WERA_OLD1012: Managing and Utilizing Precipitation Observations from Volunteer Networks
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Lackstrom, K., A. Farris, D. Eckhardt, N. Doesken, H. Reges, J. Turner, K. Smith, and R. Ward, 2017: CoCoRaHS Observers Contribute to ʺCondition Monitoringʺ in the Carolinas: A New Initiative Addresses Needs for Drought Impacts Information. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. doi:10.1175/BAMS‐D‐16‐0306.1, (published in BAMS, December 2017)
Reges, Henry W, CoCoRaHS/Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins, CO; and J. Turner. 2017: “Guidance for Managing Crowdsourced Data”. WMO Workshop on Information Management (WWIM), Geneva, Switzerland, October 2017.
- Andrew Sheppard, Julian Turner, Jacob Thebault‐Spieker, Haiyi Zhu, and Loren 2017. Never Too Old, Cold or Dry to Watch the Sky: A Survival Analysis of Citizen Science Volunteerism. Proc. ACM Hum.‐ Comput. Interact. 1, CSCW, Article 94 (November 2017), 21 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3134729
Appels, Willemijn M., Bradford, Lori, Chun, Kwok P., Coles, Anna E., and Graham Strickert, 2017: DIY Meteorology - Use of Citizen Science to Monitor Snow Dynamics in a Data-Sparse City. Facets, published online 26 Sept, 2017.
Mattingly, K.S., Lynne Seymour and Paul W. Miller, 2017. Estimates of Extreme Precipitation Frequency Derived from Spatially Dense Rain Gauge Observations: A Case Study of Two Urban Areas in the Colorado Front Range Region. Annals of the American Association of Geographers, Vol. 107, Iss. 6, 2017.
Suriano Z.J., Leathers D.J., 2017. Synoptically classified lake-effect snowfall trends to the lee of Lakes Erie and Ontario. Clim Res 74:1-13. https://doi.org/10.3354/cr01480.
Cocks, S.B., J. Zhang, S.M. Martinaitis, Y. Qi, B. Kaney, and K. Howard, 2017: MRMS QPE Performance East of the Rockies during the 2014 Warm Season. J. Hydrometeor., 18, 761–775, https://doi.org/10.1175/JHM-D-16-0179.1
Curtis, M. B., 2017: A synoptic and mesoscale analysis of heavy rainfall at Portland, ME 13-14 August 2014. J. Operational Meteor., 5 (7), 78-86, doi: https://doi.org/10.15191/nwajom.2017.0507.