NC_old1177: Agricultural and Rural Finance Markets in Transition (NC1014, NC221, NCT-194)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Selected Publications:
1. Sobekova, Kristina, Michael R. Thomsen, and Bruce L. Ahrendsen. 2013. “Market Trends and Consumer Demand for Fresh Berries.” Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce Vol. 07, No. 2-3: 11-14. Available at: purl.umn.edu/164771.
2. Ahrendsen, Bruce L., Harry Bremmers, Wim Heijman, and Johan van Ophem. 2013. “Editorial on Agribusiness and Rural Development as a Global Challenge: A Thematic Issue of APSTRACT.” Applied Studies in Agribusiness and Commerce Vol. 07, No. 2-3: 7-9.
3. Moss, Charles B., Andrew Schmitz, and Troy G. Schmitz. 2014. Decoupling under U.S. Farm Programs. Natural Resources 5(1), 10-14.
4. Moss, Charles B. and Andrew Schmitz. 2014. Valuing Carbon Recycling Through Ethanol: Zero Prices for Environmental Goods in a General Equilibrium Framework. Theoretical Economics Letters 4(3), 235-240.
5. Farnsworth, Derek, Kelly Grogan, Ariena H.C. van Bruggen and Charles B. Moss. 2014. The Potential Economic Cost and Response to Greening in Florida Citrus. Choices 29(3) Webpage: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/magazine/pdf/cmsarticle_393.pdf .
6. Moss, Charles B. and Andrew Schmitz. 2014. Environmental Flows from Alternative Land Uses in the Delta, Pacific, and Southeastern States: 1947 – 2007. Journal of Environmental Protection 5(16), 1531-1540.
7. Moss, Charles B. and Andrew Schmitz. 2014. Choosing Between Increased Means and Reduced Variance: Implications for Genetically Modified Crops. AgBioForum 17(2): 161-165.
8. Moss, Charles B. 2014. Mathematical Statistics for Applied Econometrics. CRC/Chapman-Hall.
9. Moss, Charles B., Andrew Schmitz, and Troy G. Schmitz. 2014. Ethanol and Distiller’s Grain: Implications of the Multiproduct Firm on United States Bioenergy Policy. In Modeling, Dynamics, and Optimization and Bioeconomics I Edited by Alberto Adrego Pinto and David Zilberman, pp. 497-509 New York: Springer.
10. Seale, James L., Jr., Cody P. Dahl, Charles B. Moss, and Anita Regmi. 2014. International Evidence on Cross-Price Effects of Food and Other Goods. In Festschrift in Honor of Peter Schmidt: Econometric Methods and Applications edited Robin C. Sickles and William C. Horrace, pp.125-218 New York: Springer.
11. de Leeuw,Jan Anton Vrieling, Apurba Shee, Clement Atzberger, Kiros M. Hadgu, Chandrashekhar M. Biradar, Humphrey Keah and Calum Turvey (2014) The Potential and Uptake of Remote Sensing in Insurance: A Review. Remote Sensing. 6(11), 10888-10912; doi:10.3390/rs61110888
12. Kong, Rong , Calum Turvey, Xiaolan Xu, Fei Liu, (2014) "Borrower attitudes, lender attitudes and agricultural lending in rural China", International Journal of Bank Marketing, Vol. 32 Iss: 2
13. Kong, R., Calum G. Turvey and Hira Channa (2015) "Factors Affecting Farmers’ Participation in China’s Group Guarantee Lending Program China Agricultural Economic Review Forthcoming Vol 7(1)
14. Ricketts, K., C.G. Turvey and M. Gomez (2014) Value Chain Approaches to Development: Smallholder Farmer Perceptions of Risk and Benefits across Three Cocoa Chains in Ghana . Journal of Agribusiness in Developing and Emerging Economies 4(1):2-22
15. Rienstra , P., Haile Selassie, and C.G. Turvey (2014) An Analysis Of Welfare Effects Of Export Credit Insurance And Guarantees On The Exporting And Importing Countries Journal of Business and Economics Perspectives 8(2):1-21
16. Turvey, C.G., J. Woodard and E. Liu (2014) Financial Engineering for the Farm Problem. Agricultural Finance Review 74(2):271-286
17. Verteramo Chiu, Leslie J., Calum G. Turvey, (2014) "Cross market price support and agricultural development: Quanto options valuation for cash grains in Mexico", Journal of Risk Finance, The, Vol. 15 Iss: 1, pp.33 – 51
18. Verteramo Chiu, Leslie J., Sivalai V. Khantachavana and Calum G. Turvey, (2014). Risk Rationing and the Demand for Agricultural Credit: A Comparative Investigation of Mexico and China. Agricultural Finance Review 74(2):248-270
19. Zhou, Li and C.G. Turvey (2014) Climate change, adaptation and China's grain production. China Economic Review 28(1):72-89.
20. Zhou, Li and C.G. Turvey (2015) Climate Risk, Income Dynamics and Nutrition Intake in Rural China. China Agricultural Economic Review (forthcoming)
21. Zhou, Li and C.G. Turvey (2014). Testing Asset Dynamics for Poverty Traps in Rural China. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics doi: 10.1111/cjag.12042 June 2014 (forthcoming)
22. Dang, Trang, David J. Leatham, Bruce McCarl and Ximing Wu. “Measuring the efficiency of the Farm Credit System.” Agricultural Finance Review, 74(No. 1, 2014):38-54.
23. Sukcharoen, Kunlapath, Tatevik Zohrabyan, David J. Leatham, and Ximing Wu. “Interdependence of oil prices and stock market indices: A copula approach,” Energy Economics: 44(2014):331:39.
24. Chen, Songjiao, Wilson, W.W., Larsen, R., Dahl. B. “Investing in Agriculture as an Asset Class”, Agribusiness, 2014. Authorship shared.
25. Larsen, R. “Piggybacking on Net Worth”. US Canola Digest, November-December 2014.
26. Ifft, Jennifer, Shang Wu and Todd Kuethe. (2014) “The Impact of Pasture Insurance on Farmland Values” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 43(3).
27. Borchers, Allison, Jennifer Ifft and Todd Kuethe. (2014) “Linking the Price of Agricultural Land to Use Values and Amenities” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 96(5).
28. Ifft, Jennifer, Amirdara Novini, and Kevin Patrick. (2014) “Debt Use by U.S. Farm Businessess, 1992-2011”Economic Information Bulletin. EIB-122. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, Econ Res. Serv.
29. Khanal, A.R., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Buying winners and selling losers” trading strategy profitable in the New Economy?” Applied Economics Letters, Vol. 21 (15) 2014: 1090-1093.
30. Khanal, A.R., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Agritourism and Off-farm Work: Survival Strategies for Small Farms.” Agricultural Economics: An International Journal, 45 supplement, 2014: 65–76.
31. Khanal, A.R., Ashok K. Mishra, and K.A. Mottaleb. “Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions on Financial Performance: The U.S. Ethanol-Based Fuel Industry.” Biomass and Bioenergy, Vol. 61 (Feb), 2014: 138-145.
32. Joo, H., A. Khanal, and Ashok K. Mishra. “Farmers’ participation in Agritourism: Does it affect the Bottom Line?” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, Vol. 42(3), 2013: 491-490.
33. Mishra, Ashok K. Mishra, J.M Fannin, and H. Joo. “Off-Farm Work, Intensity of Government Payments, and Farm Exits: Evidence from a National Survey in the United States.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 62(2), 2014: 283-306.
34. D’Antoni, J.M., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. R. Khanal. “Examining Labor Substitution: Does Family Matter for U.S. Cash Grain Farmers?” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 46(2), 2014: 273-284.
35. Park, T. A., Ashok K. Mishra, and S. Wozniak. “Do Farm Operators Benefit from Direct to Consumer Marketing Strategies?” Agricultural Economics: An International Journal, 45(2014): 213-224.
36. Mishra, Ashok K., and A. R. Khanal. “Is Participation in Agri-Environmental Programs Affected by Liquidity and Solvency: Land Use Policy, Vol. 35, 2013: 163-170.
Selected Grants and Contracts:
1. UNL Farm Benchmarking Collaboration. Funding Amount: $837,944. Funding Agency: USDA, NIFA. My role is to work with Corey Walters to diversification changes of farms in the northern great plains. NDSU’s portion of funding: $35,353.
2. Corn Wet Mill Market Analysis and Valuation Study. Funding Amount: $75,000. Funded by North Dakota Agriculture Product Utilization Committee. My role is to develop a real options model to estimate value of a corn wet mill facility.
1. Murguia, J. M., and S. H. Lence. 2015. “Investors' Reaction to Environmental Performance: A Global Perspective of the Newsweek's ‘Green Rankings’.” Environmental and Resource Economics 60(4):583-60.
2. Ifft, Jennifer, Todd H. Kuethe, and Mitch Morehart. 2015. “The Impact of Decoupled Payments on US Cropland Values” Agricultural Economics 46: 643-652.
3. Ifft, Jennifer, Todd H. Kuethe, and Mitch Morehart. 2015. “Does Federal Crop Insurance Lead to Higher Farm Debt Use? Evidence from the Agricultural Resource Management Survey (ARMS)” Agricultural Finance Review 75 (3): 349-367.
4. Nicholas Paulson and Todd H. Kuethe. 2015. “Trends in U.S. Farm Size and Future Demand for Professional Farm Management Services” Journal of American Society of Farm Managers Rural Appraisers 78 (1): 124-138.
5. Freshwater, D. 2015. “Vulnerability and Resilience: Two Dimensions of Rurality” Sociologia Ruralis, Vol. 55(4): 497–515.
6. Hadrich, J.C., and K.K. Johnson. 2015. “Estimation of risk management effects on revenue and purchased feed costs on U.S. dairy farms.” Journal of Dairy Science, Vol. 98(9):6588-6596.
7. Manning, D.T., and J.C. Hadrich. 2015. “An Evaluation of the Social and Private Efficiency of Adoption: Anaerobic Digesters and Greenhouse Gas Mitigation.” Journal of Environmental Management Vol 154:70-77.
8. Arthur, B. and A.L. Katchova. 2015. “Accrual Anomaly for Agribusiness Stocks.” Agribusiness: An International Journal 31, 3 (2015):372-387.
9. Nehring, R., J. Gillespie, A.L. Katchova, C. Hallahan, J.M. Harris, and K. Erickson. 2015. “What’s Driving U.S. Broiler Farm Profitability?” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 18,A(2015):59-78.
10. Escalante, C.L., Y.Wu, and X. Li. 2015. “Organic Farms’ Seasonal Farm Labor Sourcing Strategies in the Pre-“Arizona” Mode of Immigration Control.” Applied Economics Letters, Available online http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/Ygebe6E4MXzPRDXhaZbb/ full#.VcObYk13upo
11. Jones, G., C.L. Escalante, and H. Rusiana. 2015. "Reconciling Information Gaps in Organic Farm Borrowers' Dealings with Farm Lenders." Agricultural Finance Review. Forthcoming in 2015.
12. Wu, Y., C.L. Escalante, and X. Li. 2015. “Business Maturity and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from Chinese and Indian Microfinance Institutions”.” Enterprise Development and Microfinance. Forthcoming in 2015.
13. Escalante, C.L., G. Kostandini, and E. Mykerezi. 2015. “The Decentralization of Immigration Enforcement and Implications for Agriculture.” Choices, 29(1). Available at http://www.choicesmagazine.org.
14. Epperson, J.E. and C.L. Escalante. 2015. “The Eurozone Crisis and the Valuation of U.S. Food Companies.” Journal of Agribusiness, 31(1/2): 109-116.
15. Watson, M., C.L. Escalante, and G. Ames. 2015. “Motivations and Challenges in Farm to School Participation: Nutritional versus Food Hardship Considerations.” Journal of Agribusiness, 31(1/2): 47-64.
16. Kostandini, G., E. Mykerezi, and C.L. Escalante. 2015. “The Impact of Immigration Enforcement on the Farming Sector.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96: 172-192.
17. Koirala, K.H., Ashok K. Mishra, J.M D’Antoni, and J. Mehlhorn. 2015. “Energy Prices and Agricultural Commodity Prices: Testing Correlation Using Copulas Method.” Energy Journal, Vol. 81(1): 430-436.
18. Schaible, G.D., Ashok K. Mishra, D. M. Lambert, and G. Panterov. 2015. “Factors Influencing Environmental Stewardship in U.S. Agriculture: Conservation Program Participants vs. Non-Participants.” Land Use Policy, Vol. 46: 125-141.
19. Mottaleb, K.A., S. Mohanty, and Ashok K. Mishra. 2015. “Intra-Household Resource Allocation under Negative Income Shock: A Natural Experiment.” World Development, Vol. 66(Feb.): 557-571.
20. Mishra, Ashok K., K.A. Mottaleb, A. R. Khanal, and S. Mohanty. 2015. “Abiotic Stress and Its Impact on Production Efficiency: The Case of Rice Farming in Bangladesh” Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, Vol. 199: 146-153.
21. Mottaleb, K.A., M. Gumma, Ashok K. Mishra, and S. Mohanty. 2015. “Quantifying Production Losses due to Drought and Submergence of Rainfed Rice at the Household Level Using Remotely Sensed MODIS data.” Agricultural Systems, Vol. 137: 227–235.
22. D’Antoni, J.M., Ashok K. Mishra, and A. R. Khanal. 2015. “Effect of Health Insurance Coverage on Labor Allocation: Evidence from US Farm Households.” Health Economics Review Journal, Vol. 4(19): 1-11.
23. Mishra, Ashok K., K.A. Mottaleb, and S. Mohanty. 2015. “Impact of Off-Farm Income on Food Consumption Rural Bangladesh: An Unconditional Quantile Regression Approach” Agricultural Economics: An International, Vol. 46(2): 139-148.
24. Khanal, A.R., Ashok K. Mishra, and K.H Koirala. 2015. “Access to the Internet and Financial Performance of Small Business Households” Electronic Commerce Research, Volume 15, (2):159-175
Selected Grants and Contracts:
1. USDA-APHIS: Cost of Mastitis in U.S. Dairy Herds. Total Grant: $31,604. Hadrich: PI, APHIS Collaborators: J. Lombard and K. Johnson.
2. USDA-APHIS: Feed and Milk Truck Network Analysis. Total Grant: $65,911. Hadrich: PI, APHIS Collaborators: J. Lombard and A.D. Hagerman.
3. Competitive Benchmarking: Assisting New York and Ohio Livestock and Crop Producers to Increase Profitability and Manage Risk in a Volatile Environment – Renewal. PI: M. Baker, D. Shoemaker, J. Ifft, A.L. Katchova, and B. Ward, USDA-Farm Business Management and Benchmarking Program, $168,488, 2015-2016.
4. Southern SARE. “The Sustainability of Organic Farms under the H2A Program: Evaluating the Program’s Effects on Mitigating Farm Labor Shortages and Maintaining Business Viability.” $100,740 (April 2015-March 2017).
5. Co-Principal Investigator (Fannin and Mishra), “Preparing Local Governments to be Financially Resilient to Natural Disasters.” Funded for $150,000 (2015-2017). Funded by Louisiana Sea Grant Community Resilience, NOAA, U.S. Department of Commerce.
6. Co-Principal Investigator (Barbato, Holton and Mishra), “Feasibility Study for Low-Cost Hurricane-Resistant Residential Buildings made of Earth Blocks” Funded for $35,000 (2014-2015). Funded by LSU Coastal Sustainability Studio.
7. Principal Investigator (Mishra), “The Changing Structure of Retail Food Stores and Its Impact on Direct Marketing” funded for $20,000 (2014-2015). Funded by Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington DC.
8. Principal Investigator (Mishra), “Domestic Commodity Support: Usage by Households, Credit Implications, and Economic Impacts” funded for $15,000 (2014-2015). Funded by Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington DC.
9. Effects of Energy and Commodity Prices on Crop Patterns and the Ogallala Aquifer under Alternative Policy Scenarios,” funded through USDA/NIFA for $499,976. Project PI: Chatura Ariyaratne and Co-PIs: Jeffrey M. Peterson, Nicolas Quintana Ashwell, Nathan P. Hendricks, Billy B. Golden, and Brian C. Briggeman in the Department of Agricultural Economics at Kansas State University, 2014.
Journal articles
- Cao, Ying (Jessica), Calum Turvey , Jiujie Ma, Rong Kong, Guangwen He, Jubo Yan , "Incentive mechanisms, loan decisions and policy rationing: A framed field experiment on rural credit", Agricultural Finance Review, (2016) Vol. 76 Iss: 3, pp.326 – 347
- DeVuyst, E., D. Doye, K. Raper and D. Lalman. “Proven Strategies to Maximize Profits to Cow-Calf Producers”. Journal of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents. Volume 9, Issue 1, June 2016.
- Dodson, Charles B., and Bruce L. Ahrendsen. 2016. “Beginning Farmer Credit and the Farm Service Agency’s Role.” Choices31(2): 1-9. Available at: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/UserFiles/file/cmsarticle_497.pdf.
- Dodson, Charles B., and Bruce L. Ahrendsen. 2016. “Structural Change Implies Unique Role for Federal Credit.” Choices31(1): 1-10. Available at: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/UserFiles/file/cmsarticle_498.pdf.
- Doye, D. “Are the Good Times Really Over?” Introduction to Agricultural Finance Theme as Guest Editor. Choices online magazine. First Quarter 2016.http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/theme-articles/farm-fiance-theme-are-the-good-times-really-over/theme-overview-are-the-good-times-really-over
- Dressler, Jonathan B. and Loren W. Tauer (2016) Estimating Expected and Unexpected Losses for Agricultural Mortgage Portfolios. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 98(5): 1470–1485.
- Escalante, C.L., Y.Wu, and X. Li. “Organic Farms’ Seasonal Farm Labor Sourcing Strategies in the Pre-“Arizona” Mode of Immigration Control.” Applied Economics Letters, Available online at http://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/Ygebe6E4MXzPRDXhaZbb/ full#.VcObYk13upo; 23,5 (2016): 341-346.
- Karagiannis N., H. Assa, A. A. Pantelous, and C. G. Turvey, (2016) “Modelling and pricing of catastrophe risk bonds with a temperature-based agricultural application” Quantitative Finance Vol. 16 , Iss. 12,2016
- Katchova, A.L. and M.C. Ahearn. “Growth Rates in Land Ownership and Leasing: Implications for Young and Beginning Farmers.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy38,2 (2016):334-350.
- Khanal, A.R., Ashok K. Mishra, and W. Keithly. “Heterogeneity in Food Demand among Rural Indian Households: The Role of Demographics.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(3), 2016: 517-544.
- Khanal, A.R., and Ashok K. Mishra. “Financial Performance of Small Farm Business Households: The Role of Internet.” China Agricultural Economics Review, Vol. 8(4), 2016: 553-571.
- Koirala, K.H., Ashok K. Mishra, and S. Mohanty. “Impact of Land Ownership on Productivity and Efficiency of Rice Farmers: The Case of the Philippines.” Land Use Policy, Vol. 50, 2016: 371-78.
- Kropp, J.D., G.J. Power. 2016. “Asset Fixity and backward-bending investment demand functions.” Research in International Business and Finance 38:151-160.
- Kuethe, T. “The risk and return of farm real estate and the “bad data problem.” Agricultural Finance Review 76(1): 140-150.
- Li, X. and C.L. Escalante. “Determinants of Financial and Temporal Endurance of Commercial Banks during the Late 2000s Recession: A Split Population Duration Analysis of Bank Failures.” Journal of Applied Finance and Banking, 6,4 (2016):
- Mishra, Ashok K., Kumar, A., P. K. Joshi, and A. D’Souza. “Impact of Contracts in High Yielding Varieties Seed Production on Profits and Yield: The Case of Nepal.” Food Policy 62 (July), 2016: 110-121.
- Mishra, Ashok K., and H.S. El-Osta. “Determinants of Decisions to Enter the U.S. Farming Sector.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 48(1), 2016:73-98.
- Mishra, Ashok K., and J. M. Gillespie. “Hiring Preferences for Non-Immigrant Labor: The Case of the Seafood Professing Industry.” Marine Resource Economics, Vol. 31(1), 2016: 83-99.
- Norton, M. Gert-Jan van Sprundel, Calum G. Turvey, and Miranda P.M. Meuwissen (2016) Applying weather index insurance to agricultural pest and disease risks. International Journal of Pest Management Vol. 62 , Iss. 3.
- Paulson, N.D., G.D. Schnitkey, J. Coppess, and C. Zulaf. 2016. “An overview of the decisions and changes made in the 2014 Farm Bill.” Journal of the ASFMRA: 181-194.
- Sukcharoen, Kunlapath and David J. Leatham “Mean-Variance Mean-Expected Shortfall Models: An Application to Wheat Variety Selection.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 48(No.2, May 2016):148:172.
- Sukcharoen, Kunlapath, and David J. Leatham. “Dependence and Extreme Correlation among US Industry Sectors.” Studies in Economics and Finance, 33(No. 1, 2016):26-49.
- Turvey, C.G and P. Wongsasutthikul (2016) An Autoregressive Approach to Modelling Commodity Prices as a Quasi-Fractional Brownian Motion. Agricultural Finance Review, 76(1): In Press.
- Wolf, C.A., M.W. Stephenson, W.A. Knoblauch, and A.M. Novakovic. 2016. “Dairy farm financial performance: firm, year, and size effects.” Agricultural Finance Review: 76(4): 532-543.
- Wu, Y., C.L. Escalante, and X. Li. “Business Maturity and Technical Efficiency: Evidence from Chinese and Indian Microfinance Institutions”.” Enterprise Development and Microfinance. 27,2 (2016):97-114.
- Yeager, E.A. and M.R. Langemeier. 2016. “Economic Efficiency Adjusted for Risk Preferences.” Applied EconomicsDOI: 10.1080/00036846.2016.1223819.
- Yeager, E.A. and M.R. Langemeier. (forthcoming 2016). “Risk Adjusted Cost Efficiency Indices.” International Journal of Agricultural Management.
- Zhang, Yuehua, Xi Zhu, and Calum G. Turvey (2016) On the Impact of Agricultural Livestock Microinsurance on Death-Loss, Production and Vaccine Use: Observations from a Quasi-Natural Experiment in China. The Geneva Papers, 2016, 00, (1–19). In Press
- Zhang, Wendong, and Zachariah Beek. 2016. Trends and Determinants of U.S. Farmland Values since 1910: Evidence from the Iowa Land Value Survey. Farm Policy Journal, 13(2)
Outreach Articles
- Hart, Chad and Wendong Zhang. 2016. Crude Oil Prices and US Crop Exports: Exploring the Secondary Links between the Energy and Ag Markets. Agricultural Policy Review, Center for Agricultural and Rural Development. Iowa State University. Spring 2016.
- Zhang, Wendongand Mike Duffy. 2016. Comparing the Stock Market and Iowa Land Values: A Question of Timing. Ag Decision Maker Newsletter, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. April 2016.
- Zhang, Wendong. 2016. How Tight is the Iowa Farmland Supply?, Ag Decision Maker Newsletter, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach, October 2016
- Ahrendsen, Bruce L. 2016. “U.S. Farm Structure and Finance” Invited lecture, International MBA in Agribusiness, Warsaw University of Life Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, June 2.
- Ahrendsen, Bruce L., Bruce L. Dixon, Charles B. Dodson, Diana Danforth, and Nicole McMinn. 2016. “ARMS Respondent Errors: A Case of Farm Service Agency Loans.” In AgEcon Search, Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics, published May 25 at: umn.edu/235908: 26 pp. Selected paper presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 31-August 2.
- Chaudhry, M.I., A.L. Katchova, and M.J. Miranda. “Examining the Pricing Mechanics in the Poultry Value Chain – Empirical Evidence from Pakistan.” Selected Paper, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Meeting, Boston, MA, 31 July - 2 August 2016.
- Countryman, A.M., A. Bonanno, J.C. Hadrich. 2016. “A COOL Repeal: Potential Outcomes of U.S. Mandatory Country of Origin Labeling Requirements on Dairy and Beef Sectors.” Selected paper presented at the 2016 Agricultural and Applied Economics Association annual meetings, Boston, MA.
- Dinterman, R., A.L. Katchova, and J.M. Harris. “Financial Stress and Farm Bankruptcies in U.S. Agriculture.” Selected Paper, NC1177 Agricultural Finance Research Group, 3-4 October 2016, Denver, CO.
- Featherstone, A.M. and E.A. Yeager. “Maintaining Working Capital and Restructuring Debt.” Presented at the Agricultural Agent Update, Ness County Fairgrounds, Ness City, KS, November 16, 2016.
- Featherstone, A.M. and E.A. Yeager. “Maintaining Working Capital and Restructuring Debt.” Presented at the Agricultural Agent Update, Lyon County Fairgrounds, Emporia, KS, November 15, 2016.
- Harris, J. M., and Ashok. K. Mishra. “U.S. Farm Transition and the Process of Transferring Land Ownership.” Selected Paper presented at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, July 31-Aug. 2, 2016.
- Janzen, J.P. and K.B. Fuller. “The Price of Farmland: Does Organic Certification Matter?,” NC-1177 Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, October 4, 2016.
- Janzen, J.P. and M.K. Adjemian. “Estimating the Location of World Wheat Price Discovery,” AAEA Annual Meeting, Boston, MA, August 2, 2016.
- Joo, H., and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Impact of Off-Farm Labor Supply and Government Subsidy on Korean Farmland Value.” Selected Paper presented at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, July 31-Aug. 2, 2016.
- Katchova, A.L., R. Dinterman, and J.M. Harris. “Financial Stress and Farm Bankruptcies in U.S. Agriculture.” Invited Presentation, Ag Conference, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, 29 November 2016, Chicago, IL.
- Katchova, A.L., I. Demko, and S. Vogel. “Direct-to-Consumer Marketing by U.S. Farmers.” Selected Paper, Structural Changes in Agriculture EAAE Seminar, Rennes, France, 27-28 October 2016.
- Katchova, A.L. and M.C. Ahearn. “Farm Entry and Exit from U.S. Agriculture.” Selected Paper, IFAMA Symposium, Aarhus, Denmark, June 2016.
- Katchova, A.L. “Dynamics in Farm Profitability: Factors Influencing the Decline in Farm Income.” Congressional Briefing, Senate Committee on Agriculture, Nutrition, and Forestry, 11 February 2016.
- Khanal, A., and Ashok. K. Mishra. “Are All Farms Better-off Growing Organic? An Unconditional Quantile Regression Approach.” Selected Paper presented at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, July 31-Aug. 2, 2016.
- Luo, T. and C.L. Escalante. “Health Care Service Access and Constrained Choices of U.S. Farm Workers.” July 2016. Selected Poster, 2016 Annual Meeting of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Boston, MA.
- Mishra, A. K., and J. M. Harris. “Survival Strategies for Small Farms in the United States.” Selected Paper presented at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, July 31-Aug. 2, 2016.
- Moss, C. B., Ashok. K. Mishra, and M. Bampasidou. “Modeling Debt Choice in Agriculture: The Effect of Endogenous Asset Values.” Selected Paper presented at the 2016 Agricultural & Applied Economics Association (AAEA) Annual Meetings, Boston, MA, July 31-Aug. 2, 2016.
- Nehring, R.F., A.L. Katchova, C. Hallahan, M. Harris, K.W. Erickson. “Urban Influence on Costs of Production in Selected Regions: A Frontier Approach.” Selected Paper, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Meeting, Boston, MA, 31 July - 2 August 2016.
- O’Brien, C. and E.A. Yeager. 2016. “Reductions in Working Capital and Resulting Burn Rates for Producers.” Presentation at the Risk and Profit Conference, Department of Agricultural Economics, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
- Osinubi, A., C.L. Escalante, C. Dodson, and C. E. Taylor. “The Lending Minority Report on Federal Farm Loan Terms for African American Female Borrowers”, July 2016. Selected Conference Paper, International Symposium on Economics and Social Sciences, Kyoto, Japan.
- Rusiana, H. and C.L. Escalante. ”Factors Affecting Either the Voluntary Exit or Forced Eviction of Borrowers from Microfinance Loan Networks.” July 2016. Selected Poster, 2016 Annual Meeting of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Boston, MA.
- Rusiana, H., B. Brewer, C.L. Escalante, and C. Dodson. “Transition Probability Approach in the Evaluation of Relative Financial Strength and Endurance of Farm Service Borrowers under Recessionary Conditions. February, 2016. Selected Paper Session, SAEA 2016 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX.
- Stutzman, S., L.M. Pena-Levano, T.G. Baker, and C.L. Escalante. “Short and Long-run Dynamics of Inflation and Commodity Prices.” July 2016. Selected Paper, 2016 Annual Meeting of Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Boston, MA.
- Song, M. and C.L. Escalante. “Maintaining Business Viability through the Financial and Natural Adversities of the Late 2000s: Evidence from U.S. Southeastern and Midwestern Farms”, June 2016. Selected Conference Paper, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual Conference, Aarhus, Denmark.
- Yen, M.-F., and A.L. Katchova. “The Effect of Capital Constraints on the Growth of Agricultural Cooperatives.” Selected Paper, NCERA210 Agricultural Cooperatives Research Group, 1 November 2016, Minneapolis, MN.
- Zhao, Yuying, Bruce L. Ahrendsen, Bruce L. Dixon, and Diana Danforth. 2016. “Financial Characteristics of Arkansas Farms, 2002-2013.” In AgEcon Search, Research in Agricultural and Applied Economics, published May 25 at: umn.edu/236256: 2 pp. Selected poster presented at the Agricultural and Applied Economics Association annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, July 31-August 2.