NE1731: Collaborative Potato Breeding and Variety Development Activities to Enhance Farm Sustainability in the Eastern US
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Publications (peer-reviewed journals):
Christensen, C.T., L. Zotarelli, K.G. Haynes, and J. Colee. 2017. Rooting characteristics of Solanum chacoense and Solanum tuberosum in Vitro. Amer. J. Potato Res. 94: 588-598.
Da Silva, W.L., J. Ingram, C.A. Hackett, J.J. Coombs, D. Douches, G.J. Bryan, W. De Jong, and S. Gray. 2017 Mapping Loci that Control Tuber and Foliar Symptoms caused by PVY in Autotetraploid Potato (Solanum tuberosum L). G3 7, 3587-3595. https://doi.org/10.1534/g3.117.300264
De Jong, W.S., D.E. Halseth, R.L. Plaisted, X. Wang, K.L. Perry, K.M. Paddock, M. Falise, B.J. Christ, and G.A. Porter. 2017. Lamoka, a variety with excellent chip color out of cold storage and resistance to the golden cyst nematode. American Journal of Potato Research 94: 148-152.
Endelman, J.B., C.A. Schmitz Carley, D.S. Douches, J.J. Coombs, B. Bizimungu, W.S. De Jong, K.G. Haynes, D.G. Holm, J.C. Miller, R.G. Novy, J.P. Palta, D.L. Parish, G.A. Porter, V.R. Sathuvalli, A.L. Thompson, and G. C. Yencho. 2017. Pedigree reconstruction with genome-wide markers in potato. American Journal of Potato Research DOI 10.1007/s12230-016-9556-y.
Wang, Y., L.B. Snodgrass, P.C. Bethke, A.J. Bussan, D.G. Holm, R.G. Novy, M.J. Pavek, G.A. Porter, C.J. Rosen, V.R. Sathuvalli, A.L. Thompson, M.T. Thornton and J.B. Endelman. 2017. Reliability of measurement and genotype x environment interaction for potato specific gravity. Crop Sci DOI: 10.2135cropsci2016.12.0976.
Qu X.S., Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J. 2017. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2016. Plant Disease Management Reports 11: V008.
Qu X.S., Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J. 2017. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2016. Plant Disease Management Reports 11: V035.
Qu X.S., Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J.. 2017. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2016. Plant Disease Management Reports 11: V036.
Qu X.S., Peck M.W., Moore C.E., Christ B.J. 2017. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2016. Plant Disease Management Reports 11: V037.
Simko, I. and K.G. Haynes. 2017. Maturity-adjusted resistance of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) cultivars to Verticillium wilt caused by Verticillium dahliae. Amer. J. Potato Res. 94:173-177.
Published Abstracts:
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2017. Caribou Russet: A new russet potato variety for fresh market and fry processing. American Journal of Potato Research 94:239 (abst).
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2017. Processing quality of advanced fry processing varieties versus Russet Burbank in SCRI agronomic trials, Maine 2013-2015. American Journal of Potato Research 94:240 (abst).
Technical Articles or Reports, not refereed
Arancibia, R. 2017. Virginia Potato Variety Trial Report - 2017.
Arancibia, R.A. 2017. Potato. In Wyenandt (Coordinator), Elsa Sanchez (Hort. Ed.), 2016-2017 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations (2017 revision). VCE publication 456-420 (AREC-203P) http://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-420/456-420.html
De Jong, W.S., R. Plaisted, D.E. Halseth, and S. Menasha. 2017. New York Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report - 2017, 40 pp.
Kleinhenz, M.D., S.D. Walker, B. Williams, and Walter. 2017. Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report - 2017, 88 pp. Ohio State University Horticulture and Crop Series Series N. 856. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2017. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2017 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2017-01, 40 pp. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2017. Maine potato breeding program annual report, 2017 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 20 pp.
Qu, X. and B.J. Christ. 2017. Pennsylvania Potato Research Report- 2017, 55 pp (posted on www and distributed to industry). Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Yencho, G.C. and M.E. Clough. 2017. NC Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report - 2017, 50 pp. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu
Zotarelli, L. 2017. Florida Potato Variety Trial Report - 2017, 122 pp. Also available at http://hos.ufl.edu/extension/variety-trials/variety-trial-crops/potatoes
Publications (peer-reviewed journals):
Bali, S. G. Patel, R. Novy, K. Vining, A. Thompson, C. Brown, D. Holm, G. Porter, J. Endelman, and V. Sathuvalli. 2018. Evaluation of genetic diversity among russet potato clones and varieties from breeding programs across the United States. Plos One. Published online (2018) doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0201415
Endelman JB, Schmitz Carley CA, Bethke PC, Coombs JJ, Clough ME, da Silva WL,
De Jong WS, Douches DS, Frederick CM, Haynes KG, Holm DG, Miller Jr JC, Muñoz PM, Navarro FM, Novy RG, Palta JP, Porter GA, Rak KT, Sathuvalli VR, Thompson AL, Yencho GC (2018) Genetic variance partitioning and genome-wide prediction with allele dosage information in autotetraploid potato. Genetics 209:77-87. https://doi.org/10.1534/genetics.118.300685
Haynes, K.G. and M.L. Guedes. 2018. Self-compatibility in a diploid hybrid population of Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum. Amer J. Potato Res. 95: 729-734.
Haynes, KG, Qu XS. 2018. Three cycles of recurrent maternal half-sib Selection continue to reduce foliar late blight in a diploid hybrid Solanum phureja-S. stenotomum population. Amer J. Potato Res. doi.org/10.1007/s12230-018-9681-x.
Jansky, S., D. Douches, and K. Haynes. 2018. Germplasm release: three tetraploid potato clones with resistance to common scab. Amer. J. Potato Res. 95:178-182.
Jansky, S., D. Douches, and K. Haynes. 2018. Transmission of scab resistance to tetraploid potato via unilateral sexual polyploidization. Amer. J. Potato Res. 95:272-277.
Massa, A.N, N. C. Manrique-Carpintero, J. Coombs, K.G. Haynes, P.C. Bethke, T.L. Brandt, S.K. Gupta, G.C. Yencho, R.G. Novy and D.S. Douches. 2018. Linkage analysis and QTL mapping in a tetraploid russet mapping population of potato. BMC Genetics 19:87.
Park J, Yang H, De Jong WS, Wang X (2018) An Evaluation of two H1-Linked Markers and their Suitability for Selecting Globodera rostochiensis Resistant Potatoes in the New York Breeding Program. American Journal of Potato Research 95:170-177 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-017-9623-z
Schmitz Carley, C. A., J. J. Coombs, M. E. Clough, W. S. De Jong, D. S. Douches, K. G. Haynes, C. R. Higgins, D. G. Holm, J. C. Miller, Jr., F. M. Navarro, R. G. Novy, J. P. Palta, D. L. Parish, G. A. Porter, V. R. Sathuvalli, A. L. Thompson, G. C. Yencho, L. Zotarelli, and J. B. Endelman,. 2019. Genetic covariance of environments in the potato national chip processing trial. Crop Sci. 58: 1-8. Published online (2018) doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.05.0314
Schumann, M.J., Z-B Zeng, M.E. Clough, G. C. Yencho. 2017. Linkage map construction and QTL analysis for internal heat necrosis in autotetraploid potato. Theor. Appl. Gen. DOI: 10.1007/s00122-017-2941-1.
Xue, W, Haynes, KG, Qu XS. 2018. Characterization of early blight resistance in potato cultivars. Plant Disease (In Press).
Published Abstracts:
Hao, J.J., Ge, T., Marangoni, N., Jiang, H., Johnson, S.B., Larkin, R.P. Characterization of the pathogens that cause blackleg of potato in Maine and their responses to chemical treatments and varieties. Euphresco III Dickeya/Pectobacterium Workshop. NAK, Emmeloord, The Netherlands, Nov. 15-16, 2018.
Marangoni, N., Hao, J. and Haynes, K.G. Resistance to soft rot bacteria in diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum potatoes. Annual Meeting of Potato Association of America. Fargo, ND. Jul. 22-27, 2018.
Hao, J. Updates on blackleg and soft rot of potato. Annual Meeting of Maine Potato Conference. Caribou Inn, Presque Isle, ME. Jan. 16-17, 2018.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2017. Caribou Russet: A new russet potato variety for fresh market and fry processing. American Journal of Potato Research 94:239 (abst).
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2017. Processing quality of advanced fry processing varieties versus Russet Burbank in SCRI agronomic trials, Maine 2013-2015. American Journal of Potato Research 94:240 (abst).
Technical Articles or Reports, not refereed
Arancibia, R. 2018. Virginia Potato Variety Trial Report - 2018.
Arancibia, R.A. 2018. Potato. In Wyenandt (Coordinator), Elsa Sanchez (Hort. Ed.), 2018 Mid-Atlantic Commercial Vegetable Production Recommendations (2018 revision). VCE publication 456-420 (AREC-232P) http://www.pubs.ext.vt.edu/456/456-420/456-420.html
De Jong, W.S., R. Plaisted, D.E. Halseth, and S. Menasha. 2018. New York Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report - 2018, 40 pp.
Kleinhenz, M.D., S.D. Walker, B. Williams, and Walter. 2018. Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report - 2018, 88 pp. Ohio State University Horticulture and Crop Series Series N. 856. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Krupek, F.S., S. Sargent, P.J. Dittmar, L.Zotarelli. 2018. Seed piece spacing adjustment for Florida chipping potatoes. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1337. 5p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1317
Mwatuwa, R., C.T. Christenseng, P. Solano, L. Zotarelli. 2017. University of Florida Potato Variety Trials Spotlight: ‘French Fingerling’. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1300. 3p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1300
Mwatuwa, R., C.T. Christenseng, P. Solano, L. Zotarelli. 2017. University of Florida Potato Variety Trials Spotlight: ‘Goldrush’. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1299. 4p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1299
Mwatuwa, R., C.T. Christenseng, P. Solano, K.G. Haynes, L. Zotarelli. 2017. University of Florida Potato Variety Trials Spotlight: ‘Harley Blackwell’. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1298. 4p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1298
Mwatuwa, R., C.T. Christenseng, P. Solano, L. Zotarelli. 2017. University of Florida Potato Variety Trials Spotlight: ‘LaChipper’. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1297. 4p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1297
Mwatuwa, R., C.T. Christenseng, P. Solano, L. Zotarelli. 2017. University of Florida Potato Variety Trials Spotlight: ‘Yukon Gold’. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1296. 4p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1296
Mwatuwa, R., C.T. Christenseng, P. Solano, K.G. Haynes, L. Zotarelli. 2017. University of Florida Potato Variety Trials Spotlight: ‘Peter Wilcox’. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1295. 4p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1295
Mwatuwa, R., C.T. Christenseng, P. Solano, L. Zotarelli. 2017. University of Florida Potato Variety Trials Spotlight: ‘Fabula’. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1294. 4p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1294
Mwatuwa, R., C.T. Christenseng, P. Solano, L. Zotarelli. 2017. University of Florida Potato Variety Trials Spotlight: ‘Andirondack Blue’. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1293. 3p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1293
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2018. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2018 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2018-01, 46 pp. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2018. Maine potato breeding program annual report, 2018 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 22 pp.
Qu, X. and B.J. Christ. 2018. Pennsylvania Potato Research Report- 2018, 55 pp (posted on www and distributed to industry). Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Qu XS, Peck MW, Moore CE, Christ BJ. 2018. Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato early blight in Pennsylvania, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports 12: V019.
Qu XS, Peck MW, Moore CE, Christ BJ. 2018. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to powdery scab in Pennsylvania, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports 12: V017.
Qu XS, Peck MW, Moore CE, Christ BJ. 2018. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports 12: V020.
Qu XS, Peck MW, Moore CE, Christ BJ. 2018. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2017. Plant Disease Management Reports 12: V018.
Yencho, G.C. and M.E. Clough. 2018. NC Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report - 2018, 50 pp. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu
Zotarelli, L. 2018. Florida Potato Variety Trial Report - 2018, 122 pp. Also available at http://hos.ufl.edu/extension/variety-trials/variety-trial-crops/potatoes
Allif, H. and R. Arancibia. 2018. VT-REEL Experience in Agricultural Sciences: Biochemical responses to stress in potato. Virginia Tech Annual Summer Research Symposium, July 26, 2018, Blacksburg, VA.
Brown, K.M.. G.A. Porter, J. Hao, P.C. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2018. Progress report on developing DNA-based markers for improving late blight resistance of potato. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. February 13, 2018.
Clough, M. How much water is in a potato? – Tyrrell County Elementary School 2nd grade – Nov 28th 2017
Clough, M. and C. Yencho. Annual grower update - Pasquotank Regional Potato Grower Meeting Dec 14th 2017
De Jong, W. S., ‘Update on Cornell Chip Breeding’, Western NY Chip Potato Growers, Hornell NY (February 15, 2018).
De Jong, W. S., ‘What’s New in Cornell’s Potato Breeding Program', 2018 Long Island Ag Forum, Riverhead NY (January 10, 2018).
De Jong, W. S., ‘The Cornell Potato Breeding and Selection Program (What’s New?)', 2018 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey PA (February 1, 2018)
De Jong, W. S., ‘Discussion of potato varieties and free samples of same’, Richford Potato Festival, Richford NY (September 15, 2018).
Douches, D. and G.C. Yencho. Early Generation Southern Selection Report – Potatoes USA National Chip Program 2018 Variety Selection Meeting
Hao, J. Title: “Dickeya updates.” 32nd Maine Potato Conference, Caribou Inn, ME. Jan. 17-18, 2018. Oral presentation.
Hao, J.J. Title: “Characterization of the pathogens that cause blackleg of potato in Maine and their responses to chemical treatments and varieties.” Euphresco III
Dickeya/Pectobacterium Workshop. NAK, Emmeloord, The Netherlands, Nov. 15-16, 2018. Oral presentation.
Hao, J. Title: “Biologically Managing Potato Common Scab.” Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Huhhot, China. Mar. 20, 2018. Oral presentation.
Marangoni, N., Hao, J. and Haynes, K.G. 2018. Resistance to soft rot bacteria in diploid S. phureja-S. stenotomum potatoes. Annual Meeting of Potato Association of America. Fargo, ND. Jul. 22-27. Poster.
Pesantes, L.G., A.L.B.R. da Silva, P. Solano, L. Zotarelli, S.Sargent, P.J. Dittmar. Seed piece spacing study for table stock potatoes and its implications on weed management and postharvest. Agricultural Extension Demonstration and Research Project Symposium. East Palatka, FL, November 27, 2018. Attendance 25 participants.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2018. Nitrogen rate effects on yield and fry processing quality of Caribou Russet. Presentation at the 102th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America, Boise, ID. July 22-26, 2018.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2018. Progress report on new potato variety research - 2017 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. February 13, 2018.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2018. Progress report on potato nutrient management research - 2017 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. February 13, 2018.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2018. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2017 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. February 13, 2018.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2018. Progress report on potato variety research and potato breeding at the University of Maine - 2017 Growing Season. Report to the NE1231 Eastern Regional Technical Committee, Beltsville, MD. January 4-5, 2018.
Qu, X., 2017 Potato Trials in Pennsylvania and Promising Varieties; Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey, PA, February 1, 2018
Qu, X., Pennsylvania Potato Germplasm Trials 2017, Eastern Pennsylvania Potato Day, Schnecksville, PA, March 6, 2018
Qu, X., Potato Variety Trials, Potato Twilight Meeting, Danielsville, PA, September 25, 2018
Silva, A.L.B.R., L. Zotarelli, L.G. Pesantes, J. Fletcher, G. England. Demonstration of best management practices for irrigation and N-fertilizer strategies chipping potato production.
Tan, E.H., Plant Genome Stability and Change, Gatersleben, Germany, June 3, 2018
Tan, E.H., National Association of Plant Breeders, PBCC/SCC80, Guelph, CA, September 7, 2018
Tan, E.H., Plant in New England Meeting, MIT, MA, September 7, 2018
Tan, E.H., Potato Genomics Workshop, Webcast, McGill University, QC, September 26, 2018
Yencho,G.C. and M. Clough. Potato Breeding and Genetics @ NC State. NE 1731 Annual Meeting, USDA ARS, BARC, Beltsville, MD, Jan. 10-11, 2018.
Yencho, G.E., M.E. Clough, J.J. Combs and D.S. Douches. Report on the 2017 Early Generation Southern Selection Trial – Poster – Potato Expo, Jan 9 – 11th 2018
Zotarelli, L. Fine tuning seed spacing, irrigation and nitrogen management for Florida potatoes. Certified Crop Advisor of Florida, Gainesville, FL. October 10, 2018.
Zotarelli, L., P. Solano, D. Dinkins. Screening of potential potato cultivars for processing (French Fry) for northeast Florida. Agricultural Extension Demonstration and Research Project Symposium. East Palatka, FL, November 27, 2018. Attendance 25 participants.
Agricultural Extension Demonstration and Research Project Symposium. East Palatka, FL, November 27, 2018. Attendance 25 participants.
Tours, Field Days, Trade Shows:
Arancibia, R.A. 2018. Potato variety trials. Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center, Painter, VA. June 21, 2018.
Clough M. and G.C. Yencho, Potato EXPO Jan 9 – 11th 2018
Clough M. and G.C. Yencho, NCSU/Black Gold Farms Show and Tell, Gum Neck NC, May19th, 2018
Clough M. and G.C. Yencho, NCSU/NCPA Show and Tell, Elizabeth City NC, May 20th, 2018
Clough M. and G.C. Yencho, NCSU/Mitchell County Show and Tell, Bakersville, NC, Aug 28th, 2018
De Jong, W. S. Steuben County Twilight potato meeting (August 30, 2018).
Hao, J. Maine Potato Research Field Day, Aroostook Research Farm, Presque Isle, ME. Aug. 8, 2018. 100 attendees.
Porter, G.A. 2018. Potato breeding, variety development, and management research update. Field day presentation to the general public and to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. August 8, 2018.
Porter, G. Maine Potato Breeding Program, Trade Show Booth, Maine Potato Conference, January 2018, Caribou, ME
Qu, X., Potato Show, Ag Progress Days, The Pennsylvania State University's Research Farms, August 14–16, 2018
Qu, X., Potato Field Day, Erie County, PA, September 20, 2018
Qu, X., Potato Field Day, Lehigh County, PA, September 25, 2018
Qu, X., PA Governor Student Tour, Centre County, PA, July 30, 2018
Zotarelli, L., 2018 Annual Twilight Potato School. Hastings, FL. April, 17 2018.
Web-based Reports:
Clough M. and G.C. Yencho, North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report 2018 (https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/pdf/NC18POTRPT.pdf)
Clough M. and G.C. Yencho, North Carolina NE1731 2018 report (https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NE1014reports/NorthCarolina18.pdf)
Qu, X., Pennsylvania Potato Research Report, 2017 (https://plantpath.psu.edu/research/areas/plant-disease-management/penn-state-potato-research-program/pennsylvania-potato-research-reports/pennsylvania-potato-research-report-2017)
Porter, G. Maine Potatoes USA Chipping Potato Trials, website provide field and storage season reports as well as monthly updated photos and charts of chip potato quality. Developed by G. Porter and University of Maine Bio New Media Lab. https://nsfasrv.umaine.edu/chips/
Zotarelli, L., UF-IFAS Vegetable Variety Trials Website. https://hos.ifas.ufl.edu/extension/variety-trials/
Newspaper, Radio, Television, and Other Media Articles:
- Clough. RADA Radio Interview on Jamaican Potato Production. JIS Radio Jamaica. October 4th 2017.
Porter, G. Pinto Gold, New Tater in Town, UMAINE Today, Fall/Winter 2018, pg 61
Porter, G. “Pinto Gold: a new gourmet potato variety released by Umaine” www.potatopro.com May 30, 2018
Porter, G. University of Maine. Interviewed by Elyse Catalina, May 2018. “Pinto Gold: a new gourmet potato variety”. Press release and www posting by University of Maine, May 2018
Bangor Daily News, Bangor, ME. Interviewed by Julia Bayly, September 21, 2018 regarding potato taste and flavor (growing conditions and variety effects). The story appeared in the BDN during fall 2018.
Porter, G. WABI-TV. Interviewed June 4, 2018. “Pinto Gold potato variety and breeding new potato varieties”. Air and/or posting date uncertain, reporter did not provide the information after the interview.
Porter, G. The Daily Meal. Interviewed by Gael Cooper, May 30, 2018. “Pinto Gold potato variety”. Air and/or posting date uncertain, reporter did not provide the information after the interview.
Porter, G. Boston Globe. Interviewed by Dugan Arnett, May 30, 2018. “Pinto Gold potato variety”. Air and/or posting date uncertain, reporter did not provide the information after the interview.
Porter, G. Interviewed by reporter Jessia Silva (Melwood Global) for a show to be aired by WGBH Boston. The news piece was on the outstanding market quality of our new potato variety, Caribou Russet. November 14
Refereed Journal Papers
Christensen, C.T., L. Zotarelli, K.G. Haynes, C.E. Kelly. 2020. The comparative evaluation of the effects of gibberellic acid concentrations on dormancy break in tubers of Solanum chacoense. Horttechnology 20:76-81. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH4448-19
Haynes, K.G., L. Zotarelli, C.T. Christensen, S.Walker. 2019. Early Generation Selection Within a Diploid Hybrid Solanum tuberosum Groups Phureja and Stenotomum Population for the Specialty Potato Market in the United States. HortScience 54(12):2118-2124. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTSCI13576-18
Comai L.,E.H. Tan. 2019. Haploid Induction and Genome Instability. Trends in Genetics, doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2019.07.005
Dandurand L-M, I.A. Zasada, X. Wang, B. Mimee, W. De Jong, R. Novy, J. Whitworth, J.C. Kuhl. 2019. Current Status of Potato Cyst Nematodes in North America. Annual Review of Phytopathology 57: 117-133. https://doi.org/10.1146/annurev-phyto-082718-100254
Johnson, A.M., G. Porter, and M.E. Camire. 2019. Low-acrylamide French Fry Acceptance: A Pilot Study. Journal of Food Science. 84(12) 3717-3725.
Kolech, S.A. W. De Jong, D. Halseth, S. Schulz S. 2019. Understanding farmer needs and unlocking local genetic resources for potato improvement: a case study in Ethiopia.
African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 19:13883-13905.
DOI: 10.18697/ajfand.84.BLFB1012
Massa, A.N, N. C. Manrique-Carpintero, J. Coombs, K.G. Haynes, P.C. Bethke, T.L. Brandt, S.K. Gupta, G.C. Yencho, R.G. Novy and D.S. Douches. 2018. Linkage analysis and QTL mapping in a tetraploid russet mapping population of potato. BMC Genetics 19:87.
Schmitz Carley C.A., J.J. Coombs, M.E. Clough, W.S. De Jong, D.S. Douches, K.G. Haynes, C.R. Higgins, D.G. Holm, J.C. Miller, F.M. Navarro, R.G. Novy, J.P. Palta, D.L. Parish, G.A. Porter, V.R. Sathuvalli, A.L. Thompson, L. Zotarelli, G.C. Yencho, J.B. Endelman. 2019. Genetic Covariance of Environments in the Potato National Chip Processing Trial.
Crop Science 58:1-8. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.05.0314
Published Abstracts
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T. Mills. 2019. Nitrogen rate effects on yield and fry processing quality of Caribou Russet. American Journal of Potato Research. 96: 317 (abst)
Silva, A.L.B.R., L.G. Pesantes, W. Mussoline, G.K. England, L. Zotarelli. 2019. N-fertilizer rate and timing for potato irrigated with seepage and subsurface drain-tile in Florida. 2019 Proceedings of the Potato Association of America Annual Meeting. Winnipeg, Canada. p.39.
Other Publications
Kleinhenz, M.D., S.D. Walker. 2019. 2019 Ohio potato germplasm evaluation report, in Cooperation with the Northeast (NE-1731) Regional Project, The Ohio State University Horticulture and Crop Science Series No. 877, Nov. 2019. 68 pp.
Krupek, F.S., S. Sargent, P.J. Dittmar, L.Zotarelli. 2018. Seed piece spacing adjustment for Florida chipping potatoes. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1337. 5p. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1317
Pesantes, L.G., L. Zotarelli. 2019. Seed piece spacing study for table stock potatoes. Potato Field Day 2019. 2p. Handouts of field day.
Pesantes, L.G., L. Zotarelli. 2019. Timing and rate application of phosphorus to chipping potato Atlantic. Potato Field Day 2019. 1p. Handouts field day.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2019. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2019 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2019-01, 39 pp. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2020. Progress report on potato variety development research - 2019 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, submitted February 2020, 8 pp.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2020. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2019 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, submitted February 2020, 12 pp.
Qu X.S., W.Y. Xue, M.W. Peck. 2019. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports 13:V046.
Qu X.S., W.Y. Xue, M.W. Peck 2019. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to common scab in Pennsylvania, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports 13:V061.
Qu X.S., W.Y. Xue, M.W. Peck 2019. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports 13:V075.
Qu X.S., W.Y. Xue, M.W. Peck 2019. Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato early blight in Pennsylvania, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports 13:V005.
Qu X.S., W.Y. Xue, M.W. Peck 2019. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2018. Plant Disease Management Reports 13:V006.
Clough, M. and C. Yencho. 2018. Annual grower update - Pasquotank Regional Potato Grower Meeting Dec 5th 2018
Clough, M.. 2019. Promising varieties in the mid-Atlantic- Eastern Shore Vegetable EXPO Feb. 23 2019
Clough, M. 2019. Promising varieties for NC – Surry County Specialty Crop Roundtable Feb. 29 2019
DeJong, W.S. 2019. Potato Show&Tell, December 2019, Ithaca NY.
DeJong, W.S. 2019 ‘Update on Cornell Chip Breeding’, 21 February 2019, Western NY Grower-Processor Meeting, Hornell NY.
DeJong, W.S. 2019 ‘Lady Liberty, a New Variety with Excellent Chip Color from Cold Storage’, 21 March 2019, Northeast Potato Technology Forum, Charlottetown PEI.
DeJong, W.S. 2019. Potato Variety Trials 2018. Potato Twilight Meeting, Germansville, PA, September 19, 2019
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2020. Progress report on new potato variety research - 2019 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. March 10, 2020.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and K. Brown. 2020. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2019 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. March 10, 2020.
Porter, G.A. 2020. Caribou Russet Management. Presentation at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 23, 2020.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and K. Brown. 2020. Progress report on potato variety research and potato breeding at the University of Maine - 2019 Growing Season. Report to the NE1731 Eastern Regional Technical Committee, Beltsville, MD. January 6-7, 2020.
Qu, X.S. 2019. Pennsylvania Potato Germplasm Trials in Pennsylvania 2018. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Conference, Hershey, PA, January 30, 2019.
Qu, X.S. 2019. Potato Variety Research at Penn State. Eastern Pennsylvania Potato Day, Schnecksville, PA, March 13, 2019
Yencho, G.C. and M. Clough. 2019 Potato Breeding and Genetics @ NC State. NE 1731 Annual Meeting, USDA ARS, BARC, Beltsville, MD, Jan. 3-4, 2019.
Zotarelli, L. 2018. Fine tuning seed spacing, irrigation and nitrogen management for potatoes in Florida. Certified Crop Advisors, Gainesville, FL. (broadcast statewide). 11 Nov. 2018.
Clough, M. 2019. Potato EXPO Jan 8 – 11th 2019
Clough, M. 2019. NCSU/Black Gold Farms Show and Tell, Gum Neck NC, May19th, 2019
De Jong, W.S. 2019. Twilight Potato Meeting, 12 August 2019. Corey Mark Farm, Wayland NY
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and T.Mills 2020. Maine potato breeding program. University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 23 and 24, 2020.
Porter, G.A. 2019. Potato breeding, variety development, and management research update. Field day presentation to the general public and to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. August 20, 2019.
Qu, X.S. 2019. Potato Show, Ag Progress Days, The Pennsylvania State University's Research Farms, August 13–15, 2019
Qu, X.S. 2019. Potato Field Day, Erie County, PA, September 20, 2019
Qu, X.S. 2019. Potato Field Day, Lehigh County, PA, September, 2019
Clough, M and G.C. Yencho. 2019. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report 2019 (https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/pdf/NC19POTRPT.pdf)
Clough, M and G.C. Yencho. 2019. North Carolina NE1731 2019 report (https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NE1014reports/NorthCarolina19.pdf)
Kleinhenz, M.D., “Lab to Field to Basket: Potato Research and Extension to Strengthen the “Chip Business.” Vegnet Newsletter - Vegetable and Fruit Crop News. Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Aug. 17, 2019. http://u.osu.edu/vegnetnews/2019/08/17/lab-to-field-to-basket-potato-research-and-extension-to-strengthen-the-chip-business/
Kleinhenz, M.D., “Harvests of Data Hopefully Increase Harvests of Money.” Vegnet Newsletter - Vegetable and Fruit Crop News. Ohio State University College of Food, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Aug. 24, 2019. http://u.osu.edu/vegnetnews/2019/08/24/harvests-of-data-hopefully-increase-harvests-of-money/
Qu, X.S. 2018. Pennsylvania Potato Research Report, 2018 (https://plantpath.psu.edu/research/areas/plant-disease-management/penn-state-potato-research-program/pennsylvania-potato-research-reports/pennsylvania-potato-research-report-2018)
Porter, G.A. 2019. Survival of the Fittest Tuber. Written by Jeffrey B. Roth following field site visit and interview with Greg Porter, University of Maine. October 2019, Lancaster Farming. Published in print and also on-line at https://www.lancasterfarming.com/news/northern_edition/survival-of-the-fittest-tuber/article_10b4c404-b6e6-591e-8811-674c4fc10d0d.html
Porter, G.A. 2019. WAGM-TV, Presque Isle, ME. Appeared on “Potato Picker’s Special” and was interviewed by Robert Grimm and Shawn Cunningham, October 1, 2019. “Potato breeding and variety development.”
Refereed Journal Papers
Andrade, M.H.M.L., C.C.F. Filho, M.O. Fernandes, A.J.R. Bastos, M.L. Guedes, T.D.S. Marçal, F.M.A. Gonçalves, C.A.B.P. Pinto, L. Zotarelli. 2020 Accounting for spatial trends to increase the selection efficiency in Potato breeding. Crop Science, 2020:1-19. doi:10.1002/csc2.20226
Christensen, C.T., L. Zotarelli, K.G. Haynes, C.E. Kelly. 2020. The comparative evaluation of the effects of gibberellic acid concentrations on dormancy break in tubers of Solanum chacoense. Horttechnology 20:76-81. https://doi.org/10.21273/HORTTECH4448-19
De Jong, W.S., D.E. Halseth, R.L. Plaisted, X. Wang, K.L. Perry, X. Qu, K.M. Paddock, M. Falise, B.J. Christ, and G.A. Porter. 2020. Waneta, a Variety with Excellent Chip Color out of Cold Storage, Long Tuber Dormancy, and Resistance to the Golden Cyst Nematode. Am J Potato Research published on-line at https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-020-09806-z
Insinga, J.K., Alyokhin, A. Hao, J., Ge, T. Marangoni, N.F. and Baron, A. The potential for Dickeya dianthicola to be vectored by two common insect pests of potatoes. Plant Disease. In print.
Makani, M.N., L. Zotarelli, S.A. Sargent, D.J. Huber, C.A. Sims. 2020. Nitrogen fertilizer rate affects yield and tuber quality of drip-irrigated tablestock potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) grown under subtropical conditions. Am. J. Potato Res. doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-020-09809-w
Park J, Hackett CA, Dandurand L-M, Wang X, De Jong WS (2019). Mapping QTL for resistance to Globodera rostochiensis pathotype Ro2 and G. pallida pathotype Pa2/3 in autotetraploid potato. American Journal of Potato Research 96:552-563. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-019-09745-4
Published Abstracts
Alyokhin, A., Insinga, J. and Hao, J. 2020. Insect role in transmitting Dickeya dianthicola among potato plants. XXVI International Congress of Entomology, in Helsinki, Finland, July 18-23, 2020.
Andrade. M., L., Gomez-Pesantes, L. Zotarelli, G. England. 2020. Tuber yield and size distribution as function of seed piece spacing for table-stock potatoes. Abstract of Am. Soc. of Horticultural Sciences Annual Meeting. HortScience abstract (in press).
Andrade. M., L., L. Zotarelli. 2020. Comparison of spatial models for potato breeding trials. Abstract of Am. Soc. of Horticultural Sciences Annual Meeting. HortScience abstract (in press).
Bortolozzo, F., R. Mwatuwa, L. Zotarelli, A.L.B.R. Silva, T. Wade. 2020. Potato yield and net return of N-fertilizer rate and timing for seepage and subsurface drain-tile irrigation. Abstract of Am. Soc. of Horticultural Sciences Annual Meeting. HortScience abstract (in press).
Ekbataniamiri, F., N.F. Marangoni, T. Ge, S.B. Johnson, R. Larkin, J. Hao. 2020. Distribution and pathogenicity of Dickeya aquatica causing potato blackleg and soft rot. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 110:S1.33. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-110-7-S1.27.
Hao,J., T. Ge, X. Zhang, G. Porter, A. Hain. 2020. Evaluation of Potato Germplasms for Pink Rot Resistance. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 110:S1.32-1.33. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-110-7-S1.27
Ge,T. S.B. Johnson, R. Larkin, J. Hao. 2020. Genotyping Dickeya dianthicola causing potato blackleg and soft rot in Northeastern America for inferring the source of inoculum. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 110:S1.32. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-110-7-S1.27.
Gomez-Pesantes, L. Zotarelli, G. England. 2020. Tuber yield and size distribution as function of seed piece spacing for table-stock potatoes. Abstract of Am. Soc. of Horticultural Sciences Annual Meeting. HortScience abstract (in press).
Li, K., Y. Wang, S.B. Johnson, R. Larkin, A. Smart, J. Hao. 2020. Efficacy and resistance risk of Aprovia and Elatus in controlling Verticillium dahliae. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 110:S1.32. https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-110-7-S1.27.
Other Publications (Book Chapters)
Bonierbale MW, Amoros WR, Salas E, De Jong W (2020) Potato Breeding. In: The Potato Crop. H Campos and O Ortiz, Eds. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. pp 163-217. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-28683-5_6
Other Publications (Refereed Proceedings)
Da Silva, A.L.B.R., L. Zotarelli, M.D. Dukes, S. Asseng, E. van Santen, S. Agehara. 2020. Irrigation methods and nitrogen fertilizer application strategies for potato. 6th Decennial National Irrigation Symposium.
Other Publications
Brown Donovan, K. 2020. Assessing Pyramiding in Potato for Disease Resistance Breeding. University of Maine, PhD dissertation. 103 pp.
Chesley, A. and J. Hao. 2020. Resistance of Phytophthora erythroseptica to oxathiapiprolin and its potential risk. 2020 University of Maine Student Symposium. #814. Online conference.
Clough, M. and G.C. Yencho. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report 2020. 52 pp.
Ekbataniamiri, F., N.F. Marangoni, T. Ge, S.B. Johnson, R. Larkin, J. Hao. 2020 Distribution and pathogenicity of Dickeya aquatica causing potato blackleg and soft rot. Annual Meeting of Northeastern Division of American Phytopathological Society. The Northampton Hotel, Northampton, MA, Mar. 11-13, 2020.
Ekbataniamiri, F. T. Ge, S.B. Johnson, R. Larkin, J. Hao. 2020. Investigating surface water in association with potato blackleg and soft rot. Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America, Online, July 19-23, 2020.
Ge, T. S.B. Johnson, R. Larkin, J. Hao. 2020 Genotyping Dickeya dianthicola causing potato blackleg and soft rot in Northeastern America for inferring the source of inoculum. Annual Meeting of Northeastern Division of American Phytopathological Society. The Northampton Hotel, Northampton, MA, Mar. 11-13, 2020.
Hain, A. T. Ge, X. Zhang, G. Porter, J. Hao. 2020. Evaluation of Potato Germplasms for Pink Rot Resistance. Annual Meeting of Northeastern Division of American Phytopathological Society. The Northampton Hotel, Northampton, MA, Mar. 11-13, 2020.
Hao, J. 2020. Management of powdery scab and mop top of potato. 33rd Maine Potato Conference, Caribou Inn, ME. Jan. 22-23, 2020.
Kleinhenz, M.D., S.D. Walker, M.A. Spigos. 2020. 2020 Ohio potato germplasm evaluation report, in Cooperation with the Northeast (NE-1731) Regional Project, The Ohio State University Horticulture and Crop Science Series No. 880, Nov. 2020. 72 pp.
Li, K., Y. Wang, S.B. Johnson, R. Larkin, A. Smart, J. Hao. 2020. Efficacy and resistance risk of Aprovia and Elatus in controlling Verticillium dahliae. Annual Meeting of Northeastern Division of American Phytopathological Society. The Northampton Hotel, Northampton, MA, Mar. 11-13, 2020.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2019. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2019 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2019-01, 39 pp. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2020. Progress report on potato variety development research - 2019 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, submitted February 2020, 8 pp.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2020. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2019 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, submitted February 2020, 12 pp.
Qu XS, Xue WY, Peck MW. 2020. Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports 14: V015.
Qu XS, Xue WY, Peck MW. 2020. Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports 14: V016.
Qu XS, Xue WY, Peck MW. 2020. Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to common scab, 2019. Plant Disease Management Reports 14: V113.
Clough, M. and C. Yencho. 2019 Annual grower update - Pasquotank Regional Potato Grower Meeting Dec 17th 2019
Clough, M. 2020. Promising varieties in the mid-Atlantic- Eastern Shore Vegetable EXPO Feb. 6, 2020
Clough, M. and C. Hopkins. 2020. Growing Potatoes in North Carolina. Mar. 13, 2020
De Jong, W.S. 2019. Most promising Potatoes 2019, 18 December 2019, Canandaigua NY.
De Jong, W.S. 2020. Update on Cornell Chip Breeding, 20 February 2020, Western NY Grower-Processor Meeting, Hornell NY.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2020. Progress report on new potato variety research - 2019 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. March 10, 2020.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and K. Brown. 2020. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2019 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. March 10, 2020.
Porter, G.A. 2020. Caribou Russet Management. Presentation at the University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 23, 2020.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and K. Brown. 2020. Progress report on potato variety research and potato breeding at the University of Maine - 2019 Growing Season. Report to the NE1731 Eastern Regional Technical Committee, Beltsville, MD. January 6-7, 2020.
Qu, X.S. 2020. 2019 Potato Trials in Pennsylvania and Promising Varieties; Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey, PA, January 30, 2020.
Zotarelli, L. and M.W. Clark. 2020. Ag Water: Alternative irrigation methods to seepage. 2020 Virtual Ag BMP Summit, Gainesville, FL. (broadcast statewide). 05/09/2020.
Zotarelli, L. 2020. Nitrogen and irrigation management for potato – Summary of Research Findings – Presentation to the North Florida Growers Exchange Meeting. 09/21/2020.
Zotarelli, L. 2020. Potato and broccoli breeding programs focus on improved varieties for eastern USA. Original title: “Melhoramento genético de batata e brócolis para a Costa Leste dos Estados Unidos”. I Workshop Internacional sobre Melhoramento Genético e Produção de Sementes de Hortaliças. Embrapa Hortaliças, Brasilia, Brazil. Virtual Meeting. 11/16/2020.
Zotarelli, L. 2020. Nitrogen and irrigation management for potato – Summary of Research Findings – Presentation to the Univ. of Florida / IFAS - Plant Nutrient Oversight Committee Meeting. 11/17/2020.
Clough, M. Potato EXPO Jan 14 – 16th 2020
Clough, M. NCSU/Black Gold Farms Show and Tell, Gum Neck NC, May 26th, 2020
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2020. Maine potato breeding program. University of Maine Cooperative Extension Potato Conference, Caribou, ME. January 23 and 24, 2020.
Porter, G.A. 2020. Potato breeding, variety development, and management research update. Field day presentation to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. July 22, 2020.
Qu, X.S. 2019. Potato Field Day and Variety Demonstration Trial, Erie County, PA, October 1, 2019
Qu, X.S. 2020. Potato Field Day and Variety Demonstration Trial, Lehigh County, PA, September 28, 2020
North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report 2020 (https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/pdf/NC20POTRPT.pdf)
North Carolina NE1731 2020 report (https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NE1014reports/NorthCarolina20.pdf)
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2019. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2019 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2019-01, 39 pp. Also available at https://potatoes.ncsu.edu/NEReports.html
Qu, X.S. Pennsylvania Potato Research Report, 2019 (https://plantpath.psu.edu/research/areas/plant-disease-management/penn-state-potato-research-program/pennsylvania-potato-research-reports/pennsylvania-potato-research-report-2019)
Porter, G.A. 2020. WAGM-TV, Presque Isle, ME. Appeared on “Potato Picker’s Special” and was interviewed by Robert Grimm and Shawn Cunningham, September 24, 2020. “Potato breeding and variety development."
Refereed Journal Papers
Andrade, M.H.M.L., A.L.B.R. da Silva, L.G. Pesantes, C.T.Christensen, and L. Zotarelli. 2021. Seed piece spacing for early-maturing table-stock potato grown under subtropical conditions. Am. J. Potato Res. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12230-021-09838-z
Brown-Donovan, K.M., G.A. Porter, and E.H., Tan. 2021. Late blight resistance profiles of elite potato germplasm in the United States. American Journal of Potato Research doi: 10.1007/s12230-021-09837-0
Christensen, C.T., L. Zotarelli, K.G. Haynes, and J. Colee. 2021. Quantifying Solanum chacoense root morphology responses to limited nitrogen supply using in vitro, hydroponic, and field monolith methods. Am. J. Potato Res. 98:246-254. DOI: 10.1007/s12230-021-09829-0
Curland, R.D., A. Mainello, K.L. Perry, J. Hao, A.O. Charkowski, C.T. Bull, S. Johnson, N. Rosenzweig, G.A. Secor, and C.A. Ishimaru. 2021. Species of Dickeya and Pectobacterium associated with 2015-2016 outbreaks of soft rot and blackleg of potato in Northeastern and North Central United States. Microorganisms 9(8):1733. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms9081733.
De Jong, W.S., D.E. Halseth, R.L. Plaisted, X. Wang, K.L. Perry, X., Qu, K.M. Paddock, M. Falise, B.J. Christ, and G.A. Porter. 2020. Waneta, a variety with excellent chip color out of cold storage, long tuber dormancy, and resistance to the golden cyst nematode. American Journal of Potato Research 97:580-585.
Ge, T., H. Jiang, E.H. Tan, S.B. Johnson, R.P. Larkin, A.O. Charkowski, G. Secor, and J. Hao. 2021. Pangenomic analysis of Dickeya dianthicola strains reveals the outbreak of blackleg and soft rot of potato in USA. Plant Disease doi: 10.1094/PDIS-03-21-0587-RE
Ge, T., H. Jiang, S.B. Johnson, R.P. Larkin, A.O. Charkowski, G. Secor, and J. Hao. 2021. Genotyping Dickeya dianthicola causing potato blackleg and soft rot outbreak associated with inoculum geography in the United States. Plant Disease xx-xxx. DOI: 10.1094/PDIS-10-20-2138-RE.
Ge, T., S.B. Johnson, R.P. Larkin, L Luo, X. Liu, and J. Hao. 2021. Interaction between Dickeya dianthicola and Pectobacterium parmentieri in potato infection under field conditions. Microorganisms 9(2): 316. DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms9020316.
Hao, J., and K. Ashley. 2021. Irreplaceable role of amendment-based strategies to enhance soil health and disease suppression in potato production 9:1660. DOI: 10.3390/ microorganisms9081660.
Krupek, F.S., P.J. Dittmar, S.A. Sargent, L. Zotarelli, and D.L. Rowland. 2021. Impact of early potato desiccation method on crop growth, skinning injury, and storage quality maintenance. Am. J. Potato Res. doi:10.1007/s12230-021-09836-1
Lee, W.C., L. Zotarelli, D.L. Rowland, and G. Liu. 2021. Evaluation of potato varieties grown in hydroponics for phosphorus use efficiency. Agriculture, 11(7), 668. https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture11070668
Levina, A.V., O. Hoekenga, M. Gordin, C., Broeckling, and W.S. De Jong. 2021. Genetic analysis of potato tuber metabolite composition: genome-wide association studies applied to a non-targeted metabolome, Crop Science 61:591-603. https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20398
Mishra, S., J. Dee, W. Moar, J. Dufner-Beattie, J. Baum, N.P. Dias, A. Alyokhin, A. Buzza, S.I. Rondon, M. Clough, S. Menasha, R. Groves, J. Clements, K. Ostlie, G. Felton, T. Waters, W.E. Snyder, and J.L. Jurat-Fuentes. 2021. Selection for high levels of resistance to double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) in Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say) using non-transgenic foliar delivery. Sci Rep 11, 6523. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-85876-1
da Silva Pereira, G., Mollinari, M., Schumann, M.J., Clough, M.E., Zeng, Z.B., and G.C. Yencho, 2021. The recombination landscape and multiple QTL mapping in a Solanum tuberosum cv. ‘Atlantic’-derived F1 population. Heredity 126, 817–830. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41437-021-00416-x
Rens, L.R., L. Zotarelli, A.L.B.R. da Silva, Ferreira, C.J.B., C.A. Tormena, D.L. Rowland, and K.T. Morgan. 2021. Managing water table depth thresholds for potato subirrigation. Agricultural Water Management, 259:107236. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agwat.2021.107236
Tooley, B.E., E.B. Mallory, G.A Porter, and G. Hoogenboom. 2021. Predicting the response of a potato-grain production system to climate change for a humid continental climate using DSSAT. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 307 (2021) 108452
Published Abstracts
Andrade. M., L. Gomez-Pesantes, L. Zotarelli, and G. England. 2020. Tuber yield and size distribution as function of seed piece spacing for table-stock potatoes. Abstract of Am. Soc. of Horticultural Sciences Annual Meeting. HortScience 55(9):S281.
Andrade. M. and L. Zotarelli. 2020. Comparison of spatial models for potato breeding trials. Abstract of Am. Soc. of Horticultural Sciences Annual Meeting. HortScience 55(9):S23.
Bortolozzo, F., R. Mwatuwa, L. Zotarelli, A.L.B.R. Silva, and T. Wade. 2020. Potato yield and net return of n-fertilizer rate and timing for seepage and subsurface drain-tile irrigation. Abstract of Am. Soc. of Horticultural Sciences Annual Meeting. HortScience 55(9):S360.
Ge, T., S. Johnson, R.P. Larkin, A.O. Charkowski, and J. Hao. 2020. Pathogen synergism of blackleg disease on potato. DOI: 10.1094/PHYTO-110-12-S2.207.
Other Publications (Book Chapters)
Jansky S.H., W.S. De Jong, D.S. Douches, K.G. Haynes, and D.G. Holm. 2021. Cultivar Improvement with Exotic Germplasm: An Example from Potato. In: The Wild Solanums Genomes. D. Carputo, R. Aversano, M.R. Ercolano, Eds. Springer, Cham, Switzerland. pp 215-230. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-30343-3_12
Other Publications
De Jong, W.S. and M. Falise. 2021. Cornell potato breeding program annual report. 33 pp.
Clough, M. and G.C. Yencho. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report 2021. 41 pp. (available online at https://potatoes.cals.ncsu.edu/)
Ge, T. 2021. Characterization of Dickeya dianthicola and Pectobacterium parmentieri causing blackleg and soft rot on potato. University of Maine, Ph.D.dissertation.
Kleinhenz, M.D., and S.D. Walker. 2021. 2021 Ohio potato germplasm evaluation report, in Cooperation with the Northeast (NE-1731) Regional Project, The Ohio State University Horticulture and Crop Science Series No. 886, Nov. 2021. 51 pp.
Li, K. 2021. Determining effects of management on potato early dying and soil microbiome and assessing risk of fungicide resistance in Verticillium dahliae. University of Maine, M.S. thesis.
Liu, G., X. Fu, L. Zotarelli, S.A. Sargent, K.W. Migliaccio, and Y. Li. 2020. How to fertigate plant vines via center pivots for commercial potato production in Florida. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1361. https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/hs1361
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2021. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2020 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2020-01, 22 pp. Also available at https://neproject.medius.re
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2021. Progress report on potato PVY research - 2020 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, submitted February 2021, 5 pp.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2021. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2020 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, submitted February 2021, 14 pp.
Qu X.S. and M.W. Peck. 2021. Pennsylvania potato research report, 2020. Penn State College of Agricultural sciences, January 2021. 40 pp. Plant Disease Management Reports 15:V033. (https://plantpath.psu.edu/research/areas/plant-disease-management/penn-state-potato-research-program/pennsylvania-potato-research-reports).
Qu X.S., W.Y. Xue, and M.W. Peck. 2021. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2020. Plant Disease Management Reports 15:V033.
Qu X.S., M.W. Peck, and X.Y. Xue. 2021. Evaluation of fungicides for control of potato early blight in Pennsylvania, 2020. Plant Disease Management Reports 15:V034.
Qu X.S., M.W. Peck, and X.Y. Xue. 2021. Evaluation of foliar fungicides for control of potato late blight in Pennsylvania, 2020. Plant Disease Management Reports 15:V035.
Qu X.S., W.Y. Xue, and M.W. Peck. 2021. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2020. Plant Disease Management Reports 15:V036.
Torres Quezada, E. and M. Reiter. 2021. Virginia potato variety trial report, 2021. Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center, 27 pp.
Zotarelli, L., T. Wade, G.K. England, and C.T. Christensen. 2021. Nitrogen fertilization guidelines for potato production in Florida. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida EDIS Publication HS1429. Available at https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/publication/hs1429
Zotarelli, L. and P. Solano. 2021. Florida potato variety trial report, 2021. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Volume 12. Available at https://hos.ifas.ufl.edu/extension/variety-trials/
Alaba, O., L. Heroux, B. Moore, M. Davis, G.A. Porter, and E.H. Tan. 2021. Estimating the efficacy of potato haploid induction system from seed abortion rates. Potato Association of America Annual Meeting (Virtual Meeting, 2021)
Clough, M. and C. Yencho. 2019. NC Regional Potato Growers Talks, Dec 8th 2020.
Hao, J.J. 2020. Multi-facet perspectives in understanding blackleg and soft rot of potato. Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, via Zoom. Dec. 19, 2020.
Heroux, L., O. Alaba, J. Hao, G.A. Porter, and E.H. Tan. 2021. Leveraging primary dihaploid potato genetics to investigate Dickeya dianthicola resistance in Caribou Russet. Potato Association of America Annual Meeting (Virtual Meeting, 2021)
Ge, T. and J. Hao. 2021. Diversified bacteria associated with blackleg and soft rot of potato in Northeastern America. Annual Maine Potato Conference, online, January 11, 2021.
Li, K. and J. Hao. 2021. Managing potato early dying using soil fumigation and pesticides. Annual Maine Potato Conference, online, January 11, 2021.
Moore, B, K. Klebon, and E.H. Tan. 2021. In planta Minichromosome Engineering. UMaine Student Symposium (Virtual Meeting, 2021)
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2021. Progress report on PVY research - 2020 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. March 10, 2021.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2021. Potato virus Y management and 2021 research update. University of Maine Cooperative Extension on line video presentation. March 2021.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and K. Brown. 2021. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2020 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. March 10, 2021.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and K. Brown. 2021. Breeding potatoes and 2020 potato breeding program research update. University of Maine Cooperative Extension on line video presentation. March 2021.
Qu, X.S. 2021. Pennsylvania potato variety trials 2020 and promising varieties, Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey, PA, February 11, 2021.
Spencer, D., C. Hatton, and E.H. Tan. 2021. Genome instability induced by centromere-mediated genome elimination in the early Arabidopsis embryo
Polyploidy in Development, Evolution and Disease (MDIBL, 2021)
Tims, K. and E.H. Tan. 2021. Examining student attitudes towards genetic engineering and the Bioengineered (BE) food label. USDA Agricultural Marketing Services (AMS) and Marketing and Regulatory Programs (MRP) Conference (Virtual Conference, 2021)
Tan, E. H., O. Alaba, O., L. Heroux, D. Spencer, D., and B. Moore, B. 2021. Diploid potato breeding to boost potato breeding and enhancement efforts in Maine. UMaine Extension Workshop (Virtual Meeting, 2021)
Zhang, X. and J. Hao. 2021. Screening potato clones for pink rot resistance. Annual Maine Potato Conference, online, January 11, 2021.
Zotarelli L. and J.M. Oliveria. 2021. Water conservation and nutrient management on vegetable production: a case study of Florida. I International Week of Agronomy. State University of Maringa, CAJOL Academic Center, Maringa, Brazil. Virtual Meeting. 10/27/2021.
Zotarelli L. 2020. Potato and broccoli breeding programs focus on improved varieties for eastern USA. Original title: “Melhoramento genético de batata e brócolis para a Costa Leste dos Estados Unidos”. I Workshop Internacional sobre Melhoramento Genético e Produção de Sementes de Hortaliças. Embrapa Hortaliças, Brasilia, Brazil. Virtual Meeting. 11/16/2020.
Clough, M. 2021. NC Virtual Field Day. June 9th 2021
De Jong, W.S. 2021. Twilight grower meeting at site of on-farm chip potato trial, 5 August 2021, Arkport, NY
Porter, G.A. 2021. Maine Public –TV and online news. Appeared on Maine Public News Portland, ME news show and was interviewed by Robbie Feinberg, November 26, 2021. “UMaine researcher are trying to create climate change resistant potatoes”.
Porter, G.A. 2021. NBC News. Appeared on TV and online news following interview by Dustin Wlodkowski, NBC 10 , Boston, MA, November 23, 2021. “UMaine develops climate change resistant potatoes”.
Porter, G.A. 2021. Bangor Daily News newspaper and online news following an interview by Sam Schipani, November 18, 2021. “UMaine is creating a super potato”.
Tan, E.H. 2021. News article on Morning Ag Clips 2021
Porter, G.A. 2021. NewsCenter 2-TV, Presque Isle, ME. Appeared on NewsCenter 2, Portland, ME news show and was interviewed by Hannah Yechive, July 12, 2021. “Condition of the Maine potato crop, water supply, and market conditions”.
Porter, G.A. and E.H. Tan. 2021. NewsCenter 2, Portland, ME. Appeared on “NewsCenter 2 News” and was interviewed by Hannah Yechive, March 2021. “Potato breeding and genetic tools for potato breeding”. https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/news/community/umaine-professors-trying-to-develop-potato-varieties-using-new-dna-based-tools/97-4e8e267f-c482-49a4-9e76-67882344b7c2
Porter, G.A. 2020. WAGM-TV, Presque Isle, ME. Appeared on “WAGM TV News” and was interviewed by Kathy McCarty, December 9, 2020. “Genetic tools for potato breeding: our recent grant and application to potato improvement”. https://www.wagmtv.com/2021/01/07/researchers-using-potato-dna-to-develop-new-varieties/
Tan, E.H. 2021. News article on Bangor Daily News
- Publications:
Refereed Journal Papers
Fan G, Wang Q, Xu J, Chen N, Zhu W, Duan S, Yang X, De Jong WS, Guo Y, Jin L, Li G. 2022. Fine mapping and candidate gene prediction of tuber shape controlling Ro locus based on integrating genetic and transcriptomic analyses in potato. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23:1470. https:// doi.org/10.3390/ijms23031470
Haynes KG, Qu XS, Bamberg J. 2022. Germplasm release: true potato seed (TPS) from a late blight resistant, long-day adapted diploid potato population that is segregating for early blight resistance. American Journal of Potato Research 99:321-325.
Hoopes G, Meng X, Hamilton JP, Achakkagari SR, de Alves Freitas Guesdes F, Bolger ME, Coombs JJ, Esselink D, Kaiser NR, Kodde L, Kyriakidou M, Lavrijssen B, van Lieshout N, Shereda R, Tuttle HK, Vaillancourt B, Wood JC, de Boer JM, Bornowski N, Bourke P, Douches D, van Eck HJ, Ellis D, Feldman MJ, Gardner KM, Hopman JCP, Jiang J, De Jong WS, Kuhl JC, Novy RG, Oome S, Sathuvalli V, Tan EH, Ursum RA, Vales MI, Vining K, Visser RGF, Vossen J, Yencho GC, Anglin NL, Bachem CWB, Endelman JB, Shannon LM, Strömvik MV, Tai HH, Usadel B, Buell CR, and Finkers R. 2022. Phased, chromosome-scale genome assemblies of tetraploid potato reveals a complex genome, transcriptome, and predicted proteome landscape underpinning genetic diversity. Molecular Plant 15: 520-536.
Krupek F, Zotarelli L, Sargent SA, Rowland DL, and Dittmar P. 2022. Vine desiccation timing strategies for enhanced harvest and storage quality of early-maturing potato cultivars. Potato Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11540-022-09550-3
Xue WY, Haynes KG, Clarke CR, and Qu XS. 2022. Genetic dissection of early blight resistance in tetraploid potato. Frontiers in Plant Science 13:851538.
Xue WY, Haynes KG, and Qu XS. 2021. Resistance to Phytophthora infestans clonal lineage US-23 in potato cultivars and its relationship with early blight resistance and tuber yield. Plant Disease 105:3956-3966.
Published Abstracts
Ekbataniamiri F, Ge T, Johnson SB, Larkin R, and Hao J. 2022. Investigating surface water in association with potato blackleg and soft rot. American Journal of Potato Research 100: #28. DOI: 10.1007/s12230-022-09868-1. (abst)
Zhang X, Ge T, Fan X, Chim BK, Johnson SB, Porter G, and Hao J. 2022. Impact of inoculation methods on potato tuber responses to Dickeya dianthicola infection. 2022 Annual Meeting of American Phytopathological Society, August 5 – 10, 2022. Pittsburg, PA. (abst)
Zotarelli L, Wade T, England GK, and Christensen CT. 2022. Development of nitrogen fertilizer strategies using yield goal for chipping potatoes. 11th World Potato Congress. Dublin, Ireland. P-008. p.127. https://wpc2022ireland.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Abstract-Book-WPC-2022_01.07.pdf (abst)
Other Publications
Andrade, M.H.L., L.G. Pesantes, C.T. Christensen, L. Sharma, L. Zotarelli. 2022. Seed spacing recommendations for table-stock potato cultivars in Florida: HS1446, 09/2022. EDIS 2022 (6). https:// doi.org/10.32473/edis-HS1446-2022
De Jong, W.S. and M. Falise. 2022. Cornell potato breeding program annual report. 18 pp.
Clough, M. and G.C. Yencho. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding Report 2022. 47 pp. (available online at https://potatoes.cals.ncsu.edu/)
Clough, M. and G.C. Yencho. North Carolina Potato Variety Trial and Breeding NE1731 State Report 2022. 12 pp. (available online at https://potatoes.cals.ncsu.edu/)
Kleinhenz, M.D., J.M. Speicher, and S.D. Walker. 2022. 2022 Ohio Potato Germplasm Evaluation Report, Horticulture and Crop Science Series No. 887 November 2022, XX pp
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and B. Plummer. 2022. Potato variety trial results in Maine, 2021 growing season. SFA Research Report (posted on www and distributed to industry), 2021-01, 32 pp. Also available at https://neproject.medius.re
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2022. Progress report on advanced potato variety testing and potato PVY research - 2021 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, February 2022, 9 pp.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2022. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2021 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, February 2022, 15 pp.
Qu X.S. and M.W. Peck. 2022. Pennsylvania potato research report, 2021. Penn State College of Agricultural sciences, January 2022. (https://plantpath.psu.edu/research/areas/plant-disease-management/penn-state-potato-research-program/pennsylvania-potato-research-reports).
40 pp.
Qu XS, Xue WY, Peck MW. 2022. Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to late blight in Pennsylvania, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports 16:V030.
Qu XS, Xue WY, Peck MW. 2022. Evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to early blight in Pennsylvania, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports 16:V029.
Qu XS, Xue WY, Peck MW. 2022. Field evaluation of potato cultivars and breeding lines for resistance to common scab in Pennsylvania, 2021. Plant Disease Management Reports 16:V031
Torres Quezada, E. 2022. Virginia potato variety trial report, 2022. Eastern Shore Agricultural Research and Extension Center, 26 pp.
Zotarelli, L. and P. Solano. 2022. Florida potato variety trial report, 2022. Horticultural Sciences Department, Florida Cooperative Extension Service, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Volume 12.
Zotarelli, L., T. Wade, G.K. England, C.T. Christensen. 2021. “Nitrogen fertilization guidelines for potato production in Florida: HS1429, 12/2021”. EDIS 2021 (11). https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-HS1429-2021
Zotarelli, L., P.J. Dittmar, P.D. Roberts, J. Desaeger, B. Wells. 2021. Chapter 14. Potato Production: HS733/CV131, rev. 4/2021, EDIS 2021 (33). https://doi.org/10.32473/edis-cv131-2021
Clough, M. and C. Yencho. 2021. NC potato breeding and variety trials. Northeastern regional potato meeting (via ZOOM). Dec 12, 2021.
Clough, M. and C. Yencho. 2022. NC potato breeding and variety trials. Eastern shore agricultural conference. January 27, 2022.
Clough, M. and C. Yencho. 2022. NC potato breeding and variety trials. Annual NC Potato Association Meeting. May 16, 2022.
Hao, J. 2022. Understanding the outbreak of blackleg and soft rot of potato in NE US. PEI Potato Conference, Prince Edward Island, Canada, via Zoom. Mar. 30, 2022. Invited presentation.
Hao, J. 2022. Multi-tactic Strategies in Managing Potato Diseases. Feb. 15, 2022. Online via Zoom.
Heroux, L.K., J. Hao, G. Porter and E.H. Tan. 2022. Disease phenotyping with Dickeya dianthicola isolate ME30, a causative agent of potato blackleg soft rot disease. July 19, 2022, Potato Association of America Annual Meeting, Missoula, MT.
Porter, G.A. and P. Ocaya. 2022. Progress report on potato variety trials and PVY research - 2021 Growing Season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. March 9, 2022.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and K. Brown. 2022. Progress report on Maine potato breeding program – 2021 growing season. Report to the Maine Potato Board, Presque Isle, ME. March 9, 2022.
Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, and K. Brown. 2021. Progress report on potato variety research and potato breeding at the University of Maine - 2021 Growing Season. Report to the NE1731 Eastern Regional Technical Committee, web-based meeting hosted by NCSU. December 12 and 13, 2021.
Qu, XS. 2022. Potato Research in PA and Penn State 2021. Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention, Hershey, PA, February 3, 2022.
Qu, XS. 2022. Potato Research at Penn State, 2022. Potato Twilight field Meeting, Northampton County, PA, September 20, 2022.
Zhang X, Ge T, Fan X, Chim BK, Johnson SB, Porter G, and Hao J. 2022. Impact of inoculation methods on potato tuber responses to Dickeya dianthicola infection. 2022 Annual Meeting of American Phytopathological Society, August 5 – 10, 2022. Pittsburg, PA.
Clough, M. 2021. Annual NC Potato Association Field Tour – 5/15/22
Hao, J. 2022. Potato plant pathology research. Maine Potato Research Field Day, Aroostook Research Farm, Presque Isle, ME. Aug. 17, 2022.
Porter, G.A. 2022. Potato breeding and variety development research. Maine Potato Research Field Day, Aroostook Research Farm, Presque Isle, ME. Aug. 17, 2022
Qu, XS. 2022. Potato Variety Demonstration Show, Penn State’s Ag progress Days, Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center, Centre County, PA, August 9-11, 2022.
Qu, XS. 2022. Northampton Variety Demonstration Show, Country View Farm, Northampton County, PA, September 20, 2022.
Sharma, L., L. Zotarelli, S.K. Sidhu, F.R. Bortolozo. 2022. Determination of potassium requirement for potato. Handouts for UF/IFAS potato field day. 1p. 04/13/2022
Sharma, A.L., L. Zotarelli, C.T. Christensen, L. Sharma. 2022. Determination of sulfur requirement for potato. Handouts for UF/IFAS potato field day. 1p. 04/13/2022
Torres Quezada, E. 2022. Virginia potato variety trial report, 2022. Vegetable and Strawberry Field Day - Wednesday, June 22, 2022 | 8:30 am 5:00 pm at the Eastern Shore AREC, Virginia Tech, Painter, VA.
Zotarelli, L., M. Resende, L. Hoffmann, C.T. Christensen, P. Solano. 2022. UF/IFAS Potato Breeding Program. Handouts for UF/IFAS potato field day. 1p. 04/13/2022
Porter, G.A. 2022. E.W. Scripps Television Stations and Newsy online news. Interviewed by Chris Conte, June 7, 2022 for a news piece on developing new climate change tolerant potato varieties. Piece aired on-line in June 2022.
Porter, G.A. 2022. Bangor Daily News (print and online news). Interviewed by Paula Brewer (Bangor Daily News), May 4, 2022. “An Aroostook farm is helping UMaine create climate-resistant potatoes”. May 9 print edition plus online (link not available).
Porter, G.A. 2022. Climate Central and the Bangor Daily News (print and and online news). Interviewed by Caitlin Looby (Climate Central), March 10, 2022 and Lori Valigra (Bangor Daily News), April 6, 2022. “The looming threat for Maine’s iconic potato industry”. April 25 print edition plus online at https://bangordailynews.com/2022/04/25/business/warming-temperatures-drove-maines-potato-boom-theyre-also-a-threat-joam40zk0w/
Porter, G.A. 2022. Wall Street Journal and online news. Interviewed by Jennifer Levitz, March 11, 2022. “Idaho needs potatoes, so Maine is chipping in”. This article was also spun off into a Boston Globe article featured online: Westward Ho! Maine potatoes travel far after western drought - The Boston Globe
Porter, G.A. 2022. Compilation of interview materials developed by University of Maine was featured by World Economic forum showcasing efforts to improve the potatoes tolerance to climate change. https://www.weforum.org/videos/24543-new-potatoes-bred-to-adapt-to-climate-change
Porter, G.A. 2022. NewsCenter Maine –TV and online news. Appeared on NewsCenter Maine TV and web-based news and was interviewed by Stephen Armstrong, news producer, February 17, 2022. “2021 Maine potato harvest was highly successful and is opening new business opportunities”. https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/money/economy/2021-maine-potato-harvest-highly-successful-opening-new-business-opportunities/97-cd5c1b0e-af0b-422a-a18e-a15a13ea87d7
Porter, G.A. 2021. Maine Public –TV and online news. Appeared on Maine Public News Portland, ME news show and was interviewed by Robbie Feinberg, November 26, 2021. “UMaine researcher are trying to create climate change resistant potatoes”.
Porter, G.A. 2021. NBC News. Appeared on TV and online news following interview by Dustin Wlodkowski, NBC 10 , Boston, MA, November 23, 2021. “UMaine develops climate change resistant potatoes”.
Porter, G.A. 2021. Bangor Daily News newspaper and online news following an interview by Sam Schipani, November 18, 2021. “UMaine is creating a super potato”.
Porter, G.A. 2021. NewsCenter 2-TV, Presque Isle, ME. Appeared on NewsCenter 2, Portland, ME news show and was interviewed by Hannah Yechive, July 12, 2021. “Condition of the Maine potato crop, water supply, and market conditions”.