NCERA_old103: Specialized Soil Amendments and Products, Growth Stimulants and Soil Fertility Management Programs

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Nitrogen Additives and Amendments for Field Crops, NDSU Circ. SF1581 published,

Siemering, G., M. Ruark, F. Arriaga, E. Silva, and H. Johnson. 2016. The value of arbuscular mycorrihizal fungi for field crops. UWEX A4114-01, part of the Soil Biology Fact Sheet Series.

Siemering, G., M. Ruark, and A. Gevens. 2016. The value of Trichoderma for crop production. UWEX A4114-02, part of the Soil Biology Fact Sheet Series.

Siemering, G., M. Ruark, and A. Gevens. 2016. The value of bacillus amyloliquefaciens. UWEX 4114-03, part of the Soil Biology Fact Sheet Series.

Lee, J., J.J. Camberato, and R.L. Nielsen. 2017. Plant growth and yield response of maize to in-furrow biological and plant growth regulator products. In Agronomy Abstracts 215-9.

Steinke, K. and C. Bauer. 2017. Enhanced efficiency fertilizer effects in Michigan sugarbeet production. Journal of Sugarbeet Research 54:2-19.

Swoish, M. and K. Steinke. 2017. Plant growth regular and nitrogen applications for improving wheat production in Michigan. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management, Vol. 3, doi:10.2134/cftm2016.06.0049.


Quinn, D. and K. Steinke. 2018. Soft Red and White Winter Wheat Response to Input Intensive Management. Agron. J. (In Press)


Rutan, J. and K. Steinke. 2018. Pre-plant and In-season Nitrogen Combinations for the Northern Corn Belt. Agron. J. 110:2059-2069. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.030153.


Rutan, J., and K. Steinke. 2017. Determining Corn Nitrogen Rates Unsing Multiple Porediction Models. J Crop Improv. 31(6):780-800.




Publication of web/smartphone circulars and bulletins on non-traditional fertilizers and amendments during this period:


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