NC_old1100: Land Grant University Innovation Diffusion Enhancement
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Giri Aryal, John Mann, Scott Loveridge, and Satish Joshi. 2018. “Exploring Innovation Creation Across Rural and Urban Firms: Analysis of the National Survey of Business Competitiveness.” Journal of Entrepreneurship and Public Policy, Forthcoming.
Giri Aryal, John Mann, Scott Loveridge, and Satish Joshi. 2018. “Innovation Creation and the
Rural-Urban Divide in the United States.” Journal of Urban Affairs, In review.
Lyons, Tom, Steve Miller, and John Mann. 2019. “A New Role for Land Grant Universities in the Rural Innovation Ecosystem?” Journal of Regional Analysis and Policy, Forthcoming.
Paredes, Dusan, and Scott Loveridge. 2018. “Rural Electric Cooperatives and Economic Development.” Energy Policy 117: 49-57.
Lee, Gi-Eu, Scott Loveridge, and Julie Winkler. 2018. “The Influence of an Extreme Warm Spell on Public Support for Government Involvement in Climate Change Adaptation.” Annals of the American Association of Geographers. 108(3): 718-738.
Lee, Gi-Eu, Scott Loveridge, and Satish Joshi. 2017. “Local Acceptance and Heterogeneous Externality of Biorefineries.” Energy Economics 67: 328-336. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.eneco.2017.08.013.
Lee, Gi-Eu, Steven R. Miller and Scott Loveridge. 2017. “Modelling Local Food Policy and Greenhouse Gas Emission due to Transportation.” J. Regional Analysis and Policy 47(1): 75-87.
Breznitz, Shiri, and Martin Kenney. 2018. “Slouching Toward the Downton Abbey University System. Issues in Science and Technology 34(3): 74-82.