NRSP6: The US Potato Genebank: Acquisition, Classification, Preservation, Evaluation and Distribution of Potato (Solanum) Germplasm
(National Research Support Project Summary)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Bamberg, J., Moehninsi, R. Navarre, and J. Suriano. 2015. Variation for Tuber Greening in the Diploid Wild Potato Solanum microdontum. American Journal of Potato Research 92:435-443.
Hardigan, M., J Bamberg, C Robin Buell and D Douches. 2015. Taxonomy and genetic differentiation among wild and cultivated germplasm of Solanum sect. Petota. The Plant Genome. 8:1:16.
Bamerg, JB, J Suriano, A del Rio, WR Cooper, J Abad and C.Fernandez. 2014. Matryoshka: A New Floral Mutant in Potato. American Journal of Potato Research: 91:500-503.
Bamberg, JB, A del Rio, D Douches, and J Coombs. 2014. Assessing SNPs for predicting heterogeneity and screening efficiency in wild potato species. American Journal of Potato Research (submitted 08/20/14).
Cooper, WR and JB Bamberg. 2014. Variation in Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) oviposition, survival, and development on Solanum bulbocastanum germplasm. American Journal of Potato Research 91:532-537.
Zorrilla, C, F Navarro, S Vega, JB Bamberg and JP Palta. 2014. Identification and Selection for Tuber Calcium, Internal Quality and Pitted Scab in Segregating Atlantic x Superior reciprocal tetraploid populations. American Journal of Potato Research 91:673-687.
Bethke, P, N Atef, S Kubow, Y Leclerc, X Li, M Haroon, T Molen, JB Bamberg, M Martin and D Donnelly. 2014. History and Origin of Russet Burbank (Netted Gem) a sport of Russet Burbank. American Journal of Potato Research 91:579-593.
Bamberg, JB. and AH del Rio. 2014. Selection and Validation of an AFLP Marker Core Collection for the Wild Potato Solanum microdontum. American Journal of Potato Research 91:368-375
Cooper, R., and JB Bamberg. 2016. Variation in susceptibility to potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae), among Solanum verrucosum germplasm accessions. American Journal of Potato Research 93:386-391.
Bamberg, JB, A. H. del Rio, D. Kinder, L. Louderback, B.Pavlik, and C.Fernandez. 2016. Core Collections of potato (Solanum) species native to the USA. American Journal of Potato Research 93:564-571.
Bamberg, JB and A. H. del Rio. 2016. Accumulation of genetic diversity in the US Potato Genebank. American Journal of Potato Research 93:430-435.
Bamberg, J.B., Martin, M.W., Abad, J., Jenderek, M.M., Tanner, J., Donnelly, D.J., Nassar, AM.K., Veilleux, R.E., Novy, R.G. 2016. In vitro technology at the US Potato Genebank. In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology – Plants 52:213-225.
Bamberg, JB, AH del Rio and RA Navarre. 2016. Intuitive Visual Impressions (Cogs) for Identifying Clusters of Diversity within Potato Species. American Journal of Potato Research 93:350-359.
Jansky, S.H., Charkowski, A.O., Douches, D.S., Gusmini, G., Richael, C., Bethke, P.C., Spooner, D.M., Novy, R.G., De Jong, H., De Jong, W.S., Bamberg, J.B., Thompson, A.L., Bizimungu, B., Holm, D.G, Brown, C.R., Haynes, K.G., Sathuvalli, V.R. et al. 2016. Reinventing potato as a diploid inbred line-based crop. Crop Science 56:1-11.
Chung, Y.S., Palta, J., Bamberg, J., Jansky, S. 2016. Potential molecular markers associated with tuber calcium content in wild potato germplasm. Crop Science. 56(2):576-584.
Bruce R. Robinson, Vidyasagar Sathuvalli, John Bamberg, and Aymeric Goyer. 2015. Exploring Folate Diversity in Wild and Primitive Potatoes for Modern Crop Improvement. Genes (Basel). 2015 Dec 8;6(4):1300-14.
Bamberg, J., Moehninsi, R. Navarre, and J. Suriano. 2015. Variation for Tuber Greening in the Diploid Wild Potato Solanum microdontum. American Journal of Potato Research 92:435-443.
Hardigan, M., J Bamberg, C Robin Buell and D Douches. 2015. Taxonomy and genetic differentiation among wild and cultivated germplasm of Solanum sect. Petota. The Plant Genome. 8:1:16.
Bamberg, JB, A del Rio, J Coombs and D Douches. 2015. Assessing SNPs versus RAPDs for predicting heterogeneity in wild potato species. American Journal of Potato Research 92:276-283.
Bamberg, JB, CJ Fernandez, and AH del Rio. 2017. Extra soil fertilization of mother plants increases botanical seed yield but not long-term germination in wild Solanum (potato) species. American Journal of Potato Research 94:583-587.
del Rio A.H., Obregon C., Bamberg J.B., Petrick J., Bula R., de la Calle F. (2017) Validation of high-quality potato seed production protocol under controlled conditions (CETS System) in cultivated potato species (Solanum tuberosum L.) ALAP Journal 21(2): 71-78.
Bamberg, JB, del Rio, A, Jansky, J and Ellis, D. 2017. Ensuring the genetic diversity of potatoes. In: Achieving sustainable cultivation of potatoes Vol.1 (Ed. Prof. Gefu Wang-Pruski). In Press.