S1064: Genetic improvement of adaptation and reproduction to enhance sustainability of cow-calf production in the Southern United States
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
- Sumreddee, P., Togniani, S., EH Hay, SE. Aggrey, and R. Rekaya. (2018). Inbreeding depression in line 1 Hereford cattle population using pedigree and genomic information. J. Anim. Sci. (Under review)
- Toghiani, S., E. Hay, P. Sumreddee, T. W. Geary, R. Rekaya, A. J. Roberts. (2017). Genomic prediction of continuous and binary fertility traits of females in a composite beef cattle breed. J. Anim. Sci. Journal of Animal Science 10/2017; DOI:10.2527/jas2017.1944
- Sumreddee, P., S. Toghiani, E.H. Hay, A. Ling, S. E. Aggrey, R. Rekaya (2018). Inbreeding depression in a Herford beef cattle population using the pedigree and genomic information. ASAS Meeting, Vancouver, Canada (Abstr).
- Tolleson, M.W., C.A. Gill, A.D. Herring, P.K. Riggs, J.E. Sawyer, J.O. Sanders, and D.G. Riley. 2017. Association of udder traits with single nucleotide polymorphisms in crossbred Bos indicus-Bos taurus cows. J. Anim. Sci. 95:2399–2407. doi:10.2527/jas.2017.1385.
- Chase, C.C. Jr., R.D. Randel, D.G. Riley, S.W. Coleman, and W.A. Phillips. 2017. Evaluation of tropically adapted straightbred and crossbred beef cattle:Cortisol concentration and measures of temperament at weaning and transport. J. Anim. Sci. 95:5253–5262. doi:10.2527/jas2017.1924
- Engle, B. N., A. D. Herring, J. E. Sawyer, D. G. Riley, J. O. Sanders, and C. A. Gill. 2018. Genome-wide association study for stayability measures in Nellore-Angus crossbred cows. J. Anim. Sci. 96:1205–1214 doi: 10.1093/jas/sky067.
- Vann, R.C., B.P. Littlejohn, D.G. Riley, T.H. Welsh, Jr., R.D. Randel, and S.T. Willard. 2017. The influence of cow temperament on temperament and performance of offspring. J. Anim. Sci. 95(Suppl. 4):242(Abstr.) doi:10.2527/asasann.2017.496
- Koltes, J. E., S. K. Chewning, D. A. Koltes, J. G. Powell, J. J. Chewning, L. Meyer, B. E. Mote, J. Tucker, and D. S. Hubbell, III. 2018. Automated collection of heat stress data in livestock: new technologies, opportunities and applications. Translational Animal Science. (Submitted)
- Koltes, D. A., S. K. Chewning, J. G. Powell, L. M. Meyer, J. Tucker, D. S. Hubbell, III, and J. E. Koltes. 2018. In search of novel phenotypes and biomarkers associated with tall fescue and heat tolerance in crossbred beef cattle. Midwest ASAS Omaha, NE.
- C. Ahlberg, Allwardt, K., A. Broocks, K. Bruno, A. Taylor, C. Krehbiel, M. Calvo-Lorenzo, C. Richards, S. Place, U. DeSilva, D. VanOverbeke, R. Mateescu, J. Bormann, R.L. Weaber, L.A. Kuehn, and M.M. Rolf*. 2018. Test duration for water intake in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science. (Accepted)
- Allwardt, K., C. Ahlberg, A. Broocks, K. Bruno, A. Taylor, S. Place, C. Richards, C. Krehbiel, M. Calvo-Lorenzo, U. DeSilva, D. VanOverbeke, R. Mateescu, C. Goad, and M.M. Rolf*. 2017. Technical note: Validation of an automated system for monitoring and restricting water intake in group-housed beef steers. Journal of Animal Science 95(9):4213-4219.
- Dikmen, S., R. G. Mateescu, M. A. Elzo, and P. J. Hansen. 2018. Determination of the optimum contribution of Brahman genetics in an Angus-Brahman multibreed herd for regulation of body temperature during hot weather. J. Anim. Sci. (https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky133).
- Elzo, M. A., R. Mateescu, C. Carr, D. O. Rae, T. Scheffler, J. Scheffler, K. C. Jeong, J. D. Driver, and M. D. Driver. 2018. FCEF 2018 Report 1 for Florida Brahman: Genomic selection for tenderness, marbling, and reproductive tract score. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, p 1- 9.
- Elzo, M. A., R. Mateescu, C. Carr, D. O. Rae, T. Scheffler, J. Scheffler, K. C. Jeong, J. D. Driver, and M. D. Driver. 2018. Florida Brahman: Genomic selection for tenderness, marbling, and reproductive tract score. The Florida Cattleman & Livestock Journal, 82(6):102-103.
- Elzo, M. A., R. Mateescu, C. Carr, D. O. Rae, T. Scheffler, J. Scheffler, K. C. Jeong, J. D. Driver, and M. D. Driver. 2017. FCEF Report 2 for Florida Brahman: Genomic selection for tenderness, marbling, and reproductive tract score. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, p 1- 12.
- Elzo, M. A., R. A. Mateescu, D. O. Rae, C. C. Carr, T. L. Scheffler, J. M. Scheffler, M. D. Driver, and J. D. Driver. 2018. Genomic-polygenic EBV for reproduction, ultrasound-carcass, and tenderness traits in the Florida multibreed Brahman-Angus population. 11th World Conf. Gen. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, February 11-16, 2018.
- Fan, P. *, C. Nelson, J. D. Driver, M. A. Elzo, and K. C. Jeong. 2018. Bovine meconium microbiota varies with birthweight and influences the gut microbiota establishment during the early stage of life. Proc. 16th AMCB Ann. Res. Symp., Crystal River, FL, April 6-7, 2018.
- Fan, P. *, L. Teng, C. Nelson, J. D. Driver, M. A. Elzo, and K. C. Jeong. 2018. Animal breed composition shapes the gut microbiota, and its effects on the host metabolic and immunological status. eLife J. (Submitted)
- Hamblen, H.*, A. Zolini, P.J. Hansen, P.A. Oltenacu, and R.G. Mateescu. 2018. Hair coat and thermoregulation in Brangus heifers. Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, San Diego, CA.
- Hamblen, H. M. *, J. D. Leal, M. A. Elzo, D. D. Johnson, C. C. Carr, T. Scheffler, J. M. Scheffler, and R. G. Mateescu. 2017. Association of a single nucleotide polymorphism in μ-calpain gene with Warner-Bratzler shear force in a crossbred Brahman-Angus population. AMSA 70th Recip. Meat Conf., Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, June 16-21, 2017.
- Gobena M.*, M. A. Elzo, and R. G. Mateescu. 2018. Population structure and genomic breed composition in an Angus-Brahman crossbred cattle population. Front. Genet. 9:90.
- Leal, J. *, M. Elzo, D. Johnson, F. Peñagaricano, F. Rezende, and R. Mateescu. 2018. Structural equation analysis and whole genome scan for growth, carcass quality and meat quality in beef. UF Grad. Student Apprec. Week, Gainesville, April 03, 2018.
- Leal J.D. *, M.A. Elzo, D.D. Johnson, and R.G. Mateescu. 2018. Genome-Wide Association and Gene Enrichment Analyses of Meat Sensory Traits in a Crossbred Brahman-Angus Population. 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Auckland, NZ., Volume Species - Bovine (beef) 1, 2018:124.
- Leal, J. *, M. Elzo, D. Johnson, and R. Mateescu. 2018. Genome-Wide Association and Gene Enrichment Analyses of Meat Sensory Traits in a Crossbred Brahman-Angus Population. P0428 26th Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA, January 13-17, 2018.
- Leal J. D.*, M. A. Elzo, D. D. Johnson, T. L. Scheffler, J. M. Scheffler, and R. G. Mateescu. 2018. Association of μ-calpain and calpastatin polymorphisms with meat tenderness in a Brahman-Angus population. Front. Genet. 9:56.
- Mateescu, R. A., Dikmen, S., Hansen, P., and M. A. Elzo. 2018. Genetic parameters for body temperature under hot and humid conditions in an Angus-Brahman multibreed population. 11th World Conf. Gen. Appl. Livest. Prod., Auckland, New Zealand, February 11-16, 2018.
- Martinez, C. A. *, K. Khare, and M. A. Elzo. 2018. BIBI: Bayesian inference of breed composition. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 135:54-61.
- Martinez, C. A. *, K. Khare, S. Rahman, and M. A. Elzo. 2017. Modelling correlated marker effects in genome-wide prediction via Gaussian concentration graph models. J. Theor. Biol. 437:67-78.
- Martinez, C. A.*, K. Khare, S. Rahman, and M. A. Elzo. 2017. Gaussian covariance graph models accounting for correlated marker effects in genome-wide prediction. J. Anim. Breed. Genet. 134:412-421.
- Mir, R. A. *, T. A. Weppelmann, L. Teng, A. Kirpich, M. A. Elzo, J. D. Driver, and K. C. Jeong. 2018. Colonization Dynamics of Cefotaxime Resistant Bacteria in Beef Cattle Raised Without Cephalosporin Antibiotics. Front. Microbiol. 9:500.
- Phelps, K. *, D. Johnson, M. Elzo, C. Paulk, and J. Gonzalez. 2017. Effect of Brahman genetics on myofibrillar protein degradation, collagen crosslinking, and tenderness of the longissimus lumborum. J. Anim. Sci. 95:5397-5406.
- Wright, S.*, P. Ramos, D. D. Johnson, J. M. Scheffler, M. A. Elzo, R. G. Mateescu, A. L. Bass, C. C. Carr, and T. Scheffler. 2018. Brahman genetics influence muscle fiber properties, protein degradation, and tenderness in an Angus-Brahman multibreed herd. Meat Sci. 135:84-93.
- Smith, T., C. D. Glenn, R. C. White, and W. E. White. 2017. Evaluation of udder and teat scores in beef cattle and the relationship to calf performance. (Abstr) Southern Section Animal Science meeting, Franklin, TN.
* Graduate Student