NC_old1190: Catalysts for Water Resources Protection and Restoration: Applied Social Science Research
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Arbuckle, J. G., Tyndall, J. C., Morton, L. W., & Hobbs, J. (forthcoming). Climate change typologies and audience segmentation among Corn Belt farmers. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
Arbuckle, J. G. (2017). Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: 2016 summary report. Extension Report SOC3081. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.
Arbuckle, J. G. (2016). Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: 2015 summary report. Extension Report PM3075. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.
Arbuckle, J. (2016). STRIPS cooperator follow-on survey: 2015 results. Technical Report No. 1042. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension Sociology.
Armstrong, A. & Jackson-Smith, D. (forthcoming). Connections and collaborations of local water management organizations of Utah. Society and Natural Resources.
Burbach, M. E., & Reimers-Hild, C. (accepted). Developing water leaders as catalyst for change: The Nebraska Water Leaders Academy. In K. Floress, K., L. S. Prokopy, & M. E. Burbach (Eds.), Catalyzing change in water resource management through social science, (pp. xx). General Technical Report NRS-GTR-xx-x. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.
Burbach, M. E., & Reimers-Hild, C. (2017). 2016 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy – Final report. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Open-File Report 151.
Bussey, J., Davenport, M. A., Emery, M., & Carroll, C. (2016). "A lot of it comes from the heart": The nature and integration of ecological knowledge in tribal and non-tribal forest management. Journal of Forestry, 114(2), 97-107, DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5849/jof.14-130.
Church, S. P., & Prokopy, L. S. (2017). The influence of social criteria in mobilizing watershed conservation efforts: A case study of a successful watershed in the U.S. Midwest. Land Use Policy, 61, 353-367.
Czap, H. J., Czap, N. V., Lynne, G. D., & Burbach, M. E. (2016). Farm Bill 2014: An experimental investigation of conservation compliance. Journal of Sustainable Development, 9(3), 23-38.
Davenport, M. A., Perry, V. Pradhananga, A., & Shepard, J. (2016). Community capacity for stormwater management: A social science assessment in three Twin Cities Metro Area watersheds. St. Paul, MN: Department of Forest Resources, University of Minnesota. 126 pp.
Gasteyer, S. P., Lai, J., Tucker, B., Carrera, J., & Moss, J. (2016). Basics inequality: Race and access to complete plumbing facilities in the United States. Du Bois Review-Social Science Research on Race, 13(2), 305-25.
Kaufman, E. K., Kennedy, R. E., & Cletzer, D. A. (accepted). Understanding the nature of eco-leadership. In K. Floress, K., L. S. Prokopy, & M. E. Burbach (Eds.), Catalyzing change in water resource management through social science. General Technical Report NRS-GTR-xx-x. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station.
Lynne, G. D., Czap, N. V., Czap, H. J., & Burbach, M.E. (2016). A theoretical foundation for empathy conservation: Toward avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons. Review of Behavioral Economics, 3, 243-279.
Mase, A, S., Gramig, B., & Prokopy, L.S. (2017). Climate Change Beliefs, Risk Perceptions, and Adaptation Behavior among Midwestern U.S. Crop Farmers. Climate Risk Management, 15, 8-17.
Morton, L. W., Benning, J., McGuire, J., Gonzalez-Ramirz, M. J., Ingels, C., Arbuckle, J. G. & Kling C. L. (2016). Practices and timing of nutrient reduction strategies. Sociology Technical Report 1044. Department of Sociology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.
Morton, L.W., McGuire, J., & Cast, A. (2017). A good farmer pays attention to the weather. Climate Risk Management, 15, 18-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crm.2016.09.002
Morton, L. W., & K. R. Olson. (2016). St. Johns Levee and Drainage District attempt to mitigate internal flooding. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 71(4), 91A-97A.
Morton, L. W., Roesch-McNally, G., Wilke, A. (2017). Upper Midwest Farmer Perceptions: Too Much Uncertainty about Impacts of Climate Change to Justify Changing Current Agricultural Practices. Sustainable Corn issue. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(3), 215-225.
Mosheim, R., & Ribaudo, M. (2017). Costs of nitrogen runoff and rural Water utilities: A shadow cost approach. Land Economics, 93(1), 12-39.
Nelson, P., Davenport, M. A., & Kuphal, T. (2017). Inspiring action for nonpoint source pollution: A manual for water resource protection. St. Paul, MN: Freshwater Society publication. https://freshwater.org/inspiring-action/
Nowatzke, L., & Arbuckle, J. (2016). Iowa farmers and the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: 2015 survey results. Extension Report SOC3078. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.
Olson, B. & Davenport, M. A. (In press). An inductive model of farmer conservation decision making for nitrogen management. Landscape Journal.
Olson, K. O., Al-Kaisi, M., Lal, R. & Morton, L. W. (2017). Soil ecosystem services and intensified cropping systems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(3), 64A-69A
Olson, K. R., & Morton, L. W. (2017). Sedimentation, navigation, and agriculture on the lower Missouri River. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(4), 80A-86A.
Olson, K. R., & Morton, L. W. (2017). Chicago’s 132-year effort to provide safe drinking water. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(2), 19A-26A.
Olson, K. R., & Morton, L. W. (2016). Mississippi River threatens to make Dogtooth Bend peninsula in Illinois an island. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 71(6),140A-146A.
Olson, K. R., & Morton, L. W. (2016). Agricultural Lands: Flooding and Levee Breaches. In R. Lal (Ed), Encyclopedia of Soil Science, 3rd Ed., (pp. 65-71). Boca Raton, Fl: CRC Press. doi: 10.1081/E-ESS3-120053228
Olson, K. R., & Morton, L. W. (2016) Managing Mississippi and Ohio River Landscapes Ankeny, IA: Soil and Water Conservation Society.http://www.swcs.org/en/publications/managing_mississippi_and_ohio_river_landscapes/
Olson, K. R., & Morton, L. W., Speidel, D. (2016). Little River Drainage District conversion of the Big Swamp to fertile agricultural land. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 71(2), 37A-43A.
Olson, K. R., Morton, L.W., & Speidel, D. (2016). Missouri Ozark Plateau headwaters diversion engineering feat. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 71(1), 13A-19A.
Pradhananga, A., Davenport, M. A., Fulton, D. C., Maruyama, G. M., & Current, D. (2017). An integrated moral obligation model for landowner conservation norms. Society and Natural Resources, 30(2), 212-227.
Roesch-McNally, G., Basche, A., Arbuckle, J., Tyndall, J., Miguez, F., Bowman, T., & Clay, R. (2017). The trouble with cover crops: Farmers experiences with overcoming barriers to adoption. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 1-12. doi:10.1017/S1742170517000096
Roesch-McNally, G. E., Arbuckle, J. G., & Tyndall, J. C. (2016). What would farmers do? Adaptation intentions under a Corn Belt climate change scenario. Agriculture and Human Values, 34, 333-346. doi: 10.1007/s10460-016-9719-y.
Ulrich-Schad, J. D., de Jalon, S. G., Prokopy, L. S., Babin, N., & Pape, A. (accepted). Measuring and Understanding Agricultural Producers Adoption of Nutrient Best Management Practices. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.
Wilke, A., & Morton, L. W. (2017). Analog years: Connecting climate science and agricultural tradition to better manage landscapes of the future. Climate Risk Management, 15, 32-44 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.crm.2016.10.001
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (published)
- Andrews, AC, R Clawson, BM Gramig and L Raymond. 2017. Finding the Right Value: Framing Effects on Domain Experts. Political Psychology 38(2): 261-278.
- Arbuckle, J.G., J.C. Tyndall, L.W. Morton, and J. Hobbs. 2017. Climate change typologies and audience segmentation among Corn Belt farmers. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 72(3):205-214.
- Armstrong, A. and D. Jackson-Smith. (forthcoming) Privatization and Inter-Municipal Collaboration in Local Stormwater Planning and Management. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management.
- Armstrong, A. and D. Jackson-Smith. 2017 “Connections and Collaborations of Local Water Management Organizations of Utah.” Society and Natural Resources 30(11): 1343-1357. Doi: 10.1080/08941920.2017.1347972
- Barnett, M., D. Jackson-Smith, and M. Haeffner. 2018. Influence of recreational activities on water quality perceptions and concerns: a replicated analysis. Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism.
- Bates, H. and J.G. Arbuckle. 2017. Understanding Predictors of Nutrient Management Practice Diversity in Midwestern Agriculture. Journal of Extension 55(6)
- Brock, Caroline, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, and Linda S. Prokopy. Bridging the Divide: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Sector Agricultural Professionals Working with Amish and Mennonite Producers on Conservation. Environmental Management 61(5): 756-771. DOI: 10.1007/s00267-018-0998-5.
- Church, Sarah P., Tonya Haigh, Melissa Widhalm, Silvestra Garcia de Jalon, Nicholas Babin, Stuart Carlton, Michael Dunn, Katie Fagan, Cody L. Knutson, Linda S. Prokopy. 2017. Agricultural Trade Publications and the 2012 Midwestern U.S. Drought: A Missed Opportunity for Climate Risk Communication. Climate Risk Management, 15: 45-60.
- Church, Sarah P. and Linda Stalker Prokopy. 2017. The Influence of Social Criteria in Mobilizing Watershed Conservation Efforts: A Case Study of a Successful Watershed in the Midwestern U.S. Land Use Policy, 61: 353-367.
- Church, S.P., L.B. Payne, S. Peel, L.S. Prokopy. 2018. Beyond water data: Benefits to volunteers and to local water from a citizen science program. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management: 1-21.
- Church, S.P., Dunn, M., N. Babin, A.S. Mase, T. Haigh, L.S. Prokopy. 2017. Do Advisors Perceive Climate Change as an Agricultural Risk? An in-depth examination of Midwestern U.S. Ag advisors’ views on drought, climate change, and risk management. Agriculture and Human Values: 1-17.
- Czap, H.J., Czap, N.V., Burbach, M.E., & Lynne, G.D. 2018. Does might make right? An experimental investigation on the impact of who owns the property rights. Ecological Economics, 150, 229-240.
- Czap, N.V., Czap, H.J., Khachaturyan, M., & Burbach, M.E. 2018. Conforming to or defying gender stereotypes? Empathy nudging vs. financial incentives in environmental context. Review of Behavioral Economics, 5(1), 61-84.
- Czap, N.V., Czap, H.J., Khachaturyan, M., Burbach, M.E., & Lynne, G.D. 2018. Experiments on Empathy Conservation: Implications for Environmental Policy. Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy, 2(2), Early view.
- Eanes, Francis R., Ajay R. Singh, Brian R. Bulla, Pranay Ranjan, Linda S. Prokopy, Mary Fales, Benjamin Wickerham, Patrick J. Doran. 2017. Midwestern US Farmers Perceive Crop Advisers as Conduits of Information on Agricultural Conservation Practices. Environmental Management, 60(5): 974-988.
- Eaton, Weston M., Morey Burnham, C. Clare Hinrichs, & Theresa Selfa. 2018. How do sociocultural factors shape rural landowner responses to the prospect of perennial bioenergy crops? Landscape & Urban Planning 175:195-204.
- Eaton, Weston M., Morey Burnham, Clare Hinrichs, & Theresa Selfa. 2017. Bioenergy experts and their imagined ‘obligatory publics’ in the United States: Implications for public engagement and participation. Energy Research & Social Science 25:65-75.
- Flint, C.G., X. Dai, D. Jackson-Smith, J. Endter-Wada, S.K. Yeo, R. Hale & M.K. Dolan. 2017. Social and Geographic Contexts of Water Concerns in Utah. Society & Natural Resources 30(8):885-902. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2016.1264653.
- Floress, Kristin, Adam Reimer, Aaron Thompson, Mark Burbach, Cody Knutson, Linda Prokopy, Marc Ribaudo, Jessica Ulrich-Schad. 2018. Measuring Farmer Conservation Behaviors: Challenges and Best Practices. Land Use Policy. 70: 414-418.
- Floress, K., Garcia de Jalon, S., Church, S., Babin, N., Ulrich-Schad, J., Prokopy, L.S., 2017. Toward a theory of farmer conservation attitudes: dual interests and willingness to take action to protect water quality. Journal of Environmental Psychology. 53, 73-80.
- Gardezi, M. and J.G. Arbuckle. 2018. Spatially Representing Vulnerability to Extreme Rain Events Using Midwestern Farmers' Objective and Perceived Attributes of Adaptive Capacity. Risk Analysis. DOI: 10.1111/risa.12943
- Gramig, BM and NJO Widmar. (forthcoming) Farmer Preferences for Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration Schemes. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
- Gramig, BM, R Massey and SD Yun.2017. Nitrogen Application Decision-making under Climate Risk in the U.S. Corn Belt. Climate Risk Management 15:82-89.
- Haigh, Tonya, Vikram Koundinya, Chad Hart, Jenna Klink, Maria Lemos, Amber Saylor Mase, Linda Prokopy, Ajay Singh, Dennis Todey, and Melissa Widhalm. 2018. Provision of Climate Services for Agriculture: Public and Private Pathways to Farm Decision-making. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.
- Hale, R., C. Flint, D. Jackson-Smith and J. Endter-Wada (forthcoming). Social Dimensions of Urban Flood Experience, Exposure, and Concern. Journal of the American Water Resources Association.
- Jackson-Smith, D., S. Ewing, A. Sigler, C. Jones, and A. Armstrong. (forthcoming) Farmers as Partners in Science: Participatory approaches to solving a groundwater nitrate pollution problem. Journal of the Soil and Water Conservation Society.
- Haeffner, M., D. Jackson-Smith, and C.G. Flint. 2018. Social position influencing the water perception gap between local leaders and constituents in a socio-hydrological system. Water Resources Research. 54. doi: 10.1002/2017WR021456.
- Haeffner, M., D. Jackson-Smith, M. Buchert, and J. Risley. 2017. Accessing blue spaces: social and geographic factors structuring familiarity with, use of, and appreciation of urban waterways. Landscape and Urban Planning 167: 136-146. DOI:10.1016/j.landurbplan.2017.06.008.
- Klink, Jenna, Vikram Koundinya, Kim Kies, Courtney Robinson, Amulya Rao, Claire Berezowitz, Melissa Widhalm, and Linda Prokopy. 2017. Enhancing interdisciplinary climate change work through comprehensive evaluation. Climate Risk Management, 15: 109-125.
- MacGowan, Brian, Ajay Singh, Bryan Overstreet, Michael O’Donnell, Heidi Klotz, Linda S. Prokopy. In Press. Producer’s Opinions on What Makes Effective Demonstrations. Journal of Extension, 16269RIB.
- Mase, Amber Saylor, Benjamin Gramig, and Linda Stalker Prokopy. 2017. Climate Change Beliefs, Risk Perceptions, and Adaptation Behavior among Midwestern U.S. Crop Farmers. Climate Risk Management, 15: 8-17.
- McClellan, E.L., K.E. Schilling, C.F. Wolter, M.D. Tomer, S.A. Porter, J.A. Magner, D.R. Smith, L.S.Prokopy 2018. Right Practice, Right Place: A Conservation Planning Toolbox for Meeting Water Quality Goals in the Corn Belt. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73(2): 29A-34A.
- Morton, L.W. and K.R. Olson. 2018. The pulses of the Mekong River Basin: Rivers and the
- livelihoods of farmers and fishers. Journal of Environmental Protection 9:431-459.
- Olson, K.R. and L.W. Morton. 2017. Tonle Sap Lake and River and Confluence with the Mekong River in Cambodia. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73 (3):60A-66A.
- Olson, K.R. and L.W. Morton. 2017. Water rights and fights, Lao PDR dams on the Mekong River. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73(2)35A-41A.
- Olson, K.R. and L.W. Morton. 2017. Managing Upper Missouri River for agriculture, irrigation, flood control and energy. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 72(5):105A-110A.
- Olson, K.R. and L.W. Morton. 2017. Sedimentation, navigation, and agriculture on the lower Missouri River. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 72(4):80A-86A.
- Olson, B. & Davenport, M.A. 2017. An inductive model of farmer conservation decision making for nitrogen management. Landscape Journal, 36(1), 59-73.
- Pape, Aaron and Linda Stalker Prokopy. 2017. Delivering on the Potential of Formal Farmer Networks: Insights from Indiana. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(5): 463-470.
- Pradhananga, A., Davenport, M.A., Perry, V. 2017. The influence of beliefs and norms in landowners’ civic engagement in water resource protection. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(6), 639-649.
- Pradhananga, A. & Davenport, M.A. 2017. Community attachment, beliefs, and residents’ civic engagement in stormwater management. Landscape and Urban Planning, 168, 1-8.
- Pradhananga, A., Davenport, M.A., Fulton, D.C., Maruyama, G.M., & Current, D. 2017. An integrated moral obligation model for landowner conservation norms. Society and Natural Resources 30(2), 212-227.
- Prokopy, Linda Stalker, J. Stuart Carlton, Tonya Haigh, Maria Carmen Lemos, Amber Saylor Mase, Melissa Widhalm. 2017. Useful to Usable: Developing Usable Climate Science for Agriculture. Climate Risk Management, 15: 1-7.
- Qiu, Jiangxiao, Chloe B. Wardropper, Adena R. Rissman, and Monica G. Turner. 2017. Spatial fit between water quality policies and hydrologic ecosystem services in an urbanizing agricultural landscape. Landscape Ecology. 32(1):59-75.
- Rissman, A.R., P. Kohl, C.B. Wardropper. 2017. Public support for carrot, stick, and no-government water quality policies. Environmental Science and Policy, 76, 82-89.
- Rissman, Adena R., Jessica Owley, Andrew W. L'Roe, Amy W. Morris, and Chloe B. Wardropper. 2017. Public access to spatial data on private-land conservation. Ecology and Society. 22(2):24 https://doi.org/10.5751/ES-09330-220224
- Rissman, Adena R., Patrice Kohl, and Chloe B. Wardropper. 2017. Public support for carrot, stick, and no-government water quality policies. Environmental Science and Policy. 76:82-89.
- Roesch-McNally, G.E., J.G. Arbuckle, and J.C. Tyndall. 2018. Barriers to implementing climate resilient agricultural strategies: The case of crop diversification in the U.S. Corn Belt. Global Environmental Change 48:206-215.
- Roesch-McNally, G.E., J.G. Arbuckle, and J.C. Tyndall. 2018. Soil as social-ecological feedback: Examining the ‘ethic’ of soil stewardship among Corn Belt farmers. Rural Sociology. 83(1):145-173.
- Roesch-McNally, G., Basche, A., Arbuckle, J., Tyndall, J., Miguez, F., Bowman, T., and Clay, R. 2017. The trouble with cover crops: Farmers’ experiences with overcoming barriers to adoption. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 1-12. doi:10.1017/S1742170517000096
- Schulte, L.A., Niemi, J., Helmers, M.J., Liebman, M., Arbuckle, J.G., James, D.E…, Witte, C. 2017. Prairie strips improve biodiversity and the delivery of multiple ecosystem services from corn-soybean croplands. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 114(42):11247-11252.
- Sigler, W.A., S.A Ewing, C.A Jones, R.A Payn, E.N.J. Brookshire, J.K Klassen, D. Jackson-Smith, G.S. Weissmann,. 2018. Connections among soil, ground, and surface water chemistries characterize nitrogen loss from an agricultural landscape in the upper Missouri River basin. Journal of Hydrology 556: 247-261. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.10.018
- Singh, Ajay S., Brian MacGowan, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Michael O’Donnell, Heidi Klotz, and Linda S. Prokopy. The influence of demonstration sites and field days on conservation practices adoption. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(3): 274-281.
- Singh, Ajay, Francis Eanes, Linda Prokopy. 2018. Assessing Conservation Adoption Decision Criteria Using the Analytic Hierarchy Process: Case Studies from Three Midwestern Watersheds. Society and Natural Resources, 31(4): 503-507.
- Stoker, P., R. Ewing, M. Buchert, and D. Jackson-Smith. (forthcoming) “Neighborhood effects on parcel level water use.” Sustainable Water Resources Management.
- Ulrich-Schad, Jessica, Carolina Brock, Linda Prokopy. 2017. A Comparison of Awareness, Attitudes, and Usage of Water Quality Conservation Practices between Amish and Small non-Amish Farmers. Society and Natural Resources. 30(12): 1476-1490.
- Ulrich-Schad, Jessica D., Silvestre Garcia de Jalon, Nicholas Babin, Aaron Pape, Linda Stalker Prokopy. 2017. Measuring and Understanding Agricultural Producers’ Adoption of Nutrient Best Management Practices. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72(5): 506-518.
- Ulrich-Schad, Jessica D., Caroline Brock, and Linda S. Prokopy. A Comparison of Awareness, Attitudes, and Usage of Water Quality Conservation Practices between Amish and non-Amish Farmers. Society and Natural Resources 30(12): 1476-1490.
- Wardropper, C.B. Environmental performance information use by conservation agency staff. 2018. Environmental Management, 61 (4), 563-576. doi: 10.1007/s00267-017-0990-5
- Wardropper, C.B., S. Gillon, A.R. Rissman. 2017. Experimental governance and uncertain measurement produce both risk and collaboration in a watershed nonpoint pollution program. Land Use Policy, 67, 690-701.
- Wardropper, C.B., Sean Gillon, and Adena R. Rissman. 2017. Uncertain monitoring and modeling in a watershed nonpoint pollution program. Land Use Policy. 67:690-701.
Technical Reports
- Arbuckle, J. Gordon Jr. 2017. Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: 2017 Summary Report. Extension Report SOC3085. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.
- Burbach, M. E., & Reimers-Hild, C. (2017). 2017 Nebraska Water Leaders Academy Final report. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Open-File Report 177.
- Church, S.P., N. Babin, B. Bentlage, M. Dunn, J.D. Ulrich-Schad, P.Ranjan, J. Magner, E. McLellan, S. Stephan, M. Tomer, L.S. Prokopy. (under review) The Beargrass Story: Utilizing social science to inform, evaluate, and learn from the watershed approach. To be included in: Floress, K., L.S. Prokopy, M. Burbach (Eds.) Catalyzing Change: Social Science Research Approaches for Natural Resources Management. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report.
- Fairchild, E. and D. Jackson-Smith. 2017. “Shifting water use patterns in response to the conversion of irrigated agricultural lands.” Rural Connections 11(1): 17-20. Available at: Available at: http://wrdc.usu.edu/files-ou/publications/rcspr2017d.pdf
- Fellows, S., Green, E. & Davenport, M.A. 2018. Seven Mile Creek Watershed: Minnesota Community Assessment for Clean Water. A final technical report prepared for the Seven Mile Creek Watershed Partnership and Great River Greening. St. Paul, MN: Center for Changing Landscapes, University of Minnesota, 107 pp.
- Sliwinski, M., & Burbach, M. 2017. Collaborative conservation in the Great Plains: Opportunities and barriers for cross-property private-lands management, USDA NIFA SARE Project Reports. https://www.sare.org/Project-Reports
- Pradhananga, A., Green, E. & Davenport, M.A. 2017. Building local capacity for groundwater protection: An evaluation of groundwater management workshops. A final technical report prepared for the University of Minnesota Regional Sustainable Development Partnerships and the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. St. Paul, MN: Center for Changing Landscapes, University of Minnesota, 46 pp.
- Pradhananga, A. & Davenport, M.A. 2017. Social science-based evaluation of Scott County’s Technical Assistance and Cost Share Program. St. Paul, MN: Center for Changing Landscapes, University of Minnesota. 72 pp.
- Pradhananga, A. & Davenport, M.A. 2017. An assessment of landowner conservation behavior in Nicollet County, Minnesota. A final technical report submitted to Nicollet County. St. Paul, MN: Center for Changing Landscapes, University of Minnesota, 89pp.
- Sliwinski, M., Burbach, M., Powell, L., & Schacht, W. 2017. Managing for wildlife habitat on rangelands in the Great Plains. School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Open File Report-162.
Book Chapters
Doering, OE III, BM Gramig, D Jeong. 2018. Economic and Policy Implications of Nitrogen Management in Soil Nitrogen Uses and Environmental Impacts, eds. Lal and Stewart. CRC Press. (ISBN 9781138626362).
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles (published)
- Brock, Caroline, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, and Linda S. Prokopy. " Bridging the Divide: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Sector Agricultural Professionals Working with Amish and Mennonite Producers on Conservation." Environmental Management. 61(5): 756-771.
- Burbach, M.E., Floress, K., Prokopy, L.S. (2019). Introduction to Special Issue: Catalyzing Change. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 161 (1).
- Byrd, ES*, NJO Widmar, BM Gramig. "Presentation Matters: Number of Attributes Presented Impacts Estimated Preferences." Agribusiness: an International Journal 34(2):377-389, 2018. (Grad student co-author*)
- Church, Sarah P., Nick Babin, Belyna Bentlage, Michael Dunn, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Pranay Ranjan, Joe Magner, Eileen McLellan, Susi Stephan, Mark Tomer, Linda S. Prokopy. The Beargrass Story: Utilizing social science to evaluate and learn from the watershed approach. Journal of Contemporary Water Resources and Education (167):78-96.
- Czap, N.V., Czap, H.J., Banerjee, S., & Burbach, M. (2019). Encouraging farmers participation in the Conservation Stewardship Program: A field experiment. Ecological Economics, 161, 130-143.
- Doering, O, B Gramig and Jeong*. Economic and Policy Implications of Nitrogen Management. Soil Nitrogen Uses and Environmental Impacts, Advances in Soil Science: Soil Nitrogen volume, eds. R. Lal and B.A. Stewart. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group: 2018 (Grad student co-author*)
- Eaton, W. M., F. R., Eanes, J. D., Ulrich-Schad, M., Burnham, S. P., Church, J. Arbuckle, J. Cross. 2019. Trouble with Sense of Place in Working Landscapes. Society & Natural Resources, 32(7), 827-840. https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2019.1568653
- Floress, K., Thompson, A.W., & Fisher, C.L. (2019). Assessing principles of good governance: The case of Lake Wausau, Wisconsin. Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education, 161(1).
- Gardezi, M. and J.G. Arbuckle. 2019. The influence of objective and perceived adaptive capacities on Midwestern farmers use of cover crops. Weather, Climate, and Society. https://doi.org/10.1175/WCAS-D-18-0086.1.
- Gardezi, M. and J.G. Arbuckle. 2019. Techno-optimism and farmers attitudes toward climate change adaptation. Environment and Behavior. https://doi.org/10.1177/0013916518793482.
- Gardezi, M. and J.G. Arbuckle. 2019. Spatially Representing Vulnerability to Extreme Rain Events Using Midwestern Farmers' Objective and Perceived Attributes of Adaptive Capacity. Risk Analysis. 39(1):17-34 DOI: 10.1111/risa.12943
- Gramig, BM and NJO Widmar. "Farmer Preferences for Agricultural Soil Carbon Sequestration Schemes." Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 40(3):502-521, 2018.
- Haigh, T., Schacht, W., Knutson, C.L., Smart, A.J., Volesky, J., Allen, C., Hayes, M., & Burbach, M. (2019). Socioecological determinants of drought impacts and coping strategies for ranching operations in the Great Plains. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 72, 561-571.
- Jackson-Smith, D., S. Ewing, A. Sigler, C. Jones, and A. Armstrong*. 2018. The road less travelled: assessing the impacts of farmer and stakeholder participation in groundwater nitrate pollution research. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(6):610-622. https://doi.org/10.2489/jswc.73.6.610
- Kaufman, E. K., Kennedy, R. E., & Cletzer, D. A. (2019). Understanding the Nature of EcoLeadership: A Mixed Methods Study of Leadership in Community Organizations. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education, 167(1), 33-49. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1936-704X.2019.03310.x+D4+D5
- Lee, D., J.G. Arbuckle, Z. Zhu, and *L. Nowatzke. 2019. Conditional Causal Mediation Analysis of Factors Associated with Cover Crop Adoption in Iowa, USA. Water Resources Research. 54(11):9566-9584 https://doi.org/10.1029/2017WR022385
- Owley, Jessica, Federico Cheever, Adena R. Rissman, M. Rebecca Shaw, Barton H. Thompson, Jr., and W. William Weeks. 2018. Climate change challenges for land conservation: rethinking conservation easements, strategies & tools. Denver University Law Review. 95:727-780
- Prokopy, L. S., Floress, K., Arbuckle, J. G., Church, S. P., Eanes, F. R., Gao, Y., & Singh, A. S. (2019). Adoption of agricultural conservation practices in the United States: Evidence from 35 years of quantitative literature. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 74(5), 520+D4+D5
- Ranjan, P., C.B. Wardropper, F. Eanes, S. Reddy, Y. Masuda, L. Prokopy. 2019. Understanding barriers and opportunities for adoption of conservation practices on rented cropland. Land Use Policy. 80, 214-223. doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2018.09.039
- Roesch-McNally, G., J.G. Arbuckle, J. Benning, L.W. Morton and A. Wilke. 2019. University extension communities of practice: Learning, communicating, and engaging on climate change adaptation and mitigation in the United States Corn Belt. Pp. 180-193, In: Lachapelle, P., & D. Albrecht. (Eds.), Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States. New York: Routledge.
- Singh, Ajay S., Brian MacGowan, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Michael O Donnell, Heidi Klotz, and Linda S. Prokopy. The influence of demonstration sites and field days on conservation practices adoption. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(3): 274-281.
- Sliwinski, M., Burbach, M.E., Powell, L., & Schacht, W. (2018). Factors influencing ranchers intentions to manage for vegetation heterogeneity and promote cross-boundary management in the northern Great Plains. Ecology & Society, 23 (4):45.
- Sliwinski, M., Burbach, M.E., Powell, L., & Schacht, W. (2018). Ranchers’ perceptions of vegetation heterogeneity in the Northern Great Plains. Great Plains Research, 28, 185-197.
- Wardropper, C.B., A. R. Rissman. 2019. Adaptations to extreme storm events by conservation organizations. Climatic Change, 152(1), 85-101. doi: 10.1007/s10584-018-2342-8
- Wardropper, C.B., S. Gillon, A.R. Rissman. 2018. Innovation in outcomes-based water quality policy: A case study from the Yahara Watershed, Wisconsin, USA. Case Studies in the Environment, doi: 10.1525/cse.2018.001222
- Wardropper, C.B. 2018. Environmental performance information use by conservation agency staff. Environmental Management, 61 (4), 563-576. doi: 10.1007/s00267-017-0990-5
- Yun, SD and BM Gramig. "Agro-Climatic Data by County: A Spatially and Temporally Consistent U.S. Dataset for Agricultural Yields, Weather and Soils." Data 4(2):66, 2019.
Technical Reports
- Arbuckle, J. Gordon Jr. 2019. Iowa Farm and Rural Life Poll: 2018 Summary Report. Extension Report SOC3090. Ames, IA: Iowa State University Extension.
- Nowatzke, Laurie and J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr. 2018. Iowa Farmers and the Iowa Nutrient Reduction Strategy: Survey Results from the Missouri-Little Sioux Watershed. SOC 3087. Department of Sociology, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa.
Rissman, Adena R. and Chloe Wardropper. 2021. Adapting conservation policy and management to climate change and nonstationarity. Society and Natural Resources. 34 (4), 524-537 DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2020.1799127
Church, Sarah P., Kristin Floress, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, Chloe B. Wardropper, Pranay Ranjan, Weston M. Eaton, Stephen Gasteyer, Adena R. Rissman. 2021. How water quality improvement efforts influence urban–agricultural relationships. Agriculture and Human Values. 38(2): 481-498 DOI: 10.1007/s10460-020-10177-8
Wardropper C.B., J.P. Angerer, M. Burnham, M.E. Fernández-Giménez, V.S. Jansen, J.W. Karl, K. Lee, K. Wollstein. (2021). Improving rangeland climate services for ranchers and pastoralists with social science. In special issue on Climate Decision Making in Current Opinion Environmental Sustainability. 52, 82-91. doi: 10.1016/j.cosust.2021.07.001
Weigel, C., S. Harden, Y. Masuda, C.B. Wardropper, P. Ferraro, L. Prokopy, S. Reddy. (2021). Using a randomized controlled trial to develop conservation strategies on rented farmlands. Conservation Letters. e12803. doi: 10.1111/conl.12803
Lavoie, A. and C.B. Wardropper. (2021). Engagement with conservation tillage shaped by “good farmer” identity. Agriculture and Human Values. doi:10.1007/s10460-021-10205-1
Cooper, C.M., M.S. Goebel*, V.T. Wade, C.B. Wardropper. (2021). Challenges and Opportunities for Communicating Lead Exposure Risks in Idaho’s Silver Valley. Case Studies in the Environment, 5(1). doi:10.1525/cse.2021.1232759
Masuda, Y.J., S.C. Harden, P. Ranjan, C.B. Wardropper, C. Weigel, P.J. Ferraro, S.M.W. Reddy, L.S. Prokopy. (2021). Rented farmland: A missing piece of the nutrient management puzzle in the Upper Mississippi River Basin? Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 76 (1) 5A-9A; doi: 10.2489/jswc.2021.1109A
Lavoie, A., Dentzman, K., C.B. Wardropper. (2021). Using diffusion of innovations theory to understand agricultural producer perspectives on cover cropping in the inland Pacific Northwest, USA. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. 1-12. doi:10.1017/S1742170520000423
Awad, K., A. Maas, C.B. Wardropper. (2021). Preferences for alternative water supplies in the Pacific Northwest: A Discrete Choice Experiment. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 147(4): 04021007. doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0001342
Eaton, W.M., Brasier, K.J., Burbach, M.E., Whitmer, W., Engle, E.W., Burnham, M., . . . Weigle, J. (2021). A conceptual framework for social, behavioral, and environmental change through stakeholder engagement in water resource management. Society & Natural Resources, 34, 1111-1132.
De Figueiredo Silva, F. Perrin, R.K., Fulginiti, L.E., & Burbach, M.E. (2021). Does engagement improve groundwater management? Water Economics and Policy, 7(2), 2150008. https:///dx.doi.org/10.1142/S2382624X21500089
Delozier, J., & Burbach, M.E. (2021). Boundary spanning: Its role in trust development between stakeholders in integrated water resource management. Current Research in Environmental Sustainability, 3, 100027. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.crsust.2021.100027
Smith, K.H., Burbach, M.E., Hayes, M.J., Guinan, P.E., Tyre, A.J., Fuchs, B., and Haigh, T. (2021). Whose ground truth is it? Harvesting lessons from Missouri’s 2018 bumper crop of drought observations. Weather, Climate, and Society, 13, 227-244. https://doi.org/10.1175/WCAS-D-19-0140.1
Haigh, T., Hayes, M., Smyth, J., Prokopy, L., Francis, C., & Burbach, M. (2021). Ranchers’ use of drought contingency plans in protective action decision making. Rangeland Ecology & Management, 74, 50-62. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rama.2020.09.007
Kennedy, S.M., & Burbach, M.E. (2020). Great Plains ranchers managing for vegetation heterogeneity: A multiple case study. Great Plains Research, 30(2), 137-148. https://doi.org/10.1353/gpr.2020.0016
Sprunger, C., S. Culman, L. Deiss, C. Brock, and D. Jackson-Smith. 2021. Which management practices influence soil health in Midwest organic corn systems? Agronomy Journal. https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20786.
Culman, S., C. Brock, D. Doohan, D. Jackson-Smith, C. Herms, V.N. Chaganti, M. Kleinhenz, C.D. Sprunger, and J. Spargo. 2021. Base cation saturation ratios vs. sufficiency level of nutrients: a false dichotomy in practice. Agronomy Journal DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/agj2.20787
Brock, C., D. Jackson-Smith, S. Culman, C. Herms and D. Doohan. 2021. Organic corn production practices and profitability in the eastern Corn Belt. Sustainability 13: 8682. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13168682
Kast, J*., M. Kalcic, R. Wilson, D. Jackson-Smith, and J. Martin. 2021. Evaluating the efficacy of targeting options for conservation practice adoption on watershed-scale phosphorus reductions. Water Research 201: 117373. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.watres.2021.117375
Jackson-Smith, D. and H. Veisi. 2021. Media Coverage of a Pandemic's Impacts on Farmers and Implications for Agricultural Resilience and Adaptation. Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development. https://doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2021.102.039
Brock, C.*, J. Pempek, D. Jackson-Smith. L. da Costa, and G. Habing. 2021. Organic dairy producer experiences and decisions on disease prevention and treatment. Journal of Dairy Science. https://doi.org/10.3168/jds.2020-19621
Brock, C.*, D. Jackson-Smith, S. Culman, D. Doohan, and C. Herms. 2020. “Organic farmer and consultant conceptions of and experiences with soil balancing.” Agriculture and Human Values. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10460-020-10165-y
Brock, C.*, D. Jackson-Smith, S. Kumurappan, and S. Culman. 2020. The prevalence and practice of soil balancing among organic corn farmers.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170520000381
Saak, Alexander E., Tong Wang, Zheng Xu, Deepthi Kolady, Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, and David E. Clay. 2021. “Duration of Usage and Farmer Reported Benefits of Conservation Tillage.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 71(1): 65-75.
Kolady, Deepthi, Weiwei Zhang, Tong Wang, and Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad. 2020. “Spatially mediated peer effects in the adoption of conservation agriculture practices.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. DOI:10.1017/aae.2020.24.
Avemegah, Edem, Wei Gu, Abdelrahim Abulbasher, Kristen Koci, Ayorinde Ogunyiola, Joyce Eduful, Shuang Li, Kylie Barington, Tong Wang, Deepthi Kolady, Lora Perkins, A. Joshua Leffler, Péter Kovács, Jason D. Clark, David E. Clay, and Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad. 2020. “An Examination of Best Practices for Survey Research with Agricultural Producers.” Society and Natural Resources. DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2020.1804651.
Wang, Tong, Zheng Xu, Deepthi Kolady, and Jessica D. Ulrich-Schad, and David E. Clay. 2021. “Cover Crops Usage in South Dakota: Perceived Profitability and Future Adoption Decisions.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 46(2): 287-307.
Ulrich-Schad, Jessica D., Shuang Li, A. Joshua Leffler, Wei Gu, Lealand Schoon, and Lora Perkins. Forthcoming. “What and Why: South Dakota Rangeland Livestock Producers’ Usage of Parasiticides.” Rangeland Ecology and Management.
Rose, J.M., J.S. Gosnell, S. Bricker, MJ Brush, A. Colden, L. Harris, E. Karplus, A. Laferriere, N.H. Merrill, T.B. Murphy, J. Reitsma, J. Shockley, K. Stephenson, S. Theuerkauf, D.Ward, RW Fulweiler. 2021. Opportunities and Challenges for Including Oyster-Mediated Denitrification in Nitrogen Management Plans. Estuaries and Coasts: doi.org/10.1007/s12237-021-00936-z