W1133: Benefits and Costs of Natural Resources Policies Affecting Public and Private Lands
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Schlosser,W. E., J.H. Bassman, P.R. Wandschneider, and R.L. Everett. A Carbon
Balance Assessment for Containerized Larix gmelinii Seedlings in the Russian Far East. J. of Forest Ecology and Management. 173 (Feb 2003): 335-351.
Schlosser,* W. E., J.H. Bassman,* F.G. Wagner, and P.R. Wandschneider. Increasing Long Term Storage of Carbon Sequestered in Russian Softwood Logs through Enhanced Lumber Recovery. Forest Products Journal 52:9(September 2002): 51-59.
Painter,* K., R. D. Scott,* P.R. Wandschneider,* and K. L. Casavant. Using
Contingent Valuation to Measure User and Non-User Benefits, An Application to Public Transit. Review of Agricultural Economics 24(2002): 394-409.
Upadhayay,* B.M., D.L. Young,* H.H. Wang, and P.R. Wandschneider. "How Do Farmers Who Adopt Multiple Conservation Practices Differ from Their Neighbors?" American Journal of Alternative Agriculture (Vol. 18, Issue 1) (2003), in press.
Coupal, R. H., C. T. Bastian and D. T. Taylor. "Economic Benefits of Sport Fishing and Angler Wildlife Watching in Pennsylvania: A Comment," Journal of Travel Research. 41(2002): 210-11.
Bastian, C. T., D. M. McLeod*, M. J. Germino, W. A. Reiners and B. J. Blasko. "Using GIS to Measure Environmental and Visual Amenities When Valuing Agricultural Lands." Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. 2002: 43-52.
Parkhurst, G. M., J. F. Shogren, C. Bastian, P. Kivi, J. Donner and R. B. Smith. "Agglomeration Bonus an Incentive Mechanism to Reunite Fragmented Habitat for Biodiversity Conservation," Ecological Economics. 41(2002): 305-328.
Jensen, Kimberly L., Paul M. Jakus, Burton C. English, and Jamey Menard.
Forthcoming. "Market Participation and Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Certified Hardwood Products." Forest Science. Accepted, October 2002.
Jakus, Paul M., Kimberly L. Jensen, and George C. Davis.. "Revenue Impacts of MPP Branded Funds: A Firm Level Analysis." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. October 2003.
Stevens, T.H., White, S., Kittredge,D., Dennis,D. 2002. "Factors affecting NIPF landowner participation in management programs: a Massachusetts case study." Journal of Forest Economics. 8: 160-184.
Lindner, M., B. Sohngen, L.A. Joyce, D.T. Price, P.Y. Bernier, and T. Karjalainen. 2002. "Integrated Forestry Assessments for Climate Change Impacts." Forest Ecology and Management.162(1): 117-13
Rosenberger, Randall S., George L. Peterson, and John B. Loomis. 2002. Applying a method of paired comparisons to measure economic values for multiple goods sets. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 34(1):215-229.
Rosenberger, Randall S., George L. Peterson, Andrea Clarke, and Thomas C. Brown. 2003. Measuring dispositions for lexicographic preferences of environmental goods: Integrating economics, psychology and ethics. Ecological Economics 44(1):63-76.
Moeltner, K. (2003) Addressing Aggregation Bias in Zonal Recreation Models. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 45(1), p.128-144.
Kirkvliet, J., O. Gainutdinova, S. Polasky and C. Vossler,. 2002. "Externally Validating Contingent Valuation: An Open-Space Survey and Referendum in Corvallis, Oregon, J. of Economic Behavior and Organization," Vol 1485 (2002) pp 1-17.
Kirkvliet, J., C. Nowell and S. Lowe. 2002. "The Economic Value of the Greater Yellowstone‘s Blue Ribbon Fishery, North American Journal of Fisheries Management,", with, Vol. 22 (2002) 418-424
Amigues, J-P., C Boulatoff (Broadhead), B. Desaigues, C. Gauthier, and J.E. Keith. 2002. The benefits and costs of riparian habitat preservation: A willingness to accept/willingness to pay contingent valuation approach. Ecological Economics 43(1):17-31.
Shultz, S. and J. Leitch. 2003. The feasibility of restoring previously drained wetlands to reduce flood damage. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, January-February, 2003.
F. Lupi, M.D. Kaplowitz, and J.P. Hoehn. 2002. "The Economic Equivalency of Drained and Restored Wetlands in Michigan," American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 84(5):1355-1361.
P.J. Machemer and M.D. Kaplowitz. 2002. "Using Transferable Development
Rights to Address Urban Growth and Agricultural Land Preservation."
Journal of Environmental Planning & Management. 45(6):773-795.
M.D. Kaplowitz and S.G. Witter. 2002. "Identifying Water Security Issues
at the Local Level." Water International. 27(3):387-394.
D. Dempsey and M.D. Kaplowitz. 2002. "The Persistence of Local Wetland
Ordinances in Michigan." Michigan Environmental Law Review. 19:18-23
Lupi, Frank, and Douglas B. Jester, "Uses of Resource Economics in Managing
Great Lakes Fisheries," in Sustaining North American Salmon: Perspectives
Across Regions and Disciplines, (W. Taylor, M. Jones, and K. Lynch,
editors). American Fisheries Society: Bethesda, MD, pages 195-220, 2002.
Hoag, D., J. Ascough, and A. Engler. 2002. Impact matrix and decision rules to enhance index dimensionality, flexibility and representation. Ecological Indicators, Vol. 33: 1-8.
Hsu, S. and J. Loomis. 2002. A Defense of Cost-Benefit Analysis for Natural Resource Policy. Environmental Law Reporter 32:10239-10244.
Loomis, J., L. Bair and A. Gonzalez-Caban. 2002. Language Related Differences in Contingent Valuation. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 84(4): 1091-1102.
Loomis, J., D. Griffin, E. Wu, A. Gonzalez-Caban. 2002. Estimating the Economic Value of Big Game Habitat Production from Prescribed Fire Using a Time Series Approach. Journal of Forest Economics 8:119-129.
Popp, J. D. Hoag, and J.Ascough. 2002 Targeting Soil Conservation Policies for Sustainability: New Empirical Evidence. J. of Soil and Water Conservation, Vol. 57:66-74
Poe, G. L., and C. A. Vossler. "Monte Carlo Benchmarks for Discrete Response Valuation Methods: Comment", Land Economics, 78(4):605-616. Nov. 2002. Cameron, T. A., G. L. Poe, R. Ethier, and W. D. Schulze, "Alternative Nonmarket Value-Elicitation Methods: Are the Underlying Preferences the Same?", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 44(3):391-425,
Oct. 2002.
Poe, G. L., J. R. Clark, D. Rondeau, and W.D. Schulze, "Provision Point Mechanisms and Field Validity Tests of Contingent Valuation", Environmental and Resource Economics, 23(1):105-131, Sept. 2002.
Schulze, W., G. Poe, I. Bateman and D. Rondeau. " Is the Scope Test Meaningful In the Presence of Other Regarding Behavior?" in J.A. List and A. de Zeeuw, eds., 2002, Recent Advances in Environmental Economics., Edward Elgar Publishers, Cheltenham UK.
Herriges, J. and D. Phaneuf. 2002. "Inducing Patterns Correlation and Substitution in Repeated Logit Model of Recreation Demand," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 84, No. 4, 2002 pp. 1076-1090.
Smith, V.K. G. Van Houtven and S.K. Pattan. 2003. Benefit Transfer Via Preference Calibration: Prudential Algebra for Policy, Land Economics, February 2002.
Smith, V.K. and S. Pattanayak. 2002. Is Meta Analysis the Noahs Ark for Non-Market Valuation? Environmental and Resource Economics, June 200.
Smith, V.K, H. Sieg, H.S. Banzhaf, and R. Walsh. 2002. "Inter-jurisdictional Housing Prices in Locational Equilibrium," Journal of Urban Economics, July 2002
Smith, V.K and C. Mansfield. 2002. "Tradeoff at the Trough: TMDLs and the Evolving Status of Water Quality Policy in John List and Aart de Zeeuw, editors, Recent Advances in Environmental Economics (Cheltenhen, U.K.: Elgar, 2002
Smith, V.K et al., 2002. The Impact of No Opinion Response Options on Data Quality: Non Attitude Reduction of an Invitation to Satisfice? Public Opinion Quarterly, Fall 2002 .
Smith, V.K and Ju-Chin Huang Monte Carlo Benchmarks for Discrete Response Valuation Models: Reply, Land Economics, November 2002.
Kim, Chongwon, Tim Phipps, and Luc Anselin. "Measuring the Benefits of Air Quality Improvement: A Spatial Hedonic Approach," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 45 (2003): 24-39.
Azevedo, Christopher, Joseph Herriges and Catherine Kling. "Combining Revealed and Stated Preferences: Consistency Tests and Their Interpretations," American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(2003): 525-537.
Bateman, I. J., M. Cole, P. Cooper, S. Georgiou, D. Hadley, and G. L. Poe. 2004. "On Visible Choice Sets and Scope Sensitivity", Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 47(1):71-93.
Bateman, I. J., P. Cooper, S. Georgiou, S. Navrud, G. L. Poe, R. Ready, P. Riera, M. Ryan, and C. A. Vossler, "Scope Sensitivity Tests For Preference Robustness: An Empirical Examination Of Economic Expectations Regarding The Economic Valuation Of Policies For Reducing Acidity In Remote Mountain Lakes". University of East Anglia, CSERGE Environmental Decision-Making (EDM) series, EDM 04-03.
Bergstrom, J.C., I.D. Clifton, and Y.M. Mohamed. Estimates of Mean Per Acre Sales Price of Agricultural Land in the State of Georgia, Annual Report, Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development, The University of Georgia, August, 2003.
Bergstrom, J.C., J.H. Dorfman, and J.B. Loomis. Estuary Management and Recreational Fishing Benefits. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, The University of Georgia, Faculty Series, FS 03-02, July, 2003.
Betz, C.J., J.C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker. 2003. A Contingent Trip Model for Estimating Rail-Trail Demand. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 46: 79-96.
Bills, N. L., G. L. Poe, and P. Wright, 2003. "Using Voluntary Approaches to Reduce Environmental Damages: Evidence from a Survey of New York Dairy Farms." Japanese Journal of Rural Economics 5:35-50.
Bond, C. A., K. Giraud, and D. M. Larson. Valuation of Public Goods with Temporal Variation in Payment Schedules. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, June 2003.
Bunch, D. S., D. M. Larson, and Y. Onozaka. Purchase Pattern Analysis for Organic and Conventional Produce with Detailed Supermarket Scanner Data. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, February 2004.
Carson, R.M., and J.C. Bergstrom. A Review of Ecosystem Valuation Techniques. Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, The University of Georgia, Faculty Series, FS 03-03, December, 2003.
Coupal, R., D. Taylor, and D. McLeod. 2003. "The Cost of Community Services for Rural Residential Development in Wyoming." Ruckelshaus Institute of Environment and Natural Resources/Cooperative Extension Service Outreach Bulletin, University of Wyoming.
Cowley, D., F. A. Ward, R. Deitner, and M. Hatch. 2003. "Optimizing the Allocation of Hatchery-Produced Rainbow Trout." North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23(February): 216-229.
Deaton, B.J., P.E. Norris, J. P. Hoehn. 2003. Setting the Standard for Farmland Preservation. Agricultural And Resource Economics Review, 32(2): 272-281.
Dennis, D., T. H. Stevens, and D. Kittredge. 2003. Nonlinearity in Valuation. In: Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (J.S. Schonkwiler, ed.), Western Regional Research Publication: 66-77.
Dorfman, J. H., B Lavigno, J. C. Bergstrom, and B. J. Barnett. 2003. "Is There a Private Market for Farmland Preservation" in eds. N. De Cuir, A.D. Sokolow, and J. Woled, Compensating Landowners for Conserving Agricultural Land, Davis, CA: Community Studies Extension of UC Davis, 63-70.
Ellinginson, L. 2003. The Role of Ethnicity and Language in Contingent Valuation Analysis: A Fire Prevention Policy Application. M.S. Thesis. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Eom, Y. S., and D. M. Larson, Heterogeneity in Risk Perceptions, Self-Protective Decisions and Values of Health Risks from Waste Incinerators. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, November 2003.
Eom, Y. S., and D. M. Larson, Valuing Housework Time Through Giving and Volunteering for Environmental Quality Improvements. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, December 2003.
Eom, Y. S., and D. M. Larson. Improving Environmental Valuation Estimates Through Consistent Use of Multiple Information. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, September 2003.
Fisher, A. C., and U. Narain. 2003. "Global Warming, Endogenous Risk, and Irreversibility." Environmental and Resource Economics 25(4): 395-416.
Grimsrud, K. M., P. R. Wandschneider, V. Lohr, and C. Pearson-Mims. 2003. Empirical Taxonomy of Environmental Ethical Archetypes. Selected Paper, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 27-30, 2003.
Haab, Timothy. 2003. Temporal Correlation in Repeated Discrete Choice Models with Limited Data. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 45: 195-212.
Hite, D., B. Sohngen, and J. Templeton. 2003. "Zoning, Development Timing, and Agricultural Land Use at the Suburban Fringe: A Competing Risks Approach." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 32(1): 145-157.
Hoehn, J. P., F. Lupi, and M. Kaplowitz. 2003. Untying a Lancastrian Bundle: Ecosystem Valuation in Wetland Mitigation. Journal of Environmental Management 68(3): 263-272.
Huang, J.-C., T. Haab, and J. Whitehead. 2004. Risk Valuation in the Presence of Risky Substitutes: An Application to the Demand for Seafood. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 36: 213-228.
Hudson, D., L.-H. Seah, D. Hite, and T. Haab. 2004. Telephone Presurveys, Self-Selection and Non-Response Bias to Mail and Internet Surveys in Economic Research. Applied Economics Letters 11: 237-240.
Jakus, P. M., M. Riddel, and W. D. Shaw. 2003. Are Climbers Fools? Modelling Risky Recreation. Chapter 5 in N.D. Hanley, W.D. Shaw, and R. Wright (eds.), The New Economics of Outdoor Recreation, Edward Elgar.
Jensen, K. L., P. M. Jakus, B. C. English, and J. Menard. 2003. Market Participation and Willingness to Pay for Environmentally Certified Hardwood Products. Forest Science, 49(4):632-641.
Kaplowitz, M. D., and J. Kerr. 2003. Michigan Residents Perceptions of Wetlands and Mitigation. Wetlands. 23(2):267-277.
Kerkvliet, J., and C. Vossler. 2003. "A Nonexperimental Test of the Contingent Valuation Method: Comparing Hypothetical and Actual Voting Behavior." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 45: 631-649.
Kim, C., T. Phipps, and L. Anselin. 2003. Measuring the Benefits of Air Quality Improvement: A Spatial Hedonic Approach. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 45: 24-39.
Kurkalova, Lyubov, Jinhua Zhao, and Catherine Kling. Multiple Benefits of Carbon-Friendly Agricultural Practices: Empirical Assessment for Conservation Tillage in Iowa, Environmental Management (2003): on the web, forthcoming in paper copy.
Larson, D. M., and D. K. Lew. Evidence on the Value of Recreational Travel Time from Trip Frequency Choices. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, February 2004.
Lew, D. K., and D. M. Larson. Jointly Estimating Recreational Choices and Leisure Time Values Using Information from Labor Market Choices. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, November 2003.
Lew, D. K., and D. M. Larson. Valuing Recreation and Amenities at San Diego County Beaches. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, June 2003.
Loomis, J., and M. Feldman. 2003. Estimating the Benefits of Maintaining Adequate Lake Levels to Homeowners Using the Hedonic Property Method. Water Resources Research 39(9): 2-1 to 2-6.
Loomis, J. 2003. Estimating Economic Values of Open Space Preservation: A Comparison of Dichotomous and Trichotomous Choice Contingent Valuation and Transactions Evidence. Pages 73-96 in Pricing Environmental Services of Agriculture, Edited by M. Kissling, K. Schmitz, P. Schmitz T. Wronka, Justus-Liebig University. Verlag. ISBN 3-8175-0381-4.
Loomis, J., P. Wohlgemuth, A. Gonzalzez-Caban, and D. English. 2003. Economic Benefits of Reducing Fire-Related Sediment in Southwestern fire-prone Ecosystems. Water Resources Research 39(9): 3-1to 3-8.
Lucero, B. 2003. Criterion Validity Tests of the Contingent Valuation Method with Market/Non-Market Comparisons of Hypothetical Bias and Willingness to Pay Estimates Compared with Paired Comparison Estimates of Willingness to Accept. Ph.D. Thesis. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Lupi, F., M. Kaplowitz, and J. Hoehn. 2003. Split-sample Comparison of Experimental Designs for Stated Choice Models with an Application to Wetland Mitigation. In: Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (J.S. Schonkwiler, ed.), Western Regional Research Publication.
Marshall, A., D. Hoag, and A. Seidl. 2003. Landowner expectations and experiences with conservation easements, in Compensatory programs for conserving agricultural land. Agricultural Issues Center, University of California, Davis.
McLeod, D., R. Coupal, A. Seidl, K. Inman, and D. Taylor. 2003. "Opportunities and Challenges for Land Use Planning in the Intermountain West." Journal of Extension 41(5): article 5.
Murphy, J., P. G. Allen, T. H. Stevens, and D. Weatherhead. 2003. A Meta-Analysis of hypothetical bias in stated preference valuation. Working Paper 8, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. August.
Murphy, J., T. Stevens, and D. Weatherhead. 2003. An empirical study of hypothetical bias in voluntary contribution contingent valuation: does cheap talk matter? Working Paper 2, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, Ma. October.
Parsons, Jay. 2003. Productivity Variation and Group Optimization. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins.
Pennington, S., M. D. Kaplowitz, and S. Witter. 2003. Re-Examining Structural Management Practices for Improving Water Quality in Urban Watersheds. Journal of American Water Resources Association 39(5): 1027-1041.
Peters, P.M., L. Drake, A. Lang, R. Morrison, S. Llewellyn, and J.C. Bergstrom. Martin County, Florida Vacant Residential, Rural and Agricultural Lands Study: Abstract. Proceedings of the ESRI International Users Conference, San Diego, California, July, 2003. http://gis.esri.com/library/userconf/proc03/abstracts/a0945.pdf)
Peters, P.M., L. Drake, A. Lang, R. Morrison, S. Llewellyn, and J.C. Bergstrom. County Examines Changing Growth Patterns. Government Matters: GIS for State and Local Government. ESRI, Fall, 2003:2-3.
Rahman, T., R. C. Mittelhammer, and P. Wandschneider. 2003. Comparing Quality of Life Indicators across Countries: A Sensitivity Analysis of Well-being Indices. Selected Paper, American Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 27-30, 2003.
Rahman, T., R. C. Mittelhammer, P. Wandschneider. 2003. Measuring the Quality of Life across Countries: A Sensitivity Analysis of Well-Being Indices, paper prepared for presentation at the WIDER International Conference on Inequality, Poverty and Human Well-Being Helsinki, May 30-31, 2003.
Randall, Alan. 2003. Pricing the Outputs of Multifunctional Agriculture. Taiwanese Agricultural Economics Review 9(1):1-29.
Randall, Alan. 2003. Pricing the Outputs of Multifunctional Agriculture. In: M. Kissling, K. Schmitz, P. Schmitz, and T. Wronka (eds.) Pricing the Environmental Services of Agriculture, Kiel, Germany: Wissenschaftsverlag Vauk Kiel KG, 1-20.
Ready, R. C., and C. Abdalla. "The Impact of Open Space and Potential Local Disamenities on Residential Property Values in Berks County, Pennsylvania." Staff Paper #363, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Pennsylvania State University. June 2003.
Ready, R. C., and C. Abdalla. "GIS Analysis of Land Use on the Rural-Urban Fringe: The Impact of Land Use and Potential Local Disamenities on Residential Property Values and on the Location of Residential Development in Berks County, Pennsylvania." Staff Paper #364, Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology, Pennsylvania State University. June 2003.
Rosenberger, R., and J. Loomis. 2003. Benefit Transfer. In A Primer on Nonmarket Valuation, eds. P. Champ, K. Boyle and T. Brown. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 445-482. ISBN 0-7923-6498-8.
Rosenberger, R.S., G.L. Peterson, A. Clarke and T.C. Brown. 2003. Dispositions for lexicographic preferences of environmental goods: Integrating economics, psychology and ethics. Ecological Economics 44(1): 63-76.
Samnaliev, M., T. Stevens, and T. More. 2003. A comparison of cheap talk and alternative certainty calibration techniques in contingent valuation. Working Paper 11. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. December.
Schlosser, W. E., J.H. Bassman, P.R. Wandschneider, and R.L. Everett. 2003. "A Carbon Balance Assessment for Containerized Larix gmelinii Seedlings in the Russian Far East." Journal of Forest Ecology and Management 173: 335-351.
Shaikh, S. L. , and D. M. Larson. 2003. A Two-Constraint Almost Ideal Demand Model of Recreation and Donations. Review of Economics and Statistics 85(4): 953-61.
Shrestha, R., and J. Loomis. 2003. Meta-Analytic Benefit Transfer of Outdoor Recreation Economic Values: Testing Out-of-Sample Convergent Validity. Environmental and Resource Economics 25:79-100.
Shultz, S. and J. Leitch. 2003. The Feasibility of Restoring Previously Drained Wetlands to Reduce Flood Damage. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 58(1):21-29.
Sohngen, B. and R. Mendelsohn. 2003. An Optimal Control Model of Forest Carbon Sequestration. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(2): 448-457.
Sutton, W. R., D. M. Larson, and L. S. Jarvis, A New Approach For Assessing The Costs Of Living With Wildlife In Developing Countries. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, January 2004.
Todres, T., A. Seidl, D. McLeod, A. Bittner, R. Coupal, and K. Inman. 2003. "Preferred Public Land Use and Policy in Moffat County: Final Report of A County-wide Opinion Survey" Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Cooperative Extension, Colorado State University. APR 03-11, http://dare.agsci.colostate.edu/extension/pubs.html.
Upadhayay, B.M., D.L. Young, H.H. Wang, and P.R. Wandschneider. 2003. "How Do Farmers Who Adopt Multiple Conservation Practices Differ from Their Neighbors", American Journal of Alternative Agriculture 18(1): 27-36.
von Haefen, R. H., and D. J. Phaneuf. 2003. Estimating Preferences for Outdoor Recreation: A Comparison of Continuous and Count Data Demand System Frameworks. Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 45(3): 612-630.
von Haefen, R. H., and D. J. Phaneuf. 2003. A Note on Estimating Nested CES Preferences of Recreation Demand. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 85(2): 406-413.
von Haefen, R. H. 2003. Incorporating Observed Choice into the Construction of Welfare Measures from Random Utility Models. Journal of Environmental Economics & Management, 45(2): 145-165.
von Haefen, R. H. Incomplete Demand Systems, Corner Solutions, and Welfare Measurement, Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona.
von Haefen, R. H., and W. Adamowicz. Not Playing the Game: Non-Participation in Repeated Discrete Choice Models. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona.
von Haefen, R. H. Latent Consideration Sets and Continuous Demand System Models. Working Paper, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona.
Vossler, C. A., R. Ethier, G. L. Poe, and M. P. Welsh. 2003. "Payment Certainty in Discrete Choice Contingent Valuation Responses: Results from a Field Validity Test." Southern Economic Journal 69(4): 216-232.
Wandschneider, Philip R. 2003. Lottery Economics: the Role of Luck, Skills and Endowments in Determining Who Gets the Toys, Western Economic Forum 2:2 (Fall 2003): 27-32. [Based on WAEA Distinguished Scholar Address, Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Denver, July, 2003]
Ward, F.A., and J. Booker. 2003. Economic Costs and Benefits of Instream Flow Protection for Endangered Species in an International Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 39(2): 427-440.
Waters, J., and Q. Weninger. 2003. Economic benefits of management reform in the northern Gulf of Mexico reef fish fishery. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 46(2): 207-230.
Whitehead, J., T. Haab, and G.Parsons. 2003. Economic Effects of Pfiesteria. Oceans and Coastal Management 46: 845-858.
Xu, Z., Guodong, C., Ahiqiang, A., Shiyong, S. and J. Loomis. 2003. Applying Contingent Valuation in China to Measure Total Economic Value of Restoring Ecosystem Services in Ejina Region. Ecological Economics 44: 345-358.
Adamowicz, W., W.M. Hanemann, J. Swait, R. Johnson, D. Layton, M. Regenwetter, T. Reimer, and R. Sorkin. 2005. Group Decisions: Analyzing Decision Strategy and Structure in Households. Marketing Letters. In press 2005.
Bastian, C. 2004. Using Random Utility Models to Incorporate Substitution When Estimating Economic Values and Impacts of Closing a Unique Recreation Site. Ph.D. Thesis. Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.
Bateman, I. J., M. Cole, P. Cooper, S. Georgiou, D. Hadley, and G. L. Poe. 2004. On Visible Choice Sets and Scope Sensitivity. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 47(1):71-93.
Bazen, Ernest F. and Ronald A. Fleming, "An Economic Evaluation of Livestock Odor Regulation Distances," Journal of Environmental Quality. 33(November-December, 2004):1997-2001.
Cooper, P., G. L. Poe and I. J. Bateman. 2004. The Structure of Motivation for Contingent Values: A Case Study of Lake Water Quality Improvement. Ecological Economics. 50(1-2):69-82.
Deaton, B.J. and J.P. Hoehn. 2004. Hedonic Analysis of Hazardous Waste Sites in the Presence of Other Urban Disamenties. Environmental Science and Policy. 7:499-508.
Fisher, A.C. and J. Zhao. 2004. Willingness-to-Pay, Compensating Variation, and the Cost of Commitment. Economic Inquiry. 42:503-517.
Fisher, A.C., D. Phaneuf, and J. Herriges. 2004. What's the Use: Welfare Estimates from Revealed Preference Models in the Absence of Weak Complementarity. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 47:53-68.
Fleming, R.A., 2004. An Econometric Analysis Of The Environmental Benefits Provided By The Conservation Reserve Program. Journal of Agriculture & Applied Economics. 36(August):399-413.
Fleming, R.A., and M. Thomas. 2004. Analyzing Opportunities Presented By The Revised Federal Provisions Governing Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Journal of Agriculture & Applied Economics. 36(August):313-316.Forestry Objective.
Habron, G.B., M.D. Kaplowitz, and R. Levine. 2004. A Soft Systems Approach to Watershed Management: A Road Salt Case Study. Environmental Management. 33(6):776 -787.
Hagerty, D., K. Moeltner. 2005. Specification of Driving Costs in Models of Recreation Demand. Land Economics. 81(Feb.):127-1.
Hailu, Y.G. and R.S. Rosenberger. 2004. Modeling Migration Effects on Agricultural Lands: A Growth Equilibrium Model. Agricultural and Resource Economic Review. 33:50-60. (Affiliations: West Virginia U. and Oregon State U.)
Hanemann W.M. 2005. The Value of Water. M.R. Llamas and Peter Rogers (eds). Water Crisis: Myth or Reality? A.A. Balkema Publishers. In press.
Hanemann, W.M. 2005. Consumer Demand with Several Linear Constraints: A Global Analysis. Thomas Aronsson and Runar Brannlund (eds). Contributions in Environmental Economics. Honour of Karl-Gustaf Lofgren, Edward Elgar. In press.
Hayhoe, K., D. Cayan, C.B. Field, P.C. Frumhoff, E.P. Maurer, N.L. Miller, S.C. Moser, S.H. Schneider, K.N. Cahill, E.E. Cleland, L. Dale, R. Drapek, W.M. Hanemann, L.S. Kalkstein, J. Lenihan, C.K. Lunch, R. Neilson, S.C. Sheridan, and J.H. Verville. 2004. Emission Pathways, Climate Change, and Impacts on California. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume 101, No. 34 (August 24) pp 12422-12427.
Hesseln, H (Montana)., J. Loomis (Colorado), and A. Gonzalez-Caban (USDA Forest Service, California). 2004. Comparing the Economic Effects of Fire on Hiking Demand in Montana and Colorado. Journal of Forest Economics. 10: 21-35. Forestry Objective.
Jakus, P.M. and C.D. Leggett. 2004. The Value of Information Provided by Fish Consumption Advisories. Utah State University Dept. of Economics, ERI 2005-03. November.
Jakus, P.M. and D. Blahna. 2004. The Economic Value of Removing de facto Wilderness Designation on Public Land to Owners of All Terrain Vehicles. Utah State University Dept. of Economics, ERI 2005-04. April.
Jensen, K.L., P.M. Jakus, B.C. English and J. Mewnard. 2004. Consumers Willingness to Pay for Eco-Certified Wood Products. J. Agricultural and Applied Economics, 36(3): 617-626.
Kaplowitz, M.D. and F. Lupi. 2004. Color Photographs and Mail Survey Response Rates. International Journal of Public Opinion Research. 16(2):199-206.
Kaplowitz, M.D., F. Lupi, F. and J.P. Hoehn. 2004. Multiple-Methods for Developing and Evaluating a Stated Choice Survey to Value Wetlands. In Methods for Testing and Evaluating Survey Questionnaire, Eds. S. Pressor, J. M. Rothgeb, M.P. Couper, J.T. Lessler, E. Martin, J. Martin, and E. Singer. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons. Pages 503-524.
Kaplowitz, M.D., T.D. Hadlock, T.D. and R. Levine. 2004. A Comparison of Web and Mail Survey Response Rates. Public Opinion Quarterly. 68(1):98-101.
Klocek, Christopher A. 2004. Estimating the Economic Value of Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge: A Contingent Valuation Approach. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Natural Resource Economics Program, West Virginia University, August.
Loomis, J (Colorado), A. Gonzalez-Caban (USDA Forest Service, California), and H. Hesseln (Montana). 2004. Multicultural Evaluation of the Performance of Contingent Valuation for Forest Fire Prevention. Contemporary Economic Policy. 22(3):407-419.
Loomis, J. 2004. Do Nearby Forest Fires Cause a Reduction in Residential Property Values. Journal of Forest Economics 10:149-157.
Loomis, J. (Colorado) and L. Caughlan (U.S. Geological Survey, Colorado). 2004. Linking Intended Visitation to Regional Economic Impact Models of Bison and Elk Management. Human Dimensions of Wildlife. 9:17-33.
Loomis, J. 2004. How Bison and Elk Populations Impact Park Visitation: A Comparison of Results from a Survey and Historic Visitation Regression Model. Society and Natural Resources. 17:941-949.
Loomis, J., V. Rameker, and A. Seidl. 2004. A Hedonic Model of Public Market Transactions for Open Space Protection. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management. 47(1): 83-96.
Loureiro, M., J. Loomis, L. Nahuelhual. 2004. A Comparison Of A Parametric And Non-Parametric Method To Value A Non-Rejectable Public Good. Journal of Forest Economics. 10:61-74.
McLeod, D. 2004. Confronting Land Fragmentation: Opportunities for Federal Research and Outreach Programming Partnerships. Western Economic Forum of the Western Agricultural Economics Association. 3(December):12-18.
McLeod, D. 2005. A Proposed Research Agenda To Inform Future Farmland Preservation Efforts. Invited Paper/Published Proceedings 2005. What the Public Values about Farmland: A Workshop to Develop a Ranking Tool for Program Managers. USDA-ERS, Farm Foundation, and CSREES. Baltimore, MD. November 13-14, 2005.
Mohn, C. and W.M. Hanemann. 2005. Caught in a Corner: Using the Kuhn-Tucker Conditions to Value Montana Sportfishing. Robert Halvorsen, David F. Layton and Richard W. Parks (eds). Festschrift for Gardner Brown, Edward Elgar. In press.
Nahuelhual-Munoz, L., M. Loureiro, and J. Loomis. 2004. Addressing Heterogeneous Preferences Using Parametric Extended Spike Models. Environmental and Resource Economics. 27: 297-311.
Peck, D., D. McLeod, J. Lovvorn and J. Hewlett. 2005. Opportunity Costs of Water Leasing: Irrigation, Instream Flow, And Wetland Considerations in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming. Environmental Management. 34(6): 842-855.
Ready, R. C., and C.W. Abdalla. 2004. The Impact Of Land Use On Nearby Property Values: Estimates From A Hedonic Houseprice Model. In Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom eds., Land Use Problems and Conflicts New York: Routledge.16 pp.
Ready, R. C., S. Navrud, B. Day, R. Dubourg, F. Machado, S. Mourato, F. Spanninks, and M. Jose Vazquez Rodriquez. 2004. Contingent Valuation of Ill Health Caused by Pollution: Testing for Context and Ordering Effects. Portuguese Economic Journal. 3 (September):145-156.
Ready, R. C., S. Navrud, B. Day, R. Dubourg, F. Machado, S. Mourato, F. Spanninks, and M. Jose Vazquez Rodriquez. 2004. Benefit Transfer in Europe: How Reliable are Transfers Between Countries? Environmental and Resource Economics. 29(September):67-82.
Ready, R.C., and C.W. Abdalla. 2004. The Impact of Land Use on Nearby Property Values: Estimates From A Hedonic House Price Model. In Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom eds., Land Use Problems and Conflicts New York: Routledge. 16 pp.
Ready, R.C., S. Navrud, B. Day, R. Dubourg, F. Machado, S. Mourato, F. Spanninks, and M. Jose Vazquez Rodriquez. 2004. Contingent Valuation of Ill Health Caused by Pollution: Testing for Context and Ordering Effects. Portuguese Economic Journal 3(September):145-156.
Ready, R.C., S. Navrud, B. Day, R. Dubourg, F. Machado, S. Mourato, F. Spanninks, and M. Jose Vazquez Rodriquez. 2004. Benefit Transfer in Europe: How Reliable are transfers Between Countries? Environmental and Resource Economics. 29(September):67-82
Richardson, R. and J. Loomis. 2004. Adaptive Recreation Planning and Climate Change: A Contingent Visitation Approach. Ecological Economics. 50: 83-99.
Rosenberger, R.S. 2004. Perceived costs and benefits of SAHs: Economic and Social Values. In: Institute for Natural Resources, Salmon Anchor Habitat Strategy: Invited Expert Responses. Supporting document for the Salmon Anchor Habitat Conference, June 24-25, Tillamook, OR. Corvallis, OR: Institute for Natural Resources and Oregon Department of Forestry. (Affiliation: Oregon State U.)
Rosenberger, R.S., A.R. Collins and J.B. Svetlik. 2005. Private Provision Of A Public Good: Willingness To Pay For Privately Stocked Trout. Society & Natural Resources 18(1):75-87. (Affiliations: Oregon State U. and West Virginia U.)
Rosenberger, R.S., D.B.K. English and M. Sperow. 2004. Duration Models - Temporal Effects Of Wilderness Designation On Transition Rates For Economies In Appalachia. 4th Quarterly Report for the project: Impacts and Role of Wilderness Designation on Rural Communities in the Appalachian Region and National Wilderness Assessment. Cooperative Agreement #SRS-01-CA-11330144-397 between the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station and West Virginia University via subcontract #01-539-OSU between West Virginia University and Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR: Department of Forest Resources, Oregon State University. (Affiliations: Oregon State U., USDA Forest Service, and West Virginia U.
Rosenberger, R.S., D.B.K. English and M. Sperow. 2004. Growth Equilibrium Modeling of Wilderness Effects in Appalachia. 3rd Quarterly Report for the project: Impacts and Role of Wilderness Designation on Rural Communities in the Appalachian Region and National Wilderness Assessment. Cooperative Agreement #SRS-01-CA-11330144-397 between the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station and West Virginia University via subcontract #01-539-OSU between West Virginia University and Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR: Department of Forest Resources, Oregon State University. (Affiliations: Oregon State U., USDA Forest Service, and West Virginia U.)
Rosenberger, R.S., D.B.K. English and M. Sperow. 2004. Correlation Tests, T-tests, and Trend analysis. 2nd Quarterly Report for the project: Impacts and Role of Wilderness Designation on Rural Communities in the Appalachian Region and National Wilderness Assessment. Cooperative Agreement #SRS-01-CA-11330144-397 between the USDA Forest Service, Southern Research Station and West Virginia University via subcontract #01-539-OSU between West Virginia University and Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR: Department of Forest Resources, Oregon State University. (Affiliations: Oregon State U., USDA Forest Service, and West Virginia U.)
Schlenker, W., W.M. Hanemann, and A.C. Fisher. 2005. Will U.S. Agriculture Really Benefit from Global Warming? Accounting for Irrigation in the Hedonic Approach. American Economic Review. In press.
Sethi, G., C. Costello, A.C. Fisher, M.W. Hanemann, and L. Karp. 2005. Fishery Management under Multiple Uncertainty. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. In press.
Shultz, S. and S. Taff. 2004. Implicit Prices of Wetland Easements in Areas of Production Agriculture. Land Economics. 80(4):501-512.
Shultz. S. and S. Taff. 2004. Calculating wetland easement payments with alternative land value data: A case study of the USFW small wetland acquisition program in the prairie pothole region. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation. 59(3):103-109.
Shultz. S. and S. Taff. 2004. Calculating Wetland Easement Payments with Alternative Land Value Data: A Case Study of the USFW Small Wetland Acquisition Program in the Prairie Pothole Region. Journal of Soil & Water Conservation. 59 (3):103-109.
Strager, Michael P. 2004. The Integration of Spatial Analysis Techniques and Decision Support Systems for Natural Resource Management. Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Natural Resource Economics Program, West Virginia University, May.
Vossler, C. A., G. L. Poe, M. P. Welsh, and R. G. Ethier. 2004. Bid Design Effects Multiple Bounded Discrete Choice Approach, Environmental and Resource Economics. 29: 401-18.
Waller, A., D. McLeod and D. Taylor. 2004. Conservation Opportunities for Securing In-Stream Flows in the Platte River Basin: A Case Study Drawing on Casper, Wyomings Municipal Water Strategy. Environmental Management. 34(5): 620-633.
Winfree, Jason A. and Jill J. McCluskey. 2004. A Game Theoretic Approach to Property Development Policy," submitted to International Review of Law and Economics.
Winfree, Jason A., Jill J. McCluskey, and Ron C. Mittelhammer. 2004. An Option Value Approach to Valuation of Conservation/Preservation Properties. submitted to J. of Real Estate Finance and Economics.
Ahearn, M. and R. Alig. Forthcoming. A Discussion of Recent Land-Use Trends, chapter 2 in Economics of Rural Land-Use Change, edited by K.P. Bell, K.J. Boyle and J. Rubin, Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate.
Ahearn, M., K. Boyle, and D. Hellerstein. Forthcoming. Designing a Contingent Valuation Study to Estimate the Benefits of the Conservation Reserve Program, chapter 9 in The Handbook of Contingent Valuation. , J. Kahn, and A. Alberini (eds.). Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton, MA.
Alig, R. and M. Ahearn. Forthcoming. Effects of Policy and Technological Change on Land Use, chapter 3 in Economics of Rural Land-Use Change, edited by K.P. Bell, K.J. Boyle and J. Rubin, Aldershot, Hampshire: Ashgate.
Bastian, C.T. and J.B. Loomis. 2005. Economic Welfare Effects of Recreation Site Closure on Multiple Destination Visitors Using Random Utility Model: The Case of Yellowstone Snowmobiling, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Bateman, I. J., P. Cooper, S. Georgiou, S. Navrud, G.L. Poe, R. Ready, P. Riera, M. Ryan, and C. A. Vossler. 2005. Economic Valuation of Policies for Managing Acidity in Remote Mountain Lakes: Examining Validity through Scope Sensitivity Testing. Aquatic Sciences 67:274-291.
Belin D., D. Kittredge, T.Stevens, D. Dennis, C. Schweik and B. Morzuch. 2005. Assessing Private Forest Owner Attitudes toward Ecosystem-Based Management. Journal of Forestry. Jan/Feb.
Bento, A.M., L.H. Goulder, E. Henry, M.R. Jacobson and R.H. von Haefen. 2005. Distributional and Efficiency Impacts of Gasoline Taxes: An Econometrically-Based Multi-Market Study. American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, 95(2): 282-287.
Bergstrom, J. and L. Taylor. Forthcoming. Using Meta Analysis for Benefits Transfer: Strengths and Weaknesses. Ecological Economics.
Bergstrom, J.C. and R.C. Ready. 2005. What Have We Learned from 20 Years of Farmland Amenity Valuation Research?, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Booker, J.F., A.M. Michelsen, and F.A. Ward. 2005. Economic impact of alternative policy responses to prolonged and severe drought in the Rio Grande Basin. Water Resources Research 41(2):W02026.
Breffle, W.S., E.R. Morey, and D.M. Waldman. 2005. Gaussian Quadrature versus Simulation for the Estimation of Random Parameters: Some Evidence from Stated-Preference Choice Data. In Applications of Simulation Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics. R. Scarpa and A. Alberini, eds. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston.
Breffle, W.S., E.R. Morey, R.D. Rowe, and D.M. Waldman. 2005. Combining Stated-Choice and Stated-Frequency Data with Observed Behavior to Value NRDA Compensable Damages: Green Bay, PCBs and Fish Consumption Advisories, in The Handbook of Contingent Valuation (D. Bjornstad, J. Kahn, and A. Alberini, eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing. In press.
Brown, T.C. 2005. Loss Aversion without the Endowment Effect, and Other Explanations for the WTA-WTP Disparity. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 57(3):367-379.
Brown, T.C., G.L. Peterson, R.M. Brodersen, V. Ford, and P.A. Bell. 2005. The Judged Seriousness of an Environmental Loss is a Matter of What Caused It. Journal of Environmental Psychology 25(1):13-21.
Bruggeman, D, M. Jones, F. Lupi, and K. Scribner. 2005. Landscape Equivalency Analysis: Methodology for Estimating Spatially Explicit Biodiversity Credits. Environmental Management 36(4):518-534.
Champ, P.A., R.C. Bishop and R. Moore. 2005. Approaches to Mitigating Hypothetical Bias, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Collins, A.R., R.S. Rosenberger and J.J. Fletcher. 2005. The Economic Value of Stream Restoration. Water Resources Research 41:W2017, 1-9.
Deaton, B.J. and J.P. Hoehn 2005. The Social Construction of Production Externalities in Contemporary Agriculture: Process versus Product Standards as the Basis for Defining Organic. Agriculture and Human Values 22:21-38.
Duffield, J.W., C.J. Neher, D.A. Patterson and P.A. Champ. 2005. Replication of a Cash and Contingent Valuation Experiment (Preliminary), in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Finlayson, C.M., R. DCruz, N. Aladin, D.R.Barker, G. Beltram, J.Brouwer, N. Davidson, L.Duker, W. Junk, M.D. Kaplowitz, H. Ketelaars, E. Kreuzberg-Mukhina, G. de la Lanza Espino, C.Leveque, A. Lopez, R.G. Milton, P.Mirabzadeh, D. Pritchard, C. Revenga, M. Rivera, A. Shah Hussainy, M. Silvius, and M.Steinkamp. 2005. Inland Water Systems, Chapter 20, Millennium Ecosystem Assessment: Current State and Trends. Washington DC: Center for Resource Economics/Island Press.
Finnoff, D. and A.J. Caplan. 2005. A Bioeconomic Model of the Great Salt Lake Watershed, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Fleming, R.A. and R. Johnson. 2005. WTA for Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Use Access to Private Lands when Affirmative Responses are Poisson Events, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Giraud, K, C. Bond and J. Kelling-Bond. 2005. Consumer Preferences for Locally Made Specialty Food Products across Northern New England. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 34(2):204-216.
Hearne, R. and C.A. Santos. 2005. Tourists and Locals Preferences toward Ecotourism Development in the Maya Biosphere Reserve, Guatemala. Environment, Development, and Sustainability 7(3):305-318
Heberlein, T.A., M.W Wilson, R.C. Bishop and N. Schaeffer. 2005. Scope Sensitivity and the Validity of Contingent Valuation. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 50:1-22.
Hoag, D., C. Bastian, C. Keske-Handley, D. McLeod and A. Marshall. 2005. Evolving Conservation Easements Markets in the West. Solicited Article, June 2005, Western Economic Forum of the Western Agricultural Economics Association. 4(1):12-18.
Hoehn, J.P. and B.J. Deaton. 2005. An Empirical Framework for Evaluating the Welfare Gains and Losses from Credence Attribute Labeling, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Holmes, T.P. and J.E. Englin. 2005. User Fees and the Demand for OHV Recreation, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Horan, R. and F. Lupi. 2005. Tradable risk permits to prevent future introductions of alien invasive species into the Great Lakes. Ecological Economics 52(3):289-304.
Horan, R., and F. Lupi. 2005. Economic Incentives for Controlling Trade-Related Biological Invasions in the Great Lakes. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 34(1):75-89.
Johnston, R.J. and D.P. Joglekay. 2005. Is Hypothetical Bias Universal? Validating Stated Preference Responses Using Binding Public Referenda, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Kavezeri-Karuahe, S., P. Wandschneider, and J. Yoder. 2005. Perceived Water Prices and Estimated Water Demand in the Residential Sector of Windhoek, Namibia. An Analysis of the Different Water Market Segments. presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Meetings. San Francisco. July.
Kruger, C., D. Granatstein, C. Feise, S. Chen, C. Stockle, C. MacConnell, P. Wandschneider, H. Collins, D. Huggins. Climate Friendly Farming Project: Year 1 Report Presentation. 2005. Presented to the Paul G. Allen Charitable Foundation / Vulcan Inc. February 11.
Laury, S. and L. Taylor. Forthcoming. Altruism Spillovers: Are Behaviors in Context-free Experiments Predictive of Atlruism Toward a Naturally Occurring Public Good? Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization.
Loomis, J. 2005. Economic Values without Prices: The Importance of Nonmarket Values and Valuation for Informing Public Policy Debates. Choices 20(3):179-182.
Loomis, J. 2005. Updated Outdoor Recreation Use Values on National Forests and Other Public Lands. General Technical Report PNW-GTR-658. Pacific Northwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service.
Loomis, J., H.T. Le, A. Gonzalez-Caban. 2005. Testing Transferability of Willingness to Pay for Forest Fire Prevention Among Three States of California, Florida and Montana. Journal of Forest Economics 11:125-140.
Loomis, J., J. Miller, A. Gonzalez-Caban and J. Champ. 2005. Comparing Videotape Survey Administration and Phone Interviews in Contingent Valuation of Forest Fire Management, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Lupi, F, M.D. Kaplowitz, J.P. Hoehn, M. Gibson and O. Arreola. 2005. Stated Preferences for Great Lakes Coastal Wetland Programs, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
M.D. Kaplowitz and R. Levine. 2005. How Environmental Knowledge Measures up at a Big Ten University. Environmental Education Research 11(2):143-160.
Maler, K-G, and A.C. Fisher. 2005. Environment, Uncertainty, and Option Values, in Handbook of Environmental Economics, Vol. 2, pp. 571-620, edited by K-G Maler and J.R. Vincent. Amsterdam: Elsevier/North Holland.
Moeltner, K. and J. S. Shonkwiler. 2005. Correcting for On-Site Sampling in Random Utility Models. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(2):327-339.
Moeltner, K. and J.S. Shonkwiler. 2005. Intercept and Recall: Examining Avidity Carryover in On-Site Sample Data, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Murphy J., P.G. Allen, T. Stevens and D. Weatherhead. 2005. A Meta-Analysis of Hypothetical Bias in Stated Preference Valuation. Environmental and Resource Economics 30:313-325.
National Research Council. 2005. Endangered and Threatened Species of the Platte River. National Academies Press, Washington D.C. (F. Lupi is a contributing author).
Netusil, N. S. Chattopadhyay. 2005. Economic Benefits of Large Patches of Tree Canopy: A Second-Stage Hedonic Price Analysis. in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Peck, D., D. McLeod, J. Lovvorn and J. Hewlett. 2005. Opportunity Costs of Water Leasing: Irrigation, Instream Flow, And Wetland Considerations in the Laramie Basin, Wyoming. Environmental Management 34(6):842-855.
Poe, G.L., K.L. Giraud, and J.B. Loomis. 2005. Computational Methods for Measuring the Difference of Empirical Distributions. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(2):353-366.
Poor, P.J. and R. Brule. 2005. Socio-Economic Aspects of Open Space and Agricultural Land Preservation, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Rahman, T., R.C. Mittelhammer, and P. Wandschneider. 2005. Measuring the Well-being across Countries: a Sensitivity Analysis. In: Well-being, poverty and Inequality, ed. M. McGillivray, WIDER Studies in Development Economics, Palgrave Macmillan Press
Rahman, T., R.C. Mittelhammer, P. Wandschneider. 2005. Measuring the Quality of Life across Countries: A Sensitivity Analysis of Well-being Indices. UNU-WIDER Research Paper No. 2005/06, January.
Ready, R., A. Fisher, D. Guignet, R. Stedman, and J. Wang. 2005. A Pilot Test of a New Stated Preference Valuation Method: Continuous Attribute-Based Stated Choice, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Ready, R.C. 2005. Do Landfills Always Depress Nearby Property Values? Rural Development Paper RDP-27, Northeast Regional Center for Rural Development, The Pennsylvania State University, May 2005. 28 pages
Ready, R.C., and C. Abdalla. 2005. The Amenity and Disamenty Impacts of Agriculture: Estimates from a Hedonic Pricing Model. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:314-326.
Ready, R.C., and S. Navrud. 2005. Benefit Transfer: The Quick, The Dirty, and the Ugly? Choices 20:195-199.
Ready, R.C., W. Delavan, and D. Epp. 2005. A Comparison of Revealed, Stated, and Actual Behavior in Response to a Change in Fishing Quality. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 10:39-52.
Richardson, R. and J. Loomis. 2005. Climate Change and Recreation Benefits in an Alpine National Park. Journal of Leisure Research 37(3): 307-320.
Richardson, R. and J. Loomis. 2005. Effects of Climate Change on Tourism Demand and Benefits in Alpine Areas (pages 164-180). In Tourism, Recreation and Climate Change. Eds. C.M. Hall and J. Highman. Channel View Publications. ISBN 1-84541-004-1.
Rosenberger, R.S. and D.B.K. English. 2005. Impacts of Wilderness on Local Economic Development. In: H.K. Cordell, J.C. Bergstrom and J.M. Bowker (eds.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness. State College, PA: Venture Press. Pp.181-204.
Rosenberger, R.S., A.R. Collins and J.B. Svetlik. 2005. Private Provision of a Public Good: Willingness to Pay for Privately Stocked Trout. Society and Natural Resources 18(1):75-87
Rosenberger, R.S., D.B.K. English and M. Sperow. 2005. Rural Economies in Transition: Duration Models of Eastern Wilderness Designation, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
Rosenberger, R.S., Y. Sneh, T.T. Phipps and R. Gurvitch. 2005. A Spatial Analysis of Linkages between Health Care, Expenditures, Physical Inactivity, Obesity and Recreation Supply. Journal of Leisure Research 37(2):216-235.
Samnaliev, M., T. Stevens and T. More. 2005. A Comparison of Alternative Certainty Calibration Techniques in Contingent Valuation. Ecological Economics, in press.
Schlenker, W., W.M. Hanemann and A.C. Fisher. 2005. Will U.S. Agriculture Really Benefit from Global Warming? Accounting for Irrigation in the Hedonic Approach. The American Economic Review, 95(1):395-406.
Shonkwiler, J. S. and J. Englin. 2005. Welfare Losses Due to Livestock Grazing on Public Lands: A Count Data Systemwide Treatment. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87:302-313.
Shultz, S. 2005. Evaluating the Acceptance of Wetland Easement Conservation Offers. Review of Agricultural Economics 27(2).
Shultz, S. and D. Pool. 2005. The Impact of Combined Grass and Wetland Easements on Agricultural Land Values in South Dakota. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers.
Thacher, J., E. Morey and W. Breffle. 2005. A Latent-Class Model of Angler Preferences for Green Bay: Estimated Jointly with Attitudinal Data and Stated Preference-Choice Data, in Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land, (S. Shultz), Western Regional Research Publication, W-1133.
von Haefen, R.H. and D.J. Phaneuf. 2005. Continuous Demand System Approaches to Nonmarket Valuation, in Applications of Simulation Methods in Environmental & Resource Economics, R. Scarpa & A. Alberini, eds., Springer, Dordrecht.
von Haefen, R.H., D.M. Massey, and W. Adamowicz. 2005. Serial Non-Participation in Repeated Discrete Choice Models. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 87(4):1061-1076.
Vossler, C.A. and G.L. Poe. 2005. Analysis of Contingent Valuation Data with Multiple Bids and Response Options Allowing Respondents to Express Uncertainty: A Comment. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 49:197-200.
Ward, F.A. 2005. Environmental and Natural Resource Economics. Prentice-Hall.
Ward, F.A. Forthcoming. Decision Support for Water Policy: A Review of Economic Concepts and Tools. Water Policy.
Ward, F.A., A.M. Michelsen, and L. DeMouche. Forthcoming. Barriers to Water Conservation in the Rio Grande Basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.
Ward, F.A., and J.F. Booker. 2005. Economic costs and benefits of instream flow protection for endangered species in an international basin. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 39(2):427-440.
Ward, F.A., and J.F. Booker. 2006. Economic impacts of instream flow protection for the Rio Grande silvery minnow in the Rio Grande basin. Reviews in Fisheries Science.14(1-2):187-202.
Ward, F.A., B.H. Hurd, T. Rahmani, and N. Gollehon. Forthcoming. Economic Impact of Federal Policy Responses to Drought in the Rio Grande Basin. Water Resources Research.
Ward, F.A., J.F. Booker, and A.M. Michelsen. Forthcoming. Integrated Economic, Hydrological, and Institutional Analysis of Policy Responses to Mitigate Drought Impacts in the Rio Grande Basin. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.
Braden, J.B., Taylor, L.O., Won, D., Mays, N., Cangelosi, A. and Patunru, A.A. 2006. Economic benefits of sediment remediation. Final Report under USEPA Project GL96553601, 113+ pp. www.nemw.org/.
Johnston, R.J. and Duke, J.M. 2006. Welfare Implications of the Policy Process: Estimating Context-Sensitive Values for Agricultural and Open Space Conservation. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 35(2).
Eom, Y.-S. and D. M. Larson. 2006. Improving environmental valuation estimates through consistent use of revealed and stated preference information. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 501-516.
Eom, Y.-S. and D. M. Larson. 2006. Valuing housework time through giving and volunteering for environmental quality improvements. Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 4, pp. 223-245.
Kipperberg, G. and D. M. Larson. 2005. Paying for a public good in money or time: Is there a fundamental difference? An investigation of consumers' preferences for community-wide recycling. Working paper, Dept. of Ag. and Resource Economics, University of California.
Kovacs, K. F. and D. M. Larson. 2006. Identifying individual discount rates and valuing public open space. Working paper, Dept. of Ag. and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis.
Kovacs, K. F. and D. M. Larson. 2006. Extracting recreation preferences from the housing market with hedonic property price and the travel cost methods. Working paper, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis.
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