NCERA_old103: Specialized Soil Amendments and Products, Growth Stimulants and Soil Fertility Management Programs
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Nitrogen Additives and Amendments for Field Crops, NDSU Circ. SF1581 published, https://www.ndsu.edu/fileadmin/soils/pdfs/Nitrogen_Extenders_and_Additive_for_Field_Crops_2017.pdf
Siemering, G., M. Ruark, F. Arriaga, E. Silva, and H. Johnson. 2016. The value of arbuscular mycorrihizal fungi for field crops. UWEX A4114-01, part of the Soil Biology Fact Sheet Series. https://learningstore.uwex.edu/Assets/pdfs/A4114-01.pdf
Siemering, G., M. Ruark, and A. Gevens. 2016. The value of Trichoderma for crop production. UWEX A4114-02, part of the Soil Biology Fact Sheet Series. https://learningstore.uwex.edu/Assets/pdfs/A4114-02.pdf
Siemering, G., M. Ruark, and A. Gevens. 2016. The value of bacillus amyloliquefaciens. UWEX 4114-03, part of the Soil Biology Fact Sheet Series. https://learningstore.uwex.edu/Assets/pdfs/A4114-03.pdf
Lee, J., J.J. Camberato, and R.L. Nielsen. 2017. Plant growth and yield response of maize to in-furrow biological and plant growth regulator products. In Agronomy Abstracts 215-9.
Steinke, K. and C. Bauer. 2017. Enhanced efficiency fertilizer effects in Michigan sugarbeet production. Journal of Sugarbeet Research 54:2-19.
Swoish, M. and K. Steinke. 2017. Plant growth regular and nitrogen applications for improving wheat production in Michigan. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management, Vol. 3, doi:10.2134/cftm2016.06.0049.
Quinn, D. and K. Steinke. 2018. Soft Red and White Winter Wheat Response to Input Intensive Management. Agron. J. (In Press)
Rutan, J. and K. Steinke. 2018. Pre-plant and In-season Nitrogen Combinations for the Northern Corn Belt. Agron. J. 110:2059-2069. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.030153.
Rutan, J., and K. Steinke. 2017. Determining Corn Nitrogen Rates Unsing Multiple Porediction Models. J Crop Improv. 31(6):780-800.
Publication of web/smartphone circulars and bulletins on non-traditional fertilizers and amendments during this period:
- D.W. Franzen, C. Rosen, J. Sawyer, D. Ruiz-Diaz, K. Steinke, P. Scharf, M. Ruark, E. Nafziger, A. Margenot, E. Lentz, D. Kaiser, B. Maharjan, J. Camberato, E. Ritchie 2020 Effectiveness of Using Low Rates of Plant Nutrients. NDSU Circ. SF1978
- Nafziger, E. "Does This Product Work?." Department of Crop Sciences, University of Illinois, April 6, 2021.
- NCERA 103 Committee. Compendium of Research Reports on Use of Non-Traditional Materials for Crop Production. http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/compendium/index.aspx (accessed on Nov 30, 2021)