, James E. 2020. Top Annuals from CSU Annual Trials. CNGA Looseleaf Oct. 2, 2020
- Klett, James E. 2020. Multi-Site Plant Evaluation Update CNGA Looseleaf July 29, 2020
- Klett, James E. 2020. Hellebores for Colorado CNGA Looseleaf June 1, 2020
- Koski, Ronda and James E. Klett 2020. Green Roof Weed Management April 1, 2020
- Klett, James E. 2020. Industry Picks from 2019 Annual Trial Garden Feb. 1, 2020
- Klett, James E. 2020. 2019-20 Cool Season Trials Yields Top Picks for off season color. Colorado Green Sept/Oct. 2020 36(5) 42-43.
- Klett, James E. 2020. Landscape pros: Why aren’t you using these recommended trees? Colorado Green July/August 2020 36(4) 42-43.
- Klett, James E. 2020. More deciduous trees that may work in Colorado. Colorado Green May/June 36(3) 46-47.
- Klett, James E. 2020. 2019 Top Performing perennials. Colorado Green Mar/April 36 (2) 42-43
- Klett, James E. and Emma Smith 2020. More tough perennials for Colorado Gardens. Colorado Green. Jan/Feb 36 (1) 44-45
- Klett, James E. and Sean Markovic 2019. Industry pros rate top picks at CSU Annual; Flower Trials. Colorado Green Nov/Dec. 35 (6) 42-43.
- Klett, James E. and Laauryn Schriner 2019. Tough and proven perennials for Colorado. Colorado Green Sept/Oct. 35 (5) 50-51.
- Love, SL, Akins, CJ. Fourth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C. Deno: species with names beginning with letters C through E. 2020. Native Plants Journal 21(1):83-111.
- Love, SL, Akins, CJ. Fifth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C. Deno: species with names beginning with letters R through Z. 2020. Native Plants Journal 21(2):150-187.
- Love SL and Stevens M. 2020. Penstemon jonesii. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 79:2-8.
- Markovic, Sean J., Shana G. Brown and James E. Klett 2020. Effects of Growth Substrate and Container Size on Cutting Production from Mojave Sage Stock Plants. Hort Technology 30 (4) 528-531.
- Markovic, Sean J. and James E. Klett 2020. Influencing stock production of Mojave sage and cape daisy with the application of plant growth regulators. Hort Technology (Accepted for publication.
- Native Plants for the Intermountain West, http://www.wyoextension.org/westernnativeplants/. Accessed 12 October 2020.
- Paudel, A., J. Chen, and Y. Sun, 2020. Determining the salt tolerance of two penstemons using a near-continuous gradient dosing system. HortScience 55(9): S339-340.
- Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2020. Asexual propagation of ceanothus velutinus. HortScience 55(9): S34.
- Paudel, A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, J. Carman, and S.L. Love. 2020. Overcoming seed dormancy in Ceanothus velutinus and Cercocarpus montanus. HortScience 55(9): S132-133.
- Paudel, A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, J. Carman, and S. Love. 2020. Overcoming seed dormancy in two rocky mountain native shrubs: Ceanothus velutinus and Cercocarpus montanus. Native Plants Journal 21(3):359-364.
- Paudel, A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, and R. Anderson. 2020. Cercocarpus montanus ‘Coy’: a new Sego Supreme™ plant. HortScience 55(11):1871-1875. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI15343-20
- Stevens M, Love SL, McCammon T. 2020. The Heart of Penstemon Country: A natural history of penstemons in the Utah region. Farcountry Press, Helena, MT.
Chen, J.-J., J. Norton, H. Kratsch, Y. Sun, and L. Rupp. 2021. Nodulation of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’ and the diversity of symbiotic Frankia strains. HortScience 56(7):762-768.
Chen, J., S. Zhen, and Y. Sun. 2021. Estimating leaf chlorophyll content of buffaloberry using normalized difference vegetation index sensors. HortTechnology 31:297-303.
Chen, J., H. Kratsch, J. Norton, Y. Sun, and L. Rupp. 2020. Growth and nodulation of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’ topdressed with controlled-release fertilizer. HortScience 55:1956-1962.
Chen, J. and Y. Sun. 2021. Buffaloberry changes its leaf morphology and reflectivity under water stress. HortScience 56(9): S214.
Chen, J., H. Kratsch, J. Norton, and Y. Sun. 2020. Nodulation of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’ topdressed with controlled-release fertilizer. HortScience 55(9): S187-188.
Chen, J., S. Zhen, and Y. Sun. 2020. Using NDVI sensors to determine the chlorophyll content of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’. HortScience 55(9): S340.
Chen, J.J., H. Xing, A. Paudel, Y. Sun, and G. Niu. 2020. Gas exchange and mineral nutrition of twelve viburnum taxa irrigated with saline water. HortScience 55(8): 1242-1250. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14941-20
Graves, W.R. and A. Gimondo. 2021. Phenology of annual dormancy release and its association with fruit set of Dirca occidentalis (Thymelaeaceae). Madroño 68: in press.
Klett, James E. 2021 Plant Select® promotes new plants for 2021. Colorado Green Jan/Feb Vol. 36 No. 1 40-41.
Klett, James E. 2021 2020 Top Performing Perennials. Colorado Green March/April Vol. 37 No. 2 42-43.
Klett, James E. 2021 Another reminder: Use these fastigiate trees in Colorado Landscape Colorado Geen May/June Vol. 7 No. 3 42-43.
Klett, James, E. 2021 Plant Select® recommends these plants for 2022, Colorado Green July/August Vol.37 No.4 42-43.
Klett, James E. and Lauryn Schriner 2021 Cool Season Trails yield some top picks for off-season color. Colorado Green Sept/Oct Vol. 47 No. 5 42-43.
Klett, James E. 2021 Ten Top annuals from CSU Annual Flower Trials. Colorado Green Nov/Dec Vol. 37 No. 6 42-43.
Klett, James E. 2021 Consumer Picks from 2021 Annual Flower Trials. CNGA Looseleaf October 2021.
Klett, James E. 2021 Woody Plant Trials on Western Slope of Colorado. CNGA Looseleaf Sept 2021.
Klett, James E. 2021 Boxwood Hardiness Trials. CNGA Looseleaf August 2021.
Klett, James E. 2021 Update on Heritage Arboretum at Colorado State University. CNGA Looseleaf June 2021.
Klett, James E. 2021 Deciduous trees for Winter Interest. CNGA .Looseleaf April 2021.
Klett, James E. 2021 Winter Interest with Plant Select plants in the Winter Garden. CNGA Looseleaf Feb 2021.
Li, L., P. Yu, Q. Li, and M. Gu. 2022. Gibberellic acid and cold stratification improve Sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum) germination under different collection times. Scientia Horticulturae 291 110606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110606.
Li, Q., P. Yu, J. Lai, and M. Gu. 2021. Micropropagation of the potential blueberry rootstock—Vaccinium arboreum through axillary shoot proliferation. Scientia Horticulturae 280: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.109908
Li, Q. and M. Gu. 2020. Vegetative propagation of Elliott’s blueberry (Vaccinium elliottii) by hardwood cuttings. Native Plants Journal 21(2):132–137.
Love, SL, Akins, CJ. Fourth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C. Deno: species with names beginning with letters C through E. 2020. Native Plants Journal 21(1):83-111.
Love, SL, Akins, CJ. Fifth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C. Deno: species with names beginning with letters R through Z. 2020. Native Plants Journal 21(2):150-187.
Love SL and Stevens M. 2020. Penstemon jonesii. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 79:2-8.
Markovic, Sean J. and James E. Klett 2021 Plant Growth Regulator Impacts on Vegetative cutting Production of Moroccan Pincushion (Pterocephalus depressus) plants, J. Environ Hort, 39(2) 62-67 June 2021
Niu, G., Y. Sun, T. Hooks, J. Altland, H. Dou and C. Perez. 2020. Salt tolerance of hydrangea plants varied among species and cultivar within a species. Horticulturae, 6, 54; doi:10.3390/horticulturae6030054
Paudel A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, and R. Anderson. 2020. Cercocarpus montanus ‘Coy’: a new Sego Supreme™ plant. HortScience 55(11): 1871-1875.
Paudel, A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, J. Carman, and S. Love. 2020. Overcoming seed dormancy in two rocky mountain native shrubs: Ceanothus velutinus and Cercocarpus montanus. Native Plants Journal 21(3):353-358. http://npj.uwpress.org/content/21/3/353.
Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2021. Determining the salt tolerance of two penstemon species using a near-continuous gradient dosing system. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 80:58-65.
Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2021. Propagation of single-leaf pinyon pine for pine nut production. HortScience 56(9): S159-160.
Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2020. Asexual propagation of Ceanothus velutinus. HortScience 55(9): S34.
Paudel, A., J. Chen, and Y. Sun, 2020. Determining the salt tolerance of two penstemons using a near-continuous gradient dosing system. HortScience 55(9): S339-340.
Paudel, A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, J. Carman, and S.L. Love. 2020. Overcoming seed dormancy in Ceanothus velutinus and Cercocarpus montanus. HortScience 55(9): S132-133.
Rupp, L., X. Dai, M. Richards, P. Harris, and R. Anderson, 2021. Vegetative propagation of bigtooth maple by layering. Native Plants Journal 22(2):124-132.
Stevens M, Love SL, McCammon T. 2020. The Heart of Penstemon Country: A natural history of penstemons in the Utah region. Farcountry Press, Helena, MT.
Sun, Y., A. Paudel, L.A. Rupp, J.G. Carman, and S.L. Love. 2021. Developing Ceanothus velutinus for nursery production and landscape use. HortScience 56(9): S237-238.
Wu, B., R. Xie, G.W. Knox, H. Qin and M. Gu. 2021. Evaluating beautyberry and fig species as potential hosts of invasive crapemyrtle bark scale (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae) in the U.S. HortTechnology (in press).
Xie, R., B. Wu, M. Gu, S. Jones, J. Robbins, A. Szalanski, and H. Qin. 2021. Identification of New Crapemyrtle Bark Scale (Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae) Hosts (Spiraea and Callicarpa) through DNA Barcoding. HortScience (in press).
Xing, H., J.J. Chen, Y. Sun, A. Paudel, and G. Niu. 2020. Growth, visual quality, and morphological responses of twelve viburnum taxa to saline water irrigation. HortScience 55(8): 1233-1241. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14940-20
- Chen, J., Y. Sun, K. Kopp, L. Oki, S.B. Jones, and L. Hipps. 2022. Effects of water availability on leaf trichome density and plant growth and development of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’. Frontiers in Plant Science. 13: 1-14.
- Paudel, A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, J.G. Carman, and S.L. Love. 2022. Vegetative propagation of Ceanothus velutinus using stem cuttings. Native Plant Journal 23(1): 123-129.
- Lawson, K.C., L.A. Rupp, Y. Sun, and R. Newhall. 2021. Propagation of pinyon pine: Topworking Pinus monophylla to Pinus edulis Native Plants Journal 22(3): 280-292.
- Lawson, K.C., L.A. Rupp, Y. Sun, R. Newhall, and C. Reid. 2021. Propagating selected Pinus monophylla accessions by grafting to Pinus edulis seedling rootstocks. Native Plants Journal 22(3): 293-305.
- Paudel A, Sun Y, Rupp LA, Carman JC, Love SL. 2020. Vegetative propagation of Ceanothus velutinus using stem cuttings. Native Plants Journal 23(1):123-129.
- Tilley D, Hulet A, Bushman S, Goebel C, Karl J, Love S, Wolf M. 2022. When a weed is not a weed: succession management using early seral natives for Intermountain rangeland restoration. Rangelands 44(4):270-280.
- Love SL, Wolfe A. 2022. Penstemon spotlight – Penstemon debilis. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 80:2-9.
- Love SL, Pierce B, Pierce K. 2022. Summary of penstemon species grown and evaluated in Aberdeen, Idaho. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 80:42-69.
- Love SL. 2022. Photos of special plants and places. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society. 80:70-83.
- Huff S, Love SL, Akers S. 2022. Wondering about wildflowers: A wildflower guide for the Central and Northern Rocky Mountains, Second Edition. Self-published by Sharon Huff, Phoenix, AZ.
- Love SL. 2022. Purple avens in the landscape. Published in the WERA-1013 Working Group website.
- Love SL. 2022. Mountain maple in the landscape. Published in the WERA-1013 Working Group website.
- Sun, Y. 2022. Sustainable landscape horticulture program. HortScience 57(9): S175-176.
- Chen, J., Y. Sun, and K. Kopp. 2022. Detecting drought stress of penstemons using infrared thermal imaging. HortScience 57(9): S58.
- Chen, J., J. Mathews, A. Paudel, and Y. Sun. 2022. Field trials of 26 ornamental grass and grass-like plants. HortScience 57(9): S129.
- Paudel, A., M. Sanders, and Y. Sun. 2022. Nodulation of Ceanothus velutinus. HortScience 57(9): S5.
- Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2022. Responses of Utah native plants to saline water irrigation. HortScience 57(9): S200.
- Mathews, J., Y. Sun, P. Harris, K. Kopp, D. McAvoy, S. Price, and R. St. Hilaire. 2022. Determining sap yield, sugar content, and mineral compositions of boxelder and Norway maples. HortScience 57(9): S4.
- Paudel A., Y. Sun, P. Harris, R. Wytsalucy, J.R. Stewart. 2021. Exploration of whether scionwood of single-leaf pinyon pine (Pinus monophylla), a promising nut-tree crop native to the Great Basin, USA, can be successfully grafted in the summer and fall. XV World Forestry Congress, Coex, Seoul, Republic of Korea, 2-6 May 2022.
- Paudel A. and Y. Sun. 2021. Pinyon pine grafting: new approach for pine nut production, International Plant Propagator’s Society (IPPS) Western Region Annual Meeting, Zoom, 21 September 2021.
- Chen, J. and Sun, Y. 2022. An evaluation of homeowner preference to native landscape plants under deficit irrigation. Presentation at WERA-1013: Intermountain Regional Evaluation and Introduction of Native Plants Annual Meeting. Virtual. 28 October 2022.
- Chen, J. and Sun, Y. 2022. USU Climate Ready Landscape Plants Trial. Utah State University’s Center for Water-Efficient Landscaping (CWEL) Virtual Field Day, CWEL, Logan, UT. 13 September 2022. 62 participants.
- Chen, J., J. Mathews, A. Paudel, and Y. Sun. 2022. Field trials of 26 ornamental grass and grass-like plants. ASHS Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 2 August 2022.
- Chen, J., Y. Sun, and K. Kopp. 2022. Detecting drought stress of penstemons using infrared thermal imaging. ASHS Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 31 July 2022.
- Chen, J. 2022. Using thermal imaging to detect plant water status. American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS) Annual Conference, Chicago, IL. 31 July 2022.
- Kopp, K., Y. Sun, and L. Rupp. 2022. Water efficiency research for the landscape. Utah Water Conservation Forum Spring Conference, Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District/Conservation Garden Park, West Jordan, UT, 24 May 2022. ~ 100 participants.
- Li, L., P. Yu, Q. Li, and M. Gu. 2022. Gibberellic acid and cold stratification improve Sparkleberry (Vaccinium arboreum) germination under different collection Scientia Horticulturae 291 110606. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.110606.
- Mathews, J., Y. Sun, P. Harris, K. Kopp, D. McAvoy, S. Price, and R. St. Hilaire. Determining sap yield, sugar content, and mineral compositions of boxelder and Norway maples. ASHS Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 31 July 2022.
- Mathews, J., Y. Sun, P. Harris, K. Kopp, D. McAvoy, and S. Price 2022. Determining sap yield, sugar content, and mineral compositions of boxelder and Norway maples. Utah State University’s Center for Water-Efficient Landscaping (CWEL) Virtual Field Day, CWEL, Logan, UT. 13 September 2022. 62 participants
- Mathews, J. Determining sap yield, sugar content, and mineral compositions of boxelder and Norway maples, Departmental Seminar. Department of Plants, Soils, and Climate, Utah State University, Logan, UT. 19 September 2022.
- Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2022. Responses of Utah native plants to saline water irrigation. ASHS Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 3 August 2022.
- Paudel, A., M. Sanders, and Y. Sun. 2022. Nodulation of Ceanothus velutinus. ASHS Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, 31 July 2022.
- Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2022. Response of Utah native plants to saline water irrigation. USU Student Research Symposium, Utah State University, Logan, UT, 15 April 2022.
- Sun, Y. 2022. Sustainable landscape horticulture program, Annual Conference of American Society for Horticultural Science (ASHS), Chicago, IL, 2 August 2022
- Sun, Y. 2022. Alternative plants for fruit and nut production on marginal lands. Guest Lecture for HORT 3213: Fruit and Nut Production (Dr. Lu Zhang), Department of Horticulture & Landscape Architecture, Oklahoma State University, Zoom, 28 March 2022.
- Sun, Y., R. Wytsalucy, and B. Scow. 2022. Establishing pinyon pine orchards for nut production on marginal lands. 2022 Extension Annual Conference, Thanksgiving Point, Lehi, UT, 3 March 2022.
- Chen, -J., J. Norton, H. Kratsch, Y. Sun, and L. Rupp. 2021. Nodulation of Shepherdia×utahensis ‘Torrey’ and the diversity of symbiotic Frankia strains. HortScience 56(7):762-768.
- Chen, , S. Zhen, and Y. Sun. 2021. Estimating leaf chlorophyll content of buffaloberry using normalized difference vegetation index sensors. HortTechnology 31:297-303.
- Chen, and Y. Sun. 2021. Buffaloberry changes its leaf morphology and reflectivity under water stress. HortScience 56(9): S214.
- Graves, R. and A. Gimondo. 2021. Phenology of annual dormancy release and its association with fruit set of Dirca occidentalis (Thymelaeaceae). Madroño 68: in press.
- Klett, James 2021 Plant Select® promotes new plants for 2021. Colorado Green Jan/Feb Vol. 36 No. 1 40-41.
- Klett, James 2021 2020 Top Performing Perennials. Colorado Green March/April Vol. 37 No. 2 42-43.
- Klett, James 2021 Another reminder: Use these fastigiate trees in Colorado Landscape Colorado Geen May/June Vol. 7 No. 3 42-43.
- Klett, James, 2021 Plant Select® recommends these plants for 2022, Colorado Green July/August Vol.37 No.4 42-43.
- Klett, James and Lauryn Schriner 2021 Cool Season Trails yield some top picks for off-season color. Colorado Green Sept/Oct Vol. 47 No. 5 42-43.
- Klett, James 2021 Ten Top annuals from CSU Annual Flower Trials. Colorado Green Nov/Dec Vol. 37 No. 6 42-43.
- Klett, James 2021 Consumer Picks from 2021 Annual Flower Trials. CNGA Looseleaf October 2021.
- Klett, James 2021 Woody Plant Trials on Western Slope of Colorado. CNGA Looseleaf Sept 2021.
- Klett, James 2021 Boxwood Hardiness Trials. CNGA Looseleaf August 2021.
- Klett, James 2021 Update on Heritage Arboretum at Colorado State University. CNGA Looseleaf June 2021.
- Klett, James 2021 Deciduous trees for Winter Interest. CNGA .Looseleaf April 2021.
- Klett, James 2021 Winter Interest with Plant Select plants in the Winter Garden. CNGA Looseleaf Feb 2021.
- Li, , P. Yu, J. Lai, and M. Gu. 2021. Micropropagation of the potential blueberry rootstock— Vaccinium arboreum through axillary shoot proliferation. Scientia Horticulturae 280: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2021.109908
- Markovic, Sean J. and James E. Klett. 2021 Plant Growth Regulator Impacts on Vegetative cutting Production of Moroccan Pincushion (Pterocephalus depressus) plants, Environ Hort, 39(2) 62-67 June 2021
- Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2021. Determining the salt tolerance of two penstemon species using a near-continuous gradient dosing Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 80:58-65.
- Paudel, and Y. Sun. 2021. Propagation of single-leaf pinyon pine for pine nut production. HortScience 56(9): S159-160.
- Rupp, , X. Dai, M. Richards, P. Harris, and R. Anderson, 2021. Vegetative propagation of bigtooth maple by layering. Native Plants Journal 22(2):124-132.
- Sun, , A. Paudel, L.A. Rupp, J.G. Carman, and S.L. Love. 2021. Developing Ceanothus velutinus for nursery production and landscape use. HortScience 56(9): S237-238.
- Wu, , R. Xie, G.W. Knox, H. Qin and M. Gu. 2021. Evaluating beautyberry and fig species as potential hosts of invasive crapemyrtle bark scale (Hemiptera: Eriococcidae) in the U.S. HortTechnology (in press).
- Xie, , B. Wu, M. Gu, S. Jones, J. Robbins, A. Szalanski, and H. Qin. 2021. Identification of New Crapemyrtle Bark Scale (Acanthococcus lagerstroemiae) Hosts (Spiraea and Callicarpa) through DNA Barcoding. HortScience (in press).
- Chen, J., H. Kratsch, J. Norton, Y. Sun, and L. Rupp. 2020. Growth and nodulation of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’ topdressed with controlled-release fertilizer. HortScience 55:1956-1962.
- Chen, J., H. Kratsch, J. Norton, and Y. Sun. 2020. Nodulation of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’ topdressed with controlled-release fertilizer. HortScience 55(9): S187-188.
- Chen, J., S. Zhen, and Y. Sun. 2020. Using NDVI sensors to determine the chlorophyll content of Shepherdia ×utahensis ‘Torrey’. HortScience 55(9): S340.
- Chen, J.J., H. Xing, A. Paudel, Y. Sun, and G. Niu. 2020. Gas exchange and mineral nutrition of twelve viburnum taxa irrigated with saline water. HortScience 55(8): 1242-1250. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14941-20
- Li, Q. and M. Gu. 2020. Vegetative propagation of Elliott’s blueberry (Vaccinium elliottii) by hardwood cuttings. Native Plants Journal 21(2):132–137.
- Love, SL, Akins, CJ. Fourth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C. Deno: species with names beginning with letters C through E. 2020. Native Plants Journal 21(1):83-111.
- Love, SL, Akins, CJ. Fifth summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C. Deno: species with names beginning with letters R through Z. 2020. Native Plants Journal 21(2):150- 187.
- Love SL and Stevens M. 2020. Penstemon jonesii. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 79:2-8.
- Niu, G., Y. Sun, T. Hooks, J. Altland, H. Dou and C. Perez. 2020. Salt tolerance of hydrangea plants varied among species and cultivar within a species. Horticulturae, 6, 54; doi:10.3390/horticulturae6030054
- Paudel A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, and R. Anderson. 2020. Cercocarpus montanus ‘Coy’: a new Sego Supreme™ plant. HortScience 55(11): 1871-1875.
- Paudel, A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, J. Carman, and S. Love. 2020. Overcoming seed dormancy in two rocky mountain native shrubs: Ceanothus velutinus and Cercocarpus montanus. Native Plants Journal 21(3):353-358. http://npj.uwpress.org/content/21/3/353.
- Paudel, A. and Y. Sun. 2020. Asexual propagation of Ceanothus velutinus. HortScience 55(9): S34.
- Paudel, A., J. Chen, and Y. Sun, 2020. Determining the salt tolerance of two penstemons using a near-continuous gradient dosing system. HortScience 55(9): S339-340.
- Paudel, A., Y. Sun, L.A. Rupp, J. Carman, and S.L. Love. 2020. Overcoming seed dormancy in Ceanothus velutinus and Cercocarpus montanus. HortScience 55(9): S132-133.
- Stevens M, Love SL, McCammon T. 2020. The Heart of Penstemon Country: A natural history of penstemons in the Utah region. Farcountry Press, Helena, MT.
- Xing, H., J.J. Chen, Y. Sun, A. Paudel, and G. Niu. 2020. Growth, visual quality, and morphological responses of twelve viburnum taxa to saline water irrigation. HortScience 55(8): 1233-1241. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI14940-20
- Klett, James E. and David McKinney. 2019 CSU Research Update. Dianthus Trials at Colorado State University, CNGA Looseleaf 2019 Research Update. 36(6)20.
- Klett, James E. CSU Research Update. Top Perennials from our Three-Year Perennial Trial, CNGA Looseleaf 37(1)20.
- Klett, James E. 2019 CSU Research Update, Plant Select® 2020 Introductions CNGA Looseleaf 7(3)20-21.
- Klett, James E. 2019 CSU Research Updates, Top Picks of Off-Season Color. CNGA Looseleaf 37(4)22.
- Klett, James E. 2019 CSU Research Update, Consumer Favorites from 2019 Annual Trial Gardens. CNGA Looseleaf 37(5)20-21.
- Klett, James E. and David McKinney, CSU Research Update. Shade Solution: Colorful
Helleborus adopts well in Colorado. 35(1)56-57.
- Klett, James E. 2019. CSU’s Top Five Perennials are showy and taught. Colorado Green
- Klett, James E. 2019. Try These Underutilized Woody Plants, Colorado Green 35(3)57-59.
- Klett, James E. 2019. Use These Columnar Trees and Shrubs in Small Spaces, Colorado Green
- Lauryn Shriner and James E. Keltt, 2019. Tough and Proven Perennials for Colorado. Colorado Green, 35(5)50-51.
- James E. Klett and Sean Markovic 2019. Top Annuals from Professional Evaluation Day at Colorado State University Annual Flower Trials. Colorado Green 35(6)42-43.
- Love, SL, Akins, CJ. Second summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C. Deno: species with names beginning with letters C through E. 2019. Native Plants Journal 20(1):65-98.
- Love, SL, Akins, CJ. Third summary of the native seed germination studies of Norman C. Deno: species with names beginning with letters F through K. 2019. Native Plants Journal 20(2):123-145.
- Love SL. 2019. Penstemon nanus. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 78:2-7. Native Plants for the Intermountain West, http://www.wyoextension.org/westernnativeplants/ Accessed 18 October 2019.
- Paudel, A., J. Chen, Y. Sun, Y. Wang, and R. Anderson. 2019. Salt tolerance of Sego Supreme plants. HortScience 54(11): 2056-2062.
- Paudel, A., S. Guo, J. Chen, Y. Wang, Y. Sun, L. Rupp, and R. Anderson. 2019. Salt tolerance of Sego SupremeTM plants. HortScience 54(9): S283.
- Paudel, A., N. Snow, Y. Sun, L. Rupp, and J. Carman. 2019. Micropropagation of Cercocarpus montanus: Stage II. HortScience 54(9): S198.
- Alosaimi AA, Tripepi RR, Love SL. 2018. Micropropagation of Epilobium canum garrettii (Firechalice) by axillary shoot culture. Hortscience 53(1):62-66.
- Cho, KC, DU Jeong, YJ Byeon, M. Gu, TH Han, GC Koh, IT Hwang, GY Ki, HK Kim, BS Kim, SK Jung and HS Choi. 2018. Growth and flowering cut chrysanthemum as affected by source and time of light-emitting diodes. Philipp Ag. Sci. 101:28-35.
- Erfan, V, M. Merchant, X. Cai* and M. Gu. 2018. Phenology and natural enemies of a new scale pest, Acanthococcus (=Eriococcus) Lagerstroemiae Kuwana (Sternorrhynca: Ericoccidae) of crapemyrtles in Texas. Journal of Environmental Horticulture (In revision).
- Greyvenstein, O., B. Pemberton, G. Niu, T. Starman and D. Byrne. 2018. Heat tolerance in garden roses. Acta Horticulturae (Accepted).
- Gu. 2018. Grant final report: Integrated Pest Management Strategies for Crape Myrtle Bark Scale, A New Exotic Pest. USDA NIFA.
- Gu. 2018. Manage crape myrtle bark scale, an exotic pest (Renewed). Horticulture Research Institute.
- Gu, M.. 2018. Effect of biochar and vermicompost on seed germination and seedling growth. TNLA GREEN Nov/Dec:22-23.
- Gu, M.. 2018. Plants with Potentials: Yangmei. TNLA GREEN Sep/Oct:33-35.
- Gu, M.. 2018. My 2 cents on crapemurder. TNLA GREEN July/Aug:25-26.
- Gu, M.. 2018. Update on crapemyrtle bark scale. TNLA GREEN Mar/April:23-24.
- Gu, M. 2018 Alternative hosts of crapemyrtle bark scale. 5/18. Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service EHT-103.
- Guo, Y., G. Niu, T. Starman, and M. Gu. 2018. Growth and development of Easter lily in response to container substrate with biochar. The Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology. https://doi.org/10.1080/14620316.2018.1444514.
- Guo, Y., G. Niu, T. Starman, A. Volder and M. Gu. 2018. Poinsettia growth and development response to container root substrate with biochar. Horticulturae 4, 1; doi:10.3390/horticulturae4010001.
- Klett, James E. 2018 CSU Research Update. Superior Herbaceous Perennials from Colorado State University. CNGA Looseleaf 36(1) 20-21.
- Klett, James E. 2018 CSU Research Update. Superior Woody Plants to Consider for 2018. CNGA Looseleaf 36(2) 18-19.
- Klett, James E. and Ronda Koski. 2018 CSU Research Update. Pre-Emergent Herbicides for Container-Grown Ornamentals CNGA Looseleaf 36(3) 20-21.
- Klett, James E. 2018. Plant Select® Introductions and Top Performers from the past. CNGA Looseleaf 36(4) 20-21.
- Klett, James E. 2018. Top Performers from Professional and Consumer Day at CSU Annual Flower Trials CNGA Looseleaf 36(5) 20-21.
- Klett, James E. 2018. CSU Research on trending plants. Colorado Green 34(1) 44-45.
- Klett, James E. 2018. Top Performers for Colorado from CSU Perennial Trials. Colorado Green 34(2) 42-43.
- Klett, James E. 2018. Top Performers from CSU offer more plant diversity. Colorado Green. 34(4) 42-43.
- Klett, James E. 2018. Top 10 picks for offseason color. Colorado Green 34(4) 41-43.
- Klett, James E. 2018. Best Viburnums for Colorado. Colorado Green 34(5) 42-43.
- Klett, James E. 2018. Industry pros and gardeners vote top picks at CSU Annual Flower Trials. Colorado Green 34(6) 41-43.
- Lawson, K.C. and L.A. Rupp. 2018. A preliminary study on the selection and establishment of pinyon pine clones for improved nut production. Annual report to the Utah Department of Agriculture and Food Specialty Crop Block Grant program.
- Lawson, K.C., L.A. Rupp. and R. Newhall. 2018. Topworking mature two-needle pinyon (Pinus edulis) with singleleaf pinyon (Pinus monophylla). Poster presentation at the International Plant Propagator Society Western Region annual conference. Kona, Hawaii.
- Lawson, K.C., L.A. Rupp. and R. Newhall. 2018. Selecting and grafting wild Pinus monophylla on containerized Pinus edulis rootstocks. Poster presentation at the International Plant Propagator Society Western Region annual conference. Kona, Hawaii.
- Love SL. 2018. Penstemon degeneri. Bulletin of the American Penstemon Society 77:2-7.