W4177: Enhancing the Competitiveness and Value of U.S. Beef
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Publications are provided in the pdf file attached to the Summary of Minutes.
Include in the full report attached to the minutes.
California – Fausti:
- Economic Evaluation of Consumer Preferences using Experimental Methods: Ground Beef vs. Ground Bison AAEA 2020 Annual meeting conference paper:
- Fausti, Scott W., Bashir A. Qasmi, Keith Underwood, and Angel Gonzalez. "Economic Evaluation of Consumer Preferences using Experimental Methods: Ground Beef vs. Ground Bison." In 2020 Annual Meeting, July 26-28, Kansas City, Missouri, no. 304410. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, 2020: https://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/304410.
California – Oltjen:
- Andreini, EM, SM Augenstein, CD Fales, RD Sainz, JW Oltjen. 2020. Effects of feeding level on efficiency of high- and low-residual reed intake beef steers. Journal of Animal Science 98:(10):skaa286. doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa286
- Dykier KC, Oltjen JW, Robinson PH, Sainz RD. 2020. Effects of finishing diet sorting and digestibility on performance and feed efficiency in beef steers. Animal 14:59-65. doi: 10.1017/S1751731119001988
- Fernandez EE, Oltjen JW, Sainz RD. 2020. Mitochondrial abundance and function in muscle from beef steers with divergent residual feed intakes. Animal 14:560-565. doi: 10.1017/S1751731119002209
California – Vahmani:
Journal Articles
- Barragán-Hernández, W., M. E. R. Dugan, J. L. Aalhus, G. Penner, P. Vahmani, Ó. López-Campos, M. Juárez, J. Segura, L. Mahecha-Ledesma, and N. Prieto. 2021. Effect of Feeding Barley, Corn, and a Barley/Corn Blend on Beef Composition and End-Product Palatability. Foods. 10(5):977.
- Juárez, M., S. Lam, B. M. Bohrer, M. E. R. Dugan, P. Vahmani, J. Aalhus, A. Juárez, O. López-Campos, N. Prieto, and J. Segura. 2021. Enhancing the Nutritional Value of Red Meat through Genetic and Feeding Strategies. Foods 10(4):872. doi: 10.3390/foods10040872
- Vahmani, D.C.Rolland, H.C.Block, M.E.R.Dugan, and FilippoMiglior. 2020. Red blood cells are superior to plasma for predicting subcutaneous trans fatty acid composition in beef heifers. Can J Anim Sci. 100(3):570-576. doi: 10.1139/cjas-2019-0164
- Vahmani, J.A.Johnson, B.D.Sutherland, G.B.Penner, N.Prieto, J.L.Aalhus, M.Juárez, ÓÓ.López-Campos, M.E.R.Dugan, and FilippoMiglior. 2021. Changes in the fatty acid composition of steer subcutaneous fat, including biohydrogenation products, are minimal when finished on combinations of corn and barley grains and silages. Can J Anim Sci. 101(2):362-369. doi: 10.1139/cjas-2020-0013
- Vahmani, P., E. N. Ponnampalam, J. Kraft, C. Mapiye, E. N. Bermingham, P. J. Watkins, S. D. Proctor, and M. E. R. Dugan. 2020. Bioactivity and health effects of ruminant meat lipids. Invited Review. Meat Science 165:108114. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108114
- Vahmani, J.A.Johnson, B.D.Sutherland, G.B.Penner, N.Prieto, J.L.Aalhus, M.Juárez, ÓÓ.López-Campos, M.E.R.Dugan, and FilippoMiglior. 2020. substituting corn for barley in beef finisher diets has only minor effects on backfat fatty acid composition. 2020 ICOMST/Reciprocal Meat Conference
- Juarez, M. M., S. Lam, B. M. Bohrer, M. Dugan, P. Vahmani, N. Prieto, O. L. Campos, and J. Aalhus. 2020. Enhancing the nutritional value of red meats through genetic and feeding strategies. 2020 ASAS_CSAS
California – Yang:
- Bolkenov, T. Duarte, L. Yang, F. Yang, B.Roque, E. Kebreab, X. Yang. 2021. Effects of red macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis supplementation on the shelf life of fresh whole muscle beef. Transl. Anim. Sci., txab056, https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab056
Colorado – Belk and Nair:
Book Chapters
- Suman, S.P., Ramanathan, R., Nair, M.N. (2021). Advances in fresh meat color stability. In: New Aspects of Meat Quality: From Genes to Ethics (2nd Edition). Edited by P.P. Purslow. Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom - Submitted
- Nair, M.N, Zhai C. (2020) Proteomics tools for meat quality evaluation. In Meat Quality Analysis. Edited by A. Biswas., P.K. Mandal. Elsevier, Oxford, United Kingdom. Chapter 19, pp 353–368.
Refereed Journal Articles
- Swing, J., Thompson, T.W., Guimaraes, O., Geornaras, I., Engle, T.E., Belk, K.E., Gifford, C.L., Nair, M.N.* (2021). Nutritional composition of novel plant-based meat alternatives and traditional animal-based meats. Journal of Food Sciences & Nutrition. 7: 109; doi: 10.24966/FSN-1076/100109
- Arp, T.S., Rice, E., Woerner, D.R., Katoh, K., Smith, G.C., Belk, K.E., Nair, M.N. (2021). Electrical stimulator voltage settings minimally influences beef longissimus muscle tenderness. Accepted in Meat and Muscle Biology.
- Schelkopf, C., Rice, E.A., Swenson, J., Hess, A., Belk, K.E., Nair, M.N.* (2021). Nix Pro Color Sensor provides comparable color measurements to HunterLab colorimeter for fresh beef. Journal of Food Science and Technology. 58(9), 3661-3665 https://doi.org/10.1007/s13197-021-05077-6.
- Ramanathan, R., Nair, M.N., Wang, Y., Li, S., Beach, C.M., Mancini, R.A., Belskie, K., Suman, S.P. (2021). Differential abundance of mitochondrial proteome influences the color stability of beef longissimus lumborum and psoas major muscles. Meat and Muscle Biology; 5(1): 16, 1-16. doi:10.22175/mmb.11705
Idaho – Bass and Colle:
Peer-reviewed articles
- Weber, T.M., B.J. Buseman, J.A. Nasados, J.M. Lancaster, J.B. Van Buren, J.H. Smart, P.D. Bass, G.K. Murdoch, K. Insausti, and M.J. Colle. 2020. Assessing outcomes of genetic selection panels to predict marbling in crossbred beef cattle. Anim. Sci. 4:1-9
- Lancaster, J.M, B.J. Buseman, T.M. Weber, J.A. Nasados, R.P. Richard, G.K. Murdoch, W.J. Price, M.J. Colle, and P.D. Bass. 2020. Impact of beef carcass size on chilling rate, pH decline, display color and tenderness of top round subprimals. Anim. Sci. 4:1-12
- Buseman, B.J., T.M. Weber, J.A. Nasados, P.D. Bass, J.B. VanBuren, J.M. Lancaster, J.H. Smart, G.K. Murdoch, W.J. Price, K. Insausti, and M.J. Colle. 2020. Free calcium concentration, calpain-2 activity and final product tenderness of electrically stimulated beef. Meat and Muscle Biol. 4(1):24,1-11
- D. Bass. 2021. From trucks to tips – examples of peripheral ways by which the meat industry impacts the United States workforce economy. Anim. Frontiers 11(2):36-40.
- Hall, J.B., J. Sprinkle, M. Ellison, S. Goddard, B. Murdoch, J.B. Glaze, P. Bass, and K. Lee. 2021. Comparison of range-based and irrigated cow/calf systems. Idaho Range Livestock Symposium.
- Lancaster, J.M., J.H. Smart, B.J. Buseman, T.M. Weber, K. Insausti, J.A. Nasados, B. Glaze, W.J. Price, M.J. Colle, and P.D. Bass. 2021. Assessment of dry-aged beef from commercial aging locations across the United States. American Society of Animal Science Midwest Section Meeting
- Walker-Shira, K.A., B.M. Murdoch, A. Colacchio, K.M. Davenport, M.J. Colle, P.D. Bass, and G.K. Murdoch. 2021. Single nucleotide polymorphisms associated with advanced skeletal maturity in finished beef heifers. American Society of Animal Sciences Meeting.
- Van Buren, J.B., B.J. Buseman, T.M. Weber, J.A. Nasados, J.M. Lancaster, J.H. Smart, P.D. Bass, and M.J. Colle. 2021. Extending the shelf-life of beef bone-in short rib steaks using combinations of acerola cherry powder and rosemary extract. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Reno, NV.
- Wang, S, K.V. To, C. Dahlgren, C. Fornes, H. Hessler, X. Zhang, Y. Campbell, B. Buseman, P. Bass, M. Colle, M. Schilling, and T. Dinh. 2021. Free amino acid content in longissimus lumborum and semimembranosus muscles from electrically stimulated beef carcasses. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Reno, NV.
- Epperson, B., J. Van Buren, J. Nasados. J. Lancaster, K. Smith, M. Colle, K. Puga, B. Buseman, and K. Insausti-Barrenetxea. 2021. Alternative merchandising strategy of the beef top round. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Reno, NV.
- Lancaster, J., J. Smart, J. Van Buren, B. Epperson, J. Nasados, W. Price, M. Colle, P. Bass. 2021. Descriptive assessment of dry-aged beef from commercial aging locations across the United States. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Reno, NV.
- Lancaster, J., M. Colle, B. Epperson, J. Smart, K. Oliver, H. Komine, A. Kano, Y. Sakaguchi, K. Kuchida, D. Cicale, and P.D. Bass. Preliminary assessment of the Meat Imaging Japan (MIJ) beef grading smart phone application as it compares to a current USDA validated beef grading camera vision system. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Reno, NV.
- Oliver, K.F., J.B. Van Buren, J.B. Hall, M.L., Heimbuch, J.A. Nasados, P.D. Bass, and M.J. Colle. 2021. Impact of maternal nutrition on postnatal growth and carcass traits of crossbred beef steers. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Reno, NV.
Kansas – Pendell:
- Shear, H.E.a, and L. Pendell. “Economic Cost of Traceability in U.S. Beef Production.” Frontiers in Animal Science. December (2020).
- Webb, M.J.a, J. Block, A.A. Harty, R.R. Salverson, R.F. Daly, J.R. Jaeger, K.R. Underwood, R.N. Funston, D.L. Pendell, C.A. Rotz, K.C. Olson, and A.D. Blair. “Cattle and carcass performance, and life cycle assessment of production systems utilizing additive combinations of growth promotant technologies.” Translational Animal Science. November (2020)
Kansas – Chao:
Journal Articles
- Wu, W.J., Welter, A. A., Olson, B. A., Rice, E. A., O’Quinn, T.G., Houser, T., Boyle, A., Magnin-Bissel, G and Chao, M. D. (2021). Biochemical factors affecting Asian consumers’ sensory preferences of six beef shank cuts. Meat and Muscle Biology, 5(1): 6, 1–18. doi:10.22175/mmb.11626
- Welter, A. A., Koulicoff, L. A., Verrill, E. and Chao, M. D. (2021). Native beef MMP-2 may contribute to postmortem collagen degradation in extended aged beef Proceedings of 67th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland.
- Koulicoff, L. A., Chun, C. K. Y., O’Quinn, T.G. and Chao, M. D. (2021). Native beef collagenase may contribute to postmortem collagen degradation and alteration of connective tissue texture. Proceedings of 74th Reciprocal Meats Conference, Reno, NV.
- Chun, C. K. Y., Welti, R., Roth, M., Richards, M. and Chao, M. D. (2021). Exploring the potential effect of anti-phospholipase A2 antibody to extend beef shelflife in a beef liposome model system. Proceedings of 74th Reciprocal Meats Conference, Reno, NV.
- Velasco-Ayala, C., Hammond, P. A., Chun, C. K. Y., Welter, A. A., O’Quinn, T.G., Boyle, E., Geisbrecht, E. and Chao, M. D. (2021). An investigation of the relationship between sarcomere length and meat tenderness and a novel way to measure sarcomere length. Proceedings of 74th Reciprocal Meats Conference, Reno, NV.
- Hammond, P. A., Chun, C. K. Y., Wu, W. J., Welter, A. A., O’Quinn, T.G., Magnin-Bissel, G. and Chao, M. D. (2021). An investigation on the influence of various biochemical tenderness factors on eight different bovine muscles. Proceedings of 74th Reciprocal Meats Conference, Reno, NV.
- Verrill, E, Wu, W. J., and Chao, M. D. (2021). A proposed ELISA method to evaluate elastin content in beef shank and understanding elastin contents effect on beef shank tenderness. Proceedings of 74th Reciprocal Meats Conference, Reno, NV.
Kansas – Tonsor:
- Pudenz, C.C., J.L. Mitchell, L.L. Schulz, and T. Tonsor. “U.S. Cattle Producer Adoption of Secure Beef Supply Plan Enhanced Biosecurity Practices and Food-and-Mouth Disease Preparedness.” Frontiers in Veterinary Science. Forthcoming.
- Appuhamilage, B.P.M. and T. Tonsor. “Impact of Weather on Cow-Calf Industry Locations and Production in the United States.” Agricultural Systems. Forthcoming.
- Bina, J.D., T.C. Schroeder, and T. Tonsor. “Conditional Feeder Cattle Hedge Ratios: Cross Hedging with Fluctuating Corn Prices.” J of Commodity Markets. Forthcoming.
- Tonsor, G.T., J.L. Lusk, and S.L. Tonsor. “Meat Demand Monitor during COVID-19.” Animals. Special Issue: Data-Driven Decision Making in Animal Industries. Forthcoming. (LINK)
- Lusk, J.L. and T. Tonsor. “Supply and Demand Indices and their Welfare Implications.” Q Open. Forthcoming. (LINK)
- Appuhamilage, B.P.M. and T. Tonsor. “Weather Effects on U.S. Cow-Calf Production: A Long-Term Panel Analysis.” Agribusiness: An International Journal. Forthcoming. (LINK)
- Mitchell, J.L., T. Tonsor, and L.L. Schulz. (2021). “The Market for Traceability with Applications to U.S. Feeder Cattle." European Review of Agricultural Economics. 48:447-476. (LINK)
- McKendree, M.G.S., T. Tonsor, and L.L. Schulz. (2021). “Management of Multiple Sources of Risk in Livestock Production.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 53:75-93. (LINK)
- Lusk, J.L., T. Tonsor, and L.L. Schulz. (2021). “Beef and Pork Marketing Margins and Price Spreads during COVID-19.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 43:4-23. Special Issue Lead Article.
Nebraska – Calkins and Sullivan:
Journal Articles
- L. Henriott, N.J. Herrera, F.A. Ribeiro, K.B. Hart, N.A. Bland, K. Eskridge, C.R. Calkins. 2020. Impact of myoglobin oxygenation state prior to frozen storage on color stability of thawed beef steaks through retail display. Meat Science https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108232 https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1bS0S16J4lftRH
- Felipe Azevedo Ribeiro, Soon K. Lau, Sérgio B. Pflanzer, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, Chris R. Calkins. Color and lipid stability of dry aged beef during retail display. Meat Science https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108274 https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1ba-X16J4lftXt
- Morgan L Henriott, Nicolas J Herrera, Felipe A Ribeiro, Kellen B Hart, Nicolas A Bland, Chris R Calkins. Impact of myoglobin oxygenation level on color stability of frozen beef steaks. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 98, Issue 7, July 2020, skaa193, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa193
- Nicolas J. Herrera, Nicolas A. Bland, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Morgan L. Henriott, Eric M. Hofferber, Jakob Meier, Jessica L. Petersen, Nicole M. Iverson, Chris R. Calkins. Oxidative stress and postmortem meat quality in crossbred lambs. Journal of Animal Science, Volume 99, Issue 7, 1-13. 2021, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab156
- Iverson, Nicole, Hofferber, Eric, Meier, Jakob, Herrera, Nicolas, Calkins, Chris, Kachman, Stephen. Development of a Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Sensor for Long Term Implantation and Detection in a Large Animal Model. November 2020 ECS Meeting Abstracts MA2020-02(67):3413-3413 DOI:10.1149/MA2020-02673413mtgabs
- Eric Hofferber, Jakob Meier, Nicolas Herrera, Joseph Stapleton, Kayla Ney, Becca Francis, Chris Calkins and Nicole Iverson. Novel Methods to Extract and Quantify Sensors based on Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Fluorescence from Animal Tissue and Hydrogel-Based Platforms. Methods and Applications in Fluorescence, Volume 9, Number 2 025005 https://doi.org/10.1088/2050-6120/abea07
- Felipe A. Ribeiro, Soon K. Lau, Rebecca A. Furbeck, Nicolas J. Herrera, Morgan L. Henriott, Nicolas A. Bland, Samodha C. Fernando, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, Gary A. Sullivan, and Chris R. Calkins. Ultimate pH effects on dry-aged beef quality. Meat Science Volume 172, February 2021, 108365 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.meatsci.2020.108365
- H.B., Watson. S.C., Chaves, B.D., Cavender, G.A., Sullivan, G.A. 2021. Fate of generic E. coli in nonintact beef steaks during sous vide cooking at different holding time and temperature combinations. In Press: Accepted to Food Protection Trends on 8-3-2021.
Other Peer Reviewed Educational Material
- Nicolas A. Bland, Nicolas J. Herrera, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Morgan L. Henriott, Kellen B. Hart, Chris R. Calkins. 2021. Proteomic Analysis of Oxidized Proteins in Beef. The Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. vol. MP 110, pp.74 – 80.
- Nicolas J. Herrera, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Nicolas A. Bland, Morgan L. Henriott, Kellen B. Hart, Jessica L. Petersen, Chris R. Calkins. 2021. The Impact of Oxidative Stress on Postmortem Meat Quality. The Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. vol. MP 110, pp. 82-87.
- Nicolas J. Herrera, Felipe A. Ribeiro, Nicolas A. Bland, Morgan L. Henriott, Kellen B. Hart, Chris R. Calkins. 2021. The Relationship of Liver Abscess Scores and Early Postmortem Meat Tenderness. The Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP 110, pp. 81-82.
- Joseph A. Sonderman, Soon K. Lau, Felipe A Ribeiro, David M. Velasco, Nicolas A. Bland, Nicolas J. Herrera, Morgan L. Henriott, Jeyamkondan Subbiah, Chris R. Calkins. 2021. Accelerated Dry Aging under Anaerobic Conditions. The Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. vol. MP 110, pp. 88-90.
- H.B., Watson. S.C., Chaves, B.D., Sullivan, G.A. 2022 Fate of Salmonella in beef steaks during sous vide cooking. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP112:104-105. (in press)
- H.B., Watson. S.C., Chaves, B.D., Sullivan, G.A. 2021 Fate of generic E. coli in beef steaks during sous vide cooking at different holding time and temperature combinations. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP110:91-92.
- Watson, S.C., Furbeck, R.A., Chavez, B.D., Sullivan, G.A. Pseudomonas survive thermal processing and grow during vacuum packaged storage in an emulsified beef system. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP110:72-73.
Abstracts and Conference Proceedings
- Watson, S.C., Furbeck, R.A., Chaves, B.D., Fernando, S.C., Sullivan, G.A., 2021. Impact on antimicrobial interventions on spoilage bacteria during extended storage of raw, vacuum packaged beef from two facilities. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Reno, NV. August 15-18.
- Hunt, H.B., Watson, S.C., Chaves, B.D., Sullivan, G.A., 2021. Fate of Generic Salmonella enterica serotypes Typhimurium, Enteritidis, and Heidelberg in Beef Steaks during Sous Vide Cooking at Different Holding Time and Temperature Combinations. Reciprocal Meat Conference, Reno, NV. August 15-18.
- Watson, S.C., Furbeck, R.A., Chavez, B.D., Sullivan, G.A. 2020. Spoilage Pseudomonas survive thermal processing and grow during vacuum packaged storage in an emulsified meat system. International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Virtual, August 3-6, 2020.
- Hunt, H.B., Watson, S.C., Chavez, B.D., Sullivan, G.A. 2020. Fate of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922 in beef steaks during sous vide cooking at different holding time and temperature combinations. International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Virtual, August 3-6, 2020.
- Impact of Diet and Quality Grade on Proteomic Analysis of Oxidized Proteins in Beef.
- A. Bland, N. J. Herrera, F. A. Ribeiro, M. L. Henriott, K. B. Hart, and C. R. Calkins. Meat and Muscle Biology 2021, 5(2):72
- Effects of Bone and Subcutaneous Fat on the Yield and Physical-Chemical Traits of Dry Aged Beef. P. S. Bernardo, F. A. Ribeiro, C. R. Calkins, and S. B. Pflanzer. Meat and Muscle Biology 2021, 5(2):73
- Oxidative Stress as a Measure of Postmortem Meat Quality in Crossbred Lambs. N. J. Herrera, N. A. Bland, F. A. Ribeiro, M. L. Henriott, J. L. Petersen, and C. R. Calkins. Meat and Muscle Biology 2021, 5(2):90
- Velazco, D.M. Enhancement of Dry-Aged Beef Quality by Dietary Supplementation of High Levels of Vitamin E. M.S. Thesis. University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
- Sonderman,. J.A. Low-Oxygen Dry Aging of Beef. M.S. Thesis. University of Nebraska, Lincoln.
Nevada – De Mello:
Refereed articles
- Fruet, A.P.B., Giotto, F.M., Fonseca, M.F., Nörnberg, J.L., and de Mello, A.S. 2020, Effects of the incorporation of tannin extract from Quebracho Colorado wood on color Parameters, lipid oxidation, and sensory attributes of beef patties. Foods. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7278849/
- Giotto, F. M. Fruet, A. P. B., Nörnberg J. L.,Calkins, C. R., de Mello, A. S. 2020, Effects of muscle and finishing diets containing distillers grains with low moisture levels on fatty acid deposition in two novel value-added beef cuts. Food Science of Animal Resources. https://www.kosfaj.org/archive/view_article?pid=kosfa-40-3-484
- E.L., Lukov, M.J., Giotto, F.M., Torres, E.S., de Mello, A.S. 2020, Efficacy of bacteriophage and organic acids in decreasing STEC O157:H7 populations in beef kept under vacuum and aerobic conditions: A simulated High Event Period scenario. Meat Science. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0309174019308952
- Shebs-Maurine, E.S., Torres,E .S., Yeh-Parker, de Mello, A.S. 2020, Application of MS bacteriophages on contaminated trimmings reduces Escherichia coli O157 and non-O157 in ground beef. Meat Science. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0309174020306756?via%3Dihub
- Shebs, E. L., Giotto, F. M., Laidler, S. T., and de Mello, A. S. 2020. Effects of bacteriophages and peroxyacetic acid applications on beef contaminated with Salmonella during different grinding stages. 2020. The 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association / 66th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.
- Cavender, A.M., Giotto, F.M., Miller, D., Dinh, T., de Mello A.S. 2020. Effects of dry and wet aging on volatile and amino acid profile of USDA Choice and Prime strip loins. The 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association / 66th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.
- Giotto, F.M., Cavender, A.M., Shebs-Maurine, E.L., Fonseca, M.A., de Mello, A.S. 2020. Effects of feeding brewers grains, maize starch, and Omega 3 fatty acids on growth performance, meat quality attributes, and blood stress indicators of veal. The 73rd Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association / 66th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.
Outreach Media
- USMEF Sudamerica: Carcass grading: An essential tool to ensure meat quality. Classificação de Carcaças: Uma ferramenta essencial para garantir a qualidade da carne / Clasificación de Carcasas, una herramienta esencial para garantizar la calidad de la carne.
(Portuguese-BR) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROmfwj3ZTNQ&t=15s&ab_channel=USMEFSudamerica
(Spanish subtitles)
- USMEF Sudamerica: Carcass fabrication and quality attributes. Processamento das carcaças e atributos de qualidade / Procesamiento de las carcasas y atributos de calidad.
(Portuguese-BR) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1TMGJlinOkE&t=196s&ab_channel=USMEFSudamerica
(Spanish subtitles)
- USMEF Sudamerica: Effects of dietary treatments and pre-slaughter factors on meat quality. Efeitos da dieta animal e dos fatores pré-abate na qualidade da carne/ Efectos de la dieta animal y los factores previos al sacrificio en la calidad de la carne.
(Portuguese-BR) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WL7N4r7ao1c&t=103s&ab_channel=USMEFSudamerica
(Spanish subtitles)
North Dakota – Maddock:
- Fevold M. A. & Grube L. K. & Keller W. L. & Maddock-Carlin K. R. & Maddock R. J., (2021) “Tenderness and Color Stability of Beef Longissimus Thoracis and Semimembranosus Steaks From Carcasses With Varying Hot Carcass Weights”, Meat and Muscle Biology 5(1). p.10, 1 – 7. doi: https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.11465
- Fevold, M. A., K. R. Maddock-Carlin, and R. J. Maddock. “Various measures of chilling rates for beef carcasses.” Proc 2021 Recip Meats Conference.
- D. Nath, R. Maddock, M. Fevold, W. Keller, and K. Carlin. “The influence of beef carcass weight on troponin-T degradation and heat shock protein 70 in two different models.” Proc 2020 International Congress of Meat Science and Technology.
- Michaella Fevold, Laura Grube, Wanda Keller, Kasey Maddock-Carlin, Robert Maddock. Tenderness and juiciness of beef steaks from varying hot carcass weights. 2019 NDSU Beef and Sheep Report. Available at: https://www.ag.ndsu.edu/publications/livestock/2019-north-dakota-beef-and-sheep-report
Indiana – Brad Kim:
Peer-review journal articles
- Guedes-Oliveira, J.M., Kim, Y.H.B., Conte-Junior, C.A. 2021. What are the potential strategies to achieve healthier meat products? A Review. International Journal of Food Science. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.15104.
- Setyabrata, D., Cooper B.R., Sobreira, T.J.P., Legako, J.F., Martini, S., Kim, Y.H.B.* 2021. Elucidating mechanisms involved in flavor generation of dry-aged beef loins using metabolomics approach. Food Research International. 139:109969.
- Xue, S., Setyabrata, D., Kim, Y.H.B.* 2021. Evaluation of functional and chemical properties of crust from dry-aged beef loins as novel food ingredient. Meat Science. 173: 108403.
- Tuell, J., Kim, H.W., Guedes-Oliveira, J.M., Seo, J.K., Schoonmaker, J., Kim, Y.H.B.* Arginine supplementation may improve color and redox stability of beef loins through delayed onset of mitochondrial-mediated apoptotic processes. Food Chemistry. 128552.
- Ma, D., Kim, Y.H.B.* 2020. Proteolytic changes of myofibrillar and small heat shock proteins in different bovine muscles during aging: their relevance to tenderness and water-holding capacity. Meat Science. 163:108090.
- Xue, S., Wang, C., Bian, G., Kim, Y.H.B., Han, M.*, Xu, X.*, Zhou, G. 2020. Application of high-pressure treatment improves the in vitro protein digestibility of gel-based meat product. Food Chemistry. 306:125602.
- Tuell, J., Yu, Q., Kim, Y.H.B.*. 2020. Impacts of smart tumbling on muscle ultrastructure, proteolysis and quality attributes of fresh beef loins (M. longissimus lumborum). The 73rd Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Virtual Meeting.
- Tuell, J., Kim, Y.H.B.*. 2020. Smart tumbling improved quality and palatability attributes of fresh beef M. longissimus lumborum and M. semitendinosus. The 73rd Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Virtual Meeting.
- Nondorf, M., Tuell, J., Maskal, J., Johnson, J., Kim, Y.H.B.*. 2020. Carcass and meat quality traits of market weight gilts exposed to in utero heat stress. The 73rd Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Virtual Meeting.
- Wagner, A., Setyabrata, D., Kim, Y.H.B.* 2020. Effect of dry-aging on quality attributes of pork loins. The 73rd Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Virtual Meeting.
- Setyabrata, D., Xue, S., Vierck, K., Legako, J., Cooper, B., Sobreira, T., Kim, Y.H.B.*. 2020. Investigation into mechanisms underpinning dry-aging impacts on beef quality attributes and flavor-related compounds. The 73rd Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Virtual Meeting.
- Zhang, J., Abdelhaseib, M., Kim, Y.H.B.*. 2020. Effect of early postmortem oxidative stress on mitochondrial redox stability and apoptosis of two porcine muscles. The 73rd Annual Reciprocal Meat Conference, Virtual Meeting.
Kentucky – Suman, Surendranath
Manuscript under review:
- Zhai, C.; Suman, S.P.; Li, S.; Nair, M.N.; Beach, C.M.; Edenburn, B.M.; Boler, D.D.; Dilger, A.C.; Felix, T.L. Ractopamine-induced remodeling in the mitochondrial proteome of postmortem longissimus lumborum muscle from feedlot steers. Livestock Science. Under review.
Mississippi – Dinh
- Haines, C., Coatney, K. B., Rivera, D., Schilling, W., & Dinh, T. (2021). Effects of chilling duration on USDA Quality Grade of beef carcasses. Meat and Muscle Biology. Accepted/In Copyediting.
- Poss, M., Coatney, K. T., Rivera, D., Dinh, T., Little, R. D., & Maples, J. G. (2021). Marketing Fed Cattle Based on Expectations of the Underlying Carcass Value Dynamics. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 1-26.
- Dinh, T. T., To, K. V., & Schilling, M. W. (2021). Fatty acid composition of meat animals as flavor precursors. Meat and Muscle Biology, 5(1).
- Bakker, C., Hite, L., Wright, C., Smart, A., Dinh, T., Blair, A., Underwood, K. and Grubbs, J.K. (2021). Impact of feeding cover crop forage containing brassicas to steers during backgrounding on palatability attributes of beef strip steaks. Foods, 10(6), p.1250.
- Dinh, T., Li, S., Chen, J., Zhu, H., & Suman, S. P. (2021). Post-translational modification of myoglobin in post-rigor longissimus lumborum muscle from beef cattle injected with hydrogen peroxide. The 74th Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association.
- Penrod, B. M., Fornes, C. R., Rivera, D., Dinh, T. T. N. (2021). Free amino acids in blood plasma of beef cattle under induced oxidative stress by hydrogen peroxide. 2021 ASAS-CSAS-SSASAS Annual Meeting and Trade Show
- Dahlgren, C., Goodson, H., Sajeev D., Rivera, D., Dinh, T. T. N. (2021) Oxidative stress biomarkers in blood plasma and pre-rigor tissues of beef cattle induced by hydrogen peroxide. 2021 ASAS-CSAS-SSASAS Annual Meeting and Trade Show
- Fornes, C. R., Penrod, B. M., Rivera, D., Dinh, T. T. N. (2021). Free amino acids in pre- and post-rigor muscles in beef cattle under induced oxidative stress by hydrogen peroxide. 2021 ASAS-CSAS-SSASAS Annual Meeting and Trade Show.
- Wang, S., To, K. V., Dahlgren, C., Fornes, C., Hessler, H., Zhang, X., Campbell, Y., Buseman, B., Bass, P., Colle, M., Schilling, M. W., Dinh, T. (2021). Free amino acid content in longissimus lumborum and semimembranosus muscles from electrically stimulated beef carcasses. The 74th Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association.
- Wang, S., To, K. V., Dahlgren, C., Sajeev, D., Rivera, D., Schilling, M. W., Suman, S., Dinh, T. (2021). Lean color and oxidative stress biomarkers in post-rigor longissimus muscle from beef cattle injected with hydrogen peroxide. The 74th Reciprocal Meat Conference of the American Meat Science Association.
Tennessee – Thompson, Myer, Martinez, and Kojima:
- Muhammad, A., M. Thompson, and K. DeLong. “Implications of KORUS on U.S. beef in South Korea.” International Journal of Trade and Global Markets. 13(4). 2020.
- Thompson, J., A. Delgado, H. Hasel, and D. Bonilla. “Effects of Drought and Media-Reported Violence on Cattle Fever Tick Incursions.” Frontiers in Veterinary Sciences. 7(373). 2020.
- Menard, R.J., M. Thompson, B. English, D. Hughes, A. Griffith, S.A. Smith, and K.L. Jensen. “Economic Impacts from On-Farm Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Event in Tennessee.” Review of Regional Studies. 50(2). 2020.
- Thompson, J.M., D.L. Pendell, A.D. Hagerman, and K.K. Johnson. “International Trade Implications of Highly Pathogenic Poultry Disease Events.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. 49(3). 2020.
- Kibler, M. and Thompson. “Price Determinants of Stock-Type Horses Sold at Public Online Auctions.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 52(4). 2020.
- Boyer, C., A. Griffith, M. Thompson, J. Rhinehart, K. Burdine, and K. Laurent. “Cattle Price Influence on Raising versus Purchasing Bred Heifers.” Journal of Applied Farm Economics. 3(2). 2020.
- Maples, J., Thompson, J. Anderson, and D. Anderson. “Estimating COVID-19 Impacts on the Broiler Industry.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 43(1). 2021.
- Weersink, A., M. Von Massow, N. Bannon, J. Ifft, J. Maples, K. McEwan, M. McKendree, C. Nicholson, A. Novakovic, A. Rangarajan, T. Richards, B. Rickard, J. Rude, M. Schipanski, G. Schnitkey, L. Schultz, D. Schuurman, K. Schwartzkopf-Genswein, M. Stecphenson, Thompson, and K. Wood. “COVID-19 and the Agri-Food System in the United States and Canada.” Agricultural Systems. 188. 2021.
- Trejo-Pech, C., and M. Thompson. “Discounted Cash Flow Valuation of Conventional and Cage-Free Production Investments” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 24(2). 2021.
- Martinez, C., J. Maples, and J. Benavidez. "Beef cattle markets and covid‐19." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy1 (2021): 304-314.
- Martinez, C., C.N.Boyer, and K. Burdine. 2021. “Price Determinants for Feeder Cattle in Tennessee.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. Submitted June, 2021.
- Smith, K., K.DeLong, A.P. Griffith, C.N. Boyer, Martinez, S. Schexnayder, and T. Fyxell. 2021. “The Influence of Farm Demographics and Producer Perceptions on Cow-Calf Producer Horn Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Management Costs in Tennessee and Texas.”Journal of Economic Entomology. Submitted July 2021.
- Clemmons, B.A., Schneider, L.G., Melchior, E.A., Hales, K.E., Lindholm-Perry, A.K., Freetly, H.C., Wells, J.E., and Myer, P.R. The effects of feeding ferric citrate on methane production, fermentation, and ruminal microbial populations in growing beef steers. Access Microbiology. doi: 10.1099/acmi.0.000180
- Clemmons, B.A., Henniger, M.T., and Myer P.R. Data of bacterial community dynamics resulting from total rumen content exchange in beef cattle. BMC Research Notes. 14(308). doi: 10.1186/s13104-021-05726-1