S1067: Specialty Crops and Food Systems: Exploring Markets, Supply Chains and Policy Dimensions
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Outputs and Dissemination
Outreach/Industry Presentations:
- Chen, X., “Maine wild blueberry economics projects”, Maine Wild Blueberry Advisory Committee Meeting, November 16th, 2016, Orono, ME
- Govindasamy, R., S., Arumugam, K. Kelley, and A. Miller. Attitude and Preferences of Mid-Atlantic Consumers towards New Jersey Wine. Grape Expectations Symposium, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Meeting, Monroe Township, NJ. 27 February 2016.
- Govindasamy, R., S. Arumugam, K. Kelley, and A. Miller, “Preference and Attitudes of Mid-Atlantic Consumers towards NJ Wine”, Grape Expectations – A Viticulture and Enological Symposium, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Rutgers University, February 2016, Monroe Township, New Jersey.
- Govindasamy, R., and S. Arumugam, “Global Organic Products Market: An Update”, Invited Lecture presented at Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, India. January 5, 2016.
- Hellwinckel, C., and M. Velandia. February 2016. “Knoxville Regional Food Hub Feasibility Study.” Institute of Agriculture, University of Tennessee; and Knoxville Metropolitan Planning Commission.
- Jablonski, BBR, D. Thilmany, J. O’Hara and D. Tropp. Assessing the Economic Impacts of Local Food Systems: A Toolkit and Meta-Analysis to Evaluate Ongoing and Future Efforts. Presented at the 2016 USDA Small Farms Conference. Virginia Beach, VA. September 2016.
- Kelley, K. Increasing tasting room visits through social media. Eastern winery Exposition, Lancaster, PA. 8 March 2016.
- Kelley, K., Miller, A., J. Zelinskie and R. Govindasamy, “Strategies for Encouraging Tasting Room Visits: Results from a Study Conducted with Mid-Atlantic Wine Consumers”, Grape Expectations – A Viticulture and Enological Symposium, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Rutgers University, February 2016, Monroe Township, New Jersey.
- Kelley, K., J. Zelinskie, A. Miller, and R. Govindasamy. Strategies for Encouraging Tasting Room Visits: Results from a Study Conducted with Mid-Atlantic wine consumers. Grape Expectations Symposium 2016, Rutgers Cooperative Extension Meeting, Monroe Township, NJ. 27 February 2016.
- LeRoux, M., B. Jablonski, M. Sullins, J. Christensen and D. Thilmany. Market Channel Assessments: Understanding Your Farm’s Profitability by Market. Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Growers Lunch and Learn Webinar. July 2016.
- Miller, A. and K. Kelley. Developing wine marketing strategies for the mid-Atlantic region. NJ Vegetable Growers Meeting, Atlantic City, NJ. 9 February 2016.
- Sharma, A.C. Strohbehn, and K. Kelley. 2016. Relevance of local food systems: Challenges and opportunities for foodservice industry and schools. Annual International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education. Dallas, TX.
- Simon, J.E., S. Weller, D. Hoffman and R. Govindasamy. “Improving Income and Nutrition of Smallholder Farmers in Eastern Africa using a Market Driven Approach to Enhance Value Chain Production of African Indigenous Vegetables”, UC Davis Horticulture Innovation Lab Annual Meeting, Siem Reap, Cambodia, March 2016.
- Tanaka, K., K. Niewolny, L. MacAuley, H. Hyden, M. Velandia, S. Hodges, E. Sorense, K. Jacobsen, A. Wszelaki, and L. Brislen. “A Systems Approach to Fostering New Farmer Innovation: Exploring the Influence of Social, Cultural and Human Capital Systems for Beginning Farmer Success in Food and Farming Systems.” National Small Farm Conference 2016, September 20 to 22.
- Thilmany, D.”Preparing for Food Security in an Age of Limited Natural Resources: A Focus on Water.” LiveWell Colorado and Colorado Food Systems Advisory Council Webinar. January 2016.
- Thilmany, D. “Labor Compliance and Best Practices for Fruit & Vegetable Growers in Colorado.” Presentation at Colorado Produce Day. Colorado Farm Show. January 2016. Greeley, CO. 35 in attendance.
- Thilmany, D. Overview of a Local Food Economic Assessment Toolkit & Food Marketing Benchmarks. Presentation to American AgCredit Emerging Market Regional Loan officers. August 2016. Greeley, CO.
- Thilmany, D. Consumer Driven Food Markets. Presentation to the Global IB conference, Farm to Fork: Ethics of Food Sourcing, Production and Consumption. July 2016. Denver CO.
- Thilmany, D. An Overview of Market and Grant Opportunities for Veteran Farmers. Presentation to the Chatfield Veteran to Farmer Program. July 2016.
- Thilmany, D. The Dynamics of Colorado Food Markets: Trends and Emerging Strategies. April 2016. Broomfield CO.
- Thilmany, D. “Successful Planning for Markets.” Presentation to the Eagle County Building Farmers Program. January 2016. Fort Collins CO.
- Velandia, M. “Pricing for Farmers Markets.” Rutherford County Farmers Market Vendor Meeting. Murfreesboro, TN, April 19, 2016.
- Velandia, M., Trejo-Pech, C.O., Morris, D., Wszelaki, A., Niewolny, K., & MacAuley, L. (2016). Evaluating Financial and Economic Factors Contributing to the Sustainability of Beginning Farms in Tennessee and Virginia. Presented at the Eastern, Central, and Western Regions Agricultural Economics Market Outlook In-service training, University of Tennessee; Knoxville, TN, November 1, 2016; Murfreesboro, TN, November 2, 2016; and Jackson, TN, November 3, 2016.
- Vellangany, I., R. Govindasamy, S. Arumugam and J. Heckman, (2015). “Pesticides Free Produce: An Analysis of consumer Preference in the Mid-Atlantic Region in the USA”, Food Distribution Research Society Conference in New Orleans, LA, USA.
Outreach/Industry Publications:
- Crassweller, R.M., T.A. Baugher, R.P. Marini, J.R. Schupp, G. Krawczyk, D.J. Biddinger, M. Frazier, J. Hopwood, E. Mader, M. Vaughan, K.A. Peter, B.L. Lehman, M.C. Brittingham, L.F. LaBorde, J.K. Harper, L.F. Kime, M. Sean High, R.H. Pifer, K.M. Kelley, C. Gregory, and C. Jung. 2016-2017 Pennsylvania Tree Fruit Production Guide AGRS-045. 384 pp. Chapter 10: Marketing.
- Hellwinckel, C. and M. Velandia. March 2016. “Knoxville Regional Food Hub Feasibility Study.” Final Report. Institute of Agriculture, University of Tennessee; and Knoxville Metropolitan Planning Commission.
Conference Presentations:
- Arumugam, S., R. Govindasamy, I. Vellangany and H. Gohil, (2015). “An Analysis of Organic Fresh Produce Choice: A Consumer Preference Study in the Mid-Atlantic USA”, Food Distribution Research Society Conference in New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Bauman, A., B.R. Jablonski and D. Thilmany. 2016. Evaluating scale and technical efficiency among farms and ranches with a local market orientation. Presentation to the 2016 Ag and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings. Boston MA.
- Bonanno A., F. Bimbo and R. Viscecchia “Welfare losses when a credence attribute is “false”: the “100% Italian” extra virgin olive oil case” Selected paper. 153th EAAE Seminar ‘New dimensions of market power and bargaining in the agri-food sector: Organisations, policies and models.’ Gaeta, Italy, June 9-10, 2016
- Bradshaw, M., K. Curtis, S. Slocum, and R. Bosworth, “The Role of Food and Ag Tourism in the Western US.” Selected paper presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Canberra, Australia, February 2016.
- Cavallo C., A. Bonanno, R. Viscecchia and T. Del Giudice. “Premium, Where Art Thou? PDOs Price Premium Disparities in the Italian Olive Oil Market.” Selected paper. 153th EAAE Seminar ‘New dimensions of market power and bargaining in the agri-food sector: Organisations, policies and models.’ Gaeta, Italy, June 9-10, 2016
- Chen, X., Yarborough, D. and D’Appoloonio, J., “Wild blueberry systems approach economic and risk analysis”, XI International Vaccinium Symposium, April 12, 2016, Orlando, FL
- Christensen, J. BBR Jablonski, D. Thilmany McFadden, and M. Sullins. Assessing Market Channel Performance for Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Producers. Presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Meetings. New Orleans, 2016.
- Countryman A., J. Hadrich, and A. Bonanno “A COOL Repeal: Potential Outcomes of U.S. Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling Repeal on Dairy and Beef Sectors” Selected paper. AAEA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, July 31-August 2 2016
- Costanigro, M. and B. Jablonski. The effect of varietal and regional information on consumer taste perceptions: challenges and opportunities for nascent wine regions. Selected paper at the 2016 WAEA meetings. Victoria BC. June 2016.
- Costanigro M., Scozzafava G., Casini L. Vertical differentiation and endogenous quality expectations. How the introduction of new labels affects perceptions of previously established quality standards. Selected paper at the 2016 WAEA meetings. Victoria BC.
- Curtis, K., S. Slocum, T. Teegerstrom, C. Bishop, and M. Landis, “Innovative Food Tourism Development Strategies for Sustainability on American Indian Reservations.” Selected paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Meeting, New Orleans, 2016.
- Curtis, K., K. Allen, and R. Ward, “Food Consumption, Attitude, and Behavioral Change among CSA Members.” Selected Track Session (Transformations in Food Systems: Opportunities and Challenges for Alternative Food Systems) Presentation of the Agriculture and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, August 2016.
- Curtis, K., R. Ward, and J. Warner, “Building Business Management Capacity for American Indian Agricultural Businesses.” Selected Track Session of the Agriculture and Applied Economics Association Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, August 2016.
- Curtis, K., M. Bradshaw, and S. Slocum, “The Role of Food Experiences in Destination Loyalty.” Invited presentation, AARES South Australian Branch, Adelaide, Australia, June 2016.
- Curtis, K., K. Allen, and R. Ward, “Food Consumption, Attitude, and Behavioral Change among CSA Members.” Invited presentation, Department of Economics, the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, March 2016.
- Curtis, K., M. Bradshaw, S. Slocum, and R. Bosworth, “The Importance of Good Food Experiences in Destination Loyalty.” Invited presentation, Department of Tourism, the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, March 2016.
- Curtis, K., and S. Slocum, “The Role of Sustainability Certification Programs in Reducing Food Waste in Tourism.” Invited presentation of the UNESCO-APEID 2015 International Symposium on Agricultural Education for Sustainable Development, Tsukuba, Japan, November 2015.
- Everett, C.N., Boyer, C., J. Kimberly, D.W. Hughes, and M. Velandia. “Tennessee Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Tennessee Wine.” Agricultural and Applied Economics Association 2016 Annual Meeting, July 31-August 2, Boston, Massachusetts.
- Gallardo, R.K., B.J. Rickard, Jill McCluskey, S.B. Akhundjanov. “Assessing Innovator and Adopter Profit Potential under Different New Plant Variety Commercialization Strategies.” Annual Meetings of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Boston, MA. July 31-August 2, 2016.
- Gallardo, R.K., C. Yue, V. McCracken, J. Luby, J. McFerson. “Are WTP estimates for Fruit Quality Similar between Producers and Consumers? Results of a Choice Experiment on Five Rosaceous Fruit Crops.” Annual Meetings of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Boston, MA. July 31-August 2, 2016.
- Govindasamy, R., S. Arumugam and J.E. Simon. “Global organic produce marketing”, Symposium on Horticultural Sciences Organized by UC Davis Horticulture Innovation Lab at Royal University of Agriculture, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, March 18, 2016.
- Govindasamy, R., S. Arumugam, I. Vellangany and B. Ozkan, (2015). “Willingness to Pay a High-Premium for Organic Produce: An Econometric Analysis”, Food Distribution Research Society Conference in New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Hyde, J. and K. Kelley. Integrating Social Media into your everyday work. National Extension and Research Administrative Officers' Conference, Philadelphia, PA. 25 April 2016.
- Jablonski, B., J. Christensen, M. Sullins, D. Thilmany, and K. Curtis, “Determinants of Effective Beginning Farmer Programming and Implications for Emerging USDA Programs.” Selected paper presented at the Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Victoria, BC, June 2016 (abstract: Journal of Agricultural & Resource Economics 41(3), 2016).
- Kelley, K. Strategies for using social media to connect with your customers. Long Island Greenhouse and Floriculture Conference, Riverhead, NY. 19 January 2016.
- Kelley, K., A. Miller, D. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, K. Storchmann. Characteristics of wine consumers in the Mid-Atlantic states: A statistical analysis. American Association of Wine Economists, Annual Meeting, Bordeaux, France. 22 June 2016.
- Kelley, K., A. Miller, D. Gardner, B. Rickard, R. Govindasamy, K. Storchmann, and J. Hyde. “Characteristics of wine consumers in the Mid-Atlantic United States: A statistical analysis”, 10th Annual American Association of Wine Economists, Bordeaux, France, June 2016.
- McCluskey, J.J. “Changing Food Demand and Consumer Preferences: Opportunities and Challenges,” Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society meetings, Canberra, Australia, February 2-5.
- Michelle, K. , Pendell D. Costanigro M. and Traub-Dargatz. Equine Daily Use Values and Owner Willingness to Pay for Infectious Disease Treatment Options. Selected paper at the 2016 WAEA meetings. Victoria BC. June 2016.
- Sullins, M., J. Christensen and D. Thilmany. Exploring the Challenges and Dynamics of Local Food Market Price Reporting: The Case of Colorado. Organized Symposium for the Southern Ag Economics Association. February 2016. San Antonio, TX.
- Thilmany, D., A. Bauman and B.B.R. Jablonski. 2016. The financial performance implications of differential marketing strategies: Exploring farms that pursue local markets as a core competitive advantage. CRENET Track Session at the 2016 AAEA meetings Boston MS.
- Thilmany, D. Moderator for Transformations in Food Systems: Opportunities and Challenges for Alternative Food Systems. FAMPS Track Session at the 2016 AAEA meetings Boston MS.
- Thilmany, D. and R. Hill. Trends in US Agritourism: Exploring Traveler Behavior and Producer Strategies. Moderator and Opening Section of 2016 WAEA Organized Symposium. Victoria BC.
- Waldrop, M. and J.J. McCluskey, “Impact of Organic, Sustainable, and Salmon-Safe Wine-Making Practices on Wine Prices,” AAEA Annual Meeting, Boston, July 31-August 2, 2016.
Poster Presentations:
- Kelley, K., A. Sharma, and C. Strohbehn. 2016. A survey of Iowa and Pennsylvania fruit and vegetable growers: Identifying barriers to serving schools. School Nutrition Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.
- Strohbehn, C., A. Sharma, and K. Kelley. 2016. Views of Iowa and Pennsylvania school foodservice directors on local food purchasing. School Nutrition Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX.
- Strohbehn, C., A. Sharma, and K. Kelley. 2016. Effects of producers’ perceptions of costs and experiences on selling to schools. National Farm to Cafeteria Conference. Madison, WI.
Refereed Journal Articles:
- Angelo, B, B. Jablonski and D. Thilmany. 2016. “Meta-analysis of U.S. intermediated food markets: Measuring what matters.” British Food Journal. 118(5):
- Ariyawardana, A., R. Govindasamy and A. Lisle, 2015. “Capturing the Consumer Value: the Case of Red Lentils,” British Food Journal, 117: 1032 – 1042.
- Bauman, A and D. Thilmany. In press. “Exploring Localized Economic Dynamics: Methods Driven Case Studies of Transformation and Growth in Agricultural and Food Markets.” Economic Development Quarterly.
- Bimbo F., A. Bonanno, and R. Viscecchia. In press. “Do Health Claims add Value? The Role of Functionality, Effectiveness and Brand.” European Review of Agricultural Economics.
- Bonanno A. 2016. “A Hedonic Valuation of Health and Non-health Attributes in the U.S. Yogurt Market.” Agribusiness: an International Journal 32 (3) 299-313.
- Centenari, M., K. Kelley, B. Hed, A. Miller, and A. Patel-Campillo. 2016. “Assessing growers’ challenges and need to improve wine-grape production in Pennsylvania.” Journal of Extension 54(3). http://www.joe.org/joe/2016june/rb6.php
- Chen, X., Yarborough, D. and D’Appoloonio, J., in press, “Wild blueberry systems approach economic and risk analysis”, Acta Horticulturae.
- Curtis, K., and S. Slocum, (2016). “The Role of Sustainability Certification Programs in Reducing Food Waste in Tourism.” Journal of Developments in Sustainable Agriculture, 11(1), 1-7.
- Edwards, M., M. Velandia, D. M. Lambert, W. H. Pepper, C. D. Clark, and K. L. Jensen. 2016. “Production Liability Insurance use Among Tennessee Fruit and Vegetable Farmers.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 47(2): 127- 137.
- Gallardo, R.K., J.F. Brunner, S. Castagnoli. 2016. “Capturing the Economic Value of Biological Control in Western Tree Fruit.” Biological Control. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1049964416300846
- Gallardo, R.K. and D. Zilberman. 2016. “The Economic Feasibility of Adopting Mechanical Harvesters by the Blueberry Industry.” HortTechnology 26: 299-308.
- Hoogeveen, A.R., H.J. van der Fels-Klerx, A. Bonanno, and M. Bremer. 2016. “Profitability of allergen free preparation in a catering business.” Quality Assurance and Safety of Crops & Foods. 8 (2): 301-308.
- Jablonski, BBR, J. O’Hara, D. Thilmany McFadden and D. Tropp. In press. “Evaluating the economic impact of local food system initiatives: A USDA funded toolkit.” Journal of Extension.
- Johnson, M.D., Miller, R.K., Morrill, J.C., Anderson, D.P., Wickersham, T.A., Sawyer, J.E., Richardson, J.W., and M.A. Palma. 2016. “The influence of taste in willingness-to-pay (WTP) valuations of sirloin steaks from post-extraction algal residue (PEAR) fed cattle.” Journal of Animal Science 94(7): 3072-3083.
- Jones, V., N. Mills, J. Brunner, D. Horton, E. Beers, T. Unruh, P. Shearer, J. Goldberger, E. Milickzy, S. Steffan, K. Amarasekare, U. Chambers, A. Gadino, R.K. Gallardo, and W. Jones. 2016. “From Planning to Execution to the Future: An Overview of a Concerted Effort to Enhance Biological Control in Apple, Pear and Walnut Orchards in the Western U.S. Biological Control.” Biological Control http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1049964416300421
- Gumirakiza, J.D., K.R. Curtis, and R. Bosworth, (in press). “Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Bundled Fresh Produce Claims at Farmers’ Markets.” Journal of Food Products Marketing.
- Li, Y., Palma, M.A., Towne, S.D., Warren, J.L., and M.G. Ory. 2016. “Peer Effects on Childhood Obesity from an Intervention Program.” Health Behavior and Policy Review 3(4): 323-335.
- Martin, M., R. Hill, A. Van Sandt and D. Thilmany. 2016. “Colorado Residents Trusted Sources of Agricultural, Biotechnology and Food Information.” Ag BioForum 19:1:1-10.
- McCluskey, J.J., N. Kalaitzandonakes, J.F.M. Swinnen, 2016. “News Media Coverage and Public Perceptions: Insights from New Food Technologies.” Annual Rev. of Resource Econ. 8(1): 467-486.
- Mosier, S. and D. Thilmany. 2016. “Diffusion of Food Policy in the US: The Case of Organic Certification.” Food Policy 61:80-91.
- Onyango, B. R. Govindasamy, and C. Michelle Alsup-Egbers. “Uncovering Success Attributes for Direct Farmers’ Markets and Agri-Tourism in the Mid-Atlantic Region of the United States” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 18 (2015): p 63-78.
- Palma, M.A., in press. “Improving the Prediction of Ranking Data.” Empirical Economics.
- Palma, M.A., Behe, B.K., Hall, C.R., Huddleston, P.T., and T. Fernandez. In press. “Tracking Position Premiums in Discrete Choice Experiments.” Applied Economics Letters.
- Palma, M.A., Ness, M.L., and D.P. Anderson. In press. “Fashionable Food: a Latent Class Analysis of Social Status in Food Purchases.” Applied Economics.
- Palma, M.A., Ribera, L.A., and R.D. Knutson. 2016. “The Era of the Functional Consumer.” Journal of Food Products Marketing 22(5): 555-570.
- Perez, M., Palma, M.A, Behe, B., and C.R. Hall. 2016. “Structural Breaks and Future Growth of the Green Industry.” Journal of Environmental Horticulture 34(2): 52-55.
- Rajo, L.A., Arias, F., Segovia, M., and M.A. Palma. 2016. “Willingness to Pay for an Educational Label: The Zamorano University Brand.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 19(1): 113-126.
- Ribera, L.A., Paggi, M.S., Anderson, D.P., Palma, M.A., and R.D. Knutson. 2016. “Potential Impacts of Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (T-TIP) on the Fresh Vegetable and Beef Trade.” Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing 28(2): 177-190.
- Sciarappa, W., J. Simon, R. Govindasamy, R. van Vranken, F. Mangan, K. Kelley, G. McAvoy, Q. Wu, D. Byrnes, A. Ayeni, S. Zang, S. Komar, E. Dager, S. Arumugam, P. Nitzsche, W. Reichert, B. Schilling, and C. Park. (Accepted). “Asian crop overview: Consumer preference and cultivar growth on the east coast of the United States.” HortScience.
- Segovia, M.S., and M.A. Palma. 2016. “Buying Your Way into a Healthier Lifestyle: A Latent Class Analysis of Healthy Food Purchases.” Applied Economics. 48(21): 1965-1977.
- Slocum, S., and K. Curtis, (2016). “Assessing Sustainable Food Behaviours of National Park Visitors: Domestic/On Vacation Linkages and their Implications for Park Policies.” Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 24(1), 153-167.
- Wang, J., C. Yue, R.K. Gallardo, V. McCracken, J. Luby, and J. McFerson. In press. “What Consumers are Looking for in Strawberries: Implications from Market Segmentation Analysis.” Agribusiness: an International Journal.
- Winfree, J.A. and J.J. McCluskey, in press. “The Economics of GM Labeling and Implications for Trade,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization.
- Xu, P., and M.A. Palma. “Consequential egalitarianism vs. accountability principle: an experimental investigation” Applied Economics Letters. 23(8): 562-565.
- Zhang, Y., Palma, M.A., and Xu, P. 2016. “Unintended Effects of the Alabama HB 56 Immigration Law on Crime: A Preliminary Analysis.” Economics Letters.147: 68-71.
- Zheng, X., C. Yue, R.K. Gallardo, V. McCracken, J. Luby, and J. McFerson. 2016. “What Attributes Are Consumers Looking for in Sweet Cherries? Evidence from Choice Experiments.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 45(1):124-142.
Books and Book Chapters:
- Curtis, K., R. Bosworth, and S. Slocum. “Drink Tourism: A Profile of the Intoxicated Traveler.” Accepted for publication as a chapter of Craft Beverages and Tourism, Volume 2 – Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications.
- Curtis, K., and R. Brain. “Utah Farm-Chef-Fork: Linking Rural Growers with Urban Chefs to Enhance Local Food Sourcing,” Accepted for publication as a chapter of Linking Urban and Rural Tourism.
- McCluskey, J.J., M.P. Squicciarini, and J. Swinnen, in press 2016. “Information, Communication and Agricultural and Food Policies in an Age of Commercial Mass and Social Media, Handbook of International Food and Agricultural Policies, Blandford, ed., Oxford University Press.
- McCluskey, J.J. and J.A. Winfree, eds., in press 2016. The Economics of Reputation. Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton, MA.
- Slocum, S., and K. Curtis, “The Role of Food Entrepreneurs – Suburban Farm Shops in the UK.” Accepted for publication as a chapter of Linking Urban and Rural Tourism.
Extension Publications:
- Curtis, K. and T. Knudsen, (2016). “Northern Utah Grass-Fed Beef Production Costs & Returns, 2016.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2016-XXpr.
- Curtis, K. and T. Knudsen, (2016). “Southern Utah Grass-Fed Beef Production Costs & Returns, 2016.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2016-XXpr.
- Galinato, S. and R.K. Gallardo. “2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Sweetheart Sweet Cherries in Washington"– TB34E, October 2016.
- Galinato, S., R.K. Gallardo, and Y. Hong “2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Organic Highbush Blueberries in Eastern Washington"– TB28E, Sept. 2016.
- Galinato, S. and R.K. Gallardo. “2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Fuji Apples in Washington"– TB29E, September 2016.
- Galinato, S. and R.K. Gallardo. “2015 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Bing Sweet Cherries in Washington." Washington State University Extension Factsheet. TB22E, July 2016.
- Galinato, S., R.K. Gallardo, Y. Hong. “2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Gala Apples in Washington." Washington State University Extension Factsheet. TB18E, July 2016.
- Galinato, S., R.K. Gallardo, Y. Hong. “2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Organic Gala Apples in Washington." Washington State University Extension Factsheet. TB19E, June 2016.
- Galinato, S., R.K. Gallardo, Y. Hong. “2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing and Packing Organic Red Delicious Apples in Washington." Washington State University Extension Factsheet. TB12E, June 2016.
- Gallardo, R. K., and S. Galinato. “2014 Cost Estimates of Establishing, Producing, and Packing Red Delicious Apples in Washington.” Washington State University Extension Factsheet. TB07E, May 2016.
- Knudsen, T., K. Curtis, J. Reeve, and B. Black, (2016). “Northern Utah Peach Orchard Costs and Returns Comparison by Management Strategy, 20 Acres, 2015.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2016-XXpr.
- Knudsen, T., K. Curtis, J. Reeve, and B. Black, (2016). “Northern Utah Conventional Peach Orchard Costs and Returns, 20 Acres, 2015.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2016-02pr.
- Knudsen, T., K. Curtis, J. Reeve, and B. Black, (2016). “Northern Utah Organic Peach Orchard Costs and Returns, 20 Acres, 2015.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2016-01pr.
- Mandal, B., M. Brady, R. K. Gallardo. “Reactions to the Employer Mandate in Washington State’s Labor-Intensive Agriculture Industry.” – TB33E, September 2016.
- Mandal, B., M. Brady, R. K. Gallardo. “Trends in Health Insurance and Health Care Access in Rural Washington.” – TB30E, September 2016.
- Van Sandt, A. and D. Thilmany. Agritourists in the West. CSU Extension QuickFacts. 2016. http://agritourism.localfoodeconomics.com/quick-facts/
- Van Sandt, A. and D. Thilmany. Mapping the Western US Agritourism Industry: How do Travel Patterns vary by Location? CSU DARE Economic Developmment Report. July 2016.
- Velandia, M., Trejo-Pech, C., Morris, D., Wszelaki, A., Niewolny, K., & MacAuley, L. 2016. “Evaluating Financial and Economic Factors Contributing to the Sustainability of Beginning Farms in Tennessee and Virginia.” Extension Publication, University of Tennessee Extension.
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
- Velandia, M., T. Woods, E. Bendfeldt, J. Lelekacs, R. Holcomb, M. Palma, D. Lamie, R. Dunning, L. Meyer, H.L. Goodwin Jr., R. Rainey, A. Collart, and D. Fields. 2016. “Opportunities for Local Food Systems Research and Extension in the South – A Land Grant University System Initiative.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 47 (1): 73 - 75.
State, Station or Agency
- Thilmany McFadden, D., D. Conner, S. Deller, D. Hughes, K. Meter, A. Morales, T. Schmit, D. Swenson, A. Bauman, M. Phillips Goldenberg, R. Hill, B. B.R. Jablonski and D. Tropp. 2016. The Economics of Local Food Systems: A Toolkit to Guide Community Discussions, Assessments and Choices U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service Report. 128 pp. Posted at: https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/Toolkit%20Designed%20FINAL%203-22-16.pdf
Penn State Wine & Grape U. blogs (http://psuwineandgrapes.wordpress.com)
- Zelinskie, J. and K. Kelley. 2016. Mid-Atlantic wine consumer participation in wine trails and wine clubs. September 30, 2016.
- Kelley, K. 2016. Take a tour of La Cite du Vin. August 26, 2016.
- Zelinskie, J. and K. Kelley. 2016. Wine tourism and the Mid-Atlantic wine consumers’ interest in tasting room activities. July 29, 2016.
- Kelley, K. 2016. Offering tasting room visitors an experience. June 24, 2016.
- Zelinskie, J. and K. Kelley. 2016. Factors that impact Mid-Atlantic wine consumer purchasing decisions. June 17, 2016.
- Kelley, K. and J. Zelinskie. 2016. Talkin’ ‘bout my (wine consuming) generation. May 27, 2016.
- Kelley, K. 2016. Social media analytics, Part 2. 22 April 2016.
- Kelley, K. 2016. Social media analytics, Part 1. 1 April 2016.
- Kelley, K. 2016. Social media strategies for winery tasting rooms. 26 February 2016.
- Zelinskie, J. and K. Kelley. 2016 Consumer Behaviors and Attitudes Towards Wine Purchasing and Marketing Specific to New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania. Demographics of Super Core, Core, and Marginal Survey Participants. 19 February 2016.
- Kelley, K. 2016. Tasting room odds and ends. 29 January 2016.
- Kelley, K. 2015. Customer survey opportunity for wineries. 18 December 2015.
Active Grants
- Curtis, K.R.,Principal Investigator. Utah Extension Program Grant, 2016-2017. $10,000. Fresh Produce Price Comparisons among Direct and Traditional Markets in Northern Utah.
- Curtis, K.R.,Co-Principal Investigator: USDA Specialty Crops Program, 2015-2017. $10,462. Legume Understory Cover Crops for Sustaining Soil Fertility, Tree Growth and Yield in Mature Peach Orchards.
- Curtis, K.R.,Co-Principal Investigator (Utah): NIFA – Water for Agriculture, 2015-2020. $4.5 million. Enhancing Climate Resiliency and Agriculture on American Indian Lands of the Great Basin Region.
- Curtis, K.R.,Co-Principal Investigator: USDA Specialty Crops Program, 2014-2016. $35,081. Utah Farm-Chef-Fork: Furthering farm to restaurant communication and local sourcing statewide.
- Curtis, K.R.,Co-Principal Investigator: NIFA - Organic Agriculture Research and Extension Initiative (OREI), 2014-2019. $1.7 million. Compost Carryover and Cover Crop Effects on Soil Quality, Profitability, and Cultivar Selection in Organic Dryland Wheat.
- Curtis, K.R.,Co-Principal Investigator/Project Director: Western SARE PDP Grant, 2014-2017. $75,000. Building Business Management Capacity for American Indian Agricultural Businesses.
- Velandia, M., Principal Investigator, et al. “Enhancing Tennessee Small-scale Fruit and Vegetable Farms’ Ability to Manage Marketing and Financial Risks.” Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center, 2016- 2017 [$49,034] Center for Profitable Agriculture, University of Tennessee.
- Hayes, D. et al with Margarita Velandia. “Performance and Adoptability of Biodegradable Plastic Mulch for Sustainable Specialty Crop Production.” NIFA, USDA, September 2014 – September 2019 [$4,884,791].
- WATFRC, “Evaluation of Fungicide Application Methods for Improved Fruit Quality”, PI: A. Amiri. Amount assigned to Gallardo’s program: $6,967, 03/16-02/17,
- WATFRC, “Economic Impact of Apple Maggot Infestation”, PI: K. Gallardo $30,887. 03/16-02/17,
- WSU-ERI, “Sensor Based Precision Orchard Management”, PI: D. Brown. 05/16-05/17.
- USDA-AFRI, “Center of Excellence for Food Safety Technologies using Microwave Energy”, J. Tang. Amount assigned to Gallardo’s program: $278,791. 10/15-09/19.
- WSDA Specialty Crops Block Grant, “Sliced Pears: A Novel Avenue for Pear Consumption in the U.S.” PI: A. Dhingra. Amount assigned to Gallardo’s program: $41,497, 10/15-09/17.
- WSDA Specialty Crops Block Grant, “Cosmic Crisp®: Training System and Orchard Management to Optimize Vigor Control and Quality”, PI: Musacchi. Amount assigned to Gallardo’s program: $25,453, 10/15-03/18.
- USDA-SCRI, “RosBREED: Combining Disease Resistance With Horticultural Quality in New Rosaceous Cultivars” PI: A. Iezzoni, 9/14-8/17.
- USDA-SCRI, “Scale Neutral Harvest Aid System and Sensor Technologies to Improve Harvest Efficiency and Handling of Fresh Market Highbush Blueberries”, PI: C. Li. Amount assigned to Gallardo’s program: $144,526, 9/14-9/19.
- WATFRC, “Developing a Management Strategy for Little Cherry Disease”, PI: E. Beers. Amount assigned to Gallardo’s program: $9,521. 3/14-2/17.
- WATFRC, “WA38: Evaluation of Rootstocks and Training Systems”, PI: S. Musacchi. Amount assigned to Gallardo’s program: $13,312, 3/14-2/17.
Outreach/Industry Presentations:
- Curtis, K.R., Beginning & Small Farm Profitability Strategies workshops in Blanding, Logan, and Salt Lake City, UT.
- Curtis, K.R.,Utah Small and Urban Farms Conference, Marketing Strategies Session, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Curtis, K.R., Native Waters Summit, Agritourism Opportunities Presentation, Reno, NV.
- Curtis, K.R., Native Waters Workshop, Climate Change and Ag. Strategies session, Reno, NV.
- C. Why Buy US? Multi-Country French Fry Quality Research at Oregon State University Food Innovation Center. Potatoes USA International Chef Menu Development Reverse Trade Mission. April 21, 2017.
- Gallardo, R.K. “Cost Estimates of Establishing and Producing Sweet Cherries.” Cherry Institute, Yakima, WA. January 20, 2017.
- Gallardo, R.K. “Economic Impact of the Apple Maggot.” Eastern Washington Ag Expo TRAC, Yakima, WA. January 3, 2017.
- Gallardo, R.K. “Economic Model in Regards to Spotted Wing Drosophila (SWD)-En Espanol.”
- Eastern Washington Ag Expo TRAC, Pasco, WA. January 3, 2017.
- Wilbur Ellis Grower Meeting. Yakima, WA. January 17, 2017.
- Gallardo, R.K., S. Galinato, D. Granatstein. “Economic Impact of Apple Maggot in Washington State-En Españ”
- WSDA Farmworker Education Program, Wenatchee, WA. December 16, 2016.
- WSDA Farmworker Education Program, Granger, WA. December 9, 2016.
- Gallardo, R.K. “Economic profitability of producing Honeycrisp apples-En Españ”
- Annual Meetings of the Washington State Horticultural Association, Spanish Section. Wenatchee, WA. December 5-7, 2016.
- Gallardo, R.K. “How Close are Industry and Consumers’ Expectations for Fruit Quality.”Annual Meetings of the Washington State Horticultural Association, Wenatchee, WA. December 5-7, 2016.
- Govindasamy, R. Surendran Arumugam, Isaac Vellangany, J. Heckman, J. Carleo, H. Gohil, M. Melendez, R. W. Vanvranken, W. Kline, C. Miller and W. Walker, “Organic Produce Marketing Opportunities in the Mid-Atlantic: A 2016 Consumers Survey”, NJ Vegetable Growers’ Association Annual Meeting, February 7-9, 2017, Atlantic City, NJ.
- Jablonski, B.B.J. G. Graff and D. Thilmany. Colorado Blueprint of Food and Agriculture Release Presentation. CSU AgInnovation Summit 2.0. September 2017. Posted here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LndsyySdXyc&feature=youtu.be
- Jablonski, B.B.J., K. Liang and D. Thilmany. “Committee on Local Food Economics,” eXtension Community Local and Regional Food System eCoP. April 2017.
- Jablonski, B.B.J., Christensen, D. Thilmany, and M. Sullins. “Market Channel Assessments,” Farm to Fork Conference, Western State University, Gunnison, CO. March 2017
- Jablonski, B.B.J., D. Thilmany, M. Sullins, J. Christesen, E. Naasz, and S. Knight. “Exploring the Performance of Marketing Strategies: Implications for CO Fruit and Vegetable Growers,” Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association. March 2017.
- Kelley, K. M. (February 2017). “Social media networks wineries should use to connect with consumers,” B.E.V. NY Annual Meeting, Cornell Extension, Waterloo, NY,
- Kelley, K. M. (March 2017). "Incorporating lifestyle trends into your retail product mix," Greater Cleveland Flower Growers Association Annual Meeting, Hudson, OH.
- Kelley, K. M. (March 2017). "Using social media to connect with your customers," Greater Cleveland Flower Growers Association Annual Meeting., Hudson, OH.
- Liang, K., B.B.R. Jablonski, J. O’Hara, D. Tropp, and D. Thilmany McFadden. “Planning for Profitable Agriculture and Sustainable Food Systems,” Smart Growth Network. May 2017.
- Lipetzky, T. M. Sullins and D. Thilmany. “Coloradans’ Perceptions about Agriculture: 2016 Survey Results & Implications,” Governor’s Forum on Colorado Agriculture, Denver, CO. February 2017.
- Plakias, Zoë T. and Iryna Demko. “Opportunities in Direct Marketing Agriculture.” Farm Science Review “Ask the Experts” session, London, OH. September 20-21, 2017.
- Plakias, Zoë T. “Opportunities in Direct Marketing Agriculture.” Ohio State University Department of Agricultural, Environmental and Development Economics podcast. Available online: https://trinoskey1.wixsite.com/aede/podcasts. October 2017.
- Saputo, R. and B. Rickard. “Situation and Outlook Report for Fruits and Vegetables.” Presented at the Dyson School Agricultural Outlook Conference. Ithaca, NY. January 24, 2017. 25 attendees.
- Thilmany, D., D. Hughes, K. Keck and A. Hodges. “Framing an Economic Evaluation of Tribal Food System Initiatives,” Joint program with Oklahoma State University and the Choctaw Nation. April 2017.
- Thilmany, D., D. Hughes, K. Keck and A. Hodges. “Framing an Economic Evaluation of Community Food System Initiatives,” University of Florida Food Systems Train the Trainer Program. Apopka, FL. March 2017.
- Thilmany, D., A. Morales. D. Tropp, A. Bauman, and S. Schaffstall. “Evaluating Economic Impacts of Local and Regional Food Systems,” In-Service Training for Growing Food Connections. Las Cruces, New Mexico. February 2017.
- Thilmany, D. and B.B.R. Jablonski. “An Overview of Food Market Trends and Colorado’s Market Channels,” Food and Farm Forum, Montrose, CO. January 2017.
- Thompson, Tiffany, Mark Williams, Tim Woods, Carl Dillon, and Ric Bessin, (2017) “Economic Analysis of the University of Kentucky Community Supported Agriculture Organic Vegetable Production System” CAFÉ Research Report SR-111, University of Kentucky, July. http://www.uky.edu/ccd/tools/budgets/UKCSAEconomicAnalysis
- Velandia, M. “Recordkeeping tools for Small Fruit and Vegetable producers.” Rutherford County Farmers’ Market Vendor Meeting. Murfreesboro, TN, April 11, 2017.
- Velandia, M. “Evaluating Financial and Economic Factors Contributing to the Sustainability of Beginning Farms: Evidence from Five Farms in Tennessee and Virginia.” Knoxville-Knox County Food Policy Council, April 20, 2017.
- Velandia, M. “The Use of Internet, Mobile Websites and Apps among Specialty Crop Farmers.” Assessment of farmers’ interest in using a new mobile app (the Farm Spotter) designed to help producers connect with restaurants and wholesalers and facilitate transaction between these parties. Knoxville, TN, June 12, 2017.
- Velandia, M., and T. Marsh. “Economic Considerations for the Adoption of Biodegradable Plastic Mulch in Vegetable Production.” International Symposium: Biodegradable Mulch Film, June 30, 2017, Novara, Italy.
- Velandia, M. “True Costs and Profitability in Vegetable Production.” Organic Field Day, October 26, 2017.
- Velandia, M. “The Use of Biodegradable Mulch Films in Vegetable Production.” Agricultural Economics Market Outlook In-service trainings, Knoxville, TN, October 31, 2017; Murfreesboro, TN, November 1, 2017; Jackson, TN, November 2, 2017.
- Woods, Timothy, Jairus Rossi, and Alison Davis, (2017) “Local Food Vitality Index: Utilizing Resident Consumer Views of Food System Performance to Create a Development Road Map”, plenary session for Food Distribution Research Society, Honolulu, HI, October.
- Zelinskie, J., K. Kelley, D. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann. “An assessment of winery tasting room marketing strategies based on Mid-Atlantic (New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) consumer surveys.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Society of Enology and Viticulture/Eastern Section. Charlottesville, VA. July 10, 2017. 50 attendees.
- Zepeda, L. “Mobile Food Markets in the US” Hua Zhong Agricultultural University, Wuhan, China. September 15, 2017. 1 hour presentation. Audience of 100.
- Zepeda, L. YouTube Video “How to Use a Food Pantry” published May 17, 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiEBFiG64sc
- Zepeda, L. “Food Waste” 15-minute presentation for “Flavors of the World,” an outreach event sponsored by Wisconsin Union Directorate. April 19, 2017. 45 students.
- Zepeda, L. “Food Waste” 15-minute presentation for Sustainability Committee, a UW Madison student organization. April 18, 2017. 18 undergraduates.
- Zepeda, L. “The Hidden Cost of Education: Hunger” 15-minute presentation at Financial and Food Security Resource Guide Meeting, meeting of 20 student organization representatives, April 6, 2017.
- Zepeda, L. “Hiding Hunger on UW Campus” University Health Services Equity & Diversity Committee Brown Bag. February 21, 2017. 1 hour presentation. 20 UHS staff and students.
- Zepeda, L. “Food Sovereignty and Food Security” January 28, 2017, Slow Food UW Intern meeting. 75 min lecture. 12 participants
- Zepeda, L. “Food Insecure Students” January 24, 2017, Theatre & Drama 525, Theatre for Youth, 75 minute lecture, 8 graduate and undergraduate students.
Academic Presentations:
- Akhundjanov, S.B., J. McCluskey, K. Gallardo, and Rickard. 2017. “Innovator Commercialization Strategies and Adopter Willingness to Pay: The Case of New Fruit Varieties.” Poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Economics Association. Chicago, IL. January 6, 2017.
- Arumugam, S., Ramu Govindasamy, Isaac Vellangany and Hemant Gohil, (2016). “An Analysis of Organic Fresh Produce Choice: A Consumer Preference Study in the Mid-Atlantic USA”, Food Distribution Research Society Conference in New Orleans, LA, USA.
- Bergefurd, Brad, Tim Woods, Martin Bechu, Alex Butler, and Brett Wolff, (2017) “Local versus Regional Engagement in Ohio Valley Produce Auctions: A Price Analysis”, Presented paper, Food Distribution Research Society, Honolulu, HI, October.
- Colpaart, A. and D. Thilmany. Identifying Key Drivers for Food Business Managers to Engage in the Access Economy. Selected paper for the 2017 WAEA Annual Meetings. Lake Tahoe CA. July.
- Curtis, K., K. Salisbury, V. Pozo, and C. Durward, “Is Local Produce Really More Expensive? A Comparison of Direct Market & Conventional Grocery Produce Pricing.” Selected paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, October 2017.
- Demko, Iryna, Zoë T. Plakias, and Ani Katchova. "How do farmers compose their portfolio of local food marketing channels?" Selected presentation, AAEA Annual Meeting, August 2017.
- Demko, Iryna, Zoë T. Plakias, and Ani Katchova. "Farmer Use of Local Food Marketing Channels: New Evidence from the Local Food Marketing Practices Survey." Research presentation, Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, October 2017.
- Drugova, T., K. Curtis, and V Pozo, “Forecasting Organic Wheat Prices: Do Conventional Wheat Prices Play a Role?” Selected paper presented at the Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, Honolulu, HI, October 2017.
- Ehmke, M., C. Jones-Ritten, B. Patalee, A. Bekkerman, K. Curtis, and C. Ehmke, “How Sweet Are Beekeeper Returns from Almond Pollination and Honey Production?” Selected paper presented at the 21st International Farm Management Congress, Edinburgh, Scotland, July 2007.
- Gergaud, O., F. Livat, and B. Rickard. 2017. “Eat, Drink, Vote.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Wine Economics. Padova, Italy. June 29, 2017.
- Gergaud, O., F. Livat, and B. Rickard. 2017. “Eat, Drink, Vote.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society. Montreal, Quebec. June 18, 2017.
- Hill, R. D. Thilmany, M. Sullins, A. Van Sandt, S. Hardesty and C. Snyder. Agritourism in the West: Outreach approaches and strategies that work for producers and communities exploring new and expanded efforts. Organized symposium for the 2017 WAEA Annual Meetings. Lake Tahoe, CA. July.
- Ho, S.-T., Ifft, J., and B. Rickard. 2017. “Using ARMS data to explore how participation in federal crop insurance affects the supply response of specialty crops.” Presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Chicago, IL. July 29, 2017.
- Hong, Y., R.K. Gallardo, M. Gomez, S. Atallah, and X. Fan. 2017. Modeling the economic impact of pest quarantine programs - The case of the apple maggot quarantine program in Washington State. Annual Meetings of the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association meetings, Chicago, Il. July 31-August 2, 2017.
- Ikiz, D., R.K. Gallardo, and A. Dhingra. 2017. Estimate consumers’ preferences and willingness to pay for a specialty crop novelty: Pre-packed sliced pears. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association meetings. Chicago, Il. July 31-August 2, 2017.
- Jablonski, B. and D. Thilmany. Evaluating the Economic Impacts of Innovative Agricultural Marketing and Infrastructure Investments: A USDA AMS Toolkit. Selected paper for the 2017 WAEA Annual Meetings. Lake Tahoe CA. July.
- Jung, A., R.K. Gallardo, and D. Zilberman. 2017. Adoption of mechanical harvester aids by the blueberry industry: Results from a dynamic optimization approach. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. Chicago, July 31-August 2, 2017.
- Kelley, K. M., J. Zelinskie, M. Centinari, D. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann. “Consumer preferences for sustainable wine attributes: A conjoint analysis.” Presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Association of Wine Economists. Padua, Italy. June 30, 2017. 35 attendees.
- Li, S., J.J. McCluskey, R.C. Mittelhammer, “A Taste for Markdowns in Retail Food Markets,” Food Distribution Research Society, Honolulu, October 21-24, 2017.
- Li, Z., R.K. Gallardo, V. McCracken, and C. Yue. 2017. Which one is of greatest concern to specialty crop producers: disease resistance or fruit eating quality? The case of SE peach and Fl strawberry growers. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association meetings, Chicago, Il. July 31-August 2, 2017.
- McCluskey, J.J. “Economics of Genetically Engineered Crops,” Forum of Scientific Society Leaders on Genetically Engineered Crops: Experiences and Prospects, National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington DC, December 7, 2016.
- Nordesty, Wilson, Shang-Ho Yang, and Timothy A. Woods, (2017) “Facing Market and Production Issues: Can Fair Trade Be the Solution for Coffee Sector in Haiti?” Presented paper, Food Distribution Research Society, Honolulu, HI, October.
- Plakias, Zoë T. "Impacts of Local Sourcing in an Institutional Context." Selected presentation, AAEA Annual Meeting, August 2017.
- Plakias, Zoë T. (presenter), Rachael E. Goodhue and Jeffrey Williams. "Voting for Mandatory Agricultural Producer Organizations: Theory and Evidence from California." Richardson-Applebaum Dissertation Award Seminar, Food Distribution Research Society Annual Meeting, October 2017.
- Naasz, E., B. Jablonski, J. Christensen, M. Sullins and D. Thilmany, Initial Results from the Colorado Marketing Channel Assessment: Benchmarks and Lessons Learned . Research Update at the 2017 Food Distribution Research Society Meetings. Honolulu, HI. October 2017.
- Peralta-Jimenez, J., J. Arana-Coronado, C.O. Trejo-Pech, and M. Velandia. “Factors Influencing Selling Decisions of Organic and Fair Trade Coffee Producers in Mexico.” Presented at the 2017 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual Conference, Miami, FL, June 18-21, 2017.
- Rickard, B. “Food waste mitigation strategies: Implications for nutrient consumption and caloric intake.” Presented in a plenary session at the Annual Meeting of the Food Distribution Research Society. Honolulu, HI. October 23, 2017.
- Thilmany McFadden, D., S. Low and M. Castillo. Rural Development Implications of Foodie Culture: What factors drive food and beverage manufacturing firm dynamics? Organized session for the 2017 North American Regional Science Association meetings. November 2018.
- Salisbury, K., R. Ward, K. Curtis, T. Teegerstrom, S. Emm, and C. Bishop, “Money Management and Business Management Curriculum for American Indian Agricultural Businesses.” Selected presentation of the 2017 Extension Risk Management Education National Conference, Cincinnati, OH, April 2017.
- van Sandt, A., M. Costanigro and D. Thilmany. Proximities to Attractions and Visitor Reviews in Determining Traveler Behavior: A Choice Experiment on Agritourism. 2017 AAEA Annual Meetings. Chicago IL. July.
- Waldrop, M., J.J. McCluskey, and R.C. Mittelhammer, “Effects of Sustainable Production Standards on Product Prices: Insights for the U.S. Wine Market,” Keynote the GlobalFood Symposium on 28-29 April 2017 in Göttingen, Germany. § Waldrop, M., J.J. McCluskey, and R.C. Mittelhammer, “Effects of Multiple Production Standards on Product Prices,” Plenary presentation at the European Agricultural Economics Association Congress, Parma, Italy, Aug. 29-Sept. 2, 2017. § Waldrop, M. and J.J. McCluskey, “Impact of Organic, Sustainable, and Biodynamic Wine Making Practices on Wine Prices,” fourth International Conference Series on Wine Active Compounds, Beaune, France on March 29-31, 2017.
- Zelinskie, J., Kelley, K. M., Gardner, D., Govindasamy, R., Hyde, J., Rickard, B., K. S. (July 2017). “An assessment of winery tasting room marketing strategies based on Mid-Atlantic (New Jersey, New York, and Pennsylvania) consumer surveys,” American Society of Enology and Viticulture/Eastern Section Annual Meeting, Charlottesville.
- Zepeda, L. “Hiding Hunger in Middle America” Migrating Food Cultures, Annual meeting of Agriculture, Food and Human Values Society, June 14-17, 2017, Los Angeles, CA. June 17, 2017.
Refereed Journal Articles:
- Allen, J., IV, J. Rossi, T. Woods, A. Davis, (2017) “Do community supported agriculture programmes encourage change to food lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes? New evidence from shareholders,” International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 15(1): 70-82.
- Arumugam, S., R. Govindasamy, and I. Vellangany (2016), “An Analysis of Consumer Preferences for Bed and Breakfast in the Eco-Agritourism Activities”, SAARC Journal of Agriculture 14(2): 162-173.
- Arumugam, S., R. Govindasamy, X. You and I. Vellangany (2016), “Country of Origin Labelling (COOL): A Consumer Preference Analysis for Ethnic Greens and Herbs in the East Coast Region of USA, Economic Affairs 61 (4):1-11.
- Awondo, S. N., E. G. Fonsah and D. J. Gray. (2017) “Incorporating Structure and Stochasticity in Muscadine grapes Enterprise Budget and Investment Analysis”, HortTechnology: 27 (2): 212-222 (April).
- Bauman, A. and D. Thilmany. 2017. Exploring Localized Economic Dynamics: Methods Driven Case Studies of Transformation and Growth in Agricultural and Food Markets. Economic Development Quarterly. 31(3): 244-254.
- Bauman, A., D. Thilmany and B.B.R. Jablonski 2017. The financial performance implications of differential marketing strategies: Exploring farms that pursue local markets as a core competitive advantage. Forthcoming. Agricultural and Resources Economic Review.
- Brady, M.P, R. K. Gallardo, and S. Badruddozza. 2016. “Regional Equilibrium Wage Rate for Hired Farm Workers in the Tree Fruit Industry.” Western Economics Forum, 15(1): 20-31.
- Carroll, K., A. Savikhin Samek, and L. Zepeda. 2017 “Food bundling as a health nudge: Investigating consumer fruit and vegetable selection using behavioral economics.” Accepted and in press Appetite.
- Cusack L, Eagles-Smith C, Harding A, Kile M, Stone D (2017). Mercury Molar Ratios in Freshwater Fish in the Columbia River Basin: Potential Applications for Specific Fish Consumption Advisories. Biological Trace Element Research. 178:136-146.
- Choi, J.W, C. Yue, J. Luby, S. Zhao, R.K. Gallardo, McCracken, and J. McFerson. “Estimating Strawberry Attributes’ Market Equilibrium Values.” HortScience, 52: 742-748.
- Ehmke, M., C. Ritten, B. Patalee, A. Bekkerman, K. Curtis, and C. Ehmke, (forthcoming). “How Sweet are Beekeeper Returns from Almond Pollination and Honey Production.” International Journal of Farm Management.
- Ekhibar, A., A. Countryman, D. Ufer and D. Thilmany. An Overview of Global Wheat Market Fundamentals in an Era of Climate Concerns. International Journal of Agronomy.
- Gergaud, O., F. Livat, B. Rickard, and F. Warzynski. 2017. Evaluating the net benefits of collective reputation: The case of Bordeaux wine. Food Policy 71(August): 8–16.
- Govindasamy, R., K.M. Kelley and S. Arumugam (2017), Hayride participation in the Mid-Atlantic States: A logistic approach, Economic Affairs, Publisher: New Delhi Publishers 62(2): 1-7.
- Gumirakiza, J.D., K.R. Curtis, and R. Bosworth, (2017). “Consumer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Bundled Fresh Produce Claims at Farmers’ Markets.” Journal of Food Products Marketing, 23(1), 61-79.
- Ho, S.-T., J. Ifft, B. Rickard, and C. Turvey. Alternative strategies to manage weather risk in perennial fruit crop production. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review (forthcoming).
- Huffman, W.E. and J.J. McCluskey, 2017. “Using Stated Preference Techniques and Experimental Auction Methods: A Review of Advantages and Disadvantages for Each Method in Examining Consumer Preferences for New Technology,” International Review of Environmental and Resource Economics 10(3-4): 269-297. http://dx.doi.org/10.1561/101.00000088.
- Huffman, W.E. and J.J. McCluskey, 2017. “Food Labels, Information, and Trade in GMOs,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 15(1) doi:10.1515/jafio-2016-0038.
- Jablonski, B., D. Thilmany, M. Sullins and K. Curtis. Determinants of effective beginning farmer programming and implications for future programs. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. 42(3): 1-12. September 2017.
- Jablonski, B., M. Sullins, D. Thilmany, and K. Curtis, (2017). “Determinants of Effective Beginning Farmer Programming and Implications for Future Programs.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 42(3):1-12.
- Kaninda, S., E.G. Fonsah, G.E. Boyhan, E.L. Little and J.W. Gaskin (2017). “Economic Analysis of Crop Rotation Systems for High Value Cool-Season Vegetables in Southern Region of the USA”. (Forthcoming).
- Katchova, Ani, and T. Woods, (2016), “Competitive Advantages in Sourcing and Marketing Local Foods by Food Cooperatives”, Agribusiness, 32(4).
- Kelley, K., Zelinskie, M. Centinari, D.M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann. Consumer preferences for sustainable wine attributes: A Conjoint Analysis. Journal of Wine Economics (forthcoming).
- Lusk, J.L. and J.J. McCluskey, in press. “Understanding the Impacts of Food Consumer Choice and Food Policy Outcomes,” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy.
- Miller, A., K.M. Kelley, D.M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann. 2017. Assisting Mid-Atlantic wine industry stakeholders develop more consumer-centric marketing strategies: Results from an internet study. Journal of Extension.
- Rickard, B.J., Gergaud, S.-T. Ho, and F. Livat. Trade liberalization in the presence of domestic regulations: Public policies applied to EU and U.S. wine markets. Applied Economics, (forthcoming).
- Rossi, J. J., T.A. Woods, and J.E. Allen IV, 2017. “Impacts of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Voucher Program on Food Lifestyle Behaviors: Evidence from an Employer-Sponsored Pilot Program” Sustainability http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/su9091543
- Rossi, J., T. Woods, and J. Allen (2017), “CSA Shareholder Food Lifestyle Behaviors: A Comparison Across Different Consumer Groups”, Journal of Agriculture and Human Values, http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10460-017-9779-7
- Sciarappa, W.J., J. Simon, R. Govindasamy, K. Kelley, F. Mangan, S. Zhang, S. Arumugam, P. Nitzsche, R. VanVranken, S. Komar, A. Ayeni, G. McAvoy, C. Park, W. Reichert, D. Byrnes, Q. Wu and B. Schilling. (2016), “Asian Crops overview: Consumer preference and cultivar growth on the East Coast of the United States”. HortScience, 51(11) PP. 1344-1350
- Slocum, S. and K. Curtis, (2017)."Farm Diversification through Farm Shop Entrepreneurship in the UK.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 48(2), 35-51.
- Thilmany, D. A. Bauman and B.B.R. Jablonski. The financial implications of targeting direct and intermediated markets as a core competitive advantage. Forthcoming for Special Issue of Renewable Ag and Food Systems.
- Waldrop, M., J.J. McCluskey, and R.C. Mittelhammer, 2017. “Products with Multiple Certifications: Insights from the U.S. Wine Market,” European Review of Agricultural Economics 44 (4): 658–682.
- Wilson, N., B. Rickard, R. Saputo, and S.-T. Ho. 2017. Food waste: The role of date labels, package size, and product category. Food Quality and Preference 55(January): 35-44.
- Winfree, J.A. and J. McCluskey, 2017. “The Economics of GM Labeling and Implications for Trade,” Journal of Agricultural and Food Industrial Organization 15(1). doi:10.1515/jafio-2016-0017
- Yue, C., S. Zhao, R.K. Gallardo, V. McCracken, J.L. Luby, J.McFerson. 2017. “U.S. Growers’ Willingness to Pay for Improvement in Rosaceous Fruit Traits.” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Published online March 2017.
- Zepeda, L. 2017. “Hiding hunger: Food insecurity in middle America” Agriculture and Human Values. Accepted July 20, 2017, available on line July 28, 2017 https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10460-017-9818-4 DOI: 10.1007/s10460-017-9818-4
- Zepeda, L. and L. Balaine. 2017. “Consumer perceptions of food waste in the US” International Journal of Consumer Studies Accepted May 2017, available on line June 22, 2017 http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/ijcs.12376/full DOI: 10.1111/ijcs.12376
- Zepeda, L. and A. Reznickova. “Innovative millennial snails: The story of Slow Food University of Wisconsin” Agriculture and Human Values 34(1): 167-178. DOI: 10.1007/s10460-016-9701-8.
- Zhao, S., C. Yue, J. Luby, R.K. Gallardo, V. McCracken, J. McFerson, D. Layne. 2017. “U.S. Peach Producer Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Fruit Attributes.” HortScience, 52: 116-121.
- McCluskey, J.J. and J.A. Winfree, eds., 2017. The Economics of Reputation. Edward Elgar Publishing: Northampton, MA.
- Slocum, S., and K. Curtis, (2017). Food and Agricultural Tourism: Theory and Best Practice. Routledge.
Book Chapters:
- Akhundjanov, S.B., R.K. Gallardo, J.J. McCluskey, and B.J. Rickard. forthcoming 2018. Commercialization Mechanisms for New Plant Varieties. pp. 371–382 in N. Kalaitzandonakes et al. (eds.), From Agrisceince to Agribusiness, Innovation, Technology, and Knowledge Management. Springer International Publishing.
- Bumrungwong, W., L. Zepeda & A. Reznikova. 2017 “Gender differences in pro-environmental behaviors: A self-determination theory perspective” in Self-Determination Theory (SDT): Perspective, Applications and Impact.L. Wade, ed. New York: Nova Science Publishers.
- Curtis, K., R. Bosworth, and S. Slocum, (2017). “Drink Tourism: A Profile of the Intoxicated Traveler.” In Slocum, S.L., Kline, C., & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Craft Beverages and Tourism, Vol/ 2 – Environmental, Societal, and Marketing Implications (pp. 119-140). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.
- Curtis, K.R., and R. Brain, (2017). “Utah Farm-Chef-Fork: Linking Rural Growers with Urban Chefs to Enhance Local Food Sourcing.” In Slocum, S.L. & Kline, C. (Eds.) Linking Urban and Rural Tourism: Strategies in Sustainability (pp. 202-215). Wallingford, United Kingdom: CAB International.
- Delmond, A.R., J.J. McCluskey, and J.A. Winfree. In press. “Product Quality and Reputation in Food and Agriculture.” In G. Cramer, K.P. Paudel, and A. Schmitz, eds., Routledge Handbook of Agricultural Economics. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
- Galinato, S.P. and R.K. Gallardo. “Cost Analysis for Vegetable Grafting” In Grafting Manual: How to Produce Grafted Vegetable Plants. C. Kubota, C. Miles, and X. Zhao, eds.
- Gallardo, R.K. and D. Zilberman. “The Economics of Perennial Crops’ Production Automation,” in Automation in Tree Fruit Production. Ed. Qin Zhang. CABI Publishing.
- Gallardo, R.K. and H. Garming. “The Economics of Apple Production.” In Achieving Sustainable Cultivation of Apples. Ed. Kate Evans. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing.
- McCluskey, J.J., M.P. Squicciarini, and J. Swinnen, 2017. “Information, Communication and Agricultural and Food Policies in an Age of Commercial Mass and Social Media, Handbook of International Food and Agricultural Policies, Blandford, ed., Oxford Univ. Press.
- Riley, D., A. Sparks, Jr., R. Srinivasan, G. Kennedy, E.G. Fonsah and J. Scott, (2017). “Thrips: Vector biology and management”. In: Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests of Tomato, EMSS-Elsevier Publishers.
- Slocum, S.L. and K.R. Curtis, (2017). “The Urban-Rural Tourism Relationship: A Case of Suburban Farm Shops.” In Slocum, S.L. & Kline, C. (Eds.) Linking Urban and Rural Tourism: Strategies in Sustainability (pp. 82-93). Wallingford, United Kingdom: CABI.
- Thilmany, D. and B.B.R. Jablonski. “Local Food Markets,” in The Agricultural Marketing System. University of Missouri Textbook. Forthcoming 2018.
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
- Christensen, J., D. Thilmany, B. Jablonski, M. Sullins, and E. Naasz. 2017. Assessing Market Channel Performance for Colorado Fruit and Vegetable Producers. Food Distribution Research Society Conference Proceedings Issue. March 2017. 48:(1) 61-67.
- Curtis, K., S. Slocum, T. Teegerstrom, C. Bishop, and M. Landis, (2017). “Innovative Food Tourism Development Strategies for Sustainability on American Indian Reservations.” Journal of Food Distribution Research 48(1), 46-53.
- Drugova, T., V. Pozo, and K. Curtis, (forthcoming), “Forecasting Organic Wheat Prices: Do Conventional Wheat Prices Play a Role?” Journal of Food Distribution Research.
- Durham, C., Ann Colonna, and James B. Miller. “Consumer Testing for the Local Food Start-Up: Update,” J. of Food Distribution Research. 48(1):99-100.
- Fonsah, E.G., T. Manower, A. Hussain, S. Chattapadhya, S. Islam, Md. S. Islam, M.J. Uddin, Md. A. S. Amin, B. Amin (2017). “Factors Affecting Banana Agricultural Value Chain in Bangladesh”. of Food Distr Res: 48(1): 22-32 (March).
- Fonsah, E.G., and Amin (2017). “Evaluating Overall Performances of the Banana Industry in West Bengal State, India. J. of Food Distr Res: 48(1): 16-21 (March).
- Salisbury, K., K. Curtis, V. Pozo, and C. Durward, (forthcoming. “Is Local Produce Really More Expensive? A Comparison of Direct Market and Conventional Grocery Produce Pricing.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, March 2018.
Extension, Outreach and Industry Publications
- Baugher, N. and K. Kelley. 2017. Consumer preference for fresh apples in the Mid-Atlantic: Introduction to the research. Pennsylvania Fruit News. 97(8): 23-26.
- Baugher, N., & Kelley, K. M. (2017). Consumer preference for fresh apples in the Mid-Atlantic: Participant interest in locally-grown and certified-organic apples. Pennsylvania Fruit News, 97(9).
- Curtis, K., and M. Bradshaw, (2017). “Conducting a Market Assessment: Estimating Market Size and Price for Small-Scale Food Tourism Enterprises.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2017-04pr.
- Curtis, K. and J. Rudd, (2017). “Southeastern Utah Small-Scale Mixed Vegetable Production Costs and Returns - 2 Acres, 2016.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2017-01pr.
- Dhingra, A. and R.K. Gallardo. 2017. “Customers are Willing to Pay a Premium Only on High Quality Fresh Sliced Pears. A Fruit Good to Know.” Published September 11, 2017. http://www.goodfruit.com/customers-are-willing-to-pay-a-premium-only-on-high-quality-fresh-sliced-pears/
- Durham, C. and A. Colonna. 2016. Market Research for Market Readiness Protocol (Manual, Spreadsheet, Videos). Oregon State University-Food Innovation Center. http://agsci.oregonstate.edu/food-innovation-center/market-research-market-readiness-mktrd-protocol
- Durham, C. and J.B. Miller, Evaluation of the Promotion Program of the Hazelnut Marketing Board: Report through the 2015-16 Marketing Year. Food Innovation Center, Oregon State University.
- Fonsah, E. G. (2017). “Vegetable” In: 2017 Georgia Ag-Forecast. Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, pg. 19. GeorgiaAgForecast.com
- Fonsah, E. G. (2017). “Fruit and Nuts” In: 2017 Georgia Ag-Forecast. Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, pp. 18. GeorgiaAgForecast.com
- Fonsah, E.G. (2017). “Vegetable Outlook”. Georgia Economic Outlook, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia, selig.uga.edu
- Fonsah, E.G. (2017). “Fruit and Nut Outlook”. Georgia Economic Outlook, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia, selig.uga.edu
- Fonsah, E.G. (2017). “Production and Marketing of Onions”. Onion Production Guide. of Ga Coop. Ext. Ser. Bull: 1198-45-48 (June). https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/B%201198_3.PDF
- Fonsah, E.G. (2017). “Production Costs of Onions”. Onion Production Guide. of Ga Coop. Ext. Ser. Bull: 1198-43-44 (June). https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/B%201198_3.PDF
- Riley, D. G., T. Coolong, R. Gitaitis, B. Dutta, A. Sparks, T. Grey, J. Schmidt, E.G. Fonsah, and M. Toews (2017). Crop Profile for Cowpeas in Georgia. Sponsored by Southern IPM Center, Coop Ext. Ser. Bull: 1480-1-11 funded by USDA-NIFA (August). http://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1480
- Fonsah, E.G. (2017). “Marketing of Tomato”. Commercial Tomatoes Production Handbook. of Ga Coop. Ext. Ser. Bull: 1312: 42-47 (January). http://extension.uga.edu/publications/files/pdf/B%201312_6.PDF
- Fonsah, E.G. (2017). “Production Cost of Tomato”. Commercial Tomatoes Production Handbook. of Ga Coop. Ext. Ser. Bull: 1312:48-51 (January). http://extension.uga.edu/publications/files/pdf/B%201312_6.PDF
- Knudsen, T., K. Curtis, J. Reeve, and B. Black, (2017). “Northern Utah Peach Orchard Costs and Returns Comparison by Management Strategy, 20 Acres, 2015.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2017-03pr.
- Martin, M., C. Chriestenson, D. Thilmany, B. Jablonski, and M. Sullins. FSR 17-02. Perception of Trust in Sources of Information on Agriculture and Food Issues. March 2017. 9 pp.
- Thilmany, D., C. Chriestenson, M. Martin, M. Sullins, and B. Jablonski. FSR 17-01. An Overview of Coloradans’ Perceptions of Agriculture. February 2017. 9 pp. http://webdoc.agsci.colostate.edu/DARE/FSR/FSR17-01.pdf
- Thilmany, D, Colorado Department of Agriculture. Public Attitudes about Agriculture in Colorado. 2017. (with Chad Chriestenson, Michael Martin, Martha Sullins and Becca Jablonski). 79 pages.
- Thilmany, D, Colorado Blueprint Regional Opportunity Reports (for each of 11 Colorado regions). Posted at: http://foodsystems.colostate.edu/research/colorado-blueprint/. 6 pp each.
- Velandia, M., Trejo-Pech, C., Morris, D., Wszelaki, A., Niewolny, K., & MacAuley, L. 2017. “Evaluating Financial and Economic Factors Contributing to the Sustainability of Beginning Farms in Tennessee and Virginia.” Extension Publication W388, University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture. Available at https://ag.tennessee.edu/arec/Documents/publications/W388SustainabilityofBeginningFarms.pdf
- Woods, T. Matthew Ernst, and Debra Tropp. “Community Supported Agriculture – New Models for Changing Markets”. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, April 2017. https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/CSANewModelsforChangingMarketsb.pdf
- Zepeda, L. and A. Reznickova 2017. “Potential Demand for Local Fresh Produce by Mobil Markets,” US Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service. Accepted and in press.
- Waldrop, M.E., J.J. McCluskey, and R.C. Mittelhammer, 2017. “Price Premiums and Certification for California and Washington Wines,” Viticulture and Enology Extension News, fall, pp. 11-14. Available at http://wine.wsu.edu/wp-content/uploads/sites/66/2010/07/Fall-2017-VEEN.pdf.
- Wolff, B., M. Béchu, Woods & A. Butler (2017) Three Year Average Prices & Quantities at Kentucky Produce Auctions: 2014‐2016. CCD‐FS 6. Lexington, KY: Center for Crop Diversification. April. www.uky.edu/ccd/pricereports/KYPA3yravg
- Wolff, Brett, Martin Bechu, Tim Woods, and Alex Butler, (2017) “ KY Farmers Market 3-Year Average Weekly Prices”, University of Kentucky CCD Fact Sheet CCD-FS-3, April. http://www.uky.edu/ccd/sites/www.uky.edu.ccd/files/KYFM3yravg_Wolff_Bechu_Woods_Butler.pdf
Grants: Active
- Curtis, K.R. is Co-Project Director: USDA-RMA Outreach Program, 2017-2018. $161,000. Targeted Risk Management Education for Small Specialty Crop Producers and Underserved Farmers.
- Curtis, K.R. is Principal Investigator/Project Director: NIFA Beginning Farmer/Rancher Development Program, 2017-2020. $750,000.
- Curtis, K.R. is Principal Investigator/Project Director: Western Center for Risk Management Education Grant, 2017-2018. $49,000. Enhancing Direct Market Fresh Produce Sales through Multi-Market Pricing Comparisons.
- Hayes, D., A. Wszelaki, A. Saxton, D. Inglis, C. Miles, J. Goldberger, T. Marsh, S. Schexnayder, C. Benedict, L. Wadsworth, J. Cowan, M. Fly, E. Belasco, P. Tozer, J.M. DeBruyn, S. Scaeffer, M. Velandia, C. Cogger, and A. Bary. “Performance and Adoptability of Biodegradable Plastic Mulch for Sustainable Specialty Crop Production.” NIFA, USDA, September 2014 – September 2019 [$4,884,791].
- McCluskey, J.J. “Advancing the State of the Art for Short and Long Run Fruit and Vegetable Projections,” USDA ERS, Cooperative Agreement, $50,000.
- McCluskey, J.J. “Retail Market for Organic Food,” USDA ERS, Cooperative Agreement, access to IRI data.
- Tanaka, K., K. Moskowitz, M. Velandia, C. Trejo-Pech, and S. Muntz. 2017. “Extending Roots of Fresh Stop Markets across the Southeast Region.” Southern SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education).
- Velandia, M., C. Boyer, S.A. Smith, C. Stripling, C. Clark, A. Wszelaki, K. Tanaka, F.L. Stribling, J.P. de Koff, and E. Bidgood. 2017. “Farm Human Resource Access Programs for Sustainable Local and Regional Food Systems in the Southeast Region.” Southern SARE (Sustainable Agriculture Research & Education).
- Velandia, M., D. Lockwood, A. Wszelaki, and W.H. Pepper. “Enhancing Tennessee Small-scale Fruit and Vegetable Farms’ Ability to Manage Marketing and Financial Risks.” Southern Extension Risk Management Education Center, April 2016 - September 2017 [$49,034].
Penn State Wine & Grape U. Blog, https://psuwineandgrapes.wordpress.com/
- Kelley, K. 2017. Customer service checkup. September 29, 2017.
- Kelley, K., and B. Caniani. Telling your story: Letting consumers know why your brand is unique. July 21, 2017.
- Kelley, K. 2017. Taking a good look at wine labels. June 30, 2017.
- Kelley, K. 2017. an American (wine marketer) in Paris. May 26, 2107.
- Zelinskie, J. and K. Kelley. 2017. Using social media to engage with customers: Filters and stories. April 21, 2017.
- Zelinskie, J. and K. Kelley. 2017. Using social media to engage with customers. March 31, 2017.
- Zelinskie, J. and K. Kelley. 2017. Connecting with wine consumers and tasting room visitors via mobile devices. February 24, 2017.
- Zelinskie, J. and K. Kelley. 2017. What drives Mid-Atlantic wine consumers to visit local winery tasting rooms. January 27, 2017
State, Station or Agency
Canales, E. 2017. “Planning for a New Commercial Vegetable Business”. Mississippi State Extension Service Publication P3134.
Canales, E., B. Layton, C. Barickman, S. Meyers. 2018. “Traditional Vegetables 2018 Planning Budgets”. Mississippi State Extension Service Publication P3197 (02-18).
Canales, E., C. Crist, V. Tilley, and M. Roth. “Food as Business”. Mississippi State Extension Service Publication 3261 (08-18).
Centinari, M., B. Hed, K. Kelley, and J. Timer. 2017. Looking back at the 2017 growing season. December 1, 2017.
Penn State Wine & Grape U. Blog, https://psuwineandgrapes.wordpress.com/
Fonsah, E. G. 2018. The Impacts of Chinese Tariffs on the Georgia Fruits, Nuts, and Vegetables Industry. https://site.extension.uga.edu/aaecext/2018/05/the-impacts-of-china-tariff-on-georgia-fruits-nuts-and-vegetables-industry/
Fonsah, E.G. 2017. “Marketing of Tomato”. Commercial Tomatoes Production Handbook. Univ. of Ga Coop. Ext. Ser. Bull: 1312: 42-47. http://extension.uga.edu/publications/files/pdf/B%201312_6.PDF
Fonsah, E.G. 2017. “Production and Marketing of Onions”. Onion Production Guide. Univ. of Ga Coop. Ext. Ser. Bull: 1198-45-48. https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/B%201198_3.PDF
Fonsah, E.G. 2017. “Production Cost of Tomato”. Commercial Tomatoes Production Handbook. Univ. of Ga Coop. Ext. Ser. B
Fonsah, E.G. 2017. “Production Costs of Onions”. Onion Production Guide. Univ. of Ga Coop. Ext. Ser. Bull: 1198-43-44. https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/B%201198_3.PDF
Kelley, K. 2018. Highlights from my Australian sabbatical leave. July 30, 2018.
Liu, Y., A.N. Rabinowitz, E.G. Fonsah and L. Russell (2018). “What is going on between the United States and China Trade Tariff Negotiations”. https://site.extension.uga.edu/aaecext/2018/05/what-is-going-on-between-the-united-states-and-china-trade-tariff-negotiation
Liu, Y., E. G. Fonsah, L. Russell, A.N. Rabinowitz and D. Shurley (2018) “The Impacts of China and United States Trade and Tariff Actions on Georgia Agriculture”, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Temporary Publication 104: 1-9 (June). https://secure.caes.uga.edu/extension/publications/files/pdf/TP%20104_1.PDF
Riley, D. G., T. Coolong, R. Gitaitis, B. Dutta, A. Sparks, T. Grey, J. Schmidt, E.G. Fonsah, and M. Toews (2017). Crop Profile for Cowpeas in Georgia. Sponsored by Southern IPM Center, Coop Ext. Ser. Bull: 1480-1-11 funded by USDA-NIFA. http://extension.uga.edu/publications/detail.html?number=B1480
Woods, T.A., M. Ernst, and D. Tropp. “Community Supported Agriculture – New Models for Changing Markets”. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Marketing Service, April 2017. https://www.ams.usda.gov/sites/default/files/media/CSANewModelsforChangingMarketsb.pdf
Refereed Journal Articles:
Allen, J. E., Rossi, J. J., Woods, T. A., Davis, A. F. (2017). Do Community Supported Agriculture programmes encourage change to food lifestyle behaviours and health outcomes? New evidence from shareholders, (1 ed., vol. 15, pp. 70-82) International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability.
Arana-Coronado, J.J., C.O. Trejo-Pech, M. Velandia, and J. Peralta-Jimenez. 2018. “Factors Influencing Organic and Fair Trade Coffee Growers Level of Engagement with Cooperatives: The Case of Coffee Farmers in Mexico.” Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing, doi: 10.1080/08974438.2018.1471637
Arumugam, S., R. Govindasamy, I. Vellangany and H. Gohil, “Consumer's Preferences for Fresh Organic Produce in the Mid-Atlantic USA: An Econometric Analysis”, Agricultural Research (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40003-018-0357-z
Awondo, S. N., E. G. Fonsah and D. J. Gray. 2017 “Incorporating Structure and Stochasticity in Muscadine grapes Enterprise Budget and Investment Analysis”, HortTechnology: 27 (2): 212-222.
Awondo, S. N., O. A. Ramirez, G. S. Datta, G. Colson & E. G. Fonsah. 2018. “Estimation of Crop Yields and Insurance Premiums Using a Shrinkage Estimator”. North American Actuarial Journal, 0(0), 1–20, 2018
Berning, B., M. Costanigro, MP McCullough. Can the Craft Beer Industry Tap into Collective Reputation? Choices 32 (3), 1-6.
Bonanno, A. F. Bimbo, A. Oude-Lansink, M. Costanigro, and R. Viscecchia. 2018. “Credence Attributes and the Quest for a Higher Price: a Hedonic Stochastic Frontier Approach” European Review of Agricultural Economics. Advance access: https://doi.org/10.1093/erae/jby024
Bonanno, A., F. Bimbo, R. L.O. Cleary and E. Castellari. 2018. “Food Labels and Adult BMI in Italy: An Unconditional Quantile Regression Approach” Food Policy. 74; 158-170.
Chavez, D., M. Palma, and A.J. Collart. 2018. "Using Eye-tracking to Model Attribute Non-attendance in Choice Experiments." Applied Economics Letters 25(19):1355-1359.
Cleary, R. L. O., A. Bonanno, L. Chenarides, and S. J. Goetz. 2018. “Public Policies to Improve Food Access and Store Profits in Rural U.S.” Food Policy. 75; 199-211.
Collart, A.J. 2018. Review of magazine article. "Friction Lovers: The Case for an Efficiency Tax", published by The Economist. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 100(2):644-645.
Collart, A.J. and M.G. Interis. 2018. "Consumer Imperfect Information in the Market for Expired and Nearly Expired Foods and Implications for Reducing Food Waste." Sustainability 10(11), 3835.
Fonsah, E.G., M. Tertuliano, S. Chattapadhya, T. Manower, A. Hussain, S. Islam, Md.S. Isalam, Md. J. Uddin, A. S. Amin, and B. Amin. 2018. “A Survey of Agricultural Value Chain: A Case Study of Bangladesh Banana Industry”, Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7 (1) 141-148.
Fonsah, E.G., Y. Chen, S. Diffie, R. Srinivansan and D. Riley. 2018. “Economic Productivity and Profitability Analysis for Whiteflies and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) Management Options.”, Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, Vol. 7 (1): 1-9.
Galinato, S., R.K. Gallardo, D. Granatstein, M. Willet. 2018. “Economic Impact of a Potential Expansion of Pest Infestation: Apple Maggot in Washington State.” HortTechnology, 28: 651-659.
Gallardo, R.K. and J. Sauer. 2018. “Adoption of Labor-saving Technologies in Agriculture”. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 10: 185-206.
Gallardo, R.K., E. Stafne, L. Wasko DeVetter, Q. Zhang, C. Li, F. Takeda, J. Williamson, W. Yang, R. Beaudry, W. Cline, and R. Allen. 2018. “Blueberry Producers’ Attitudes toward Harvest Mechanization for Fresh Market.” HortTechnology, 28(1):10-16.
Gallardo, R.K., Q. Zhang, J. Polashock, C. Rodriguez-Saona, N. Vorsa, A. Atucha, J. Zalapa, and M. Iorizzo. 2018. “Breeding Trait Priorities of the Cranberry Industry in the United States and Canada.” HortScience, 53: 1467-1474.
Gallardo, R.K., Q. Zhang, M. Dossett, J. Polashock, C. Rodriguez-Saona, N. Vorsa, P.P. Edger, H. Ashrafi, E. Babiker, C.E. Finn, and M. Iorizzo. 2018. “Breeding Trait Priorities of the Blueberry Industry in the United States and Canada.” HortScience, 53(7): 1021-1028.
Gallardo, R.K., Y. Hong, M. Silva Jaimes, J. Flores Orozco. 2018. “Investigating Consumer Food Choice Behavior: An Application Combining Sensory Evaluation and Experimental Auctions.” Ciencia e Investigacion Agraria, 45(1): 1-10.
Gardner, D.M., K.M. Kelley, and A. Miller. 2018. Assessing the educational needs of the Pennsylvania wine industry. Journal of Extension 56(2): https://www.joe.org/joe/2018april/rb6.php
Govindasamy, R., S. Arumugam, I. Vellangany, and B. Ozkan. “Willingness to Pay a High-Premium for Organic Fresh Produce: An Econometric Analysis”, Agricultural Economics Research Review. 31 (2018), 45-52.
Govindasamy, R., S. Arumugam, J. Zhuang, K. M. Kelley and I. Vellangany. “Cluster Analysis of Wine Market Segmentation – A Consumer Based Study in the Mid-Atlantic USA”, Economic Affairs, 63 (2018):1-8.
Holcomb, R.B., C.L. Neil, J. Lelekacs, M. Velandia, T.A. Woods, H.L. Goodwin, and R.L. Rainey. 2018. “A Local Food System Glossary: A Rose by Any Other Name.” Choices 33(3). Collaboration with Tim Woods, University of Kentucky.
Hong, Y., R.K. Gallardo, M. Silva Jaimes, and J. Flores Orozco. 2018. “College Students’ Preferences and Willingness to Pay for Fresh Apple Varieties in Peru.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 49(2): 38-56.
Kelley, K., J. Zelinskie, M. Centinari, D.M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann. 2017. Consumer preferences for sustainable wine attributes: A Conjoint Analysis. Journal of Wine Economics 12(4): 416–425.
Miller, A., K. M. Kelley, J. Zelinskie, D. M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann, “Assisting Mid-Atlantic Wine Industry Stakeholders in Developing Consumer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Internet Survey Results”, Journal of Extension, 56 (2018): https://www.joe.org/joe/2018february/rb5.php.
Miller, A., K.M. Kelley, D.M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann. 2018. Assisting Mid-Atlantic wine industry stakeholders in developing consumer-centric marketing strategies: Internet survey results. Journal of Extension 56(1): https://www.joe.org/joe/2018february/rb5.php
Rickard, B.J., O. Gergaud, S.-T. Ho, and F. Livat. 2018. Trade liberalization in the presence of domestic regulations: Public policies applied to EU and U.S. wine markets. Applied Economics 50(18): 2028–2047.
Rossi, J. J., Allen, J. E., Woods, T. A., Davis, A. F. (2017). CSA shareholder food lifestyle behaviors: a comparison across consumer groups, Agriculture and Human Values
Rossi, J. J., Woods, T. A., Allen, J. E. (2017). Impacts of a Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) Voucher Program on Food Lifestyle Behaviors: Evidence from an Employer-Sponsored Pilot Program, (9 ed., vol. 9, pp. 1543) Sustainability
Shideler, D., A. Bauman, D. Thilmany and B. Jablonski. 2018. Weighing local food systems as a workforce, farm income and economic development strategy. Local Foods Coming of Age Special Issue of CHOICES. Quarter 3. Available online: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/
Thilmany, D. A. Bauman and B.R. Jablonski. The financial implications of targeting direct and intermediated markets as a core competitive advantage. Renewable Ag and Food Systems. https://doi.org/10.1017/S1742170517000680
Thilmany, D. and T.A. Woods. 2018. "Local Food Coming of Age: The Evolution of the Local Brand, Policy Initiatives and Role of Direct Markets in the Agriculture Portfolio." CHOICES. Quarter 3. Available online: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/
Van Sandt, A., S. Low and D. Thilmany. 2018. A Spatial Analysis of Agritourism in the US: What’s Driving Clusters of Enterprises? Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. Published online February 2018. https://doi.org/10.1017/age.2017.36.
Vinson III, E.L., Coneva, E.D., Kemble, J.M., Woods, F.M., Sibley, J.L., Perkins-Veazie, P.M. and Fonsah, E.G. (2017). Phenological parameter responses gauge banana fruit production potential in the coastal region of Alabama, USA. Acta Hortic. 1178, 61-66.
Woods, T. A. and D. Thilmany (2018). Local Food Coming of Age: The Evolution of the Local Brand, Policy Initiatives and Role of Direct Markets in the Agriculture Portfolio, (3 ed., vol. 33, pp. 2 p.) Choices.
Book Chapters:
Riley, D., Sparks, A., Jr., Srinivasan, R., Kennedy, G., Fonsah, G., Scott, J., Olson, S., (2018). Thrips: Biology, Ecology, and Management. In: Wakil, W., Brust, G.E., Perring, T.M. (Eds.), Chapter 3: Sustainable Management of Arthropod Pests of Tomato. First Edition, Academic Press, Elsevier, pp. 49–71.
Refereed Conference Proceedings:
Drugova, T., V.F. Pozo, K.R. Curtis and T.R. Fortenberry, 2018. “Organic Wheat Prices and Premium Uncertainty: Can Cross Hedging and Forecasting Play a Role?” Proceedings of the NCCC-134 Conference on Applied Commodity Price Analysis, Forecasting, and Market Risk Management, Minneapolis, MN. [http://www.farmdoc.illinois.edu/nccc134].
Drugova, T., V. Pozo, and K. Curtis, (2018), “Forecasting Organic Wheat Prices: Do Conventional Wheat Prices Play a Role?” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 49(1), 48-55.
Fonsah, E. G., T. Manower, A. Hussain, S. Chattapadhya, S. Islam, Md. S. Islam, Md. J. Uddin, Md. A. S. Amin, B. Amin (2017). “Factors Affecting Banana Agricultural Value Chain in Bangladesh”. J. of Food Distr Res: 48(1): 22-32.
Fonsah, E. G., and B. Amin (2017). “Evaluating Overall Performances of the Banana Industry in West Bengal State, India. J. of Food Distr Res: 48(1): 16-21.
Kaninda, T. S., Fonsah, E.G., Boyhan, J. Gaskin, and E. Little (2018). “Economic Analysis of Crop Rotation Systems for High Value Cool-Season Vegetables in Southern Region of the USA”. J. of Food Distr Res: 49(1): 30-38.
Salisbury, K., K. Curtis, V. Pozo, and C. Durward, (2018). “Is Local Produce Really More Expensive? A Comparison of Direct Market and Conventional Grocery Produce Pricing.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 49(1), 13-21.
Extension, Outreach and Industry Publications:
Curtis, K., T. Knudsen, J. Reeve, and B. Black, (2018). “Northern Utah Peach Orchard Costs and Returns Comparison by Management Strategy, 20 Acres, 2017.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics.
Curtis, K., T. Knudsen, J. Reeve, and B. Black, (2018). “Northern Utah Conventional Peach Orchard Costs and Returns, 20 Acres, 2017.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics.
Curtis, K., T. Knudsen, J. Reeve, and B. Black, (2018). “Northern Utah Organic Peach Orchard Costs and Returns, 20 Acres, 2017.” Utah State University Fact Sheet, Applied Economics.
Fonsah, E.G. 2017. “Fruit and Nut Outlook”. Georgia Economic Outlook, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia.
Fonsah, E.G. 2017. “Fruit and Nuts” In: 2017 Georgia Ag-Forecast. Farm to Port: Maximizing the global impact of Georgia agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, pp. 18. www.GeorgiaAgForecast.com
Fonsah, E.G. 2017. “Vegetable Outlook”. Georgia Economic Outlook, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia, www.selig.uga.edu
Fonsah, E.G. 2017. “Vegetable” In: 2017 Georgia Ag-Forecast. Farm to Port: Maximizing the global impact of Georgia agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, pg. 17. www.GeorgiaAgForecast.com
Fonsah, E.G. 2018. “Fruit and Nut Outlook”. Georgia Economic Outlook, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia, www.selig.uga.edu
Fonsah, E.G. 2018. “Fruit and Nuts” In: 2017 Georgia Ag-Forecast. Farm to Port: Maximizing the global impact of Georgia agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, pp. 23-24. www.GeorgiaAgForecast.com
Fonsah, E.G. 2018. “Vegetable Outlook”. Georgia Economic Outlook, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia, www.selig.uga.edu
Fonsah, E.G. 2018. “Vegetable” In: 2017 Georgia Ag-Forecast. Farm to Port: Maximizing the global impact of Georgia agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences, University of Georgia, pp. 20-22. www.GeorgiaAgForecast.com
Masoni, S., D. Brugato, J. Ball, C. Durham, M. Adams. Mini Watermelon Report: Study of Cutting Method, Yield, and Storability for Foodservice and Retail Operations. Oregon State University Food Innovation Center Portland, Oregon (USA). September 21, 2018.
Miller, A. K.M. Kelley, D.M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann. 2018. Assisting Mid-Atlantic wine industry stakeholders develop more consumer-centric marketing strategies: Results from an internet study. Journal of Extension 56(1): 1–12.
Rickard, B.J., T.M. Schmit, M.I. Gómez, and H. Lu. 2018. “Brand personalities; the importance of names for new apple varieties.” Fruit World 18(1): 99–105.
Sterns, J. Wine Clubs - Can we do better? Vine to Wine. Oregon Wine Research Institute, January 2018
Thilmany, D., A. Bauman, D. Shideler and P. Watson. 2018. Conducting an Economics Impact Study of a Local or Regional Food Project. Local Food Economics fact sheet. Funded by USDA NIFA and AMS. Posted at: https://localfoodeconomics.com/benchmarks/.
Thilmany, D., B. Jablonski, A. Bauman, and D. Shideler. 2018. Evaluating the Financial Efficiency of Local Food Producers. Local Food Economics fact sheet. Funded by USDA NIFA. Posted at: https://localfoodeconomics.com/benchmarks/.
Thilmany, D., B. Jablonski, A. Bauman, and D. Shideler. 2018. Financial Benchmarks for Local Food Producers. Local Food Economics fact sheet. Funded by USDA NIFA. Posted at: https://localfoodeconomics.com/benchmarks/.
Thilmany, D., B. Jablonski, A. Bauman, and D. Shideler. 2018. Profitability of Implications of Local Food Marketing Strategies. Local Food Economics fact sheet. Funded by USDA NIFA. Posted at: https://localfoodeconomics.com/benchmarks/.
Thilmany, D., B. Jablonski, A. Bauman, and D. Shideler. 2018. The Role of Labor and other Variable Expenses in Local Food Markets. Local Food Economics fact sheet. Funded by USDA NIFA. Posted at: https://localfoodeconomics.com/benchmarks/.
Thilmany, D., B. Jablonski, A. Bauman, D. Shideler and B. Angelo. 2018. How to Write a Good Case Study on a Food Value Chain. Local Food Economics fact sheet. Funded by USDA NIFA. Posted at: https://localfoodeconomics.com/benchmarks/.
Thilmany, D., B. Jablonski, D. Shideler and J. O’Hara. 2018. Impact of Local Food Production on Food and Beverage Retail Sales. Local Food Economics fact sheet. Funded by USDA NIFA. Posted at: https://localfoodeconomics.com/benchmarks/.
Woods, T. A. (2017). CCD-FS-6- Three Year Average Prices and Quantities at Kentucky Produce Auctions: 2014-2016, (pp. 22) Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Agricultural Communications Service.
Woods, T. A. (2017). ID-149- 2017 Kentucky Blackberry Cost and Return Estimates, (pp. 20) Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Agricultural Communications Service.
Woods, T. A. (2018). CCD-FS-2- What to Think About Before You Plant: Marketing Considerations for Kentucky Specialty Crop Growers, (pp. 11) Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Agricultural Communications Service.
Woods, T. A. (2018). CCD-MP-20- Marketing Fresh Produce to Food Retailers (Grocery Stores), (pp. 4) Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Agricultural Communications Service.
Woods, T. A. (2018). CCD-MP-21- Marketing Fresh Produce to Restaurants, (pp. 5) Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Agricultural Communications Service.
Woods, T. A. (2018). CCD-MP-4- Roadside Farm Markets, (pp. 4) Lexington, KY: University of Kentucky Agricultural Communications Service.
Woods, T. A., Thompson, T., Williams, M. A., Woods, T., Dillon, C. R., Bessin, R. (2017). Economic Analysis of the University of Kentucky Community Supported Agriculture Organic Vegetable Production System, (SR-111 ed.) University of Kentucky Ag Experiment Station Publication.
State, Station or Agency
Fonsah, E.G. (2019). “Fruit and Nut Outlook”. Georgia Economic Outlook, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia, www.selig.uga.edu
Fonsah, E.G. (2019). “Vegetable Outlook”. Georgia Economic Outlook, Selig Center for Economic Growth, Terry College of Business, The University of Georgia, www.selig.uga.edu
Galinato, S.P.; Velandia, M.; Ghimire, S. Economic feasibility of adopting alternative plastic mulches: case study for pumpkin in Western Washington. Working Paper, School of Economic Sciences, Washington State University, 2019, Pullman, WA. Collaboration between the University of Tennessee and Washington State University.
Kelley, K. M. (2019). Kelley, K. 2019. An overview of recent wine products. February 22, 2019.
Kelley, K. M. (2019). Kelley, K. 2019. Food, flavor, and wine consumer trends 2019. January 25, 2019. Penn State Wine & Grape U. Blog, https://psuwineandgrapes.wordpress.com/
Velandia, M. Report prices at Tennessee Farmers Markets – Tennessee Farmers Markets Price Reports http://www.uky.edu/ccd/pricereports/TNFM. Collaboration with the University of Kentucky.
Velandia, M., A. Smith, A. Wszelaki, and S. Galinato. 2019. The Economics Feasibility of Adopting Plastic Biodegradable Mulches in Pumpkin Production. W844, UT Extension [Refereed]. Collaboration between the University of Tennessee and Washington State University.
Outreach/Industry Publications
Alex Butler, Jairus Rossi and Tim Woods, Local Food Vitality Index – Louisville, KY, Economic and Policy Update, June 2019.
Ariana Torres published the following Extension publications Ag Census to Indiana, 2018 Indiana Farmers Market Price reports, Organic trends in the Midwest, and Price Comparisons Between Farms Markets and Retail Stores.
Awondo, S.N, and E.G. Fonsah (2019). “New Enterprise Budget for Producing Muscadine Grapes in Georgia”, Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Barefield, A., R. Snyder, E. Canales, and L. Behel. 2019. “Economic Evaluation of the Greenhouse Tomato Short Course”. Mississippi State University Extension Service P3336.
Canales, E. 2019. “Coordination and Crop Planning in Local Food Systems: Considerations for Local Aggregators, Coordinators, and Distributors.” Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication P3388.
Canales, E., H. Irwin. 2018. “Food Safety Certification and Market Access”. Mississippi State University Extension Service P3287.
Collart, A.J. and B. Posadas. 2019. “Marketing a Food Product: Marketing Considerations for a Small-Scale Food Processor.” Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication #2567.
Collart, A.J. and L. Thorne. 2019. “Cottage Food Laws in Mississippi: Key Guidelines and Policy Implications.” Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication #3327.
Collart, A.J. and S. Meyers. 2019. “Sources of Food Loss and Food Waste in the Mississippi-Grown Sweet potato Supply Chain.” Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication #3390.
Coneva, E., E. Vinson, J. Kemble, F. Woods, J. Sibley, E.G. Fonsah, P. Perkins-Veazie, J. R. Kessler (2019). “Reflective Mulches Improve Sustainability of Non-Cavendish Bananas Cultivars in the Subtropics of Coastal Alabama”, Acta Horticulturae, XI International Symposium on Protected Cultivation in Mild Winter Climates & I International Symposium on Nettings and Screens in Horticulture, Tenerife (Spain – Canary Islands), January 31.
Curtis, K., and S. Allen, (2018). “Estimating Market Size and Price for Fresh Produce Sales.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2018-04pr.
Curtis, K., and S. Allen, (2018). “Target Market Identification and Data Collection Methods.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2018-01pr.
Curtis, K., E. Rice, and D. Quarnstrom, (2019). “Adopting Organic Wheat: Grower Motivations and Concerns.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-01pr.
Curtis, K., E. Rice, and D. Quarnstrom, (2019). “Characteristics of Organic Wheat Growers.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-02pr.
Curtis, K., E. Rice, S. Slocum, and K. Allen, (2019). “Farm Shops: A Direct-to-Consumer Extended Season Opportunity.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-04pr.
Curtis, K., K. Salisbury, R. Ward, and C. Durward, (2019). “Targeting Farmers’ Markets in Utah: Understanding Fresh Produce Pricing.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-03pr.
Curtis, K., K. Salisbury, V. Pozo, R. Ward, and C. Durward, (2019). “What Determines Produce Pricing in Utah?” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-05pr.
Curtis, K., S. Allen, and S. Slocum, (2018). “Fresh Produce Direct Market Sales Considerations.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2018-02pr.
Curtis, K., T. Drugova, and H. Thomason, (2018). “Labeling and Product Characteristic Preferences of Organic Food Buyers.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2018-03pr.
Curtis, K., T. Drugova, and H. Thomason, (2018). “Premium Potential for Organic Wheat Products.” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2018-06pr.
Curtis, K., T. Drugova, and H. Thomason, (2018). “Who Are Organic Wheat Consumers?” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2018-05pr.
Drugova, T., and K. Curtis, (2019). “Do Consumers Who Prefer Gluten-Free Also Prefer Organic?” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-07pr.
Drugova, T., and K. Curtis, (2019). “Does Consumer Knowledge of Organic Production Standards Influence Demand for Organic and Non-GMO Labeled Foods?” USU Extension Fact Sheet, Applied Economics/2019-06pr.
Fonsah, E. G, J. Shealey and S. Carlson. (2019). “Cantaloupe Budget on Narrow Plastic and Sprinkler Irrigation in Georgia” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E. G. and C. Tyson (2019). “Onions Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E. G. and J. Shealey and S. Carlson (2019). “Fresh Tomato on Plastic and Irrigation Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E. G., E. Smith and J. Jacobs (2019). “Fresh Market Blackberry Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E. G., J. Price and B. Cantrell (2019). “Fresh Market Satsuma Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E. G., L. Wells, W. Hudson and D. Collins (2019). “High Input Pecan Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E. G., L. Wells, W. Hudson and D. Collins (2019). “Low Input Pecan Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E. G., R. Allen, J. Jacobs and S. Curry (2019). “Southern High Bush Blueberry Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E. G., R. Srinivasan and S. Diffie (2019). “Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus (TYLCV) Management Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G. (2019). An Economic Production Guide for Fruits and Nuts Growers, Agents and Specialists in Georgia. University of Georgia, Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics,1-68. https://agecon.uga.edu/content/dam/caes-subsite/ag-econ/documents/extension/publications/Fruit%20Production%20Guide%20-%20Oct%202019.pdf
Fonsah, E.G. (2019). An Economic Production Guide for Vegetable Growers, Agents and Specialists in Georgia. University of Georgia, Department of Agricultural & Applied Economics, 1-61 pages. https://agecon.uga.edu/content/dam/caes-subsite/ag-con/documents/extension/publications/Vegetable%20Production%20Guide.pdf
Fonsah, E.G., (2019). “Veinte Cohol Banana Budget” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., and J. Shealey (2019). “Carrots Budget in Georgia” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., and J. Shealey (2019). “Double Cropped Squash on Plastic Budget”. Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., and J. Shealey (2019). “Sweet Corn Budget in Georgia” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., and J. Shealey (2019). “Estimated Cost Per Acre of Removing and Replacing Plastic Mulch Damaged by Hurricane Michael in Georgia”. Food, Agriculture, and Resource Economics (FARE Blog), Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, University of Georgia (September 27). https://site.extension.uga.edu/aaecext/
Fonsah, E.G., and S. Carlson (2019). “Climbing Cucumber Budget”. Department of Ag & Applied Economics. University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., B. Hayes, W. Gay, T. Torrance and J. Shealey (2019). “Estimated Cost Per Acre of Bare-Ground Vegetable Production Damaged by Hurricane Michael”. Food, Agriculture, and Resource Economics (FARE Blog), Department of Agriculture and Applied Economics, University of Georgia (October 1). https://site.extension.uga.edu/aaecext/
Fonsah, E.G., J. Kichler and J. Shealey (2019). “Eggplant Irrigated for Fresh Market Budget in Georgia” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., J. Shealey and B. Starr (2019). “Snap Beans Budget”. Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., J. Shealey, J. Kichler and S. Carlson (2019). “Bell pepper production budget in Georgia”. Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., S. Carlson, S. Curry, and R. Brown (2019). “Strawberry Fresh Market Budget”, Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., T. Coolong, J. Kichler and J. Shealey (2019). “Bare ground Cabbage Irrigated for Fresh Market Budget in Georgia” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., T. Coolong, J. Kichler and J. Shealey (2019). “Collard Green Irrigated for Fresh Market Budget in Georgia” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., T. Coolong, J. Kichler, and J. Shealey (2019). “Kale Green Irrigated for Fresh Market Budget in Georgia” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., T. Coolong, P. Tucker and J. Shealey (2019). “Watermelon Irrigated for Fresh Market Budget in Georgia” Department of Ag & Applied Economics, University of Georgia. http://agecon.uga.edu/extension/budgets.html
Fonsah, E.G., Y. Chen, S. Diffie, R. Srinivansan and D. Riley (2019). “An Economic Assessment of Managing Whiteflies and Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus.” Southeast Regional Fruits and Vegetables Conference, Savannah, Saturday January 10-13, pg. 4.
Gregory, E., S. Meyers, C. Morris, J. Main, M. Shankle, E. Canales, and A.J. Collart. 2019. “Greenhouse Sweet potato Slip Production Budget for Mississippi.” Mississippi State University Extension Service. Publication #3359.
Kelley, K. M. (2019). "Wine in Pennsylvania." All in FoodZ Podcast Series, Food Decisions Research Laboratory, School of Hospitality Management, Penn State. www.blubrry.com/allinfoodz/43716902/wine-in-pennsylvania/.
Kelley, K., J. Bruwer, J. Zelinskie, D.M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, and B.J. Rickard. 2019. “Travel group member type effects in wine tourism.” Tourism Recreation Research 44(1): 54–65.
Kunwar, S.R., S. Bogati, E.G. Fonsah and L. P. Amgain (2019). Productivity and Profitability of Wheat Using Nutrient Expert ® Wheat Model in Morang, Nepal, Scientific Writing, University of Georgia, Georgia, USA.
Livat, F., and B. Rickard. “US tariffs on French wine: big talk, potentially unintended consequences.” The Conversation. September 5, 2019. Available at: https://theconversation.com/us-tariffs-on-french-wine-big-talk-potentially-unintended-consequences-122975
McCluskey, J.J. “Agricultural Mis-information, Conceptions and Interpretations,” United States Agricultural Information Network (USAIN) biennial conference, Pullman, WA, May 16, 2018.
Pellechia, T. “Research Shows That Wine Tariffs Are Not Easy; Increasing Them May Be Harder.” Featured on Forbes. September 10, 2019. Available at: https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomaspellechia/2019/09/10/research-shows-that-wine-tariffs-are-not-easy-increasing-them-may-be-harder/#124ccfb3400b
Silverberg, D. “Can a new apple take over the world?” Featured on the BBC, Business. October 17, 2019. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-50048782
Snyder, R., and E. Canales. 2019. “Starting a Greenhouse Business”. Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication P1957.
Refereed Journal Articles
Akhundjanov, S.B., R.K. Gallardo, J.J. McCluskey, and B.J. Rickard. Commercialization of a Demand-Enhancing Innovation: The Release of a New Apple Variety by a Public University. Economic Modelling (forthcoming).
Akhundjanov, S.B., R.K. Gallardo, J.J. McCluskey, B.J. Rickard. “Optimal Licensing of Plant Variety Patents: Benefiting both the Public University and the Industry.” Economic Modelling, Forthcoming.
Arumugam, S., R. Govindasamy, I. Vellangany and H. Gohil, “Consumer's Preferences for Fresh Organic Produce in the Mid-Atlantic USA: An Econometric Analysis”, Agricultural Research (2018). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40003-018-0357-z
Berning, J.P., H.H. Chouinard, K. Kiesel, J.J. McCluskey, and S.B. Villas-Boas, in press, “Consumer and Strategic Firm Response to Nutrition Shelf Labels,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Bruwer, J., J. Cohen, and K.M. Kelley. 2019. Wine involvement interaction with dining group dynamics, group composition and consumption behavioral aspects in USA restaurants. International Journal of Wine Business Research 31(1):12-28. DOI: 10.1108/IJWBR-06-2018-0027
Canales, E. and M. Palma. 2019. "Theme Overview: The Agricultural Production Potential of Latin America: Implications for Global Food Supply and Trade." Choices 34(3):1-3.
Canales, E., G. Andrango, and A. Williams. 2019. "Mexico’s Agricultural Sector: Production Potential and Implications for Trade." Choices 34(3):1-12.
Collart, A.J., S.L. Meyers, and J.K. Ward. 2019. “Consumer Perception of Skinning Injury in Sweetpotatoes and Implications for Marketability: An Experimental Auction.” HortTechnology 29(4):468-475.
Curtis, K., and D. Quarnstrom, (2019). “Untangling the Economic and Social Impediments to Producer Adoption of Organic Wheat.” Journal of Food Distribution Research, 50(1), 105-113.
Curtis, K., M. Bradshaw, and S. Slocum, (forthcoming 2019). “The Role of Culinary Experiences in Destination Loyalty.” Journal of Gastronomy and Tourism.
Curtis, K., M. Bradshaw, and S. Slocum, (forthcoming). “Tourism in the Intermountain West: The Role of Food and Agritourism in Neolocalism.” In Ingram, L., Slocum, S.L., & Cavaliere, C. (Eds.) Neolocalism and Tourism: Understanding a Global Movement. Goodfellow.
Deller, Steven, R. David Lamie, and Maureen Stickel, “Local Foods Systems and Community Economic Development”, Community Development: The Journal of the Community Development Society, (in press for hardcopy; online version published in September 2017 at Taylor and Francis Online).
Drugova, T., V. Pozo, K. Curtis, and R. Fortenbury, (2019). “Organic Wheat Prices and Premium Uncertainty: Can Cross Hedging and Forecasting Play a Role?” Journal of Agriculture and Resource Economics, 44(3):551-570.
Dube, A. K. B. Ozkan, and R. Govindasamy, “Analyzing the Export Performance of the Horticultural Sub-Sector in Ethiopia: ARDL Bound Test Cointegration Analysis”, Horticulturae, 4 (2018): 34. doi:10.3390.
Dube, A.K., Fawole, W.O., Govindasamy, R., Ozkan, B (2019). Agricultural development led industrialization in Ethiopia: structural break analysis. International Journal of Agriculture, Forestry and Life Sciences. 3(1): 193-201.
Galinato, S., R.K. Gallardo, E. Beers, A. Bixby-Brosi. 2019. “Developing a Management Strategy for Little Cherry Disease: The Case of Washington State.” Plant Disease. Available online: https://apsjournals.apsnet.org/doi/10.1094/PDIS-12-18-2235-SR
Gallardo, R.K., K. Grant, D.J. Brown, J.R. McFerson, K.M. Lewis, T. Einhorn, M. Miranda Sazo. 2019. “U.S. Fresh Apple Industry Perceptions of Precision Agriculture Technologies.” HortTechnology, 29(2): 151-162.
Govindasamy, R., S. Arumugam, I. Vellangany, and B. Ozkan. “Willingness to Pay a High-Premium for Organic Fresh Produce: An Econometric Analysis”, Agricultural Economics Research Review. 31 (2018), 45-52.
Govindasamy, R., S. Arumugam, J. Zhuang, K. M. Kelley and I. Vellangany. “Cluster Analysis of Wine Market Segmentation – A Consumer Based Study in the Mid-Atlantic USA”, Economic Affairs, 63 (2018):489-495.
Grant, K., R.K. Gallardo and J.J. McCluskey, 2019. “Are Consumers Willing to Pay to Reduce Food Waste?” Choices 34(1): 1-7.
Ho, S.-T., J.E. Ifft, B.J. Rickard, and C.G. Turvey. 2018. Alternative strategies to manage weather risk in perennial fruit crop production. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 47(3): 452–476.
Hong, Y., R.K. Gallardo, X. Fan, S. Atallah, and M.I. Gomez. 2019. “Modelling the Economic Impact of the Trade Regulation of Invasive Species: A Study of Apple Production under an Apple Maggot Quarantine Program”. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 44(3): 646-663.
Huffman, W.E. and J.J. McCluskey, in press. New Technology and Conflicting Information: Assessing Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for New Foods. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing.
Kaninda, S. T., G. Kostandini and E. G. Fonsah (2019) “The Impact of Migration, Remittances and Public Transfers on Technology Adoption: The Case of Cereal Producers in Rural Kenya”, Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1111/1477-9552.12295.
Kaninda, S., E.G. Fonsah, G.E. Boyhan, E.L. Little and J.W. Gaskin (2019). “Economic Analysis of Crop Rotation Systems for High Value Cool-Season Vegetables in Southern Region of the USA”. (Forthcoming).
Kargar, M., F.M. Woods, M.M. Walls, R.J. Kessler, E.G. Fonsah, K. Shetty, J. Ramesh, and N. Larsen (2019). “Screening Underutilized Banana for Carotenoid Content”. Journal of the American Pomological Society 73 (4):198-xx (Forthcoming).
Kelley, K. J. Bruwer, J., Zelinskie, D. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, and B. Rickard. 2019. Wine consumers’ willingness to adopt environmentally friendly packaging practices at tasting rooms: An ECHAID analysis. British Food Journal (Forthcoming).
Kelley, K.M., J. Bruwer, J. Zelinskie, D. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, and B. Rickard. Wine consumers’ willingness to adopt environmentally friendly packaging practices at tasting rooms. British Food Journal (Forthcoming).
Kelley, K.M., J. Bruwer, J. Zelinskie, D. M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde & B. J. Rickard (2018): Travel group member type effects in wine tourism: an ECHAID segmentation, Tourism Recreation Research, DOI: 10.1080/02508281.2018.1541578.
Kunwar, S.R., S. Bogati, E. G. Fonsah, and L. P. Amgain (2019). “Economic Assessment of Adopting Nutrient Expert® Wheat Model Vs Conventional Wheat Fertilizer Application Management in Morang, Nepal”, Journal of Agricultural Studies (JAS): Vol: 7: (3)-38-48. ISSN 2166-0379.
Lamie, R. David and Steve Deller, editors. Special Issue of Community Development, the Journal of the Community Development Society focused on local/regional/community food systems development and the challenge of interdisciplinary research. (September 2017)
Lamie, R. David and Steven Deller, “Motivations for a Special Issue on Local Food Systems Development”, Community Development: The Journal of the Community Development Society, (September 2017)
Lee, K., R.K. Gallardo, and M. Giacinti. 2019. “Tariff Impacts on Trade and Welfare: The Case of Indian Imports of Fresh Apples.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 1-17.
Li, Z., R.K. Gallardo, V. McCracken, C. Yue, V.Whitaker and J. McFerson. “Grower Willingness to Pay for Fruit Quality versus Disease Resistance and Welfare Implications: The Case of Florida Strawberry.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Forthcoming.
Li, Z., R.K. Gallardo, V. McCracken, C. Yue, W. Hoashi-Erhardt, L. DeVetter. 2019. “Supporting Successful Transition to the Fresh Market: Research and Extension Needs of Pacific Northwest Strawberry Growers”. HortTechnology, 29(5): 649-658.
Lunardo, R., and B. Rickard. How do consumers respond to fun wine labels? British Food Journal (forthcoming).
Miller, A., K. M. Kelley, J. Zelinskie, D. M. Gardner, R. Govindasamy, J. Hyde, B. Rickard, and K. Storchmann, “Assisting Mid-Atlantic Wine Industry Stakeholders in Developing Consumer-Centric Marketing Strategies: Internet Survey Results”, Journal of Extension, 56 (2018): https://www.joe.org/joe/2018february/rb5.php.
Petit, O., R. Lunardo, and B.J. Rickard. Small is beautiful: The role of anticipated food waste in consumers' avoidance of large packages. Journal of Business Research (forthcoming).
Plakias, Zoë T., Iryna Demko, and Ani L. Katchova. 2019. “Direct Marketing Channel Choices Among U.S. Farmers: Evidence from the Local Food Marketing Practices Survey.” Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems. doi: 10.1017/S1742170519000085.
Torres, A. Does social capital pay off? The case of small business resilience after Hurricane Katrina. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management 27(2):168-181.
Torres, A. Investigating the Drivers of Farm Diversification Among US Fruit and Vegetable Operations. Sustainability journal 11(12): 3380.
Torres, A. Evaluating the Business and Owner Characteristics Influencing the Adoption of Online Advertising Strategies in the Green Industry. HortTechnology 29(3): 374-381.
Velandia. M., R. Rejesus, C.D. Clark, K. DeLong, K. Jensen, S. Schexnayder, and A. Wszelaki. "The Role of Environmental Stewardship and Labor Savings in the Use of Plastic Biodegradable Mulch in Fruit and Vegetable Production." Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems (in review).
Waldrop, M.E., J.J. McCluskey, 2019. “Does Information about Organic Status affect Consumer Sensory Liking and Willingness to Pay for Beer?” Agribusiness 35(2): 149–167.
Waliullah, S., E.G. Fonsah, P. Ji, and M. E. Ali (2019). “First Report of Banana Streak Virus Infecting Bananas (Musa spp.) in Georgia, USA”. Plant Disease journal (forthcoming).
Wannemuehler, S. D., J. Luby, C. Yue, D. S. Bedford, R. K. Gallardo, V. McCracken. 2019. “A Cost-Benefit Analysis of DNA Informed Apple Breeding.” HortScience, 54(11):1998-2004.
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Winfree, J.A. and J.J. McCluskey, 2019. “Collective Reputation in Online Platforms and Private Quality Standards,” J. of Ag. & Food Industrial Org. https://doi.org/10.1515/jafio-2018-0014.
Yue, C., R. Govindasamy, and K. Kelley, “Mid-Atlantic Wine Tourism Consumer Preference: An Econometric Approach”, International Journal of Wine Business Research, (2019). https://doi.org/10.1108/IJWBR-03-2018-0011.
Yue, C., R. Govindasamy, and K.M. Kelley. 2019. Mid-Atlantic wine tourism consumer preference: An econometric approach. International Journal of Wine Business Research 31(3):326-343. doi.org/10.1108/IJWBR-03-2018-0011
Book Chapters
McCluskey, J.J., M.P. Squicciarini, and J. Swinnen, 2019. “Information, Communication and Agricultural and Food Policies in an Age of Commercial Mass and Social Media,” Global Challenges for Future Food & Agricultural Policies, T. Josling and D. Blandford, eds., Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific, pp. 351-368.
Butler, Alex, Tim Woods, Mike Reed, and Brad Bergefurd, “A Produce Price Analysis of Regional Ohio Valley Produce Auctions”, paper presented at the 22nd International Farm Management Association Congress, Launceston, Australia, March 2019.
Fonsah, E.G., Y. Chen, S. Diffie, R. Srinivansan and D. Riley (2019). “Economic Productivity and Profitability Analysis for Whiteflies and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) Management Options.”, J. of Food Distr. Res: 50(1): 123-131 (March).
Hamm, Brannon, Vijay Subramaniam, Alex Butler and Tim Woods, “Analyzing Economic Feasibility of Extending the Growing Season for Vegetable Production”, poster presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 2019.
Kelley, K. M. (2019). "Trends and consumer demand for specialty cut flowers." 2019 Mid-Atlantic Fruit and Vegetable Convention Proceedings. (pp. 52-53).
Refereed Conference Proceedings
Torres, A. and Lancaster, N. Looking at the Economic and Noneconomic Drivers of Farm Diversification. Conference Proceedings Article. Food Distribution Research Society.
Woods, Tim, Jairus Rossi, and Jody Ensman, “CSA Produce Subscription Vouchers: Evaluating Employee Impacts on Diet-Related Pharmacy and Medical Expenditures”, 11th Annual Kentucky Health and Wellness Conference, Lexington, KY, March 2019.
Zare Mehrjerdi, Mahla, Tim Woods, Alison Davis, and Wuyang Hu, “Consumers’ Willingness to Pay for Local Food in Alternative Restaurant Formats: An Application of the Latent Class Approach”, selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 2019.