NE1545: Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Assessing the Impact of Climate Variability and Climate Change
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
The publications for this meeting were reported in NE1045. For more information see: http://www.nimss.org/seas/50021. NE1545 is a new project that started on October 1, 2015.
Abit, S.M. and E. Hollarn. Basic Septic System Rules for Oklahoma. PSS-2918.
Amador, J.A., G. Loomis, B. Lancellotti, K. Hoyt, E. Avizinis, and S. Wigginton. 2017. Reducing nitrogen inputs to Narragansett Bay: Optimizing the performance of existing onsite wastewater treatment technologies. Final Report to the Narragansett Bay Estuary Program and the New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission, Lowell, MA.
Brannon, E., S. Moseman-Valtierra, B. Lancellotti, S. Wigginton, J. A. Amador, J. McCaughey, and G. Loomis. 2017. Comparison of N2O emissions and gene abundances between wastewater nitrogen removal systems. J. Environmental Quality 46:931-938.
Chen, Feng. 2016. Evaluating the performance of sand/gravel bioreactors in treatment of high strength, high salinity wastewater. Master’s Thesis, The Ohio State University. https://etd.ohiolink.edu/pg_10?7071194303911::NO:10:P10_ETD_SUBID:114155
Dong, Y., Safferman, S. I., Ostahowski J., Herold, T., Panter, R. 2016. Enzyme Pretreatment of Fats, Oil, and Grease from Restaurant Waste to Prolong Drain Filed Effectiveness. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 52(1)55-63.
Hoghooghi, N., Radcliffe, D., Habteselassie, M.Y., Clarke, J. 2016. Confirmation of the impact of onsite wastewater treatment systems on stream base-flow nitrogen concentrations in urban watersheds of metropolitan Atlanta, GA. J. Environmental Quality 45:1740-1748.
Hoghooghi, N., Radcliffe, D., Habteselassie, M.Y., Jeong, J. 2017. Modeling the effects of onsite wastewater treatment systems on nitrate loads using SWAT in an urban watershed of metropolitan Atlanta, GA. J. Environmental Quality 46:632-640.
Lancellotti, B.V. 2016. Performance evaluation of advanced nitrogen removal onsite wastewater treatment systems. M.S. Thesis, University of Rhode Island, 95 pages.
Lancellotti, B.V., G. Loomis, K. Hoyt, E. Avizinis, and J.A. Amador. 2017. Evaluation of Nitrogen Concentration in Final Effluent of Advanced Nitrogen-Removal Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems (OWTS). Water, Air & Soil Pollution 228:383-298.
Mancl, K. 2016. Gray Water Recycling in Ohio. Ohio State University Fact Sheet. AEX-GW1.
Mancl, K. 2016. Simple Gray Water Systems: Type 1. Ohio State University Fact Sheet. AEX-GW2.
Mancl, K. 2017. Septic Tank- Soil Treatment Systems. Ohio State University Extension Bulletin 939.
Nelson, Taylor. 2016. Water Use at Minnesota Rest Areas. Retrieved from the University of Minnesota Digital Conservancy, http://hdl.handle.net/11299/185075.
Nelson, T. and S. Heger. 2017. Impacts of water use practices in the home on septic tank pumping. National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Annual Conference Proceedings, Dover, Delaware.
Park, E., K. Mancl, O. Tuovinen, M. Bisesi and J. Lee. 2016. Ensuring safe reuse of residential wastewater: Reduction of microbes and genes using peat biofilter and batch chlorine in an on-site treatment system. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 121:1777-1788.doi:10.1111/jam.13288
Perez, B. N., J. R. Buchanan, J. N. DeBruyn, K. Colbaugh, and W. E. Hart. 2017. Removal of trace organic compounds in domestic wastewater using recirculating packed-bed media filters. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(5): 1593-1605. (doi: 10.13031/trans.12176)
Rodriguez-Gonzalez, L., K. Payne, M. Trotz, D. Anderson, and S.J. Ergas. 2017. Hybrid Adsorption Biological Treatment Systems for enhanced onsite N removal. WEF Nutrient Symposium, June 12-14, 2017, Ft. Lauderdale FL.
Rodriguez-Gonzalez, L., K. Payne, M. Trotz, D. Anderson, and S.J. Ergas. 2016. Hybrid Adsorption and Biological Treatment System (HABiTS) for enhanced nitrogen removal in onsite wastewater treatment systems.13th IWA Specialized Conference on Small Water & Wastewater Systems, Athens, Greece. September 14-16, 2016.
Sowah, R., Habteselassie, M.Y., Radcliffe, D., Bauske, E., Risse, M. 2017. Isolating the impact of septic systems on fecal pollution in streams of suburban watersheds in Georgia, United States. Water Research 108:330-338.
Zamalloa, C. and Heger., S. 2017. Biodegradability analysis of toilet paper under anaerobic conditions. National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Annual Conference Proceedings, Dover, Delaware.
Amador, J.A., J.H. Gorres, B.V. Lancellotti, and G. W. Loomis. 2018. Nitrogen loading from onsite wastewater treatment systems in the Greater Narragansett Bay (Rhode Island, USA) Watershed: Magnitude and reduction strategies. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 229:65.
Conroy, K., L. Wang, O. Tuovinen, Z.T. Yu and K. Mancl. 2018. Microbial Communities in Sand Bioreactors Treating High Salt Content Food Industry Wastewater. WEFTEC 2018. 8 pages.
Conroy, K., F. Chen and K. Mancl. 2018. Sand Bioreactors for treatment of high salt content wastewater. Annual International Meeting ASABE. Publication Number 1800047.
Dong, Y., Safferman, S., Miller, S., Hruby, J., Bratt, D. 2017. Effectiveness of Food Processing Wastewater Irrigation. WEFTEC 2017, Chicago, IL, pp 3859-3866.
Dong, Y., and Safferman, S. 2018. Finite Element Modeling of Domestic and Food Processing Wastewater Land Application Treatment Systems. Annual International ASABE Meeting, Detroit, MI, July 31, 2018.
Dong, Y., Safferman, and S., Nejadhashemi, A.P. 2018. Computational Modeling of Wastewater Land Application Treatment Systems to Determine Strategies to Improve Carbon and Nitrogen removal. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, Submitted on August 19, 2018.
Griffin, J. and K. Mancl. 2017. Onsite reuse of reclaimed wastewater in winter to determine potential for pollutant runoff. Ohio Journal of Science. 117(2):74-84.
Heger, Sara and C. Gilbertson. 2018. Protecting our Water Takes Good Drinking Water and Septic Systems. WRC Factsheet, St. Paul, MN Access online at: https://septic.umn.edu/sites/septic.umn.edu/files/septic_and_wells_cec_final.pdf
Mancl, K., R. Kopp and O. Tuovinen. 2018. Treatment of meat-processing wastewater with a full-scale, low-cost sand/gravel bioreactor system. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 34(2):403-409. Doi.org/10.13031/aea.12683.
Nelson, T. and S. Heger. 2017. Water Use at Minnesota Rest Areas. UMN Center for Transportation Studies: CTS 17-01.
Ross, B. N., G. W. Loomis, K. P. Hoyt, and J. A. Amador. 2018. User-based photometer analysis of effluent from advanced nitrogen-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems. Water, Air Soil Pollution 229:389.
Rowan, M., K. Mancl, C. Bucy. 2018. On-site Sprinkler Irrigation of Treated Wastewater in Ohio. Extension Bulletin 912. The Ohio State University.
Safferman, S., Smith, J., Dong, Y., Saffron, C., Wallace, J., Binkley, D., Thomas, M., Miller, S., Bissel, E., Booth, J., Lenz, J. 2017, Resources from Wastes: Benefits and Complexity. Journal of Environmental Engineering.
Wigginton, S., E. Brannon, P. J. Kearns, B. Lancellotti, A. Cox, G.W. Loomis, and J.A. Amador. 2018. Nitrifying and denitrifying bacterial communities in advanced N-removal onsite wastewater treatment systems. Journal of Environmental Quality 47:1163-1171.
Zamalloa, C. and Heger. S. 2017. Biodegradability analysis of toilet paper under anaerobic conditions. National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Annual Conference Proceedings, Dover, Delaware.
Ohio State University (OSU)
Mancl, K. and M. Rowan. 2019. Spray Irrigation of Reclaimed Wastewater for Rural Homes. Ohio State University Extension. AEX-758. https://ohioline.osu.edu/factsheet/AEX-758 (Fact Sheet)
Henderson, K. 2019. Reverse Osmosis as a Chemical-Free Technology for the Removal of Nutrients from Cured Meat Processing Wastewater. MA Thesis. The Ohio State University.
Henderson, K., and K. Mancl. 2019. Reverse osmosis treating cured meat processing wastewater for removal of inorganic nutrients and salt. ASABE. Publication Number 190035.
University of Minnesota (UMN)
Distel, J., Heger, S., and S. Larson. 2019. Analysis of contaminants of emerging concern with On-site wastewater treatment systems – year 1. National Onsite Wastewater Recycling Association Annual Conference Proceedings, Loveland, CO.
Heger, S., Doro, J., Rutter, M. Gustafson, D. and S. Larson. 2019. Investigating wastewater reuse at MnDOT truck stations. Minnesota Department of Transportation - MN/RC 2019-22.
Overbo, A., Heger, S., Kyser, S., Asleson, B., and J. Gulliver. 2019. Chloride contributions from water softeners and other domestic, commercial, industrial, and agricultural sources to Minnesota waters. University of Minnesota. https://www.wrc.umn.edu/sites/wrc.umn.edu/files/overbo_finaldraftchloridebudgetreport_jan2019_1.pdf
Overbo, A., and S. Heger. 2019. Costs and benefits of household water softening: a review. University of Minnesota, Water Resources Center. https://www.wrc.umn.edu/sites/wrc.umn.edu/files/overbo_watersofteningcostbenefit_jan2019.pdf
Heger, S. Doro, J. and S. Larson. 2019. Investigating Flammable Waste Trap Solids at MnDOT Truck Stations. University of Minnesota, Water Resources Center. https://septic.umn.edu/sites/septic.umn.edu/files/mndot_flammable_waste_trap_2019.pdf
Michigan State University (MSU)
Dong, Y., S. I. Safferman, A. P. Nejadhashemi. 2019. Wastewater land application modeling using Hydrus CW2D calibrated and validated by volumetric water content and treatment performance from laboratory bench-scale drain fields. ASCE Journal of Sustainable Water in the Built Environment 5(4):414-424.
Dong, Y., S. I. Safferman, A. P. Nejadhashemi. 2019. Computational modeling of wastewater land application treatment systems to determine strategies to improve carbon and nitrogen removal. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 54(7):657-667.
University of Rhode Island (URI)
Amador, J.A., and G.W. Loomis. 2018. Soil-based Wastewater Treatment. American Society of Agronomy, Inc.; Soil Science Society of America, Inc.; Crop Science Society of America, Inc., Madison, WI. 353pp.
Anderson, F.L., J.A. Cooper, and J.A. Amador. 2019. Laboratory-Scale Evaluation of the Effects of Water-Filled Pore Space on Emissions of CO2, CH4, N2O, and N2 from Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment. Water, Air, Soil Pollut. 230(10): 245. doi: 10.1007/s11270-019-4294-7.
Cox, A.H., G.W. Loomis, and J.A. Amador. 2019. Preliminary Evidence That Rising Groundwater Tables Threaten Coastal Septic Systems. J. Sustain. Water Built Environ. 5(4): 04019007. doi: 10.1061/JSWBAY.0000887.