W2006: Multistate Agricultural Literacy Research
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
There were no publications reported in this our first meeting.
Spielmaker, D. M., Pastor, M., & Stewardson, D. M. (2014). A logic model for agricultural literacy programming. Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Snowbird, UT. Retrieved from http://www.aaaeonline.org/uploads/allconferences/5-8-2014_148_2014_AAAE_Poster_Proceedings.pdf. [Blind review, awarded first place in the innovative poster category, 230 participants]
Spielmaker, D. M., & Leising, J. G. (2013). National agricultural literacy outcomes. Logan, UT: Utah State University, School of Applied Sciences & Technology. Retrieved from http://www.agclassroom.org/get/doc/NALObooklet.pdf
Yamashita, L., Hayes, K., & Trexler, C. J. (2015). How pre-service teachers navigate trade-offs of food systems across time scales: a lens for exploring understandings of sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 1-33. Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13504622.2015.1074662#.Vg21PflVhBc
Publications related to Research Objective 1
Brandt, M. R. (2016). Exploring elementary students’ agricultural and scientific knowledge using evidence centered design (Master’s thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln). Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/natresdiss/131/. (Major Professor, Cory Forbs, W2006)
Edwards, E. B. (2016). Dig into learning: A program evaluation of an agricultural literacy innovation (Doctoral dissertation, GARDNER-WEBB UNIVERSITY). Retrieved from http://gradworks.umi.com/10/11/10118994.html. (Committee Member, Debra Spielmaker, W2006)
Enns, K., Martin, M., & Spielmaker, D. M. (2016). Research Priority 1: Public and Policy Maker Understanding of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Roberts, T. G., Harder, A., & Brashears, M. T. (Eds). American Association for Agricultural Education national research agenda: 2016-2020. Gainesville, FL: Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/National-Research-Agenda
Keeton, E., Hock, G., Enns, Martin, M., Spielmaker, D. M., & Stewardson, D. M. (2016, September). Simplifying the process: Agricultural literacy publications search framework. Poster session presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Tucson, AZ. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/2016%20WRAAE%20CONFERENCE%20PROCEEDINGS.pdf
Spielmaker, D. M. (2016, September). Developing agricultural literacy outcomes: A synthesis of research-based expectations. Poster presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Tucson, AZ. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/2016%20WRAAE%20CONFERENCE%20PROCEEDINGS.pdf
Publications related to Research Objective 2
Chriestenson, C., Martin M. J., Thilmany, D., Sullins, M., & Jablonksi, B. (2017). Public attitudes about agriculture in Colorado. A study by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/2016%20Public%20Attitudes%20Report%20Final.pdf
Martin, M. J. (2016). The polarization of agriculture: The evolving context of Extension work. Journal of Extension, 54(2). Retrieved from http://www.joe.org/joe/2016april/comm1.php
Martin, M. J., & Enns, K. J. (2017). The conflicts of agriculture: Exploring the agriculture values of university agricultural education students. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(1), 210-255. Retrieved from https://doi:10.5032/jae.2017.01210
Martin, M. J., & Wight, R. A. (2016). The need for a critical pedagogy of agriculture. NACTA Journal, 60(4), 448.
Stofer, K. A., & Newberry, III, M. G. (2017). When defining agriculture and science, explicit is not a bad word. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(1), 131-150. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2017.01131
Publications related to Research Objective 3
Martin, M. J., Hill, R. L., van Sandt, A., & Thilmany, D. D. (2016). Colorado residents trusted Sources of agricultural, biotechnology and food information. AgBioForum, 19(1), 1-10. Retrieved from http://agbioforum.org/v19n1/v19n1a04-martin.htm
Other Products
Databases - The Zotero database initiated in year 1 was updated with 20 new citations in five categories. This resource is public is publicly accessible, https://www.zotero.org/groups/agricultural_literacy/items. This database was also linked to a new website for the National Center for Agricultural Literacy, agliteracy.org.
Evaluation Instruments - The evaluation tool developed in year 1 was finalized and shared with two state Agriculture in the Classroom (AITC) programs for out-of-state pilot testing (the initial pilot was conducted with Utah teachers. The Utah results are being analyzed, and will become part of a one-year follow-up study. This tool will also become part of a national AITC Common Measure Toolbox. State Agriculture in the Classroom leaders will receive inservice on the new tool in 2017.
Other - A new website, agliteracy.org, was developed to increase the reach or the National Center for Agricultural Literacy coordinated by Debra Spielmaker at Utah State University. This site now links with the W2006 database/wiki and the National Agriculture in the Classroom website for further distribution of resources.
Research Objective 1
Assess agricultural knowledge of diverse segments of the population:
- What are the points of acquisition of agricultural knowledge?
- What decisions are made based upon assessed knowledge?
Wray, P. (2017). Evaluating the effectiveness of Utah farm field days (Master's thesis). Retrieved from https://library.usu.edu/etd/. (Major Professor, Debra Spielmaker, W2006)
Judd-Murray, R., & Spielmaker, D. M. (2017). Evaluating the effectiveness of an agricultural literacy preservice teacher workshop. Poster session presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Fort Collins, CO.
Research Objective 2:
Maritn, M. J., Chriestenson, C., Thilmany, D., Jablonksi, B., and Sullins, M. (2017). Examining Coloradoans perception of trust in sources of information on agriculture and food quality, nutrition, and safety issues. Food systems report, FSR 17-02.
Sullins, M., Thilmany, D., Chriestenson, C., Martin, M., & Jablonski, B. (2017). Coloradans’ perceptions about land and water resources for agriculture. Food systems report, FSR 17-03.
Thilmany, D., Chriestenson, C., Martin M. J., Sullins, M., & Jablonksi, B. (2017). An overview of Coloradan’s perceptions of agriculture. Food systems report, FSR 17-01.
Chriestenson, C., Martin M. J., Thilmany, D., Sullins, M., & Jablonksi, B. (2017). Public attitudes about agriculture in Colorado. A study by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/2016%20Public%20Attitudes%20Report%20Final.pdf
Martin, M. J., & Enns, K. J. (2017). The conflicts of agriculture: Exploring the agriculture values of university agricultural education students. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(1), 210-255. Retrieved from https://doi:10.5032/jae.2017.01210
Stofer, K. A., & Newberry, III, M. G. (2017). When defining agriculture and science, explicit is not a bad word. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(1), 131-150. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2017.01131
Research Objective 3:
Evaluate agricultural literacy to measure the program impact:
- What is effective programming?
- What is the impact of effective programming, both short-term and longitudinal?
- What knowledge, attitudes, motivations exist for individuals that participate in agricultural literacy initiatives?
Phillips, C.K., Mars, M.M., Rice, A.H., & Torres, R.M. (2017, September). How do college students learn about food systems? Presentation at the Western Region of the American Association of Agricultural Education, Ft. Collins, CO.
Objective One: Assess agricultural knowledge of diverse segments of the population:
Bohnenblust, K., Hock, G., & Callaghan, Z. (November, 2017). Measuring the Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction of Students Attending the Kansas Youth Water Advocates Conference. Referred poster presented at the Governor’s Water Conference, Manhattan, KS.
Countryman, A. M., Martin, M. J., & Enns, K. E. (In Press). Gains from trade: Student perceptions of an international agricultural trade course. NACTA Journal.
Hock, G., Bohnenblust, K., & Callaghan, Z. (2018, June). Developing the Next Generation of Water Advocates. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 2018 NACTA Abstracts Supplement, 62(1). Abstract.
Mars, M. M., & Schau, H. J. (2018). The jazziness of local food work: Organization level ingenuity and the entrepreneurial formation and evolution of local food systems. Rural Sociology: 1-27 (Advanced online publication) doi: 10.1111/ruso.12244
Mars, M. M., & Schau, H. J. (2018). What is local food entrepreneurship? Variations in the commercially and socially oriented features of entrepreneurship in the Southeastern Arizona local food system. Rural Sociology, 83(3), 568-597. doi: 10.1111/ruso.12197
Martin, M. J., & Hartmann, K. (In Press). Who is against agriculture. The Agricultural Education Magazine.
Martin, M. J., & Wesoloski, D. (2018). Experiences of non-conventional agriculture majors in a college of agriculture, NACTA Journal, 62, 1, 12-15.
Stofer. K. A., & Schiebel, T. (2018). What do we know? Review of U.S. public genetic modification literacy reveals little empirical data. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. 6 (4). 59-76.
Stofer, K. A., & Schiebel, T. (2017). U.S. adults with agriculture experience are likely more familiar with genetic engineering than those without. Journal of Agricultural Education. 58 (4). 160-174.
Objective Two: Assess attitudes and perceptions and motivations concerning agriculture of diverse segments of the population:
Mars, M. M., & Schau, H. J. (2018). The jazziness of local food work: Organization level ingenuity and the entrepreneurial formation and evolution of local food systems. Rural Sociology: 1-27 (Advanced online publication). doi: 10.1111/ruso.12244
Mars, M. M., & Schau, H. J. (2018). What is local food entrepreneurship? Variations in the commercially and socially oriented features of entrepreneurship in the Southeastern Arizona local food system. Rural Sociology, 83(3), 568-597. doi: 10.1111/ruso.12197
Martin, M. J., & Wight, A., 2018, Critical pedagogy in agriculture for environmental educators, In proceedings of the 2018 American Education Research Association Conference.
Stofer. K. A., & Schiebel, T. (2018). What do we know? Review of U.S. public genetic modification literacy reveals little empirical data. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension. 6 (4). 59-76.
Stofer, K. A., & Schiebel, T. (2017). U.S. adults with agriculture experience are likely more familiar with genetic engineering than those without. Journal of Agricultural Education. 58 (4). 160-174.
Objective Three: Evaluate agricultural literacy to measure the program impact:
Frasier, M., Clark, N., & Martin, M. J., 2018, Experiential learning for freshman in agriculture, In proceedings of the 2018 Western Region American Association of Agricultural Educators Conference.
Miller, A., & Spielmaker, D. M. (2018, July). Investigating Mobile Agricultural Classrooms for Agricultural Literacy Programming. Poster session presented at the 2018 Mobile Laboratory Coalition Conference, Detroit, MI.
Whaley, J., Enns, K.E., & Martin, M. J., 2018, Connecting rural agriculture programs to community colleges, In proceedings of the 2018 American Association of Agricultural Educators Conference.
Publications Related to Objective 1
Bohnenblust, K., Hock, G., & Callaghan, Z. (November, 2017). Measuring the Knowledge, Self-Efficacy and Satisfaction of Students Attending the Kansas Youth Water Advocates Conference. Referred poster presented at the Governor’s Water Conference, Manhattan, KS.
Bradford, T., Hock, G., Greenhaw, L., & Kingery, W. (2019). Comparing experiential learning techniques and direct instruction on student knowledge of agriculture in private school students. Journal of Agricultural Education, 60(3), 80-96. doi:10.5032/jae.2019.03080
Brandt, M. R. (2016). Exploring elementary students' agricultural and scientific knowledge using evidence centered design (Master's thesis, University of Nebraska-Lincoln). Retrieved from http://digitalcommons.unl.edu/natresdiss/131/. (Major Professor, Cory Forbs, W2006)
Callaghan, Z. & Hock, G. (October, 2018). Assessing a Water-Focused Youth Education Training Program. Referred poster presented at the International Conference on Educational Innovation in Agrarian Topics, Lima, Peru.
Edwards, E. B. (2016). Dig into learning: A program evaluation of an agricultural literacy innovation (Doctoral dissertation, GARDNER-WEBB UNIVERSITY). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.gardner-webb.edu/education_etd/187/. (Committee Member, Debra Spielmaker, W2006)
Enns, K., Martin, M., & Spielmaker, D. M. (2016). Research priority 1: Public and policy maker understanding of agriculture and natural resources. Roberts, T. G., Harder, A., & Brashears, M. T. (Eds). American Association for Agricultural Education National Research Agenda: 2016-2020. Gainesville, FL: Department of Agricultural Education and Communication. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/National-Research-Agenda
Hock, G., Bohnenblust, K., & Callaghan, Z. (2018, June). Developing the Next Generation of Water Advocates. North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal, 2018 NACTA Abstracts Supplement, 62(1). Abstract.
Hock, G., Bohnenblust, K. & Roth, G. (2017, September/October). Water Literacy: Training the Next Generation of Water Advocates. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 90(2), 18-20.
Hock, G. & Callaghan, Z. (October, 2019). Tapping the Next Generation of Water Advocates. Referred poster accepted to the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference, Denver, CO.
Judd-Murray, R. (2019). Development and validation of an agricultural literacy instrument using the National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes. (Doctoral dissertation). Utah State University. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/7562/. (Committee Member, Debra Spielmaker, W2006)
Judd-Murray, R., Warnick, B. K., Spielmaker, D. M., Longhurst, M. L., Coster, D. C., & Stewart, C. (2019). Development and validation of an agricultural literacy instrument using the National Agricultural Literacy Outcomes. Paper presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Anchorage, AK. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/Meeting%202019/2019WesternRegionAAAEProceedings.pdf.
Keeton, E., Hock, G., Enns, Martin, M., Spielmaker, D. M., & Stewardson, D. M. (2016, September). Simplifying the process: Agricultural literacy publications search framework. Poster presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Tucson, AZ. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/2016%20WRAAE%20CONFERENCE%20PROCEEDINGS.pdf
Longhurst, M. L., Judd-Murray, R., Coster, D. C., & Spielmaker, D. M. (submitted). Measuring agricultural literacy: Grade 3-5 instrument development and validation. Journal of Agricultural Education.
Martin, M. J., Parra, I. & Enns, K. J. (2019). Evaluation Schematic for Agricultural Literacy Programming. Poster presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Anchorage, AK. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/Meeting%202019/2019_WAAAE_Poster_Proceedings.pdf
Spielmaker, D. M. (2016, September). Developing agricultural literacy outcomes: A synthesis of research-based expectations. Poster presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Tucson, AZ. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/2016%20WRAAE%20CONFERENCE%20PROCEEDINGS.pdf
Spielmaker, D. M., Pastor, M., & Stewardson, D. M. (2014). A logic model for agricultural literacy programming. Proceedings of the 41st annual meeting of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Snowbird, UT. Retrieved from http://www.aaaeonline.org/Resources/Documents/National/Poster%20and%20Research%20Schedule,%20National2014.pdf. [Blind review, awarded first place in the innovative poster category, 230 participants]
Spielmaker, D. M., & Leising, J. G. (2013). National agricultural literacy outcomes. Logan, UT: Utah State University, School of Applied Sciences & Technology. Retrieved from http://www.agclassroom.org/get/doc/NALObooklet.pdf
Stofer. K. A. , & Schiebel, T. (2018). What do we know? Review of U.S. public genetic modification literacy reveals little empirical data. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension,
6(4), 59-76.
Wray, P., & Spielmaker, D. M. (2016, September). Farm field days as a learning model for agricultural literacy. Poster presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Tucson, AZ. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/2016%20WRAAE%20CONFERENCE%20PROCEEDINGS.pdf
Wray, P. (2017). Evaluating the effectiveness of Utah farm field days (Master's thesis). Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=6853&context=etd. (Major Professor, Debra Spielmaker, W2006)
Publications Related to Objective 2
Chriestenson, C., Martin M. J., Thilmany, D., Sullins, M., & Jablonksi, B. (2017). Public attitudes about agriculture in Colorado. A study by the Colorado Department of Agriculture. Retrieved from https://www.colorado.gov/pacific/sites/default/files/2016%20Public%20Attitudes%20Report%20Final.pdf
Judd-Murray, R., & Spielmaker, D. M., Stewardson, D. M. (2017, September). Evaluating the effectiveness of an agricultural literacy preservice teacher workshop. Poster presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Fort Collins, CO. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/Western-Conference
Koehlmoos, E. & Hock, G. (May, 2018). Perceptions of Barriers Limiting FFA Agriscience Fair Participation. Referred paper session presented at the National AAAE Conference, Charleston, SC.
Martin, M. J. (2016). The polarization of agriculture: The evolving context of Extension work. Journal of Extension, 54(2). Retrieved from http://www.joe.org/joe/2016april/comm1.php
Martin, M. J., & Enns, K. J. (2017). The conflicts of agriculture: Exploring the agriculture values of university agricultural education students. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(1), 210-255. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=EJ1138975
Martin, M. J. & Hartmann, K. (2018). Who is against agriculture? Agricultural Education Magazine, 91, 2, 22-23.
Martin, M. J., & Wight, R. A. (2016). The need for a critical pedagogy of agriculture. NACTA Journal, 60(4), 448.
Stofer, K. A., Odell, H., Rumble, J. (2019). Sources of agricultural background among Florida residents includes variety of everyday experiences. Paper presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Anchorage, AK. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/Meeting%202019/2019WesternRegionAAAEProceedings.pdf.
Stofer, K. A., & Newberry, III, M. G. (2017). When defining agriculture and science, explicit is not a bad word. Journal of Agricultural Education, 58(1), 131-150. https://doi.org/10.5032/jae.2017.01131
Stofer, K. A., & Schiebel, T. (2017). U.S. adults with agriculture experience are likely more familiar with genetic engineering than those without. Journal of Agricultural Education. 58 (4), 160-174.
Yamashita, L., Hayes, K., & Trexler, C. J. (2015). How pre-service teachers navigate trade-offs of food systems across time scales: A lens for exploring understandings of sustainability. Environmental Education Research, 1-33. Retrieved from http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13504622.2015.1074662#.Vg21PflVhBc
Anderson, S. M., Velez, J. J., & Thompson, G. W. (2014). An analysis of K-12 teachers' conceptions of agriculture prior to and after engaging in an agricultural literacy program. Journal of Agricultural Education, 55(3), 132-146. doi: 10.5032/jae.2014.03132
McKim, A. J., Pauley, C. M., Velez, J. J., & Sorensen, T. J. (2018). Interdisciplinary learning opportunities in agriculture, food, natural resources, and science: The role of the teacher. Journal of Agricultural Education, 59(2), 179-196. doi:10.5032/jae.2018.02179
McKim, A. J., Kohn, C., Lambert, M. D., Velez, J. J., & Balschweid, M. A. (2018, March/April). A teacher’s guide to illuminating science within agriculture, food, and natural resources education. Agricultural Education Magazine, 90(5), 14-17.
Publications Related to Objective 3
Judd-Murray, R., & Spielmaker, D. M., Stewardson, D. M. (2017, September). Evaluating the effectiveness of an agricultural literacy preservice teacher workshop. Poster presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Fort Collins, CO. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/Western-Conference
Miller, A. J. (2019). Evaluating Michigan's food, agriculture, and resources in motion (FARM) science lab as a modality for agricultural literacy. (Master’s thesis). Utah State University. Retrieved from https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/etd/7470/. (Major Professor, Debra Spielmaker, W2006)
Miller, A. J., Spielmaker, D. M., Hall, K. L., Lawver, R. G., & Stewardson, D. M. (2019). Evaluating Michigan's food, agriculture, and resources in motion (FARM) science lab as a modality for agricultural literacy. Poster presented at the Western Region Conference of the American Association for Agricultural Education, Anchorage, AK. Retrieved from http://aaaeonline.org/resources/Documents/Western%20Region/Meeting%202019/2019_WAAAE_Poster_Proceedings.pdf.
Miller, A., Spielmaker, D. M. (2018, July). Investigating Mobile Agricultural Classrooms for Agricultural Literacy Programming. Poster presented at the Mobile Lab Coalition Annual Conference, Detroit, MI.
Martin, M. J., Hill, R. L., van Sandt, A., & Thilmany, D. D. (2016). Colorado residents trusted Sources of agricultural, biotechnology and food information. AgBioForum, 19(1), 1-10. Retrieved from http://agbioforum.org/v19n1/v19n1a04-martin.htm
Spielmaker, D. M. (2019). The green book: Chapter 2 – Agricultural Literacy. The Agricultural Education Magazine, 91(6), 22-25.
Spielmaker, D. M. (2019). Integrating technology: A journey to 2050. Science Scope, 91(6), 40-46.