W1194: Children's Healthy Living Network (CHLN) in the U.S. Affiliated Pacific Region
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Novotny, R., F. Li, L. Wilkens, M. Fialkowski, T. Fleming, P. Coleman, R. Leon Guerrero, A. Bersamin, and J. Deenik. 2017. Economic Influences on Child Growth Status, from the Children’s Healthy Living Program in the US-Affiliated Pacific Region. ADBI Working Paper 698. Tokyo: Asian Development Bank Institute. Available: https://www.adb.org/publications/economic-influences-child-growth-status.
Rachel Novotny, Fenfang Li , Rachael Leon Guerrero , Patricia Coleman, Aifili J. Tufa , Andrea Bersamin , Jonathan Deenik and Lynne R Wilkens. Dual burden of malnutrition in US Affiliated Pacific jurisdictions in the Children’s Healthy Living Program. Novotny et al.BMC Public Health (2017) 17:483 DOI 10.1186/s12889-017-4377-6.
Esquivel MK, Fialkowski MK, Aflague T, Novotny R (2016) Engaging Head Start Teachers on Wellness Policy Implementation to Improve the Nutrition and Physical Activity Environment in Head Start Classrooms: A Qualitative Study of the Children’s Healthy Living Program (CHL) in Hawai’i. J Family Med Community Health 3(5): 1094.
Nigg, C.R., Ul Anwar, M.M., Braun, K.L., Mercado, J., Fialkowski, M.K., Areta, A., Belyeu Camacho, T., Bersamin, A., Leon Guerrero, R., Castro, R., DeBaryshe, B., Vargo, A.M., Braden, K.W., Novotny, R. A review of promising multicomponent environmental child obesity prevention intervention strategies by the children’s healthy living program. Journal of Environmental Health. 2016; 79(3): 18-26.
Mikkelsen, B.E., Novotny, R., Gittelsohn, J. Multi-Level, Multi-Component Approaches to Community Based Interventions for Healthy Living—A Three Case Comparison. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2016; 13:1023. doi:10.3390/ijerph13101023
Novotny R., Li F., Fialkowski M.K., Bersamin A., Tufa A., Deenik J., Coleman P., Leon Guerrero R., Wilkens, L.R. Prevalence of obesity and acanthosis nigricans among young children in the children’s healthy living program in the United States Affiliated Pacific. Medicine (2016) 95:37(e4711). http://dx.doi.org/10.1097/MD.0000000000004711
Novotny R, Davis J, Butel J, Boushey CJ, Fialkowski MK, Nigg CR, Braun KL, Leon Guerrero R, Coleman P, Bersamin A, Areta AAR, Barber LR, Belyeu-Camacho T, Greenberg J, Fleming T, Delacruz-Talbert E, Wilkens LR. Children's Healthy Living Multilevel Multicomponent Community Randomized Trial Reduced Young Child Overweight, Obesity and Acanthosis Nigricans in the US Affiliated Pacific. JAMA.
Greenberg, J. A., Luick, B., Alfred, J. M., Barber, L. R., Bersamin, A., Coleman, P., Esquivel, M., Fleming, T., Leon Guerrero, R. T., Hollyer, J., Johnson, E. L., Novotny, R., deBlair Remengesau, S., & Yamanaka, A. (2020). The Affordability of a Thrifty Food Plan-based Market Basket in the United States-affiliated Pacific Region. Hawai’i Journal of Health & Social Welfare, 79(7), 217–223.
Leon Guerrero, R. T., Barber, L. R., Aflague, T. F., Paulino, Y. C., Hattori-Uchima, M. P., Acosta, M., Wilkens, L. R., & Novotny, R. (2020). Prevalence and Predictors of Overweight and Obesity among Young Children in the Children’s Healthy Living Study on Guam. Nutrients, 12(9), 2527. https://doi.org/10.3390/nu12092527
Korn, A. R., Butel, J., Davis, J., Yamanaka, A. B., Coleman, P., Wilkens, L. R., Economos, C. D., & Novotny, R. (2021). Role of social ecological model level on young Pacific children’s sugar-sweetened beverage and water intakes: Children’s Healthy Living intervention. Public Health Nutrition, 24(8), 2318–2323. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1368980020004796
Butel, J., Braun, K. L., Davis, J., Bersamin, A., Fleming, T., Coleman, P., Guerrero, R. L., & Novotny, R. (2021). Community social network pattern analysis: Development of a novel methodology using a complex, multi-level health intervention. Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement, 14(1), Article 1. https://doi.org/10.5130/ijcre.v14i1.7485
Yamanaka AB, Davis JD, Wilkens LR, Hurwitz EL, Fialkowski MK, Deenik J, et al. Determination of Child Waist Circumference Cut Points for Metabolic Risk Based on Acanthosis Nigricans, the Children’s Healthy Living Program. Prev Chronic Dis 2021;18:210021. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5888/pcd18.210021external icon
Novotny, R., Earle, M. E., Bs, Y. O. J., As, G. J. J., MEd, E. H., Guerrero, R. T. L., Bs, P. C., Deenik, J., Boushey, C., & Wilkens, L. R. (2021). University of Hawai‘i Cancer Center Connection. SOCIAL WELFARE, 80(7), 4.