NEERA1603: Northeast Pasture Consortium
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Alvez, J.P. Can Cows Shoot? On-line at: https://blog.uvm.edu/pasture-vtpasture/2017/05/23/can-cows-shoot/
Alvez, J.P. Have you seen a cow working overtime? On-line at: https://blog.uvm.edu/pasture-vtpasture/2017/05/23/have-you-seen-a-cow-working-overtime/
Bainbridge, M.L., L.M. Cersosimo, A.D.G. Wright, J. Kraft. 2016. Content and Composition of Branched-Chain Fatty Acids in Bovine Milk Are Affected by Lactation Stage and Breed of Dairy Cow. PLoS ONE 11(3): e0150386. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0150386.
Bainbridge, M.L., L.M. Cersosimo, A.D.G. Wright, and J. Kraft. 2016. Rumen bacterial communities shift across a lactation in Holstein, Jersey and Holstein x Jersey dairy cows and correlate to rumen function, bacterial fatty acid composition and production parameters. FEMS Microbiology Ecology. doi:10.1093/femsec/fiw059.
Bishopp, Troy. 2016-2017. The Grass Whisperer Website. At: http://www.thegrasswhisperer.com/. Most recent articles appear on page 1. At the bottom of the screen (be sure to scroll down to the very bottom), click on page number or next arrow to see other articles on pasture management thoughts Troy has and events Troy has attended. Always entertaining and educational.
Brink, G.E. and W.K. Coblentz. 2017. Nitrogen source and application effects on pasture productivity, legume persistence, and forage nutritive value. Abstract. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. At: http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/
Cersosimo, L.M., M.L. Bainbridge, J. Kraft, and A.D.G. Wright. 2016. Influence of periparturient and postpartum diets on rumen methanogen communities in three breeds of primiparous dairy cows. BMC Microbiology. 16:78.
Cersosimo, L.M., M.L. Bainbridge, A.D.G. Wright, and J. Kraft. 2016. Breed and Lactation Stage Alter the Rumen Protozoal Fatty Acid Profiles and Community Structures in Primiparous Dairy Cattle. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. DOI:10.1021/acs.jafc.5b05310.
Cersosimo, L.M., R. Tacoma, S. Greenwood, K. Juntwait, A.F. Brito, J. Kraft. 2016. Rumen protozoal community structures are not altered in lactating dairy cows offered alternative forage crops during short-term grazing experiments. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 805.
Cersosimo, L.M., R. Tacoma, S. Greenwood, K. Juntwait, A.F. Brito, J. Kraft. 2016. Characterization of rumen bacterial and protozoal fatty acid compositions from lactating Jersey cows offered alternative forage crops. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 639.
Cersosimo, L.M., R. Tacoma, S. Greenwood, K. Juntwait, A.F. Brito, J. Kraft. 2016. Alternative forage crops modify the composition and content of bovine milk fatty acids. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 687.
Chail, A., J.F. Legako, L.R. Pitcher, T.C. Griggs, R.E. Ward, S. Martini, and J.W. MacAdam. 2016. Legume finishing provides beef with positive human dietary fatty acid ratios and consumer preference comparable with grain-finished beef. J. Anim. Sci. 94:2184–2197.
Colby, J., K. Hagen, J.P. Alvez, C. Herrick. 2016-2017. Vermont Pasture Network Calendar. On-line. Monthly.
Cole, N.A., S. Radcliff, T. J. DeVries, C.A. Rotz, D. G. Ely and F. Cardoso. 2016. Production, Management, and Environment Symposium: Environmental footprint of livestock production – Greenhouse gas emissions and climate change. J. Anim. Sci. 94:8:3137-3138
Dillard, S.L., A.I. Roca-Fernández, M.D. Rubano, and K.J. Soder. Potential of forage Brassicas for use in pasture-based livestock systems. Abstract. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. At: http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/
Duncan, E.W., Kleinman, P.J., Beegle, D.B., Rotz, C.A. 2017. Coupling dairy manure storage with injection to improve nitrogen management: whole-farm simulation using the integrated farm system model. Agricultural and Environmental Letters. doi:10.2134/ael2016.12.0048.
Galvão, J.G.B., A.F. Brito, A.H.N. Rangel, J.B.A. Silva. 2016. Seasonal effects on milk yield and somatic cell score in organic dairy farms from the Northeast United States. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 587-588.
Garza, J.J., S.P. Greiner , S.A. Bowdridge. 2017. S erum-mediated H. contortus larval aggregation differs by larval stage and is enhanced by complement. Parasit. Immunol. 39:e12409
Griggs, T.C., M.L. Satterfield, J.M.A. Koos, Z.B. Freedman, and C.N. Kelly. 2017. Growth rates of cool-season mixed pastures defoliated at a range of leaf area indices. Abstract. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. At: http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/
Hafla, A.N., Soder, K.J., Brito, A., Kersbergen, R., Benson, F., Darby, H., Rubano, M.D. 2016. Feeding strategy and pasture quality relative to nutrient requirements of dairy cows in the northeastern U.S. Professional Animal Scientist. 32:523-530.
Hoffman, K. 2016-2017. NYGC Grazette Newsletter. NY Grazinglands Coalition. Published monthly on-line at: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/ny/technical/landuse/pasture/?cid= nrcseprd366641.
Jacobs, J.R., K.N. Sommers, A.M. Zajac, D.R. Notter, S.A. Bowdridge. 2016. Early IL-4 gene expression in abomasum is a critical difference in resistance to H. contortus. Parasit. Immunol. 38:333-339.
Juntwait, K.A., A.F. Brito, K.S. O’Connor, R.G. Smith, K.M. Aragona, C.P. Ghedini and A.B.D. Pereira. 2016. Performance and ruminal metabolism in lactating dairy cows offered summer available annual forage crops during a short-term grazing experiment. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 295-296.
Juntwait, K.A., A.F. Brito, K.S. O’Connor, R.G. Smith, K.M. Aragona, C.P. Ghedini, A.B.D. Pereira. 2016. Performance and rumimal metabolism are not changed in lactating dairy cows offered spring available annual forage crops during a short-term grazing experiment. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 294-295.
Pereira, A.B.D., A.F. Brito, T.L. Resende, D.H. Woitschach, R.B. Reis, K.J. Soder. 2016. Feeding ground flaxseed to lactating dairy cows decreases the ruminal proportion of Archaea, but does not change the major species of cellulolytic bacteria. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 797-798.
Rayburn, E. 2017. Soil sampling within historic landscape management units to improve cost effective nutrient management. Abstract. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. At: http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/
Reis, S.F., A.F. Brito, C.P. Ghedini, D.C. Moura, A.S. Oliveira. 2016. Effects of Ascophyllum nodosum meal and monensin on performance and iodine metabolism in lactating dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 656.
Roca-Fernández, A.I., S.L. Dillard, M.D. Rubano, and K.J. Soder. 2017. Effect of feeding legumes containing condensed tannins with orchardgrass on ruminal fermentation and methane production in continuous culture. Abstract. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. At: http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/
Rotz, C.A. and S. Asem-Hiablie. 2017. The role of forage systems in environmentally sustainable beef. Abstract. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings. At: http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/
Sanderson, M.A., Stout, R.C., Brink, G.E. 2016. Productivity, botanical composition, and nutritive value of commercial pasture mixtures. Agronomy Journal. 108(1):93-100.
Santana, R.A.V., A.F. Brito, D.C. Moura, C.P. Ghedini, J.G.B. Galvão, F.A. Barbosa, A.S. Oliveira, A.B.D. Pereira, S.F. Reis, I.A. Souza, K.A. Juntwait. 2016. Okara meal can completely replace soybean meal in diets of early to mid-lactation dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. 94: supplement5: 683-683.
Shepherd, E.A., J.J. Garza, S.P Greiner, S.A. Bowdridge. 2017. Effects of ovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells on Haemonchus contortus larval death in vitro. Parasit. Immunol. 39:e12424
Soder, K.J., Hafla, A. 2016. How well does pasture meet the nutrient needs of dairy cows? Extension Fact Sheets. P. 1.
Soder, K.J., Heins, B. 2016. Sprouted barley for dairy cows: Is it worth it? Extension Fact Sheets. P. 1.
Soder, K.J., Heins, B., Paulson, J., Chester-Jones, H., Hafla, A., Rubano, M. 2017. Evaluation of fodder production systems for grazing dairy farms. Abstract. American Forage and Grassland. Paper No.1 At: http://www.afgc.org/proceedings/2017/
Stanton, T. 2016. BFTstudy_NYdemofarms_2014-2016. Power Point presentation. Cornell University. At: http://web.uri.edu/sheepngoat/orei-resources/ Northeast Small Ruminant Parasite Control University of Rhode Island.
Toledo, D.N., Sanderson, M.A., Goslee, S.C., Herrick, J.E., Fults, G. 2016. An integrated grazingland assessment approach for range and pasturelands. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 71(6):450-459.
Tracy, B.F., K. Albrecht, J. Flores, M. Hall, A. Islam, G. Jones, W. Lamp, J.W. MacAdam, H. Skinner, C. Teutsch. 2016. Evaluation of Alfalfa–Tall Fescue Mixtures across Multiple Environments. Crop Science. 56: 4: 2026-2034.
Tunick, M.H., Ren, D.X., Van Hekken, D.L., Bonnaillie, L., Kwoczak, R., Tomasula, P.M. 2016. Impact of processing on the digestibility of milk. Meeting Abstract. 2016 Northeast Pasture Consortium Annual Meeting. Book of Abstracts.
Tunick, M.H., Ren, D.X., Van Hekken, D.L., Bonnaillie, L., Paul, M., Kwoczak, R., Tomasula, P.M. 2016. Effect of heat and homogenization on in vitro digestion of milk. Journal of Dairy Science. 99(6):4124-4139. DOI: 10.3168/jds.2015-10474.
Tunick, M.H., Van Hekken, D.L., Tomasula, P.M. 2016. Bioactive compounds in dairy products and their relation to neurodegenerative disease. Meeting Abstract. American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition 251:AGFD23.
UVM Center for Sustainable Agriculture
Veltman, K., Jones, C., Izaurralde, R., Reddy, A., Gaillard, R., Duval, B., Cela, S., Ketterings, Q.M., Rotz, C.A., Salas, W., Vadas, P.A., Jolliet, O. 2017. Comparison of process-based models to quantify nutrient flows and greenhouse gas emissions of milk production. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 237:31-44. 2017.
Villalba, J.J., C. Spackman, B.M. Goff, J.L. Klotz, T. Griggs, and J.W. MacAdam. 2016. Interaction between a tannin-containing legume and endophyte-infected tall fescue seed on lambs’ feeding behavior and physiology. J. Anim. Sci. 94:845–857.
Waldrip, H., Casey, K., Todd, R.W., Parker, D.B., Rotz, C.A., Cole, N.A. 2017. How well do we understand nitrous oxide emissions from open-lot cattle systems? Waste to Worth Conference. Pg. 74413. Available at: https://articles.extension.org/pages/74413/how-well-do-we-understand-nitrous-oxide-emissions-from-open-lot-cattle-systems.
Names in boldare Northeast Pasture Consortium members as contributing authors. Publications listed in alphabetical order by NEPC member author.
Bishopp, Troy. 2017-2018. The Grass WhispererWebsite. At: http://www.thegrasswhisperer.com/. Most recent articles appear on page 1. At the bottom of the screen (be sure to scroll down to the very bottom), click on page number or next arrow to see other articles on pasture management thoughts Troy has and events Troy has attended. Always entertaining and educational. Troy writes a news article about the Northeast Pasture Consortium Conference.
Casler, M.D., Brink, G.E., Cherney, J.H. 2017. Registration of Azov meadow fescue. Journal of Plant Registrations. 11:9-14.
Colby, J. 2017. Pasture Improvement Tools: Biodrilling by Forage Radishes and Keyline Plowing. University of Vermont Extension. http://www.uvm.edu/sustainableagriculture/?Page=whatwedo/index.php 2 pp.
Colby, J., K. Hagen, J.P. Alvez, C. Herrick. 2017-2018. Vermont Pasture Network Calendar. On-line. Monthly.
Duiker, Sjoerd W. 2018. Soil Compaction Threat from Grazing Animals on Steep Slopes. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/soil-compaction-threat-from-grazing-animals-on-steep-slopes 1 p.
Gilker, R. and K. Voth. 2017-2018. On PastureWebsite. Published weekly. At: On Pasture,4435 E San Carlos Place N,
Tucson, AZ 85712. R. Gilker is a Northeast Pasture Consortium member from NY.
Goslee, S.C., Gonet, J.M., Skinner, R.H. 2017. Freeze tolerance of perennial ryegrass and implications for future species distribution. Crop Science.57:2875-2880.
Graziosi,Michelle and Joshua Faulkner. 2016. Designing Variable-Width Filter Strips on Vermont Fields Using the AgBufferBuilder ArcGIS Tool. University of Vermont Extension Center for Sustainable Agriculture. http://www.uvm.edu/sustainableagriculture/?Page=whatwedo/projectsresearch/agbufferbuildervt.php 7 pp.
Wang, A., Goslee, S.C., Miller, D., Sanderson, M.A., Gonet, J.M. 2017. Topographic variables improve climate models of forage species abundance in the northeastern United States. Applied Vegetation Science.20:84-93. doi: 10.1111/avsc.12284.
Hartman, David W. 2018. Cover Crops for Livestock Grazing. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/cover-crops-for-livestock-grazing 1 p.
Hartman, David W. 2018. Silvopasture Could Work on Your Farm. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/silvopasture-could-work-on-your-farm 2 pp.
Hautau, Mena. 2018. Fall Management for Pastures: Renovate or Restore? Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/fall-management-for-pastures-renovate-or-restore 4 pp.
Hoffman, K. 2017-2018. NYGC Grazette Newsletter. NY Grazinglands Coalition. Published monthly on-line at: http://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detail/ny/technical/landuse/pasture/?cid= nrcseprd366641.
Leroux, Matthew. 2018. Improved Meat Marketing for Small Scale and Direct Marketing Farms in the Northeast. Cornell Small Farms Program. Cornell University. Winter 2018 Quarterly. http://smallfarms.cornell.edu/2018/01/08/improved-meat-marketing/
Matthews, Allen. 2017. Grass Fed Beef Value Chain Research. Rosalie J. Wilson Business Development Services, PO Box 575 Norwich, VT. 16 pp.
Rinehart, Lee. 2017. Building Healthy Pasture Soils. Cornell Small Farms Program. Cornell University. Fall 2017 Quarterly. http://smallfarms.cornell.edu/2017/10/02/building-healthy-pasture-soils/.
Dillard, L., Roca-Fernandez, A., Rubano, M., Elkin, K.R., Soder, K.J. 2018. Enteric methane production and ruminal fermentation of forage brassica diets fed in continuous culture. Journal of Animal Science. doi: 10.1093/jas/sky030.
Hafla, A., Soder, K.J., Brito, A., Kersbergen, R.,Benson, F., Darby, H., Rubano, M., Dillard, L., Kraft, J., Reis, S. 2018. Winter supplementation of ground whole flaxseed impacts milk fatty acid composition on organic dairy farms in the northeastern United States. Abstract. American Forage and Grassland Conference Proceedings.95(4).
Soder, K.J., Heins, B., Chester-Jones, H., Hafla, A., Rubano, M. 2108. Evaluation of fodder production systems for dairy farms. Professional Animal Scientist.34(1).
Dillard, S.L., Soder, K.J. 2017. Productivity and nutritive quality of three brassica varieties for use in pasture-based systems. Abstract. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Proceeding, October 22-25, 2017, Tampa, FL. P. 1.
Stanton, tatiana L. and Michael L. Thonney. 2017. Integrated control of internal parasties in pasture-based small ruminants.
http://blogs.cornell.edu/smallruminantparasites/resources-for-farmers-youth/. 8 pp. pdf.
Taber, Rich. 2017. The Green Lie: Grassland Version. The Green Lie of Hay and Grazing Lands: Deceivingly Green Pastures Performing at a Fraction of Their Potential. Cornell Small Farms Program. Cornell University. Summer 2017 Quarterly. http://smallfarms.cornell.edu/2017/07/03/the-green-lie-grassland-version/.
Tunick, M.H., Van Hekken, D.L. 2017. Fatty acid profiles of in vitro digested processed milk. Foods. 6:99.
Van Hekken, D.L., Tunick, M.H., Ren, D.X., Tomasula, P.M. 2017. Comparing the impact of homogenization and heat processing on the properties and in vitro digestion of milk from organic and conventional dairy herds. Journal of Dairy Science. 100:6042-6052.
Williamson, Jessica A. 2018. Extending the Grazing Season Using Brassicas. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/extending-the-grazing-season-using-brassicas/ 1 p.
Williamson, Jessica A. 2018. Grazing Residue Height Matters. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/grazing-residue-height-matters 1 p.
Felix, Tara L., Jessica A. Williamson, and David W. Hartman. 2018. Grass-Fed beef production - Grass-fed Beef
Markets and Terminology. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/grass-fed-beef-production/ 4 pp. pdf
Names in bold are Northeast Pasture Consortium members as contributing authors. Publications listed in alphabetical order by NEPC member principal author.
Bishopp, Troy. 2018-2019. The Grass WhispererWebsite. Athttp://thegrasswhisperer.com/. Most recent articles appear on page 1. At the bottom of the screen (be sure to scroll down to the very bottom), click on page number to see other articles on pasture management thoughts Troy has and events Troy has attended. Always entertaining and educational..
Smith, Richard G., Sonja K. Birthisel, Sidney C. Bosworth, Bryan Brown, Thomas M. Davis, Eric R. Gallandt, Ann Hazelrigg, Eric Venturini, and Nicholas D. Warren. 2018. Environmental correlates with germinable weed seedbanks on organic farms across Northern New England. Weed Sci. 66:78–93.
Zang, Y., Silva, L. H. P., Ghelichkhan, M., Miura, M., Whitehouse, N. L., Chizzotti, M. L., & Brito, A. F.2019. Incremental amounts of rumen-protected histidine increase plasma and muscle histidine concentrations and milk protein yield in dairy cows fed a metabolizable protein-deficient diet. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(5), 4138-4154. doi:10.3168/jds.2018-15780
Isenberg, B. J., Soder, K. J., Pereira, A. B. D., Standish, R., & Brito, A. F.2019. Production, milk fatty acid profile, and nutrient utilization in grazing dairy cows supplemented with ground flaxseed. Journal of Dairy Science, 102(2), 1294-1311. doi:10.3168/jds.2018-15376
Ghedini, C. P., Moura, D. C., Santana, R. A. V., Oliveira, A. S., & Brito, A. F.2018. Replacing ground corn with incremental amounts of liquid molasses does not change milk enterolactone but decreases production in dairy cows fed flaxseed meal. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(3), 2096-2109. doi:10.3168/jds.2017-13689
Brossillon, V., Reis, S. F., Moura, D. C., Galvão, J. G. B., Oliveira, A. S., Côrtes, C., & Brito, A. F.2018. Production, milk and plasma fatty acid profile, and nutrient utilization in Jersey cows fed flaxseed oil and corn grain with different particle size. Journal of Dairy Science, 101(3), 2127-2143. doi:10.3168/jds.2017-13478
Colby, J., K. Hagen, J.P. Alvez, C. Herrick. 2018-2019.Vermont Pasture Network Calendar. On-line. Monthly.
Brackenrich, Justin and Sjoerd W. Duiker. 2018. Avoid Overgrazing Your Pastures. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/avoid-overgrazing-your-pastures
Duiker, Sjoerd W. 2019. Cropping Options After Small Grain Harvest - Instead of leaving the land fallow after small grains, double crop soybeans, plant cover crops, or plant annual forages for grazing to improve your operation. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/cropping-options-after-small-grain-harvest 1 p.
Duiker, Sjoerd W. and Jessica A. Williamson. 2019.. Extending the Grazing Season with Plant Diversity,Agronomy Facts 79. Pennsylvania State University. As a PDF, 6 p. https://extension.psu.edu/extending-the-grazing-season-with-plant-diversity
Duiker, Sjoerd W. 2018. Grazing Crop Residues and Cover Crops. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/grazing-crop-residues-and-cover-crops
Duiker, Sjoerd W. 2019. Grazing Management to Avoid Soil Compaction. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/grazing-management-to-avoid-soil-compaction
Duiker, Sjoerd W. and Jessica A. Williamson. 2018. Integrating Grazing in No-Till Systems on a Grain Farm. As a PDF, 6 p. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/integrating-grazing-in-no-till-systems-on-a-grain-farm
Duiker, Sjoerd W., Wilson, D. O., and J. A. Williamson. 2018. No-Till Annuals to Beat the Summer Slump on a Dairy Farm. Pennsylvania State University. As a PDF, 4 p. https://extension.psu.edu/no-till-annuals-to-beat-the-summer-slump-on-a-dairy-farm
Duiker, Sjoerd W. 2018. Soil Compaction When Grazing in a Wet Summer. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/soil-compaction-when-grazing-in-a-wet-summer
Firrman, J., Liu, L.S., Van Den Abbeele, P., Tanes, C., Bittinger, K., Tomasula, P.M.2019. Applying in vitro culturing technology to establish and evaluate the human gut microbiota. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 144:1-12. https://doi.org/10.3791/59054.
Firrman, J., Liu, L.S., Arango Argoty, G., Zhang, L., Tomasula, P.M., Wang, M., Pontious, S., Kobori, M., Xiao, W. 2018. Analysis of temporal changes in growth and gene expression for commensal gut microbes in response to the polyphenol naringenin. Microbial Insights. 11:1-12. https://doi.org/10.1177/1178636118775100.
Gilker, R. and K. Voth. 2018-2019. On PastureWebsite. Published weekly. At: On Pasture,4435 E San Carlos Place N, Tucson, AZ 85712. R. Gilker is a Northeast Pasture Consortium member from NY. https://onpasture.com/
Gonet, J.M., Goslee, S.C. 2019. Understanding agricultural species distributions in the greenhouse, field, and landscape[abstract]. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. p. 1.
Gonet, J.M., Goslee, S.C. 2019. Let it snow! Snow cover reduces freezing mortality in perennial ryegrass[abstract]. Northeast Pasture Consortium Annual Meeting Proceedings. p. 1.
Gonet, J.M., Goslee, S.C. 2018. Seedling identification guide for northeast pastures. Northeast Pasture Consortium Annual Meeting Proceedings. P. 1.
Goossen, C.P., J. Kraft, and S.C. Bosworth. 2018. Fatty acids decrease in pearl millet forage from relative increases of pseudostem. Agric. Environ. Lett. 3:180016. doi:10.2134/ael2018.03.001 https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/ael/pdfs/3/1/180016?search-result=1
Goossen, C.P., Bosworth, S.C., Darby, H.M., Kraft, J. 2018. Microwave pretreatment allows accurate fatty acid analysis of small fresh weight (100x202f;g) dried alfalfa, ryegrass, and winter rye samples. Animal Feed Science and Technology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2018.02.014
Guindon, Casey. 2019. Spring Fertility Management in Grass Forages - Early spring is the time to make the most of the flush of growth from our cool-season pastures and hayfields. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/spring-fertility-management-in-grass-forages
Hashemi, M., Corcoran, S., and Stephen Herbert. 2017. Reseeding pastures and hay fields. As a PDF, 5 p. University of Massachusetts. https://ag.umass.edu/crops-dairy-livestock-equine/fact-sheets/reseeding-pastures-hayfields-17-01 (Not reported earlier)
Hoffman, K. 2018-2019. NYGC Grazette Newsletter. NY Grazinglands Coalition. Published monthly. To subscribe contact: karen.hoffman2@ny.usda.gov
Liu, L.S., Firrman, J., Tanes, C., Bittinger, K., Thomas-Gahring, A.E., Wu, G.D., Van Den Abbeel, P., Tomasula, P.M.2018. Establishing a mucosal gut microbial community in vitro using an artificial simulator. PLoS One. 13(7):1-20. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0197692.
Meader, Joyce. 2018. Milkweed Toxicity to Livestock. In Milkweed Asclepias. As a PDF, p.5 of 5. UConn Home & Garden Education Center. http://www.ladybug.uconn.edu/FactSheets/asclepias-milkweeds.php
Rayburn, E. B., Shaffer, K., and M. Minch. 2018. Forage and Livestock Management after a Flood. ANRPub#16-255. West Virginia University.https://extension.wvu.edu/agriculture/pasture-hay-forage/flooded
Rotz, C.A. 2018. Whole-farm dynamics of forage and grazinglands in a changing climate[abstract]. Agronomy Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America Meeting. 1.
Rotz, C.A., Asem-Hiablie, S., Place, S., Thoma, G. 2019. A national assessment of the environmental impacts of beef cattle production. Waste to Worth Conference, April 22-26,2019,Minneapolis,Minnesota. p. 1.
Rotz, C.A., Asem-Hiablie, S., Place, S., Thoma, G. 2018. An environmental assessment of beef cattle production in the United States. American Society of Animal Science. P.1.
Rotz, C.A., Hristov, A. 2019. Are our cattle causing an increase in global warming? National Cattlemen’s Beef Association Annual Meeting. P. 1.
Rotz, C.A., Hristov, A. 2019. Are our cattle causing an increase in global warming[abstract]? Northeast Pasture Consortium Annual Meeting Proceedings. p. 1.
Asem-Hiablie, S., Rotz, C.A., Battagliese, T., Stackhouse-Lawson, K. 2018. A life cycle assessment of the environmental impacts of beef in the united states. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 1-15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-018-1464-6.
Asem-Hiablie, S., Rotz, C.A., Stout, R.C., Place, S.E. 2018. Management characteristics of beef cattle production in the eastern United States. Professional Animal Scientist. 34(4):311-325. https://doi.org/10.15232/pas.2018-01728
Castano-Sanchez, J.P., Rotz, C.A., Karsten, H.D.2018. Elevated atmospheric CO2 effects on dairy crops in the Northeast US: comparing IFSM and DSSAT models to FACE data. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting Abstracts. P. 1.
Cordeiro, M.R., Rotz, C.A., Kroebel, R., Beauchemin, K., Hunt, D., Bittman, S., Koenig, K.M., McKenzie, D.B. 2019. Prospects of increased dairy farm forage production under climate and land-use changes in Newfoundland, Canada. Agricultural Systems.9(1):2-20. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/agronomy9010031.
Gunn, K.M., Holly, M.A., Veith, T.L.,Buda, A.R., Prasad, R., Rotz, C.A., Soder, K.J., Stoner, A. 2019. Projected heat stress challenges and abatement opportunities for U.S. milk production. PLoS One.14(3):1-21. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0214665.
Veltman, K., Rotz, C.A., Chase, L., Cooper, J., Forest, C., Ingraham, P., Izaurralde, R., Jones, C.D., Nicholas, R., Ruark, M., Salas, W., Thoma, G., Jolliet, O. 2019. Environmental impacts of dairy production systems in the changing climate of the Northeast. Waste to Worth Conference, April 22-26,Minneapolis,Minnesota. p. 1.
Soder, K.J., Heins, B., Chester-Jones, H., Hafla, A., Rubano, M. 2018. Evaluation of sprouted barley fodder production systems on organic dairy farms in temperate regions of the United States. Proceedings of International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. P. 1.
Billman, E.D., Dillard, S.L.,Soder, K.J.2019. Forage brassicas: extending the grazing season with an alternative forage[abstract]. Extension Fact Sheets. p. 1.
Dillard, L., Hancock, D.W., Harmon, D.N., Mullinex, K.M., Beck, P.A., Soder, K.J. 2018. Animal performance and environmental efficiency of cool-and warm-season annual grazing systems. Journal of Animal Science.96:3491-3502. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky025
Dillard, L., Roca-Fernandez, A., Rubano, M., Elkin, K.R., Soder, K.J.2018. Enteric methane production and ruminal fermentation of forage brassica diets fed in continuous culture. Journal of Animal Science. 96:1362-1374. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky030.
Galvao Jr, J., Rangel, A., Brito, A., Silva, J., Fay Benson, A., Hafla, A., Darby, H., Soder, K.J., Kersbergen, R., Brossillon, V. 2018. Using milk somatic cell score to predict of milk yield losses of organic dairy farms in the Northeast United States. American Dairy Science Association Abstracts. P. 1
Hafla, A., Soder, K.J.,Brito, A., Kersbergen, R., Benson, F., Darby, H., Rubano, M., Dillard, L., Kraft, J., Reis, S. 2018. Impacts of seasonal variation and winter supplementation of ground whole flaxseed on milk fatty acid composition of organic dairy cows in the northeastern United States. Professional Animal Scientist. 34:397-409.
University of Rhode Island. 2018-2019. Northeast Small Ruminant Parasite Control website. https://web.uri.edu/sheepngoat/
University of Rhode Island. 2018-2019. Forage-based Parasite Control In Sheep and Goats In the Northeast U.S. https://web.uri.edu/sheepngoat/orei/
University of Rhode Island. 2018-2019. New Approaches for Improving Integrated Parasite Control Strategies for Small Ruminants in the Northeast. https://web.uri.edu/sheepngoat/parasite-control/
Williamson, Jessica A., and Casey Guindon. 2019. Annual Forage Alternatives to Corn Silage - Continued wet weather in many parts of the state has delayed corn planting. Take a look at some annual crops that may help to fill in your forage gap this year.. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/annual-forage-alternatives-to-corn-silage 1 p.
Williamson, Jessica A. and Marvin Hall. 2018. Fall Forage Establishment. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/fall-forage-establishment
Williamson, Jessica A., Lingenfelter, D., and Duiker, S. W. 2019. Grazing Cover Crops Prior to Planting Corn. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/grazing-cover-crops-prior-to-planting-corn
Williamson, Jessica A. 2018. Grazing Residue Height Matters. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/grazing-residue-height-matters
Williamson, Jessica A. 2019. Selecting the Correct Forage Species. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/selecting-the-correct-forage-species
Felix, Tara L. and, Jessica A. Williamson. 2019. Ruminant Nutrition. Series of 3 videos – A Symbiotic Relationship, Forage Quality, and Species and Forage Management. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/ruminant-nutrition
Freitas, Tiago B., Jessica A. Williamson, and Tara L. Felix. 2018. Grazing Corn Stalks with Beef Cattle. Pennsylvania State University. As a PDF, 3 p. https://extension.psu.edu/grazing-corn-stalks-with-beef-cattle
Names in bold are Northeast Pasture Consortium members as contributing authors. Publications listed in alphabetical order by principal author.
Antaya, N., Ghelichkhan, M., Pereira, A., Soder, K.J., Brito, A. 2019. Production, milk iodine, and nutrient utilization in Jersey cows supplemented with the brown seaweed ascophyllum nodosum (kelp meal) during the grazing season. Journal of Dairy Science.102(9):8040-8058. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2019-16478.
Billman, E.D., Andreen, D.M., Williamson, J. 2019. Choosing a grazing system: Mob vs. rotational. Progressive Forage Grower. Pg 1.
Billman, E.D., Andreen, D.M., Williamson, J., Soder, K.J. 2019. Mob or rotational grazing for pastures[abstract]. Extension Fact Sheets. P. 1.
Billman, E.D., Dillard, L.S., Soder, K.J. 2019. Brassicas as an alternative forage in the northeastern United States[abstract]. Journal of Animal Science. P. 1.
Bishopp, Troy. 2019-2020. The Grass Whisperer Website. At http://thegrasswhisperer.com/. Most recent articles appear on page 1. At the bottom of the screen (be sure to scroll down to the very bottom), click on page number to see other articles on pasture management thoughts Troy has and events Troy has attended. Always entertaining and educational..
Bishopp, Troy. 2019-2020. Troy Bishopp The Grass Whisperer - YouTube. At https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHb5NB0n96jZIrODQ89S7bQ/videos
Bishopp, Troy. 2019-2020. Troy Bishopp – On Pasture. At https://onpasture.com/author/troy-bishopp/
Brackenrich, Justin, Nicole Santangelo, Jessica A. Williamson, Ph.D., and David Hartman. 2020. Care and Condition of Sacrifice Areas. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/care-and-condition-of-sacrifice-areas
Brito, Andre and Silva, LHP. 2019. Symposium review: Comparisons of feed and milk nitrogen efficiency and carbon emissions in organic versus conventional dairy production systems. (abstract) Journal of Dairy Science. [Online ahead of print] DOI: 10.3168/jds.2019-17232.
Colby, J., K. Hagen, J.P. Alvez, C. Herrick. 2019-2020. Vermont Pasture Network Calendar. On-line. Monthly.
Dillon, J., Rotz, C.A., Karsten, H.D. 2019. Eco-efficiency of Northeast U.S. grass-fed beef systems. American Society of Animal Science Proceedings[abstract]. P. 1.
Firrman, J., Liu, L.S., Van Den Abbeele, P., Tanes, C., Bittinger, K., Tomasula, P.M. 2019. Applying in vitro culturing technology to establish and evaluate the human gut microbiota. Journal of Visualized Experiments. 144:1-12. https://doi.org/10.3791/59054.
Firrman, J., Tanes, C., Bittinger, K., Mahalak, K.K., Rinaldi, W., Liu, L.S. 2019. Metagenomic assessment of the Cebus Apella gut microbiota. American Journal of Primatology. https://doi.org/10.1002/ajp.23023.
Flack, Sarah. 2019. Rotational Grazing Tips with Sarah Flack (e.111). The Ruminant Farm Blog & Podcast Archives. At http://www.theruminant.ca/blog/2019/6/18/rotational-grazing-tips-with-sarah-flack-e111?fbclid=IwAR2sZ
Flack, Sarah. 2020. Three part webinar series - Part one is an introduction to grazing management from the plants perspective. Part two is looking at grazing systems from the livestock perspective. Part three is the grazier’s tool box – putting it all together. At http://www.sarahflackconsulting.com/publications-and-video/videos/
Gilker, R. and K. Voth. 2019-2020. On Pasture Website. Published weekly on-line. At: On Pasture, 4435 E San Carlos Place N, Tucson, AZ 85712. R. Gilker is a Northeast Pasture Consortium member from NY. https://onpasture.com/
Goslee, S.C. 2019. Drivers of agricultural diversity in the continental United States[abstract]. US-International Association for Landscape Ecology. p. 1.
Grev, Amanda. 2019. Stockpiling Pasture for Fall and Winter Grazing. Maryland Agronomy News. http://blog.umd.edu/agronomynews/author/agrev/
Hartman, David. 2019. Preventing Pasture Damage During Prolonged Periods of Wet Weather. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/preventing-pasture-damage-during-prolonged-periods-of-wet-weather
Hoffman, K. 2019-2020. NYGC Grazette Newsletter. NY Grazinglands Coalition. Published monthly. To subscribe contact: karen.hoffman2@ny.usda.gov
Ma, L., Derner, J.D., Harmel, R.D., Tatarko, J., Moore, A., Rotz, C.A., Augustine, D.J., Boone, R., Coughenour, M. 2019. Application of grazing land models in ecosystem management: Current status and next frontiers. Advances in Agronomy. 158:173-216.https://doi.org/10.1016/bs.agron.2019.07.003
Pereira, ABD, Moura, DC, Whitehouse, Nancy, Brito, Andre. 2020. Production and nitrogen metabolism in lactating dairy cows fed finely ground field pea plus soybean meal or canola meal with or without rumen-protected methionine supplementation. Journal of Dairy Science. [Online ahead of print] DOI: 10.3168/jds.2019-17186.
Ranck, E., Holden, L., Soder, K.J., Dillon, J., Rotz, C.A. 2019. Use of the integrated farm system model to determine economic and environmental impacts of double cropping winter annuals with corn[abstract]. American Dairy Science Association Proceedings. P. 1.
Roca-Fernandez, A., Dillard, L., Soder, K.J. 2019. Ruminal fermentation and enteric methane production of legumes containing condensed tannins fed in continuous culture[abstract]. Advances in Animal Biosciences. 10(3):520.
Rotz, C.A., Hristov, A. 2019. Are our cows causing an increase in global warming? Hoard's Dairyman. P. 398-399.
University of Rhode Island. 2019. Effects of feeding birdsfoot trefoil on parasite control, nutritional status & profitability. https://web.uri.edu/sheepngoat/orgbft/ (Print version available at this URL.)
University of Rhode Island. 2019-2020. Northeast Small Ruminant Parasite Control website. https://web.uri.edu/sheepngoat/parasite-control/
University of Rhode Island. 2019-2020. Forage-based Parasite Control In Sheep and Goats In the Northeast U.S. https://web.uri.edu/sheepngoat/orei/
Van Hekken, D.L., Renye Jr, J.A., Bucci, A.J., Tomasula, P.M. 2019. Characterization of the physical, microbiological, and chemical properties of sonicated raw bovine milk. Journal of Dairy Science. 102:6928-6942. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2018-15775.
Williamson, Jessica A. and Sjoerd Willem Duiker. 2019. Changes to Grazing Management in Late Summer and Early Fall. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/changes-to-grazing-management-in-late-summer-and-early-fall
Williamson, J., Soder, K.J., Andreen, D.M. 2019. Interseeding forage crops into corn[abstract]. Extension Fact Sheets. P. 1.
Williamson, Jessica A. 2019. Reducing Pasture Damage During Winter Feeding. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/reducing-pasture-damage-during-winter-feeding
Williamson, Jessica A. 2019. Reducing the Risk of Nitrate and Prussic Acid Poisoning in Livestock. Pennsylvania State University.https://extension.psu.edu/reducing-the-risk-of-nitrate-and-prussic-acid-poisoning-in-livestock
Williamson, Jessica A. 2019. Seeding Perennial Forages: Restoration / Renovation of Pastures and Hay Fields. Pennsylvania State University. https://extension.psu.edu/seeding-perennial-forages-restoration-renovation-of-pastures-and-hay-fields