NC_old1181: Enhancing resiliency of beef production under shifting forage resources
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Multi-State, Peer-Reviewed Publication (Nebraska and Kansas):
Watson, A.K. Moore, T.J. Klopfenstein, L.W. Lomas, J.L. Moyer, and J.C. MacDonald. 2015. Strategic timing of distillers grains supplementation for growing cattle grazing smooth bromegrass pastures. The Professional Animal Scientist 31:417-424; http://dx.doi.org/10.15232/pas.2015-01398
Nebraska Publications
Peer-reviewed Journals
1. Jenkins, K.H., S.A. Furman, J.A. Hansen, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2015. Limit feeding high-energy, by-product-based diets to late-gestation beef cows in confinement. Prof. Anim. Sci. 31:109-113.
2. Parlak, A.O., M. Parlak, H. Blanco-Canqui, W.H. Schacht. J. Guretzky, and M. Mamo. 2015. Patch-brun grazing: implications on water erosion and soil properties. J. Environmental Quality 44:903-909.
3. Peterson, S. J., B. L. Nuttelman, D. B. Burken, M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald. 2015. Use of a pelleted corn residue complete feed in receiving diets. The Professional Animal Scientist. 31:201-206.
4. Scasta, J. D., Engle, D. M., Fuhlendorf, S. D., Redfearn, D. D., Bidwell, T. G. Meta-analysis of exotic forages as invasive plants in complex multi-functioning landscapes. Invasive Plant Science and Management. Accepted: April 27, 2015. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1614/IPSM-D-14-00076.1
5. Stephenson, M.B., W.H. Schacht, J.D. Volesky, K. Eskridge, and D. Bauer. 2015. Time of grazing effect on subsequent-year standing crop in the eastern Nebraska Sandhills. Rangeland Ecol. & Manage. 68:150-157.
6. Watson, A. K., J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, P. J. Kononoff, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2015. Optimizing the use of fibrous residues in beef and dairy diets. J. Anim. Sci. 93:2616-2625.
Abstracts/Posters/Professional Presentations
1. Rasby, R., K.H. Jenkins, J. Warner, T. Klopfenstein. 2015. Managing beef cows in confinement. 2015 Northern States Beef Conference, January 4-5, 2015. Morton, MN. Proceeding.
2. Drewnoski, M., J. MacDonald, G. Erickson, K. Hanford and T. Klopfenstein. 2015. Long term effect of corn residue grazing on crop yields. J. Anim. Sci. 93, Suppl. 2: 24.
3. Cox. J., K. Hales, K. Ulmer, R. Rasby, S. Shackelford, H. Freetly, and M. Drewnoski. 2015. Effect of backgrounding system on beef calf performance. Anim. Sci. Vol. 93, Suppl. 3:885.
4. Jenkins, K.H., J. Warner, R.J. Rasby, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2014. Limit feeding production cows in confinement. Ken and Caroline Eng Foundation Cow-Calf Symposium.
5. Jenkins, K.H. 2014. Limit feeding production cows in confinement. High Plains Nutrition Roundtable.
6. Jenkins, K.H. 2014. Limit feeding production cows in confinement. State of Beef Conference.
7. J.M. Warner, K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, M.K. Luebbe, G.E. Erickson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2014. Effects of calf age at weaning on cow and calf performance and feed utilization in an intensive production system. JAS 92(E-Supplement 2): pg 44 (Abstr 0101).
8. J.M. Warner, K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, K. Brooks, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2014. An economic analysis of conventional and alternative cow-calf production systems. 2014. JAS 92(E-Supplement 2): pg 125 (Abstr 0283).
9. MacDonald, J. C., G. E. Erickson, P. J. Kononoff, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2014. Optimizing the use of fibrous residues in beef and dairy diets. J. Anim. Sci. 92 (E-Suppl 2): 156 (Abstr.).
10. Harding, J. L., M. L. Jolly, J. C. MacDonald, and G. E. Erickson. 2014. Effects of processing of treated corn stover and distillers grains in intake and digestibility of feedlot diets. J. Anim. Sci. 296 (E-Suppl 2): 99 (Abstr.).
11. Jones, M., J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2014. Comparison of commercially available lick tubs to daily by-product supplementation of calves grazing corn residue. J. Anim. Sci. 92 (E-Suppl 2): 772 (Abstr.).
12. Jones, M., J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, and A. K. Watson. 2014. Effect of distillers grains on average daily gain of cattle grazing corn residue. J. Anim. Sci. 92 (Suppl 2): 92 (Abstr.).
13. Jones, M., J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, K. Glewen, A. K.. Watson. 2014. Evaluation of changes in nutritional quality of corn residue throughout the grazing period. J. Anim. Sci. 92 (Suppl 2): 99 (Abstr.).
14. Lindsey, T.W., W.H. Schacht, J.D. Volesky, and M.D. Redden. 2015. Animal activity influenced by grazing strategy. Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management, Sacramento, CA. Abstr.
15. Peterson, S. J., B. L. Nuttelman, D. B. Burken, J. C. MacDonald, and G. E. Erickson. 2014. Use of treated corn residues in growing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 92 (Suppl 2): 172 (Abstr.).
Book Chapters None to report at this time.
Curricula/Educational Materials
1. Drewnoski, M and D. Redfearn. 2015. Annual Cool-season Forages for Late-fall or Early-Spring Double-crop. NebGuide G2262.
2. Drewnoski, M and H. Blanco. 2015. Effect of Grazing Double-Cropped Annual Forages on Soil and Crop Yields. NebGuide G2264.
3. Rasby, R., M. Drewnoski, and L. Stalker. 2014. Grazing Crop Residues with Beef Cows. UNL Extension Circular. EC278: 1-14. http://ianrpubs.unl.edu/live/ec278/build/ec278.pdf
Extension Reports/Publications
1. Warner, J.M., A.J. Doerr, G.E. Erickson, R.J. Rasby, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2015. Supplementing cow/calf pairs grazing smooth bromegrass. 2015 Nebraska Beef Report. MP101:14-15.
2. Warner, J.M., C.J. Bittner, K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, M.K. Luebbe, G.E. Erickson, T.J. Klopfenstein. 2015. Effects of calf age at weaning on cow and calf performance and feed utilization in an intensive production system. 2015 Nebraska Beef Report. MP101:16-17.
3. Warner, J.M., K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, M.K. Luebbe, G.E. Erickson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2014. Effects of calf age at weaning on cow and calf performance and efficiency in a drylot/confinement production system. 2014 Nebraska Beef Report. MP99:27-28.
4. Drewnoski, M and J. Parsons. 2015. Converting Marginal Irrigated Cropland To Cool Season Perennial Forage Production: Will It Pay?. UNL BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4433/25184.
5. Drewnoski. M. 2015. Benefits of Corn Residue Grazing. Center for Grassland Studies Newsletter. http://grassland.unl.edu/documents/1980339/4508730/CGS+Winter-Spring+2015+web.pdf/48b82292-cd62-4bb6-811f-00f8555778f7.
6. Jhala, A, B. Anderson and M. Drewnoski. 2015. Corn and Soybean Herbicide Options for Planting Cover Crops for Forage in Fall. UNL CropWatch Electronic Newsletter http://cropwatch.unl.edu/archive/-/asset_publisher/VHeSpfv0Agju/content/cover-crop-herbicide-options
7. Anderson, B., Redfearn, D. (2014). Establishing Cover Crops as Annual Forages in Hail-damaged Crop Fields. BeefWatch. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/3455/19309
8. Elmore, R., Redfearn, D., Hergert, G. W., Proctor, C., Blanco, H. (2014). Cover Crops: What we know and don't know., Amit Jhala (Ed.), (pp. 21-24). Lincoln NE: Proceedings 2015 Crop Production Clinics. Univ. of NE Extension. http://agronomy.unl.edu/cpc
9. Mitchell, R., Anderson, B., Redfearn, D. (2014). Switchgrass for Forage and Bioenergy. (pp. pp 48-53). Proceedings of the 2014 Nebraska Grazing Conference. Center for Grassland Studies.
10. Drewnoski, M., Redfearn, D. (2014). Grazing Corn Residue is Win-Win for Crop and Cattle Producers. UNL CropWatch. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/archive/-/asset_publisher/VHeSpfv0Agju/content/grazing-corn-residue
11. Drewnoski, M., Redfearn, D., Parsons, J. (2014). Adding Value to Calves by Grazing Corn Residue. (pp. 1). UNL BeefWatch. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/3616/21149
12. Redfearn, D., B. Anderson, J. Volesky. (2015). Converting Cropland Back to Grass Pastures. UNL BeefWatch. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/3906/22010
13. Redfearn, D., Drewnoski, M., Parsons, J. (2014). Hay Quality and Supplemental Feeding. UNL BeefWatch. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/3543/20505
14. Burr, C., Effect of residue removal on irrigated corn yields. 2014 Demonstration Report, Monsanto Water Learning Center at Gothenburg, NE. Available at: http://www.monsanto.com/ products/documents/learning-center-research/2014/glc-lc-effect-of-residue-removal-on-irrigated-corn-yields.pdf
15. Jones, M., J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. Bondurant. 2015. Dried distillers grains supplementation of calves grazing irrigated corn residue. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 25-26.
16. Jones, M., J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, K. R. Brooks, D. B. Burken, R. Bondurant, and A. K. Watson. 2015. Comparison of commercial lick tubs to distillers grains supplementation for calves grazing corn residue. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 27-29.
17. Harding, J. L., C. J. Bittner, D. B. Burken, G. E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald. 2015. Effects of processing treated corn stover and distillers grains on performance of growing cattle. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 36-37.
18. Peterson, S. J., M. L. Bremer, A. L. Shreck, J. C. MacDonald, and G. E. Erickson. 2015. Digestibility of calcium oxide treated corn residue with de-oiled distillers grains. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 38-39.
19. Bremer, M. L., S. J. Peterson, A. L. Shreck, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2015. Digestibility of de-oiled modified distillers grains plus solubles in forage-based diets. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 40-41.
20. Updike, J. J., A. C. Pesta, R. G. Bondurant, J. C. MacDonald, S. Fernando, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein. 2015. Evaluation of the impact of an alternative corn residue harvest method on performance and methane emissions from growing cattle. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 42-44.
21. Drewnoski, M. E., L. A. Stalker, J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, K. J. Hanford, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2015. Effect of corn residue removal on subsequent crop yields. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 53-55.
22. Jones, M., J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, K. Glewen, and A. K. Watson. 2015. Evaluation of changes in nutritional quality of corn residue over time. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 59-61.
23. Schacht, W.H. and J.D. Volesky. 2014. Mob grazing research. (pp. 11-15) Proceedings of the 2014 Nebraska Grazing Conference. Center for Grassland Studies.
24. Updike, J. J., J. L. Harding, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2015. Effect of harvest method on in vitro digestibility of corn residues. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 101. Pp. 62-63.
25. Parsons, J. and K. Brooks. 2015. “LRP Insurance Performance 2005-2014.” UNL BeefWatch. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. August 2015. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4433/25161.
26. Brooks, K. and J. Parsons. 2015. “Marketing Plans for Your Livestock Operation.” UNL BeefWatch. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. July 2015. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4399/24975.
27. Jansen, J. and J. Parsons. 2015. “The Livestock Forage Disaster Program and Estimated Drought Losses in Nebraska from 2012 to 2014.” UNL BeefWatch. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4050/23231.
28. Parsons, J. and J. Jansen. 2015. “Recordkeeping and Documenting Livestock Indemnity Program Eligible Losses.” UNL BeefWatch. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4050/23150.
29. Parsons, J. and J. Jansen. “The Livestock Indemnity Program and the Importance of Recordkeeping.” UNL BeefWatch. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Lincoln, NE. February 2015. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/3955/22417.
30. Parsons, J. 2015. Controlling Risk in Grazing-Based Production Systems. (pp. 56-63.) Proceedings of the 2015 Nebraska Grazing Conference. Center for Grassland Studies. Articles in the Popular Press (non-peer reviewed) 1. Total confinement of beef cows is expensive. Ridin’ Herd. Angus Journal. March 2014.
Webinars/Videos and URL for online access
1. Dry Lotting and Confinement Cows Series o Part 1: Nutritional Considerations (February 2015) • http://beef.unl.edu/confinement-cows-series-part-1-nutritional-considerations o Part 2: Considerations on Facilities (March 2015) • http://beef.unl.edu/confinement-cows-series-part-2-facilities o Part 3: 42 Years of Research (April 2015) • http://beef.unl.edu/confinement-cows-series-part-3-42-years-of-research o Part 4: Economics (April 2015) • http://beef.unl.edu/confinement-cows-series-part-4-economics o Part 5: Pricing Feeds (April 2015) • http://beef.unl.edu/confinement-cows-series-part-5-pricing-feeds o Part 6: Management Considerations (April 2015) • http://beef.unl.edu/confinement-cows-series-part-6-management-considerations o Part 7: Understanding Environmental Regulations (April 2015) • http://beef.unl.edu/temporaryconfinement Student theses and/or dissertations None to report at this time.
South Dakota Extension Reports/Publications
Grings, E. and R. Gates. Fall grazing of cover crops, July 24, 2014 SDSU Extension iGrow Website
Sexton, P., B. Rops, G.C. Buus, J. Shubeck, W. Rusche, and E. Grings. Preliminary studies on grain yield following grazing of annual forages in a no-till corn-soybean system. SE Farm Annual Report 2014. Page 15 – 17.
Grings, E., P. Sexton, and B. Rops. Preliminary results comparing grass and broadleaf based cover crop blends for livestock performance and effect on the following crop. SE Farm Annual Report 2014. Page 20 – 22. Articles in the Popular Press (non-peer reviewed)
Grings, E., D.P. Casper and N. Mueller. Corn stalks can be great forage for beef and dairy cattle. Forage Focus. Page 20. December 2014
Illinois Publications: Peer-reviewed Journals
1. Kim, Minseok, Tara L. Felix, Steve C. Loerch, and Zhongtang Yu. 2014. Effect of haylage and monensin supplementation on ruminal bacterial communities of feedlot cattle. Curr. Microbiol. 69:169-175.
2. Felix, T.L., S.C. Loerch, and F.L. Fluharty. 2013. Protein supplementation for growing cattle fed a corn silage based diet. Prof. Anim. Sci. 30:327-332.
3. Felix, T.L., C.J. Long, S.A. Metzger, and K.M. Daniels. 2014. Adaptation to various sources of dietary sulfur by ruminants. J. Anim. Sci. 92:2503-2510.
4. Bohrer, B.M., B.M. Edenburn, D.D. Boler, A.C. Dilger, and T.L. Felix. 2014. Effect of feeding ractopamine hydrochloride (Optaflexx) with or without supplemental zinc and chromium propionate on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality of finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 92:3988-3996.
5. Duckworth, M.J., A.S. Schroeder, D.B. Faulkner, G.C. Fahey, and T.L. Felix. 2014. Effects of feeding calcium oxide treated wet distillers grains with solubles or treated corn stover to cattle on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and ruminal metabolism. Prof. Anim. Sci. 30:551-560.
6. Nuñez, A.J.C., T.L. Felix, R.P. Lemenager, and J.P. Schoonmaker. 2014. Effect of calcium oxide inclusion in beef feedlot diets containing 60% dried distillers grains with solubles on ruminal fermentation, diet digestibility, performance, and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 92:3954-3965.
7. Schroeder, A.R., M. Iakiviak, and T.L. Felix. 2014. Effects of feeding dry or modified wet distillers grains with solubles with or without supplemental calcium oxide on ruminal metabolism and microbial enzymatic activity of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 92:3997-4004.
8. Schroeder, A.R., M.J. Duckworth, D.W. Shike, J.P. Schoonmaker, and T.L. Felix. 2014. Effects of calcium oxide treatment of dry and modified wet distillers grains plus solubles on growth performance and apparent digestibility of feedlot steers. J. Anim. Sci. 92:4661-4668.
9. Stewart, J. L., C. F. Shipley, F. A. Ireland, T. L. Felix, V. L. Jarrell, S.C. Jimenez-Poveda, and D.W. Shike. 2014. Effects of different applications of pyrethrins and cyfluthrin, a synthetic pyrethroid, on bull reproductive parameters. Clin. Therio. 6:349
10. Shoup, L. M., A. C. Kloth, D. González-Peña, F. A. Ireland, S. Rodriguez-Zas, T. L. Felix, and D. W. Shike. 2015. Prepartum supplement level and age of weaning: I. Effects on pre- and postpartum cow performance and calf performance through weaning. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted)
11. Shoup, L. M., D. González-Peña, F. A. Ireland, S. Rodriguez-Zas, T. L. Felix, and D. W. Shike. 2015. Prepartum supplement level and age of weaning: II. Effects of developmental programming on performance and carcass composition of steer progeny. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted)
12. Segers, J. R., T. L. Felix, A. R. Green, G. N. Maia, B. C. Ramirez, and D. W. Shike. 2015. Effect of dietary fat concentration from condensed corn distillers’ solubles, during the growing phase, on beef cattle performance, carcass traits, digestibility, and ruminal metabolism. J. Anim. Sci. 93:
13. Chapple, W.P., M.J. Cecava, D.B. Faulkner, and T.L. Felix. 2015. Effects of feeding processed corn stover and distillers grains on growth performance and metabolism of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 93:
14. Nuñez, A.J.C., G. D. Lowe, T.L. Felix, S.C. Loerch, and J.P. Schoonmaker. 2015. Effect of dried distillers grains with solubles or corn in growing diets, followed by a corn-based finishing diet, on performance of feedlot cattle. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. (Accepted)
Posters/Professional Presentations
Fiber Conference, Champaign, IL. “Use of chemical treatments to increase the energetic value of fiber”. September 1, 2014
Alltech, Lexington, KY. “Insulin Resistance in Beef Cattle”. December 4, 2014
Alltech, Lexington, KY. “Programmed Nutrition”. December 4, 2014
Illinois Cattle Feeder Meeting, Macomb, IL. “Receiving and Transitioning Rations for Beef Cattle”. March 5, 2015
XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. “Use of alternative feeds for beef cattle”. March 19, 2015.
XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. “Transitioning beef cattle from forage to grain”. March 19, 2015.
XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. Uberlandia, MG, Brazil. “Limit feeding strategies to optimize efficiency in beef cattle”. March 20, 2015.
1. Edenburn, B.M., N.A. Pyatt, and T.L. Felix. 2014. Effects of dose and duration of ractopamine hydrochloride supplementation on growth performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 92(E-Suppl. 2):74.
2. Shoup, L.M., A.C. Kloth, D. Gonzalez Peña Fundora, F.A. Ireland, S.L. Rodriguez Zas, T.L. Felix, and D.W. Shike. 2014. Prepartum supplement level and age of weaning: I. Effects on pre-and postpartum beef cow performance and calf performance through weaning. J. Anim. Sci. 92(E-Suppl. 2):65.
3. Shoup, L.M., D. Gonzalez Peña Fundora, F.A. Ireland, S.L. Rodriguez Zas, T.L. Felix, and D.W. Shike. 2014. Prepartum supplement level and age of weaning: II. Effects of developmental programming on performance and carcass composition of progeny. J. Anim. Sci. 92(E-Suppl. 2):66.
4. Bloemer, M.E., M. Srinivasan, F.A. Ireland, D.W. Shike, and T.L. Felix. 2015. Differences in forage quality when comparing novel and endophyte-infected fescue over the growing season. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 2):193.
5. Timlin, C.L., J.L. Stewart, F.A. Ireland, C.F. Shipley, V.L. Jarrell, D.W. Shike, and T.L. Felix. 2015. Effects of different applications of pyrethrin/pyrethrod insecticides on bull reproductive parameters. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 2):194-195.
6. Wilson, T. B., B. C. Ramírez, L. F. Rodriguez, A. R. Green, D. D. Boler, A. C. Dilger, T. L. Felix, and D. W. Shike. 2015. Effects of Maternal Plane of Nutrition During Mid-Gestation on Beef Calf Post-Weaning Growth and Feed Efficiency, Methane Production, Insulin Sensitivity, and Carcass Characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 2):37.
7. Wilson, T. B., B. C. Ramírez, L. F. Rodriguez, A. R. Green, D. D. Boler, A. C. Dilger, T. L. Felix, and D. W. Shike. 2015. Effects of Maternal Plane of Nutrition During Late Gestation on Beef Calf Post-weaning Growth and Feed Efficiency, Methane Production, Insulin Sensitivity, and Carcass Characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 2):176.
8. Kneeskern, S.G., A.C. Dilger, S.C. Loerch, D.W. Shike, and T.L. Felix. 2015. Effects of Cr supplementation during gestation on beef cow performance and the interaction with Cr during finishing on progeny growth performance and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 2):189.
9. Edenburn, B.M., S.G. Kneeskern, B.M. Bohrer, W. Rounds, D.D. Boler, A.C. Dilger, and T.L. Felix. 2015. Effects of zinc, chromium, and beta-agonist supplementation on feedlot steers on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and meat quality. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 2):169.
Extension Reports/Publications
1. Felix, Tara L. 2015. Use of alternative feeds for beef cattle. XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. March 19-20, 2015.
2. Felix, Tara L. 2015. Transitioning beef cattle from forage to grain. XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. March 19-20, 2015.
3. Felix, Tara L. 2015. Limit feeding strategies to optimize efficiency in beef cattle. XIX Curso: Novos Enfoques na Produção e Reprodução de Bovinos. March 19-20, 2015.
Articles in the Popular Press (non-peer reviewed)
1. Felix, Tara L. 2014. Corn co-products: Challenges and changes. Progressive Dairyman. Issue 3, February 7, 2014.
Student theses and/or dissertations
Chapple, Wesley, M.S., November 1, 2011 to December 14, 2014, “Utilization of chemically treated cornstalks and co-products to finish cattle”, now at UIUC, Orr Agricultural Research and Development Center, Beef Farm Manager
Kneeskern, Samantha, In progress, August 16, 2013 to June 2015, “Effects of Cr Supplementation During Gestation on Beef Cow Performance and the Interaction with Cr During Finishing on Progeny Growth Performance and Carcass Characteristics”, now at ASAS as Journalist Intern
Edenburn, Bailey, In progress, August 16, 2013 to September 2015, “Effects of Zinc, Chromium, and Beta-agonist Supplementation to Feedlot Steers on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Meat Quality”
Kansas Publications:
Davis. C, D. Presley, J. Farney, G. Sassenthrath. 2015. Evaluating multi-species cover crops for forage production. In: SEARC Agricultural Research 2015. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 76p.
Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2015. Effects of supplementation with corn or dried distillers grains on gains of heifer calves grazing smooth bromegrass pastures, pp. 33-34. In: SEARC Agricultural Research 2015. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 76p. http://newprairiepress.org/kaesrr/vol1/iss4/12/
Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2015. Evaluation of supplemental energy source for grazing stocker cattle, pp. 30-32. In: SEARC Agricultural Research 2015. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 76p. http://www. http://newprairiepress.org/kaesrr/vol1/iss4/11/
Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2015. Effects of cultivar and distillers grains supplementation on grazing and subsequent finishing performance of stocker steers grazing tall fescue pasture, pp. 1-21. In: SEARC Agricultural Research 2015. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 76p. http://www.newprairiepress.org/kaesrr/vol1/iss4/9/
Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2015. Effects of various forage systems on grazing and subsequent finishing performance, pp. 22-29. In: SEARC Agricultural Research 2015. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 76p. http://www. http://newprairiepress.org/kaesrr/vol1/iss4/10/
Min, D. H. and J. L. Moyer. 2015. Establishing legumes in a tall fescue sward. Amer. J. Pl. Sci. 6:355-361. Doi.org.10.4236/ajps.2015.62040. Moyer, J. L. and D. W. Sweeney. 2015. Responses of eastern gamagrass [Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L.] forage quality to nitrogen application and harvest system. J. Plant Nutr. 38: (In Press).
Moyer, J. L., R. J. Whitworth, and H. Davis. 2014. Flaming dormant alfalfa for pest control. Amer. J. Pl. Sci. 5:915-923. Doi.org.10.4236/ajps.2014.57104. Sweeney, D. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2014. Nitrogen timing, placement, and rate to improve tall fescue yield and quality. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.2134/FG-2014-0080-RS.
Abstracts/Posters/Professional Presentations
- K. Rakkar, H. Blanco, R. J. Rasby M. E. Drewnoski, J. C. MacDonald. K. M. Ulmer and J. L. Cox. 2016. Regional Assessment of Cattle Grazing and Baling of Corn Residues in Nebraska: Implications on Soil Ecosystem Services. SSSA National Meeting. Abstract 99962.
- C. Conway, T. M. King, M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein and M. E. Drewnoski. 2016. Effect of harvest method and ammoniation on apparent digestibility and intake of baled corn residue in lambs. ASAS National Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Supplement 5): 678.
- Ulmer, K. M, J. L. Cox, M. K. Rakkar, R. G. Bondurant, M. E. Drewnoski, J. C. MacDonlad, H. Blanco-Canqui, and R. J. Rasby. 2016. Effect of baling or grazing of corn residue on the subsequent crop yields. ASAS National Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Supplement 5): 563.
- Ulmer, K. M., R. G. Bondurant, J. L. Gramkow, G. W. Lesoing, M. E. Drewnoski and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Observations of forage yield and steer average daily gain when double cropping forage following crop harvest. ASAS National Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Supplement 5): 287.
- Cox, J. L., K. M. Ulmer, M. Rakkar, L. Franzen-Castle, H. Blanco-Canqui, M. E. Drewnoski, J.C. MacDonald, R. J. Rasby. 2016. Perceptions of crop consultants and producers in Nebraksa on grazing corn residue. ASAS Midwest Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (Supplement 2): 27.
- Cox, J.L., K. E. Hales, K. M. Ulmer, R. J. Rasby, S.D. Shackelford, H. C. Freetly and M.E. Drewnoski. 2016. Effect of backgrounding system on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers. ASAS Midwest Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (Supplement 2): 173.
- Volesky, J.D., W.H. Schacht, M.D. Redden, T. Lindsey, and J. Johnson. 2016. Grazing strategy effects on herbage utilization, production, and animal performance on Nebraska Sandhills meadow. p. 171-172. Proceedings 10th International Rangeland Congress. Saskatoon, SK., Canada.
- Soper, J.M., W.H. Schacht, J.D. Volesky, and J.L. Milby. 2016. Predicting aboveground plant production from precipitation patterns on Nebraska Sandhills rangeland. Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. Abstr.
- Tarr, K., W.H. Schacht, and J.D. Volesky. 2016. Does grazing period length affect herbage yield and heterogeneity of rangeland vegetation? Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. Abstr.
- Lindsey, T.W., J.D. Volesky, W.H. Schacht, and M.D. Redden. 2016. Animal activity influenced by grazing strategy. Annual Meeting of Society for Range Management, Corpus Christi, TX. Abstr.
- King, T. M., R. G. Bondurant, J. L. Harding, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effect of harvest method and RUP supplementation on residue quality and performance of growing calves. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (Suppl. 2): 42 (Abstr.).
- King, T. M., M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J. L. Gramkow, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effect of harvest method on digestibility of corn residue. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Suppl. 5): 677 (Abstr.).
- Redfearn, D.D., R.B. Mitchell, K.P Vogel, J.A. Guretzky, J.C. MacDonald, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2015. Cool-season Perennial Grass Options for the Western Corn Belt. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meetings, Minneapolis, MN.
Journal Articles
- Moyer, J. L. and D. W. Sweeney. 2016. Responses of eastern gamagrass [Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L.] forage quality to nitrogen application and harvest system. Plant Nutr. 39:17-26. doi:10.1080/01904167.2014.962703.
- Drewnoski, M.E., J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, K. Hanford and T. J. Klopfenstein. Long-term corn residue grazing improves subsequent soybean yields in a corn-soybean rotation. Crop, Forage, and Turfgrass Management. doi: 10.2134/cftm2015.0192
- Blanco, H., L. A. Stalker, R. Rasby, T. Shaver, M.E. Drewnoski, S. van Donk, and L. Kibet. 2016. Does Cattle Grazing of Corn Residue Cause Losses of Sediment, Carbon, and Runoff Nutrients? Soil Science Society of America Journal. 80:168-177. doi: 10.2136/sssaj2015.07.0254.
- Warner, J.M., K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, M.K. Luebbe, G.E. Erickson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2015. The Effects of Calf Age at Weaning on Cow/Calf Performance and Feed Utilization by Cow/Calf Pairs. Prof. Anim. Sci. 31:455-461
- Gramkow, J. L., C. J. Bittner, M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, D. B. Burken, G. E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Effects of processing treated corn stover and distillers grains on performance and total tract digestion of finishing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. doi: 10.2527/jas.2016-0546.
- Gillespie-Lewis, K. L., B. L. Nuttelman, J. D. Volesky, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, C. MacDonald, and A. K. Watson. 2016. Case Study: Distillers grains supplementation in a forage system with spayed heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 32:357-367. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15232/pas.2015-01452.
- Harding, J. L., C. J. Bittner, M. L Jolly, D. B. Burken, G. E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald. Effects of processing of treated corn stover and distillers grains on total tract digestion and performance of growing calves. Prof. Anim. Sci. 32:183-191. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.15232/pas.2015-01429
Extension Reports/Publications
- Lomas, L. W. and Moyer, J. L. (2016) "Effects of Supplementation with Corn or Dried Distillers Grains on Gains of Heifer Calves Grazing Smooth Bromegrass Pastures," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 2: Iss. 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.4148/2378-5977.1188
- Lomas, L. W.; Farney, J. K.; and Moyer, J. L. (2016) "Evaluation of Supplemental Energy Source for Grazing Stocker Cattle," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 2: Iss. 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.4148/2378-5977.1187
- Lomas, L. W. and Moyer, J. L. (2016) "Effects of Various Grazing Systems on Grazing and Subsequent Finishing Performance," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 2: Iss. 3. http://dx.doi.org/10.4148/2378-5977.1186
- Warner, J.M., C..J. Bittner, R. G. Bondurant, K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, M.K. Luebbe, G.E. Erickson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effects of Wintering System on Cow and Calf Performance in a Summer-Calving Intensive Production System. 2016 Nebraska Beef Report. MP103:5-7.
- Jenkins, K.H., A. Berger, G. Hergert. 2016. Annual Forages Following Irrigated Wheat. 2016 Nebraska Beef Report. MP103:68-70.
- Cox, J. L., K.E. Hales, K. M. Ulmer, R. Rasby, S. D. Shackleford, C. Engle, J. Rieckman, H. C. Freetly and M. E. Drewnoski. 2016. Utilizing Corn Residue or Fall Double Cropped Forages for Winter Backgrounding of Calves. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP 103: 55-57.
- Ulmer, K. M., R. G. Bondurant, L. Harding, G. Lesoing, M. E. Drewnoski and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Observations of Forage Quality and Calf Gain when Grazing Double Cropped Forage following Wheat Harvest. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP 103: 65-67.
- Ulmer, K. M., C. J. Bittner, F. H. Hilscher, G. E. Erickson, and G. E. Erickson. 2016. Evaluation of different byproduct combinations along with treated corn stover on growing steer performance. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 27-28.
- Tibbitts, B. T., J. C. MacDonald, R. N. Funston, C. A. Welchons, R. G. Bondurant, and F. H. Hilscher. 2016. Effects of supplemental energy and protein source on performance of steers grazing irrigated corn residue. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 31-32.
- Harding, J. L., M. L. Jolly. G. E. Erickson, and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Effects of replacing a traditional growing diet with a complete pelleted feed on total tract digestibility of growing diets. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 33-35.
- Welchons, C. A., C. J. Bittner, D. B. Burken, J. C. MacDonald, and G. E. Erickson. 2016. Effect of pelleted byproducts on performance when fed to growing cattle. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 36-37.
- Welchons, C. A., R. G. Bondurant, F. H. Hilscher, J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, and C. A. Nichols. 2016. Effect of pelleted feed products and Bambermycins on performance when fed to cattle grazing residue. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 38-39.
- Bondurant, R. G., B. L. Nuttelman, C. J. Bittner, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effect of winter distillers grains supplementation level on spayed heifer performance. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 52-53.
- McPhillips, L. J., J. J. Updike, J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein, J. L. Harding, and M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt. 2016. Effect of corn residue composition on digestibility by lambs. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 74-75.
- Updike, J. J., L. J. McPhillips, M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J. L. Harding, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2016. Effect of corn residue harvest method on in vivo and in vitro digestibility. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 76-78.
- King, T. M., R. G. Bondurant, J. L. Harding, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2016. Effect of harvest method on residue quality. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 103. Pp. 81-83.
- Jhala, A. J., D. D. Redfearn, B. A. Anderson, M. E. Drewnoski, and C. A. Proctor. 2016. Herbicide options for planting Forage Cover Crops Following corn and Soybean. NebGuide. G2276. 1-7. http://extensionpublications.unl.edu/assets/pdf/g2276.pdf
- Schott, L. and M.E. Drewnoski. 2016. Life underground: effect of cover crop use on soil microbe populations in crop fields. In perspective. Central North Platte NRD newsletter. August. http://cpnrd.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/August2016.pdf
- Drewnoski, M.E. 2016. Planting cover crops for forage in August After Wheat-Research Summary. UNL BeefWatch. May. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/5311/30449
- Volesky, J.D. and M. Drewnoski. 2016. Planning Annual Forage Systems. UNL BeefWatch and CropWatch. March. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/planning-annual-forage-systems
- Drewnoski, M.E., N. Mueller, R. Saner, P. Jasa, G. Zoubek, J. Rees, K. Pekarek, R. Elmore, D. D. Redfearn and G. Lesoing. 2015. Report on Cover Crop Survey of Nebraska Farmers. CropWatch Electronic Newsletter. December. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/report-cover-crop-survey-nebraska-farmers
- Drewnoski, M. E. 2015. How Much Can Selective Harvest Improve The Feed Value Of Baled Corn Stover For Cattle? BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. November. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4656/26888
- Parsons, J. and M. E. Drewnoski. 2015. Rental Agreements for Cover Crop Grazing. Cornhusker Economics. November. http://agecon.unl.edu/cornhusker-economics/2015/rental-agreements-cover-crop-grazing
- Drewnoski, M. E. 2015. Should you be using cover crops on your corn silage fields? Moosletter (Nebraska Diary).October. https://www.smore.com/pmzz0-moosletter
- Redfearn, D D., R. B. Mitchell, J. Parsons, M. E. Drewnoski. 2015. Incorporating Annual Forages into Crop-Forage-Livestock Systems. Proceedings Nebraska Grazing Conference. http://grassland.unl.edu/documents/Redfearn%20edited.pdf
- Redfearn, D. (2015). Cover Crop or Forage Crop…You Decide. BeefWatch. November http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4656/26826
- Redfearn, D., B. Anderson. The Nitrate Dilemma. (2015). BeefWatch. November http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4452/25542
- Redfearn, D., B. Anderson. The Nitrate Dilemma. (2015). CropWatch. November http://cropwatch.unl.edu/high-nitrate-forages
- Redfearn, D., B. Anderson, Jerry Volesky, and M. Stephenson. 2016. Winter small grains or spring small grains-which should I plant? BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. July. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/5404/31138
- Redfearn, D., J. Volesky, and B. Anderson. 2016. What can we expect from forage cover crops? BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. January. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/4870/27932
- Redfearn, D., J. Volesky, and B. Anderson. 2016. What can we expect from forage cover crops? CropWatch Electronic Newsletter. January. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/what-can-we-expect-forage-cover-crops
- Anderson, B., and D.D. Redfearn. 2016. The Challenge of Nitrates in Cover Crop Forages. BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. September. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/5578/31876
- Jhala, A., D. Redfearn, B. Anderson, M. Drewnoski, and C. Proctor. 2016. Herbicide options for planting forage cover crops after corn and soybean. BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. April. http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/5145/29837
Articles in the Popular Press (non-peer reviewed)
- Jenkins, K. H. April 2016. Alternatives to Grazing Native Range in Emergency Situations. Progressive Cattlemen. http://www.progressivecattle.com/topics/range-pasture/7306-3-alternatives-to-grazing-native-range-in-emergency-situations
- Jenkins, K. H. July 2016. Drylot Design for Cow-Calf Operations. Progressive Cattlemen. http://www.progressivecattle.com/images/downloads/2016/06/14/0716pc-centerspread.pdf
- Redfearn, D.D. 2016. Small grains as forage: Harvest soon, not late. Progressive Forage, January 29, 2016. Online: http://www.progressiveforage.com/forage-production/management/small-grains-as-forage-harvest-or-graze-soon-not-late#
Webinars/Videos and URL for online access
- Volesky, J.D. Planning Annual Forage Systems. (March 2016). http://beef.unl.edu/planning-annual-forage-systems-webinar
- Drewnoski, M. E. Understanding and Managing Nitrate Risk in Double Crop Forages. (November 2015).http://beef.unl.edu/understanding-and-managing-nitrate-risk-double-crop-forages-cover-crops
- Drewnoski, M. E. Cool Season Annuals (cover crops) for Late Fall and Early Spring Forage. (October 2015). http://beef.unl.edu/cool-season-annuals-late-fall-early-spring-forage
Abstracts/Posters/Professional Presentations
- Sweeney, D. W., J. L. Moyer, and J. K. Farney. N, P, and K fertilization for newly established tall fescue. Poster, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. 6-9 Nov.
- Moyer, J. L., R. R. Price, and L. W. Lomas. Estimating crude protein concentration of smooth bromegrass pasture using NDVI data. Poster, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. 6-9 Nov.
- Guretzky, J. A., J. Volesky, M. Stephenson, J. L. Moyer, W. H. Fick, and K. R. Harmoney. Establishment of annual warm-season grasses in cool-season grass pastures. Poster, ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. 6-9 Nov.*
- Trehal, S.S, J.L. Talley, K.D. Sherrill, T.J. Spore, R.N. Wahl, W.R. Hollenbeck and D.A. Blasi. 2017. Horn fly control and growth implants are effective strategies for heifers grazing Flint Hills pasture. 2017 Cattlemen’s Day poster.
- S. Weibert, T.J.Spore, M.A. Johnson, F.K. Brazle, G.L. Kuhl, W.R. Hollenbeck, R.N. Wahl and D.A. Blasi. 2017. Salt and trace mineral sources and growth implants on performance of stocker cattle grazing native Flint Hills pastures. 2018 Cattlemen’s Day poster (to be presented).
- Stephenson, M. B., B. Schiltz, and R. Bolze. 2017. Evaluation of the Nebraska Grazing Land Coalition Rangeland Monitoring Program. Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. St. George, UT.
- Stott, J., and M. B. Stephenson. 2017. Grazing distribution on Nebraska Sandhills. Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meetings of the Society for Range Management. St. George, UT.
- Sprinkle, J., M. B. Stephenson, and K. Olsen. 2017. Grazing behavior in-service. Workshop organized in conjunction with the 70th Annual Meeting of the Society for Range Management. Springdale, UT. 35 participants
- Stephenson, M. B., and D. W. Bailey. 2017. Methodologies to determine if independence exists among individuals grazing within the same pasture. Grazing Behavior In-service. Springdale, UT, January 27, 2017.
- Cox, J.L., K. E. Hales, K. M. Ulmer, R. J. Rasby, S.D. Shackelford, H. C. Freetly and M. E. Drewnoski. 2017. Two-Year Study: Effect of Backgrounding System on Growing and Finishing Performance and Carcass Characteristics of Beef Steers. ASAS Midwest
- Drewnoski, M. E., J. Parsons, D. Redfearn, H. Blanco-Canqui and J. C. MacDonald. 2017. Can cover crops pull double duty: Conservation and profitable forage production? ASAS Annual Meeting.
- Redfearn, D., and R. Mitchell, M. Schmer, and V. Jin. A model integrated crop-livestock system for eastern Nebraska. In meeting abstracts of Prairie and Native Grass International Conference; Switchgrass IV, August 7-11, 2017, Lincoln, NE.
- Redfearn, D.D., R.B. Mitchell, A. Hassebrook, and S. Masterson. 2016. Yield and nutritive value trends for stockpiled small grains in the western Corn Belt. In 2016 Annual Meetings Abstracts ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2016am/webprogram/Paper100980.html
- Schmer, M.R., R.M. Brown, V.L. Jin, R.B. Mitchell, and D.D. Redfearn. Corn residue utilization in the USA. In 2016 Annual Meetings Abstracts ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. Online: https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2016am/webprogram/Paper100118.html
- Welchons, C. A., V. B. Ferrari, R. G. Bondurant, F. H. Hilscher, G. E.Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2017. Supplementing varying ratios of modified distillers grains and corn to growing beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (Suppl. 1): 168 (Abstr.).
- Welchons, C. A., R. G. Bondurant, F. H. Hilscher, J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein, and A. K. Watson. 2017. Effect on continuous or rotational grazing on growing steer performance and land production. J. Anim. Sci. 95 (Suppl. 1): 170 (Abstr.).
Journal Articles
- Moyer, J. L., and D. W. Sweeney. Growth and forage quality responses of smooth bromegrass to nitrogen placement and timing. Agron. J. 108:1-9. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0503.
- Stephenson, M. B., H. Wilmer, R. Bolze, and B. Schiltz. 2017. Evaluating an on-ranch rangeland monitoring program in Nebraska. Rangelands accepted
- Stephenson, M. B., and D. W. Bailey. 2017. Do movement patterns of GPS-tracked cattle on extensive rangelands suggest independence among individuals? Agriculture 7(58):1-17.
- Stephenson, M. B., D. W. Bailey, R. Bruegger, and L. Howery. 2017. Factors affecting the efficacy of low-stress herding and supplement placement to target cattle grazing locations. Rangeland Ecology and Management 70:202-209.
- Rakkar, M., M. E. Drewnoski, J. C. MacDonald, T. K. Klopfenstein, R. Driber, and H. Blanco. 2016 (accepted). Impacts of Cattle Grazing of Corn Residues on Soil Properties after 16 years. Soil Sci. Soc. of America J.
- Cox, J., K. M. Ulmer, M. Rakkar, L. Franzen-Castle, H. Blanco-Canqui, M. E. Drewnoski, J. C. MacDonlad and R. J. Rasby.2017. Perceptions of Crop Consultants and Crop Producers on Grazing Corn Residue in Nebraska. Journal of Extension. (accepted)
- Mitchell, R.B., D.D. Redfearn, K.P. Vogel, T.J. Klopfenstein, S. Baenziger, and B.E. Anderson. 2017. Beef cattle grazing gains on wheat, cereal rye, and triticale cover crops following soybean in eastern Nebraska. Agronomy Journal (submitted September 13, 2017).
Extension Reports/Publications
- Lomas, L. W.; Farney, J. K.; and Moyer, J. L. (2017) "Evaluation of Supplemental Energy Source for Grazing Stocker Cattle," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 3: Iss. 2. https://doi.org/10.4148/2378-5977.1371
- Lomas, L. W. and Moyer, J. L. (2017) "Effects of Interseeding Ladino Clover into Tall Fescue Pastures of Varying Endophyte Status on Grazing Performance of Stocker Steers," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 3: Iss. 2. https://doi.org/10.4148/2378-5977.1372
- Lomas, L. W. and Moyer, J. L. (2017) "Effects of Supplementation with Corn or Dried Distillers Grains on Gains of Heifer Calves Grazing Smooth Bromegrass Pastures," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 3: Iss. 2. https://doi.org/10.4148/2378-5977.1370
- Lomas, L. W. and Moyer, J. L. (2017) "Effects of Various Grazing Systems on Grazing and Subsequent Finishing Performance," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 3: Iss. 2. https://doi.org/10.4148/2378-5977.1373
- Moyer, J. L. and Lomas, L. W. (2017) "Including Legumes in Bermudagrass Pastures," Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station Research Reports: Vol. 3: Iss. 2. https://doi.org/10.4148/2378-5977.1375
- Trehal, S.S, J.L. Talley, K.D. Sherrill, T.J. Spore, R.N. Wahl, W.R. Hollenbeck and D.A. Blasi. 2017. Horn fly control and growth implants are effective strategies for heifers grazing Flint Hills pasture. 2017 Cattlemen’s Day
- S. Weibert, T.J.Spore, M.A. Johnson, F.K. Brazle, G.L. Kuhl, W.R. Hollenbeck, R.N. Wahl and D.A. Blasi. 2017. Salt and trace mineral sources and growth implants on performance of stocker cattle grazing native Flint Hills pastures. 2018 Cattlemen’s Day poster (to be presented).
- Dunn, C. D., M. B. Stephenson, J. Stubbendieck. 2017. Common Forbs and Shrubs of Nebraska: Rangeland, Prairie, Pasture (Revision). University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Circular EC1180. 260 p.
- Dunn, C. D., M. B. Stephenson, J. Stubbendieck. 2017. Common grasses of Nebraska: Rangeland, Prairie, Pasture (Revision). University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Circular EC170. 178 p.
- Groskopf, J., C. Creech, G. Hergert, M. Luebbe, D. Santra, M. Stephenson, G. Stone. Agriculture in the Nebraska Panhandle. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Extension Circular EC864. 6 p.
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Module 11: Livestock grazing management on range and pasture. UNL Beef Cow Basics-Plus Online Course. 7 p.
- Gardine, S. E., J.M. Warner, C.J. Bittner, R. G. Bondurant, K.H. Jenkins, R.J. Rasby, M.K. Luebbe, G.E. Erickson, and T.J. Klopfenstein. 2017. Wintering System on Cow and Calf Performance in a Summer- Calving Intensive Production System. Nebraska Beef Report. MP104:19-21.
- Greenwell, H.L., J.L. Gramkow, M.L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J.C. MacDonald, K.H. Jenkins. 2017 Effects of Field Pea Supplementation on Digestibility and Rumen Volatile Fatty Acid Concentration of Diets Containing High and Low Quality Forages. Nebraska Beef Report MP104:38-39.
- Jenkins, K.H., C. Creech, R. Higgins, J. Buttle. 2017. Summer Cocktail Forage Research in the Nebraska Panhandle. Nebraska Beef Report MP104:55-56.
- Greenwell, H.L., K.H. Jenkins, J.C. MacDonald, M.K. Luebbe. 2017. Evaluating the Impacts of Field Peas in Growing and Finishing Diets on Performance and Carcass Characteristics. Nebraska Beef Report MP104:36-37.
- Voegele, H.R., K.I. Domenech, E.K. Kunze, F.A. Ribeiro, K.H. Jenkins, J.C. MacDonald, C.R. Calkins. 2017. Effect of Feeding Field Peas on Fresh Beef Quality. Nebraska Beef Report MP104:101-103.
- Conway, A. C., T. M. King. M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J. C. MacDonald, T. J. Klopfenstein and M. E. Drewnoski. 2017. Effect of Harvest Method and Ammoniation on Digestibility and Intake of Corn Residue. Nebraska Beef Report. MP104:62-63.
- Ulmer, K. M., J. L. Cox, M. K. Rakkar, R. G. Bonderant, H. Blanco, M. E. Drewnoski, K. H. Jenkins, J. C. MacDonald, and R. J. Rasby. 2017. Effect of Corn Residue Grazing or Baling on Subsequent Crop Yield and Nutrient Removal. Nebraska Beef Report. MP104: 46-49.
- Ulmer, K. M., R. G. Bondurant, J. L. Gramkow, M. E. Drewnoski and J. C. 2017. Nutrient Content of Summer-Planted Oats after Corn Harvest and Grazing Performance. Nebraska Beef Report. MP104: 43-45.
- Miller, J.J, K. Koehler-Cole, R. Werle, and D.D. Redfearn. Cover crops: A primer. Nebraska Extension, G2284. http://extensionpublications.unl.edu/assets/html/g2284/build/g2284.htm
- Hamilton, H. C., J. L. Gramkow, J. C. MacDonald, G. E. Erickson, A. K. Watson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. Relationship between dietary total digestible nutrients and digestible organic matter in beef cattle finishing and growing diets with or without distillers grains. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 76-78.
- Hamilton, H. C., J. L. Harding, J. C. MacDonald, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2017. Impact of inoculum source for in vitro and in situ digestion procedures performed on corn residue and grass samples. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 67-68.
- Ferrari, V. B., J. J. Updike, J. L. Harding, K. Glewen, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2017. In situ digestibility of residue parts of corn planted in different populations and row widths. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 57-59.
- King, T. M., M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, J. L. Gramkow, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2017. Effect of harvest method on digestibility of corn residue. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 53-54.
- Ulmer, K. M., R. G. Bondurant, J. L. Gramkow, M. E. Drewnoski, and J. C. MacDonald. 2017. Nutrient content of summer-planted oats after corn harvest and grazing performance. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 43-45.
- Welchons, C. A., and J. C. MacDonald. 2017. Pooled gain analysis of steers grazing corn residue and supplemented with distillers grains. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 34-35-26.
- Welchons, C. A., R. G. Bondurant, F. H. Hilscher, J. C. MacDonald, and G. E. Erickson. 2017. Rumen undegradable protein and bambermycins supplementation of calves grazing corn residue. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 32-33.
- Ferrari, V. B., R. G. Bondurant, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. Effects of modified distillers grains and corn ratios as supplements in diets varying in forage quality on performance of growing beef steers. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 29-31.
- Bondurant, R. G., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2017. Effect of crude glycerin concentration on growing steer performance in forage diets. Nebr. Beef Cattle Rep. MP 104. Pp. 25-26.
Articles in the Popular Press (non-peer reviewed)
- Trehal, S.S, J.L. Talley, K.D. Sherrill, T.J. Spore, R.N. Wahl, W.R. Hollenbeck and D.A. Blasi. 2017. Horn fly tags, implants effective for stockers. Bottom Line of Nutrition: Beef. Feedstuffs magazine. May 8, 2017.
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Understanding grazing management terms and improving harvest efficiency. Progressive Cattleman, September issue: 48-49.
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Coping with drought conditions in central Nebraska. June 30, 2017. Panhandle Perspectives, Scottsbluff Star Herald, 7/9/2017
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Abnormally dry conditions in the central Sandhills. 7/2017 UNL BeefWatch article.
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Maps detail rangeland areas in western Nebraska. The Business Farmer, May 2017.
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Rangelands in western Nebraska, a valuable grassland resource. The Fence Post, 5/8/2017. 43-44.
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Targeted grazing for specific management objectives. Progressive Cattleman, June issue: 19-20
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Challenges facing rangelands in western Nebraska. Panhandle Perspectives News Release. Scottsbluff Star Herald, 4/30/2017
- Stephenson, M. B. 2017. Understanding cattle behavior with GPS technology. Plants, Pots, and Plots UNL Agron/Hort Newsletter.
- Anderson, B., D. Redfearn, J. Volesky, and M. Stephenson. 2017. Increase pastures through cropland conversion. Progressive Forage.
- Jenkins, K. Intensively Managing Cows as Part of a System with Limited Grass – Panhandle Perspectives – Scottsbluff Star Herald
- Jenkins, K. Nutrient Value of Standing Annual Forages through the Winter – BeefWatch –December 2016
- Jenkins, K. Spring Planted Forage Cocktails for Beef Cattle –BeefWatch – March 2017
- Jenkins, K. Preparing for a Drought – BeefWatch – July 2017
- Jenkins, K. Storing and Utilizing Sugar Beets Rejected for Human Consumption- BeefWatch March 2017
- Jenkins, K. Using CRP Hay during a Drought – BeefWatch – August 2017
- Parsons, J., M. Drewnoski, and D. Redfearn. Online crop residue exchange links growers and grazers. CropWatch Electronic Newsletter, August 16, 2017. Online: https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2017/online-crop-residue-exchange-connects-farmers-ranchers
- Parsons, J., Drewnoski, M., and Redfearn, D. “Crop Residue Exchange Available.” BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter, September 2017. Online: http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/6901/39143.
- Anderson, B., D. Redfearn, J. Volesky, M. Stephenson. Increase pastures through cropland conversion. Progressive Forage, March 7, 2017. Online: https://www.progressiveforage.com/forage-types/grasses-and-grazing/increase-pastures-through-cropland-conversion
- Drewnoski, M. E. and J. Parsons. 2016. Grazing Cornstalks-Do You Have a Rental Agreement? BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. October.
- Drewnoski, M. E., J. MacDonald, K. Ulmer and J. Cox. 2016. Value of Oats and Brassicas for Fall Forage. CropWatch Electronic Newsletter. December.
- Drewnoski, M., and D. Redfearn. Planting guidelines for annual forages. BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter, February 2017. Online: https://beef.unl.edu/planting-annual-forages
- Parsons, J. “Annual Forage Insurance Plan Changes.” BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter, July 2017. Online: http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/6710/38420.
- Redfearn, D., Drewnoski, M. and Parsons, J. Need spring pasture? Try oats. BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter, April 2017. Online: http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/6399/35908
- Redfearn, D. Truisms for successful cover crops. Progressive Forage, September 7, 2017. Online: https://www.progressiveforage.com/forage-types/other-forage/truisms-for-successful-cover-crops
- Redfearn, D. Seed vigor, quality may improve cover crop establishment. Nebraska Farmer, July 21, 2017. Online: http://www.nebraskafarmer.com/cover-crops/seed-vigor-quality-may-improve-cover-crop-establishment
- Redfearn, D. Grass hay production practices simply stated. BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter, June 2017. Online: http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/6650/38089
- Redfearn, D., and B. Anderson. 2016. Frosted sorghums: To graze or not to graze? BeefWatch Electronic Newsletter. November. Online: http://newsroom.unl.edu/announce/beef/5891/33380
- Redfearn, D., and B. Anderson. 2016. Is nitrogen fixation oversold with legume cover crops? CropWatch Electronic Newsletter. December 16, 2016. Online: http://cropwatch.unl.edu/2016/nitrogen-fixation-oversold-legume-cover-crops
- Redfearn, D., B. Anderson, J. Volesky, and M. Stephenson. 2017. Converting cropland to pastureland. UNL CropWatch.
- Redfearn, D., B. Anderson, J. Volesky, and M. Stephenson. Converting cropland to pastureland. CropWatch Electronic Newsletter, March 16, 2017. Online: https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2017/converting-cropland-pastureland
- Farney, J. K.. 2017. Cautions using cover crops for cattle production. Progressive Cattlemen. April. https://www.progressivecattle.com/topics/feed-nutrition/7812-cautions-using-cover-crops-for-cattle-production
Webinars/Videos and URL for online access
Student theses and/or dissertations
- Bondurant, R. G. 2017. Use of byproducts in forage-based, post-weaning beef systems and effects of serial slaughter on performance and profitability. Dissertation. University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
- King, T. M. 2017. Estimates of corn residue quality. Thesis. University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
- Welchons, C. A. Effect of Backgrounding Management Strategies on the Performance and Profitability of Yearling Beef Cattle. Dissertation. University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
- Ulmer, K. 2016. Managing Corn Residue and Double Cropped Forages in Crop and Livestock Systems. Thesis. University of Nebraska – Lincoln.
Funding (include grants and contracts)
Source, amount, start/end dates, title of project, Project Director, Co-Project Director(s)
- National Fish & Wildlife Foundation (project no. 2003.12.039817) – KC Olson, PI $547,630 “Restoration of Tallgrass Prairie Infested with Sericea Lespedeza through Grazing and Fire during the Late Growing Season”; July 2013 to June 2018.
- Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition, $50,000, 1/1/2017 – 6/1/2019, Grazing cover crops and annual forages, Mitch Stephenson, Karla Jenkins, Cody Creech
- Northern Plains Regional Climate Hub, $4,858, 1/1/2017 – 12/31/2017, Fostering collaborative, adaptive, and climate smart rangeland decision-making through digital storytelling in Colorado and Nebraska, (PI) R. Bruegger, M. Stephenson, M. Wilmer
- Optimizing Cropping Systems for Resilience to Stress: The Role of Maturity Group Selection and Cover Crops on Yield, Weeds, Insects, and Microbes (2017-2021). C. Proctor, R. Elmore, D. Redfearn, M. Drewnoski, J. Parsons, S. Everhart, J. McMechan, J. Laborde, M. Licht, L. Lindsey, E. Haramoto, R. Werle, and M. Cortasa. USDA-NIFA ($461,187).
- Enhancing Animal Protein through Crops and Cattle (2017-2022). J. MacDonald. T. Awada, S. Banerjee, H. Blanco, M. Drewnoski, G. Erickson, J. Okalebo, J. Parsons, D. Redfearn, and A. Suyker. Foundation for Food and Agricultural Research ($1,000,000)
- IANR Strategic Investment in Beef Systems (2017-2022). W. Schacht, J. Parsons, D. Redfearn, M. Spangler, R. Funston, J. MacDonald, M. Stephenson, and M. Drewnoski. Institute of Agriculture and Natural Resources Internal Funding ($1,500,000).
- Evaluating nitrate toxicity potential in grazed cover crops. Lenz, M.E. and M. E. Drewnoski. 9/1/17 – 8/31/18. $11,948
- Soil Health Initiative (2017-2022). R. Rasby, D. Redfearn, and R. Elmore. USDA-NRCS ($314,184).
- Risk Management Education for Nebraska Livestock and Forage Producers, Women in Agriculture, and New and Beginning Producers (2016-2017). Parsons, J., Griffith, C., Lemmons, T., Shulski, M. USDA-Risk Management Agency ($85,779).