NCERA218: Health, well-being, and economic opportunity for LGBT persons in rural communities

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports



Reilly, A, Catalpa, J. M., & McGuire, J. K. (in press- 2019). Clothing fit issues for trans people. Fashion Studies, 2, pp. 1-15.

Oswald, R., Routon, J. M., McGuire, J. K. & Holman, E. G. (2019). Tolerance versus support: Perceptions of residential community climate among LGB parents. Family Relations: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Family Studies, pp. 41-54. doi:10.1111/fare.12292

Catalpa, J. M., & McGuire, J. K. (in press - 2019). Mirror epiphany. In A. Reilly & B. Barry [Eds.] Crossing Boundaries:  Fashion to Deconstruct and Reimagine Gender.  Bristol, UK:  Intellect Books.

Fish, J. N., Baams, L., &; McGuire, J. (accepted for publication). Sexual and gender minority mental health issues among children and youth. Oxford Handbook of Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health. Rothblum, E. (Ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Okrey-Anderson, S.,1 McGuire, J. K., (In Press - 2019). Personal Faith and Professional Ethics: Best Practice with Families of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth. Social Work

Hunt, Q.A. 1. Morrow, Q.J., 1, McGuire, J.K.,  (2019). Experiences of suicide in trans-identified youth: A qualitative community-based study. Archives of Suicide Research.

McGuire, J. K., Beek, T. F., Catalpa, J. M. & Steensma, T. D. (2018). The genderqueer identity (GQI) scale: Measurement and validation of four distinct subscales with trans and lgbq clinical and community samples in two countries. International Journal of Transgenderism, No Pagination Specified. doi:10.1080/15532739.2018.1460735

McGuire, J. K., Berg, D., Catalpa, J. M., & Steensma, T. D. (in press- 2019). Genderqueer Identity Scale. In T. D. Fisher, C. M. Davis, W. L. Yarber, & S. L. Davis (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures. New York: Routledge. Pp. 355-359.

McGuire, J. K., Rider, N. G., Catalpa, J. M, Steensma, T. D., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., & Berg, D. (2019). Utrecht Gender Dysphoria Scale – Gender Spectrum (UGDS-GS). In R. R. Milhausen, J. K. Sakaluk, T. D. Fisher, C. M. Davis, & W. L. Yarber, (Eds.), Handbook of sexuality-related measures, 4th Ed. New York: Routledge. Pp. 359-362

Chapin, C., Green, D. N., & Neuberg, S. (2019) Exhibiting Gender: Exploring the Dynamic Relationships between Fashion, Gender, and Mannequins in Museum Display. DRESS: Journal of the Costume Society of America, Vol. 45, Issue 1: 75-88. DOI:


Anhalt, K., Toomey, R. B., & Shramko, M. (in press). Latinx sexual minority youth adjustment in the context of discrimination and internalized homonegativity: The moderating role of cultural orientation processes. Journal of Latinx Psychology.  

Bishop, A., Reicks, M., McGuire, J.  (in press, 2019) Food and exercise among TGNC youth. Journal of Adolescent health.

Daley, T., Grossoehme, D.2; McGuire, J. K., Corathers, S, Conard, L., Lipstien, E. (2019). "I couldn't see a downside": Decision-making about gender-affirming hormone therapy. Journal of Adolescent Health, 65, pp. 274-279.

Fish, J. N., Baams, L., &; McGuire, J. K. (in press, 2020). Sexual and gender minority mental health issues among children and youth. Oxford Handbook of Sexual and Gender Minority Mental Health. Rothblum, E. (Ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Green, D. N., & Kaiser, S. B.  (2020) “Taking Offense: A Discussion of Fashion, Appropriation, and Cultural Insensitivity.” In Sara Marcketti and Elena Karpova (eds.) The Dangers of Fashion: Towards Ethical and Sustainable Solutions. London: Bloomsbury: 143 – 160.

Howard, J. (Under Review, 2019). Making the Best Better for Youth: Cultivating LGBTQ Inclusion in 4-H.  Submitted to Journal of Extension.

Hunt, Q.A, Weiler, L., McGuire, J., Mendenhall, T., Kobak, R., Diamond, G. (in press, 2019). Testing basic assumptions of the interpersonal needs questionnaire-15 in a sample of clinically depressed and suicidal youth. Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior.

Kuvalanka, K. A., Bellis, C., Goldberg, A., McGuire, J. K. (2019). An exploratory study of custody challenges experienced by affirming mothers of transgender and gender non-conforming children: Custody challenges involving trans children. Family Court Review, 57, pp. 54-71. 

McCann, E., Powell, S., McGuire, J.K., & Becher, E.H. (in press, 2019). Reinvisioning coparent curriculum: Meeting the needs of a changing population. Adult Learning. Manuscript accepted for publication.

McGuire, J.K., & Morrow, Q. J., (2020). Pathways of Gender Development. In G van Schalwyk, J. Turban, M. Forcier (Eds). Pediatric Gender Identity: Psychiatric Comorbidities. Springer.

McGuire, J. K., Berg, D., Catalpa, J. M., Morrow, Q. J., Fish, J. N., Rider, G. N., Steensma, T., Cohen-Kettenis, P. T., & Spencer, K. (2020): Utrecht Gender Dysphoria Scale - Gender Spectrum (UGDS-GS): construct validity among transgender, nonbinary, and LGBQ samples, International Journal of Transgender Health, DOI: 10.1080/26895269.2020.1723460

Okrey-Anderson, S. & McGuire, J. K. (2019). Personal Faith and Professional Ethics: Best Practice with Families of Sexual and Gender Minority Youth. Social Work

Oswald, R. F., Holman, E. G., & Routon, J. M. (in press, 2019). Place matters: LGBTQ families in communities. In Goldberg, A., & Allen, K. (Eds.) LGBT-Parent Families 2nd edition. New York: Springer.

Pollitt, A. M., Mernitz, S. E., Russell, S. T., Curran, M. A., & Toomey, R. B. (2019). Heteronormativity in the lives of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and queer young people. Journal of Homosexuality. Advance online publication. doi: 10.1080/00918369.2019.1656032

Program Leaders Working Group (2019). Practices of Inclusion of All Genders and Sexual Orientations  in 4-H Programming. Written by members of the LGBTQ Workteam for Access, Equity, and Belonging. 

Reilly, A, Catalpa, Catalpa, J. M., & McGuire, J. K. (2019). Clothing fit issues for trans people. Fashion Studies, 2, pp. 1-15.

Routon, J. M. (2019). Living on the margins: Sexual and gender minorities and housing instability. National Council on Family Relations Report.

Syvertsen, A. K., Scales, P. C., & Toomey, R. B. (2019). The Developmental Assets Framework revisited: Confirmatory factor analysis and invariance testing to create a new generation of assets measures for applied research. Applied Developmental Science. Advance online publication. doi:10.1080/10888691.2019.1613155 



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