NC_old2040: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports





Combs, G. J., L. Cavani, F. S. Baier, M. J. Martin, S. J. Erb, M. J. VandeHaar, J. E. Koltes, K. A. Weigel, F. Peñagaricano, H. M. White. 2021. Evaluation of the use of intervaginal temperature monitors to assess postprandial body temperature changes. J. Dairy Sci. Accepted. (WI, MI)

Khanal, P., K. L. Parker Gaddis, P. M. VanRaden, K. A. Weigel, H. M. White, F. Peñagaricano, J. E. Koltes, J. E. P. Santos, R. L. Baldwin, J. F. Burchard, J. W. Dürr, M. J. VandeHaar, and R.J. Tempelman. 2021. Multiple trait random regression modelling of feed efficiency in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. Accepted. (WI, MI)

Lui, E., M. D. Hanigan, and M. J. VandeHaar. 2021. Importance of Considering Body Weight Change in response to dietary protein deficiency in lactating dairy cows.  J. Dairy Sci. 2021. (VA, MI)

Tucker, H. A., V. M. R. Malacco, M. D. Hanigan, S. S. Donkin. 2021. Postruminal protein supply upregulates hepatic lysine oxidation and ornithine transcarbamoylase in lactating dairy cattle.  Journal of Dairy Science. 104(4):4251-4259. (VA, IN)


Arndt, C., A. N. Hristov, W. J. Price, S. C. McClelland, A. M. Pelaez, S. F. Cueva, J. Oh, J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, A. R. Bayat, L. A. Crompton, M. A. Eugene, D. Enahoro, E. Kebreab, M. Kreuzer, M. McGeek, C. Martin, C. J. Newbold, C. K. Reynolds, A. Schwarmm, K. J. Shingfield, J. B. Venemann, D. R. Yanez-Ruiz, and Z. Yu. 2022. Full adoption of the most effective strategies to mitigate methane emissions by ruminants can help meet the 1.5°C target by 2030 but not 2050. PNAS 119:20 e2111294119. DOI: (CA, PA)

Bougouin, A, A. Hristov, J. Dijkstra, M. J. Aguerre, S. Ahvenjärvi, C. Arndt, A. Bannink, A. R. Bayat, C. Benchaar, T. Boland, W. E. Brown, L. A. Crompton, F. Dehareng, I. Dufrasne, M. Eugène, E. Froidmont, S. van Gastelen, P. C. Garnsworthy, A. Halmemies-Beauchet-Filleau, S. Herremans, P. Huhtanen, M. Johansen, A. Kidane, M. Kreuzer, B. Kuhla, F. Lessire, P. Lund, E. M. K. Minnée, C. Muñoz, M. Niu, P. Nozière, D. Pacheco, E. Prestløkken, C. K. Reynolds, A. Schwarm, J. W. Spek, M. Terranova, A. Vanhatalo, M. A. Wattiaux, M. R. Weisbjerg, D. R. Yáñez-Ruiz, Z. Yu, and E. Kebreab. 2022. Prediction of nitrogen excretion from data on dairy cows fed a wide range of diets compiled in an intercontinental database: A meta-analysis. J. Dairy Sci. 105:7462–7481. (CA, PA).

Congio, G. F.S., A. Bannink, O. L. Mayorga, J. P.P. Rodrigues, A. Bougouin, E. Kebreab, R. R. Silva, R. M. Maurício, S. C. da Silva, P. P.A. Oliveira, C. Muñoz, L. G.R. Pereira, C. Gómez, C. Ariza-Nieto, H. M.N. Ribeiro-Filho, O. A.Castelán-Ortega, J. R. Rosero-Noguera, M. Pazop, P. H.M. Rodrigues, M. I. Marcondes, L. Astigarraga, S. Abarca, and A. N. Hristov. 2022. Prediction of enteric methane production and yield in dairy cattle using a Latin America and Caribbean database. Science of the Total Environment 153982. (CA, PA)

Li, M. M., S. Ghimire, B. A. Wenner, R. A. Kohn, J. L. Firkins, B. Gill, and M. D. Hanigan. 2022. Effects of acetate, propionate, and pH on volatile fatty acid thermodynamics in continuous cultures of ruminal contents. J. Dairy Sci. 105:8879-8897. doi: 10.3168/jds.2022-22084. (VA, OH)

Khanal, P., K. L. Parker Gaddis, M. J. Vandehaar, K. A. Weigel, H. M. White, F. Penagaricano, J. E. Koltes, J. E. P. Santos, R. L. Baldwin, J. F. Burchard, J. W. Durr, and R. J. Tempelman. 2022. Multiple-trait random regression modeling of feed efficiency in US Holsteins.  J Dairy Sci 105(7):5954-5971. (MI, WI)

Martin, M.J., Pralle, R.S., Bernstein, I.R., VandeHaar, M.J., Weigel, K.A., Zhou, Z., and White, H.M. 2021. Metabolomic biomarkers indicate differences in high and low residual feed intake Holstein dairy cows. Metabolites. 2021 Dec 14;11(12):868. (MI, WI)

NASEM. 2021. Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle, Eighth Revised Edition. The National Academies Press, Washington, D.C. (VA, OH, WI, MI, CA)


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