NCERA_old215: Contribution of 4-H Participation to the Development of Social Capital Within Communities
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
? Emery, M., Higgins, L, Chazdon, S, & Hansen, D. 2015. “Using ripple effect mapping to evaluate program impact: Choosing or combining the methods that work best for you.” Journal of Extension. Volume 53, Number 2, Tools of the Trade, 2TOT1
? Fields, N.I., Nathaniel, K. C., Baker, B., Emery, M. 2015 “Community Ripple Mapping: A Tool for Evaluating Program Impact and Social Capital” Poster Session, National Urban Extension Conference, Atlanta, GA
? Emery, M & Bregnedahl, C. 2014. “Relationship building: the art, craft and context for mobilizing social capital necessary for systems change.” Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. Volume 45; Number 3.
? Nathaniel, K., Kinsey, S., 2013 “Contributions of Youth Engagement to the Development of Social Capital Through Community Mapping”, Journal of Extension, Volume 51, Number 1, Tools of the Trade, 1TOT7
? Calvert, M., Emery, M., Kinsey, S., 2013 “Youth Programs as Builders of Social Capital: New Directions for Youth Development Journal, Special Issue, Number 138 ISBN: 978-1-118-74372-0, Jossey-Bass, 152 pages, 8 articles including these NCERA215 members as authors: Nancy Erbstein, Bonita Williams, Steven A. Henness, Barbara Baker, Elaine M. Johannes, Richard P. Enfield, Keith C. Nathaniel
- Fields, N. & Nathaniel, K. (2016). National Roll Out: Contribution of 4-H on Participation on the Development of Social Capital within Communities. NCERA 215 National webinar. 2-page handout and Fact Sheet distributed at NAE4-HA Conference, October 2015. http://www.afterschoolalliance.org/AA3PM/Afterschool_in_Rural_Communities.pdf
- Fields, N. & Nathaniel, K. (2015). Our role in and responsibility toward social justice. Journal of Extension, 53(5), 5COM2.
- Emery, M., Higgins, L, Chazdon, S, & Hansen, D. 2015. “Using ripple effect mapping to evaluate program impact: Choosing or combining the methods that work best for you.” Journal of Extension. Volume 53, Number 2, Tools of the Trade, 2TOT1
- Fields, N.I., Nathaniel, K. C., Baker, B., Emery, M. 2015 “Community Ripple Mapping: A Tool for Evaluating Program Impact and Social Capital” Poster Session, National Urban Extension Conference, Atlanta, GA
- Henness, S. A., and M. J. Moncheski, “Lamar, Missouri: Barton County 4-H USDA Rural Youth Development Project” case study submitted to Chazdon, Scott (forthcoming) Ripple Effects Mapping
- Calvert, M., Zierl, L. and Small, S. Pierce-St. Croix County CARES Coalition: Addressing Child and Family Social and Emotional Well-Being. In Chazdon, Emery et al (Eds). (2017). A Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
- Henness, S. and Moncheski, M. Youth/Adult Partnerships Impacting Rural Poverty: The Case of Lamar, Missouri In Chazdon, S., Emery M. et al (Eds). (2017). A Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
- Fields, N. (2017). The contribution of urban 4-H to social capital and the implications for social justice. Journal of Extension.
- Fields, N. (2016). The contribution of urban 4-H positive youth development towards social capital and social justice. Morgan State University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 10240078.
- Fields, N. & Nathaniel, K. (2017 submission). Contribution of 4-H participation to the development of social capital within communities: Findings from phase 1 of survey study. Journal of Positive Youth Development.
- 3 presentations to state program leaders to share research updates and invite states to join the research study
- Fields, N. (2017). Increasing Social Capital and Social Justice through Urban Positive Youth Development. Maryland Out of School Time (MOST) Conference. Ellicott City, Maryland.
- Klemme, N. (2017) Programming Efforts to Develop Social Capital in Iron County Youth. Hurley K-12 School District Staff Inservice. Hurley, WI. An informational presentation for local educators on programming related to social capital building.
- Calvert, M., Emery M., Baker, B., Fields, N. (2017). When Is Youth Development Also Community Development? Youth Program Practices that Foster Social Capital. Poster, Federal Reserve System Community Development Research Conference, Washington DC.
- Fields, N. (2017). Considerations toward a Social Justice Youth Development Model. National Urban Extension Conference. Bloomington, Minnesota.
- Klemme, N. (2016). Using Social Network Analysis to measure youth Social Capital. Bloomington, MN. Community Development Society Conference, A presentation on developing and measuring social capital.
- Calvert, M. Arnold, M., Baker, B., Fields, N., Haskell, J., Henness, S., et al. (2016). Youth Community Networks: Research Tools to Inform Practice and Measure Social Capital. Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, Baltimore City, MD. A presentation on developing and measuring social capital. (Refereed)
- Fields, N. (2016). Increasing Social Capital through Culturally Relevant Positive Youth Development. Children, Youth and Families at Risk Subject Matter Expert Webinar.https://cyfar.org/resource/increasing-social-capital
- Fields, N. & Nathaniel, K. (2016). Preliminary Findings: Contribution of 4-H Participation to the Development of Social Capital within Communities. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents (NAE4-HA) Conference, New Orleans, LA. Joint research session to present findings from phase 1 of social capital research study.
- Fields, N. & Brown, M. (2016). Increasing Social Capital and Social Justice through Positive Youth Development. A Regional AmeriCorps VISTA Summit. An interactive workshop highlighting connections between PYD, social capital and social justice.
- Emery, M. & Goreham, G. 2016. “Ripple mapping: a research and evaluation tool.” Great Plains Sociology Association Annual Conference, Sioux Falls, SD
- Emery, M. & Goreham, G. 2016. “Ripple mapping: an under-utilized research tool.” Rural Sociological Society Annual Conference, Toronto, CA
- Chazdon, S. Hansen, D. Emery, M. 2016. “Harnessing the power of ripple mapping to enhance community engagement.” Harnessing the power of ripple mapping to enhance community engagement. Community Development Society Annual Conference, Bloomington, MN
- Chazdon, S., Emery, M., Hansen, D, & Higgins, L. 2016. “The emergence of ripple effects mapping.” Presented at the annual National Association of Community Development Extension Practitioners, Burlington, VT. June
Calvert, M., Zierl, L. and Small, S. Pierce-St. Croix County CARES Coalition: Addressing Child and Family Social and Emotional Well-Being. In Chazdon, Emery et al (Eds). (2017). A Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping, University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Chazdon, S., Emery, M., Hansen, D., Higgins, L, & Sero, R. (2017). A Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping.
Fields, N. (2017). The contribution of urban 4-H to social capital and the implications for social justice. Journal of Extension, 6FEA1, https://joe.org/joe/2017december/a1.php
Franzen-Castle, L., Colby, S.E., Kattelmann, K.K., Olfert, M.D., Mathews, D., Yerxa, K., Baker, B. A., Krehbiel, M., Lehrke, T., Wilson-Sweebe, K., Flanagan, S. M., Ford, A., Aguirre, T., White A. A. (2018 Submission) Development of the iCook 4-H Curriculum for Youth and Adults: Cooking, Eating, and Playing Together for Childhood Obesity Prevention. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Haskell, J., Baker, B., Olfert M. D., Colby S., Kattelmann K., Franzen-Castle L., White, A., (2018 Tentative Acceptance). Using Ripple Effects Maps to Identify Story Threads: A Framework to Link Private to Public Value. Journal of Human Sciences and Extension https://www.jhseonline.com/
Henness, S., & Moncheski, M. (2017). Youth/adult partnerships impacting rural poverty: The case of Lamar, Missouri. In S. Chazdon, M. Emery, D. Hansen, L. Higgins & R. Sero (eds). A field guide to ripple effects mapping. (72-78). Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute. Retrieved from https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/190639
Henness, S. & Calvert, M. (2017). Missouri 4-H community service-learning census. 2016-17. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri Extension. Retrieved from http://4h.missouri.edu//documents/missouri-4h-sl-census-2017.pdf
Olfert MD, Hagedorn RL, White JA, Baker BA, Colby SE, Franzen-Castle L, Kattelmann KK, White AA. An Impact Mapping Method to Generate Robust Qualitative Evaluation of Community-Based Research Programs for Youth and Adults. Methods and Protocols. 2018; 1(3):25. https://doi.org/10.3390/mps1030025 (registering DOI) - Retrieved 17 July 2018
Olfert M. D., King S., Hagedorn R. L., Barr M. L., Baker B. A., Colby S. E., Kattelmann K. K., Franzen-Castle L., White A. A. (2018 submission). Ripple Effects Mapping Outcomes of a Childhood Obesity Prevention Program from Youth and Adult Pairs Using a Qualitative Approach: iCook 4-H In review by JNEB Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, https://www.jneb.org/
Earlier publications:
Fields, N. (2016). The contribution of urban 4-H positive youth development towards social capital and social justice. (Doctoral dissertation).
Fields, N. & Nathaniel, K. (2015). Our role in and responsibility toward social justice. Journal of Extension, 53(5), 5COM2, http://www.joe.org/joe/2015october/comm2.php.
Calvert, M., Emery, M. & Kinsey, S. (Eds) (2013). New directions for youth development. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Emery, M., Higgins, L., Chazdon, S., & Hanson, D. (2015). Using ripple effect mapping to evaluate program impact: Choosing or combining the methods that work best for you. Journal of Extension, 53(2), Article 2TOT1. Available at: https://www.joe.org/joe/2015april/tt1.php
Presentations 2017-2018:
Calvert, M., Emery, M., Fields, N. & Baker, B. (2017) When is Youth Development also Community Development? Youth program practices that foster Social Capital. Poster presented at Federal Reserve System Community Development Conference, Washington DC, March, 2017
Fields, N. (2017). Increasing Social Capital and Social Justice through Urban Positive Youth Development. Diversity in Organizations, Communities & Nations. Toronto, Canada. (Refereed).
Fields, N. (2017). The Contribution of Urban 4-H to Social Capital and the Implications for Social Justice. National Vulnerable Populations Taskforce Meeting. Chevy Chase, MD. (Invited by National Program Leader).
Fields, N. (2017). Social Capital and Social Justice in Youth Development. National 4-H E-Academy Series: Diversity and Inclusion in PYD presented to 271 participants. (Invited by National 4-H Program Leader).
Fields, N. (2017). Social Capital and Social Justice in Youth Development. Nevada 4-H State program webinar presented to 10 participants. (Invited by Nevada 4-H Program Manager).
Fields, N. (2018). Keynote-Purposeful Belonging: Fostering Inclusive Settings with Equity in Mind. Oregon 4-H Spring Retreat. (Invited by Oregon 4-H Program Leaders)
Fields, N., Henness, S., Nathaniel, K., Baker, B., Klemme, N., and Anderson, C. (2017). Building social capital in 4-H: Identifying and measuring program practices that strengthen communities. National Association of Extension 4-H Agents. Indianapolis, IN.
Henness, S. (2017). Improving your serve. Missouri 4-H Center for Youth Development. Columbia, MO.
Henness, S. (2017). MCB youth progress and pride. Missouri Community Betterment Conference. Columbia, MO.
Klemme, N., Johnson, T. (2017). Youth and Community Design. Community Development Society Conference. Big Sky, MT.
Klemme, N., Johnson, T (2018). Empowering Youth to Transform Communities. Creative Placemaking Leadership Summit. Chattanooga, TN.
Klemme, N., Van Treek, C., (2018). Follow the Yellow Brick Road. Missouri Community Betterment Conference. Columbia, MO.
Klemme, N., (2018). What Makes My Community Great? Wisconsin State 4-H Youth Conference. Madison, WI.
Fields, N., Moncloa, F. & Smith, C. (2018). 4-H Social Justice Youth Development: A Guide for Youth Development Professionals. A national 4-H peer reviewed professional development resource guide focused on social justice youth development.
Henness, S. & Ball, A. (2019). Engaging youth as influencers in leadership event planning. Journal of Human Sciences & Extension, 7(1), 144-154.
Henness, S. & Calvert, M. (2018). Missouri 4-H community service-learning census, 2017-18. Columbia, MO: University of Missouri.
Haskell, J. E., Baker, B. A., Olfert M. D., Colby, S. E., Franzen-Castle, L., Kattelmann, K. K., White, A. A. (in press October 2019) Using ripple effects maps to identify story threads: A framework to link private to public value, Journal of Human Sciences and Extension
Olfert M. D., King, S. J., Hagedorn, R. L., Barr, M. L., Baker, B. A., Colby, S. E., Kattelmann, K. K., Franzen-Castle, L., White, A. A. (March 2019). Ripple effect mapping outcomes of a childhood obesity prevention program from youth and adult dyads using a qualitative approach: iCook 4-H. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior
Olfert, M. D., Hagedorn, R. L., White, J. A., Baker, B. A., Colby, S. E., Franzen-Castle, L., Kattelmann, K. K., & White, A. A. (2018). An impact mapping method to generate robust qualitative evaluation of community-based research programs for youth and adults. Methods & Protocols 1(3):25. Retrieved from https://doi.org/10.3390/mps1030025
In Progress:
Calvert, M., Nathaniel, K. and Fields, N. (book proposal accepted and chapter under review). Striving for Grassroots Engagement: Community Education, Social Justice, Cultural Competence, and the Role of Extension. Michigan: Michigan State University
Earlier publications:
Calvert, M., Emery, M. & Kinsey, S. (Eds) (2013). New directions for youth development. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Chazdon, S. Emery, M. Hansen, D., Higgins, L. & Sero, R. (2017). A Field Guide to Ripple Effects Mapping. Minneapolis, MN: University of Minnesota Libraries Publishing.
Emery, M., Higgins, L., Chazdon, S., & Hanson, D. (2015). Using ripple effect mapping to evaluate program impact: Choosing or combining the methods that work best for you. Journal of Extension, 53(2), Article 2TOT1. Available at: https://www.joe.org/joe/2015april/tt1.php
Fields, N. (2016). The contribution of urban 4-H positive youth development towards social capital and social justice. (Doctoral dissertation).
Fields, N. & Nathaniel, K. (2015). Our role in and responsibility toward social justice. Journal of Extension, 53(5), 5COM2, http://www.joe.org/joe/2015october/comm2.php.
Henness, S., & Moncheski, M. (2017). Youth/adult partnerships impacting rural poverty: The case of Lamar, Missouri. In S. Chazdon, M. Emery, D. Hansen, L. Higgins & R. Sero (eds). A field guide to ripple effects mapping. (72-78). Minneapolis, MN: Minnesota Evaluation Studies Institute. Retrieved from https://conservancy.umn.edu/handle/11299/190639
Olfert, M., Colby, S., Franzen-Castle, L., Kattlemann, K., Baker, B., & White, A. (2016). iCook 4-H: Using mapping of community capitals following a 2-year iCook program. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48(7): S144. Retrieved from http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jneb.2016.04.320
Presentations (2018-19):
Anderson, C. (2018). Ripple effect mapping.
Fields, N. (2018). Contributing to Social Capital and Social Justice through Positive Youth Development. International Social Justice Conference. Honolulu, Hawaii.
Fields, N. (2018). Social Justice Youth Development. Baltimore County Community College Culturally Relevant Teaching National Conference. Baltimore, Maryland.
Fields, N. (2018). Social Capital and Social Justice Youth Development Models. National eXtension Diversity and Inclusion Community of Practice webinar.
Fields, N. (2018). Developing Social Capital and Social Justice through Experiential Education. Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development Conference on Educational Leadership: Champions for Equity. Nashville, Tennessee.
Fields, N. (2019). Social Justice through Youth Development. National Afterschool Association Conference. New York, New York.
Fields, N. (2019). Social Capital and Social Justice through Positive Youth Development. Best Out of School Conference. Palm Springs, California.
Henness, S. (2018). Community Capitals Framework: A Holistic Asset-Based Approach to County Engagement. MU Extension County Engagement Specialist Presummit. Columbia, Mo.
Henness, S., Klemme, N., Anderson, C., Lonning, J. (2019). National 4-H Conference: 4-Hers Building Social Capital on Capitol Hill. Chevy Chase, Md.
Nathaniel, K. (2019). Volunteer Recruitment and Retention. National Police Athletic League Conference.
Klemme, N. (2019). Community Vitality and Placemaking Team Spring Workshop: Engaging youth in Community Development Initiatives. Fort Atkinson, WI.
Klemme, N. and Johnson T. (2018). Empowering Youth, Transforming Communities. Wisconsin Cooperative Extension All-Colleague Conference. Madison, WI.