S1065: Sustainable Practices, Economic Contributions, Consumer Behavior, and Labor Management in the U.S. Environmental Horticulture Industry

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports











Knuth, Melinda, Bridget K. Behe, Charles R. Hall, Patricia T. Huddleston, and R. Thomas Fernandez. 2018. Consumer perceptions of landscape plant water sources and uses in the landscape during real and perceived drought. HortTechnology 28(1):85-93.

Guo, Yanjun, Terri Starman, and Charles Hall. 2018. Reducing substrate moisture content (SMC) during greenhouse production and postproduction of Angelonia and Heliotrope improves crop quality and economic value. HortScience 53(1):49–54.

Khachatryan, H., A. Rihn, B. Behe, C. Hall, B. Campbell, J. Dennis, and C. Yue. 2018. Visual behavior, buying impulsiveness, and consumer behavior. Marketing Letters. February 2018. 29(1):23-35. <https://doi.org/10.1007/s11002-018-9446-9>.

Knuth, Melinda, Bridget K. Behe, Charles R. Hall, Patricia T. Huddleston, and R. Thomas Fernandez. 2018. Consumer perceptions, attitudes, and purchase behavior with landscape plants during real and perceived drought periods. HortScience 53(1):49-54.

Palma, Marco, Michelle S. Segovia, Bachir Kassas, Luis A. Ribera, and Charles R. Hall. 2018. Self-Control: Knowledge, or perishable resource? Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 145(1):80-94.


Khachatryan, H., A. Rihn, B. Campbell, B. Behe, and C. Hall. “How do Consumer Perceptions of “Local” Production Benefits Influence Their Visual Attention to State Marketing Programs?” Agribusiness: An International Journal 34(2):390-406.




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