
WERA1001: Reduction of Error in Rural and Agricultural Surveys
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
It is too early to have publications, but it is apparent that members are working on methodological papers that they expect to have published in the future.
Amer, S., V. Lesser, and R. Burton. 2003. Neural Network Imputation, A New Fashion or A Good Tool: Linear Neural Network Imputation. Proceedings of the Survey Research Section, American Statistical Association Meetings.
Connelly, N. A., T. L. Brown, and D. J. Decker. 2003. Factors affecting response rates to natural-resource-focused mail surveys: empirical evidence of declining rates over time. Society and Natural Resources 16:541-549.
Redline, Cleo D., Don A. Dillman, Araf Dajani, and Mary Ann Scaggs. 2003. "Improving Navigational Performance in U.S. Census 2000 Byi Altering the Visual Languages of Branching Instructions." Journal of Official Statistics 19(4):403-420.
Lorenz, Frederick O., K. A. S. Wickrama, and Rand D. Conger. (2004)."Modeling continuity and change in family relationships with panel data." Chapter 2 (pp. 15 - 62) in R. D. Conger, F. O. Lorenz & K. A. S. Wickrama (Eds.), Continuity and Change in Family Relationships: Theory, Methods, and Empirical Findings. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Sangster, Roberta L. and Brian J. Meekins. 2004. Modeling the Likelihood of Interviews and Refusals: Using Call History Data to Improve Efficiency of Effort in a National RDD Survey Proceeding for 2004 Joint StatisticalMeeting Survey Research Methods Section
Meekins, Brian J. and Roberta L. Sangster 2004. Predicting Wave Nonresponse from Prior Wave Data Quality. Proceedings for 2004 Joint Statistical Meeting Survey Research Methods Section
Christian, Leah and Don A. Dillman, 2004. "The Influence of Symbolic and Graphical Language Manipulations on Answers to Paper Self-Administered Questionnaires." Public Opinion Quarterly 68 (1): 57-80
Dillman, Don A. and Cleo D. Redline. 2004. "Testing Paper Self-Administered Questionnaires: Cognitive Interview and Field Test Comparisons." In Presser, Stanley, Jennifer M. Rothgeb, Mick P. Couper, Judith T. Lessler, Elizabeth Martin, Jeam Martin and Eleanor Singer. Methods for Testing and Evaluating Survey Questionnaires. New York : Wiley-Interscience. Pp.299-317.
Dillman, Don A. 2004. The Conundrum of Mixed-Mode Surveys in the 21st Century. Cohen, Steven B. and James M. Lepkowski. Eighth Conference on Health Survey Research Methods. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics DHHS Publication No. (PHS) 04-113. Hyattsville. PP.165-170.
Smyth, Jolene D., Don A. Dillman, Leah Melani Christian and Michael J. Stern. 2004. "How Visual Grouping Influences Answers to Internet Surveys." Technical Report #04-023. Washington State University Social and Economic Sciences Research Center: Pullman. 32pp.
Dillman, Don A., Nicholas L. Parsons and Taj Mahon-Haft. 2004. "Connections Between Optical Features and Respondent Friendly Design: Cognitive Interview Comparisons of the Census 2000 Form and New Possibilities." Social and Economic Sciences Research Center Technical Report 04-030. Washington State University. 86 pp.
Dillman, Don A., Taj Mahon-Haft. 2004. "Will a Change in Appearance Influence How People Respond to a Decennial Census Replacement Form Mailing Package?" Social and Economic Sciences Research Center Technical Report 04-040. Washington State University: Pullman. 120 pp.
Smyth, Jolene D., Don A. Dillman, Leah Melani Christian and Michael J. Stern. 2004. "How Visual Grouping Influences Answers to Internet Surveys." Social and Economic Science Research Center Technical Report 04-023. Washington State University: Pullman. 32 pp.
Cui M., Lorenz F.O., Conger R.D., Melby J.N., Bryant C.M. 2005. Observer, self and partner reports of hostile behaviors in romantic relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family 67:1169-1181.
Beebe, T. J., M. E. Davern, D. D. McAlpine, K. T. Call and T. H. Rockwood 2005."Increasing response rates in a survey of Medicaid enrollees: the effect of a prepaid monetary incentive and mixed modes (mail and telephone)." Medical Care 43(4): 411-4.
Burdge, R.J. and R.A. Robertson. 2004. Social Impact Assessment and the Public Involvement Process, in R.J. Burdge ed., A Conceptual Approach to Social Impact Assessment. Middletown, WI: Social Ecology Press. pp. 177-187.
Dillman, Don A., Arina Gertseva and Taj Mahon-Haft. 2005. "Achieving Usability in Establishment Surveys Through the Application of Visual Design Principles." Journal of Official Statistics, 21(2): 183-214.
Gessert, C. E., K. Hyer, R. L. Kane, T. Rockwood, A. B. Brassard, K. Desjardins and R. A. Kane. 2005. "Cognitive impairment and quality-of-life: views of providers of long-term care services." Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders 19(2): 85-90.
Kane, R. L., B. Bershadsky, T. Rockwood, K. Saleh and N. C. Islam (2005). "Visual Analog Scale pain reporting was standardized." Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 58(6): 618-23.
Hartley, T. and R.A. Robertson. 2004 "Cooperative Research and Fishery Science and Management in New England". In Managing Our Nations Fisheries: Past, Present and Future. D. Witherell (ed.) Proceedings of conference on fishery management in the United States held in Washington, D.C. November, 2003. pp. .248-249
Kane, R. L., T. Rockwood, K. Hyer, K. Desjardins, A. Brassard, C. Gessert and R. Kane 2005. "Rating the importance of nursing home residents' quality of life." Journal of the American Geriatrics Society 53(12): 2076-82.
Kralewski, J., B. E. Dowd, A. Kaissi, A. Curoe and T. Rockwood (2005). "Measuring the culture of medical group practices." Health Care Management Review 30(3): 184-93.
Lorenz, F.O., Wickrama K.A.S., Yeh H. 2004. Rural mental health: Comparing differences and modeling change. In N. Glasgow, L.W. Morton, & N. Johnson (Eds.), Critical Issues in Rural Health (Chapter 7; pp. 75-88). Ames, IA: ISU/Blackwell Press.
Meekins, B.J., Sangster, R. L. and Meekins, J. F., 2005. "Optimizing Call Time Lags by Modeling the Probability of Call Outcomes." 2005 Proceedings of the Section on Survey Research Methods [CD-ROM], American Statistical Association, Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association.
Munoz, B. and V. Lesser. 2005. Adjustment procedures to account for non-ignorable missing data in environmental surveys. Environmetrics 2005: 16: 1-10.
Parsons, Nicholas, L., Taj Mahon-Haft and Don A. Dillman. 2005. "Cognitive Evaluations of Three Census Form Design Features: The Internet Option Message, Roster Instructions, and Identifying Person 1." Social and Economic Science Research Center Technical Report 05-022. Washington State University: Pullman. 72pp.
Pawlawski, K. and R.A. Robertson. 2005. Public Involvement and New Hampshires Statewide Comprehensive Planning Process: A Case Study. Proceedings of the Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Compiled and Edited by Rudy Schuster Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-302. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
Shankar, S., L. Robison, M. E. Jenney, T. H. Rockwood, E. Wu, J. Feusner, D. Friedman, R. L. Kane and S. Bhatia 2005. "Health-related quality of life in young survivors of childhood cancer using the Minneapolis-Manchester Quality of Life-Youth Form." Pediatrics 115(2): 435-42.
Robertson, R.A. and G. Caporossi. 2004. New England Recreation Fisher' attitudes towards marine protected areas: A preliminary investigation. In Global Challenges of Parks and Protected Area Management. Carlo Delfino (editor). Sassari Italy. 149-159.
Rockwood, T. 2005. Quality of life with urinary and fecal incontinence. Urinary and Fecal Incontinence: An Interdisciplinary Approach. H. D. Becker, A. Stenzl, D. Wallwiender and T. T. Zittel. Berlin, Springer: 369-384.
Rockwood, T. and M. Constantine 2005. Demographic and Psychosocial Factors. Understanding Health Care Outcomes Research. R. L. Kane. Gaithersburg, MD, Aspen.
Dillman, Don A. and Leah Melani Christian. 2005. "Survey Mode as a Source of Instability Across Surveys." Field Methods 17(1): 30-52.
Robertson, R.A. and R. Whittaker. 2005. Private Sector and University Collaboration: The Case of Isles of Shoals Steamship Company and UNH's Tourism Planning and Development Program. Proceedings of the Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Compiled and Edited by Rudy Schuster Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-302. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
Smyth, Jolene, D., Don A. Dillman, Leah Melani Christian, and Michael J. Stern. 2005. "Comparing Check-All and Forced-Choice Question Formats in Web Surveys: The Role of Satisficing, Depth of Processing, and Acquiescence in Explaining Differences." Social and Economic Science Research Center Technical Report 05-029. Washington State University: Pullman. 30pp.
Wiersma, J. and R.A. Robertson. 2005. Traffic Congestion and Tourist Displacement: The Case of the NH Route 1A/1B Corridor. Proceedings of the Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Compiled and Edited by Rudy Schuster Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-302. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station.
Burdge, R.J. and R.A. Robertson. 2006. Social Impact Assessment and the Public Involvement Process. In R.J. Burdge (ed.), A Conceptual Approach to Social Impact Assessment. Middletown, WI: Social Ecology Press. pp. 177-187.
Claesson, S., R.A. Robertson and M. Hall-Arber. 2006. Fishing Heritage Festivals, Tourism and Community Development in the Gulf of Maine. Proceedings of the Northeastern Recreation Research Symposium, Compiled and Edited by Rudy Schuster Gen. Tech. Rep. NE-302. Newtown Square, PA: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northeastern Research Station. p. 15-21.
Dillman, Don A. 2007. Mail and Internet Surveys: The Tailored Design, Second Edition-2007 Update. New York: John Wiley. 565 pp. ISBN: 0-470-03856-x. 523 pp.
Dillman, Don A. 2006. Why Choice of Survey Mode Makes a Difference. Public Health Reports. 121(1):11-13.
Dillman, Don A., T. Mahon-Haft, S. Cook, and K. Wright. 2006. Cognitive Evaluations of Alternative Questions for Determining Field of Study for Bachelors Degree(s) as a Follow-up to Highest Degree Question in the American Community Survey. Social and Economic Sciences Research Center Technical Report. 06-037. Washington State University: Pullman. 82 pp.
Dillman, Don A., T. Mahon-Haft, and K. Wright. 2006. Effects of Question Structure on Answers to Field of Study Question Proposed for the American Community Survey: A Follow-up Test. Social and Economic Sciences Research Center Technical Report 06-041. Washington State University: Pullman. 20pp.
Harrod, L.A., and V.M. Lesser. 2006. The Use of Propensity Scores to Adjust for Nonignorable Nonresponse Bias. Proceedings of the Survey Research Section, American Statistical Association Meetings.
Hartley, Troy W. and R. A. Robertson. 2006. Stakeholder Engagement, Cooperative Fisheries Research, and Democratic Science: The Case of the Northeast Consortium." Human Ecology Review. 13(2):161-171.
Hartley, Troy W. and R. A. Robertson. 2006. Emergence of Multi-Stakeholder Driven Cooperative Research in the Northwest Atlantic: The Case of the Northeast Consortium, Marine Policy. 30(5):580-592.
Heleski, Camie R., A. G. Mertig, and A. J. Zanella. 2006. Stakeholder Attitudes Toward Farm Animal Welfare. Anthrozoos. 19(4): 290-307.
Kane, R. L., T. Rockwood, K. Hyer, K. Desjardins, A. Brassard, C. Gessert, R. Kane, and C. Mueller (2006). Nursing Home Staff's Perceived Ability to Influence Quality of Life. Journal of Nursing Care Quality 21(3):248-55.
Lorenz F.O, K. A. S. Wickrama, R. D. Conger, and G. H. Elder Jr. 2006. The Short Term and Decade Long Effects of Divorce on Women's Midlife Health. Journal of Health and Social Behavior. 47:111-125.
Mason, Robert and S. Amer. 2006. A Dual Process that Disables the Persuasive Impact of Mass Media Appeals to Obey Tax Laws. In Belinda Brooks-Gordon and Michael Freeman (eds.), Law and Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
Massey, Matt, S. Newbold, and B. Gentner. 2006. Valuing Water Quality Changes Using a Bioeconomic Model of a Coastal Recreational Fishery. Journal of Environmental Economics and Managment. Volume 52, Issue 1. pp 482-500.
Munoz-Hernandez, B. and V.M. Lesser. 2005. Adjustment Procedures to Account for Non-Ignorable Missing Data in Environmental Surveys. Environmetrics, 16: 1-10.
Peterson, M. Nils, A. G. Mertig, and J. Liu. 2006. Effects of Zoonotic Disease Attributes on Public Attitudes toward Wildlife Management. Journal of Wildlife Management. 70(6):1746-1753.
Robertson, R.A. and S. Claesson. 2006. Commercial Fishing, the Fishery Crisis and Coastal Tourism: What are the Links and Potential? In Micallef A., A. Vallallo, and M. Cassar (eds.), Proceedings for the Second International Conference on the Management of Coastal Recreation Resources-Beaches, Yachting and Coastal Ecotourism-25-27 October 2006-Gozo, Malta; Euro-Mediterranean Center on Insular Coastal Dynamic: Foundation for International Studies: Valletta, Malta. pp. 417-425.
Singletary, L., M. Smith, and W. Evans. 2006. Self-Perceived 4-H Leader Competencies and Their Relation to the Skills Youth Learn Through 4-H Youth Development Programs. Journal of Extension. 44(4), Article # 4RIB2.
Singletary L., and M. Smith. 2006. Nevada Agriculture Producer Research and Education Needs: Results of 2006 Statewide Needs Assessment. University of Nevada Cooperative Extension, EB-06-02. 118 pages.
Smyth, Jolene D., D. A. Dillman, L. M. Christian, and M. J. Stern. 2006. Comparing Check-All and Forced-Choice Question Formats in Web Surveys. Public Opinion Quarterly. 70(1):66-77.
Smyth, Jolene D., D. A. Dillman, L. M. Christian, and M. J. Stern. 2006. Effects of Using Visual Design Principles to Group Response Options in Web Surveys. International Journal of Internet Science. 1(1):5-15.
Stern, Michael J. and D. A. Dillman. 2006. Community Participation, Social Ties and Use of the Internet. City and Community. 5(4):409-424.
Wickrama, K.A.S., F. O. Lorenz, R. D. Conger,and G. H. Elder, Jr. 2006. Changes in Family Circumstances and the Physical Health of Married and Recently Divorced Mothers. Social Science and Medicine. 63:123 - 136.
Yeh, H., F. O. Lorenz, K. A. S. Wickrama, R. D. Conger, and G. H. Elder, Jr.
2006. Relationships Between Sexual Satisfaction, Marital Satisfaction and Marital Instability at Midlife. Journal of Family Psychology. 20: 339-343.