WERA11: Western Regional Turfgrass Research
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Adams R. 2016. PM. 3047. Mowing Your Lawn. Revised by Marcus Jones, horticulture graduate student; Nick Christians,
Adams R. 2016. PM. 3048. Putting a Field to Bed. Iowa State Extension Store. Prepared by Ryan Adams, turfgrass
Adams R. 2016. PM. 3050. Topdressing Athletic Fields. Iowa State Extension Store. Prepared by Ryan Adams, turfgrass
Adams, R. 2015. PM.3031. Organic Turfgrass Fertilization. Prepared by Ryan Adams, turfgrass specialist, Iowa State University.
Adams.R 2016. PM. 3046. Managing the Field within the Field. Iowa State Extension Store.
Amaradasa, B.S., and K. Amundsen. 2016. Characterization of defense-related genes of buffalograss challenged with the leaf spot pathogen Curvularia inaequalis. Frontiers in Plant Science DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2016.00715.
Amundsen, K., G. Sarath, T. Donze-Reiner. 2017. Genomic approaches for improvement of understudied grasses. Frontiers in Plant Science doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00976
Amundsen, K.L., L. Li, R. Shearman, R. Gaussoin. 2017. Addressing misperceptions regarding buffalograss tolerance to sandy soils, traffic, and shade. International Turfgrass Research Journal (in press).
Fresenburg, J. Fry, D. Gardner, D. Martin, J. Ostrander, K. Rincker, D. Settle, D. Soldat, and X. Xiong. 2017. Dollar spot susceptibility of 25 creeping bentgrass cultivars maintained under golf course putting green and fairway conditions in the central United States. Crop Forage Turfgrass Manage. (accepted).
Baldin, E.L.L., L. Marchi-Werle, L.E.R. Pannuti, A.L. Lourenção, T. Heng-Moss and T.E. Hunt. 2016. Evaluating Categories of Resistance in Soybean Genotypes from the United States and Brazil to Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Florida Entomologist 99:487-495.
Brachypodium Distachyon. Plant Science doi:10.1016/j.plantsci.2017.06.001
Bushman, S., K. Amundsen, S. Warnke, J. Robins, P. Johnson. 2016. Transcriptome Profiling of Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) Accessions in Response to Salt Stress. BMC Genomics 17:48. DOI: 10.1186/s12864-016-2379-x (Bushman and Amundsen are co-first authors).
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. Fairway height bentgrass cultivar trial. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1635. P. 55
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. Fairway height bentgrass cultivar trial. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1635. P. 55
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. Green height bentgrass cultivar trial. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1636. P. 56-57.
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. Green height bentgrass cultivar trial. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1636. P. 56-57.
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. NTEP Kentucky bluegrass study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1632. P. 62-64.
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. NTEP Kentucky bluegrass study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1632. P. 62-64.
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. NTEP perennial ryegrass study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1633. P. 65-67.
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. NTEP perennial ryegrass study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1633. P. 65-67.
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. NTEP turf-type tall fescue study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1634. P. 58-61.
Christians, A. Thoms, and I. Mertz. 2017. NTEP turf-type tall fescue study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1634. P. 58-61.
Cruz, P., E.L.L., Baldin, L.R.P Guimaraes, L. Pannuti, G. Lima, T. Heng-Moss, and T. Hunt. 2016. Tolerance of KS-4202 soybean to the attack of Bemisia tabaci biotype B (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) Florida Entomologist 99:600-607.
Dickson, K.H., J.C. Sorochan, J.T. Brosnan, J.C. Stier, J. Zobel, and A.W. Thoms. 2017. Crumb rubber depth is more important than particle size for improving bermudagrass traffic tolerance Crop Sci. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.03.0168
Dickson, K.H., J.C. Sorochan, J.T. Brosnan, J.C. Stier, J. Zobel, and A.W. Thoms. 2017. Crumb rubber depth is more important than particle size for improving bermudagrass traffic tolerance Crop Sci. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2017.03.0168
Donze-Reiner, T., Palmer, N.A., Scully, E.D., Prochaska, T.J., Koch, K.G., Heng-Moss, T, Bradshaw, J., Twigg, P., Amundsen, K., Sattler, S.E., Sarath, G. 2017. Transcriptional analysis of defense mechanisms in upland tetraploid switchgrass to greenbugs. BMC Plant Biology 17(1):46. doi: 10.1186/s12870-017-0998-2.
Feng Y, Yin Y, Fei S. 2017. BdVRN1 expression confers flowering competency and is negatively correlated with freezing tolerance in Brachypodium distachyon. Frontiers in Plant Science doi:10.3389/fpls.2017.01107
Hao J, Yang J, Dong J, Fei S. 2017. Characterization BdCBF genes and genome-wide transcriptome profiling of BdCBF3-dependent and -independent cold stress responses in
Infante, P. A., Moore, K., Scott, P., Archontoulis, S., Lenssen, A., S. Fei. 2017. Phenology and biomass production of adapted and non-adapted tropical corn populations in Central Iowa. Agronomy Journal, accepted.
Jiang J, Guan Y, McCormick S, Juvik J, Lubberstedt T, Fei S. 2016. Gametophytic self-incompatibility is operative in Miscanthus sinensis (Poaceae) and is affected by pistil age. Crop Sci doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.11.0932.
Dickson, G. Munshaw, J.C. Sorochan, and A.W. Thoms. 2017. Comparison of Cultivation Methods Impact on Playability of Agrostis stolonifera Greens J. of Testing and Evaluation. (In press)
Dickson, G. Munshaw, J.C. Sorochan, and A.W. Thoms. 2017. Comparison of Cultivation Methods Impact on Playability of Agrostis stolonifera Greens J. of Testing and Evaluation. (In press)
Kreuser, K, G. Sarath, W. Kreuser, K. Amundsen. 2016. Potassium nitrate effect on buffalograss bur dormancy. HortScience 51(12):1566-72. doi: 10.21273/HORTSCI11126-16
Kreuser, W. C., J. R. Young, and M. D. Richardson. 2017. Modeling performance of plant growth regulators. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. 2:1-4.
Li, L., M. Sousek, R, Gaussoin and Z Reicher. 2017. Herbicide Tolerance of Established Buffalograss. Applied Turfgrass Science. Crop Forage Turfgrass Manage.3: doi:10.2134/cftm2016.10.0065
Li, L., M.D. Sousek, K.L. Amundsen, Z.J. Reicher. 2016. Cultivar, seeding rate, or date has little effect on establishment of dormant seeded buffalograss. HortScience 51(6):750-53.
Li, L., M.D. Sousek, K.L. Amundsen, Z.J. Reicher. 2016. Seeding date and bur treatment affect establishment success of dormant-seeded buffalograss. Agronomy Journal 109:1-6. doi:10. 213 4/ag ronj2016 .03.016 4
Liu Y, Merrick P, Yang B, Fei S. 2017.Targeted mutagenesis in tetraploid switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) by CRISPR/Cas9. Plant Biotechnology J. doi: 10.1111/pbi.12778
Obear, G. R., W. C. Kreuser, K. Hubbard, B. DeBels, and D. J. Soldat. 2017. Plant colorants interfere with reflectance-based vegetation indices. Crop Sci. 57:595-601.
Obear, G.R., M. Pedersen, and W.C. Kreuser. 2017. Genesis of clay lamella in golf course soils of Mississippi, USA. Catena 150:62-70.
Pedersen, M., C. Wegner., P. Phansak, G. Sarath, R. Gaussoin, and V. Schlegel. 2017. Monitoring wheat mitochondrial compositional and respiratory changes using Fourier transform mid-infrared spectroscopy in response to agrochemical treatments. Spectrochimica Acta Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy, 173, 727-732.
Richardson, G. Mattina, M. Sarno, J.H. McCalla, D.E. Karcher, A.W. Thoms and J.C. Sorochan. 2017. Shade effects on overseeded bermudagrass athletic fields: II. Rooting, botanical composition, and traction. Crop Sci. (In press).
Richardson, G. Mattina, M. Sarno, J.H. McCalla, D.E. Karcher, A.W. Thoms and J.C. Sorochan. 2017. Shade effects on overseeded bermudagrass athletic fields: II. Rooting, botanical composition, and traction. Crop Sci. (In press).
Richardson, M. Girolamo, M. Sarno. D.E. Karcher, D.E. J. McCalla, J.C. Sorochan, and Thoms. 2016. Shade effects on overseeded bermudagrass athletic fields. Intl. Agron. Ann. Meet. Abstracts. P 101390.
Richardson, M. Girolamo, M. Sarno. D.E. Karcher, D.E. J. McCalla, J.C. Sorochan, and Thoms. 2016. Shade effects on overseeded bermudagrass athletic fields. Intl. Agron. Ann. Meet. Abstracts. P 101390.
Scully, E., T. Donze-Reiner, H. Wang, T. Eickhoff, F.Baxendale, P. Twigg, F. Kovacs, T. Heng-Moss, S. Sattler, and G. Sarath. 2016. Identification of an orthologous clade of peroxidases that respond to feeding by greenbugs (Schizaphis graminum) in C4 grasses. Functional Plant Biology 43:1134-1148.
Thompson, C., J. Fry, R. Braun, and M. Kennelly. 2017. Rough bluegrass incidence in a new tall fescue sward as affected by seeding rate and mowing height. Crop Forage Turfgrass Manage. 3:1-4. doi:10.2134/cftm2016.11.0074.
Thompson, C., M. Kennelly, J. Fry, M. Sousek, and Z. Reicher. 2017. Physiological and pathogenic contributors to summer decline of roughstalk bluegrass. Int. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J. 13:1-9. doi:10.2134/itsrj2016.05.0304.
Thompson, C., M. Sousek, Z. Reicher, J. Fry, and M. Kennelly. 2016. Evaluation of selective herbicide combinations for rough bluegrass control. Crop Forage Turfgrass Manage. doi:10.2134/cftm2015.0213.
Thoms and D. Minner. 2016. Chapter 15: Turfgrass Management. Ed. D. Schrock and S. DeBlieck. Resource Guide for Iowa Master Gardeners. MG 15. P. 207-223.
Thoms and D. Minner. 2016. Chapter 15: Turfgrass Management. Ed. D. Schrock and S. DeBlieck. Resource Guide for Iowa Master Gardeners. MG 15. P. 207-223.
Thoms and D. Minner. 2016. Chapter 15: Turfgrass Management. Ed. D. Schrock and S. DeBlieck. Resource Guide for Iowa Master Gardeners. MG 15. P. 207-223.
Thoms, A.W., J.T. Brosnan, and J.C. Sorochan. 2016. Root zone construction affects hybrid bermudagrass responses to simulated traffic. Procedia Eng. 147:824-829.
Thoms, A.W., J.T. Brosnan, and J.C. Sorochan. 2016. Root zone construction affects hybrid bermudagrass responses to simulated traffic. Procedia Eng. 147:824-829.
Thoms, A.W., J.T. Brosnan, J.C. Sorochan, and A.M. Saxton. 2016. Exploring relationships in surface hardness data collected with different instruments. J. of Testing and Evaluation 44(2):945-951.
Thoms, A.W., J.T. Brosnan, J.C. Sorochan, and A.M. Saxton. 2016. Exploring relationships in surface hardness data collected with different instruments. J. of Testing and Evaluation 44(2):945-951.
Thoms, I. Mertz, and N. Christians. 2017. Athletic field safety and performance study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1619. P. 47-48.
Thoms, I. Mertz, and N. Christians. 2017. Athletic field safety and performance study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1619. P. 47-48.
Thoms, I. Mertz, and N. Christians. 2017. Golf course fairway organic matter management with Fraze mowing. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1616. P. 51-52.
Thoms, I. Mertz, and N. Christians. 2017. Golf course fairway organic matter management with Fraze mowing. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1616. P. 51-52.
Thoms, I. Mertz, and N. Christians. 2017. Golf course putting green organic matter recycling study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1617. P. 49-50.
Thoms, I. Mertz, and N. Christians. 2017. Golf course putting green organic matter recycling study. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1617. P. 49-50.
Thoms, I. Mertz, and N. Christians. 2017. Home lawn seeding mixtures and timing trial. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1618. P. 53- 54
Thoms, I. Mertz, and N. Christians. 2017. Home lawn seeding mixtures and timing trial. 2016 Ann. Progress Rpts. Hort. Res. Station. ISRF16-36. RFR-A1618. P. 53- 54
Wang, H., C. Zhang, Y Dou, B. Yu, Y. Liu, T. Heng-Moss, G. Lu, M. Wachholtz, J. Bradshaw, P. Twigg, E. Scully, N. Palmer, and G. Sarath. 2016. Insect and plant-derived miRNAs in greenbug (Schizaphis graminum) and yellow sugarcane aphid (Sipha flava) revealed by deep sequencing. Gene 599:68-77.
Warnke S., C. Thammina, K. Amundsen, P. Miljanic, H. Hershman. 2017. High resolution melt analysis of simple sequence repeats for bentgrass species differentiation. International Turfgrass Research Journal (in press).
Warnke S., C. Thammina, K. Amundsen, P. Miljanic. 2017. Simple sequence repeat markers for interspecific hybrid detection in Agrostis. International Turfgrass Research Journal (accepted).
Zhang C, Fei S, Liu P, Ji T, Peng J, Frei U, Hannapel D., 2016. Transcriptome changes in response to cold acclimation in perennial ryegrass as revealed by a cross-species microarray analysis. Crop Science. DOI: 10.2135/cropsci2016.04.0252.
Zhang, Q., C. Thompson, M. Kennelly, J. Stier, C. Blume, N. Christians, K. Diesburg, K. Frank
Amundsen, K., Sarath, G., Donze-Reiner, T., eds. 2017. Genomic approaches for improvement of understudied grasses. Lausanne: Frontiers Media. doi: 10.3389/978-2-88945-242-2.
Amundsen, K.L., L. Li, R. Shearman, R. Gaussoin. 2017. Addressing misperceptions regarding buffalograss tolerance to sandy soils, traffic, and shade. International Turfgrass Research Journal 13:1-6 doi: 10.2134/itsrj2016.05.0347
Bal, H., N. Acosta, Z. Cheng, P. S. Grewal, and C. Hoy. 2017. Effect of habitat and soil management on dispersal and distribution patterns of entomopathogenic nematodes. Applied Soil Ecology, 121: 48-59.
Bhandari, B. P., and Z. Cheng. 2018. Lobate lac scale, Paratachardina pseudolobata (Hemiptera: Keriidae), in Hawaii’s
Bushman, B.S; A. Joshi, P.G. Johnson. 2018. Molecular markers improve breeding efficiency in apomictic Poa pratensis L.. Agronomy 8(2), 17; http://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy8020017
Cheng, Z., H. Melakeberhan, S. Mennan, and P. S. Grewal. 2018. Relationship between soybean cyst nematode, Heterodera glycines, and soil nematode communities under long-term tillage and crop rotation systems. Nematropica. In Press.
Cheng, Z., M. Kellar, N. Nagata, B. Bhandari, and R. Manandhar. 2018. Lobate lac scale (Paratachardina pseudolobata Kundo and Gullan) invades from Oahu into neighbor islands: state-wide survey in Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society, 50: 1–8.
Donze-Reiner, T., Palmer, N.A., Scully, E.D., Prochaska, T.J., Koch, K.G., Heng-Moss, T, Bradshaw, J., Twigg, P., Amundsen, K., Sattler, S.E., Sarath, G. 2017. Transcriptional analysis of defense mechanisms in upland tetraploid switchgrass to greenbugs. BMC Plant Biology 17(1):46. doi: 10.1186/s12870-017-0998-2.
Isweiri H. and Y.L. Qian. 2018. Long-Term Effects of Effluent Water Irrigation on Soil Chemical Properties of Sand-Based Putting Greens. In Arid Environments and Sustainability. Pp. 75-94. DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.72227.
Johnson, Z. S., Koski, A. J., O'Connor, A. 2017. The Hidden Value of Landscapes. Written for Associated Landscape Contractors of Colorado. At http://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/hortla/Colorado_Water_2017.pdf
Kimura, E., S.C. Fransen, H.P. Collins, B.J. Stanton, A. Himes, J. Smith, S.O. Guy, and W.J. Johnston. 2018. Effect of intercropping hybrid popular and switchgrass on biomass yield, forage quality, and land use efficiency for bioenergy production. Biomass and Bioenergy 111:31-38
Kopp, K., Kjelgren, R. K., Urzagaste, P., & Dai, X. (2017, July). Physiological and quality responses of turfgrass and ornamental plants to weather-based irrigation control. International Turfgrass Society Research Journal, 13, 1-10.
Kopp, K., Kjelgren, R. K., Urzagaste, P., & Dai, X. (2017, July). Physiological and quality responses of turfgrass and ornamental plants to weather-based irrigation control. International Turfgrass Research Journal, 13, 1-10.
Kreuser, W., J.R. Young, and M.D. Richardson. 2017. Modeling Performance of Plant Growth Regulators. Agric. and Environ. Letters. 2:170001. doi:10.2134/ael2017.01.0001
Kreuser, W., Obear, G., Michael, D., and Soldat, D. 2017. Growing degree day models predict performance of paclobutrazol on bentgrass golf greens. Crop Sci. 58: 1402-1408. doi. 10.2135/cropsci2017.06.0395
Michalski, J., and Z. Cheng. 2018. Effects of “lights out” turfgrass renovation on plants, soil arthropod and nematode communities. Applied Soil Ecology, 127: 144–154.
Obear, G. R., M. Pedersen, and W.C. Kreuser. 2017. Genesis of clay lamellae in golf soils of Mississippi, USA. Catena 150:62-70.
Obear, G. R., W.C. Kreuser, K. Hubbard, B. DeBels, and D.J. Soldat. 2017. Plant Colorants Interfere with Reflectance-Based Vegetation Indices. Crop Sci. 57:595-601. Doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.05.0440
Pratt, T., Allen, L., Rosenberg, D. E., Keller, A., & Kopp, K. (2018, October). Urban Agriculture and Small Farm Irrigation Efficiency: Case Studies and Trends from Cache Valley, Utah. Agricultural Water Management, 213, 24-35.
Reasor, E.H., J. T. Brosnan, J. P. Kerns, W. J. Hutchens, D. R. Taylor, J. D. McCurdy, D. J. Soldat, and W. C. Kreuser. 2018. Growing Degree Day Models for Plant Growth Regulator Applications on Ultradwarf Hybrid Bermudagrass Putting Greens. Crop Sci. 58:xx. doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.01.0077
Schiavon, M. and J.H. Baird. 2018. Evaluation of products to alleviate irrigation salinity stress on bermudagrass turf. Agron. J. Accepted Paper, posted 06/15/2018. doi:10.2134/agronj2018.01.0064.
Schiavon, M., A. Pedroza, B. Leinauer, D.L. Suarez, and J.H. Baird. 2017. Varying evapotranspiration and salinity level of irrigation water influence soil quality and performance of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.). Urban For. Urban Gree. 26: 184-190. doi: 10.1016/j.ufug.2017.01.006.
Thammina, C.S., K. Amundsen, S.B. Bushman, M. Kramer, S.E. Warnke. 2018. Genetic Diversity of Danthonia spicata (L.) Beauv. Based on Genomic Simple Sequence Repeat Markers. Genetics Resources and Crop Evolution 65:1059. DOI: 10.1007/s10722-017-0596-z.
urban landscape: hosts and management. International Journal of Tropical Insect Science, 38(1): 71-76.
Van Dyke, A., P.G. Johnson. 2017. Cultural, organic, and biological methods for snow mold control on putting greens in the Intermountain West. Crop, Forage and Turfgrass Management—Applied Turfgrass Science. Vol. 3 No. 1 cftm2017.04.0030
Warnke S., C. Thammina, K. Amundsen, P. Miljanic, H. Hershman. 2017. High resolution melt analysis of simple sequence repeats for bentgrass species differentiation. Crop Science doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.10.0838.
Zhao, Y., G. Ren, Z. Cheng, G. Huang, and J. Li. 2018. Taxonomy of Aulacochilus Chevrolat (Coleoptera: Erotylidae: Erotylinae) From China, With a Key Based on Adult Characters. Journal of Insect Science, 18(2): 27; 1–5.