NC_old2172: Behavioral economics and the intersection of healthcare and financial decision making across the lifespan
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Mandal, Bidisha, and Michael P. Brady. "The Roles of Gender and Marital Status on Risky Asset Allocation Decisions." Journal of Consumer Affairs. In press. https://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12261
O’Neill, B., Xu, Y., Johnson, C., Kiss, D.E., & Buyske, S. (2019). “As Soon As…” Finances: A Study of Financial Decision-Making. Journal of Personal Finance, 18(1), 37-53.
Johnson, C.L., Hanson, B., Evans, D., Kim, J., Long, A., & Fife, J. (2019). How Americans define affordable housing. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 47(4).
Bartholomae, S., Kiss, D. E., Jurgenson, J. B., O’Neill, B., Worthy, S. L., & Kim, J. (2019). Framing the human capital investment decision: Examining gender bias in student loan borrowing. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 40(1), 132-145.
Mountain, T. P., Kim, N., Gutter, M. S., Kiss, E., Cho, S. H., & Johnson, C. (2019). An exploration of gender bias, framing, and student loan decisions through an experimental design. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10834-019-09640-4
DeVaney, S. A., Wilmarth, M. J., Lee, Y-A., Delgadillo, L., & Spangler, A. (2019). Helping Graduate Students Develop a Research Path. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 47(4), June, 384-394.
Cho, S. H., Kim, K. T., & DeVaney, S. A. (2019). Racial and Ethnic Differences in Holding a Retirement Saving Motive: A Decomposition Analysis. Consumer Interests Annual.
Book Review: Successful Academic Writing: A Complete Guide for Social and Behavioral Scientists. By A. A. Singh and L. Lukkarila. Reviewed by Sharon A. DeVaney. (2018). Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 46(3), March. 317-319.
Book Review: Treating People Well: The Extraordinary Power of Civility at Work and in Life. By L. Berman and J. Barnard. Reviewed by Sharon A. DeVaney. (2018). Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 47(1), September, 105-106.
Book Review: 100 Years Enriching Lives. Family and Consumer Sciences at University of Georgia. By S. Shannon-Paximadas. (2018). Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 47(2), December, 191-194.
Crawford, C., & Lawrence, F. (2019). Exceeding expectations: The synergy of personal finance and positive psychology to boost well-being in retirement planning. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education.
Crawford, C., Lawrence, F. & Herring, D. (2018). Retirement planning: Boosting wellbeing by combining financial and positive psychology research and best practices. Consumer Interests Annual, 64.
Rabbani, A., O’Neill, B, Lawrence, F.,& Grable, J. (2018). The investment risk tolerance assessment: A resource for extension educators. Journal of Extension, 56(7), https://joe.org/joe/2018december/pdf/JOE_v56_7tt4.pdf.
Journal Articles
DeVaney, S. A., Borr, M., Lee, Y-A., Spangler, A., Wilmarth, M. J., & Anong, S. (2020).
Helping Professors Grow as They Teach and Advise Graduate Students. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 48(4), June, pp. 359-368.
DeVaney, S. A. (2019). Selection of Best Papers, the Outstanding Paper, and the Emerging
Scholar for 2019. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 48(2), pp. 294-295.
Kiss, D. E., Bartholomae, S., Johnson, C. L., O’Neill, B., Xu, Y., & Gutter, M. (2019).
Conceptualizing health and financial wellness: Using facilitated discussion to collect input from professionals. The Forum for Family and Consumer Issues, 22(1).
Heo, W., Cho, S., & Lee, P. (2020). APR financial stress scale: Development and validation of a
multidimensional measurement. Journal of Financial Therapy, forthcoming.
Heo, W., Lee, J. M., Park, N., & Grable, J. E. (2020). Using artificial neural network techniques
to improve the description and prediction of household financial ratios. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Finance, forthcoming. Doi: 10.1016/j.jbef.2020.100273.
Sabri, M. F., Gudmunson, C. G., & Griesdorn, T. S. (2020). Influence of parent-child financial
socialization on academic success in college. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, forthcoming.
Xiao, J. J. & Porto, N. (2019). Present bias and financial behavior. Financial Planning Review,
22(2), e1048.
Xu, Y., Foreclosed American dream? Parental foreclosure and young adult children’s
homeownership. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, forthcoming.
Conference Proceedings
Lee, J. M., Kim, K. T., & DeVaney, S. A. (2020). How Does Financial Education Moderate the
Association between Financial Anxiety and Financial Satisfaction? Consumer Interests Annual, online.
Book Reviews
DeVaney, S. A. (2019). Teaching Qualitative Research: Strategies for Engaging Emerging
Scholars. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 48(1), September, pp. 105-
DeVaney, S. A. (2020). The Dumb Things Smart People Do with Their Money: Thirteen Ways
to Right Your Financial Wrongs, Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 49(4), June, pp. 373-374.
Journal Articles
Choi, S., & Heo, W. (2021). Financial Constraints, External Locus of Control, and Emotional
Exhaustion. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, (pages are upcoming). doi: 10.1891/JFCP-20-00033
DeVaney, S. A. (2021). The Selection Process for Outstanding Papers and Emerging Scholars.
Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, March, 49(3), 289-290.
Heo, W., Grable, J. E., & Rabbani, A. (2020). A test of the association between the initial
surge in COVID-19 cases and subsequent changes in financial risk tolerance. Review of Behavioral Finance, 13(1), 3-19. doi: 10.1108/RBF-06-2020-0121
Heo, W., Lee, J. M., & Park, N. (2020). Financial-related psychological factors affect life
satisfaction of farmers. Journal of Rural Studies, 80, 185-194. doi: 10.1016/j.jrurstud.2020.08.053
Heo, W., Lee, J. M., & Park, N. (2021). WTP for financial planning services: Who financial
planners serve? Estimating the needs of the broad population. Journal of Financial Consumers, 11 (1), 5-34. doi: 10.30592/KAFC_JFC.11.01.01
Heo, W., Rabbani, A. & Grable, J. E. (2021). An evaluation of the effect of the COVID-19
pandemic on the risk tolerance of financial decision makers. Finance Research Letters, 41, 101842. doi: 10.1016/j.frl.2020.101842
Kim, K. T., Cho, S. & DeVaney, S. (2021). Racial/ethnic differences in saving motives for
retirement: An analysis of decomposition. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 55(2), 464-482. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12338
Mandal, B. (2021), Rural–Urban Differences in Health Care Access and Utilization under the
Medicaid Expansion. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13111. First published (online): 20 October 2020
Porto, N., Cho, S.H. & Gutter, M. Student Loan Decision Making: Experience as an Anchor. J
Fam Econ Iss (2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s10834-021-09773-5
Worthy, S., Mountain, T., Chatterjee, S., Johnson, C., Kiss, E., O’Neill, B., Saboe-Wounded
Head, & Gutter, M. (2021). Differences in the determinants of retirement preparation between farm and non-farm households. Journal of Applied Farm Economics, 3(2), Article 5. DOI: 10.7771/2331-9151.1048
Xu, Y., & Yao, R. (2021). Financial Decision-Making Responsibility and Household Wealth
Accumulation Among Older Adults: A Comparative Advantage Perspective. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning.
Xu, Y., & Yilmazer, T. (2021). Childhood socioeconomic status, adulthood obesity and
health: The role of parental permanent and transitory income. Social Science & Medicine, 114178.
Book Reviews
DeVaney, S. A. (2020). Book review of A Hands-On Approach to Teaching about Aging: 32
Activities for the Classroom and Beyond. Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, December, 49(2), 204-205.
Bartholomae, S., Kiss, D.E., Collins, J.M., Johnson, C.L. and Janney, C.A. (2021), Rural Healthcare Providers’ Perceptions of Patient Financial Well-Being and Integrating Financial Capability Services. Family and Consumer Science Research Journal, 50: 27-41.
Heo, W., Rabbani, A.*, & Lee, J. M. (2021). Mediation between financial risk tolerance and equity ownership: assessing the role of financial knowledge underconfidence. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 26, 169-180. doi: 10.1057/s41264-021-00088-y
Porto, N., Cho, S. H., & M. S. Gutter. (2021). Student loan decision making: Experience as an anchor. Journal of Family Economic Issues, 42, 773-784. Doi: 10.1007/s10834-021-09773-5
Rabbani, A., Heo, W.*, & Grable, J. E. (2021). The role of financial literacy in describing the use of professional financial advisors before and during the COVID‑19 pandemic. Journal of Financial Services Marketing, 26, 226-236. doi: 10.1057/s41264-021-00109-w
Rabbani, A. G.*, Heo, W., & Lee, J. M. (2021). A latent profile analysis of college students’ financial knowledge: The role of financial education, financial well-being, and financial risk tolerance, Journal of Education for Business, 97(2), 112-118. doi: 10.1080/08832323.2021.1895046
Xu, Y., & Yao, R. (2022). Financial Decision-Making Responsibility and Household Wealth Accumulation Among Older Adults: A Comparative Advantage Perspective. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning.
Xu, Y., & Yilmazer, T. (2021). Childhood socioeconomic status, adulthood obesity and health: The role of parental permanent and transitory income. Social Science & Medicine, 283, 114178.
Chatterjee, S., & Kim, J. (2023). Health, financial behavior, and financial vulnerability during COVID-19. In J. J. Xiao and S. Kuman (Eds.), A Research Agenda for Consumer Financial Behavior. Elgaronline, https://www.elgaronline.com/edcollchap/book/9781803922652/book-part-9781803922652-30.xml
Griesdorn, T. S., DeVaney, S. A., Cho, S. H., & Chung, S. R. (2023). Optimism, financial trust, resilience, and life satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic. Consumer Interests Annual, 69, https://www.consumerinterests.org/assets/docs/CIA/CIA2023/GriesdornTimothyCIA2023.pdf
Mandal, B., Porto, N., Kiss, D. E., Cho, S. H. Saboe-Wounded Head, L. (2023). Health insurance coverage during the COVID-19 pandemic: The role of Medicaid expansion. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 57(1), 296-319.
Yao, R., Xu, Y., & Zhang, J. (2023). Financial resilience of two-worker households from a health perspective. Journal of Consumer Affairs, 57(3), 1258–1280. https://doi.org/10.1111/joca.12525