OLD SCC81: Sustainable Small Ruminant Production in the Southeastern U.S.
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Journal Articles
- Bowdridge, S.A., J.J. Garza, E.A. Shepherd, B. Russ, A.M. Zajac, S.P. Greiner. 2017. Effect of sire breed on gain, carcass characteristics and parasite resistance of Katahdin crossbred feedlot-finished lambs: year 2. J. Anim. Sci. 95: Supp 1.
- Robinson, S. Solaiman, O. Bolden-Tiller, C. Elliott, R. Min, and W. McElhenney. 2017. Assessing Efficacy of Different Anthelmintics for Control of Parasites in Small Ruminants. PAWC. Abstract. Poster presentation.
- Garza, J.G., S. P. Greiner, S.A. Bowdridge. 2017. Ovine neutrophils bind and impair contortus third-stage larvae in a breed and infection status-dependent manner requiring vital NET formation. Parasit. Immunol. Submitted
- Godfrey, R.W., W.D. Preston, S.R. Joseph, L. LaPlace, P.E. Hillman, K.G. Gebremedhin, C.N. Lee, and R.J. Collier. 2017. Evaluating the impact of breed, pregnancy and hair coat on body temperature and sweating rate of hair sheep ewes in the tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 95:2936-2942. doi:10.2527/jas2016.1125
- Hamilton, T., T. Terrill, D.S. Kommuru, A. Rivers, J. Mosjidis, J. Miller, C. Drake, I. Mueller- Harvey, and J. Burke. 2017. Effect of supplemental sericea lespedeza pellets on internal parasite infection and nutritional status of grazing goats. J. Agric. Sci. Technol. A 7:335- 345.
- Hamilton, T.N., Terrill, T.H., Kommuru, D.S., Rivers, A., Mosjidis, J.A., Miller, J.E., Drake, C., Mueller-Harvey, I., Burke, J.M., 2017. Effect of supplemental sericea lespedeza pellets on internal parasite infection and nutritional status of grazing goats. J. Agric. Sci. Tech. 334-344.
- Min, B. R., N. Gurung, and F. Abrahamsen. 2017. Alternative Methods for Managing Gastrointestinal Parasites and Eimeria Spp. in Small Ruminants. Agril. Res. And Open Access J. Short Communication. 6(4): 1-2. DOI: 10.19080/ARTOAJ.2017.06.555695.
- Min, B.R., A. Shipp, J. Byrd, N. Gurung, and W.H. McElhenney, 2017. The effect of tannin-containing peanut skin supplementation as a natural anthelmintic supplement on drug-resistant Haemonchus contortus control and animal performance in meat goats. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 1). 78: 20.
- Muir, J.P., Terrill, T.H., Burke, J.M., Mosjidis, J.A., Luginbuhl, J.-M., Miller, J.E., Coleman, S.W., 2016. Harvest regimen changes sericea lespedeza condensed tannin, fiber, and protein concentrations. Grassland Sci. (In Press).
- Muir, J.P., Terrill, T.H., Mosjidis, J.A., Luginbuhl, J.-M., Miller, J.E., Burke, J.M. 2017. Season progression, ontogenesis and environment affect Lespedeza cuneata herbage condensed tannin, fiber and crude protein content. Crop Sci. 57, 515-524.
- Nartea, T., Wildeus, S., Lee, J., O’Brien, D.J. 2017. Breed and supplementation influence on consumer ratings of ground meat from pasture-raised lamb. J. Extension (in press)
- Ngere, L., Burke, J.M., Herring, A.D., Sanders, J.O., Craig, T.M., VanWyk, J., Riley, D.G., 2017. Utilization of year round data in the estimation of genetic parameters for internal parasite resistance traits in Dorper sheep. Sm. Rum. Res. 151, 5-10.
- Ngere, L., Burke, J.M., Morgan, J.L.M., Miller, J.E., Notter, D.R., 2017. Genetic parameters for fecal egg counts and their relationship with body weights in Katahdin lambs. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press; doi: 10.2527/jas2017.2000; Date posted: October 23, 2017).
- Ngere, L., Burke, J.M., Notter, D.R., Morgan, J.L.M., 2017. Variance components for direct and maternal effects on body weights of Katahdin lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 95, 3396–3405.
- Notter, D.R., Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., Morgan, J.L.M., 2017. Association between FAMACHA Scores and Fecal Egg Counts in Katahdin Lambs. J Anim Sci 95, 1118-1123.
- Notter, D.R., Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., Morgan, J.L.M., 2017. Factors affecting fecal egg counts in peri-parturient Katahdin ewes and their lambs. J Anim Sci 95, 103-112.
- Poudel, S., U. Karki, W. McElhenney, Y. Karki, A. Tillman, L. Karki, and A. Kumi. 2017. Challenges of stocking small ruminants in grazing plots with dormant browse species. Professional Agricultural Workers Journal (PAWJ), Vol. 5 (No. 1). Available online: http://tuspubs.tuskegee.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1100&context=pawj
- Shepherd, E.A., J.J. Garza, S.P Greiner, S.A. Bowdridge. 2017. Effects of ovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells on Haemonchus contortus larval death in vitro. Parasit. Immunol. 39:e12424
- Shipp, A., B. R. Min, N. Gurung, J. W. Hyung and W. McElhenney. 2017. The Effect of Tannin- Containing Peanut Skin Supplementation on Drug-resistant Haemonchus contortus Control in Meat Goat. Asian Journal of Advances in Agricultural Research 3(2): 1-9, 2017; Article no. AJAAR.36993. ISSN: 2456-8864
- Spangler, G.L., Rosen, B.D., Babatunde, I., Hanotte, O., Kim, E.-S., Sonstegard, T.S., Burke, J.M., Morgan, J.L.M., Notter, D.R., Van Tassell, C.P. Whole genome structural analysis of Caribbean hair sheep reveals quantitative link to West African ancestry. PLOS.
- Storey, B.E., L.H. Williamson, S.B. Howell, T.H. Terrill, R. Berghaus, A.N. Vidyashankar, and R.M. Kaplan. 2017. Validation of the FAMACHA© system in South American camelids. Vet. Parasitol. 243:85-91.
- Terrill, T.H., and J.A. Mosjidis. 2017. Smart man's sericea lespedeza and worm control: a review. J. Agric. Sci. Technol. A 7:143-150.
- Weaver, A.R., D.L. Wright, D.R. Notter, A.M. Zajac, S.A. Bowdridge, S.P.Greiner. 2017. Evaluation of pre-weaning and grazing performance of terminal sire breeds for hair sheep production systems. J. Anim. Sci. 95:supp 1.
Abstracts and Proceedings
- Shipp, B.R. Min, N. Gurung, and W. McElenney, 2017. The effect of condensed-tannin containing peanut skin supplementation on drug-resistant Haemonchus contortus in meat goats. 1890 ARD Research Symposium, Atlanta, GA. 213. Pp 121.
- Abrahamsen, F., Y. Zhao, N. Gurung, B. R. Min, and O. Bolden-Tiller. 2017. The effectiveness of the USDA/FAS sponsored Cochran Fellowship Program on High Quality Feed Ingredients Administered by Tuskegee University. Poster Presented at the 75the Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, December 3-5, 2017 at Tuskegee University Tuskegee, Alabama. 36088.
- Acharya, M., Beemer, T., Moss, G.E., Lake, S., Blackburn, H.D., 2017. The fertility achieved with nonsurgical AI and frozen-thawed ram sperm is influenced by the estrous synchronization protocol, semen cryopreservation diluent, and age and breed of the sheep. Biol. Reprod. (Abstr.).
- Acharya, M., Burke, J.M., Hansen, C., Rorie, R.W., 2017. Evaluation of semen extenders for short-term storage of ram semen at 4°C. Reprod. Fert. Devel. (Abstr.). 29, 118.
- Acharya, M., Burke, J.M., Rorie, R.W., 2017. Effect of ram semen extenders and supplements on computer assisted sperm analysis parameters. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (E-Suppl. 1), 51 (Abstr.).
- Acharya, R.S., Fitting, E., Burke, J., Joshi, N., 2017. Development of native pollinator habitat within livestock pasture. Entomol. Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg, Logan, UT, November 2017. Purdy, P.H., Spiller, S.F., McGuire, E., McGuire, K., Koepke, K. Stobart, R.H., Burke, J.M.,
- Bailey, M., Wildeus. S. 2017. Season and breed effects on pregnancy rate and litter size in landrace hair sheep ewes under accelerated mating. Proc. ARD 18th Biannual Research Symposium, p. 176
- Bhattrai, S., U. Karki, and S. Poudel. 2017. Diurnal behavior and distribution pattern of kiko wethers and katahdin rams in woodlands. The 75th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Dec. 3-5, Tuskegee Univ. Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center and Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel & Conference Center at Grand National. (Abstract and Poster presentation, GSD Graduate Student Competition).
- Burke, J.M., Notter, D.R., Miller, J.E., 2017. Sire’s estimated breeding value (EBV) for fecal egg count (FEC) influences BW, FEC, and anemia measures of offspring in Katahdin sheep. Ann Meeting Amer Soc Anim Sci Southern Section, 52.
- Davis, R., R. Johnson, N. Gurung, and O. Bolden-Tiller. 2017. The Tuskegee University Goat Day: An Integrated Extension/Outreach Program for Goat Producers. Poster Presented at the 75the Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, December 3-5, 2017 at Tuskegee University Tuskegee, Alabama. 36088.
- Dykes, G., T.H Terrill, A. Singh, L. Greer-Mapson, V. Owen, A. Roberson, J.E. Miller and N. Whitley. 2017. Effectiveness of Sericea Lespedeza Leaf Meal Pellets and Whole Plant Pellets for Natural Control of Gastrointestinal Nematodes and Coccidia in Goats. 18th biennial research symposium ARD meeting oral presentation.
- N. Escobar, E. Kassa, D. J. O’Brien and H. Taylor. 2017. The induction and synchronization of estrus in meat goats during the fall and late spring (season and out-of season) using controlled internal drug release (CIDR) devices on Delmarva. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 4:128, doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.450
- Fitchett, A., Wildeus. S. 2017. Pre-weaning performance of purebred and crossbred hair sheep lambs born during different season. Proc. ARD 18th Biannual Research Symposium, p. 172.
- Garza, J.G., A. Bowdridge. 2017. Sheep-derived neutrophils preferentially form NETS in response to Haemonchus contortus third stage larvae and not adults. 62ndAnnual Meeting AAVP Indianapolis, IN.
- Godfrey, R. W., A. Nero, G. Roberts and S. A. Lakos. 2017. Evaluating the relationship between environment and body temperature of hair sheep ewes in the tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 95(Suppl. 1):247 doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.506
- Godfrey, R. W., A. Nero, G. Roberts and S. A. Lakos. 2017. Evaluation of the grazing behavior of hair sheep in the tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 95(Suppl. 1):251 doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.515
- Godfrey, R. W., A. Nero, G. Roberts and S. A. Lakos. 2017. Tracking the movement of hair sheep grazing in pastures in the tropics. 95(Suppl. 1):251 doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.514
- Godfrey, R.W. Gastrointestinal parasite resilience of hair sheep breeds. Annual Meeting of the St. Croix Hair Sheep International Association, Nashville, IN, Aug 18-19, 2017.
- Godfrey, R.W. The impact of weaning age on productivity of hair sheep ewes and lambs in an accelerated lambing system in the tropics. Annual Meeting of the St. Croix Hair Sheep International Association, Nashville, IN, Aug 18-19, 2017.
- Greer-Mapson, L., N. Whitley, A. Singh, V. Owen, J.E. Miller, and T.H Terrill. Efficacy of Sericea Lespedeza Hay and Silage Against Gastrointestinal Nematodes and Coccidia in Young Goats. 2017. 18th biennial research symposium ARD proceedings. p. 182.
- Gurung, N. K. 2017. Use of Goats as Understory Vegetation Management Tool: Lesions learned t-Date. Oral Presentation at the 75the Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, December 3-5, 2017 at Tuskegee University Tuskegee, Alabama. 36088.
- Kafle, D., Lee, J.H, Wildeus, S., Discua, A., Tripp, C. 2017. Quality of fresh lamb from pasture- raised purebred and crossbred hair sheep lambs gradually removed from soy hull supplementation before harvest. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 4:332-333, doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.681
- Kafle, D., Lee, J.H, Wildeus, S., Tripp, C., Discua, A. 2017. Fatty acid composition of different fat depots from purebred and crossbred hair sheep lambs gradually removed from soy hull supplementation before harvest. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 4:333. doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.682
- Karki, U. 2017. Woodland grazing notes with research highlights. Tuskegee University Cooperative Extension Program, College of Agriculture, Environment and Nutrition Sciences, Tuskegee University. Publication No. TULIV-1017-01.
- Karki, U., S. Poudel, Y. Karki, and A. Tillman. 2017. Prevalent weeds in the southern-pine silvopasture system managed with Kiko wethers. ASAS-CSAS 2017 Annual Meeting and Trade Show. July 8-12, Baltimore, Maryland (Abstract and oral presentation)
- Middleton, D., J.G. Garza, S.A. Bowdridge. 2017. Ovine neutrophils rapidly produce interleukin-4 in response to Haemonchus contortus larvae in vitro. 62ndAnnual Meeting AAVP Indianapolis, IN.
- Miller, J.E., Kelly, V.E., Taupier, R., Burke, J.M., 2017. In vivo efficacy of a novel compound on gastrointestinal nematode infection in lambs. Proc USDA SCC-81.
- Ngere, L., Burke, J.M., Notter, D.R., Morgan, J.L.M., Miller, J.E., 2017. Genetic parameters for fecal egg count and body weight in Katahdin lambs. Ann Meeting Amer Soc Anim Sci Southern Section, 1.
- Ngere, L., Burke, J.M., Notter, D.R., Morgan, J.L.M., Miller, J.E., 2017. Genetic parameters for fecal egg count and body weight in Katahdin lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (E-Suppl. 1), 1 (Abstr.).
- O’Brien, D., Wildeus, S., Wright, D.L., Weaver, A. R., Greiner, S.P. 2017. Effect of sire breed on pregnancy rate of Katahdin ewes after liquid semen vaginal artificial insemination. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 4:221, doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.450
- Poudel, S., U. Karki, W. McElhenney, Y. Karki, A. Tillman, L. Karki, and A. Kumi. 2017. Challenges of stocking small ruminants in grazing plots with dormant browse species. 8th Joint Annual Research Symposium, March 17, Tompkins Hall, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, Alabama (Abstract and poster presentation)
- Poudel, S., U. Karki, W. McElhenney, Y. Karki, and A. Tillman. 2017. Grazing behavior and distribution pattern of katahdin rams in southern-pine silvopastures with cool-season forages. The 75th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Dec. 3-5, Tuskegee Univ. Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center and Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel & Conference Center at Grand National. (Abstract and oral presentation, GSD Graduate Student Competition).
- Russ, B., J.G. Garza, A. Bowdridge. 2017. Antigenic epitopes of Haemonchus contortus third stage larval cuticle are recognized by antibody derived from parasite-resistant sheep. 62ndAnnual Meeting AAVP Indianapolis, IN.
- Schoenian, D. O’Brien, N. Whitley. Determining Anthelmintic Resistance on Sheep Farms in the Southeastern US. National Association of Agricultural County Agents. July 2017.
- Schoenian, J. Semler, D. Gordon, M. Bennett, D. O’Brien. Using Copper Oxide Wire Particles to Reduce Barber Pole Worm Infection in Meat Goat Bucklings. National Association of Agricultural County Agents. July 2017.
- Shepherd, E. S.A. Bowdridge. 2017. Effects of ovine monocytes on Haemonchus contortus larvae in vitro reveals alternative activation state. 62ndAnnual Meeting AAVP Indianapolis, IN.
- Shipp, A., B. R. Min, M. Mienaltowski, and N. Gurung. 2017. The effect of condensed tannin- containing diets on lipogenic gene expression in meat goats. Poster Presented at the 75the Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, December 3-5, 2017 at Tuskegee University Tuskegee, Alabama. 36088.
- Smith, E., N. Whitley, K. Lyte, A. Singh, L. Greer-Mapson, R. Lewis, V. Owen, G. Dykes, A. Roberson, J.M. Burke, and T.H Terrill. 2017. Effect of an Iron Supplement on Indicators of Gastrointestinal Nematode (GIN) Parasitism in Sheep. 18th biennial research symposium ARD proceedings., p 181.
- Tripp, C., Lee, J.H., Kafle, D., Discua, A., Wildeus, S. 2017. Quality of fresh lamb from pasture-raised sheep as influenced by highly digestible fiber containing agro-byproducts. Proc. ARD 18th Biannual Research Symposium, p.51.
- Karki, Y. Karki, R. Khatri, A. Tillman, N. Gurung. 2017. Grazing Behavior and Distribution Patterns of Kiko Wethers in Southern-Pine Silvopastures. American Society of Animal Science. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 95, Supplement 1, p.48.
- Wildeus, S., Lee J. H., Nartea T. J., Teutsch C. D. 2017. Growth rate and fitness of purebred and crossbred hair sheep lambs gradually removed from soy hull supplementation before harvest. Proc. Ann. Meet. South. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., p. 50
- Wildeus, S., O’Brien, D. 2017. Growth and FAMACHA scores in purebred and terminal sire crossbred lambs produced from landrace hair sheep under an accelerated mating system. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 4:332, doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.680
- Wildeus, S., Wright, D. L., O’Brien, D. 2017. Use of liquid semen artificial insemination in Katahdin sheep in a commercial farm setting. Proc. Ann. Meet. South. Sect. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci., p. 51
- S., O’Brien, D.J. 2017. Deploying a mobile reproduction lab: Meat the Sperminator. Proc. ARD 18th Biannual Research Symposium, p. 257.
Journal Articles
Ekwemalor, K, Asiamah, E. K., ELuka-Okoludoh, E., Osei, B., Adjei-Fremah, S., & Worku, M. 2018. Toll-Like Receptor Agonists Modulate Galectin Gene Expression in Goat Blood. Journal of Applied Biotechnology, 6(2), 65.
Ekwemalor, K., Adjei-Fremah, S., Asiamah, E., Eluka-Okoludoh, E., Osei, B., & Worku, M. 2018. Systemic expression of galectin genes in periparturient goats. Small Ruminant Research, 168, 60-68.
Ekwemalor, K., Asiamah, E., Eluka-Okoludoh, E., Mulakala, B., Adjei-Fremah, S., & Worku, M. 2018. CPQ Microbiology, 1(5), 01-06.
Garza, J.J., S.P. Greiner, S.A. Bowdridge. 2018. Journal Cover Art. Parasit. Immunol. https://doi.org/10.1111/pim.12572.
Garza, J.J., S.P. Greiner, S.A. Bowdridge. 2018. Ovine vital NETs bind and impair H. contortus L3 in a breed-dependent manner. Parasit. Immunol. https://doi.org/10.1111/pim.12572
Ngere, L., Burke, J.M., Morgan, J.L.M., Miller, J.E., Notter, D.R., 2018. Genetic parameters for fecal egg counts and their relationship with body weights in Katahdin lambs. J. Anim. Sci.96, 1590-1599.
Notter, D.R., Ngere, L., Burke, J.M., Morgan, J.L.M., Miller, J.E., 2018. Genetic parameters for ewe reproductive performance and peri-parturient fecal egg counts and their genetic relationships with lamb body weights and fecal egg counts in Katahdin sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 96, 1579-1589.
O’Brien, D., Wildeus, S. 2018. Optimizing Reproductive Performance in the Goat Herd. Accepted and will be published in the National Goat Conference Proceedings 2018.
Schoenian, S., O’Brien, D., Semler, J., Gordon, D., and Bennett, M. 2018. Using copper oxide wire particles to control barber pole worm infection in meat goat bucks. J. of the NACAA, 11 (1). https://www.nacaa.com/journal/index.php?jid=823
Schoenian, S. and E.N. Escobar. 2018. Best Management Practices for Internal Parasite Control in Small Ruminants; National Goat Conference; Tuskegee, AL; 2018 Sept. 16-18.
Stewart, W.M., B.N. Vaidya, A.K. Mahapatra, T.H. Terrill and N. Joshee. 2018. Potential use of multipurpose Paulownia elongata tree as an animal feed resource. Am. J. Plant Sci. 9:1212-1227. https://doi.org/10.4236/ajps.2018.96090
Whitley, N. and S. Schoenian. 2018. Marketing for the future; National Goat Conference; Tuskegee, AL; 2018 Sept. 16-18. In proceedings (pending) and oral presentation by Whitley.
Wood, E., Burke, J.M., Philipp, D., Acharya, M., Miller, J.E., Coffey, K.P., 2018. Gastrointestinal nematode infection and growth of grass based Katahdin lambs. Sheep Goat Res. J. (In Press).
Acharya, M., Ashworth, A.J., Burner, D.M., Pote, D.H., Burke, J.M., Muir, J.P. 2018. Evaluation of yield and nutritive value of three browse species for small ruminants during summer. (Abstr.)
Acharya, R.S., Fitting, E., Burke, J., Joshi, N., 2018. Enhancing pollinator diversity in livestock pasture ecosystem. Entomological Soc. Amer. Ann. Mtg.
Acharya, R.S., Fitting, E., Burke, J., Joshi, N., 2018. Supporting pollinator communities by floral enhancement within livestock pasture ecosystem. Southeastern Branch Entomol. Soc. Amer., Orlando, FL (Abstr.).
Becker, G.M., Sawyer, R.J., Davenport, K.M., Rodriguez, A.M., Burke, J.M., Lewis, R., Miller, J.E., Morgan, J., Murdoch, B.M., 2019. Understanding the molecular mechanisms for gastrointestinal parasite resistance in Katahdin sheep. Plant Anim. Gen. Conf.
Bhattrai, S., U. Karki, and S. Poudel. 2018. Assessing grazing impacts of Kiko wethers and Katahdin rams on understory light penetration in woodlands. In Book of Abstract, Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) Biennial Conference, May26-27, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Bhattrai, S., U. Karki, and S. Poudel. 2018. Performance of Kiko wethers and Katahdin rams raised on different grazing systems. The Third National Goat Conference, Sept. 16-18, Kellogg Conference Center, Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL 36088 and Renaissance Hotel, Montgomery, AL.
Bhattrai, S., U. Karki, S. Poudel, B. Paneru, and W. McElhenney. 2018. Cutting non-target vegetation improved solar radiation influx and biomass production in woodlands. The 76th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Dec. 2-4, Tuskegee Univ. Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center and Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel & Conference Center at Grand National.
Blake*, F., and Kwame Matthews. 2018. Molecular Detection of Toxoplasma gondii in Meat Goats. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Brown*, L., and Kwame Matthews. 2018. Comparison of Small Ruminant Gastrointestinal Nematode Larval Development Techniques. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Burke, J.M. Identifying ewes resistant to gastrointestinal parasitic worms during gestation and lactation. SARE Convention, St. Louis, MO, 4/3/18.
Burke, J.M., Pickett, A.T., Howell, B., Wood, E.L., Acharya, M., Miller, J.E., 2018. Examining relationships between production and gastrointestinal nematode (GIN) measures in organic and conventionally reared Katahdin lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 96 (E-Suppl. 1), 71-72 (Abstr.). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky027.134
Ekwemalor, K., Asiamah, E., Adjei-Fremah, S., Osei, B., Eluka-Okoludoh, E., Mulakala, B., & Worku, M. 2018. PSVI-32 Pathogen-associated molecular patterns induce differential galectin-3 activation in goat blood. Journal of Animal Science, 96(suppl_3), 464.
Ellis, N., U. Karki, S. Bhattrai, and B. Paneru. 2018. Effectiveness of different methods for minimizing haemonchus contortus infestation in small ruminants – a meta-analysis. The 76th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Dec. 2-4, Tuskegee Univ. Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center and Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel & Conference Center at Grand National.
France, M.M., Kelly, V.E., Miller, J.E., Burke, J.M., McKenzie, K.M., 2018. Efficacy of compound X (Bedoukian Research) on reducing fecal egg count in lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 96 (E-Suppl. 1), 71 (Abstr.). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky027.133
Franklin, T., N. Gurung, N. Ryan, H. Higgins, R. Davis, and F. Abrahamsen. 2018. The effectiveness of the small ruminant workshop on Pre-veterinary students during the 2018 American Pre-Veterinary Medicine Association National Symposium. 2018 PAWC Workshop held in December 2-4, 2018 at Tuskegee University.
Garza, J.J., S.A. Bowdridge. 2018. Neutrophil functionality differs by sheep breed in response to helminth parasite infection. Intl. Neutrophil Symp. Quebec City, Ont, Canada.
Garza, J.J., S.A. Bowdridge. 2018. Neutrophils from Suffolk sheep exhibit impaired chemotaxis in response to Haemonchus contortus antigen. 63rd Annual Meeting, AAVP Denver, CO.
Godfrey, R.W., S.A. Lakos and S.R Joseph. 2018. The effect of water restriction at weaning on hair sheep ewes and lambs in the tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 96(Suppl. 1):66 doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky027.124
Godfrey, R.W., A.L. Nero, G. Roberts and S.A. Lakos. 2018. Evaluating the lag between body temperature and ambient temperature in hair sheep ewes in the tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 96(Suppl. 2).
Harris, J., Kwame Matthews1, and Ronique Beckford. 2018. The Effects of a Commercial Versus Home Mixed Ration on Performance in Meat Goat Kids. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Hilaire, M., and K. Matthews. 2018. Effects of Feeding Corn or Barley Based Feed on Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Meat-Goat Kids. 76th Professional Agriculture Workers Conference, Tuskegee, AL.
Karki, U. and L. Karki. 2018. Pasture and grazing management education program: changing the face of small-scale livestock operations in Alabama. The 76th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Dec. 2-4, Tuskegee Univ. Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center and Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel & Conference Center at Grand National.
Karki, U., S Poudel, S. Bhattrai, L. B. Karki, and A. K. Singh. 2018. Performance and carcass characteristics of Kiko wethers finished on pasture and browse. In Book of Abstracts, Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) Biennial Conference, May26-27, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA
Karki, U., Yubaraj Karki, Rishi Khatri, Asha Tillman, Sanjok Poudel, Nar Gurung, and Anthony Kumi. 2018. Raising Goats in the Southern-Pine Silvopasture System: Challenges and Opportunities. Agroforestry Systems. AGFO-D-18-00043.
Karki, L. B., U. Karki, S. R. Mentreddy, S. Poudel, and S. Bhattrai. Market opportunity for goat and lamb meat in the southeastern US. Journal of Animal Science 96 (suppl_3):195-196 · DOI: 10.1093/jas/sky404.424
Karki, U. 2018. Sustainable pasture improvement and grazing management education program for farmers. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 96, Issue suppl_1, 1 March 2018, Pages 10–11,https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky027.020
Karki, U., S. Poudel, S. Bhattrai, L. B. Karki, and A. K. Singh. 2018. Performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of Kiko wethers finished on pasture and browse. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 96, Issue suppl_3, 7 December 2018, Pages 458–459,https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.1001
Lilton, A., N. Gurung, A. Elliott, R. Johnson, W. McElhenney, D. McKenzie, B. R. Min, U. Karki, and N. O. Tackie. 2018. Workshop on preconditioning of beef calves: Producer Participation Survey Analysis. 2018 PAWC Workshop held in December 2-4, 2018 at Tuskegee University.
Lynn, S., and Kwame Matthews. 2018. Optimization of Fecal Egg Counting Techniques. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Matthews, K. 2018. Delaware State University Small Ruminant Program: Research and Outreach. National Goat Conference. Montgomery, AL.
McNeil, D., Kwame Matthews, and Dahlia O’Brien. 2018. Influence of Estrous Synchronization Protocols on Mating and Pregnancy Response in Meat Goats. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Middleton, D., J.J. Garza, S.A. Bowdridge. 2018. Neutrophils rapidly produce Th2 cytokines in response to larval but not adult Haemonchus contortus antigen. 63rd Annual Meeting, AAVP Denver, CO.
Middleton, D.M., J.J. Garza, S.A Bowdridge. 2018. Neutrophils rapidly produce Th2 cytokines in response to larval but not adult helminth antigen. Intl. Neutrophil Symp. Quebec City, Ont, Canada.
Min, B. R., N. Gurung, A. Elliott, and S. Solaiman. 2018. Alternative methods for managing gastrointestinal parasites in small ruminants. In B. R. Edited; Proceedings of Sustainable Non-Synthetic Gastrointestinal Parasites Control in Small Ruminants: Handbook for Training Field Extension and Technical Assistance Personnel. Tuskegee University Cooperative Extension Program. Pp. 23-36.
Ngere, L., Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E., Morgan, J.L.M., Notter, D.R., 2018. Genetic parameters for ewe reproductive performance and peri-parturient fecal egg counts and their genetic relationships with lamb body weights and fecal egg counts in Katahdin sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 96 (E-Suppl. 1), 70 (Abstr.). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky027.131
O’Brien, D., Schoenian, S, Semler, J., Gordon, D., Bennet, M. 2018. Relationship among gastrointestinal nematode infection indicators in meat got kids. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 96, Suppl.3, 455 https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.992
O’Brien, D., Schoenian, S, Semler, J., Gordon, D., Bennet, M. 2018. Consistency of FAMCHA scores to fecal egg counts and gain in meat goat kids. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 96, Suppl.3, 460-61 https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.1005
O’Brien, D., Wildeus, S. 2018. Preparing for the breeding season in meat goats and hair sheep. VCE fact sheet APSC-143NP https://pubs.ext.vt.edu/content/dam/pubs_ext_vt_edu/APSC/apsc-143/APSC-143.pdf
Paneru, B., U. Karki, S. Bhattrai, and N. Ellis. 2018. Growth period of different browse species suitable for grazing small ruminants. The 76th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference, Dec. 2-4, Tuskegee Univ. Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center and Auburn Marriott Opelika Hotel & Conference Center at Grand National.
Poudel, S., U. Karki, W. McElhenney, Y. Karki, and A. Tillman. 2018. Grazing behavior and distribution pattern of Katahdin rams in southern-pine silvopastures with cool-season forages. In Book of Abstract, Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) Biennial Conference, May26-27, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
Poudel, S., U. Karki, Y. Karki, and A. Tillman. 2018. Diurnal behavior of Kiko wethers grazing southern-pine silvopasture with warm-season forages. In Book of Abstracts, Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) Biennial Conference, May26-27, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, USA.
Poudel, S., U. Karki, Y. Karki, A. Tillman, and L. Karki. 2018. Confinement influenced the diurnal behavior and distribution pattern of Katahdin rams and Kiko wethers in southern-pine silvopastures. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 96, Issue suppl_3, 7 December 2018, Pages 49–50,https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.111
Schoenian, S. and J. Semler. 2018. Using webinar short courses to educate small ruminant producers. J. Anim. Sci. 96(Suppl. 3): 200-201. (Abstr.)
Schoenian, S. D.J. O’Brien, J. Semler, D. Gordon, and M.B. Bennett. 2018. 11 years of the Western Maryland Pasture-based Meat Goat Performance Test. J. of Anim. Sci. Vol. 96, Suppl.3, 196. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.425
Shepherd, Elizabeth A. and Scott A. Bowdridge. 2018. Characterization of ovine monocytes that induce Haemonchus contortus larval morbidity in vitro. American Association of Veterinary Parasitologists, Denver, CO. Abstract.
Terrill, T., G. Dykes, A. Singh, L. Greer-Mapson, V. Owen, J. Miller, N. Whitley. 2018. Effectiveness of sericea lespedeza leaf meal pellets and whole plant pellets for natural control of gastrointestinal nematodes and coccidia in goats., J. Anim. Sci. 96 (Suppl 3):35. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.079
Weaver, A.R., J.J. Garza, S.A. Bowdridge. 2018. Immune response to various life stages of Haemonchus contortus differentiates resistance among sheep breeds. American Association of Veterinary Parasitologist Annual Conference.
Weaver, A.R, J.J. Garza, S.A. Bowdridge. 2018. To the worm or the egg - breed differences in immune response to Haemonchus contortus. Davis College Student Research and Creative Scholarship Day.
Whitley, N., S. Schoenian, D. O’Brien, S. Howell. 2018. Anthelmintic resistance testing on sheep farms. J. Anim. Sci. 96 (Suppl 3):467. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.1020
Whitley, N.C., L. Davies, J. Gaskin, T. Waldrop, F. Connelly, T. Seanima, A. Speir, M. Stephens, A. Tedrow, P. Burke, S. Butcher, M. Sheffield, J. Dawson, K. Hammond. 2018. Small Ruminant Beginning Farmer Training. J. Anim. Sci. 96 (Suppl 1): 65–66. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky027.123
Wildeus, S., O’Brien, D., Knights, M., Nabers, A. 2018. Effect of semen dose on pregnancy rate using liquid semen AI in hair sheep, J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 96, Suppl.3. 468-469 https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky404.1023
Wildeus, S., O’Brien, D., Teutsch C.D., 2018. Seasonal effects on daily gain and fecal egg counts in purebred and crossbred hair sheep lambs on pasture, J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 96, Suppl. 1:72–73, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky027.136
Wildeus, S., Tessema, G. 2018. Incidence of ovine progressive pneumonia (OPP) in a flock of landrace hair sheep: Impact on performance and implications for mode of transmission. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 96, Suppl. 1:72, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky027.135
Wright, S., Arsi, K., Manning, L., Donoghue, A.M., Hale, M., Spencer, T., O’Gorman, M., Gold, M., Fanatico, A.C., English, H., Burke, J.M., Donoghue, D.J., 2018. Armed to farm: Soldiering the success of military veterans in new poultry, livestock and agroforestry enterprises. Southern SAWG, Memphis, TN, January 2018.
Extension Presentations/Publications
Schoenian, S. Lansing, MI. Worm Wisdom and Selection of Replacement Ewes and Culling Underperforming Ewes. Keynote speaker for Michigan’s Shepherd’s Weekend. Michigan Sheep Breeders Association; 2018 Jan. 5-7.
Schoenian, S. Pulaski, Va. Out-of-Season Breeding, Internal Parasite Update, and Marketing sheep and goats to the ethnic market. New River Valley Sheep & Goat Club; 2018 Feb. 24.
Schoenian, S. State College, PA. Current Recommendations for Internal Parasite Control and Sheep and Goat Nutrition. Dairy Production Medicine Certification Program. VII. Mixed Large Animal Health & Nutrition; Pasture and grazing nutrition across all species; 2018 May 18.
Schoenian, S. Medford, OR. Proper anthelmintic use and On-farm decision making tools; Sustainable integrated parasite management for small ruminants program. 2018 June 29.
Schoenian, S. Columbia, MO. Lamb & Kid Nutrition, Use of Livestock Guardians, and Marketing Options for Sheep & Goat Producers. Missouri Sheep & Goat Conference; 2018 Oct. 12-13.
Schoenian, S. Tianjan, China. Nutritional Management of the Sheep Flock. Symposium on Sheep Industry Development; 2018 Nov. 18-21.
Schoenian, S. Salem, OR (webinar). Proper anthelmintic use and On-farm decision making tools; Oregon Sheep Growers Association annual meeting; 2018 Nov. 30.
Schoenian, S. Keedysville, MD. It’s in the genes: genetic control of internal parasites in small ruminants and Coccidia; the other parasite that will get them. Delmarva Small Ruminant Conference All Worms All Day; 2018 Dec. 8.
Journal articles
Acharya, M., Burke, J.M., Ashworth, A., Rorie, R.W., 2019. Relationship between anti- Mullerian hormone (AMH) and reproductive traits in Katahdin ewes bred in late spring or fall. Adv. Repro. Sci. (In Press).
Acharya, M., Burke, J.M., Rorie, R., 2020. Semen extension in Katahdin rams. Adv. Reprod. Sci. 8, 14-30.
Adams, T.C., Philipp, D., Burner, D.M., Jennings, J., McPeake, B.M., Ashworth, A.J., Pote, D.H., Burke, J.M., Rhein, R., 2019. White (Trifolium repens L.) and arrowleaf (Trifolium vesiculosum Savi) clover emergence in varying loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) tree alley spacings. Amer. J. Plant Sci. 10, 659-669.
Becker, G.M., Davenport, K.M., Burke, J.M., Lewis, R.M., Miller, J.E., Morgan, J.L., Notter, D.L., Murdoch, B.M., 2019. Genome-wide association study to identify genetic loci associated with gastrointestinal nematode resistance in Katahdin sheep. Anim. Gen. doi: 10.1111/age.12895.
Burke, J.M., Miller, J.E. 2019. Sustainable approaches to parasite control in ruminant livestock. Vet. Clinics: Food Anim. Pract. (In Press).
Burke, J.M., Schoenian, S., Freking, B., Semler, J., Gordon, D., Bennett, M.B., O’Brien, D., Wood, E., 2019. Complete anthelmintic resistance prevalence in U.S. meat goats. Sheep Goat Res. J. 34, 1-5.
Dykes, D.S., Terrill, T.H., Whitley, N.C., Singh, A.K., Mosjidis, J.A., Burke, J.M., Kouakou, B., Miller, J.E., 2019. Effect of ground and pelleted sericea lespedeza whole plant and leaf only on gastrointestinal nematode and coccidial infection in goats. J. Agric. Sci Tech A 9, 93-102.
Estrada-Reyes, Z. M., Y. Tsukahara, A. L. Goetsch, T. A. Gipson, T. Sahlu, R. Puchala, and R. G. Mateescu. 2019. Association analysis identifies immune response loci related to Haemonchus contortus exposure in sheep and goats using a targeted approach. Livest. Sci. 229:109-119. doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2019.08.005.
Estrada-Reyes, Z. M., Y. Tsukahara, A. L. Goetsch, T. A. Gipson, T. Sahlu, R. Puchala, and R. G. Mateescu. 2019. Signatures of selection for resistance to Haemonchus contortus in sheep and goats. BCM Genomics 20:735. doi.org/10.1186/s12864-019-615-y.
Mata-Padrino, D.J., D.P Belesky, C.D. Crawford, B. Walsh, J.W. MacAdam, S.A. Bowdridge. 2019. Effects of grazing birdsfoot trefoil-enriched pasture on managing Haemonchus contortus infection in Suffolk crossbred lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 97: 172-183
Middleton, D.M., J.J. Garza, S.P. Greiner, S.A. Bowdridge. 2019. Neutrophils rapidly produce TH2 cytokines in response to larval but not adult helminth antigen. Parasit. Immunol. https://doi.org/10.1111/pim.12679
Min, B.R., F. Abrahamsen, N. Gurung, J. H. Lee, J. W. Joo, and W. Pacheco. 2019. Peanut skin in diet alters average daily gain, ruminal and blood metabolites, and carcass traits associated with Haemonchus contortus infection in meat goats. Anim. Nut. 5: 278-285. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aninu.2019.05.006
Min, B.R., K. McTear, H.H. Wang, M. Joakin, N. Gurung, F. Abrahamsen, S. Solaiman, J. Sue Eun, J. Hon Lee, L. A. Dietz and W. E. Zeller. 2019. Influence of elevated protein and tannin‐rich peanut skin supplementation on growth performance, blood metabolites, carcass traits and immune‐related gene expression of grazing meat goats. J. Anim. Phys. Nut. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpn.13250
Newton, G.R., Lewis, S.K., Avendano, J.A., Williams, E.A., Ribeiro, F.L.R., Nuti, L.C., Foxworth, W.B., and Ing, N.H. 2019. Fucosyltransferase gene expression varies in goat endometrium during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. Theriogenology 132:118-127.
O’Brien, D.J., Wildeus, S. 2019. On-Farm Validation of a Liquid Semen Vaginal Artificial Insemination Protocol in Hair Sheep. Journal of Extension 57(2):2RIB6
Reynolds, D., B. R. Min, N. Gurung, W. McElhenney, J. H. Lee, S. Solaiman, O. Bolden-Tiller. 2019. Influence of tannin-rich pine bark supplementation in the grain mixes for meat goats: Growth performance, blood metabolites, and carcass characteristics. Anim. Nut. J. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aninu.2019.09.00
Schoenian, S., O’Brien, D., Whitley, N., and Howell, S. 2019. Anthelmintic resistance on commercial sheep farms in the southeastern US. Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. Vol 12 (2). https://www.nacaa.com/journal/index.php?jid=1015
Singh, A., V. Owen, G. Dykes, H. Naumann, A. Mahapatra, and T. Terrill. 2019. Effect of Ensiling on Nutritional Properties of Sericea Lespedeza Alone or in Mixtures with Alfalfa. J. Agri. Sci. Tech. A9:310-322. doi: 10.17265/2161-6256/2019.05.004
Tsukahara, Y., T. A. Gipson, S. P. Hart, L. J. Dawson, Z. Wang, R. Puchala, T. Sahlu, and A. L. Goetsch. 2019. Across and within breed differences in the relationship between packed cell volume and fecal egg count in growing meat goat and hair sheep males naturally and artificially infected with Haemonchus contortus. Vet. Parasitol.: Regional Studies and Reports 17:100311. doi.org/10.1016/j.vprsr.2019.100311.
Wood, E., Burke, J.M., Philipp, D., Acharya, M., Miller, J.E., Coffey, K.P., 2019. Gastrointestinal nematode infection and growth of grass-based Katahdin lambs. Sheep Goat Res. J. 33, 1-10.
Abstracts and Proceedings
Acharya-Sharma, R., Fitting, E., Burke, J., Joshi, N., 2019. Different pan traps for sampling pollinators and beneficial arthropods in the livestock pasture ecosystem. Entomol. Soc. Amer., St. Louis, MO.
Becker, G.M., Sawyer, R.J., Davenport, K.M., Rodriguez, A.M., Burke, J.M., Lewis, R., Miller, J.E., Morgan, J., Murdoch, B.M., 2019. Understanding the molecular mechanisms for gastrointestinal parasite resistance in Katahdin sheep. Plant Anim. Gen. Conf., San Diego, CA, Jan 13, 2019.
Blake, F. and Matthews, K., Prevalence of Toxoplasma Gondii in Meat Goat Does. 2019. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Bowdridge, S.A., J.J. Garza, S.P. Greiner, C.I. Maierle, D.J. Mata-Padrino, R.T. Rohrbaugh, R.H. Tuckwiller, A.R. Weaver. 2019. Effect of terminal sire breed on grazing performance, parasitism and market grade of crossbred lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 97: Supp. 1, 73-74. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz053.166
Bowdridge, S.A., S.P. Greiner, A.R. Weaver, D.L. Wright. 2019. Utilization of Katahdin rams with lower fecal egg count estimated breeding values improves parasite resistance and fitness traits of progeny. J. Anim. Sci. 97: Supp. 1, 78. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz053.178
Brice, R., Wildeus, S. 2019. Effect of breed, sex, birth type and lambing season on growth rate of
forage-reared lambs. Proc. ARD 19th Biannual Research Symposium, p. 206.
Burke, J.M., Wood, E. 2020. Estimating the value of parasite resistance in sheep. Southern SAWG, Little Rock, AR.
Burke, J.M., 2020. Organic compared with conventional systems for lamb production yield differences in performance in Southeastern U.S. pastures. Southern SAWG Organic Research Forum, Little Rock, AR.
Burke, J.M., Notter, D.R., Morgan, J.L.M., Miller, J.E., Lewis, R.M., Heidaritabar, M., 2019. Integrating genetic selection with selective anthelmintic treatment to manage gastrointestinal nematodes in Katahdin sheep in the United States. Joint COMBAR/ACSRPC meeting, Ghent, Belgium. P. 74.
Ekwemalor, Kingsley; Worku, Mulumebet, 2019. PSVI-3 The effect of oligodeoxynucleotides on Toll-like receptor pathway genes in goat blood. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 97, Suppl. 3, page 197, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.406
Ekwemalor, Kingsley; Worku, Mulumebet. 2019. PSX-41 Effect of Polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid on gene expression in goat blood. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 97, Suppl. 3, Page 449, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.884
Foxworth, W.B., Horner, S., Nuti, L., Ho-Watson, A., Gilmore, I., Gutierrez, K., Lewis S.K., and Newton, G.R. 2019. Comparison of Transcervical and Intracervical Artificial Insemination Techniques for Fixed-Time Artificial Insemination (FTAI) in the Goat. J. Anim. Sci., 97, Supplement 3, Page 464 https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.914
Godfrey, R.W., A.L. Nero and S.A. Lakos. 2019. A comparison of body temperature among pregnant, non-pregnant and lactating hair sheep ewes in the tropics. J. Anim. Sci. 97(Suppl. 3):169–170, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.349
Harris, S., Niblett, T., Harris, J., Blake, F., Ozbay, G., Aryee, A., Matthews, K., 2019. Preliminary Effects of Pumpkin Seed and Flesh Combination Extract on Third Stage Haemonchus contortus Larvae. Delaware State University 2019 Summer Research Symposium.
Harris, J. and Matthews, K., 2019. The Effects of Feeding Corn or Barley Based Feed on Body Weight in Meat-Goat Kids. 2019. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Harris, J., K. Matthews and D. O’Brien. 2019. Effects of Estrous Synchronization Protocols on Meat Goat Mating, Pregnancy and Kid Performance. Proc. ARD 19th Biannual Research Symposium, p. 204.
Hazard, T., N. Whitley, P. Batchu, C. Pulsifer, B. Kouakou, and T. H. Terrill. 2019. Effect of feeding ‘Serala’ sericea lespedeza hay on indicators of gastrointestinal parasitism in goats. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 3) 97:460–461, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.907
Jeanjulien, C., Lee, J. H., Wildeus, S. 2019. Incorporation of antioxidants and omega-3 fatty
acids in fresh lamb by feeding rumen-protected dietary supplement. AOCS Ann. Meet. & Expo,
St. Louis, MO, p. 2
Levy, G. and Matthews, K,. 2019. Proposal for Identifying Chemical Compounds with In vitro Anthelmintic Effects on H. contortus. 2019. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Lynch, E., Niblett, T., Harris, J., Blake, F., Aryee, A., Matthews. K., 2019. In vitro Anthelmintic Effects of Pumpkin Flesh Extract on Haemonchus contortus. Delaware State University 2019 Summer Research Symposium.
Lynch, E. and Matthews, K., 2019. The Proposal of In Vitro Anthelmintic Effects of Pumpkin Flesh on Haemonchus contortus. 2019. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Lynn, S. and Matthews. K., Influence of Kiko, Boer, and Savanna Bucks on Mating and Pregnancy Response in Meat Goats. 2019. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
Mezil-Thomas, J., Wildeus, S. 2019. Rate of egg-yolk inclusion in a milk extender on sperm
kinematics of ram semen during chilled liquid storage. Proc. ARD 19th Biannual Research
Symposium, p. 63.
Middleton, D.D., S.A. Bowdridge. 2019. Neutrophils rapidly produce Th2 cytokines in response to larval but not adult helminth antigen. 23rd Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA
Niblett, R. and Matthews, K., 2019. The Effects of Cucurbitacin on Haemonchus contortus In Vitro. 2019. Delaware State University Honor’s Day.
O’Brien, D., Wildeus, S., Schoenian, S., Semler, J., Gordon, D., Bennett, M., Anderson, C., and Travis. A. 2019. Libido and semen quality in intact and altered (short scrotum and castrate) post-pubertal male dairy sheep lambs. J. Anim. Sci., 97, Supplement 1, Page 76, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz053.173
O’Brien, D., Wildeus, S., Schoenian, S., Anderson, C., Travis, A. 2019. Libido and semen quality in intact and altered (short scrotum and castrated) post-pubertal male dairy sheep lambs. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 97, Suppl. 1. 76
O’Brien, D., Wildeus, S., Nartea, T., Lee, J. 2019. Influence of cut, breed type and
supplementation on consumer ratings of pasture-raised lamb. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 97, Suppl. 3.
Pettiford, K., Niblett, T., Harris, J., Blake, F., Aryee, A., Matthews, K., 2019. Efficacy of Pumpkin Skin Extract on Haemonchus Contortus Third Stage Larvae. Delaware State University 2019 Summer Research Symposium.
Schoenian, S., O’Brien, D., Whitley, N., and S. Howell. 2019. Anthelmintic Resistance on Commercial Sheep Farms in the Southeastern US. Poster session presented at Joint COMBAR- ACSRPC Conference Anthelmintic Resistant in Ruminants: Who Cares?; Page 56, 2019 Aug.
Schoenian. S., 2019. ACSRPC web site provides information to a growing audience. Paper presented at Joint COMBAR-ACSRPC Conference Anthelmintic Resistant in Ruminants: Who Cares?; Page 23, Aug. 27-29; Ghent, Belgium.
Schoenian, S., Semler, J., Gordon, D., O’Brien, D., Bennett, M., and C. Anderson. 2019. Growth and carcass characteristics of short-scrotum, ram, and wether lambs. J. Anim. Sci., 97, Supplement 1, Page 71, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz053.161.
Schoenian, S. O’Brien, D., Whitley, N., Howell. S. 2019. Anthelmintic resistance on commercial sheep farms in the southeastern US. COMBAR-ACSRPC Joint meeting, Belgium. https://c67d09be-a843-414a-a7c0- 9a2912eb10be.filesusr.com/ugd/6ddbcb_5b936c1147554feba6e45f7724afdc78.pdf (page 56).
Shepherd, E.A., S.A. Bowdridge. 2019. Preferential alternative macrophage activation is breed- dependent in sheep when exposed to Haemonchus contortus larvae in vitro. 23rd Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA
Terrill, T. H., B. Morning, E. Courson, B. Morris, H. Naumann, N. Whitley and V. Owen. 2019. Screening of Lespedeza germplasm for forage quality and bioactivity. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 3) 97:90. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.186
Weaver, A.R., J.J. Garza, S.A. Bowdridge. 2019. Immune response to various life stages of Haemonchus contortus differentiates resistance among sheep breeds. 23rd Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting, Woods Hole, MA
Wildeus, S., Schoenian, S., Sponenberg, D.P., Bennet, M.-B., O’Brien, D. 2019. Reproductive organ weights, morphology and sperm reserves in intact and short scrotum post-pubertal male dairy sheep lambs. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 97, Suppl. 3. 467
Wildeus, S. O’Brien, D. 2019. Performance of landrace hair sheep lambs in forage-based, semi- continuous production system. , J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 97, Suppl. 1. 77-78
Wildeus, S., O’Brien, D. 2019. Sperm motion characteristics of ram semen liquid-stored in a
milk-egg yolk extender at four temperatures. J. Anim. Sci., Vol. 97, Suppl. 1. 78
Wildeus, S. O’Brien, D. 2019. Developing a system for semi-continuous lamb production. Proc.
ARD 19th Biannual Research Symposium, p. 310.
Worku, Mulumebet; Ekwemalor, Kingsley. 2019. PSVI-7 variation in bitter taste receptor genes in three breeds of goats. Journal of Animal Science, 97, Suppl. 3, Page 206, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skz258.424
Fact sheets
O’Brien, D., K. Matthews, N. Whitley, and S. Schoenian. 2019. Using Fecal Egg Counts on Your Farm. Virginia State University/Virginia Cooperative Extension. APSC-166NP.
Journal articles
Acharya, M., J. M. Burke, A. J. Ashworth, and R. W. Rorie. 2020. Relationship of anti-Mullerian hormone to reproductive traits in Katahdin ewes bred in late spring or fall. Adv. Repro. Sci. 8:48-56.
Acharya, M., J. M. Burke, J. E. Miller, T. H. Terrill, E. L. Wood, and J. P. Muir. 2020. Quebracho tannins aid in the control of Eimeria spp. in lambs and goat kids. Vet. Parasitol. 288:1-8.
Bhattrai, S., U. Karki, S. Poudel, W. McElhenney, and B. Paneru. 2020. Diurnal behavior and distribution patterns of Kiko wethers and Katahdin rams in woodlands with different vegetation heights during fall. Agroforestry Syst. doi.org/10.1007/s10457-020-00500-x
Bhattrai, S., U. Karki, S. Poudel, B. Paneru, and N. Ellis. 2020. Maintenance of non-timber plants at low heights increased the solar radiation influx and understory vegetation biomass in woodlands. Global J. Agric. Allied Sci. 2(1):18-24. https://doi.org/10.35251/gjaas.2020.003
Chai, J., S. Alrashedi, K. Coffey, J. Burke, K. Feye, S. C. Ricke, S. H. Park, J. L. Edwards, and J. Zhao. 2020. Endophyte-infected tall fescue affects rumen microbiome in grazing ewes at gestation and lactation. Front. Vet. Sci. 7:1-13.
Crawford, C. D., D. J. Mata-Padrino, D. P. Belesky, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. Effects of supplementation containing rumen by-pass protein on parasitism in grazing lambs. Small Rumin. Res. doi:10.1016/j.smallrumres.2020.106161
Gurung, N. K., K. B. Tuoho, F. W. Abrahamsen, and B. R. Min. 2020. Elevated supplementations of crude glycerin in diets for meat goats: ruminal fermentation, metabolism, and blood chemistry profile, animal performance, and carcass traits. J. Anim. Physiol. Anim. Nutr. (In press).
Jacobs, J. R., D. Middleton, S. P. Greiner, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. RNA-sequencing of ovine PBMC after exposure to Haemonchus contortus antigen. Parasit. Immunol. doi: 10.1111/pim.12697
Mata-Padrino, D. J., E. M. Pena-Yewtukhiw, D. P. Belesky, W. B. Bryan, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. Season-long, mixed stocking of a cool-temperate pasture. Grassland Sci. doi:10.111/grs.12281
Mechineni, A., D. S. Kommuru, T. H. Terrill, B. Kouakou, J. H. Lee, S. Gujja, J. J. Burke, and G. Kannan. 2021. Forage type and transportation stress effects on gut microbial counts and meat quality in goats. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 00:1-8, dx.doi.org/10.1139/cjas-2019-0145.
Middleton, D. M., J. J. Garza, S. P. Greiner, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. Neutrophils rapidly produce TH2 cytokines in response to larval but not adult helminth antigen. Parasit. Immunol.
Ndegwa, E., A. Alahmde, K. Kim, P. Kaseloo, and D. O’Brien. 2020. Age related differences in phylogenetic diversity, prevalence of Shiga toxins, Intimin, Hemolysin genes and select serogroups of Escherichia Coli from pastured meat goats detected in a longitudinal cohort study. BMC Vet. Res. 16:266. https://rdcu.be/b5ZL0
Panda S. S., T. H. Terrill, A. K. Mahapatra, B. Kelly, E. R. Morgan, and J. van Wyk. 2020. Site- specific forage management of Sericea lespedeza: Geospatial technology-based forage quality and yield enhancement model development. Agric. 10:419.
Okere, C., O. Bolden-Tiller, and H. Henderson. 2020. The effects of sire breed on reproductive and progeny performance in Kiko meat goats (Capri hircus). Int. J. Res. Agric. Sci. 7(6):2348–3997.
Reynolds, D., B. R. Min, N. Gurung , W. McElhenney, J. H. Lee, S. Solaiman, and O. Bolden-Tiller. 2020. Influence of tannin-rich pine bark supplementation in the grain mixes for meat goats: Growth performance, blood metabolites, and carcass characteristics. Anim. Nutr. 85e91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aninu.2019.09.003.
Ryan, N., N. Gurung, J. Bryant, F. Abrahamsen, and W. McElhenney. 2020. Sustainable winter-feeding practices for meat goats within the Southeastern United States. Prof. Agric. Workers J. (In Press).
Shepherd, E. A., S. P. Greiner, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. Characterization of ovine monocyte activity when cultured with Haemonchus contortus larvae in vitro. Parasit. Immunol. doi.org/10.1111/pim.12773
Shepherd, E. A., S. P. Greiner, B. Russ, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020 Interleukin-13 induces paralysis of Haemonchus contortus larvae in vitro. Parasite Immunol. doi:10.1111/pim.12758
Book Chapter
Gurung, N. K., J. Rush, and D. Pugh. 2020. Feeding and Nutrition. In D. Pugh, N. Baird,
- Edmondson, and T. Passler (Eds.) Sheep, Goat and Cervid Medicine. 3rd Edn. Elsevier Ltd. UK (Textbook for School of Veterinary Medicine in the U.S.)
Abstracts and Proceedings
Abrahamsen, F., N. Gurung, A. Woubit, G. Reddy, and K. Mullenix. 2020. Effect of varying levels of hempseed meal supplementation on animal performance, rumen fermentation, and blood metabolites of growing meat goats. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 4)459–460.
Acharya, M., J. M. Burke, E. Wood, and J. W. S. Yancey. 2020. Developing criteria for forage finished beef in the Southeastern U.S. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):30-31.
Burke, J. M. 2020. Organic compared with conventional systems for lamb production yield differences in performance in Southeastern U.S. pastures. Southern SAWG Organic Research Forum.
Ahmed, Y., H. Ismail, D. Rehrah, and M. Worku. 2021. Immunomodulatory effects of Gum arabica in goat blood. J. Anim. Sci. 99(Suppl.). (Submitted).
Ahmed, Y., H. Ismail, D.Rehrah, and M. Worku. 2021. Effect of Gum arabica (GA) drench on indicators of anemia in goats. J. Anim. Sci. 99(Suppl.). (Submitted).
Bentley, K., A. R. Weaver, J. M. Burke, J. Morgan, D. L. Wright, S. P. Greiner, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. The effect of sire fecal egg count estimated breeding value on antibody production in grazing Katahdin lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl.).
Burke, J. M. 2020. Organic and conventional pasture systems for lamb production in Southeastern U.S. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):66-67.
Burke, J. M., J. E. Miller, M. Acharya, and E. Wood. 2020. Copper oxide wire particles to complement control of gastrointestinal nematodes with levamisole and/or albendazole in lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):73.
Burke, J. M., and E. Wood. 2020. Estimating the value of parasite resistance in sheep. Southern SAWG. Little Rock, AR.
Ellis, N., U. Karki, B. Paneru, and S. Bhattrai. 2020. Health parameters of hair sheep raised in silvopasture and woodland systems. Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) Biennial Conference.
Ellis, N., U. Karki, B. Paneru, S. Bhattrai, and L. Karki. 2020. Health and performance of ewes in woodland and silvopasture systems. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):70.
Ford, S., H. Ismail, and M. Worku. 2020. Using NCBI PubMed to gather research articles about genes encoding ruminant galectins (LGALS 1,3,4, and 9). SNCURCS2020, 11/06,308.
Godfrey, R. W., and S. A. Lakos. 2020. Using estrus detection patches or a ram wearing a marking harness to monitor estrus in synchronized hair sheep ewes. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 4):460.
Godfrey, R. W., S. Keiper, and S. A. Lakos. 2020. Evaluation of extended hair sheep ram semen stored as liquid at 5°C. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):74-75.
Gurung, R., F. Abrahamsen, R. Davis, R. Johnson, and N. Gurung. 2020. Evaluation of beef cattle and goat production workshop held at the 126th annual farmers’ conference through post- event survey. The 78th Professional Agricultural Workers Conf. Tuskegee University.
Gurung, R., F. W. Abrahamsen, K. Moyer, J. T. Sawyer, and N. Gurung. 2021. Carcass traits of growing meat goats fed different levels of hempseed meal. J. Anim. Sci. 99(Suppl.) (Submitted).
Hazard, T., N. Whitley, P. Batchu, C. Pulsifer, B. Kouakou, and T. H. Terrill. 2019. Effect of feeding ‘Serala’ sericea lespedeza hay on indicators of gastrointestinal parasitism in goats. J. Anim. Sci. 97(Suppl. 3):460–461.
Johnson, J. L., U. Karki, A. Tiwari, K. Norwood, and L. Karki. 2020. load of gastrointestinal parasites in small ruminants with or without leguminous forages during the fall season. The 78th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference. Tuskegee University.
Jones, O., J. M. Burke, J. E. Miller, and C. Rosenkrans. 2020. Use of diatomaceous earth and copper oxide wire particles to control gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):72.
Karki, L., U. Karki, and S. R. Mentreddy. 2020. Possibility of shifting domestic supply curve for lamb and goat meat: the case of market price information in the southeast USA. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):4
Karki, U., B. Paneru, S. Bhattrai, N. Ellis, and L. Karki. 2020. Woodlands for expanding the grazing opportunity for small ruminants in the Southeast: challenges and opportunities. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 4):172-173.
Karki, U., B. Paneru, S. Bhattrai, R. Khatri, N. Ellis, L. Karki, and S. Poudel. 2020. Integrating woodlands and animal production: whole system approach to promote sustainable agriculture. Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) Biennial Conference.
Lourencon, R. V., L. J. Dawson, R. Puchala, L. P. S. Ribeiro, T. A. Gipson, M. A. Rojas, M. Calle,
- S. Scronce, and A.L. Goetsch. 2019. Effects of nutritional plane before breeding on performance of hair sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 97(Suppl.).
Lourencon, R. V., L. J. Dawson, R. Puchala, L. P. S. Ribeiro, T. A. Gipson, E. Loetz, M. A. Rojas, M. Calle, A. S. Scronce, and A. L. Goetsch. 2020. Effects of nutritional plane before breeding on body condition score, mass indexes, and chemical composition of hair sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 98 (Suppl.).
Maierle, C. L., A. R. Weaver, E. E. Felton, S. P. Greiner, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. Survey of residual feed intake in Katahdin and Texel lambs in a feedlot environment. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl.)
Noorwood, K., U. Karki, J. Johnson, and A. Tiwari. 2020. Health and performance of small ruminants being raised by Alabama farmers during the fall season. The 78th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference. Tuskegee University.
O’Brien, D., S. Wildeus, S. Schoenian, and M. Purdue. 2020. Reproductive characteristics of post- pubertal lambs after being rendered short scrotum. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):77.
Paneru, B., U. Karki, N. Ellis, and S. Bhattrai. 2020. Performance of Kiko wethers and Katahdin rams co-stocked in woodlands with diverse vegetation. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 4):261.
Paneru, B., U. Karki, N. Ellis, S. Bhattrai, and L. Karki. 2020. Behavior and landscape-use pattern of small ruminants co-grazed in woodlands with different vegetation characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):70-71.
Paneru, B., U. Karki, N. Ellis, and S. Bhattrai. 2020. Vegetation preference and browsing height of Kiko wethers and Katahdin rams co-stocked in woodlands. Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) Biennial Conference.
Paneru, B., S. Bhattrai, N. Ellis, and U. Karki. 2020. Sprouting and canopy development pattern of browse species suitable for grazing small ruminants. Nepalese Agricultural Professionals of Americas (NAPA) Biennial Conference.
Patton, C., C. L. Maierle, A. R. Weaver, S. P. Greiner, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. Effect of terminal sire breed on grazing performance, parasitism and market grade of crossbred lambs: Year 2. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl.).
Pech-Cervantes, A. A., I. A. Ogunade, D. Pannell, and B. Kouakou. 2020. Inclusion of dried distillers grains with solubles in Lespedeza or alfalfa-based diets for meat goats is associated with a unique ruminal microbiome. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 4):421.
Puchala, R., L. P. S. Ribeiro, R. V. Lourencon, and A. L. Goetsch. 2020. Effects of Sericea lespedeza on methane emission and health status in grazing Boer goat wethers. J. Anim. Sci. 98 (Suppl.).
Smith, H. R., F. W. Abrahamsen, J. G. Rehm, B. Wilborn, E. Blythe, J. T. Sawyer, N. Gurung. 2020. PSV-31 Influence of hempseed meal supplementation on fresh and cooked characteristics of Boer cross goats. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 4):362.
Tiwari, A., U. Karki, B. Paneru, N. Ellis, and L. Karki. 2020. Legume-grass pastures enhanced the growth of yearling Kiko does. The 78th Professional Agricultural Workers Conference. Tuskegee University.
Weaver, A. R., J. M. Burke, J. Morgan, D. L. Wright, S. P. Greiner, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. The effect of sire FEC EBV on parasitism and survivability in grazing Katahdin lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):71.
Weaver, A. R., J. M. Burke, J. Morgan, D. L. Wright, S. P. Greiner, and S. A. Bowdridge. 2020. The effect of sire FEC EBV on parasitism and survivability in grazing Katahdin lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl.)
Wildeus, S., O’Brien, D., 2020. Reproductive performance of land race hair sheep ewes in different breeding seasons under a semi-continuous production. J. Anim. Sci. 97(Suppl. 2):76.
Wildeus, S., D. O’Brien, G. Pent, and K. Payne. 2020. Growth performance of landrace hair sheep lambs under different forage environments. J. Anim. Sci. 98(Suppl. 2):72-73.
Fact sheets
- O’Brien, and S. Wildeus. 2020. Enhancing Reproductive Performance in Small Ruminants: Part II. Puberty and Estrous Cycles. http://digitalpubs.ext.vt.edu/vcedigitalpubs/9333817745874164/MobilePagedReplica.action?pm =2&folio=1#pg1