NE1439: Changing the Health Trajectory for Older Adults through Effective Diet and Activity Modifications
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Marra MV, Violette C, Xu F, Cohen NL. Changing the Health Trajectory for Older Adults through Effective Diet and Activity Modification a Multistate Collaboration. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior (SNEB) Annual Conference, Pittsburgh, PA, July 27, 2015.
Francis, S.L., Oates, K., & Heuer, A. (in press). Promoting Awareness of SNAP Among Iowans Age 50+ with The Wellness and Independence through Nutrition (WIN) Program. Journal of Extension.
Francis, S.L., Margrett, J.A., Hoerr, K., Heinz, M., Peterson, M., & Franke, W. Community-based Exergaming Program Improves Rural-Residing Older Adults’ Functional Fitness and Well-being. Journal of Extension.
Roy, A., Francis, S.L., & Shelley, M. Nutritional risk of community-residing older adults: What behaviors should nutrition interventions target? Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics.
Hoerr, K., Francis, S.L., Margrett, J., Peterson, M., & Franke, W. Promoting the Congregate Meal Program to the Next Generation of Rural-Residing Older Adults. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics.
Woolf K, Bushman B, Gabriel K, Carter S. Promoting healthy lifestyles during the menopausal transition: benefits of physical activity and nutrition. ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal, 20(1):20-28, 2015.
Woolf K, Miller S, Reese C, Beaird L, Mason M. Accuracy and applicability of resting metabolic rate prediction equations differ for women across the Lifespan. Journal of Nutritional Therapeutics, 4(2):50-63, 2015.
Woolf K, Kiely M, Yazici Y. The relationship between physical inactivity, body composition, and cardiometabolic risk in adults with rheumatoid arthritis. FASEB Journal 29(1):588.5, 2015.
Jiang Q, Cohen N, Marra M, Woolf K, Gilbride J, Francis S. Environmental supports of healthy eating in older adults in diverse communities. FASEB Journal 29(1):741.14, 2015.
Thomas L, Ward B, Tsai M, Fazio T, Lam N, Burris J, Kiely M, Yazici Y, Woolf K. Assessment of individuals with rheumatoid arthritis using the Healthy Eating Index 2010. FASEB Journal 29(1):589.10, 2015.
Ward B, Thomas L, Kiely M, Yazici Y, Woolf K. Use of dietary supplements in individuals with rheumatoid arthritis. FASEB Journal 29(1):589.6, 2015.
Maris S, Quintanilla D, Letendre J, Taetzsch A, Mahler L, Xu F, Lofgren IE, Delmonico MJ. The Combined Effects of Tai Chi, Resistance Training, and Diet on Physical Function and Body Composition in Obese Older Women. Journal of Aging Research. 2014. Accepted.
Taetzsch A, Quintanilla D, Maris S, Letendre J, Mahler L, Xu F, Delmonico MJ, Lofgren IE. Impact on Diet Quality and Resilience in Urban Community Dwelling Obese Women with a Nutrition and Physical Activity Intervention. Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging. Accepted.
Xu F, Delmonico MJ, Lofgren IE, Mahler LA, Beebe N, Letendre J, Bakke J. Effects of Tai Chi Plus Behaviorally-Based Dietary Weight Loss on Physical Functioning and Coronary Heart Disease Risk Factors in Obese Older Women”. Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics. Accepted
Uy, K. M., Maris, S., Quintanilla, D., Taetzsch, A., Picard, A., Letendre, J., Xu, F., Lofgren, I.E., Mahler, L., Delmonico, M.J. (2015, April) Effect of an Exercise and Dietary Intervention on Cognitive Function in Obese Older Women. Medicine& Science in Sports& Exercise, Supplement, 47(5S), 247.
Paulin, C., Benson, M., Beebe, N., Katkowski, L., Xu, F., Delmonico, M.J., & Lofgren, I.E. (2015, April). Effect of Adding Tai Chi to a Dietary Weight Loss Program on Bone Mineral Density in Obese Older Women. The Journal of the Federation of American Societies Experimental Biology, 29, 738.10.
Cohen, N.L. “RD/DTRs and Local Farming Communities Together: Partnering to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of Older Adults,” to the Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Atlanta, GA, October 2014
Cohen, N.L. and Jiang, Q. Using a socioecological framework to identify community priorities for healthy eating among older adults. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior, Pittsburgh, PA, July 2015.
Oemichen M, Smith C. Investigation of the food choice, promoters and barriers to food access issues, and food insecurity among low-income, free living Minnesotan seniors. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Under review
Oemichen M, Smith C. Dietary and supplement intakes among pre- and post-menopausal African American women and their impact on risk of hypertension. The Journal of Nutrition in Gerontology and Geriatrics, Under review.
As a group we 10 published journal articles, 19 presentations (both oral and poster), 10 research abstract, 5 theses/dissertations and 1 Extension curriculum. Of these 3 journal articles, 3 reserach abstracts and 3 presentations were NE-1439 joint products.