NCERA_old180: Precision Agriculture Technologies for Food, Fiber, and Energy Production
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Arriaga, F. J., S. P. Conley, B. M. Jensen, C. A.M. Laboski, J. G. Lauer, B. D. Luck, P. D. Mitchell, and D. L. Smith. 2017. Grain Management Considerations in Low-Margin Years. University of Wisconsin Extension Learning Store Article # A4137.
Barocco, R., W. S. Lee, and G. Hortman. 2017. Yield mapping hardware components for grains and cotton using on-the-go monitoring systems. UF/IFAS EDIS AE518. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/ae518.
Choi, D., W. S. Lee, J. K. Schueller, R. Ehsani, F. Roka and J. Diamond. 2017. A performance comparison of RGB, NIR, and depth images in immature citrus detection using deep learning algorithms for yield prediction. ASABE Paper No. 1700076. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Colley III, R.T. J.P. Fulton, S.S. Virk, and E. Hawkins. 2017. Dry Fertilizer Distribution Uniformity of Two Sources when Applying with VRT Spinner-disc Spreader. In Proceedings of ASABE AIM 2017, Spokane, WA. Paper No. 1700094.
Dix, P. D. Flippo and A. Sharda. 2017. An Innovative Approach to Aphid Mitigation. IOSR Journal of Agriculture and Veterinary Science. 10(7): 30-33.
Drewry, J. L., C. Y. Choi, J. M. Powell, and B. D. Luck. 2017. Computational model of methane and ammonia emissions from dairy barns: Development and validation. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. In Press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2017.07.012
Drewry, J. L., M. R. Mondaca, B. D. Luck, C. Y. Choi. 2017. A computational fluid dynamics model of biological heat and gaseous generation in a dairy holding area. Transactions of the ASABE. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.12394. Accepted and In Press.
Dudenhoeffer, N. E., Luck, B. D., Digman, M. F., & Drewry, J. L. (2017). Simulation of the forage harvest cycle for asset allocation. In press. DOI: 10.13031/aea.12619
Ferraretto, L. F., R. D. Shaver, and B. D. Luck. 2017. Silage review: Recent advances and future technologies for whole-plant and fractionated corn silage harvesting. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2017-13728. Accepted and In Press.
Gan, H., W. S. Lee, and V. Alchanatis. 2017. Development of a prototype of an immature citrus fruit yield mapping system. ASABE Paper No. 1700164. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Geomar, M. Corassa,* T. J. C. Amado, T. Liska, A. Sharda, J. Fulton, and I. A. Ciampitti. 2018. Planter technology to reduce double-planted areas and improve corn and soybean yields. Agronomy Journal. 110(1). doi:10.2134/agronj2017.07.0380
Griffin, T.W., Miller, N.J., Bergtold, J., Shanoyan, A., Sharda, A., and Ciampitti, I.A. 2017. Farm’s Sequence of Adoption of Information-Intensive Precision Agricultural Technology. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 33(4): 521-527. http://doi.org/10.13031/aea.12228.
Harmon, J. D. and B. D. Luck. 2017. A case study of a commercial dairy and a custom harvest operation to evaluate forage harvest efficiency. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Spokane, WA.
Harmon, J. D., Luck, B. D., Shinners, K. J., Anex, R. P., & Drewry, J. L. (2017). Time–motion analysis of forage harvest: A case study. In press. DOI: 10.13031/trans.12484
Hawkins, E., J.P. Fulton, and K. Port. 2017. ANR-8: Tips for Calibrating Grain Yield Monitors—Maximizing Value of Your Yield Data. The Ohio State University Extension, Columbus, Ohio. 8pp. https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/anr-8
Hawkins, E., J.P. Fulton, and K. Port. 2017. FABE-565-16: Using Soil Electrical Conductivity (EC) to Delineate Field Variation. The Ohio State University Extension, Columbus, Ohio. 9pp. http://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/fabe-565.
Khanal, S., J.P. Fulton, and S.A. Shearer. 2017. An overview of current and potential applications of thermal remote sensing in precision agriculture. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 139(15June2017): 22-32.
Khanal, S., J.P. Fulton, E. Hawkins, K. Port and A. Klopfenstein. 2017. FABE-554.1: Remote Sensing in Precision Agriculture: Best Management Practices for Addressing Challenges with Imagery Quality. The Ohio State University Extension, Columbus, Ohio. 7pp. http://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/fabe-5541
Khedher Agha, M. K., R. A. Bucklin, W. S. Lee, R. W. Mankin, and A. R. Blount. 2017. Effect of drying conditions on triticale seed germination and weevil infestation. Trans. ASABE 60(2): 571-575.
Khedher Agha, M. K., W. S. Lee, C. Wang, R. W. Mankin, A. R. Blount, R. A. Bucklin, and N. Bliznyuk. 2017. Detection and prediction of Sitophilus oryzae infestations in triticale via visible and near infrared spectral signatures. Journal of Stored Products Research 72: 1-10.
Khosla, R. and L. Longchamps. 2017. Precision Maize cultivation. In. Achieving sustainable cultivation of maize Vol 2: Cultivation techniques, pest and disease control. D. Watson (ed) In press
Kleinman, P.J.A., A. R. Buda, A. N. Sharpley and R. Khosla. 2017. Elements of Precision Manure Management. In Precision Conservation. J. Delgado (ed) doi:10.2134/agronmonogr59.2013.0023
Lal, R., A. Sharda and P. Prabhakar. 2017. Optimal Multi-robot Path Planning for Pesticide Spraying in Agricultural Fields. 56th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2017.
Luck, B. D., J. D. Davis, J. L. Purswell, A. S. Kiess, and S. J. Hoff. 2017. Assessing the effect of house size and design on air velocity distribution in commercial broiler houses. Transactions of the ASABE 60(4): 1313-1323
Luck, B. D., J. L. Drewry, J. W. Nelson. 2017. Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (Drones): What you need to know for use in Agriculture. University of Wisconsin Extension Learning Store. In Press.
Luck, B. D.. 2017. Calibrate Your Yield Monitor for Greater Accuracy During Harvest. UW Extension Learning Store Publication. University of Wisconsin Extension Learning Store Article #A4146.
Mangus, D., A. Sharda, A. Engelhardt, D. Flippo, R. Strasser, J. D. Luck and T. Griffin. 2017. Analyzing the nozzle spray fan pattern on an agricultural sprayer using pulse width modulation technology to generate an on-ground coverage map. Trans. Of ASABE. 60(2):315-325.
Mangus, D., A. Sharda, D. Flippo, R. Strasser, and T. Griffin. 2017. Development of high speed camera hardware and software package to evaluate real-time electric seed meter accuracy of a variable rate planter. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 142: 314-325. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2017.09.014
Mizuta, K., S. Grunwald, C. M. Clingensmith, G. M. Vasques, W. S. Lee, M. A. Phillips, W. P. Cropper, X. Xiong, B. D. Myers. Novel Pedometrics-Econometrics Modeling Using VNIR spectroscopy: developing soil carbon sequestration capability index. Soil Science Society of America, October
Mizuta, K., S. Grunwald, C. M. Clingensmith, W. P. Cropper, W. S. Lee, G. M. Vasques, M. A. Phillips, W. G.Harris, B. M. Myers, and X. Xiong. Modeling pedo-econimetric carbon scores with VNIR spectroscopy. Poster Presentation in Pedometrics 2017, June 26-July 1, 2017, Wageningen, Netherlands.
Pengmin, P., T. McDonald, J.P. Fulton, B. Via, and J.Hung. 2017. Simultaneous moisture content and mass flow measurements in wood chip flows using coupled dielectric and impact sensors. Sensors in Agriculture and Forestry. Sensors 2017, 17(1), 20.
Pourreza, A., W. S. Lee, E. Czarnecka, L. Verner, and W. Gurley. 2017. Feasibility of using the optical sensing techniques for early detection of Huanglongbing in citrus seedlings. Robotics 6(11). Doi:10.3390/robotics6020011.
Qiang Cao, Y. Miao, G Feng, X. Gao, B. Liua, Y. Liu, F. Lie, R. Khosla, D. J. Mulla, F. Zhang. 2017. Improving nitrogen use efficiency with minimal environmental risks using an active canopy sensor in a wheat-maize cropping system. Field Crops Research 214 (2017) 365–372
Queiroz, D. M., W. S. Lee, J. K. Schueller, and E. D. T. Santos. Development and test of a low cost portable soil apparent electrical conductivity sensor using a Beaglebone Black. ASABE Paper No. 1700062. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Sebastian Varela, Y. Assefa, P. V. Vara Prasad, N. R. Peralta, T. W. Griffin, A. Sharda, A. Ferguson, I. A. Ciampitti. 2017. Spatio-temporal evaluation of plant height in corn via unmanned aerial systems. J. Appl. Remote Sens. 11(3), 036013 (2017). http://doi.org/10.1117/1.JRS.11.036013.
Seigfried, J, R. Khosla, and L. Longchamps. 2017. Infrared thermometry to quantify in-field soil moisture variability. J. of Crop Improvement Vol. 31 (1) 2017
Sharda, A., L. Haag, T.Griffin, J.P. Fulton, S. Badua, and I. Ciampitti. 2017. Planter downforce system for seed depth uniformity. K-State Research and Extension. MF3331. https://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/MF3331.pdf
Shuaibu, M., W. S. Lee, Y. K. Hong, and S. Kim. 2017. Detection of apple Marssonina blotch disease using particle swarm optimization. Trans. ASABE 60(2): 303-312.
Virk, S.S., J.P. Fulton, W.M. Porter and G.L. Pate. 2017. Field Validation of Seed Meter Performance at Varying Seeding Rates and Ground Speeds. In Proceedings of ASABE AIM 2017, Spokane, WA. Pages 1-9.
Arriaga, F. J., B. D. Luck, and G. Slemering. 2018. Managing soil compaction at planting and harvest. University of Wisconsin Extension Learning Store. Article # A4158.
Barker, J. B., Franz, T. E., Heeren, D. M., Neale, C. M. U., Luck, J. (2017). Soil moisture monitoring for irrigation management: a geostatistical analysis. Agricultural Water Management, 188(2017), 36-49.
Coble, K., Ferrell, S.L., Mishra, A., and Griffin, T.W. 2018. Big Data in Agriculture: A Challenge for the Future. Applied Economics Perspectives and Policy, 40(1):79–96.
de Lara, A, R. Khosla, L. Longchamps. 2018. Characterizing spatial variability in soil water content for precision irrigation management. J. Agron.
Drewry, J. L., B. D. Luck, J. M. Shutske, and D Trechter. 2018. Quantifying agricultural data generation on Wisconsin farms: A case study. Paper # 1800897. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI.
Drewry, J. L., B. D. Luck, R. Willett, E. Rocha, and J. D. Harmon. 2018. Assessing kernel processing score of harvested and processed corn silage via image processing techniques. Paper # 1800888. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI.
Dudenhoeffer, N. E., B. D. Luck, M. F. Digman, and J. L. Drewry. 2018. Technical Note: Simulation of the forage harvest cycle for asset allocation. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 34(2): 327-334. https://doi.org/10.13031/aea.12619/.
Ferguson, R. B., Luck, J., Thompson, L. J., Parrish, J. D., Crowther, J. D., Mieno, T., Glewen, K., Krienke, B., Krull, D., Mueller, N. M., Ingram, T., Shaver, T. M. (2017). Crop caopy Sensor use with irrigated maize: profit and environmental impacts. (pp. 6). Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. Status: Published
Ferguson, R., Luck, J., Stevens, R. H. (2017). Chapter 9: Developing prescriptive soil nutrient maps. Madison, WI: Practical Mathematics for Precision Agriculture. ASA/CSSA/SSSA. Status: Published
Gan, H., W.S. Lee, and V. Alchanatis. 2018. A photogrammetry-based image registration method for multi-camera systems - with applications in images of a tree crop. Biosystems Engineering 174: 89-106.
Gan, H., W.S. Lee, V. Alchanatis, R. Ehsani, and J. K. Schueller. 2018. Immature green citrus fruit detection using color and thermal images. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 152: 117-125.
Griffin, T.W. 2010. The Spatial Analysis of Yield Data. In M. Oliver (Ed.) Geostatistical Applications for Precision Agriculture. Springer. 295p.
Harmon, J. D., B. D. Luck, K. J. Shinners, R. P. Anex, and J. L. Drewry. 2018. Time-motion analysis of forage harvest: A case study. Transactions of the ASABE 62(2): 483-491. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.12484/.
Kim, D.-W., H. S. Yun, S.-J. Jeong, Y.-S. Kwon, S.-G. Kim, W. S. Lee, and H.-J. Kim. 2018. Modeling and testing of growth status for Chinese cabbage and white radish with UAV-based RGB imagery. Remote Sens. 10(4): 563. https://doi.org/10.3390/rs10040563.
Lo, T. H., Heeren, D. M., Mateos, L., Luck, J., Martin, D. L., Miller, K. A., Barker, J. B., Shaver, T. M. (2017). Field characterization of root zone available water holding capacity for variable rate irrigation. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 33(4), 559-572.
Lu, J., W. S. Lee, H. Gan, and X. Hu. 2018. Immature citrus fruit detection based on local binary pattern feature and hierarchical contour analysis. Biosystems Engineering 171: 78-90.
Luck, B. D., J. L. Drewry, E. Chasen, S. Steffan. 2018. Unmanned aerial systems and remote sensing for cranberry production. 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture. Montreal, Quebec, Ca.
Luck, B. D., N. Dudenhoeffer, M. F. Digman, J. L. Drewry. 2018. Simulation of the forage harvest cycle for asset allocation. Paper # 1800523. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI.
Miller, N.J., Griffin, T.W., Ciampitti, I., and Sharda, A. forthcoming Farm Adoption of Embodied Knowledge and Information Intensive Precision Agriculture Technology Bundles. Precision Agriculture https://rdcu.be/6LvT
Seigfried, J, R. Khosla, L. Longchamps. 2018. Multispectral satellite imagery to quantify in-field soil moisture variability. J. Soil Water Conserv.
Shearer, C. A., Luck, J., Evans, J. T. (2017). Development of a sprayer performance diagnostic tool for better management practices of in-field spraying operations. (pp. 6). Proceedings of the 75th International Conference on Agricultural Engineering. Status: Published
Shimwela, M. M., Schubert, T. S., Albritton, M., Halbert, S. E., Jones, D. J., Sun, X., Roberts, P. D., Singer, B. H., Lee, W. S., Jones, J. B., Ploetz, R. C., and van Bruggen A. H. C. 2018. Regional spatial-temporal spread of citrus huanglongbing is affected by rain in Florida. Phytopathology. http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-03-18-0088-R.
Shuaibu, M., W. S. Lee, J. K. Schueller, P. Gader, Y. K. Hong, and S. Kim. 2018. Unsupervised hyperspectral band selection for apple Marssonina blotch detection. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 148: 45-53.
Shutske, J. M., D. Trechter, B. D. Luck, J. L. Drewry, M. J. DeWitte, L. Pitman, and M. Kluz. 2018. Assessment of digital capacity, needs and access barriers among crop, dairy, and livestock producers. Paper # 1801320. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Detroit, MI.
Torquebiau, E., C., Rosenzweig, A.M. Chatrchyan, N. Andrieu, and R. Khosla 2018. Identifying Climate-Smart Agriculture Research Needs. J. Cahiers Agricultures (France).
Varela, S., Dhodda, P., Hsu, W.H., Prasad, P.V.V., Assefa, Y., Peralta, N.R., Griffin, T., Sharda, A., Ferguson, A., and Ciampitti, I.A. 2018. Early-Season Stand Count Determination in Corn via Integration of Imagery from Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) and Supervised Learning Techniques. Remote Sensing, 10, 343.
Wang, C., W. S. Lee, X. Zou, D. Choi, H. Gan, and J. Diamond. 2018. Detection and counting of immature green citrus fruit based on the Local Binary Patterns (LBP) feature using illumination-normalized images. Precision Agriculture Doi: 10.1007/s11118-018-9574-5.
Wilson, G., Laacouri, A., Galzki, J. and Mulla, D. 2017. Impacts of Variable Rate Nitrogen (VRN) on Nitrate-N Losses from Tile Drained Maize in Minnesota, USA. Advances in Animal Biosciences, 8(2): 317-321.
Zhang, Y., M. Li, L. Zheng, Q. Qin, W. S. Lee. 2018. Spectral features extraction for estimation of soil total nitrogen content based on modified ant colony optimization algorithm. Geoderma 333: 23-34.
Zhang, Y., W. S. Lee, M. Li, L. Zheng, M. A. Ritenour. 2018. Non-destructive recognition and classification of citrus fruit blemishes based on ant colony optimized spectral information. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 143: 119-128.
Barnes, E.M., Hake, K., Griffin, T.W., Rains, G.C., Maja, J.M.J., Thomasson, J.A., Griffin, J.A., Pelletier, M.G., Kimura, E., Morgan, G., Devine, J., Ibendahl, G. and Ayre, B.G. 2019. Initial Possibilities for Robotic Cotton Harvest. Beltwide Cotton Conference, New Orleans, LA
Griffin, T.W., Ibendahl, G., Regmi, M., Barnes, E., Devine, J., Cullop, J., Griffin, T.G. 2019. Optimal Robotic Utilization for Cotton Production. Beltwide Cotton Conference, New Orleans, LA. January 8, 2019.
Barnes, E.M., Ryan Kurtz, Jesse Daystar, John Wanjura, Jason Ward, Bobby Hardin, Kendall Kirk, Wes Porter. (2019). Capturing More Value from Cotton Data. Cotton Cultivated. https://cottoncultivated.cottoninc.com/research_reports/capturing-value-from-cotton-data/
Bhusal, S., K. Khanal, S. Goel, M. Taylor and M. Karkee. 2019. Bird Deterrence in a Vineyard using an Unmanned Aerial System (UAS). Transactions of the ASABE; 62(2): 561-569.
Chakraborty, M., L. R. Khot, S. Sankaran and P. Jacoby. 2019. Evaluation of mobile 3D light detection and ranging based canopy mapping system for tree fruit crops. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture,158: 284-293. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.02.012
Chakraborty, M., L. R. Khot and R. T. Peters. 2019. Assessing suitability of modified center pivot irrigation systems in corn production using low altitude aerial imaging techniques. Information Processing in Agriculture, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inpa.2019.06.001
Chandel, A., L. R. Khot, Y. Osroosh and R. T. Peters. 2018. Thermal-RGB imager derived in-field apple surface temperature estimates for sunburn management. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 253-254: 132-140. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.agrformet.2018.02.013
Chen, Y., W. S. Lee, H. Gan, N. Peres, C. Fraisse, Y. Zhang, and Y. He. 2019. Strawberry yield prediction based on a deep neural network using high-resolution aerial orthoimages. Remote Sensing, 11: 1584. Doi:10.3390/rs11131584.
Cordero, E., Longchamps, L., Sacco, D., and Khosla, R. 2019. Spatial management strategies for nitrogen in maize production based on soil and crop data. Science of the Total Environment Journal. STOTEN.
Cullop, J., Ibendahl, G., Shockley, J., Barnes, E., Devine, J., & Griffin, T.W. 2018. Economics of Swarm Bot Profitability for Cotton Harvesting. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Precision Agriculture (unpaginated, online). Monticello, IL: International Society of Precision Agriculture.
De Lara, A, R. Khosla, L. Longchamps. 2019. Soil water content and high resolution imagery: Maize yield. J. Agron.
Drewry, J. L., B. D. Luck, R. M. Willett, E. M. C. Rocha, and J. D. Harmon, 2018. Assessing particle size distribution of harvested and processed corn silage via image processing techniques. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture160: 144-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.03.020
Drewry, J. L., J. M. Shutske, D. Trechter, B. D. Luck, L. Pitman. 2019. Assessment of digital technology adoption and access barriers among crop, dairy and livestock producers in Wisconsin. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 165: 104960. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.104960
Ellixson, A., Griffin, T.W., Ferrell, S.L., and Goeringer, L.P. 2019. Legal and Economic Implications of Farm Data: Ownership and Possible Protections. Drake Journal of Agricultural Law. 24(2)
Ferrell, S.L. and Griffin, T.W. 2018. Managing Farm Risk Using Big Data: A guide to understanding the opportunities and challenges of agricultural data for your farm. Handbook sponsored by USDA NIFA RME http://agecon.okstate.edu/farmdata/
Finkenbiner, C., T.E. Franz, J. Gibson, D.M. Heeren, and J.D. Luck. 2018. Integration of hydrogeophysical datasets and empirical orthogonal functions for improved irrigation water management. Precision Agric. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-018-9582-5 (Contribution 10%)
Griffin, T.W., and Yeager, E.A. 2019. How quickly do farmers adopt technology? A duration analysis. Precision agriculture ’19. Ed. J.V. Stafford. 12th European Conference on Precision Agriculture. pp 843-849 https://doi.org/10.3920/978-90-8686-888-9_104
Griffin, T.W., Yeager, E.A., and Ibendahl, G. Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technology. International Farm Management Congress
Griffin, T.W., Shanoyan, A., Yeager, B.A., and Ibendahl, G. 2019. Agricultural Technology Adoption Path of Kansas Farms AIM American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Boston, MA July 7-10, 2019
Griffin, T.W., Ibendahl, G., Barnes, E., and Devine, J. 2019. Optimal utilization of autonomous robotics for cotton harvest: how slow can we go? AIM American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers Boston, MA July 7-10, 2019
Griffin, T.W., Ibendahl, G., Yeager, E.A., and Shanoyan, A. 2019. Digital Agriculture as a Risk Management Strategy. National Farm Business Management Conference aka Triennial aka NAFBAS. Sheboygan, WI. June 9-13, 2019.
Griffin, T.W., Shockley, J., and Mark, T.B. 2018. Economics of Precision Farming. In D.K. Shannon, D.E. Clay, and N.R. Kitchens (Eds.) Precision Agriculture Basics. USDA. American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and Soil Science Society of America.
Griffin, T.W. and Yeager, E.A. 2018. Adoption of Precision Agriculture Technology: An Analysis of Kansas Farms. agri benchmark Cash Crop Conference 2018. Beijing China. June 2018.
Harris, K.D., and Griffin, T.W. 2019. The Old “Block” and Chain: How Farm Data Will Be Used on the Blockchain. Kansas State University Department of Agricultural Economics AgManager. July 18, 2019. https://www.agmanager.info/machinery/precision-agriculture/old-%E2%80%9Cblock%E2%80%9D-and-chain-how-farm-data-will-be-used-blockchain/
He, L., X. Zhang, Y. Ye, M. Karkee, and Q. Zhang. 2019. Effect of Shaking Location and Duration on Mechanical Harvesting of Fresh Market Apples. Applied Engineering in Agriculture; 35(2): 175-183.
Hohimer, C. J., H. Wang, S. Bhusal, J. Miller, C. Mo, M. Karkee. 2019. Design and field evaluation of a robot apple harvesting system with 3D printed soft-robotic end-effector. Transactions of the ASABE; 62(2): 405-414.
Karkee, M., J. Gordón, B. Sallto and M. Whiting, Optimizing fruit production efficiencies via mechanization. 2019. In Achieving sustainable cultivation of temperate zone tree fruits and berries, Volume 1 - Physiology, genetics and cultivation (Editor: Dr Greg Lang). Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
Khanal, K., S. Bhusal, M. Karkee, P. Scharf, and Qin Zhang. 2019. Design of Improved and Semi-Automated Red Raspberry Cane Bundling and Tying Machine Based on the Field Evaluation Results. Transactions of the ASABE. 62(3): 821-829.
Li, J., Shi, Y., Veeranampalayam-Sivakumar, A. N., & Schachtman, D. P. (2018). Elucidating sorghum biomass, nitrogen and chlorophyll contents with spectral and morphological traits derived from unmanned aircraft system. Frontiers in plant science, 9, 1406.
Lin, P., W. S. Lee, Y. M. Chen, N. Peres, and C. Fraisse. 2019. A deep-level region-based visual representation architecture for detecting strawberry flowers in an outdoor field. Precision Agriculture. Published online: 07 June 2019. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11119-019-09673-7.
Luck, B. D., R. Willett, J. L. Drewry, L. Ferraretto. Monitoring Kernel Processing During Harvest. University of Wisconsin Division of Extension Publication No. A4174. https://learningstore.extension.wisc.edu/products/kernel-monitoring-processing-during-harvest?_pos=1&_sid=6963f54c3&_ss=r
Miller, K.A., J.D. Luck, D.M. Heeren, T.H. Lo, D.L. Martin, and J.B. Barker. 2018. A geospatial variable rate irrigation control scenario evaluation methodology based on mining root zone available water capacity. Precision Agric. 19(4): 666-683. (Contribution 40%)
Miller, N.J., Griffin, T.W., Ciampitti, I., and Sharda, A. 2019. Farm Adoption of Embodied Knowledge and Information Intensive Precision Agriculture Technology Bundles. Precision Agriculture 20(2):348-361 https://rdcu.be/6LvT
Miller, N.J., Griffin, T.W., Goeringer, L.P., Ellixson, A. and Shanoyan, A. 2018. Estimating Value, Damages, and Remedies when Farm Data are Misappropriated. Choices. 4th Quarter 2018 33(4)
Osroosh, Y., L. R. Khot and R. T. Peters. 2019. Detecting fruit surface wetness using a custom-built low-resolution thermal-RGB imager. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 157: 509–517. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.01.023
Pena Quinones, A. J., M. Keller, M. R. Salazar-Gutierrez, L. R. Khot and G. Hoogenboom. 2019. Comparison between grapevine tissue temperature and air temperature. Scientia Horticulturae, 247: 407–420. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2018.12.032
Ranjan, R., G. Shi, R. Sinha, L. R. Khot, G.–A. Hoheisel and M. Grieshop. 2019. Automated solid set canopy delivery system for large scale spray applications in perennial tree–fruit crops. Transactions of the ASABE, In Press. https://doi.org/10.13031/trans.13258
Ranjan, R., A. Chandel, L. R. Khot, H. Bahlol, J. Zhou, R. Boydston and P. Miklas. 2019. Irrigated pinto bean crop stress and yield assessment using ground based low altitude remote sensing technology. Information Processing in Agriculture, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.inpa.2019.01.005
Rohrer, R.A., S.K. Pitla, J.D. Luck, and R.M. Hoy. 2018. Evaluation of the accuracy of machine reported CAN data for engine torque and speed. Trans. ASABE 61(5): 1547-1557 (Contribution 20%)
Santiago, W. E., N. J. Leite, B. J. Teruel, M. Karkee, C. A.M. Azania. 2019. Evaluation of bag-of-features (BoF) technique for weed management in sugarcane production. Australian Journal Crop of Science. Accepted.
Sharda, A., G. Hoheisel, M. Karkee, and Q. Zhang. 2019. Design and evaluation of solid set canopy delivery system for spray application in high-density apple orchards. Transactions of the ASABE.
Siegfried, J, R. Khosla, L. Longchamps. 2018. Multispectral satellite imagery to quantify in-field soil moisture variability. J. Soil Water Conserv. doi:10.2489/jswc.74.1.33
Sinha, R., L. R. Khot, A. Rathnayake, Z. Gao and N. Rayapati. 2019. Visible−near infrared spectroradiometry−based detection of grapevine leafroll−associated virus 3 in a red−fruited wine grape cultivar. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 162: 165-173. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.04.008
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