WERA1007: Curtovirus Biology, Transmission, Ecology, and Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Strausbaugh, C.A., Eujayl, I.A., and Wintermantel, W.M. 2017. Beet curly top virus strains associated with sugar beet in Idaho, Oregon, and a western U.S. collection. Plant Disease 101:1373-1382.
The group did not publish a report together. The following curly top related publications were published during the last year:
Strausbaugh, C.A., Eujayl, I.A., and Wintermantel, W.M. 2017. Beet curly top virus strains associated with sugar beet in Idaho, Oregon, and a western U.S. collection. Plant Disease 101:1373-1382.
Peinado, S.A., Achata Bottger, J. Chen, L.-F., Gilbertson, R., Creamer, R. 2018. Evidence of curtovirus competition and synergy in co-infected plant hosts. African Journal of Microbiology Research 12:254-262.
Nusayr, T., Creamer, R. 2017. A novel groel gene from the endosymbiont of beet leafhopper, Candidatus Sulcia muelleri. African Journal of Microbiology Research 11:1586-1599
Mauricio-Castillo, J. A., Reveles-Torres, L.R., Mena-Covarrubias, J., Arguello-Astorga, G. R., Creamer, R., Franco-Banuelos, A., Salas-Munoz, S. 2017. First Report of beet curly top virus-PeYD associated with a new disease in chile pepper plants in Zacatecas, Mexico. Plant Disease, 101:513.
Strausbaugh, C.A., and Fenwick, A. 2018. Beet curly top resistance in USDA-ARS Ft. Collins germplasm, 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:CF002.
Strausbaugh, C.A., and Hellier, B. 2018. Beet curly top resistance in USDA-ARS Plant Introductions Lines, 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:CF001.
Strausbaugh, C.A., and Wenninger, E. 2018. Foliar insecticides for the control of curly top in Idaho sugar beet, 2017. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 12:CF082.
Chen, L-F, Batuman, O., Aegurter, B.M., Willems, J., and Gilbertson, R.L. 2017. First report of curly top disease of pepper and tomato in California caused by spinach curly top strain of Beet curly top virus. Plant Disease 101:1334.
The group did not publish a report together. The following curly top related publications were published during the last year:
Martinez, S., Creamer, R. Thomas, S., and Schroeder, J. 2019. Assessment of Weed/pest complexes in southern New Mexico chile fields. NMSU AES Research Report – RR794.
Nansen, C., Stewart, A. N, Gutierrez, T.A.M., Wintermantel, W.M., McRoberts, N., and Gilbertson, R.L. 2019. Proximal remote sensing to differentiate nonviruliferous and viruliferous insect vectors – proof of concept and importance of input data robustness. Plant Pathology 68: 746-754.
Strausbaugh, C.A., and Hellier, B. 2019. Beet curly top resistance in USDA-ARS Plant Introductions Lines, 2018. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 13:CF050.
Strausbaugh, C.A., and Fenwick, A. 2019. Beet curly top resistance in USDA-ARS Ft. Collins germplasm, 2018. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 13:CF051.
Strausbaugh, C.A., and Wenninger, E. 2019. Foliar insecticides for the control of curly top in Idaho sugar beet, 2018. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 13:CF052
No publications reported for this ERA project.
The group did not publish a report together. The following curly top related publications were published during the last year:
Creamer, R. 2020. Beet curly top virus transmission, epidemiology, and management. Pages 521-527 in Applied Plant Virology: Advances, Detection, and Antiviral Strategies, ed. L.P. Awasthi. Elsevier: San Diego, CA.
Eujayl, I.A. and Strausbaugh, C.A. 2021. Beet curly top resistance in USDA-ARS Kimberly germplasm. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 15:V013.
Gilbertson, R.L., Melgarejo, T.A., Rojas, M. R., Wintermantel, W.M., Stanley, J. 2021. Beet curly top virus (Geminiviridae). Pages 200-212 in Encyclopedia of Virology, Vol 3. Elsevier Press.
Hunter, W.B., Wintermantel, W.M. 2021. Optimizing Efficient RNAi-mediated Control of Hemipteran Pests (Psyllids, Leafhoppers, Whitefly): Modified Pyrimidines in dsRNA Triggers. Plants. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants/10-01782.
Rondon, S.I., and Oppedisano, T. 2020. Biology and management of beet leafhopper and purple top in potatoes in the Pacific northwest. Oregon State University Extension, EM 9282.
Strausbaugh, C.A., and Wenninger, E. 2021. Foliar insecticides for the control of curly top in Idaho sugar beet. Plant Dis. Manag. Rep. 15:V015
Swisher Grimm, K.D., Crosslin, J., Cooper, R., Frost, K., du Toit, L.J., Wohleb, C.H. 2021. First report of curly top of Coriandrum sativum caused by beet curly top virus in the Columbia Basin of Washington State. Plant Disease. Doi: 10.1094/PDIS-01-21-0041-PDN