WERA_OLD77: Managing Invasive Weeds in Wheat
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Lawrence, N and I C Burke. 2014. Control of rattail fescue (Vulpia myuros) in no-till winter wheat. Weed Technol. 28:471-478.
Lyon, D.J., A.G. Hulting, D.W. Morishita, and F.L. Young. 2014. Integrated management of downy brome in winter wheat. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication 668 (PNW668). Washington State University, Pullman, WA.
Barroso, J, Miller Z., Lehnhoff, EA, Hatfield, PG, and Menalled, FD. 2015. Impacts of cropping system and management practices on the assembly of weed communities. Weed Research, 55:426-435
Young, F. L., D. K. Whaley, N. C. Lawrence, and I. C. Burke. 2016. Feral rye (Secale cereale) control in winter wheat in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Technol. 30:163-170.
Lyon, D.J., D.R. Huggins, and J.F. Spring. 2016. Windrow burning eliminates Italian ryegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) seed viability. Weed Technol. 30:279-283.
Raeder, A. J., D. Lyon, J. Harsh, and I. C. Burke. 2015. How soil pH affects the activity and persistence of herbicides. Washington State University. FS189E.
Lyon, D.J, and I.C. Burke. 2016. Integrated management of prickly lettuce in wheat production systems. Washington State University. PNW 688.
Varanasi VK, Godar AS, Shoup D, Peterson DE and Jugulam M. 2016. A Target-Site Point Mutation in Henbit (Lamium amplexicaule L.) Conferring High Level Resistance to ALS-Inhibitors. Weed Science. 64: 231-239. (KAES # 16-041-J).
Jugulam M, Ziauddin A, So KKY, Chen S and Hall JC. 2015. Transfer of dicamba tolerance from Sinapis arvensis to Bassica napus via embryo rescue and recurrent bbackcross breeding. PLoS ONE 10(11): e0141418. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0141418 (KAES # 15-098-J).
Godar AS, Varanasi VK, Betha S, Prasad PVV, Thompson CR and Mithila J. 2015. Physiological, biochemical and molecular mechanisms of differential sensitivity of Palmer amaranth to mesotrione at varying temperatures. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0126731. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0126731.
Varanasi VK, Godar AS, Currie RS, Dille JA, Thompson CR, Stahlman PW and Jugulam M. 2015. Field evolved resistance to four modes of action of herbicides in a single kochia (Kochia scoparia Schrad) population. Pest Management Science. doi: 10.1002/ps.4034.
Chatham LA, Bradley KW, Kruger GR, Martin JR, Micheal JR, Owen DK, Peterson DE, Mithila J and Tranel PJ. 2015. A multi-state study of the association between glyphosate resistance and EPSPS gene amplification in waterhemp (Amaranthus tuberculatus). Weed Science 63: 569-577
Godar AS, Stahlman PW, Jugulam M and Dille JA. 2015. Glyphosate-resistant Kochia in Kansas: EPSPS gene copy number in relation to resistance levels. Weed Science: 63: 587-595.
Peterson DE, Thompson CR, Shoup DE and Jugulam M. 2015. Mode of action of herbicides. KSRE Publication #C715 (http://www.bookstore.ksre.ksu.edu/pubs/C715.pdf).<p>
Vipan Kumar, Prashant Jha, Darci Giacomini, Eric P. Westra, and Philip Westra (2015) Molecular Basis of Evolved Resistance to Glyphosate and Acetolactate Synthase-Inhibitor Herbicides in Kochia (Kochia scoparia) Accessions from Montana. Weed Science: October-December 2015, Vol. 63, No. 4, pp. 758-769.
Miller Z and Menalled FD (2015) Impact of species identity and phylogenetic relatedness on biologically-mediated plant-soil feedbacks in a low and a high intensity agroecosystem. Plant and Soil, 389, 171-183.
Keren I, Menalled FD, Weaver D and Robison-Cox J (2015) Interacting agricultural pest management practices and their effect on crop yield: Application of a Bayesian decision theory approach to the joint management of Bromus tectorum and Cephus cinctus. PLOS ONE, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0118111
Peer Reviewed Publications
Nakka S, Godar AS, Wani PS, Thompson CR, Peterson DE, Roelofs J and Jugulam M. 2017. Physiological and molecular characterization of hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)-inhibitor resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S.Wats.). Front. Plant Sci. | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00555 (KAES # 16-345-J).
Varanasi VK, Bayromov S, Prasad PVV and Jugulam M. 2017. Expression profiles of psbA, ALS, EPSPS and other chloroplastic genes in response to PSII-, ALS-, and EPSPS-Inhibitor treatments in Kochia scoparia. American J of Plant Sci. 8:451-470 (KAES # 16-370-J).
Ou J, P.W. Stahlman and Jugulam M. 2016: Reduced Absorption of Glyphosate and Decreased Translocation of Dicamba Contribute to Poor Control of Kochia (Kochia scoparia) at High Temperature. Pest Manag. Sci. DOI 10.1002/ps.4463. (KAES # 16-267-J). (IF 2.9)
Jugulam M and Dillon AJ. 2016. Genomic Distribution of EPSPS copies conferring glyphosate resistance in Palmer amaranth and kochia. Indian J of Weed Sci. (KAES # 17-237-J). 48: 132-135.
Tautges, N. E., T. S. Sullivan, C. L. Reardon, and I. C. Burke. 2016. Soil microbial diversity and activity linked to crop yield and quality in a dryland organic wheat production system. Appl. Soil Ecol. 108: 258-268.
Tautges, N, Borrelli, E. P. Fuerst, and I. C. Burke. 2016. Competitive ability of rotational crops with weeds in dryland organic wheat production systems. Renew. Ag Food Sys. (doi: 10.1017/S1742170516000028).
Young, F. L., D. K. Whaley, N. C. Lawrence, and I. C. Burke. 2016. Feral rye (Secale cereal) control in winter canola in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Technol. 30: 163-170.
Kerbs, B. D., A.G. Hulting, and D. Lyon. 2017. Biology and management of scouringrush in dryland winter wheat. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Vol.70: (In Press).
Bobadilla, L. K., A.G. Hulting and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2017. Management of multiple resistant Italian ryegrass-characterizing resistant populations. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Vol.70: (In Press).
Liu, M, B. D. Kerbs, A.G. Hulting and C. Mallory-Smith. 2016. Chracterization of multiple herbicide resistant Italian ruegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) populations from winter wheat field in Oregon. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Vol.69: (In Press).
Roerig, K. C., B. J. Hinds-Cook, A.G. Hulting and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2016. Sensitivity of ‘Bobtail’ winter wheat to flufenacet-metribuzin. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Vol.69: (In Press).
Roerig K. C., D. W. Curtis, A.G. Hulting, and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2017. ‘Bobtail’ winter wheat sensitivity to flufenacet/metribuzin by seeding rate and herbicide application rate. 2017 Western Society of Weed Science Research Progress Report. ISSN-0090-8142. 1pp.
Roerig K. C., D. W. Curtis, A.G. Hulting, and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2016. Effect of planting date and application timing of flufenacet-metribuzon and pyroxasulfone on ‘Bobtail’ winter wheat yield and Italian ryegrass control. 2016 Western Society of Weed Science Research Progress Report. ISSN-0090-8142. 2pp.
Ingegneri, L.M., M.P.Quinn, A.G. Hulting and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2015. A short growing season negatively affects progeny vigor in jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrical). Agricultural Sciences 6:315-324.
Conference Presentations
Ou J, Stahlman PW, Fritz AK and Jugulam M. Dicamba- and glyphosate-resistant genes are not linked in kochia (Kochia scoparia). Weed Science Society of America, Annual Meetings, Tucson, AZ (abstract 150).
Menzer S, Jugulam M and Thompson CR. Temperature effect on efficacy of POST-herbicides to control Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in grain sorghum. North Central Weed Science Society, Annual Meeting, Des Moines (abstract 131).
Ou J, Thompson CR, Stahlman PW, Jugulam M. 2016. Efficacy of Glyphosate and Dicamba Tank-Mixes in Kochia. Western Society of Weed Science, Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM (abstract 135).
Betha S, Thompson CR, Peterson DE, Jugulam M. 2016. Increased HPPD gene and protein expression contribute significantly to mesotrione resistance in palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri). Weed Science Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR (abstract 222).
Bramhall JA, Varanasi A, Dille JA, Jugulam M. 2016. Impact of Crop Competition on Fitness of Glyphosate-Resistant Kochia (Kochia scoparia L. Schrad). Western Society of Weed Science, Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM (abstract 1).
Ou J and Mithila J. 2015. Effect of elevated temperature on glyphosate and dicamba efficacy in broadleaf weeds. 25th Asia-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Hyderabad, India.
Ou J and Jugulam M. 2015. Effect of Growth and Temperature on Dicamba and Glyphosate Efficacy in Kochia. Western Society of Weed Science, Portland, OR (abstract 30).
Extension Publications:
Lyon, D.J., I.C. Burke, A.G. Hulting, and J.M. Campbell. 2017. Integrated management of mayweed chamomile in wheat and pulse crop production systems. Washington State University. PNW 695.
Extension Presentations:
The biology and control of Russian-thistle was presented at seven pesticide recertification events held throughout eastern Washington. The topic was also presented at several other winter meetings held in the region. Herbicide resistance was the other major topic presented during the 2016-2017 winter meeting season.
Extension Decision Support Tools:
Herbicide Mechanisms of Action (MOA) Tool @ https://herbicidemoa.cahnrs.wsu.edu.
Winter Wheat Herbicide Efficacy Tables @ https://herbicideefficacy.cahnrs.wsu.edu.
Peer Reviewed Publications
Nakka S, Godar AS, Wani PS, Thompson CR, Peterson DE, Roelofs J and Jugulam M. 2017. Physiological and molecular characterization of hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase (HPPD)-inhibitor resistant Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri S.Wats.). Front. Plant Sci. | doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.00555 (KAES # 16-345-J).
Varanasi VK, Bayromov S, Prasad PVV and Jugulam M. 2017. Expression profiles of psbA, ALS, EPSPS and other chloroplastic genes in response to PSII-, ALS-, and EPSPS-Inhibitor treatments in Kochia scoparia. American J of Plant Sci. 8:451-470 (KAES # 16-370-J).
Ou J, P.W. Stahlman and Jugulam M. 2016: Reduced Absorption of Glyphosate and Decreased Translocation of Dicamba Contribute to Poor Control of Kochia (Kochia scoparia) at High Temperature. Pest Manag. Sci. DOI 10.1002/ps.4463. (KAES # 16-267-J). (IF 2.9)
Jugulam M and Dillon AJ. 2016. Genomic Distribution of EPSPS copies conferring glyphosate resistance in Palmer amaranth and kochia. Indian J of Weed Sci. (KAES # 17-237-J). 48: 132-135.
Kerbs, B. D., A.G. Hulting, and D. Lyon. 2017. Biology and management of scouringrush in dryland winter wheat. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Vol.70: (In Press).
Bobadilla, L. K., A.G. Hulting and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2017. Management of multiple resistant Italian ryegrass-characterizing resistant populations. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Vol.70: (In Press).
Liu, M, B. D. Kerbs, A.G. Hulting and C. Mallory-Smith. 2016. Chracterization of multiple herbicide resistant Italian ruegrass (Lolium perenne ssp. multiflorum) populations from winter wheat field in Oregon. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Vol.69: (In Press).
Roerig, K. C., B. J. Hinds-Cook, A.G. Hulting and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2016. Sensitivity of ‘Bobtail’ winter wheat to flufenacet-metribuzin. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. Vol.69: (In Press).
Roerig K. C., D. W. Curtis, A.G. Hulting, and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2017. ‘Bobtail’ winter wheat sensitivity to flufenacet/metribuzin by seeding rate and herbicide application rate. 2017 Western Society of Weed Science Research Progress Report. ISSN-0090-8142. 1pp.
Roerig K. C., D. W. Curtis, A.G. Hulting, and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2016. Effect of planting date and application timing of flufenacet-metribuzon and pyroxasulfone on ‘Bobtail’ winter wheat yield and Italian ryegrass control. 2016 Western Society of Weed Science Research Progress Report. ISSN-0090-8142. 2pp.
Ingegneri, L.M., M.P.Quinn, A.G. Hulting and C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2015. A short growing season negatively affects progeny vigor in jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrical). Agricultural Sciences 6:315-324.
Tautges, N. E., T. S. Sullivan, C. L. Reardon, and I. C. Burke. 2016. Soil microbial diversity and activity linked to crop yield and quality in a dryland organic wheat production system. Appl. Soil Ecol. 108: 258-268.
Tautges, N, Borrelli, E. P. Fuerst, and I. C. Burke. 2016. Competitive ability of rotational crops with weeds in dryland organic wheat production systems. Renew. Ag Food Sys. (doi: 10.1017/S1742170516000028).
Young, F. L., D. K. Whaley, N. C. Lawrence, and I. C. Burke. 2016. Feral rye (Secale cereal) control in winter canola in the Pacific Northwest. Weed Technol. 30: 163-170.
Extension Publications
Lyon, D.J., I.C. Burke, A.G. Hulting, and J.M. Campbell. 2017. Integrated management of mayweed chamomile in wheat and pulse crop production systems. Washington State University. PNW 695.
Conference Presentations
Ou J, Stahlman PW, Fritz AK and Jugulam M. Dicamba- and glyphosate-resistant genes are not linked in kochia (Kochia scoparia). Weed Science Society of America, Annual Meetings, Tucson, AZ (abstract 150).
Menzer S, Jugulam M and Thompson CR. Temperature effect on efficacy of POST-herbicides to control Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) in grain sorghum. North Central Weed Science Society, Annual Meeting, Des Moines (abstract 131).
Ou J, Thompson CR, Stahlman PW, Jugulam M. 2016. Efficacy of Glyphosate and Dicamba Tank-Mixes in Kochia. Western Society of Weed Science, Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM (abstract 135).
Betha S, Thompson CR, Peterson DE, Jugulam M. 2016. Increased HPPD gene and protein expression contribute significantly to mesotrione resistance in palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri). Weed Science Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Juan, PR (abstract 222).
Bramhall JA, Varanasi A, Dille JA, Jugulam M. 2016. Impact of Crop Competition on Fitness of Glyphosate-Resistant Kochia (Kochia scoparia L. Schrad). Western Society of Weed Science, Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM (abstract 1).
Ou J and Mithila J. 2015. Effect of elevated temperature on glyphosate and dicamba efficacy in broadleaf weeds. 25th Asia-Pacific Weed Science Society Conference, Hyderabad, India.
Ou J and Jugulam M. 2015. Effect of Growth and Temperature on Dicamba and Glyphosate Efficacy in Kochia. Western Society of Weed Science, Portland, OR (abstract 30).
Peer Review Publications:
Aramrak, A., N.C. Lawrence, V.L. Demacon, A.H. Carter, K.K. Kidwell, I.C. Burke, and C.M Steber. 2018. Isolation of mutations conferring increased glyphosate resistance in spring wheat. Crop Sci. 58:84-97.
Barroso J., J. Gourlie, L. Lutcher, L. Mingyang and, C.A. Mallory-Smith. 2017. Identification of glyphosate resistance in Salsola tragus in Northeastern Oregon. Pest Manag. Sci. 74: 1089-1093.
San Martin C., D.J. Lyon, H.C. Wetzel, J.A. Gourlie and, J. Barroso. 2018. Weed control with bicyclopyrone + bromoxynil in wheat. Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Manag. (Accepted).
Kumar, V., J.F. Spring*, P. Jha, D.J. Lyon, and I.C. Burke. 2017. Glyphosate-resistant Russian-thistle (Salsola tragus) identified in Montana and Washington. Weed Technol. 31:238-251.
Lawrence, N.L., A.L. Hauvermale, A. Dhingra, and I.C. Burke. 2017. Population structure and genetic diversity of Bromus tectorum within the small grain production region of the Pacific Northwest. Ecol. Evol. 7:8316-8328.
Schlatter, D.C., C. Yin, I. Burke, S. Hulbert, and T. Paulitz. 2017. Impacts of repeated glyphosate use on wheat—associated bacteria are small and depend on glyphosate use history. Appl. Eviron. Microbiol. 83:e01354-17.
Extension Publications:
Barroso J, Gourlie J, Lutcher L, Mingyang L and Mallory-Smith C. 2017. Identification of glyphosate resistance in Russian thistle in Northeastern Oregon. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, June 2017. pp. 11.
Hagerty C, Barroso J, Machado S, Wysocki D, Schroeder K, Carter P, and Murray T. 2017. Assessment of soil acidity on soil borne pathogens, weed spectrum, herbicide activity, and yield on dryland wheat production. Dryland Field Day Abstracts, June 2017, pp. 20-21.
Burke, I.C., K. Kahl, N. Tautges, and F.L. Young. 2017. Integrated Weed Management. In Yorgey, G. and C. Kruger, eds. Advances in Dryland Farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest, Washington State University Extension Publication EM108, Pullman, WA. 353-398.
Lofton, J. J., M. R. Manuchehri, and B. Haggard. 2017. Weedy Mustards of Oklahoma. Oklahoma State University, PSS-2787.
Lyon, D.J., I.C. Burke, and J.M. Campbell. 2018. Integrated management of mustard species in wheat production systems. (PNW703).
Lyons, D. J., I.C. Burke, A.G. Hulting, and J.M. Campbell. 2017. Integrated management of mayweed chamomile in wheat and pulse crop production systems. PNW 695. p.7.
Conference Presentations:
Barroso J., C. San Martin, M. Thorne M. and, D.J. Lyon. 2018. Seed retention of major weed species at harvest in the PNW. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. (in press).
Crose, J. A., M. R. Manuchehri, K. E. Cole, R. Rupp, B. Lindenmayer, and D. Cummings. 2018. Horseweed Management in Oklahoma Winter Wheat. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 71:34.
Manuchehri, M.R., T. A. Baughman, and A. R. Post. 2017. Grassy Weed Management in Oklahoma Winter Wheat. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. Abs. 57:56.
Manuchehri, M. R., J. A. Crose, K.E. Cole, R.N. Rupp, B. Lindenmayer, D.C. Cummings. 2018. Horseweed Management in Oklahoma Winter Wheat. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. Abs. 58:38.
Manuchehri, M. R., G. Strickland, K. E. Cole, J. A. Crose. 2018. Rescuegrass Management in Oklahoma Winter Wheat. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 71:32.
Ogden, G. K., M. R. Manuchehri, and A. C. Hixson. 2017. Pyroxasulfone Weed Management Systems in Oklahoma Winter Wheat. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 70:4.
Ogden, G. K., M. R. Manuchehri, A. C. Hixson, K. E. Cole, J. A. Crose. 2018. The Development and Management of ACCase Resistant Italian Ryegrass in Oklahoma. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 71:35.
Rauch T. A., and J.M. Campbell. 2017. Broadleaf Weed Control in Winter Wheat with Bicyclopyrone Plus Bromoxynil. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. (in press).
Rauch, T.A. and J. M. Campbell. 2017. Italian ryegrass control with pyroxasulfone/carfentrazone in wheat. Research Prog. Report. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 79.
Rauch, T.A. and J. M. Campbell. 2017. Mayweed chamomile control in winter wheat. Research Prog. Report. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 86.
Rauch, T.A. and J. M. Campbell. 2017. The effect of disturbance on Italian ryegrass control with pyroxasulfone in winter wheat. Research Prog. Report. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 95.
Rauch, T.A. and J. M. Campbell. 2017. Rattail fescue control in winter wheat. Research Prog. Report. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 89.
San Martin C., D. Long, J. Gourlie J. and, J. Barroso. 2018. Effect of fallow management on weed infestation. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. (in press).
San Martin C., D. Long, J. Gourlie, and Barroso J. 2018. Effect of intensified wheat-based cropping systems on weed infestation. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. (in press).
Peer Review Publications:
Barroso J, Gourlie J, Lutcher L, Mingyang L, Mallory-Smith C. 2018. Identification of glyphosate resistance in Salsola tragus in Northeastern Oregon. Pest Management Science 74:1089-1093.
Lawrence NC, Hauvermale AL, Burke IC. 2018. Downy Brome (Bromus tectorum) vernalization: variation and genetic controls. Weed Sci. 66:310-316.
Lyon DJ, Swanson ME, Young FL, Coffey T. 2018. Jointed goatgrass biomass and spikelet production increases in no-till winter wheat. Crop Forage Turfgrass Manage. doi:10.2134/cftm2018.04.0031.
Mallory-Smith C, Kniss AR, Lyon DJ, Zemetra RS. 2018. Jointed goatgrass (Aegilops cylindrica): A review. Weed Sci. 66:562-573.
Reardon CL, Wuest SB, Melle CJ, Klein AM, Williams JD, McCallum J, Barroso J, Long DS. 2019. Soil enzyme activity under minimum and conventional tillage wheat-fallow cropping systems. Soil Science Society of American Journal (Accepted (01/15/2019), In Press).
San Martin C, Long D, Gourlie JA, Barroso J. 2018. Suppression of downy brome by reduced tillage fallow in dryland winter wheat. PloS One 13(9):1-17.
San Martín C, Lyon DJ, Gourlie J, Wetzel HC, Barroso J. 2018. Weed control with bicyclopyrone + bromoxynil in wheat. Crop Forage Turfgrass Manage. 4:180011. doi:10.2134/cftm2018.02.0011.
San Martín C, Long D, Gourlie JA, Barroso J. 2019. Spring crops in three year rotations reduce weed pressure in winter wheat. Field Crops Research 233, 12-20.
Spring, JF, Thorne ME, Burke IC, Lyon DJ. 2018. Rush skeletonweed (Chondrilla juncea) control in Pacific Northwest winter wheat. Weed Technol. 32:360-363.
Walsh MJ, Broster JC, Schwartz-Lazaro LM, Norsworthy JK, Davis AS, Tidemann BD, Beckie HJ, Lyon DJ, Soni N, Neve P, Bagavathiannan MV. 2018. Opportunities and challenges for harvest weed seed control in global cropping systems. Pest Manag. Sci. 74:2235-2245.
Extension Publications:
Hauvermale AL, Race KN, Lawrence NC, Koby L, Lyon DJ, Burke IC. 2018. A mayweed chamomile growing degree day model for the Inland Pacific Northwest. (FS306E).
Lyon DJ, Ball DA, Hulting AG. 2018. Rattail fescue: Biology and management in Pacific Northwest wheat cropping systems. (PNW613).
Lyon DJ, Burke IC, Campbell JM. 2018. Integrated management of mustard species in wheat production systems. (PNW703).
Manuchehri MR, Ogden G. 2018. Herbicide Programs for Italian Ryegrass Control in Oklahoma Winter Wheat, PSS-2791.
Manuchehri MR. 2018. Herbicide Mixing Order. Oklahoma State University, PSS-2789.
Manuchehri MR, Adcock M, Arnall DB. 2018. Rainfastness for Fallow and In-Season Winter Wheat Herbicides that have Postemergence Activity, L-468.
Manuchehri MR, Arnall DB. 2018. How Does Soil pH Impact Herbicides. Oklahoma State University, PSS-2778.
Peterson D, Kumar V. 2018. CoAXium Wheat and Aggressor Herbicide for Grass Weed Control. Kansas State University, eUpdate. Issue 719. November 7, 2018.
Conference Presentations:
Childers JT, Manuchehri MR, Kumar V, Liu R, Crose JA. 2019. Non-tolerant Wheat Response to Simulated Drift of Quizalofop-P-ethyl in Central Oklahoma. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 72:24 (in press).
Liu R, Kumar V, Lambert T, and Manuchehri MR. 2019. Response of Kansas Feral Rye Populations to Imazamox and Quizalofop-P-ethyl. Proc. West. Soc. Weed Sci. 72:119 (in press).
Ogden, G. K., M. R. Manuchehri, A. C. Hixson, K. E. Cole, J. A. Crose. 2018. The Development and Management of ACCase Resistant Italian Ryegrass in Oklahoma. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 71:35.
Crose, J. A., M. R. Manuchehri, K. E. Cole, R. Rupp, B. Lindenmayer, and D. Cummings. 2018. Horseweed Management in Oklahoma Winter Wheat. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 71:34.
Manuchehri, M. R., G. Strickland, K. E. Cole, J. A. Crose. 2018. Rescuegrass Management in Oklahoma Winter Wheat. Western Soc. Weed Sci. 71:32.
Manuchehri, M. R., J. A. Crose, K.E. Cole, R.N. Rupp, B. Lindenmayer, D.C. Cummings. 2018. Horseweed Management in Oklahoma Winter Wheat. Weed Sci. Soc. Am. Abs. 58:38.
Rauch T, Campbell J. 2018. Rattail fescue and downy brome control in winter wheat with mesosulfuron plus thiencarbazone. Western Society of Weed Science Proceedings 71:17.
Wuest SB, Barroso J. 2019. Is volunteer wheat a serious weed in annual winter wheat production? Proceedings of the WSWS Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Abstract.