NC_old1198: Renewing an Agriculture of the Middle: Value Chain Design, Policy Approaches, Environmental and Social Impacts
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
None ot report yet
Journal Articles
- Shideler, D., A. Bauman, D. Thilmany, BBR Jablonski. 2018. "Putting Local Food Dollars to Work: The Economic Benefits of Local Food Dollars to Workers, Farms and Communities." Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues. 33(3).
- Brekken, CA, C. Dickson, H.H. Peterson, M. Ostrom, G. Feestra, and K. Tanaka. "Economic Impact of Values-Based Supply Chain Participation on Small and Mid-Sized Produce Farms". Journal Food Distribution Research. Forthcoming.
- Brekken, CA, M Parks, M Lundgren. 2017. "Oregon producer and consumer engagement in regional food networks: Motivations and future opportunities." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development7(4).
- Bauman, A. G., D. Thilmany McFadden, and B.B.R. Jablonski. 2018. “The financial performance implications of differential marketing strategies: Exploring farms that pursue local markets as a core competitive advantage.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review.
- Bauman, A., D. Thilmany McFadden, and B.B.R. Jablonski. 2018. “Evaluating scale and technical efficiency among farms and ranches with a local market orientation.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170517000680
- Burmeister, L. and K. Tanaka. 2017. “Fair Labor Practices in Values-Based Agrifood Supply Chains?” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 7(3): 17-22.
- Christensen, L.O., B.B.R. Jablonski, L. Stephens, and A. Joshi. Accepted. “Evaluating the economic impacts of farm to school: An approach for primary and secondary financial data collection of producers selling to schools.” Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development.
- Christensen, L.O., B.B.R. Jablonski, and J. O’Hara. 2018. “School districts and their local food supply chains: Implications for farm to school programs.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170517000540
- Clancy et al. (12 authors). 2017 . "Using a market basket to explore regional food systems". Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 7(4)” 163-178.
- Clark, J.K. and B. BR Jablonski. 2018. "Federal Policy, Administration, and Local Food Coming of Age." Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues33(3).
- Conner, D., Sims, K., Berkfield, R. and Harrington, H. (Published online December 12, 2017). Do farmers and other suppliers benefit from sales to food hubs? Evidence from Vermont. Journal of Hunger and Environmental Nutrition.
- De Master, K. and J. Daniels. “Desert Wonderings: Reimagining Food Access Mapping,” conditionally accepted, Agriculture and Human Values. Forthcoming.
- De Master, K. 2018. “New Inquiries into the Agri-Cultures of the Middle.” Culture, Agriculture, Food and Environment. Published online October 2018: (DOI) - 10.1111/cuag.12219.
- Feenstra, G., Hardesty, S., Lev, L., Houston, L., King, R., and Joannides, J. 2018. “Beyond fresh and direct: exploring the specialty food industry as a market outlet for small-and medium-sized farms.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 0, 1-11. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170517000722.
- Hardesty, S., R.P. King, G. Feenstra, L. Houston, J. Joannides, and L. Lev. 2018. "Exploring Supplier-Manufacturer Relationships in the Specialty Food Sector" Journal of Food Distribution Research. 49(1)
- Hendrickson, Mary K., Harvey S. James, Jr., Annette Kendall, and Christine Sanders. 2018. “The Assessment of Fairness in Agricultural Markets.” Geoforum96:41-50
- Jablonski, B., M. Hendrickson, S. Vogel and T. Schmitt. 2017. “Local and Regional Food Systems Driving Rural Economic Development.” Chapter 3 in Harvesting Opportunity: The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities. USDA and Federal Reserve System Collaboration Joint Publication.
- Naasz, E., B. BR Jablonski, D. Thilmany. 2018. "State Branding Programs and Local Food Purchases." Choices: The Magazine of Food, Farm, and Resource Issues.33(3).
- Nogeire-McRae, T., E.P. Ryan, B.B.R. Jablonski, M., H.S. Arathi, C.S. Brown, H.H. Saki, S. McKeen, E. Lapansky, M.E. Schipanski. 2018. "The Role of Urban Agriculture in a Secure, Healthy, and Sustainable Food System." BioScience68 (10), 748-759
- Ostrom, M., K. De Master, E. Noe, and M. Schermer. 2017. “Values Based Food Chains from a Transatlantic Perspective: Exploring a Middle Tier of Regional Agrifood System Development,” International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food24: No 1: 1-14.
- Ostrom, M., K. De Master, E. Noe, and M. Schermer, Special Issue Co-editors. 2017. “Evolutions in the Middle: Transnational Perspectives on Values Based Food Chains,”International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food 24: No 1.
- Palmer et al.(9 authors). 2017. "Between global and local: exploring regional food systems from the perspective of four communities in the US Northeast." Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. 187-205.
- Plastina, A. Forthcoming. “Declining Liquidity in Iowa Farms: 2014-2017.” Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.
- Plastina, Alejandro; Liu, Fangge; Sawadgo, Wendiam; Miguez, Fernando E.; Carlson, Sarah; and Marcillo, Guillermo. 2018. "Annual Net Returns to Cover Crops in Iowa," Journal of Applied Farm Economics: Vol. 2 : Iss. 2 , Article 2. Available at: https://docs.lib.purdue.edu/jafe/vol2/iss2/2
- Plastina, A., Liu, F., Miguez, F., & Carlson, S. 2018. Cover crops use in Midwestern US agriculture: Perceived benefits and net returns. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-11. doi:10.1017/S1742170518000194
- Plastina, A., and C. Hart. 2018. (Open Access). “Is ARC-CO acting as a Safety Net Program? Evidence from Iowa.” Choices. Quarter 1.
- Rossi, James, Thomas G. Johnson, and Mary Hendrickson. 2017. “The Economic Impacts of Local and Conventional Food Sales.” Journal of Agriculture and Applied Economics. 49(4).
- Saulters, Mary Margaret, Mary K. Hendrickson and Fabio Chaddad. 2018. “Fairness in alternative food networks: An exploration with Midwestern social entrepreneurs.” Agriculture and Human Values. Accepted 2/1/2018.
Book Chapters
- Hendrickson, Mary, Harvey James and William D. Heffernan. 2019. “Vertical Integration and Concentration in US Agriculture.” Forthcoming in Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics, 2nd Editionedited by D. M. Kaplan. Dordrecht: Springer Science and Business Media.
- Hendrickson, Mary K., Philip H. Howard, and Douglas H. Constance. 2019. “Power, Food and Agriculture: Implications for Farmers, Consumers and Communities.” Forthcoming in In Defense of Farmers: The Future of Agriculture in the Shadow of Corporate Power,edited by Jane W. Gibson and Sara E. Alexander. Lincoln NE: University of Nebraska Press.
- Hinrichs, C. 2018. "Food and Localism." In J. Konefal and M. Hatanaka, eds. Twenty Lessons in the Sociology of Food and Agriculture.Oxford University Press.
- Howard, P. 2018. "Increasing Corporate Control: From Supermarkets to Seeds." In J. Konefal and M. Hatanaka, eds. Twenty Lessons in the Sociology of Food and Agriculture.Oxford University Press.
- Howard, Philip H. Forthcoming. Corporate Concentration in Global Meat Processing: The Role of Feed and Finance Subsidies. In Global Meat: Social and Environmental Consequences of the Expanding Meat Industry(Bill Winders and Elizabeth Ransom, eds.). MIT Press.
- Jablonski, B., M. Hendrickson, S. Vogel and T. Schmitt. 2017. “Local and Regional Food Systems Driving Rural Economic Development.” Chapter 3 in Harvesting Opportunity: The Power of Regional Food System Investments to Transform Communities. USDA and Federal Reserve System Collaboration Joint Publication.
Non Peer Reviewed
- King, R., Lev, L., Houston, L., Feenstra, G., Hardesty, S., Joannides, J. 2017. “A survey of specialty food manufacturers to assess whether they represent an attractive outlet for small and medium-size farmers.” Working paper/ Staff paper P17-05, University of Minnesota, Department of Applied Economics. http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/record/263408/files/Staff%20Paper%20P17-05--Robert%20P%20King%2C%20et%20al--9-22-17.pdf.
- Peterson, H.H., G. Feenstra, M. Ostrom, and Tanaka. 2017. “Impacts of Values-Based Supply Chains on Small and Medium-Sized Farms.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 48(1): 105-106. Conference Proceeding Issue.
Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
- Brekken, C., Dickson, C., Peterson, H., Feenstra, G., Tanaka, K., Ostrom, M., and Engelskirchen, G. (2019). Economic impact of values-based supply chain participation on small and mid-sized produce farms. Journal of Food Distribution Research, Volume 50, Issue 2, pp. 1-26. ISSN 2643-3354 (online); https://www.fdrsinc.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/JFDR_50.2.pdf#page=6
- Christensen, L.O., B.B.R. Jablonski, and J. O’Hara. 2019. School districts and their local food supply chains: Implications for farm to school programs. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems34(3):207-215. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170517000540
- Clark, J., B.B.R. Jablonski, A. Irish, S. Inwood, and J. Freedgood. A Contemporary Concept of the Value(s)-added Food and Agriculture Sector and Rural Development. Accepted. Community Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/15575330.2020.1854804
- Clay, L.; Perkins, K.; Motallebi, M.; Plastina, A.; Farmaha, B.S. 2020. "The Perceived Benefits, Challenges, and Environmental Effects of Cover Crop Implementation in South Carolina." Agriculture 2020, 10, 372. doi: 10.3390/agriculture10090372.
- Conner, D. (2020). Exploring Resource Management for Sustainable Food Businesses: Three Vermont Case Studies. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 9(3), 99-107. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2020.093.002
- De Master, Kathryn Teigen and Malin, Stephanie. 2020. “Devil’s Bargains: Fractured Farms or Freedom?” in Bite Back: People Taking on Corporate Food and Winning, Kathryn De Master and Saru Jayaraman, eds., University of California Press: Berkeley.
- Didero, N., M. Costanigro, and B.B.R. Jablonski. Accepted. Promoting farmers market via information nudges and coupons: a randomized control trial. Agribusiness: An International Journal.
- Diekmann, L., and M. Ostrom (In Press). Growing Together: Participatory Approaches in Urban Agriculture Extension. In M. Egerer & H. Cohen (eds.), Urban Agroecology: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understand the Science, Practice, and Movement. CRC Press.
- Fairbairn, Madeleine, James LaChance, Kathryn De Master, and Loka Ashwood. 2020. “In vino veritas, in aqua lucrum: Farmland investment, environmental uncertainty, and groundwater access in California’s Cuyama Valley. Agriculture and Human Values.
- Hancock, G., Y. Liu, A.R. Smith, and A. Plastina. "Motivations and Challenges of Cover Crop Utilization for Georgia Crop Production." Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers 2020, pp. 122-128.
- Hendrickson, M.K. “Covid lays bare the brittleness of a concentrated and consolidated food system.” Agriculture and Human Values37(3):579-580.
- Hendrickson, MK, SH Massengale, R. Cantrell. 2020. “No money exchanged hands, no bartering took place. But it’s still local produce”: Understanding local food systems in rural areas in the US Heartland.” Journal of Rural Studies 78, 480-490.
- Howard, Philip H. and Mary K. Hendrickson. 2020. The State of Concentration in Global Food and Agriculture Industries. Pp. 89-91 in Transformation of Our Food Systems: The Making of a Paradigm Shift (Hans Herren, Benedikt Haerlin & IAASTD +10 Advisory Group, eds.). ISBN 978-3-00-066209-6.
- Howard, Philip H. 2020. How Corporations Control our Seeds. Pp. 15-29 in Bite Back: People Taking on Corporate Food and Winning (Saru Jarayaman & Kathryn De Master, eds.). Oakland, CA: University of California Press.
- Jablonski, B.B.R., J. Casnovsky, J.K. Clark, R. Cleary, B. Feingold, D. Freeman, S. Gray, L. Schmitt Olabisi, X. Romeiko, C. Walsh, A.E. van den Berg. Accepted. Emergency food provision for children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examples from five U.S. cities. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13096
- Jablonski, K.E., J.A. Dillon, J. Hale, B.B.R. Jablonski, and M.S. Carolan. Accepted. One place doesn’t fit all: Improving the effectiveness of sustainability standards by accounting for place. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems.
- Jablonski, B.B.R., A.G. Bauman, and D. Thilmany McFadden. 2020. Local food market orientation and labor intensity. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13059
- Jablonski, B.B.R., M. Sullins, and D.T. McFadden. 2019. Community Supported Agriculture Marketing Performance: Results from Pilot Market Channel Assessments in Colorado. Sustainability 11:2950. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11102950
- Jablonski, B.B.R., M. Carolan, J. Hale, D. Thilmany McFadden, E. Love, L.O. Christensen, T. Covey, L. Bellows, R. Cleary, O. David, K.E. Jablonski, A. Jones, P. Meiman, J. Quinn, E. Ryan, M. Schipanski, H. Summers, and M. Uchanski. 2019. Connecting Urban Food Plans to the Countryside: Leveraging Denver’s Food Vision to Explore Meaningful Rural-Urban Linkages. Sustainability11(7):2022. https://doi.org/10.3390/su11072022
- Long, A.B., B.B.R. Jablonski, M. Costanigro, and W.M. Frasier. Accepted. The Impact of State Farm to School Procurement Incentives on School Purchasing Decisions. Journal of School Health.
- Miller, Michelle. 2020. “Innovations in Food Logistics” summary, in Innovations in the Food System: Exploring the Future of Food: Proceedings of a Workshop. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. Washington, DC. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press, https://doi. org/10.17226/25523.
- Olimpi, E.M.*, P. Baur*, Echeverri, A., Gonthier, D., Karp, D.S., Kremen, C., Sciligo, A., De Master, K.T. (senior author). 2019. “Evolving Food Safety Pressures in California’s Central Coast Region.” Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. *Both authors contributed equally to this publication.
- Ostrom, M., Goldberger J. R., and K. S. Smith. (Accepted). Market Makers: Exploring Gender Dynamics in Farmers Markets from Field to Booth, Western Economics Forum, Fall 2020 Issue.
- Prescott, M. R. Cleary, A. Bonanno, M. Costanigro, B.B.R. Jablonski, and A. Long. 2020. A systematic review of the impact of farm-to-school activities on student outcomes. Advances in Nutrition. 11(2):357-374. https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmz094
- Ransom, E., M. DuPuis, and M.R. Worosz. 2020. Why farmers are dumping milk down the drain and letting produce rot in the fields. Lead story in The Conversation, 23 Apr.( https://theconversation.com/why-farmers-are-dumping-milk-down-thedrain-and-letting-produce-rot-in-fields-136567)
- VanSandt, A, S. Low, B.B.R. Jablonski, and S. Weiler. 2019. Place-Based Factors and the Success of Farm-Level Entrepreneurship. Review of Regional Studies. 49(3).
- Walcott, E., Raison, B., Welborn, R., Pirog, R., Emery, M., Stout, M., Hendrix, L., and M. Ostrom (2020). We (All) Need to Talk About Race: Building Extension’s Capacity for Dialogue and Action. Journal of Extension. October. https://www.joe.org
- Worosz, M.R., Farrell, B. and C.A. Jenda. 2020. Teaching critical thinking via the “Wicked Problem” of food insecurity. portal: Libraries and the Academy, 20(4):621-53.
Extension and Outreach Materials
- Farnsworth, L., Miller, M., and Lloyd, S. ACDS, LLC. Madison Terminal Market Final Report. Madison, WI: Report to the City of Madison. August 20, 2020. URL forthcoming.
- Feenstra, Gail, G. Engelskirchen, P. Leff. 2020. Website created: Elderberries as a hedgerow crop for California farmers website and resources: California Elderberries (ucanr.edu)
- Howard, Philip H. 2019. Recent Changes in the U.S. Beer Industry. https://philhoward.net/2019/12/30/recent-changes-in- the-u-s-beer-industry/
- Howard, Philip H. 2020. Organic Processing Industry Structure 2020. https://philhoward.net/2020/09/24/organic-processing-industry-structure-2020/
- Howard, Philip H. February 2020. “Consolidation in the Global Seed Industry: Drivers and Impacts.” Presentation at Genetic Engineering and Society Center Colloquium, North Carolina State University. Raleigh, NC.
- Lloyd, Sarah. Public webinar on dairy policy featuring agricultural economist Torsten Hemme from the International Farm Comparison Network, April 15, 2020.
- Lloyd, Sarah. Participatory modeling session on dairy supply management, October 28, 2020.
- Miller, Michelle and Sarah Lloyd. On-line viewing of the film “Gather,” a film about Native American food sovereignty, with a panel response, organized by Lloyd and Miller, October 21, 2020.
Conference presentations:
- Brinkley, Catherine. “Food Banks and Local Food Networks,” American Sociological Association (ASA), online-due to COVID-19, August, 2020
- Feenstra, Gail. “Farmers Market LIFE: Using participatory research to expand the customer base of farmers market shoppers,” created with Penny Leff and Julia Van Soelen Kim and sent out a Twitter thread on project results as part of the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society Twitter Conference, July 23, 2020.
- Feenstra, Gail. “Promoting food and water justice in California’s Central Valley,” organized and introduced this session (online presentations) for the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior annual conference, July 21, 2020.
- Feenstra, Gail, Engelskirchen, and Penny Leff. “Your Hub is Subject to FSMA, Now What? FSMA Implementation Tools for Food Hubs” workshop. Wallace Center’s 2020 National Good Food Network Conference March 10-13, 2020, New Orleans, LA.
- Feenstra, Gail, “Food security and community gardens: Who will feed future cities?” Chair and intro speaker of session at “The Next Generation of Sustainable Cities” conference, UC Davis, January 24, 2020 (60 attendees).
- Feenstra, Gail, David Conner, and Penny Leff. “Critical factors to agritourism success: Multi-State perspectives,” sent out a Twitter thread on project results as part of the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society twitter conference, July 23, 2020.
- James, Harvey, Mary K. Hendrickson, Christine Sanders & Elizabeth Anderson. “Fairness Perceptions and Expectations in Agriculture: Lessons from the Case of Dicamba,” Poster presentation, Agricultural & Applied Economics Association meeting, August 10-11, 2020.
- Miller, Michelle. “Optimizing Food Systems,” Tri-Societies annual meetings, on-line November 9, 2020.
- Miller, Michelle. “Food Access and Food Equity,” Central Wisconsin Coop Conference, November 2, 2019.
Invited Presentations to Community Groups, Students and Stakeholders:
- Brinkley, Catherine. “7thAnnual One Health Symposium: The Future of Food.” University of California, Davis; November 8, 2020
- Brinkley, Catherine. “Opening address: Farm of the Future,” University of Pennsylvania, September 30, 2020 https://vimeo.com/467473880
- Brinkley, Catherine. “Opening address: past, present and future of planning during pandemics,” Center for Planning Excellence, September, 2020. https://youtu.be/QZCSGHB6xSs
- Brinkley, Catherine. “Food Shortages in a Pandemic, Mondavi Institute,” Savor Event May, 2020 https://rmi.ucdavis.edu/events/savor-food-shortages-pandemic
- Clancy, K. “Regional Food Systems” Online lecture in Organic and Sustainable Agriculture Policy course. New York University. March 18, 2020.
- Clancy, K. Presentation on regional food systems during online public forum “Toward a Regional (3 state) Food Equity Plan for New York” organized by City University of New York CUNY) Urban Food Policy Institute. March 25, 2020.
- De Master, Kathryn, Invited Discussant: “Agriculture Land and Climate Policy Virtual Roundtable,” Berkeley Food Institute, University of California, Berkeley, June 3, 2020. Berkeley, California.
- De Master, Kathryn. “Lessons from Bite Back: People Taking on Corporate Food and Winning,” Department of Environmental Science, Policy, and Management, Environmental Problem-Solving course guest panelist (with Saru Jayaraman), November 12, 2019.
- De Master, Kathryn. “Biting Back Against Corporate Food During the COVID-19 Crisis.” Global Environmental Theme House (GETH) series, April 6, 2020.
- De Master, Kathryn. “Agroecological Transitions and Food Sovereignty: Why the Middle Matters,” Department of Environmental Science, Policy, & Management, Agroecology course guest lecture, November 21, 2019.
- Feenstra, Gail. “Sustainable and equitable food systems,” speaker on a panel at the Sacramento Valley Section’s Young Planners’ Group Pint Night, July 8, 2020. (~27 attendees).
- Feenstra, Gail, G. Engelskirchen, P. Leff. Webinar: “Understanding Opportunities for Elderberry Sales” webinar, April 22, 2020: https://sarep.ucdavis.edu/are/elderberry/webinar
- Miller, Michelle. “Food Flow,” Miami-Dade Transportation Working Group webinar, October 9, 2019.
- Miller, Michelle. “Food Systems Mapping,” Wallace Center Food Systems Leadership Network webinar, April 29, 2020.
- Miller, Michelle. “Food Systems and COVID19,” Wisconsin Public Radio Ideas Network interview, May 4, 2020.
- Miller, Michelle. “Food Systems and COVID19,” UW Now Livestream presentation, May 19, 2020.
- Miller, Michelle. “Food Distribution,” Metro Washington Council of Governments webinar, June 25, 2020.
- Miller, Michelle. Oregon Public Radio interview on food systems, August 7, 2020.
- Miller, Michelle. “Food Ecosystems,” Local Food Trust webinar, August 19, 2020.
- Plastina, Alejandro. “Ag Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges,” Invited Presentation at the Ag Forum on Agriculture and the Economy, Successful Communities Speaker Series. Greenfield, IA. Mar 13, 2020.
- Plastina, Alejandro. “Farm Bill Decisions,” First National Bank, Eagle Grove, IA. Mar 6, 2020.
Conference presentations:
Miller, Michelle. “Optimizing agricultural systems scale and structure to reduce climate change impacts”, Special Session Symposium--the Role of Food Production in Climate Change: Finding New Ground. Tri-Societies International meeting (American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and the Soil Science Society of America). November 9, 2020
Miller, Michelle. “The Power of Connectivity: Broadband Expansion in Rural Communities.” Foodtank / Refresh broadband panel. https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/231-food-tech-panel-discussion-the-power-of/id1434128568?i=1000507544891 February 2, 2021
Miller, Michelle. “U.S. Food Flows: A Cold-Chain Network Analysis of Freight Movements to Inform Local and Regional Food Issues”, USDA-AMS-TSD workshop. February 16, 2017
Miller, Michelle. “U.S. Food Flows: A Cold-Chain Network Analysis of Freight Movements to Inform Local and Regional Food Issues”, Transportation Research Forum. April 7, 2021.
Miller, Michelle. “The Next Normal: Restructuring food supply chains”, third in a webinar series “COVID19 and the Food System: Understanding Impacts Exploring Solutions”, offered by the Interdisciplinary Center for Food Security at the University of Missouri. April 15, 2021
Miller, Michelle. “Impact of COVID-19 on food systems: international experiences of vulnerability and resilience”. The USA representative, along with representatives from Sweden, Philippines, Brazil and Mexico. Webinar sponsored by the Stockholm Resilience Center. August 27, 2021
Miller, Emily M., Mary Hendrickson and Philip H. Howard. “The Missouri School: Examining Power in the Agrifood System to Suggest Alternatives.” Presented at Big Ag & Antitrust: Competition Policy for a Sustainable and Humane Food System. Yale Law School, New Haven, CT. January 16, 2021.
Stevens, A. W. “Land Tenure and Profitability Among Young Farmers and Ranchers.” Presented at the 2021 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 3, 2021.
Stevens, A. W. “High Stakes: Managing Risk and Policy Uncertainty in the Market for CBD Food Products.” Presented at the 2021 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, August 2, 2021.
Feenstra, “Engaging actors from farm to fork: Sustainable, equitable food distribution,” organizer and speaker at this session of the Universities Fighting World Hunger Summit, March 26, 2021
Feenstra and Brodt, “Marketing and business management for organic farmers,” presentation with Sonja Brodt as part of the Introduction to Small Scale Organic Farming (for Inland Southern California Farmers), December 15, 2020 (zoom all day workshop)
Conner and Feenstra, “Critical success factors for Agritourism: Results of a national survey,” co-organizer and speaker at the Agriculture-Urban and Rural session at the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society Conference, June 9-15, 2021
Feenstra and Van Soelen Kim,“Farmers Market LIFE: Using participatory research to expand the customer base of farmers market shoppers – Focus group results,” co-organizer and speaker at the Full Access to Fresh, Green Markets session at the Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society Conference, June 9-15, 2021
Feenstra, Van Soelen Kim and Leff, “Using participatory research to expand the customer base of farmers’ market shoppers,” with Julia Van Soelen Kim and Penny Leff, recorded presentation for the Urban Food Systems Symposium, live summaries and Q& A, October 28, 2020
Feenstra and Capps, “Conducting a food system assessment in Butte county,” presentation to the Butte County Food System group, with Shosha Capps, November 19, 2020
Feenstra and Capps, “Conducting a food system assessment in Sacramento County,” presentation to the Sacramento Food System Partnership Project, with Shosha Capps, October 29, 2020
Tanaka, Keiko. 2021. “Leveraging Our Expertise to Support Sustainable Solutions,” a panel organized at the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Southern Rural Sociological Association (Virtual), February 2021.
Brinkley, C. Food Banks and Local Food Networks, American Sociological Association (ASA), online-due to COVID-19, August, 2020
Fitzsimmons, J.A.; Peterson, H. H., Lavoie, N.L., Lass, D., King, R.. Farmers' Preferences for Market Channels. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting Annual Meeting, Austin, TX. 8/1/2021
Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. How Did COVID-19 Impact Origin-Identified Food Preferences? Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Annual Meeting, 6/15/2021
Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. Improving Access and Motivation for Small and Medium Processors in the Northeast to be in Compliance with FSMA’s PC Rule. USDA FSOP Roundtable, 2/4/2021
Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K., Wormald, C.W. Improving Access and Motivation for Small and Medium Processors in the Northeast to be in Compliance with FSMA’s PC Rule. Northeast Center to Advance Food Safety, 2/16/2021
Wormald, C.W., Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. Improving Preventive Controls Prerequisite Education Programs to Address Food Safety Knowledge Gaps for Small and Medium Sized Food Processors. Institute of Food Technologists Annual Meeting, 7/19/2021
Wormald, C.W., Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. Improving Preventive Controls Prerequisite Education Programs to Address Food Safety Knowledge Gaps for Small and Medium Sized Food Processors". International Association for Food Protection Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. 7/18/2021
Invited Presentations to Community Groups, Students and Stakeholders:
Miller, Michelle. “Optimizing food systems”, PLATO. October 28, 2021
Howard, Philip H. “Concentration and Power in the Food System: Who Controls What We Eat?” Keynote at Organic World Congress. Rennes, France. September 8, 2021.
Howard, Philip H. "Focus Tour: Seed Diversity." Eli and Edythe Broad Art Museum at Michigan State University. March 24, 2021.
Stevens, A. W. “Contemporary Food Policy,” lecture for Wither the State, Participatory Learning and Teaching Organization (PLATO). April 20, 2021.
Feenstra, Leff, “Home Cooks Convening,” Oversaw and helped facilitate this 2-day zoom convening for micro-enterprise home cook operations. October 20-21, 2020.
Brinkley, C. Keynote for the University of Pennsylvania ‘Farm of the Future’ symposium, September, 2020, https://vimeo.com/467473880
Brinkley, C. Dr. “Food Shortages in a Pandemic” Robert mondavi Institute Savor Lecture series. May, 2020 https://savor.ucdavis.edu/savor-food-shortages-pandemic
Journal articles and book chapters
Jablonski, B.B.R. and C. Payton Scally. 2021. Beyond GDP: Measuring Rural Assets and Why It Matters. In Investing in Rural Prosperity. Federal Reserve Board.
Schmit, T.M., B.R. Jablonski, A. Bonanno, and T. Johnson. 2021. Measuring stocks of community wealth and its association with food systems efforts in rural and urban places. Food Policy.
Jablonski, B.B.R., J. Hadrich, and A. Bauman. 2021. The role of Federal crop insurance for farms and ranches that sell through local food markets. Agricultural Finance Review.
Didero, N., M. Costanigro, and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Promoting farmers market via information nudges and coupons: a randomized control trial. Agribusiness: An International Journal.
Long, A.B., B.R. Jablonski, M. Costanigro, and W.M. Frasier. 2021. The Impact of State Farm to School Procurement Incentives on School Purchasing Decisions. Journal of School Health. 91(5): 418-427. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.13013
Jablonski, B.B.R., J. Casnovsky, J.K. Clark, R. Cleary, B. Feingold, D. Freeman, S. Gray, L. Schmitt Olabisi, X. Romeiko, C. Walsh, A.E. van den Berg. 2021. Emergency food provision for children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examples from five U.S. cities. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13096
Clark, J., B.R. Jablonski, A. Irish, S. Inwood, and J. Freedgood. 2020. A Contemporary Concept of the Value(s)-added Food and Agriculture Sector and Rural Development. Community Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/15575330.2020.1854804
Jablonski, K.E., J.A. Dillon, J. Hale, B.R. Jablonski, and M.S. Carolan. 2020. One place doesn’t fit all: Improving the effectiveness of sustainability standards by accounting for place. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4:145. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.557754
Jablonski, B.B.R., A.G. Bauman, and D. Thilmany McFadden. 2020. Local food market orientation and labor intensity. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 43(3): 916-934. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13059
Peterson, H., G. Feenstra, M. Ostrom, Tanaka, C. Brekken, G. Engelskirchen. 2021. “The Value of Values-based Supply Chains: Farmers’ Perspectives.” Agriculture and Human Values. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-021-10255-5
Prescott, M. R. Cleary, A. Bonanno, M. Costanigro, B.R. Jablonski, and A. Long. 2020. A systematic review of the impact of farm-to-school activities on student outcomes. Advances in Nutrition. 11(2):357-374. https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmz094
Robinson, K., Conner, D., Baker, D., Tuck, A., Abrams, L., McAneny, A., Frankenfield, R. and Warner, C. (In Press). College Student Demand for Humanely Raised Livestock Product: Evidence from Vermont. Journal of Food Service Management and Education 15 (2).
Becot, F., Parker, J. Conner, D., Pivarnik, L., Richard, N. and Hirsch, D. (2021). Financially able and willing to invest in food safety practices? The example of produce growers in New England states (USA). Food Control 119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107451
Miller, M. (In Press). Identifying critical thresholds for resilient regional food flows: a case study from the U.S. Upper Midwest. Frontiers.
Miller, M. (In Press). Big data, Information asymmetry and food supply chain management. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development.
Howard, Philip H., Francesco Ajena, Marina Yamaoka & Amber Clark. 2021. “Protein” Industry Convergence and Its Implications for Resilient and Equitable Food Systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (Social Movements, Institutions and Governance section) 5, 684181.
Stevens, A. W. and K. Wu (2021). Land Tenure and Profitability Among Young Farmers and Ranchers. Agricultural Finance Review.
Stevens, A. W. (2021). Nontraditional Credit in the Wisconsin Dairy Industry. Agricultural Finance Review.
Stevens, A. W. and D. W. Bromley (2021). Rural Counties That Rely on Dairy and Animal Agriculture Saw Higher Unemployment Rates due to COVID-19. Choices, 36(3).
Stevens, A. W. and J. M. Pahl (2021). High Stakes: Managing Risk and Policy Uncertainty in the Market for CBD Food Products. Applied Economics Teaching Resources.
Peterson, H., Feenstra, G., Ostrom, M., Tanaka, K., Anderson Brekken, C., and Engelskirchen, G. (2021). The value of values-based supply chains: Farmer perspective. Agriculture and Human Values https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-021-10255-5.
Dahlquist-Willard, R., Espinoza, M.L.R, Yang, M., Engelskirchen, G., and Feenstra, G. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for small farms marketing dried moringa products in California’s Central Valley. Western Economics Forum. 18(2): 61-64. https://waeaonline.org/western-economics-forum/
Feenstra, G., Gupta, C., Campbell, D., Van Soelen Kim, J., Sowerwine, J. and Munden-Dixon, K. (2021). Understanding food policy councils: Lessons for extension partners. Journal of Extension, 59(3), Article 9, https://doi.org/34068/joe.59.03.09
Pesci, S and Brinkley, C. (2021). Can a Farm-to-Table restaurant bring about change in the food system?: A case study of Chez Panisse. Food, Culture & Society
Brinkley, C.; Pesci, S; Manser, G. (2021) Growing pains in local food systems: a longitudinal social network analysis on local food marketing in Baltimore County, Maryland and Chester County, Pennsylvania Agriculture and Human Values
Brinkley, C. and Visser, MA (2021). Socioeconomic and Environmental Indicators for Rural Communities: Bridging the Scholarly and Practice Gap Economic Development Quarterly
Francis, K. and Brinkley, C. (2020) Street Food Vending as a Public Health Intervention. California Journal of Health Promotion
Extension and outreach materials
Hill, A., and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Documenting selected potential impacts to CO farmers and ranchers of SB21-08 7 Agricultural Workers’ Rights. Policy Brief. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/research-impacts/agricultural-labor/
Gill, M., and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Impact of Time Restriction Changes on Market Choices and Food Security. Local Food Systems Response to COVID: Consumer Food Insights. https://lfscovid.localfoodeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/LFS-CFI-03.pdf
Hill, A., and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Documenting Potential Impacts to CO Farmers and Ranchers of SB21-087 Agricultural Workers’ Rights. Colorado State University Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Fact Sheet.
Thilmany, D., A. Bauman, E. Love, and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. The Economic Contribution of Health Food Incentives. SPUR, Fair Food Network, and UC Davis. https://www.spur.org/sites/default/files/2021-02/economic_contributions_incentives_2_2_21.pdf
Love, E., D. Thilmany, A.G. Bauman, B.R. Jablonski. 2020. The Economic Contribution of Nourish Colorado’s Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Program. Colorado State University Regional Economic Development Institute Report.
Jablonski, B.B.R. Food Security. Local Food Systems Response to COVID: Consumer Food Insights. https://lfscovid.localfoodeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/LFS-CFI-03.pdf
Sullins, M., B.R. Jablonski, and S. Ehrlich. 2020. Voices from the Field: Stories of Colorado Producers Responding to COVID-19. Colorado State University Task Force on Colorado Food Supply Fact Sheet. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/covid19/
Includes 6 fact sheets highlighting producers’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thilmany, D., B.R. Jablonski, B. Angelo, S. Low, and D. Tropp. 2020. Mitigating Immediate Harmful Impacts of COVID-19 on Colorado Farms and Ranches Selling through Local and Regional Food Markets. Colorado State University Task Force on Colorado Food Supply Fact Sheet. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/covid19/
Love, E., D. Thilmany, and B.R. Jablonski. 2020. Colorado Potato Markets During COVID-19 and Producer Implications. Colorado State University Task Force on Colorado Food Supply Fact Sheet. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/covid19/
Hill, R., A. Hill, D. Thilmany, B.R. Jablonski, J. Bayham. 2020. Workforce changes and the Food Supply Chain: Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of COVID-19 on the Agricultural Workforce. Colorado State University Task Force on Colorado Food Supply Fact Sheet. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/covid19/
Jablonski, B.B.R., D. Thilmany, A. Bonanno, and A. Bauman. 2020. Farm to School Environment. Local Food Economics Fact Sheet. eXtension Community Local Regional Food Systems.
Prescott, M.P., R. Cleary, B.R. Jablonski, A. Bonanno, M. Costanigro, A. Long, and A. Bauman. 2020. Kids Win: Farm to School Activities and Student Outcomes. Local Food Economics Fact Sheet. eXtension Community Local Regional Food Systems.
Jablonski, B.B.R., A. Bonanno, S. Mendis, D. Thilmany, A. Bauman, and L. Christensen. 2020. Communities Win. Local Food Economics Fact Sheet. eXtension Community Local Regional Food Systems.
Thilmany, D., B.R. Jablonski, B. Angelo, S. Low, and D. Tropp. 2020. Mitigating immediate harmful impacts of COVID-19 on farms and ranches selling through local and regional food markets. Prepared for the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.
Sarah Lloyd & Miller, Michelle. “Food systems, disruptions and resilience”, Wisconsin Public Television, University Place. First aired September 30, 2021. https://video.pbswisconsin.org/video/food-systems-disruptions-and-resilience-3t4ld4/
Hendrickson, Mary M., Philip H. Howard, Emily M. Miller and Douglas H. Constance. 2020. The Food System: Concentration and Its Impacts. A Special Report to the Family Farm Action Alliance.
Howard, Philip H. Giant Meat and Dairy Companies are Dominating the Plant-Based Protein Market. Civil Eats. September 22.
Howard, Philip H., & Mary Hendrickson. 2021. Corporate Concentration in the US Food System Makes Food More Expensive and Less Accessible for Many Americans.” The Conversation. February 8.
Updated CA Food Hub Network website, with new food safety resources for food hubs: Food Hubs & Values-Based Supply Chains | Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (ucdavis.edu)
Brinkley, C (2021) “Taking it to the Street: Food Vending During and After COVID” The Conversation
Brinkley, C. (2020) Why community-owned grocery stores like co-ops are the best recipe for revitalizing food deserts, The Conversation, September 2019, https://theconversation.com/why-community-owned-grocery-stores-like-co-ops-are-the-best-recipe-for-revitalizing-food-deserts-122997
Brinkley C. et al. (2020-21) County Community Food Guides in partnership with Community Alliance with Family Farmers, Edible Schoolyard, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Santa Clara County Expanded Community Food Guide (2020). In partnership with UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Yolo County (2020)
Los Angeles County (2020)
Santa Clara County (2020)
Sacramento County (2021) in Partnership with Valley Vision and the Sacramento Regional Community Foundation to inform the Sacramento Region Food System Action Plan (2021)
El Dorado County (2021) in Partnership with Valley Vision and the Sacramento Regional Community Foundation to inform the Sacramento Region Food System Action Plan (2021)
R 10. Placer County (2021) in Partnership with Valley Vision and the Sacramento Regional Community Foundation to inform the Sacramento Region Food System Action Plan (2021)
Becot, F.*, Inwood, S.M. Jackson-Smith, D., and A. Katchanova. 2020. “The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture: Summary of Ohio Farm Trends 1997-2017.” SENR Technical Report. https://extensionpubs.osu.edu/the-status-and-changing-face-of-ohio-agriculture-summary-of-ohio-farm-trends-1997-2017-pdf/
Wormald, C.W., Kinchla, A.K, Fitzsimmons, J.A. Introduction to Preventive Controls Webinar,
Wormald, C.W., Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K, Von Achen, C. 2020. Practical Implementation Food Safety Planning Workshop,
Wormald, C.W., Kinchla, A.K, Fitzsimmons, J.A. 2021. Food Safety Plan Development Working Group Sessions, 8-Session Curriculum
Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K, We launched a website host by University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Agricultural Food and the Environment to provide a clearinghouse for Value-Added foods: https://ag.umass.edu/value-added-food/nifa-planned-extension-initiative/improving-access-motivation-for-small-medium- pro cessors-in-northeast-to-be-in
Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K, University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (CAFE) Website Spotlight Stories. June 10, 2021. "How does Food become value-added?" https://ag.umass.edu/news-events/highlights/food-transformation
Journal articles and book chapters
Jablonski, B.B.R. and C. Payton Scally. 2021. Beyond GDP: Measuring Rural Assets and Why It Matters. In Investing in Rural Prosperity. Federal Reserve Board.
Schmit, T.M., B.R. Jablonski, A. Bonanno, and T. Johnson. 2021. Measuring stocks of community wealth and its association with food systems efforts in rural and urban places. Food Policy.
Jablonski, B.B.R., J. Hadrich, and A. Bauman. 2021. The role of Federal crop insurance for farms and ranches that sell through local food markets. Agricultural Finance Review.
Didero, N., M. Costanigro, and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Promoting farmers market via information nudges and coupons: a randomized control trial. Agribusiness: An International Journal.
Long, A.B., B.R. Jablonski, M. Costanigro, and W.M. Frasier. 2021. The Impact of State Farm to School Procurement Incentives on School Purchasing Decisions. Journal of School Health. 91(5): 418-427. https://doi.org/10.1111/josh.13013
Jablonski, B.B.R., J. Casnovsky, J.K. Clark, R. Cleary, B. Feingold, D. Freeman, S. Gray, L. Schmitt Olabisi, X. Romeiko, C. Walsh, A.E. van den Berg. 2021. Emergency food provision for children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic: Examples from five U.S. cities. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13096
Clark, J., B.R. Jablonski, A. Irish, S. Inwood, and J. Freedgood. 2020. A Contemporary Concept of the Value(s)-added Food and Agriculture Sector and Rural Development. Community Development. https://doi.org/10.1080/15575330.2020.1854804
Jablonski, K.E., J.A. Dillon, J. Hale, B.R. Jablonski, and M.S. Carolan. 2020. One place doesn’t fit all: Improving the effectiveness of sustainability standards by accounting for place. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems. 4:145. https://doi.org/10.3389/fsufs.2020.557754
Jablonski, B.B.R., A.G. Bauman, and D. Thilmany McFadden. 2020. Local food market orientation and labor intensity. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy. 43(3): 916-934. https://doi.org/10.1002/aepp.13059
Peterson, H., G. Feenstra, M. Ostrom, Tanaka, C. Brekken, G. Engelskirchen. 2021. “The Value of Values-based Supply Chains: Farmers’ Perspectives.” Agriculture and Human Values. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-021-10255-5
Prescott, M. R. Cleary, A. Bonanno, M. Costanigro, B.R. Jablonski, and A. Long. 2020. A systematic review of the impact of farm-to-school activities on student outcomes. Advances in Nutrition. 11(2):357-374. https://doi.org/10.1093/advances/nmz094
Robinson, K., Conner, D., Baker, D., Tuck, A., Abrams, L., McAneny, A., Frankenfield, R. and Warner, C. (In Press). College Student Demand for Humanely Raised Livestock Product: Evidence from Vermont. Journal of Food Service Management and Education 15 (2).
Becot, F., Parker, J. Conner, D., Pivarnik, L., Richard, N. and Hirsch, D. (2021). Financially able and willing to invest in food safety practices? The example of produce growers in New England states (USA). Food Control 119. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2020.107451
Miller, M. (In Press). Identifying critical thresholds for resilient regional food flows: a case study from the U.S. Upper Midwest. Frontiers.
Miller, M. (In Press). Big data, Information asymmetry and food supply chain management. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems and Community Development.
Howard, Philip H., Francesco Ajena, Marina Yamaoka & Amber Clark. 2021. “Protein” Industry Convergence and Its Implications for Resilient and Equitable Food Systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems (Social Movements, Institutions and Governance section) 5, 684181.
Stevens, A. W. and K. Wu (2021). Land Tenure and Profitability Among Young Farmers and Ranchers. Agricultural Finance Review.
Stevens, A. W. (2021). Nontraditional Credit in the Wisconsin Dairy Industry. Agricultural Finance Review.
Stevens, A. W. and D. W. Bromley (2021). Rural Counties That Rely on Dairy and Animal Agriculture Saw Higher Unemployment Rates due to COVID-19. Choices, 36(3).
Stevens, A. W. and J. M. Pahl (2021). High Stakes: Managing Risk and Policy Uncertainty in the Market for CBD Food Products. Applied Economics Teaching Resources.
Peterson, H., Feenstra, G., Ostrom, M., Tanaka, K., Anderson Brekken, C., and Engelskirchen, G. (2021). The value of values-based supply chains: Farmer perspective. Agriculture and Human Values https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-021-10255-5.
Dahlquist-Willard, R., Espinoza, M.L.R, Yang, M., Engelskirchen, G., and Feenstra, G. (2020). Challenges and opportunities for small farms marketing dried moringa products in California’s Central Valley. Western Economics Forum. 18(2): 61-64. https://waeaonline.org/western-economics-forum/
Feenstra, G., Gupta, C., Campbell, D., Van Soelen Kim, J., Sowerwine, J. and Munden-Dixon, K. (2021). Understanding food policy councils: Lessons for extension partners. Journal of Extension, 59(3), Article 9, https://doi.org/34068/joe.59.03.09
Pesci, S and Brinkley, C. (2021). Can a Farm-to-Table restaurant bring about change in the food system?: A case study of Chez Panisse. Food, Culture & Society
Brinkley, C.; Pesci, S; Manser, G. (2021) Growing pains in local food systems: a longitudinal social network analysis on local food marketing in Baltimore County, Maryland and Chester County, Pennsylvania Agriculture and Human Values
Brinkley, C. and Visser, MA (2021). Socioeconomic and Environmental Indicators for Rural Communities: Bridging the Scholarly and Practice Gap Economic Development Quarterly
Francis, K. and Brinkley, C. (2020) Street Food Vending as a Public Health Intervention. California Journal of Health Promotion
Extension and outreach materials
Hill, A., and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Documenting selected potential impacts to CO farmers and ranchers of SB21-08 7 Agricultural Workers’ Rights. Policy Brief. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/research-impacts/agricultural-labor/
Gill, M., and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Impact of Time Restriction Changes on Market Choices and Food Security. Local Food Systems Response to COVID: Consumer Food Insights. https://lfscovid.localfoodeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/LFS-CFI-03.pdf
Hill, A., and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. Documenting Potential Impacts to CO Farmers and Ranchers of SB21-087 Agricultural Workers’ Rights. Colorado State University Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics Fact Sheet.
Thilmany, D., A. Bauman, E. Love, and B.R. Jablonski. 2021. The Economic Contribution of Health Food Incentives. SPUR, Fair Food Network, and UC Davis. https://www.spur.org/sites/default/files/2021-02/economic_contributions_incentives_2_2_21.pdf
Love, E., D. Thilmany, A.G. Bauman, B.R. Jablonski. 2020. The Economic Contribution of Nourish Colorado’s Fruit and Vegetable Incentive Program. Colorado State University Regional Economic Development Institute Report.
Jablonski, B.B.R. Food Security. Local Food Systems Response to COVID: Consumer Food Insights. https://lfscovid.localfoodeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/12/LFS-CFI-03.pdf
Sullins, M., B.R. Jablonski, and S. Ehrlich. 2020. Voices from the Field: Stories of Colorado Producers Responding to COVID-19. Colorado State University Task Force on Colorado Food Supply Fact Sheet. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/covid19/
Includes 6 fact sheets highlighting producers’ responses to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Thilmany, D., B.R. Jablonski, B. Angelo, S. Low, and D. Tropp. 2020. Mitigating Immediate Harmful Impacts of COVID-19 on Colorado Farms and Ranches Selling through Local and Regional Food Markets. Colorado State University Task Force on Colorado Food Supply Fact Sheet. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/covid19/
Love, E., D. Thilmany, and B.R. Jablonski. 2020. Colorado Potato Markets During COVID-19 and Producer Implications. Colorado State University Task Force on Colorado Food Supply Fact Sheet. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/covid19/
Hill, R., A. Hill, D. Thilmany, B.R. Jablonski, J. Bayham. 2020. Workforce changes and the Food Supply Chain: Understanding and Mitigating the Effects of COVID-19 on the Agricultural Workforce. Colorado State University Task Force on Colorado Food Supply Fact Sheet. https://foodsystems.colostate.edu/covid19/
Jablonski, B.B.R., D. Thilmany, A. Bonanno, and A. Bauman. 2020. Farm to School Environment. Local Food Economics Fact Sheet. eXtension Community Local Regional Food Systems.
Prescott, M.P., R. Cleary, B.R. Jablonski, A. Bonanno, M. Costanigro, A. Long, and A. Bauman. 2020. Kids Win: Farm to School Activities and Student Outcomes. Local Food Economics Fact Sheet. eXtension Community Local Regional Food Systems.
Jablonski, B.B.R., A. Bonanno, S. Mendis, D. Thilmany, A. Bauman, and L. Christensen. 2020. Communities Win. Local Food Economics Fact Sheet. eXtension Community Local Regional Food Systems.
Thilmany, D., B.R. Jablonski, B. Angelo, S. Low, and D. Tropp. 2020. Mitigating immediate harmful impacts of COVID-19 on farms and ranches selling through local and regional food markets. Prepared for the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition.
Comments regarding the Executive Order 140147 on “America’s Supply Chains” specifically for the Production of Agricultural Commodities and Food Products published April 21, 2021 in the Federal Register, comments submitted June 22, 2021.
Hikaru Peterson, University of Minnesota
Sarah Lloyd & Michelle Miller, University of Wisconsin
Miller, Michelle. “Food systems, disruptions and resilience”, Wisconsin Public Television, University Place. First aired September 30, 2021. https://video.pbswisconsin.org/video/food-systems-disruptions-and-resilience-3t4ld4/
Hendrickson, Mary M., Philip H. Howard, Emily M. Miller and Douglas H. Constance. 2020. The Food System: Concentration and Its Impacts. A Special Report to the Family Farm Action Alliance.
Howard, Philip H. Giant Meat and Dairy Companies are Dominating the Plant-Based Protein Market. Civil Eats. September 22.
Howard, Philip H., & Mary Hendrickson. 2021. Corporate Concentration in the US Food System Makes Food More Expensive and Less Accessible for Many Americans.” The Conversation. February 8.
Updated CA Food Hub Network website, with new food safety resources for food hubs: Food Hubs & Values-Based Supply Chains | Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education Program (ucdavis.edu)
Brinkley, C (2021) “Taking it to the Street: Food Vending During and After COVID” The Conversation
Brinkley, C. (2020) Why community-owned grocery stores like co-ops are the best recipe for revitalizing food deserts, The Conversation, September 2019, https://theconversation.com/why-community-owned-grocery-stores-like-co-ops-are-the-best-recipe-for-revitalizing-food-deserts-122997
Brinkley C. et al. (2020-21) County Community Food Guides in partnership with Community Alliance with Family Farmers, Edible Schoolyard, UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Santa Clara County Expanded Community Food Guide (2020). In partnership with UC Agriculture and Natural Resources.
Yolo County (2020)
Los Angeles County (2020)
Santa Clara County (2020)
Sacramento County (2021) in Partnership with Valley Vision and the Sacramento Regional Community Foundation to inform the Sacramento Region Food System Action Plan (2021)
El Dorado County (2021) in Partnership with Valley Vision and the Sacramento Regional Community Foundation to inform the Sacramento Region Food System Action Plan (2021)
R 10. Placer County (2021) in Partnership with Valley Vision and the Sacramento Regional Community Foundation to inform the Sacramento Region Food System Action Plan (2021)
Becot, F.*, Inwood, S.M. Jackson-Smith, D., and A. Katchanova. 2020. “The Status and Changing Face of Ohio Agriculture: Summary of Ohio Farm Trends 1997-2017.” SENR Technical Report. https://extensionpubs.osu.edu/the-status-and-changing-face-of-ohio-agriculture-summary-of-ohio-farm-trends-1997-2017-pdf/
Wormald, C.W., Kinchla, A.K, Fitzsimmons, J.A. Introduction to Preventive Controls Webinar,
Wormald, C.W., Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K, Von Achen, C. 2020. Practical Implementation Food Safety Planning Workshop,
Wormald, C.W., Kinchla, A.K, Fitzsimmons, J.A. 2021. Food Safety Plan Development Working Group Sessions, 8-Session Curriculum
Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K, We launched a website host by University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Agricultural Food and the Environment to provide a clearinghouse for Value-Added foods: https://ag.umass.edu/value-added-food/nifa-planned-extension-initiative/improving-access-motivation-for-small-medium- pro cessors-in-northeast-to-be-in
Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K, University of Massachusetts Amherst Center for Agriculture, Food and the Environment (CAFE) Website Spotlight Stories. June 10, 2021. "How does Food become value-added?" https://ag.umass.edu/news-events/highlights/food-transformation
Listed here are the major grants, both new and ongoing, involving NC-1198 project members. Several members have also written and submitted other grant proposals with collaborators from outside NC-1198 on issues related to AOTM that are not listed here.
Bruce, A.B., I. Leslie, and J. Carson. Increasing Consumer Participation in Alternative Food Networks to Support Small and Medium-Sized Farms. U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, $299,723, 2022-2025
Jablonski, B.B.R, Sullins, J. Martin, C. Gifford, and T. Bass. Strengthening Opportunities Along the Meat Supply Chain to Promote Sustainable Agriculture in Intermountain States, Western SARE Research and Education, $349,994, 2021-2024
Jablonski, B.B.R. Exploring the Scale, Scope and New Supply Chain Linkages in the Local Food Sector, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, $166,000, 2021-2024
Jablonski, B.B.R., M. Carolan, Z. Plakias, J. O’Hara, and A. Chaifetz. The Impact of Farm to School Legislation on Farmers, Supply Chain Businesses, Rural Communities and Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, $499,574, 2021-2024
Jablonski, B.B.R., and J. Hadrich. Profitability of U.S. Beginning Farmers and Ranchers. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, $116,998, 2020-2022
Jablonski, B.B.R., M. Sullins, and D. Thilmany. Meeting risk management training needs for direct market/short supply chain producers. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Extension Risk Management Education, $50,975, 2020-2021
Inwood, S.M. Plakias, Z., and Clark, J. and Ohio Emergency Management. “Ohio Emergency Management food System Research Proposal.” OSU InFACT Linkage & Leverage Grant. 2021. $34,866.
Schuster, E., and S. Lyon Planning Committee and Project Team: Gwin, B., Hill, M., Hunt, T., Inwood, S.M., and L. Shoup. 2020. “Non-Conventional Partnerships Can Secure Food, Environment and Rural Economies.” OSU InFACT Linkage & Leverage Conference Grant. $9,360.
Breger, D. Fitzsimmons, J.A., Mupambi, G., Clay, C., Sandler, H., Cole, E. Impacts of Dual- Use Solar on Crop Productivity and the Agricultural Economy in Massachusetts and Beyond. U.S. Department of Energy. $1,819,996. 2021 – 2024.
Fitzsimmons, J.A., Kinchla, A.K. Improving Access and Motivation for Small and Medium Processors in the Northeast. USDA FSOP. $368,120. 2019-2022
Davidson, R., Cornman, K. Kinchla, A., Fitzsimmons, J.A. Exploring the Feasibility of a Massachusetts Shared-use Dairy Processing Facility, USDA AMS. $175,353.00. 2019-2022.
Nolden, A., Fitzsimmons, , Kahl, K., Kinchla, A. Consumer and fisherman attitudes towards sustainable local seafood, NSF ADVANCE. $15,000. 2019-2021
Fitzsimmons, J., Nolden, A., Kahl, K., Kinchla, A. Sustainable Local Seafood. $7,500. 2021-2022