NE167: Family Business Viability in Economically Vulnerable Communities

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Edited thematic issue:

Danes, Sharon M. and Paul C. Rosenblatt, Journal of Family and Economic Issues with thematic issue on family businesses, University of Minnesota, Volume 21 (3).

Published articles:

Danes, S.M., R. Leichtentritt, and M. Metz. (2000). Effects of conflict severity on quality of life of men and women in family businesses. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 21 (3), 259-286.

Duncan, K., V.S. Zuiker, and R.K.Z. Heck. (2000) The importance of household management for the business-owning family. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 21 (3), 287-312.

Fitzgerald, M. A. and M. Winter. (In Press). The intrusiveness of home-based work on family life. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

Fitzgerald, M. A., N.J. Miller, M. Winter, and J. Paul. (In Press). Adjustment strategies in the family business: Implications for gender and management role. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

Masuo, D, G. Fong, J. Yanagida, and C. Cabal. (In Press). Factors associated with business and family success: A comparison of single manager and dual manager family business households. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

Miller, N. J., M. Winter, M.A. Fitzgerald, and J. Paul. (2000). Family micro-enterprises: Strategies for coping with overlapping family and business demands. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 5(2), 87-113.

Miller, N. J., M. Winter, M.A. Fitzgerald, and J. Paul. (2000). Family micro-enterprises: Strategies for coping with overlapping family and business demands. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship, 5(2), 87-113.

Stewart, C.C. and S.M. Danes. (In Press). The relationship between inclusion and control in resort family businesses: A development approach to conflict. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 22 (2).

Manuscripts under review:

Paul, J., M. Winter, N.J. Miller, and M.A. Fitzgerald. The impact of timing and sequencing on the use of adjustment strategies in families affiliated with family-owned businesses. Journal of Marriage and the Family.

Family Business Research Group Reports:

Paul, J., M. Winter, N. Miller, and M.A. Fitzgerald. Balancing work and family in the family business.

Book chapters:

Heck, R.K.Z., C.R. Jasper, K. Stafford, M. Winter, and A.J. Owen. (2000). Using a household sampling frame to study family businesses. The 1997 National Family Business Survey. In J.A. Katz (Ed.), Databases for the Study of Entrepreneurship. Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth (Vol.4 ). Elsevier/JAI Press, Stanford, CT.

Jasper, C. K. Goebel, K. Stafford, and R.K.Z. Heck. (2000). A gender comparison of business management practices of home-based business owners. In C.B. Hennon, S. Loker and R. Walker (eds.), Gender and home-based employment, Chapter 8. Auburn House, Westport, CT.

Rowe, B.R. K. Stafford, R. Walker, G. Haynes, and J. Arbuthonot. (2000). Unexpected outcomes. The economics of genderized homed-based business. In C.B. Hennon, S. Loker and R. Walker (eds.), Gender and home-based employment, Chapter 5. Auburn House, Westport, CT.

Scannell Trent, E. (2000). Industry and Self-employment: Analysis by Gender. In C.B. Hennon, S. Loker, and R. Walker (Eds.). Gender and home-based work. Greenwood Publishing Group, Inc., Westport, CT.


Fitzgerald, M. A., G. Muske, C. Philbrick, and S. Grove. (November, 2000). In love and in business: Family and business functioning in copreneurial couples. National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

(April, 2000). Reconceptualizing Family Business Performance, a lecture at Brauch College, New York, NY.

(November, 2000). Reconceptualizing Family Business Performance, a lecture at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.

Conference proceedings:

Masuo, D., R. Castro, and N. Olegario (In Press). Family owned businesses in the United States: A regional comparison. Papers of the 2000 Conference of the Western Region Home Management-Family Economics Educators.


Cox, E. S., & Heck, R. K. Z. (2000). Stakeholder responses: Summary views of the key stakeholders. In G. McCann & N. B. Upton (Eds.), The holistic model: Rethinking the role of the university-based family business center (pp. 87-99). Deland, FL: The Stetson University Family Business Center.

Danes, S.M., & Amarapurkar, S. (2001). Business Tensions and Success in Farm Family Businesses. Family Economics and Resource Management Biennial, 4:178-190.

Danes, S.M., Fitzgerald, N., & Doll, K.C. (2000). Financial and relationship predictors of family business goal achievement. Financial Counseling and Planning, 11(2):43-53.

Danes, S. M., Leichtentritt, R., & Metz, M. (2000). Effects of conflict severity on quality of life of men and women in family businesses. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 21(3):259-286.

Danes, S. M., Olson, P.D., Zuiker, V.S., VanGuilder-Dik, A.N., & Lee, Y.G. (2001.). Cashflow problems within family businesses. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education, Nov. 14-17, 2001, Orlando Florida, pp. 220-231.

Duncan, K.A., Kim, J. H., & Stafford, K. (2001). Resource management practices of business owning families: A three nation comparison. Canadian Home Economics Journal. 55(1): 24.

Duncan, K. A., Zuiker, V. S., & Heck, R. K. Z. (2000). The importance of household management for the business-owning family. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 21(3):287-312.

Fitzgerald, M.A., & Winter, M. (2001). The intrusiveness of home-based work on family life. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 22:75-92.

Fitzgerald, M.A., Winter, M., Miller, N.J., & Paul, J.J. (2001). Adjustment strategies in the family business: implications of gender and management role. Journal of Family and Economic Issues 22:265-29

Heck, R. K. Z. & McCann, G. K. (2001). The Conclusion: Reshaping our vision and ideas about family business. In G. K. McCann & N. Upton (Eds.), Destroying myths and creating value in family business (pp. 65-71). Deland, FL: Stetson University.

Heck, R. K. Z., Jasper, C. R., Stafford, K., Winter, M., & Owen, A. J. (2000). Using a household sampling frame to study family businesses: The 1997 National Family Business Survey. In J. A. Katz, (Ed.), Databases for the study of entrepreneurship (Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth, Vol. 4, pp. 229-287). Stanford, CT: JAI Press.

Heck, R. K. Z. & Stafford, K. (2001). The vital institution of family business: Economic benefits hidden in plain sight. In G. K. McCann & N. Upton (Eds.), Destroying myths and creating value in family business (pp. 9-17). Deland, FL: Stetson University.

Hunts, H. J., Danes, S. M., Haynes, D. C., & Heck, R. K. Z. (2000). Gender and the paid work and family interface for home-working families. In C. B. Hennon, S. Loker, & R. Walker (Eds.), Gender and home-based work (pp. 79-117). Westport, CT: Auburn House.

Jasper, C. R., Goebel, K., Stafford, K., & Heck, R. K. Z. (2000). Gender differences and similarities of management practices of home-based business owners. In C. B. Hennon, S. Loker, & R. Walker (Eds.), Gender and home-based work (pp. 119-136). Westport, CT: Auburn House.

Masuo, D., Castro, R., & Olegario, N. (2001). Family Owned Businesses in the U.S.: A Regional comparison. Papers of the 2000 Conference of the Western Region Home Management-Family Economics Educators, pp. 66-77.

Masuo, D., Fong, G., Yanagida, J., & Cabal, C. (2001). Factors Associated with Business and Family Success: A Comparison of Single Manager and Dual Manager Family Business Households. Spring, 2001. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 22(1):55-74.

Masuo, D.M., Li, G.L (2001). Some Factors in the Profitability of Small Family Businesses. Entrepreneurs Toolbox, ET-3 [Online]. July, 2001. Available:

Miller, N.J., Winter, M., Fitzgerald, M.A., & Paul, J. (2000). Family microenterprises: Strategies for coping with overlapping family and business demands. Journal of Developmental Entrepreneurship :5: 87-113.

Stewart, C.C., & Danes S.M. (2001). Inclusion and control in resort family businesses: A developmental approach to conflict. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 22 (3):293-320.


Danes, S.M., Rueter, M.A., Kwon, H.K., & Doherty, W. (2002). Family FIRO model: An application to family business. Family Business Review, 15(1), 31-43.

Danes, S. M., Olson, P.D., Zuiker, V.S., VanGuilder-Dik, A.N., & Lee, Y.G. (2001.). Cash flow problems within family businesses. Proceedings of the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning.

Fitzgerald, M. A., & Muske, G. (2002) Copreneurs: An exploration and comparison to other family businesses. Family Business Review, XV, 1-16.

Heck, R. K. Z., Rogoff, E. G., Lee, Myung-Soo, & Stafford, K. (2002). The economic contributions of family business. United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Annual Conference 2002.

Heck, R. K. Z., & Stafford, K. (2001). The vital institution of family business: Economic benefits hidden in plain sight. In G. K. McCann & N. Upton (Eds.), Destroying myths and creating value in family business (pp. 9-17). Deland, FL: Stetson University.

Heck, R. K. Z., & McCann, G. K. (2001). The Conclusion: Reshaping our vision and ideas about family business. In G. K. McCann & N. Upton (Eds.), Destroying myths and creating value in family business (pp. 65-71). Deland, FL: Stetson University.

Lee, Y.G., Hong, G. S., Jasper, C. R., & Goebel, K. (2002). Succession Planning Behavior among Family Business Owners. Proceedings of the Association For Financial Counseling and Planning Education.

Lee, Y. G., Gong-Soog Hong, & Rowe, B. R. (2002). Women‘s Work in Business Owning Families. Consumer Interests Annual, 48.

Lee, Y. G. (2002). Gender Differences in Business Success: Evidence from the 1997-2000 National Family Business Survey panel data. Consumer Interests Annual, 48.

Masuo, D., Fong, G., & Yanagida, J. (2002). A Comparison of Single Manager Family Business Households in 1997 and 2000. Consumer Interests Annual, 48.

Olson, P. D., Zuiker, V. S., Danes, S. M., Stafford, K., Heck, R. K. Z., & Duncan, K. A. (In press). The impact of the family and the business on family business sustainability. Journal of Business Venturing,18(3) 2003, forthcoming.

Muske, G., & Fitzgerald, M. A. (2002). Copreneurs--who continues and why? Evidence from the 1997-2000 National Family Business Studies, Consumer Interests Annual, 48.

Muske, G., Fitzgerald, M. A., & Kim, J. (2002). Copreneurs as family businesses: Evaluating the differences by industry type. 16th Annual U. S. Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship Conference Proceedings (CD-ROM).

Rogoff, E. G., & Heck, R. K. Z. Heck. (In press). Reconceptualizing the interconnections with the evolving family/entrepreneurial business relationship [Introductory Editorial Note for Special Issue]. Journal of Business Venturing, 18 (3) 2003, forthcoming.


Objective 1: To compare the interaction of family and business systems in economically vulnerable and non-vulnerable communities.

Danes, S.M. & Olson, P.D. (2003). Womens role involvement in family businesses, business tensions, and business success. Family Business Review, 16 (1), 53-68.

Danes, S.M. (2003). Conflict identification: Tensions generated by home-based business issues. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 15-27). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Duncan, K.A., Stafford, K., & Zuiker, V.S. (2003). Household management: Managing home and family in home-based business. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 42-53). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Fitzgerald, M.A., Muske, G., & Philbrick, C.A. (2003). Business integrity: Relationships in the work-place environment of home-based businesses. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 79-90). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Fitzgerald, M.A., Heck, R.K.Z., & Masuo, D.M. (2003). The 1997-2000 national family business surveys: An examination of U. S. family firms. Proceedings from the International Family Enterprise Research Academy annual conference.

Fong, G., Masuo, D., & Yanagida, J. (2002). A comparison of single manager and dual manager family business households, their businesses, and changes in their characteristics between 1997 and 2000. {Abstract} In J. Lown (Ed.). Papers of the 42nd annual conference of the Western Region Home Management Family Economics Educators, 17, pp. 42-43. (Based on a refereed poster by G. Fong at the Western Region Home Management Family Economics Educators conference, Spokane, Washington, October 19-21)

Fredricks, K. & Winter, M. (2003). A profile of home-based entrepreneurs. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. xxiii-xxxi). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Heck, R.K.Z. (2003). Stress scale: Effects of life events on home-based businesses and their families. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 140-151). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Heck, R.K.Z., Fitzgerald, M.A., & Masuo, D.M. (2003). The 1997-2000 national family business surveys: An examination of U.S. family firms. International Family Enterprise Research Academy annual conference, Milan, Italy.

Jasper, C.R., Goebel, K.P. and Lee, Y.G. (2003). Business issues: Identification & retirement planning/succession. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs. NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Lee, Y.G., Jasper, C.R., and Goebel, K.P. (2003). A profile of succession planning among family business owners. Financial counseling and planning, 14(2).

Masuo, D., Fong, G., & Yanagida, J. (2003). Business and family outcomes. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 116-127). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Masuo, D., Fong, G., & Yanagida, J. (2003). Factors affecting perceived business and family success. CTAHR Entrepreneurs Toolbox. ET-5. Accompanied by link to success estimator tool. Web only:

Masuo, D., Fong, G., & Yanagida, J. (2003). Family owned businesses in Hawaii-2001: A preliminary report. Prepared for CTAHR and the Family Business Center, University of Hawaii.

Muske, G., Fitzgerald, M.A., & Haynes, G. The intermingling of financial resources among copreneurial couples. United States Association of Family and Consumer Sciences annual conference. El Reno, OK, March, 2003.

Muske, G., & Fitzgerald, M.A. (2003). The intermingling of family and business financial resources in copreneurial couples. 17th Annual United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship annual conference proceedings (CD-ROM), Madison, WI: USASBE, 93.

Muske, G., & Fitzgerald, M.A. (2003). The intermingling of family and business financial resources in copreneurial couples. United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Hilton Head, SC, January 2003.

Muske, G., Fitzgerald, M.A., & Kollmorgen, N. (2003). Business management: How practice affects business and family success in home-based business. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 104-115). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Owen, A. and Schrank, H. (2003). Family types. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 54-65). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Rogoff, E.G., & Heck, R.K.Z. (2003). Evolving research in entrepreneurship and family business: Recognizing family as the oxygen that feeds the fire of entrepreneurship. [Introductory Editorial Note for Special Issue], Journal of Business Venturing, 18(3), 559-566.

Rogoff, E.G., & Heck, R.K.Z. (Guest Co-Editors). (2003). The evolving family/entrepreneurial business relationship [Special Issue], Journal of Business Venturing, 18(3).

Stafford, K., Duncan, K.A., & Zuiker, V.S. (2003). Family Integrity: Home-based business-owning families. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 128-139). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Winter, M. & Fredricks, K. (2003). Adjustment strategies: Sharing human resources for home-based business. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 1-14). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Winter, M. (2003). Methodologies of 1997 and 2000 National Family Business Surveys. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 158-166). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Zuiker, V.S., Lee, Y.G., Olson, P.D., Danes, S.M., VanGuilder-Dik, A.N., Katras, M.J. (2002 issue; published in 2003). Business, family, and resource intermingling characteristics as predictors of dash flow problems in family-owned businesses. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 13(2), 65-81.

Objective 3: To estimate the economic and social contributions of family businesses to communities over time.

Olson, P.D., Stafford, K., & Zuiker, V.S. (2003). Professionalizing. In R.K.Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A. Tombline, (Eds.). (2003). Home-based entrepreneurs conference proceedings; A toolkit for home-based entrepreneurs (pp. 66-75). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Olson, P.D., Zuiker, V.S., Danes, S.M., Stafford, K., Heck, R.K.Z., & Duncan, K. A. (2003). The impact of the family and business on family business sustainability. Journal of Business Venturing, 18(5), 639-666.

Zuiker, V.S., Katras, M.J., Montalto, C.P., Olson, P.D. (2003). Hispanic self-employment: Does gender matter? Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 25(1), 73-94.


Objective 1

Danes, S.M., & Haberman,
H. R. (2005).  Gendered discourse about family business.  Family Relations,

Danes, S.M., & Morgan,
E.A. (2004). Family business-owning couples: An EFT view into their unique
conflict culture.  Contemporary Family Therapy, 26(3), 241-260.

Danes, S.M., & Lee, Y.G.
(2004). Tensions generated by business issues in farm business-owning couples. 
Family Relations, 53, 357-366.

Haynes, G. W., & Muske, G.
(2004). Business and family income: Resource intermingling and financial
success. In R. K. Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A Tombline, (Eds). A Toolkit
for Home-based Entrepreneurs
(pp. 78-90). NY: Baruch College Lawrence N.
Field Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

McCann, G., Hammond, C.,
Keyt, A. Schrank, H., & Fujiuchi, K.  (2004).  A View from Afar:  Rethinking the
Director's Role in University-Based Family Business Programs.  Family
Business Review,
17(3), 203-217.

Winter, M., Danes, S.M.,
Koh, S., Fredericks, K., & Paul, J.  (2004). Tracking Family Businesses and
their Owners Over Time:  Panel Attrition, Manager Departure, and Business
Demise.  Journal of Business Venturing, 19, 535-559.

Jasper, C.R., Goebel,
K.P., & Lee, Y. (2003). Business Issues: Identification & Retirement Planning/
Strategies Succession. In R.K.Z. Heck, A.N. Puryear, & P.A. Tombline, (Eds.).
A Toolkit for Home-Based Entrepreneurs
(pp. 140-151). NY, NY: Baruch
College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Lee, Y.G., Jasper, C.R., &
Goebel, K. (2003). A Profile of Succession Planning: Among Family Business
Owners. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. 14, (2), 1-12.

Paul, J., Winter, M.,
Miller, N. J., & Fitzgerald, M. A.  (2003).  Cross-institutional norms for
timing and sequencing and use of adjustment strategies in families affiliated
with family-owned business.  Marriage and Family Review, 35, 167-191.

Objective 2

Fitzgerald, M. A., Muske,
G., & Philbrick, C. (2004). Business satisfactions: Relationships in the work
environment. In R. K. Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A Tombline, (Eds). A
Toolkit for Home-based Entrepreneurs
(pp. 101-112). NY: Baruch College
Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

G. W., & Muske, G.
(2004). Business and family income: Resource intermingling and financial
success.  In R. K. Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A Tombline, (Eds). A Toolkit
for Home-based Entrepreneurs
(pp. 78-90). NY: Baruch College Lawrence N.
Field Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Muske, G., Fitzgerald, M.
A., & Kollmorgen, N. (2004). How business management practices affect business
success and the family. In R. K. Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A Tombline, (Eds).
A Toolkit for Home-based Entrepreneurs (pp. 125-135). NY: Baruch College
Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Objective 1+2

Danes, S.M., & Lee, Y.G.
(2004). Tensions generated by business issues in farm business-owning couples. 
Family Relations, 53, 357-366.

Haynes, G., Muske, G.,
Fitzgerald, M., Fong, G., & Douglas, S. (2004). Developing a county-level
socio-economic scale. 2004 Community Development Society Proceedings.

Haynes, G., Muske, G., &
Fitzgerald, M. A. (July, 2004).  Developing a socio-economic scale.  Community
Development Society Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Lee, Y.G., Jasper, C.R., &
Goebel, K. (2003). A Profile of Succession Planning: Among Family Business
Owners. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. 14, (2), 1-12.


1) To compare the interaction of family and business systems in economically vulnerable and non-vulnerable communities.

Completed (i.e. published or presented, or written and submitted)

Fitzgerald and Folker. (2005) Exploring new frontiers in women's business ownership. International Journal of Family Business. Reprinted with permission from FBN/IFERA. OBJ. 1

Danes, S. M., & Haberman, H. R. (2005). Gendered discourse about family business. Family Relations, 54, 116-130.

2) To identify effects of community structure and characteristics on families and their businesses.


Lee, Masuo and Malroutu. "Business longevity: A study of family owned businesses in the U.S.". Submitted for presentation at the Asian CFEA conference in Nov. 2005. OBJ 2

Niehm, community social responsibility paper with Miller and Swinney. Identified CSR factors for family owned business and profiled the business and looked at CSR as a success strategy. Journal of Small Business Management (in review).

Haynes, G., Muske, G., Fitzgerald, M., Fong, G., & Douglas, S.
(2004). Developing a county-level socio-economic scale. 2004 Community
Development Society Proceedings.

Haynes, Muske, & Fitzgerald. Deriving a socio-economic vulnerability scale. Journal of the Community Development Society. Revise and resubmit.

3) To estimate the economic and social contributions of family businesses to communities over time.


Danes, S. M., & Morgan, E. A. (2004). Family business-owning couples: An EFT view into their unique conflict culture. Contemporary Family Therapy, 26, 241-260.

Danes, S. M. (in press). Tensions within family business-owning couples over time. Trauma, Crisis and Stress: An International Journal. OBJ. 3

Danes, S.M. (2005) Business conflict within family business-owning couples over time. Invited panel paper presented at USASBE Annual Conference. January 13-16, 2005, In 2005 USASBE Annual Meeting Proceedings. Indian Wells, CA.

Schrank. The National Family Business Survey: Theoretical Model and Methodology. Invited panel paper presented at USASBE Annual Conference. January 13-16, 2005, In 2005 USASBE Annual Meeting Proceedings. Indian Wells, CA.

Niehm, Miller & Fitzgerald (2005). Assessing the impact of managerial adjustment strategies on family business success over time. Invited panel paper presented at USASBE Annual Conference. January 13-16, 2005, In 2005 USASBE Annual Meeting Proceedings. Indian Wells, CA.. OBJ 3. Used 1997 adjustment strategies to predict who survived in 2000 and who was successful.

Muske & Fitzgerald (2005). Copreneurs & time: Who leaves? Who stays? Invited panel paper presented at USASBE Annual Conference. January 13-16, 2005, In 2005 USASBE Annual Meeting Proceedings. Indian Wells, CA. OBJ 3

IFERA paper (submitted 1997-2000 data). The social responsibility of family business owners to their communities. Submitted by Margaret, George, Sharon and Holly for presentation in Sept. 2205 at the IFERA conference in Brussel. OBJ 2 and 3. One interesting finding was that there seemed to be more socially responsible activity on the part of business owners when the community was more vulnerable. ACCEPTED.

Heck, Danes, Fitgerald, Haynes, Jasper, Schrank, Stafford. Role of family in family business entrepreneurship. Book chapter. (IFERA editors.) Family Business Research Handbook. Elgar Publishing Co. OBJ 3 In review.

Muske & Fitzgerald. A panel study of copreneurs in business: Who enters, continues and exits? Under review at Family Business Review. OBJ 3

NRI proposal on impact of public policy on contributions of rural communities. George, Sharon, Kay S. (pure and impure altruism, estimate value economic and social contributions of FB, estimate impact of public policies on FB contribution to rural communities.) Not Funded. OBJ 3.


Objective 1: Interaction family & business in vulnerable & non-vulnerable communities

Amarapurkar, S.S., & Danes, S.M. (2005). Farm business-owning couples: Interrelationships among business tensions, relationship conflict quality, and satisfaction with spouse. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 26(3), 419-441.

Danes, S.M. (in press). Tensions within Family Business-owning Couples Over Time. Stress, Trauma & Crisis.

Danes, S.M., & Haberman, H. R. (2005). Gendered discourse about family business. Family Relations, 54,116-130.

Danes, S.M., & Morgan, E.A. (2004). Family business-owning couples: An EFT view into their unique conflict culture. Contemporary Family Therapy, 26(3), 241-260.

Danes, S.M., & Lee, Y.G. (2004). Tensions generated by business issues in farm business-owning couples. Family Relations, 53, 357-366.

Haynes, G. W., & Muske, G. (2004). Business and family income: Resource intermingling and financial success. In R. K. Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A Tombline, (Eds). A Toolkit for Home-based Entrepreneurs (pp. 78-90). NY: Baruch College Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Heck, R. K. Z, Danes, S. M., Fitzgerald, M.A., Haynes, G. W., Jasper, C. W., Schrank, H., and Stafford, K. Role of Family in Family Business Entrepreneurship. In Poutziouris, P.Z., Smyrnius, K.X. and Klein, S. (Eds.) (2006, in press). Part B - Conceptual Frameworks and Theoretical Issues, Family Business Research Handbook. London: Edward Elgar Publishing Company.

Heck, R. K. Z., Danes, S. M., Fitzgerald, M. A., Haynes, G. W., Jasper, C. R., Schrank, H. L., Stafford, K., & Winter, M. The family's dynamic role within family business entrepreneurship. In Poutziouris, P.Z., Smyrnius, K.X. and Klein, S. (Eds.) (2006, in press). Family Business Research Handbook. London: Edward Elgar Publishing Company.

Hsu, P., Masuo, D., Fong, G., and Yanagida, J. (2006, April). Characteristics of home-based family businesses: A comparison between Hawaii and the United States. Poster presented at the Hawaii Association for Family and Consumer Sciences meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Jasper, C.R., Goebel, K.P., & Lee, Y. (2003). Business issues: Identification & retirement planning/ strategies succession. In R.K.Z. Heck, A.N. Puryear, & P.A. Tombline, (Eds.). A Toolkit for Home-Based Entrepreneurs (pp. 140-151). NY, NY: Baruch College, Lawrence N. Field Center of Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Lee, Y.G. Danes, S.M., & Shelley, M. C. II. (in press). Work roles, management and perceived well-being for married women within family businesses. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.

Lee, Y.G., Jasper, C.R., & Goebel, K. (2003). A profile of succession planning among family business owners. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning. 14, (2), 1-12.

McCann, G., Hammond, C., Keyt, A. Schrank, H., & Fujiuchi, K. (2004). A view from afar: Rethinking the director's role in university-based family business programs. Family Business Review, 17(3), 203-217.

Muske, G. & Fitzgerald, M. A. (in press). A panel study of copreneurs in business: Who enters, continues and exits? Family Business Review.
Niehm, L.S. & Miller, N.J. (2006, in press). Entrepreneurship and the impact of managerial role on family business success. Journal of Marketing and Entrepreneurship, 7(2).

Niehm, L.S. & Miller, N.J. (2006). The impact of managerial role on family business success: A longitudinal perspective. In Proceedings of the USASBE (United State Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) Annual Meeting, Tucson, AZ.

Paul, J., Winter, M., Miller, N. J., & Fitzgerald, M. A. (2003). Cross-institutional norms for timing and sequencing and use of adjustment strategies in families affiliated with family-owned business. Marriage and Family Review, 35, 167-191.

Philbrick, C. A. & Fitzgerald, M. A. Women in business-owning families: A comparison of roles, responsibilities and predictors of family functionality. Manuscript under review.

Winter, M., Danes, S.M., Koh, S., Fredericks, K., & Paul, J. (2004). Tracking family businesses and their owners over time: Panel attrition, manager departure, and business demise. Journal of Business Venturing, 19, 535-559.

Yilmazer, T. & Schrank, H. (in press). Financial intermingling in small family businesses. Journal of Business Venturing.

Zody, Z., Sprenkle, MacDermid & Schrank. (in press). Drawing the line: Do boundaries affect the functioning performance of the family and business systems? Journal of Family Economic Issues.

Objective 2: Effects of community structure & characteristics on families and businesses

Fitzgerald, M. A., Muske, G., & Philbrick, C. (2004). Business satisfactions: Relationships in the work environment. In R. K. Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A Tombline, (Eds). A Toolkit for Home-based Entrepreneurs (pp. 101-112). NY: Baruch College Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Haynes, G.W. & Ou, C. (2005, January). Finance companies and small business borrowers. United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship/SBIDA Conference, Indian Wells, CA.

Haynes, G. W., & Muske, G. (2004). Business and family income: Resource intermingling and financial success. In R. K. Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A Tombline, (Eds). A Toolkit for Home-based Entrepreneurs (pp. 78-90). NY: Baruch College Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Muske, G., Fitzgerald, M. A., & Kollmorgen, N. (2004). How business management practices affect business success and the family. In R. K. Z. Heck, A. N. Puryear, & P. A Tombline, (Eds). A Toolkit for Home-based Entrepreneurs (pp. 125-135). NY: Baruch College Lawrence N. Field Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business.

Ou, C. & Haynes, G.W. (in press). Uses of equity capital by small firms, findings from the NSSBF. Small Business Economics.

Objectives 1 & 2:

Danes, S.M., & Lee, Y.G. (2004). Tensions generated by business issues in farm business-owning couples. Family Relations, 53, 357-366.

Haynes, G., Muske, G., Fitzgerald, M., Fong, G., & Douglas, S. (2004). Developing a county-level socio-economic scale. 2004 Community Development Society Proceedings.

Haynes, G., Muske, G., & Fitzgerald, M. A. (July, 2004). Developing a socio-economic scale. Community Development Society Conference, Cleveland, OH.

Lee, Y.G., Jasper, C.R., & Goebel, K. (2003). A Profile of Succession Planning: Among Family Business Owners. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 14, (2), 1-12.

Objective 3: Economic & social contributions of family businesses to communities over time

Danes, S.M., Loy, J. T., & Stafford, K. (2006, April). Family business success: Differences in female- and male-owned businesses. Manuscript accepted for presentation at the Family Enterprise Research Conference in Niagra Falls, Canada.

Fitzgerald, M.A., Haynes, G.W., Schrank, H., & Danes, S.M. (2005, September). For-profit family businesses as socially responsible organizations: Evidence from the U. S. National Family Business Survey. Proceedings of the International Family Enterprise Association/Family Business Network Research Meeting (on CD), Brussels, Belgium, 1-19.

Haynes, G.W. & Onochie, J.O. (2005, January). Is what's good for the business, good for the family: A financial assessment. In Exploring the family-business intersection with panel data: Past, present and future. United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship/ SBIDA Conference, Indian Wells, CA.

Haynes, G.W. & Ou, C. (2006, January). How did households owning small businesses fare during the largest ever peacetime expansion in the U.S. economy. United States Association of Small Business and Entrepreneurship/SBIDA Conference, Tucson, AZ.

Niehm, L.S., Swinney, J., & Miller, N.J. (requested to revise and resubmit). The impact of socially responsible business strategies on family business success. Journal of Small Business Management.

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