NC_old1171: Interactions of individual, family, community, and policy contexts on the mental and physical health of diverse rural low-income families
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
The list below only shows published work and publications in preparation are not included in the list.
Peer reviewed manuscripts--Published:
Mammen, S., Dolan, E., & Seiling, S.B. (2015) Explaining the poverty dynamics of rural families using an economic well-being continuum. Journal of Family and Economic Issues. doi: 10.1007/s10834-014-9405-4.
Manoogian, M. M., Jurich, J., Sano, Y., & Ko Ju-Lien. (2015). “My kids are more important than money:” Parenting expectations and commitment among Appalachian, low-income mothers. Journal of Family Issues. 36(3), 326-350. doi: 10.1177/0192513X13490402.
Valluri, S., Mammen, S., & Lass, D. (2015) Health care use among rural, low-income women and children: Results from a 2-stage negative binomial model. Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 36:154-164. Doi: 10.0007/s10834-014-9424-1.
Peer reviewed manuscripts—Under Review:
Barnett, M., Yancura, L.A., Wilmoth, J., & Sano, Y. (under review). Wellbeing Among Rural Grandfamilies in Two Multigenerational Household Structures. Submitted to Grandfamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice, and Policy.
Greder, K., Doudna, K., and Sarver, S. (under review). Food Insecurity, Maternal Depression, and Child Behaviors in Rural, Low-income Families”. Submitted to Family Relations.
Izenstark, D., Oswald, R.F., Holman, E.G., Mendez, S.N, and Greder, K. (under review). Rural, Low-Income Mothers’ Use of Family-Based Nature Activities to Promote Family Health. Submitted to Journal of Leisure Research.
Mammen, S., Sano, Y. & Gay, M (under review). Degree of privation among rural, low-income families: Differences by race and ethnicity. Submitted to Journal of Rural Sociology.
Reina, A. and Greder, K. (under review). Meanings and strategies for good health: Perspectives of Latina immigrant mothers in the rural Midwest”. Submitted to Hispanic Journal of Behavioral Sciences.
Yancura, L. Sano, Y., & Ontai, L. (under review). The association between multigenerational household structure and overweight and obesity in rural families. Submitted to Child: Care, Health & Development.
Book Chapters
Downey, J. and Greder, K. (2014) “Depressive Symptomology among rural low-income Latina and non-Latina White mothers”. In Blair, S.L. and McCormick, J.H. (Eds.), Family and Health: Evolving Needs, Responsibilities, and Experiences (Contemporary Perspectives in Family Research, Volume 8B. (pp.247 – 269). Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Greder, K., Ihmels, M., Burney, J., Doudna, K. (2014). Obesity in Rural America. In J. Warren and B. K. Smalley (Eds.). In Rural Public Health: Best Practices and Preventive Models. Springer Publishing Company.
Technical Report
Mammen, S., Shepherd, A. & Miccio, E. (2015). A Guide to the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Coverage In RFSH States. Unpublished document.
Policy Briefs
Byrne, M. and Greder, K. (2014). Obesity Risks for Latino Immigrant Families in Rural Iowa. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Research Brief, HS 0012, Iowa State University. [Available online]. http://store.extension.iastate.edu/Product/HS12
Byrne, M., Greder, K., and Routh, B. (2014). Healthcare Literacy, Access, and Resources in Iowa’s Rural Latino Communities. Iowa State University Extension and Outreach Research Brief, HS 0013, Iowa State University. [Available online]. http://store.extension.iastate.edu/Product/HS13
Conference Presentations
Bao, J., and Greder, K. (2015) “Relationship Between Family Routines and Rural Latino Child Health.” Poster at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Burney, J., Routh, B., Greder, K., and Greer, B. (2015) “Associations between Maternal Depression and Family Eating and Physical Activity Behaviors.” Poster Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Dyk, P., Routh, B., Katras, M., Greder, K., Mammen, S., and Alvarez, S. (2015) “Barriers and Enablers to Good Health Experienced by Low-Income Rural Mothers.” Poster Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Greder, K., Katras, M.J., and Routh, B. (2015). “Rural Low-Income Mothers Using Internet for Health Information”. Workshop presentation at the 20th Rural Multiracial and Multicultural Health Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Greder, K., Sano, Y., Mammen, S. and Doudna, K. (2015). “Relationship between health and rural low-income mothers’ Internet use.” Poster Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 76th Annual Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
Izenstark, D., Oswald, R.F., Holman, E.G., Mendez, S.N., and Greder, K. (2015). “Using Family-Based Nature Activities to Promote Rural, Low-income Families' Health", Paper presentation at the National Recreation and Park Association (NRPA) Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV. Awarded Pillars of NRPA Award for Best Research Abstract in Health and Wellness, National Recreation and Park Association.
Mammen, Berry, Bird, & Burney. (2015) Empowering Marginalized Rural Families through Health Security ” Poster Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Mammen, Varcoe, & Lawrence. (2015) Impact of EITC status of RFSH Mothers. The annual meeting on the American Council for Consumer Interests, Clearwater Beach, FL.
Ontai, L., Sano, Y., Greder, K., McGuire, J., Radunovich, H., and Barnett, M. (2015) “Relationship Between Negative Family Dynamics and Child Health.” Paper at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Radunovich, H., & Smith, S.R. (July-August 2015). NC 1171 Research Collaborative: Mental Health Results for Poor, Rural Families. National Association for Rural Mental Health, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Rodriguez, G. and Greder, K. (2015). “Relationship Between Families’ Health Insurance Status and Children’s Dental Health”. Poster presentation at the Annual Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors) Conference, Kansas City, MO.
Routh, B., Doudna, K., and Greder, K. (2015) “Maternal Depression and BMI among Rural Low-Income Latina Immigrant Mothers.” Paper Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Routh, B., Doudna, K., and Greder, K. (2015). Parenting Alliance and Health Behaviors among Rural Latinos. Poster presentation at the 38th Annual Rural Health Conference, Philadelphia, PA.
Sano, Y., Greder, K., and McGuire (2015) “Relationship between Food Insecurity and Child Behavior Among Rural Families.” Poster Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Non-refereed Manuscripts for Professional Organization Bulletins and Newsletters
Routh, B. and Greder, K. (2014). Health Disparities Facing Latinos in Rural Iowa. Public Health Matters, Iowa Public Health Association.[Available online]. http://www.iowapha.org/Resources/Documents/IPHA%20PHM-Winter2014.pdf
Cancel-Tirado, D. – Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Connections Grant. $100,000
Gilligan, M., & Greder, K. The Contributions of Adult Sibling Relations to Health and Well-Being in Hispanic Families. Untenured Faculty Seed Grant, College of Human Sciences, Iowa State University, 2015-2016. $10,000.
Greder, K., Rosmann Manatt Outreach Award. Latina immigrant mothers. College of Human Sciences, Iowa State University. $8,000.
Sano, Y., & Smith, S. Understanding rural low-income families through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Vancouver mini-grant, Washington State University Vancouver, 2016-20017. $4,000.
Bao, J., Pang, Y., Arellanes, J., Greder, K., & Smith, S. (2016). Mediating effects of family rituals and child behavior on food insecurity and rural mothers’ mental health. Poster presentation, Iowa State University.
Barnett, M. A., Yancura, L., Wilmoth, J., & Sano, Y. (2016). Wellbeing Among Rural Grandfamilies in Two Multigenerational Household Structures. GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy, 3(1), 4.
Izenstark, D., Oswald, R.F., Holman, E.G., Mendez, S.N, and Greder, K. (2016). Rural, Low-Income Mothers’Use of Family-Based Nature Activities to Promote Family Health. Journal of Leisure Research, 48(2), 134–155.
Mammen, S., & Sano, Y. (under review). Degree of Privation among Rural Low-Income Families: Difference by Race and Ethnicity. Journal of Family and Economic Issues.
Mammen, S., Sano, Y., Braun, B., & Maring, L. (in preparation). Core Health Messages shaped by rural, low-income mothers: A result of participatory action research. Journal of Health Communications.
Routh, B., Greder, K., Lohman, B. & Neppl, T. (2016) Associations between Mental Health and Obesity. Report, National Council on Family Relations, Vol. 61.2, pp., F14-F16. Minneapolis, MN.
Sano, Y., Bolkan, C., & Glessing, J. (in preparation). Maternal depression and family comorbidity: Tracking depression trajectories of rural, low-income mothers. Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved.
Sano, Y., Greder, K., & Mammen, S. (in press). Relationship between Rural, Low-Income Mothers’ Health Literacy and Depressive Symptoms in the Family Context. Medical Research Archives.
Wilmoth, J., Yancura, L., Barnett, M., & Oliver, B. (in preparation). The Contributions of Religiosity, Doubt, and Raising Grandchildren to Well-Being in Older Adults. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion.
Yancura, L., Barnett, M., Mammen, S. & Sano, Y., (in preparation). Grandparents Help In Unexpected Ways: Complementary Analyses Of Grandparent Contributions To Low Income Rural Families. Journal of Family Issues.
Research/Policy Briefs:
Greder, K., Bao, J., Ontai, L. (2016). Rural families speak about health project; Family influences on health and well-being of rural children in low-income households. Research Brief.
Bird, C., Mammen, S., Berry, A. & Dyk, T. (2016). Conducted the analyses and drafted the findings for four policy briefs, as follows:
- Financial and other barriers to being insured
- Mothers health care coverage and wait time to coverage
- Mothers reported status in relation to health conditions
- Work and family: Working all the time and no paid time off.
Conference Presentations:
Bao, J., and Greder, K. (2015). Relationship between Family Routines and Rural Latino Child Health.” Poster at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Bao, J., Gudmunson, C.G., Greder, K., & Smith, S.R. (November 2016). The Impact of Family Rituals and Maternal Depressive Symptomology on Delinquency among Children: A Rural-Urban Comparison. National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
Bao, J., Pang, Y.C., Arellanes, J., Greder, K., & Smith, S.R. (March 2016). The Mediating Effects of Family Rituals and Child Behaviors on Food Insecurity and Rural Mothers’ Mental Health. Society for Research in Human Development, Denver, Colorado.
Bao, J., Pang, Y.C., Arellanes,J., & Greder, K. (2016). Family Rituals, a Buffer for the Negative Effects of Food Insecurity on Rural Mothers’ Mental Health.” Poster presentation at the 2016 Society for Research in Human Development 20th Biennial Conference. Denver, CO.
Berry, A. & Bird, C., Mammen, S. & Burney, J. (March 11, 2016). Rural families and health security. Family Economics and Resource Management Association, New Orleans, LA
Berry, A. (August 24, 2016). FCS and Rural Development: Rural Families Speak Project. Southern Region Program Leaders Network, Nashville, TN
Burney, J., Routh, B., Greder, K., and Greer, B. (2015, November). Associations between Maternal Depression and Family Eating and Physical Activity Behaviors.” Poster Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Dyk, P., Routh, B., Katras, M., Greder, K., Mammen, S., and Alvarez, S. (2015, November). Barriers and Enablers to Good Health Experienced by Low-Income Rural Mothers.” Poster Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Greder, K., Routh, B., Mammen, S., & Sano, Y. (November, 2016). The effects of rural low-income mothers’ understanding of health information on obesogenic behaviors and mothers’ body weight. National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Lovely, S. & Dyk, P. H. (February 7, 2016). Low-Income Rural Women’s Health Perceptions. Southern Rural Sociological Association, San Antonio, TX.
Mammen, S., Berry, A., Bird, C., Burney, J. & Sano, Y. (November 2015). Empowering marginalized rural families through health security. Poster symposium at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, B.C.
Ontai, L., Hollis, N., Barnett, M. Greder, K., McGuire, J., Radunovich, H., & Sano, Y. (November 2015). Psycho-social risk and hilc obesity in low-income, rural families. Paper presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, B.C.
Rodriguez, G. and Greder, K. (2016). Relationship between health insurance status of Latino children and their overall and dental health. Poster session presented at the Fourteenth Annual Cambio de Colores (Change of Colors) - Latinos in the Heartland Conference, Kansas City, Missouri.
Routh, B., Doudna, K., and Greder, K. (2015, November). Maternal Depression and BMI among Rural Low-Income Latina Immigrant Mothers.” Paper Symposium at the National Council on Family Relations 77th Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Routh, B., Greder, K., Lohman, B., Neppl, T. (2016). Associations between mental health and obesity. Paper presented at Iowa State University.
Sano, Y. & Mammen, S. (June, 2016). A strategy to improve the health and well-being of rural, low-income families. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the Society for Prevention Science, San Francisco, CA.
Sano, Y., Mammen, S., & Greder, K. (November, 2016). Degree of privation among rural Hispanic families. Poster presentation at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Sano, Y., McGuire, J., Greder, K., & Greer, B. (November 2015). Food insecurity, family environment and child health outcomes of rural families. Poster symposium at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Vancouver, B.C.
Weisz, D., Ontai, L., Sutter, C., Taylor, J. (May 2016). Family Dinnertime Routines as a Moderator of Internalizing Problems in Food-Insecure Children. Poster presented at the University of California Undergraduate Research Conference, Davis, CA.
Community Presentations:
Greder, K. & Routh, B. (2016). Health and nutrition of Latino mothers. Presented to Iowa Nutrition Professionals. Des Moines, IA.
Wiles, B. B. (February 2016). Are You Research Ready?. Presented to Kansas State Research and Extension FCS Agents February Update, Manhattan, KS.
Wiles, B. B. (August 2016) Are You Research Ready?. Presented to Kansas State Research and Extension FCS Agents, August Update, Manhattan, KS.
Wiles, B. B. (September 2016). Health Disparities in Southwest Kansas. Presented to Southwest Kansas Live Well Consortium, Garden City, KS.
Smith, S. (2016). Case studies used in conflict theory course. Washington State University Vancouver.
Dyke, T. (2016) Use of protocol and consent form for research methods course for graduate students. University of Kentucky.
Bird, C. & Mammen, S. (2016). Drafted initial revision to case study protocol based on pilot study.
Bird, C. (2016). Pilot tested the participant screener and interview protocol for Affordable Care Act data collection.
Bird, C. (2016). Pilot tested IRB application for qualitative data collection to examine impacts of the Affordable Care Act. Provided the multistate project with language to use to address IRB concerns regarding issues including potential civil liability, participant exposure to fines due to insurance status, and procedures to encrypt audio files.
Dyke, T. (2016) Conducted Case Study interviews with Kentucky mothers.
Sano, Y. (PI) - Understanding rural low-income families through the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Vancouver mini-grant, Washington State University Vancouver, 2016-20017. $4,000. (Co-PI: Smith, S.)
Yancura, L. (PI) - Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. “Rural Families in Real Life:Case Study Lessons from Interviews with Low-Income Rural Mothers” Association of Public and Land-grant Universities. $3,000.00 (+ 2,000 match fro UH Manoa) (Co-I: Sano, Y., Ontai, L., Barnett, M., Davis, K., Oliver, B.)
Refereed Journal Articles
Radunovich, H.L., Smith, S., Ontai, L., Hunter, R., & Cannella, R. (in press). The role of partner support in the physical and mental health of poor, rural mothers. Journal of Rural Mental Health.
Sano, Y., Greder, K., & Mammen, S. (2017). Relationship between Rural, Low-Income Mothers’ Health Literacy and Depressive Symptoms in the Family Context. Medical Research Archives, 5(1). doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.18103/mra.v5i1.948
Barnett, M. A., Yancura, L., Wilmoth, J., & Sano, Y. (2016). Wellbeing among Rural Grandfamilies in Two Multigenerational Household Structures. GrandFamilies: The Contemporary Journal of Research, Practice and Policy, 3 (1). Available at: http://scholarworks.wmich.edu/grandfamilies/vol3/iss1/4
Scientific and Outreach Oral Presentations.
Symposium Proceedings
Berry, A.A., Bird, C. L., Mammen, S., & Burney, J. 2016. Rural families and health security. Family Economics and Resource Management Association, New Orleans, LA.
Dyk, P. H. & Lovely, S. 2017. Navigating the Uncertain Healthcare Terrain: Voices of Kentucky Low-Income Rural Women. Southern Rural Sociological Society annual meeting, Mobile, AL.
Greder, K., Routh, B., Mammen, S., & Sano, Y. 2016. The effects of rural low-income mothers’ understanding of health information on obesogenic behaviors and mothers’ body weight. National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Poster Presentations
Sano, Y., Mammen, S., & Greder, K. 2016. Degree of privation among rural Hispanic families. National Council on Family Relations, Minneapolis, MN.
Other Creative Works
The NC1171 project proposal was used as an exemplar in a graduate Research Design course. Not only were the mechanics of the proposal discussed, but the importance of exploring the topics of RFSH.
Kentucky Policies & Participants booklet was produced and distributed at the NC1171 annual meeting in Tucson as a template for summarizing data and providing policy comparisons for the participating states.
- Mammen, S., Berry, A. A., Bird, C., Chandler, K. D. (2018). Rural low-income families’ quest for economic security: It takes more than a paycheck. Family Science Review, 22(1), 9-25.
- Cancel-Tirado, D., Greder, K., & Wiles, B. (2018). Risk and resilience of rural Latino families: 20 years of research. Family Science Review, 22(1), 70-90
- Ontai, L., *Barnett, M.A., Smith, S., Wilmoth, J. & Yancura, L. (2018). Understanding FamilyWell-Being in the context of rural poverty: Lessons from the Rural Families Speak Project. Family Science Review, 22(1), 39-53. (*authors listed alphabetically)
- Sano, Y., Mammen, S., & Oliver, B. (2018). Food insecurity among rural, low-income families. Family Science Review, 22(1).
- Mammen, S., & Sano, Y. (2018). Rural, low-income families and their well-being: Findings from 20 years of research. Family Science Review, 22(1).
- Dyk, P. D., Radunovich, H., Sano, Y. (2018). Health challenges faced by rural, low-income families: Insights into health disparities. Family Science Review, 22(1).
- Mammen, S., Berry, A., Bird, C., & Davis, K. (2018) Rural, Low-Income Families’ Quest for Economic Security: It Takes More than a Pay Check. Family Science Review, 22:1.
- Cancel-Tirado, D. I., Feeney, S. L., Washburn, I. J., Greder, K. A., & Sano, Y. (2018). Health, wellbeing, and health care access in rural communities: Comparing Latino and non-Latino White low-income families. Family and Community Health, 41(2), 73-82. doi: 10.1097/FCH.0000000000000193
- Wilmoth, J., Yancura, L., Barnett, M., & Oliver, B. (2018). The Contributions of Religiosity, Doubt, and Raising Grandchildren to Well-Being in Older Adults. Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging, 1-22.
- Mammen, S., Sano, Y., Braun, B., & Maring, E.F. (2018). Shaping Core Health Messages: Rural, Low-Income Mothers Speak Through Participatory Action Research. Health Communication. Published online first.
- Radunovich, H.L., Smith, S.R., Ontai, L., Hunter, C., & Cannella, R. (2017). The role of partner support in the health and mental health of poor, rural mothers. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 41(4), 237-247.
Juried national presentations:
- Cancel-Tirado, D., Feeney, S., Sano, Y., & Greder, K. (2018). Comparing barriers and enablers to health among rural low-income Latino and White families. Paper presented at the 2018 Annual Meeting of the Rural Sociological Society in July, Portland, OR.
- Cancel-Tirado, D., Feeney, S., Washburn, I., Greder, K., & Sano, Y. (November, 2017). Rural Latino and non‐Latino White families’ health outcomes and healthcare access. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations 79th Annual Conference in November, Orlando, FL.
- Pang, Y., Bao, J.*, Greder, K., & Smith, K. (November, 2017). Effects of family rituals, child behaviors, and food security on rural maternal depressive symptoms. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations 79th Annual Conference in November, Orlando, FL.
- Bao, J.*, & Greder, K. (November, 2017). Family rituals and mothers’ mental health in rural low‐income families. Poster presentation at the National Council on Family Relations 79th Annual Conference in November, Orlando, FL.
- Davis, L., Cancel-Tirado, D., Sano, Y., & Greder, K. (2017). Addressing child care Deserts in Oregon: Eliminating upstream barriers to promoting maternal and child well-being. Paper presented at the Oregon Public Health Association Annual Meeting in October, Corvalis, OR.
- Davis, L., Cancel-Tirado, D., Feeney, S., Sano, Y., & Greder, K. (October, 2017). Addressing child care deserts in Oregon: Eliminating upstream barriers to promoting maternal and child well-being. Presented at the annual conference of the Oregon Public Health Association conference, Corvallis, OR.
- Sano, Y., Routh, B., & Lanigan, J. (November, 2017). Understanding the Food Environment of Rural Low-Income Families. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando, FL.
- Cancel-Tirado, D., Feeney, S., Washburn, I., Sano, Y., & Greder, K. (November, 2017). Rural Latino and Non-Latino White Families’ Health Outcomes and Healthcare Access. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Orlando, FL.
- Radunovich, H., Wiles, B., Dyk, P., Sano, Y., Smith, S., Berry, A., Ferraro, A., & Piper, J. (August, 2018). Rural mothers’ understanding of the Affordable Care Act and implications for health and mental health. Presentation at the National Association for Rural Mental Health 44thannual conference, New Orleans, LA.
- Chandler, K., Barrett-Rivera, B., Sano, Y., Smith, S., & Bird C. (July, 2018). A duel or a dance? Rural, low-income mothers’ experiences managing work and family time. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Rural Sociological Society conference, Portland, OR.
- Radunovich, H.L., Smith, S., Ontai, L., Hunter, C., & Cannella, R. (November, 2017). Does partner support affect the physical and mental health of poor, rural mothers? Paper presentation for the National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, FL
- Routh, B. and Greder, K. (2017, November) Home and community influences on obesity-related behaviors among rural low-income families. National Council on Family Relations annual conference, Orlando, FL.